April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2024 13:33:43 GMT
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As the lady explained about her Pokémon origins, Thea hummed with a nod, glancing over each of them. Her own Pokémon also scanned through the other Pokémon with curiosity. "Oooh, so that's a shiny one! That explains it!" Thea's eyes brimmed looking at it. She thought both colors fit well for the Umbreon, but being of a different color did catch anyone's attention easily.[break][break]
"I see... You must take a really good care of them, they are so pretty... Your Mismagius has such a beautiful shape!" Thea said, leaning in a little to look a tiny bit closer, seeing how the body of the Pokémon waved while they levitated. "And what a nice smell!" She chirped, looking at the Calyrex, letting out a faint giggle when seeing their face. It was so cute. "It is great to meet you all" She chirped to the lady and the Pokémon.[break][break]
"Ah! My manners!" She cleared her throat, resting a hand over her chest. "My name is Thea. And these are Gominha, Zeus, and Belle!" She pat the heads of Wigglytuff, Primeape, and Minccino respectively, with the three of them greeting in their own way. Gominha being prideful and confident, Zeus being brief but firm, and Belle being sweet but sheepish.[break][break]
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