i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 19:38:20 GMT
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“Well, educated guesses as to most of that, at least,” she simply replied, taking the offered snark in stride. This was pretty tame, after all. She had heard worse, much worse. At least she felt that way. Again, odd. She could not remember actual instances, but she remembered the feeling all the same. Hoenn weirdness at its best, really. The bitterness of that medicine did not reach her tongue. Or rather, it did, but she was used to the taste so it did not bother her at all.

As they made their way down, thus, she actually felt a little relieved. While some of what she was doing here was exactly what her father had tried to bring her out to be, she still ignored the lessons he had deemed the most important all the same. Always be friendly, polite and positive, she’d been told. That was how one made friends, supposedly.
But in her opinion, that was how one made false friends at best. The kind she did not actually care for. The kind she did not seek to make. Violet was rather alone than change herself to make false friends. That was Mina’s thing. And Mina was dead now. No matter how often her past reared its head at all.

Instead, Vio tried to only take the best parts of it. The ranger training that allowed her to speedily make it down to ground level without tripping or doing anything stupid. Instead, the two of them were able to move without incident, Dreepy keeping her appraised of the situation outside the best it could. Would not do to get hit by the collateral damage of a stray attack, after all.

They made it outside and despite her complaining, Vio could tell that the larger woman was actually following the plan. Dreepy at her side, Vio followed, a bit to the side and a bit behind, as to not get hit by anything potentially thrown at her. Still though, she kept up. After all, she was not as delicate as she sometimes acted. In this Hoenn of theirs, skipping leg day could quite literally get you killed, erased by beams of light or extinguished by streams of burning-hot lava.

They managed to dodge those. At least for now. Which was probably for the best. The other girl had also seen the suitable escape route after providing the diversion, so Vio left lugging the boy around for the other and fished for a specific Pokeball. Once they were close enough, she released her Pallosand into the entrance. “Earth Power, just close this behind us. Doesn’t have to look good, just natural enough that they think their antics caused some kind of collapse,” she told her Pokemon while the pinkette gave their knight in shining armor a stern talking to. [break][break]

It was only after that was finished that she turned towards the others again. “If we are forbidding deaths, how about I forbid all of us to die, then? No one has to.” She crossed her arms, brows furrowed as she looked at both of them. “This isn’t a quest for the salvation of Hoenn. Any casualty would be a waste. That goes for you – and put on a shirt again already – but it also goes for you with your suspicious phrasing. I don’t know what kinds of hangups you might have here. But even entertaining the thought of dying is the little defeat that nibbles on the fringes of one’s mind. I for one do not plan on dying tonight. Or on letting either of you die here. So, we are going to take this seriously from now and first make a proper plan as aa group to follow that one. Do we have an understanding about that, at least?”

Vio would once more look at each of them in turn. Though inwardly, she still wondered how and when she herself had gotten this way. This was not the role she had decided to play. But this was also not her old self, either. Something was definitely off. But she was not going to let that one put her down.

+ ooc notes



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dylan sayer
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2023 3:26:20 GMT
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Dylan squinted, and he at this point saw another opening. Morgrem opted to Torment their blinded foes, but... what's this? All at once, he was thrown over Desiree's shoulder and carried off. He just looked as vaguely annoyed as he always did, but his eyes were wide open. Morgrem saw this and snickered, following the two and watching his fearless leader helpless, like a kitten grabbed by the scruff of their neck.

Altaria followed with a blinding flash of light, cutting the fight short. He was thrown down on the floor of a building across the street. Ever the weird little boy about these things, Dylan clicked the ball clipped to his belt, calling his Morgrem back. He was maybe... 40% in the right here, but he'd sooner die than have that argument with that little goblin laughing at him. The three of them slipped behind the door, and it was sealed shut. He squinted, eyes adjusting to the light

Dylan declined her hand. He elbowed the wall behind him, and slowly propped himself up. He regained his composure somewhat, raising a hand. He tried to push his hair aside, but it spilled all over his head anyways.

"Our cover was blown. If the Hydro Pump you saw out there hit the fire escape, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. And besides... I knew what I was doing."

He bit his lip, glancing away for a second. "What made you decide it was your time to go?! ...It's like we're in the apartments again. I want to protect you from whatever made you feel that way, and I can't." She was just so... Dylan's eyes widened a little. She was so friendly and endearing, but so many of her words made him concerned for her. "Even with that body of yours. I don't know why you look at me like that. --Speaking of my body."

Dylan glanced aside, looking at Violet with a smirk. "What shirt." He said, leaning against the wall with an elbow. "I lost it in the fight." He then raised a brow, hearing her out for a minute. Dylan jabbed a finger at the suspicious wall, the one that looked like a closed entryway of some kind, and tilted his head to the side. "So. What's the plan, then."

01: Engage or Flee Volcanion Guards.

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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 9:39:10 GMT

A marvel it was that Violet and her Pallosand were able to fill in the entrance with a cataclysm of the earth below them, and though she would typically clap in delight and warmth, right now all she could do was stare down at Dylan's declination of assistance up and the words that came from the two surrounded her. Eyes fixated on both of them interchanging every so often, her lip would begin to twitch, quivering at the thought- of which she felt was quite just, though grim. It seemed as if there was a conflict of interest, marked by the reckless bravery of a wish to protect and Violet's juxtaposition. Desiree agreed that self-sacrifice should be forbidden; but with that, a tucked-away wish to still be the one if such a scenario called for it.[break][break]

There were equal parts of her trying to figure out if the lands behind the rifts were trying to tell her that she must grow from her heinous past as they could have been trying to punish her for her sins, a penance in the name of death. "Tch- You both have no idea of the hangups that cloak my mind- they have come to life behind the rifts, and they just keep fucking coming. Neither of you can protect me from those things, it's pointless to worry." She sighed, clicking the bedazzled pink pokeball on the edge of her purse to retain the dragon. If only those that were around her that truly cared could face off against her inner demons on her behalf, she wished that could be true. But they were hers and hers alone.[break][break]

"It's sweet that you care Dylan, but stop. I am fine- let's put this death talk behind us and focus on Violet's proposal." Her voice would remain that serious tone but would falter, prompting her to walk towards that tunnel route that spanned in the direction of the glimmering castle. If only putting behind something she felt so numb but so allured towards was that easy; just like what Dylan said, it was just like back at the apartments. She felt overcome, anxiously embarrassed, so much so that she could not look them in the eyes. All she could do was wipe away those tears forming in her eyes before they came out, back facing the other two while speaking toward the wall. But by no means would she address his ask of what she saw when she gazed at him- absolutely not now.[break][break]

Desiree's knuckles crackled as she squeezed them together, trying to hold it together before there would be a third synonymous moment. "This tunnel may lead us to the castle, it points in that direction." She'd look towards it, numbness causing her hand to move quite slowly, stiffly, as she'd reach into her purse to pull out another pokeball. Releasing a Hatterene, it would appear in front of the sealed tunnel and look at the ruinous nature curiously. "Gloss, destroy the debris."[break][break]

And the lustrous array of MYSTICAL FIRE would pour outward from the pokemon, melting away at the metal debris.



- desiree's hatterene uses mystical fire to melt the debris blocking the tunnel entrance.



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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 22:17:14 GMT
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“The one that you apparently could not wait to get rid off,” she answered with a sigh, conceding the point without acknowledging herself doing so openly. Sure, he could not exactly conjure one up out of thin air here. But that was only a problem in the first place because he had so inexplicably taken it off. Else they would still be fine and decent.[break]
Again, not that she minded too much. But evidently, it was a distraction for their other member. Fortunately, she had been around enough good looking people working out in Rocket that just the sight of a chest did not faze her too much. Not like she was influenced much by that anyway. Actions were what attracted her, less so physicality.
Probably a good thing. “At least we can agree on this. I know a thing or two about those kinds of things, even if I don’t know yours. At the end of the day those are your demons to fight,” she agreed with Desiree, arms still crossed, though she offered a sigh at the end of it. “Though my gut tells me you will succeed at that,” she added, more quietly, before deciding to focus on the matters at hand for the time being. Once again, she acted much more as her father would have wanted her. Yet, she had never been who he had wanted her to be, even as she’ tried. Maybe now she had become someone more along those lines. But in her own way. On her own terms.
The other woman gave off a slightly similar vibe. Hence Vio’s confidence in the matter. Hence, she recalled her Pallosand and instead brought out Dreepy again. “Scout ahead, see if the tunnel looks stable. And if anything is waiting for us on the other side,” she ordered the little dragon, which darted ahead through the melting debris. It would sound alarm if there was reason for it. So far, that did not seem to be the case. “The castle looked somewhat intact from the outside, so the big Pokemon are likely guarding the exterior, not the interior. But they also, uhm, do not really match the whole mechanical aesthetic of the place. Not really, at least. There probably are other Pokemon in the smaller corners. Once we get out of the cave I will keep my Aegislash at the ready. It can take the first hit of whatever is thrown at us. You guys can bring up the vanguard.”

+ ooc notes



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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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dylan sayer
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 20:00:07 GMT
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Desiree turned her back to the group, fists balled up. She looked like she was on the brink of tears. But, he was rebuffed the last time he spoke up. Sensing that it’d only get worse if he tried again, Dylan kept quiet. He winced and looked away when she spoke. In a flash, her Hatterene appeared, melting the metal debris blocking the tunnel entrance. The metal dripped down, eventually pooling. Steam rose off the liquid in ribbons, until it solidified on the ground.

As the three of them stood at the mouth of the tunnel, Violet’s Dreepy went in. If and when it returned she’d know the following ahead of everyone else: the tunnel was dimly lit, and what awaited the three was a robot in a ball-gown, about as tall as a human child. Dreepy may be aware of a large hall, the main artery of a castle, due to phasing through walls and skipping this encounter. To describe the red and orange murals of Volcanion before the paint wore off and humans in linen robes may be beyond it. The arches in the hall were like the ones in the tunnel, but curved upwards like a triangle drawn without a ruler. Floors were brick, with a purple carpet rolled out, a status symbol for how hard it was to get the dye before the modern era.

In either case, the three would find the tunnel ahead. As they descended, it looked dimly lit by sickly yellow bulbs, which crackled every so often. The tunnel itself was paved flat on all sides, with arches to support the weight of the earth ontop of it. The floor by contrast was well-worn, like a hiking trail parting grass and leaving dirt. Though they were shallow, various people and Pokémon’s footprints were present. Dylan was dead-silent. On occasion as the three walked, he looked like he wanted to say something, and there was an audible beat, a break where conversation should’ve picked up. A tear reached his eye, and he was quick to wipe it off with the back of his hand, as if assessing a nosebleed.

The three were greeted by the little machine, and it didn’t seem hostile. Dylan slowly approached, putting his hands on his knees and leaning in. His voice went up half an octave, like he was talking to a child or a cat. "...We come in peace. My name is Dylan, what’s yours?" The little thing craned it’s neck up to look at the three of them, then back to him. It’s voice sounded human enough, though it was tinny, like it came through a bad microphone and speaker. Like an Al Elric kind of voice. "...My name is Magearna. It’s nice to meet you three." He had a weak grin on his face. "...So. What are you doing down here?." "Going on a walk, of course." His eyes widened. This was wild. "...I noticed it’s very… yellow in here. What’s your favorite color?" The three of them could see the thing’s gear in its head literally turn as it pondered the question. Eventually, it’s hand pointed to its eyes"...I like pink. What’s your favorite color? …Probably purple." It said, glancing at his head.

Got his ass. Dylan looked to the two of them, and raised a brow. He went quiet again, and Magearna looked with him. He seemed to wait for their input.

15. The Turing Test.

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✧ idol | dj ✧
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✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 22:14:05 GMT

"I hope that is the case, I- I really hope so." A tear befell Desiree's cheek in response to Violet's encouraging words; all she wanted to do was overcome the demons that cloaked her mind like that dark veil, to tear it into pieces never to return. It was kind of Violet to express such an unexpected hope, or rather a hunch, that she would be successful in that mental battle that had been unfolding for so long- but there was a part of her scared such a sweet destiny was not one that would bless her, only misfortune in fate's retribution of what she had taken away. Stifling her tears with another hit of her pen, the smoke trailed outward from her lips, numb at the idea and its heaviness.[break][break]

After the panes of material had melted and pooled on the floor, the white-haired of the trio's Dreepy was off to scout through some kind of fluctuation through the walls, an ability that Desiree had not got the chance to witness before in any sort of form. Matching her of being on guard for anything that could present itself on their trek over, the pinkette swapped out the Hatterene for Doublade, levitating before her in the typical x pattern. Following the footprints that had already immortalized themselves on the path and Dylan's newer ones, she continued behind him, running her nails on the edge of the tunnel's walls.[break][break]

Divine, the sword pokemon, was quick to unsheath her blades when the small robotic figure and its oddly kind greeting; raising her hand outward to stop the steel type from attacking, she leaned on the wall as the odd conversation began to occur- it was just like something she had learned in computer science class, that weird kind of test to test for sentience in manmade machines. "It's.. nice to meet you too?" Desiree tilted her head in curiosity, bewildered at just how personable it seemed; was it passing the turing test with each question it seemingly had a human-like answer to? Magearna was a pretty name though, she had to give the non-hostile machine that.[break][break]

"Dylan, have you heard of the turing test? It's like.. actually, Magearna, can you explain what the turing test is?" She asked the mechanical pokemon-like thing, eyebrow raised. "..It's a test to see if a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior similar to humans." It answered. The fact that it had been able to guess Dylan's favorite color was strange, but being able to perceive physical characteristics- that was something else entirely. At least this strange interaction seemed lighthearted, unlike all the thousands of peering eyes and wretched manifestations that painted the canvas of the Ultra Deep Sea.[break][break]

Crossing her arms and shooting a glance toward Violet, like one of those what the hell is happening kind of looks, Desiree shrugged. "I think it might be passing the test.. but I'm no expert." She let out a soft chuckle, distracted by all the oddities just enough to push away the veil- at least, for now. "Whatever you are, lil' thing, you're precious! ♡" It helped that they were also seemingly a pink lover.



- the turing test



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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2023 17:17:46 GMT
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Naturally, Dreepy was not able to convey all the detailed information. But it did not have to, anyway. For the time being, all it needed to convey that the path was mostly clear, that some other Pokemon awaited them, yet not another of the big guards outside. That was enough. Violet conveyed as much, then took point with her Aegislash’s ball at the ready, just in case. Even when they met the smaller Pokemon, Vio did not completely let her guard down. Looks certainly could be deceiving, yet even if not, there was also the potential for others to be around as well. Hence, she ordered Dreepy to fly around, into and through walls, floor and ceiling to ensure that they were truly alone.
Someone had to do the boring, menial tasks while they so eagerly approached the strange Pokemon. Sure, she understood the urge of it. This one talked, after all. But she had decided to accept some parts of her old self more and handle this in a more serious, ranger-like way for the time being instead of putting on some act. Which did not mean that she was going back to the person she had once been. Of course not. But she was at the very least willing to take the best of what she had once been and allow that to flow into who and what she currently was.
After all, she had wasted so much time screwing up and just being a nobody. She probably should have picked a better time for that though than an excursion with some strangers that meant nothing to Rocket. Still, it did mean something in the moment, so she tried to follow the developing conversation anyway. They seemed busy reasoning with the little one and she noticed the glance she was given by Desiree.
Instead of replying right away, she briefly stopped and pondered. Ever since that last big fight, she had found herself being better at taking these breaks to clear her head and think things through. “Well, Pokemon are both capable of speech, though only rarely. And it is not too uncommon for them to exhibit psychic powers, nor to be mechanical in nature. In fact, it does kind of look a bit like a princess, which would explain the castle, or vice versa.” Nodding to herself, she instead focused on the little robot. It had already proven to take things literal and to possibly have a different understanding of most matters than normal humans did. Talking to it normally probably would not be too useful. Instead, when she spoke to the little one, she tried to be concise and keep things as direct and simple as she could. “Was this place built by humans, or by Pokemon. If so, did you exist before the castle or were you made here?”

+ ooc notes



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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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dylan sayer
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2023 21:56:55 GMT
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The three of them seemed to put two and two together right away. Violet's question prompted the gear in its head to turn again. "The castle was... humans and pokemon. Let me show you." With that, Magearna turned around and trotted away. As the three of them followed, the tunnel's sickly yellow gave way. Magearna opened a door, swinging open with a creaking noise. They were all presented with the hall of the castle, a long and narrow room. And by long, dear reader, I mean to say it stretched on forever.

The murals depicting Volcanion on the walls were visible, with sharp reds and oranges painted on. Stained-glass windows depicted a human family. Looked to be a husband and wife, at peace and then at war. Magearna roaming the castle, Volcanion guarding against what looked like an attempted siege.

Dylan glanced up at it all, and was rendered speechless. While he had his own trouble finding his place in the world, here was a long-gone civilization that had it all figured out. Stairwells on either side as well as mezzanines, those indoor balconies, marked the hall in-between windows. The bricks looked seared together, no doubt the work of Volcanion holding the castle together.

The sight of it all brought him to tears. He'd give anything to know that kind of peace, dead or alive. "...Magearna, they're probably gone by now, but do you know where the people are?" The little thing craned it’s neck up to look at the three of them, then back to him. It turned, leading them through the hall. The door at the very end ground with gears, a heavy mixture of wood and metal parting for them. A banquet hall had a large gathering of skeletons in various linen robes and metal circlets, headpieces somewhere between a crown and the classic greek leafed wreath. "Is this what you wanted to see?"

Dylan put his back to the wall and slid down. His head was level with his knees, and his head was buried in his hands. He looked devastated. That quiet nature of his, that defiant "leave me alone" he had to keep suppressed the entire time was a defense mechanism. He knew he wasn't cut out for a quiet, peaceful life surrounded by friends and family, and responded by denying any possibility of it. And here they were: people who got exactly what he wanted and died.

12 investigate the massive mechanical castle found at the northern end of the kingdom. in there, find the ancient remains of humans and pokemon.

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✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
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✧ idol | dj ✧
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✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 20:19:28 GMT

The mechanical being said to be named 'Magearna' wished to lead them to the castle based on the questioning of Violet, and with that, they would follow; the white-haired woman's statements about the complexities of the pokemon universe were definitely something to keep note of, but this robotic princess seemed to be different in a peculiar way, exhibiting complexities that Desiree had never seen prior in a pokemon. As a bit of a gift to herself for being right in her hunch about the tunnel, she smiled when the doorway the being had opened led them into the opening chambers of the castle, taking a long drag of her pen. It was uncommon that she was right when it came to these kinds of mysterious, curious existences, so it felt good.[break][break]

Stained glass menageries met the walls, depictions of history in this strange, otherworldly plane of existence- it reminded Desiree of the castles she had visited back home in Kalos, some of which she had participated in modeling events and others she had been able to attend due to her highest of the high-class status in her family. They were never grand enough to have a castle of their own, they were the modern penthouse types due to their new money in comparison to others who inherited generational wealth. But the castle was not lively, which was a bit of a concern, prompting the Doublade to float with swords drawn in case something were to approach from the deeper chambers.[break][break]

As Dylan would ask the princess pokemon about the inhabitants of the castle, Desiree leaned down and picked up a golden trinket from the ground; it seemed to be made of gears, a ticking timepiece that had to have stopped working, stopped twisting centuries ago by the looks of it. Placing it into her purse for a little souvenir, she caught up with the group just in time for the banquet hall to be unveiled. And with that would be a gasp at the sight of the dilapidated bodies, corpses of those that she presumed to have been left to rot all those years ago. They were frozen in time, reduced all the way to crumbling skeletal bodies adorned with golden antiques in the cavities of their bones.[break][break]

A tear fell from her golden gaze as she watched Dylan slink down and bury his head into his hands, slowly approaching him and attempting to hold a shaky hand out toward him. "Dylan, I.. I don't know what happened here, but- they have been here for so long, they're far past the need for mourning.. they are free now from the shackles of life and this brilliant world, onto the next." She sniffled, shooting a glance at Violet as if she had no idea what else to say. Desiree pulled that out of her ass in an attempt to console any kind of emotions he was feeling at the sight, but it was a lot- so much that only a glance was sufficient, she did not want to look at any more of the skeletons that coated the floor. Hopefully this, alongside everything else the trio had gathered about this Kingdom was enough for the league when she would schedule a briefing of their findings in the future, as she wished to leave now more than ever.[break][break]

It was mentally taxing to see the bodies after such a reaction to her trauma and a fight against strange guards, but she felt almost completely numb.



- 12 investigate the massive mechanical castle found at the northern end of the kingdom. in there, find the ancient remains of humans and pokemon.



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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2023 20:11:39 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“I don’t think that’s true,” she replied, eyes still focused on the sight ahead of her. It was not unexpected. Given the context clues and the state of this place, finding any human survivors would have been an almost outstanding thing. No, this was what she had expected. [break]But she had not expected how she, herself, would react to it. There was a brief shock, yes, even a tear welling up and solemnly streaming down her face. Yet, she felt….not indifferent. That would be much too harsh. It was rather that she felt like she was used to the sight of death. Even though, to her knowledge, she had never seen something like that. Yes, Sootopolis, the asteroid, the otherworldly tree – she wasn’t a complete stranger to death and dire situations. Heck, even from a young age she had watched father dispose of dead wild Pokemon, sometimes even put them down when necessary. [break] [break] Yet this was new. Or rather, it should be. But she was able to process it reasonably well, which was strange. Yet, seeing her companions in those states had forced her to cut the mud anyway. If she was the only one that could keep her wits about herself, she had a duty to work with that. Mia, Violet, the name or even identity did not matter. Right now, she was their self-proclaimed leader. She had to sort things out. [break] [break] And first she had to contradict Ms. Self-Depreciation over there. “Life does not shackle you down or is something to be freed off. Life is what allows us to feel. Joy, love, happiness, anger, sadness – you can only feel while you are alive. I don’t know what comes after, but that is why I decided to live life. My way. In a way that I won’t regret living. I don’t think I always made a good job of it. Still though, these people lived. You can see it, they feasted and at least lived properly until the end. That is something we can find solace in.” [break] [break] Maybe that whole spiel completely missed the mark. This wasn’t part of a role or anything, no carefully crafted speech to boost morale or anything. It was simply her speaking from the heart. She extended a hand to each of them. “So, let’s go on living, yes? Besides, we are being quite the terrible guests to our dear hosts right now, aren’t we?” The mask returned. But only because she felt that it was appropriate now.

+ ooc notes



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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dylan
dylan sayer
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 3:10:38 GMT
dylan sayer Avatar

The dining hall's table seemed to stretch on forever. The sun peeked through the windows, stained glass casting reds and oranges over their faces. It was impossibly still and quiet, save for the three of them, Magearna waiting at the door with hands folded infront of its lap.

The three of them stood there. As Desiree moved to pick up a little souvenir, the light hit it. As old as these metals were, their irons and brasses didn't look tarnished. The chairs these skeletons sat in were high-backed, almost daring them to look at them from the side. Plates and mugs looked to be fired clay, side by side with silverware with a mirror shine.

What did he have, really. This defiant boyishness. An apartment. There were people around him, sure. But would anyone pick up if he called. His family didn't. So, the sight of all these people sitting down for dinner together, that was what ate at him. What pushed him into this role altogether. "Is this what you wanted to see?"

He winced. Knowing that he'd already embarrassed himself infront of these people too... Violet's last comment gave him pause. "Well, there's that. We get to know that they got to have this. And we have to live to see it ourselves." He said, digging around in his pockets for his own nicotine pen. Dylan feigned a cough, and a minute later, ribbons of mist trailed from his nose.

He bit his lip, breathing through his nose until he'd calmed down. And like at the start of the tunnel, he felt like he had to explain himself. Dylan accepted Desiree's hand, offering a weak grin. He felt it necessary to address Magearna first, turning to address it. He looked down at Magearna, placing a hand between its ears. "...This is what I needed to see. Someone surrounded by friends and family, at peace. ...I'll fight if I have to. But... will we get to have that? If it ever stops being one thing after another back home... would you all join me at the table?"

12 investigate the massive mechanical castle found at the northern end of the kingdom. in there, find the ancient remains of humans and pokemon.


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✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2023 21:06:08 GMT

As her hand graced Dylan's at her attempt to help him up, she listened to what Violet said with her complete attention and investment, even if she was at a loss of words for how to respond; she disagreed with some of the things she had said and agreed with others, as most were objectively true. But who was the girl of white hair to say that in the afterlife you weren't to feel every little thing and more, everywhere and all at once? It's what Desiree wanted to believe would be every soul's fate after the bridge to the afterlife, though everyone had their differing beliefs of what was unknown. But at least all the deceased residing in these chambers lived vibrant lives with all their togetherness rather than in torture and bondage, there was a feeling of peace in that and Violet's words of encouragement to keep on keeping on.[break][break]

"To keep feeling, yeah." She tried to match Violet's energies holding her hand, though she still felt numb- all the bodies were still quite a lot to see, even with Dylan's somber yet appreciative verbiage. The thought of wishing to see something like this, so peaceful yet so gruesome for an ordinary civilian.. perhaps he had a dark past as well, or on the other hand, lived a life that she had never wished to live. "I believe I would- I'm sure it'll let us be less on edge, I hope." Desiree let out a weak smile, turning to face the dilapidated bodies painting Dylan's backdrop. If all of these ancient remains of people and pokemon were still living, they would most certainly be having another peaceful gathering like this one- wouldn't they? Wouldn't they want others to face such a blissful feeling like that one?[break][break]

Sheathing its swords, the Doublade slinked through the air to rest behind Desiree's back, unable to sense any dangers that lurked within. "I'd like to get going to that table.. I feel like we've seen all the kingdom has to offer." She clasped her hands together, shooting a gaze at the entrance to the castle that they had previously frequented. The feeling of peace that would come from experiencing what the corpses once did, the feeling she craved, almost felt as if it were calling out to her from the other side of the rift. There would be no harm in eventually coming back later, perhaps alone, to discover if there were any other secrets to this place; or if it had anything else pertaining to her father, those curious coincidences.[break][break]

It was an alluring want to experience what the dead once did in their prime.[break][break]







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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 16:38:58 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

At least they got it. Maybe. Honestly, Vio wasn’t quite sure. She was used to be the odd one out, the person hiding her true feelings beneath a mask, the one who wasn’t normal among those who were. But she had not forgotten what had happened before. Just how messed up were these two already? Not that she particularly minded. They seemed like decent people, really. But at the end of the day, Violet sensed some kind of morbid fascination with these two. Desiree had taken the hand and agreed, but it did not feel quite convincing. [break] [break] Which was a shame, really. Pink and bubbly was such a cute combination in a woman, Vio would have enjoyed being in the presence of one. But something seemed to hold this one back. Just like the shirtless boy, really. Unlike her other companion, Violet was not obsessed with his abs and, again, focused on the character. [break] Not that either of them were ugly on the inside or anything. There was a certain beauty to vulnerability, if that made sense. Yet, it was worrying all the same. Past her would have probably have preyed on that. Well, middle-her, really. But right then, she was at least in some ways more than her true past self and cared about these guys potentially having self-destructive traits. It wasn’t something she would have admitted before that last big mission, but now she could. [break] [break] After all, it wasn’t always bad to be more like her original self, nor to acknowledge that. That much was for certain. But these issues didn’t have too much place in an excursion like this. They had found something here, after all. More investigation was warranted, but it seemed like the others needed a break. [break] And as a leader, she had to accept that. “We should get going, yes. But don’t forget, there might be more guards that might not be as accommodating as Megaerna. Best to keep our wits about ourselves, at least as long as we are underground.”[break][break]

+ Making peace with her old self, t_PPWO6s



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing