i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
814 posts
part of
TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 6:58:18 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

This was the path of the hero. She knew it all along. To devote every second to this, to becoming the best and protecting the whole region, required tenacity and devotion. It requires someone special, who can carry the flag, bear the weight on their shoulders.[break][break]

As she charges in, a smile, a smirk herself. There's a respect she understands. They are on the different side, but they both share this; a respect, one that Genny didn't have before for a Rocket. Inoue is a bastard, a killer... yet she cannot help but think it's him that's pushed her here. She would have fallen against any other foe, but it's Inoue that puts her here.[break][break]

For that, for being a stepping stone, she will always respect it, even if she hates him.[break][break]

Gram is clashed and blasts upwards with the BLAST BURN sending him to unconsciousness, knowing his trainer will be safe. And in seconds, one hand goes up to return Gram, while the other reels back to punch Inoue square in his jawline. Her eyes filled with the burning fires of the sun, she smiles the whole while.[break][break]

Not soon after, comes Ajax' stand. As he takes the brunt of the crown of flames, the TERA BLAST striking him in full, he allows himself to be pushed back towards Genevieve. As the MAX STARFALL comes, Beachboy is returned as well, as Ajax utilizes a PROTECT, huddling over Genny in full, as she prepares the Pokeball. Never once does her mind stop considering possibility. Not once, does she think she'll lose.[break][break]

The blow is not easily taken. Ajax is on his last legs already.[break][break]

With a jingle of the DYNAMAX BRACELET, as Ajax' imperfect Mega finishes off from the brunt of the stars falling, Genny releases Beachboy again, a massive Dynamax goo dragon, as he lands atop of Lapras.[break][break]

"Steelspike," she orders in a word at the massive dragon, hand outstretched. From the sides, a MAX STEELSPIKE comes loose from the massive dragon, to strike all around, with intent to break the Lapras in full.[break][break]

He wanted the Champ, here came the champ.



- SUIT, Track: The Only Thing I Know For Real, Shameless Reference that Mag will come at me for[break]
- MP GAINS: 140 MP - Post Count | 50 MP - Injury (Jubei) | 50 MP - Antagonism (Weak Puppy) | 100 MP - Death (Mamoswine) | 50 MP - Motif (Fire) | 50 MP - Shaken Resolve | 10 MP - Mega Gimmick | 50 MP - Ky & Genny, livin on a prayer | 50 MP - Past Threads (see below) | 50 MP - Meaningful Moment (Evolution) | 50 MP - Consoled (Inoue) | 50 MP - Rock Bottom (near death) | 50 MP - Gram has fainted[break]
- Threads Mentioned: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)[break]
- Genny sees the path ahead, charging in. Even as Gram connects and is shot upwards to a faint, Genny returns him immediately and prepares the plan.[break]
- To the TERA BLAST and the MAX STARFALL, Ajax uses the last of his defensive power to rush Genny's side, and use PROTECT on her as she returns Beachboy.[break]
- The MEGA form wears off, but Genny activates her DYNAMAX band, to let Beachboy come out as a massive dragon.[break]
- A one word utterance. MAX STEELSPIKE finds its way around the field, intent to break the Lapras sooner than later.



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played by


Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 16:13:29 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar







…tch.” His tongue clicks the roof of his mouth in an annoyed click. Battle instincts, honed to a razor’s edge by every monster Rocket fields, sees what is coming. Not only has her Goodra evolved, but Genny’s dyna band glows. It too will bathe in the power of a sleeping god and grow from its efforts.[break][break]
There’s only one way for him to get out of this. Hitoshi reaches out for his sword, sent flying in the residual of the blast. For the first time in the year he has owned the blade, he sees the Hasegawa Muramasa lie dormant in the water below.[break][break]
Kusanagi!” The swordsman roars at his god-slaying sword, eyes blazing with the light of another world. “Keep up the pressure.” Off goes his dyna band. The link between man, Pokemon, and god is severed. Lapras begins to shrink as another creature grows in its place. Doubtless, given how buoyant Goodra is, the creature will float. Rocket has lost a valuable artillery post, but his Lapras’s life is spared.[break][break]
All the battlers on Lapras’s back fly in different directions. Hitoshi clings to his old friend’s back as he hits the water, diving down. A frantic hand catches his sword, sheathing it before they sink beneath the waves. A trip to Aurelie's forge will be in order later, just to make sure none of the damage is permanent.[break][break]
Come on, you. He shouts at himself beneath the water’s surface. It looks like such a long swim, back up top. This ain’t where your story ends. You love your friends, but you don’t want ‘em to win? Fuckin’ stupid. Champ up there won’t be strong enough. She’ll get all smug and proud if you lose like this. Get back up there and give her hell![break][break]
He taps Lapras on the shoulder, and he rises. The surf carries them up, rolling up like a growing tsunami. His godslayer redoubles his fiery sacred sword’s efforts and slashes at Ajax again and again and again, cross-crossing a trail of orange across his back like a red dawn.


notes about this post

150 Post + 10 (Dynamax Gimmick) + 50 (Regrettable Decision) + 50 (Antagonistic Dialogue) +50 (Inspired by Zev's teachings), +50 (took an injury) + 50 (Hate) + 50 (Highlighting Genny's strength in getting under his skin) + 50 (Jubei mirrors Hitoshi) + 50 (Showcase Hitoshi's strength) + 50 (Recall anotheer thread) + 50 (Gods and monsters motif) + 50 (Joy) + 100 (Jubei Death) + 50 (Annihilape K/O) + 50 (Hasegawa Muramasa K/O) + 25 (Gram K/O) + 25 (Molly death counts as an enemy K/O?) = 950

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played by


July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
814 posts
part of
TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 19:19:26 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

By time the Lapras shrinks, Beachboy is big enough to let Genny get slammed into the gooey substance of the Hisuiian Dragon, the giant DYNAMAX'd version smiling towards Genny happily. Genny shines her grin back to him. Ajax, on the other hand, swims to shore with Ky in tow, the Mega energy evaporating, as he turns, letting Ky rest nearby. He'd need to carry Genny for the rest of this conflict.[break][break]

"He's still not done," Genny looks down below, holding onto Beachboy, one gooey keeping her steady, hazel eyes engulfed in the flame from atop. Ajax bares down and readies his steel body to take the first shot and defend his trainer, a shield for Genny, the redhead feels the wind, her hair flowing in the wind, longer than it had been in awhile. She lets her hair down finally, and breathes in.[break][break]

She stares at the water, the murky depths not yet a tomb. Stay alive, Inoue. He's not allowed to die. She had to win, but not at the cost of him. Get up. She thinks, her eyes on the water surface.[break][break]

By time he surfaces again, Genny's smiling downwards towards him, Ajax readied for him, but not for two strikes. The SURF is a tsunami, but the SACRED SWORD is like a dragon's flame. Ajax stands ready, ready to take all the damage. In return, he vibrates. The moment the damage comes in, he'd return it, in one last hoorah.[break][break]

From above, Genny's already caught on.[break][break]

"Burst!" With a roar of the steel monstrosity, Ajax yells and screams for the reverberation of a METAL BURST, not aimed at any of them in particular. The damage is so great, Ajax barely can stay conscious long enough, but he would deliver it. He would not falter. He is the shield, and he will dish the damage back from himself![break][break]

And once he does, his eyes roll up. Ajax the Aggron, the hero, has fallen unconscious, fainted. In moments, he's returned too.[break][break]

Three down. Molly, Gram, Ajax. Every time Sheriff had told her to use. It is thanks to his recommendation that she is here now. She won't squander it.[break][break]

"Inoue," she calls out from above. The wind whips around her. "-thank you." It's this moment, these fights that have taught her how to stand on her own. She wants to be the Champion, she has to put in the work.[break][break]

"Wyrmwind." The Dynamaxed Goodra charges up the MAX WYRMWIND, the swirls of red energy appearing out, in a vortext of purple as it moves forward. The monster had flipped, and now Genny sat as the one pressing the advantage, as the twister connects to the water, towards the Lapras, towards the blade, towards Inoue. Whether he weathers the storm or not, is up to him.[break][break]

But Genny hopes he does.



- SUIT, Track: The Only Thing I Know For Real, Shameless Reference that Mag will come at me for[break]
- MP GAINS: 150 MP - Post Count | 50 MP - Injury (Jubei) | 50 MP - Antagonism (Weak Puppy) | 100 MP - Death (Mamoswine) | 50 MP - Motif (Fire) | 50 MP - Shaken Resolve | 10 MP - Mega Gimmick | 50 MP - Ky & Genny, livin on a prayer | 50 MP - Past Threads (see below) | 50 MP - Meaningful Moment (Evolution) | 50 MP - Consoled (Inoue) | 50 MP - Rock Bottom (near death) | 50 MP - Gram has fainted[break]
- Threads Mentioned: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)[break]
- As Genny is also thrown off of the Lapras, she is caught by the giant Beachboy. Ajax is in the water, carrying Ky away, and to land.[break]
- Genny is praying that Inoue isn't done, awaiting his return. Ajax stands as one of the last lines of defense against the dog of Rocket.[break]
- Once he surfaces, Ajax's Mega fades, and intends to take the full damage of SACRED SWORD and SURF before countering it with METAL BURST.[break]
- Genny calls out from above, thanking Hitoshi.[break]
- Time to bear down with a MAX WYRMWIND, the twister of the dragon to keep Hitoshi at bay.



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played by


Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 3:08:26 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar







Ajax falls, and a sharp whistle calls back Kusanagi. It streaks to his side, hovering around the Lapras. Somehow, his Kartana stands. Hitoshi’s eyes notice, more than anything, its sudden urgent flight. Kusanagi’s beast boost has been activated. He could press this. Together, they could bare their all for one another, he and this Genny.[break][break]
Don’t fuckin’ thank me!” He shouts across the water. “We’re enemies!” Lapras sees the destruction wrought down by the wyrm and meets it with a cry.[break][break]
Blizzard!” He shouts. “Blizzard!” And out goes the blizzard. It streaks in furious rebuke against the dragon, a mote of cold, forced back inch by inch. One small Lapras cannot stand before the might of a freshly Dynamaxed dragon. He feels the draconic energy overwhelm him, blow him back…[break][break]
And, distinct against all the other sounds, bang.[break][break]
Blown back, away from Genny and the battle, he curses.[break][break]
The hell?” His eyes dart towards Sootopolis. Something has happened. Something is wrong.[break][break]
Shit. He thinks. Shit![break][break]


notes about this post

160 Post + 10 (Dynamax Gimmick) + 50 (Regrettable Decision) + 50 (Antagonistic Dialogue) +50 (Inspired by Zev's teachings), +50 (took an injury) + 50 (Hate) + 50 (Highlighting Genny's strength in getting under his skin) + 50 (Jubei mirrors Hitoshi) + 50 (Showcase Hitoshi's strength) + 50 (Recall another thread) + 50 (Gods and monsters motif) + 50 (Joy) + 100 (Jubei Death) + 50 (Annihilape K/O) + 50 (Hasegawa Muramasa K/O) + 25 (Gram K/O) + 25 (Molly death counts as an enemy K/O?) +25 (Ajax K/O) = 985

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played by


July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
814 posts
part of
TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 7:56:31 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

When the blast of ice comes forth, to attempt to take on Beachboy, all the massive dragon's might bearing down upon Hitoshi Inoue. To put it bluntly, if Genny so desired, she could have really let Inoue have it. She could take the victory. She could win... it's what she wanted.[break][break]

But complicated feelings burn her. For as red hot the flame is, she is not resistant to it.[break][break]

The BANG from Sootopolis has Genny snap awake. With a head up that direction, and Inoue looking that way... her enemy seemed concerned. The redhead takes the moment to think of it. If the redhead Rocket were here, she'd tell Genny to take advantage of the moment... but.[break][break]

Genny hushes. "Go." She orders to Inoue. "Next time, we settle this." She smiles at him from far above. And Beachboy stares from above, the Elite Ranger at the ready to blow Inoue into the murky depths, but held off. Ky was barely up still, but able to see the brilliance still, through it all. But...[break][break]

When Inoue would take that leave, all Genny can do is recoil. The League agenda burns into her mind again. A faction that has, time and time again, shown its worse side to her, and for her to have to accept it in steadfast idealism. A peon. A mindless, soulless worker bee had to accept the orders from their higher-up.[break][break]

Her eyes hidden under orange bangs within the breeze, she pulls out her Ranger Badge. And holds it at her heart.[break][break]


Once a long time ago... she wanted to aim for the top. A Head Ranger cannot fix the region alone.[break][break]

She will be the best. She will fix the region of Hoenn, so that Rocket can burn their banner, and that the League can accept them with open arms. A new person that drives her in her mind, she smirks, ear-to-ear, as Beachboy shrinks, Genny let onto the shallow waters of Mossdeep, surrounded now by Ky and Beachboy both.[break][break]

Releasing her final Pokemon in Milotic, she looks to Sasha and smiles as the sea snake nuzzles into Genevieve, who by all accounts is okay. The adrenaline hasn't left her yet.[break][break]

"Sasha... real quick, can you dive down the sea? I want you to try to look for parts of a blade that may be sinking down, and bring them back here. Five minutes. Okay?"[break][break]

No soldier deserves to be forgotten. Before she reconvenes to the League, she will honor them. Molly and Jubei both. Shoddy as it may be, he does deserve to be remembered too.[break][break]

A grave built for two.



- SUIT, ENDING: In the Blood[break]
- MP GAINS: 160 MP - Post Count | 50 MP - Injury (Jubei) | 50 MP - Antagonism (Weak Puppy) | 100 MP - Death (Mamoswine) | 50 MP - Motif (Fire) | 50 MP - Shaken Resolve | 10 MP - Mega Gimmick | 50 MP - Ky & Genny, livin on a prayer | 50 MP - Past Threads (see below) | 50 MP - Meaningful Moment (Evolution) | 50 MP - Consoled (Inoue) | 50 MP - Rock Bottom (near death) | 50 MP - Gram has fainted | 50 MP - Ajax has fainted | 200 MP - VICTORY || TOTAL: 1,020[break]
- Threads Mentioned: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)[break]
- Beachboy takes the BLIZZARD, and is about to respond in kind before the Sootopolis BANG.[break]
- Inoue is worried, head not in it. So Genny states for him to go. They settle it another time. She smiles to Inoue. He's worried about Sootopolis.[break]
- When he leaves, her having succeeded, she ponders exactly why it is she fights. For a broken League? To stop a broken organization? She takes her badge out and puts it to her heart.[break]
- Beachboy shrinks from Dynamax ending, as Genny releases Sasha the Milotic, for one mission before they convene with League forces.[break]
- To recover anything they can as fast as they can from Jubei and Molly's death. She wants to get something to make a grave in Mossdeep.



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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 20:38:55 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]PRELUDE COMPLETE!



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 6:10:28 GMT
NPC Avatar

REPORTS OF 'S GREAT SACRIFICES are quick to be delivered to higher-ups in the League. Thanks to her, the threatening is unable to make proper landfall on Mossdeep. While she grieves, recovering artifacts of mourning from the sea, a powerful force is dispatched from EVER GRANDE by Commissioner 's fateful hand.[break][break]

The League's TAPU BULU arrives to the Alolan, carrying a special pokeball between its cloven hooves. Tied to the ball is a written message from the Commissioner herself.[break][break]

Dear Elite Ranger ,[break][break]

I commend your ongoing valor in confronting the persistent threat posed by Team Rocket. Your sacrifices are beyond measure and can never be fully recompensed. In recognition of your exemplary dedication, I have selected you to train and fight alongside with Hoenn's Tapu Bulu.[break][break]

Should you choose to accept our offering, Tapu Bulu will serve as a formidable ally and an invaluable companion for you and the League. Should you decline, please accompany Tapu Bulu until you are able to reach safer shores.[break][break]

Dahlia Goode

The TAPU BULU huffs, curls of vegetation growing beneath its bell.


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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 6:41:59 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Genny looks upon the dual graves, grabbing at wrist, and kneeling to them. She took a life. Maybe it was Molly, but she ordered it. Molly was protective to her.[break][break]

The bell chimes, and the wind blows, pushing through her longer hair, as she closes her eyes. When from behind the cliffside grave, comes the deity. The chime alerts her, but its all too familiar.[break][break]

Genny spins on her boots, standing up with a startled gasp. "Huh?" That was the island spirit, Tapu Bulu. With it, she finds the vegetation growing from the ground beneath its bell. She takes the Pokeball, and holds the letter in her hands, she reads it. Her face darkens with her cheeks. This... this was Commissioner Goode! And she reads the letter again. And again.[break][break]

A fourth time couldn't hurt.[break][break]

The huffing of Tapu Bulu has her pause, as she looks up. And for a moment, she intends to reject it. She doesn't believe she's worthy, no badge to her name, no mission fully successful. She pauses a spell...[break][break]

And holds out a gloves hand, the Pokeball in her grip. With a smile, she clutches it to her heart.[break][break]

"Happy to have you, Bulu. Can I ask a favor?"[break][break]

She turns to the grave, and smiles. "The dead should be remembered... can you grow beautiful flowers? For a Mamoswine and Ceruledge?"[break][break]

A simple request, and one to signify their partnership. To never forget those who helped her this far. The road ahead will be rough and tough, relentless in this war to come. But she would never forget.[break][break]

She has him grow a white egret orchid. And with her new island spirit friend, she limps towards the beach.

, [break][break]


- SUIT, POST-CREDITS: Protector of the Island[break]
- The grave is made, and Genny is kneeling to it when the wind blows her to Tapu Bulu's way.[break]
- She reads the letter, and can't believe it. Her face is red, as she thinks to say no.[break]
- Seeing his power, Genny accepts, and asks Tapu Bulu to make one flower for the grave; a white egret orchid for Jubei and Molly.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP