i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 16:08:59 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
He was surprised that Gareth’s Psycho Cut didn’t work on the tentacles, but by the grace of whatever deity was watching his unlucky ass, another Pokémon had saved him from death by tentacles. Right then and there, Gareth had grabbed his outstretched hand and had Teleported both of them away from the writhing mass.

It felt like an eternity, but eventually the two reappeared somewhere away from the tentacles—and a storm of fire, and many other attacks besides, had rent the tentacles asunder.

“Never again,” Lars mumbled, gaping in horror at the tentacles that were squirming and trying to find purchase on the other people that had gathered. While he saw that there were other unlucky people dragged into the ground and vaporized into a red mist, he had to hold it in. After what felt like hell, the tentacles finally stopped attacking… for the moment.

Following the League’s ‘Dog Boy’ who’d taken the lead, Lars quickly recalled the Gallade, and swapped him out for his Altaria. There was no fucking way he was going to stay on the ground again. Even if he wanted to get on Ro’s back, he knew that being in the air was much safer, at least for the moment.

“Nami, let’s go,” he said, mounting the Altaria’s back and following the Dragonite and a Noivern that was flying along through the sky. Eventually they arrived at the outside courtyard of the castle, and while the grave markers drew his attention, he would rather stay up in the air, at least for now.

And that’s when everything went to fucking shit.

The undead appearing was one thing. But even weirder was the other specter that had appeared for them, seemingly asking them for help. Turning to look at the gate, locked up with three different-colored locks, he knew that whatever one of their companions had suggested would work—but he only had a Water-type, so that ruled him out almost immediately.

There was also the matter of the fucking zombies to deal with. Even though his Altaria didn’t have a Fire-type move, he could edge his way around this…

“Nami, copy the last move that was fired off. Whatever it is, go do it!” he mumbled, patting the fluffy down of the dual-type he was now mounted on. A Mirror Move ripped through the area, attempting to copy the Discharge attack that came from one of the Electric-types present, aimed at the hordes of undead.

• Lars is freed, rescued by the earlier efforts.
• He makes the observation that being on the ground is a bad idea and goes up into the air.
• Switches Gallade out for Altaria as he gets up into the night sky and follows the Dragonite and Noivern.
• Arrives with the rest of the pack at the gates, notices but doesn't pay too much attention to the grave stones.
• Takes notice of the incoming undead, also notices the other presence asking them for help
• Altaria uses Mirror Move on the last move used (Morgan's Discharge) so a second blast of electricity helps catch the rest of the missed powder, aimed at the undead hordes


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 21:12:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar

This whole situation was awful, but it had little to do with the pain. Blake had become what he hated most, and that was a victim. Didn't the others see? He willingly made this choice. It was the only one offered to him and he took it. Survival didn't request praise or attention. It required respect. Fortunately for Blake's survival, the other members of the group offered their help against his wishes.


At first, Blake's eyes locked onto with a cold stare. It was the kind communication you only saw between two predators of the same pack. Without words, the injured wolf expressed his meaning to continue on as he continued his pace behind the others to the castle. He wasn't going to stop here. Next up was who offered his pokemon's cotton spore to stop the breathing. Blake accepted the help by stopping in place for the moment and revealing the wound from his fingertips. Once the technique was complete, the casualty was back to moving forward.


Finally, the girl offered her assistance as well. She offered both bandages and a pill in which Blake only accepted one. Using his remaining hand, the trainer swooped the dressing from her hands and began his work on a tourniquet of his own. He took sudden stops to clench his teeth through the pain, but he eventually found success in fully wrapping the entire laceration all on his own. A simple knot sealed the deal and Blake was back to keeping up with the rest of them. The rocket only offered nods in appreciation to those that helped.


Stumbling past the gravestones and everything else, Blake collapsed onto a piece of the gate. An assortment of chaos unfolded right under his watch, but there was very little he could do to physically contribute. Slipping his remaining hand into his pocket, the loaf summoned two of his strongest pokemon; aegilash and golisopod. "Help the others." He coughed. Both pokemon joined the others in the fray. The aegislash swung in with a sacred sword while the golisopod delivered a first impression.








blake took help from the others from before. he made it to the gate and sat down. aegislash and golisopod are thrown into the fight against the zombies. aegislash uses sacred sword and golisopod uses first impression.



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27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Blaine Jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blaine
Blaine Jones
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 23:13:28 GMT
Blaine Jones Avatar





The very brief break from any action had helped to lull Blaine into a false sense of security, with the weird tentacles no longer attacking and the creature seemingly defeated the worst of this was probably over. Right? Reaching his hand out to shake Illeana's Blaine flashed her a quick smile, thinking that things were done and over with. "A companions good, honestly I'd much rather have some then be in weird tentacle world alone." As his newly found companion went around talking to a few other people Blaine instead looked ahead at the castle in the distance; of course the castle sitting atop the hill did seem kind of foreboding but the detective figured that if the creature was blocking the way to it, then whatever they needed to figure out why they were here or to get a way out was inside that castle. [break][break]

While the groups answering being in the castle was just a theory it was the most grounded idea that was rushing through the man's head at the moment so it was what he stuck with. For a few moments Blaine just strolled towards the courtyard with the rest of the people around, quietly trying to figure this whole scenario out. Before he could even officially welcome the guy Illeana invited to tag along with them to the little makeshift group he was greeted with the sight of a hole opening above the guys head, a pair of jaws chomping into the new guy before he was pulled up into the hole. [break][break]

Just as quickly as the momentary break came it had went and they were officially back in hell as what looked like literal zombies were spat out of the hole that opened up. Stepping back in shock Blaine's attention was drawn to the other opening holes in the air, the fear of even more of the zombies showing up now running through his head. However before anything actually came out some kind of pokemon he had never seen before sealed the holes inside of a strange purple globe. As the pokemon spoke out a single word of help and was then dragged into one of the holes any hope of them being saved by a third party seemed to disappear.[break][break]

Stepping deeper into the courtyard with the rest of the trainers stuck here Blaine attempted to reach out and take Illeana's hand, trying to lead the girl farther away from the zombie horde with him. If he could at least save one person in all of this besides himself then that was good enough.[break][break]

As other trainers began sending out their pokemon and launching attacks Blaine's attention was completely caught by the ensuing battle, none of it going towards the weird locked door that prevented them fro entering the castle. Having already made up his mind on helping with the actual battle Blaine would turn his attention to Illeana one more time, muttering out a quick "If this gets too bad just get behind me alright?" [break][break]

Thinking for a brief moment as to how he could take out some of the horde in one blast Blaine continued to watch the other attacks going at the horde, before the fact that they could actually see normally in the courtyard grabbed his attention. Looking up into the sky the Detective couldn't help but get a faint smirk as an idea struck him, sure the move might of worked normally in the forest they had previously been in but now they had a direct view of the moon. [break][break]

"Strider, your turn to do something. Fly up as high as you can and use Moonblast. Joule use Thunder on the group of em yeah?" With his battle commands given his Noctowl immediately flapped its wings and began soaring up into the air, positioning itself with the moon behind it. After a few moments a swirling blue and pink ball of energy gathered above the Owl's head before firing itself down at the group of zombies in the form of a large beam. Raichu on the other hand didn't really have to move much and simply began charging up electricity in itself before firing a wicked thunder attack at the group of zombs.[break][break]

[tl;dr: Took time to think during the break from action, got scared cause zombies just ate a guy, tried to pull into the courtyard with everyone else and said stuff to her, Noctowl flew up and used Moonblast (big blue and pink laser beam thingy) to attack the zombies, Raichu used Thunder to attack zombies too. ]




705 WORDS FOR @raids


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dawn grandier
rocket boss
219 height
219 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
498 posts
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 2:02:49 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝and so the culling has begun...and to our surprise a...❞

"...cry for help..." the darkrai, before having been taken, hovered before the group. it saved them, but that was not what caught his interest. the figure that ensnared the black being had taken it away. a sinister smile emerged as a hand would come to be placed over cadis's mouth. he smiled with great purpose.

whatever this world was, it would serve as his task to capturing the black being, and to do that he needed to be found. although, it would seem a horde of the unwanted gathered--zombies. luckily, many took action to guide and protect the group.

gallade would be returned to his ball.

cadis, in his gothic appearance, surveyed those who remained. searching for those who looked capable. there were many, but only one would be choosen: mrtm87. had the youth attempted to run into the fray to help the crowd against the horde, he'd be stopped with a simple hand placed upon his shoulder. "come with me..." he paused, turning toward THE GATE, continuing, " the gate."

upon first look one could see the cross imprinted upon cadis's head, a most notable feature donned by the rocket boss. "bring your water-type." he instructed . cadis would release the melanin toned male, walking away as the tail of his coat followed.

once they were at the gate, had chosen to follow, cadis would call forth his INFERNAPE and DECIDUEYE. the duo knelt before their trainer. turning toward chance, he'd begin to explain, "we don't have much time, but i'd like to try a method." pointing at the locks, he'd say, "blue, red, and green." those were the color of the locks.

"we don't have a key for either locks. but they have a particular set of colors. either this corresponds to the typing of a pokemon or there are three colorful keys hiding within the horde..." cadis would point toward the horde 'group a' would be seen fighting, "...of zombies." and thus he'd turn back toward the gate, "i doubt we have enough time to figure that out or search for those keys." plus, he rather leave the unnecessary work to the likes of the 'heroes' of their story.

"there are three methods i'd like to try, but for now we'll only be doing 'ONE'. infernape will take red, decidueye will take green, and your pokemon shall take blue." raising his index finger, with a smile, cadis would say, "that'll be our first method. we'll attack the locks simultaneously and see what will happen, should this method fail we move onto the second." he wouldn't ask for confirmation of the male's understanding. they were on a short time limit after all.

so he'd back away, expecting the male to follow. decidueye and infernape stood in front of their corresponding colors, "on go, you are to use FLAME WHEEL and LEAF STORM upon the locks." orders were given. turning toward , he'd say, "whenever you're ready give them the sign off, if you'd be so kind."


- returned gallade.
- called out decidueye and infernape.
- snagged chancelor from the crowd.
- brought chancelor to the gate.
- explained the locks to chancelor.
- told chancelor we'd need his water-type for the blue locket.
- explained that they'll be doing three methods.
- is waiting for chance to give them the go to attack the locks.


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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 3:22:47 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar

Someone else is dead, but that should be expected at this point. Emma's heart seems to have hardened against it all. She's unwilling to break in the face of this horror, not even as the living dead rise up from the writhing earth to greet them. [break][break]

Their trek towards the castle comes up fruitless. Set in rows, several hundred tombstones lie with their names carved into them. It's gruesome and foreboding and sends a trickle of unease down her spine. Noivern lands not long after, it's weight crushing some of the tombstones, her own included. [break][break]

Just ahead of them lies a gate, closed of course, and barred with heavy locks. It seems impossible to penetrate and it leaves several people confused and scared. She can smell the fear in the air like a heady stench. It lingers, mixing in with the zombies that now rapidly advance on them. Several people take up arms despite their fear, and she finds it honourable and yet still stupid.[break][break]

Two other people appear to take it upon themselves to try and open the gate. The assassin doesn't make any attempt to aid them, never had she come across such cursed locks such as this. Nor did she carry Pokemon capable of handling such an obstacle.[break][break]

Instead, she turns to face the horde. One after another she releases Pokemon. She didn't want to die here, despite all of her previous thoughts about giving everything up. There had been a time where she felt like she couldn't go on, like all of the bad things she had done could not be forgiven. And yet, she had had someone by her side the whole time that never gave up on her, that counted on her.[break][break]

Hades stands, newly released, by her side. He doesn't touch her, but he holds her gaze heavy in his angry red eyes and for a moment Emma feels an actual, real pang of fear. Fear that she might actually die here, and that she might be putting Hades in danger. Both of those things are 100% correct especially given the tombstone with her name on it.[break][break]

Some voice appears out of nowhere belonging to a deceptively terrifying Pokemon. It cries out for help before being swallowed in a spiral of light, which for some reason seems awful familiar in her groggy state of mind. This was such a surreal experience and yet she couldn't understand why. This felt so wrong, and yet.. she couldn't imagine anything other than what she was going through right now.[break][break]

How strange.[break][break]

"Atropos, do what you can to slow them down, but don't get too close. Lakhesis, keep your distance as well and make good use of your ranged abilities. Clothos, protect us the best you can. Aururos, set up an ice barrier to trip them up. Eris, drive them back with boom burst."[break][break]

She doesn't give orders to Hades because he understands already what he needs to do. They've been given direct instruction not to make physical contact with the zombies, including leeching life or absorbing any and all energy from them. It seems too risky and Emma isn't about to trip up and make that sort of mistake.[break][break]

The Lycanroc remains close to his master, using his nose and eyes to make sure nothing gets past him. Should anything get too close, he makes use of his stone edge or rock slide to bury the zombies in rubble.[break][break]

Ariados and Galvantula team up to utilize spider webs and discharges, electrifying the webs that hopefully hold back the horde. Aurorus and Araquanid set up barriers around Emma's group and those close to her with light screen and safeguard in the hopes that, should any of the zombies be poisonous or otherwise, they're protected for the time being.[break][break]

The water spider also makes an effort to remain behind and safe behind the ice dinosaur while she uses ice beam to make a slippery path between them and the zombies.[break][break]

Noivern, meanwhile, does her best to screech and boomburst anything that gets too close, hopefully sending several creepies flying.[break][break]

> basically decides if she's gonna die, she's gonna die fighting[break]
> releases all of her pokemon for this sort of final stand[break]
> araquanid uses safeguard[break]
> aurorus uses light screen + ice beam[break]
> ariados uses spider web[break]
> galvantula uses discharge[break]
> hades stays close to emma and uses stone edge + rock slide where necessary[break]
> noivern uses boomburst[break]
> witnesses darkrai's call for help but he gives her the heeby-jeebies[break][break]




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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 6:36:39 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

raid peeps
at bottom of post
Unfortunately as she had suspected, the relief is short-lived.

The calm before the storm breaks and absolute hell unleashes upon them. The man she had invited to join their little ragtag group is snatched a few feet away, rotting teeth sinking into bone. She can't stop the scream that comes tumbling from her lips and before her legs can move, before she can even attempt to stop it, he is dragged into a golden ring. The urge to vomit surges in her throat and she gulps greedily for more air to combat the feeling. She can't do that now, not when everything is about to get a whole lot worse.

A wispy voice enamors her then, soft amidst the chaos. A plea for help, worn and broken, comes from a figure of shadows and a singular blue eye. She reaches, desperate hand clawing at empty air. She can help, she needs to help. The attempts are futile as the figure disappears just as quickly as it came, the golden hoop seemingly claiming another victim. Tears prick at her eyes, stinging as she furiously wipes them away with dirty hands. No, you cannot cry. Not until this is over. Not until everyone is safe.

Before she can properly think of anything, the groans she heard in the forest are back. Creeping up like a tidal wave and crashing onto the unsuspecting victims. Part of her knew it wasn't just a figment of her imagination. She had definitely heard odd noises... Nothing could have prepared her for this, however.

Mutilated figures claw over themselves in an attempt to get closer. Some are missing limbs, others possessing gaping holes where vital organs should be. Panicked eyes scan the fear inducing mass, hands increasing in shakiness with each new horror presented. A hand sliding into her own rips her eyes away from one particular body with innards dragging in the dirt. Disgusting, terrifying, deadly. God, she's going to die here isn't she? They're all going to die like that man and the shadow figure...

She tries to muster up a smile but it falls flat, instead settling into a grimace as she follows Blaine into the courtyard. "Yeah," she agrees, Ninetales following close at her heels. "Thank you." The words are sincere as they come to a stop. Her companion springs into action along with others in the group, attacks molding together to form one defense. Some use physical attacks, others elemental. All, she hopes, are effective in keeping the undead at bay. Glancing over her shoulder, she takes notice of a few focusing on the door. Good, that'll be helpful if nothing can truly stop these ghastly creatures. They'll need time, however, and she knows it might not be as easy as they believe.

"Ninetales," she says, eyes turning to the fire type at her side. "Inferno. Be careful of our allies, please. Try to create a wall of flames for us. Those at the door need all the time we can give them and a fire wall might just do the trick." The fox Pokemon does as she's told, jaw opening wide to unleash an intense fire. Some of the flames lick at the powder provided by and erupt into explosions while the rest provides a barrier between the approaching horde and the survivors. Ninetales is calculating in her fiery path, weaving flames out of anyone's way. The last thing they need is for someone else to get hurt or worse...

The glow of fire radiates against the crowd and while she has a moment to catch her breath, she looks back to those at the door and shouts, "We'll try to buy you as much time as you need!" With that, she turns back to the task at hand, mind wandering on just how they can succeed in this endeavor. The knowledge she has on these monstrous creatures consists solely of fiction and while she wishes to believe the ways they use to combat the undead are effective, part of her knows she should begin to prepare for what they will have to do if not. Illeana glances at Blaine then, offering a reassuring smile and the strongest voice she can muster in the face of this chaos. "Let's get to work, shall we?"

She just hopes the time they earn will be enough for luck to smile down on them...


notes |
- hi yeah she didn't sign up for this!!!!
- wants to help arthur but can only scream srry buddy :c
- also wants to help darkrai but he disappears, also srry buddy. she did reach for ya tho, that kinda helps right?
- follows into the courtyard
- ninetales uses inferno to keep the zombies at bay, pls be careful of the flames no homies r gettin burned today
- flames make a wall kinda?? we tried
- tries to think of a strategy to help those working on the door have as much time as possible
- tells those at the door they'll try to give them as much time as they need
- zombies r scary bye

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 9:50:04 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle makes himself scarce when he reaches the castle ahead of the others. he goes to inspect the graves while everyone else behind him moves towards the courtyard. he finds his name on one of them before he hears a scream.

someone is dead.

he goes tense, rushing straight to the group from where the graves lie. people had already started to defend their position. it cracks the slightest smile on the elite four's expression, one he'd usually wear when he's trying to fake confidence. this time, however, it was from excitement.

adrenaline filled his veins as the scenario unfolded before him. the final stand remains, everyone ready to defend the point with all they have. he glances over to the gate, finding someone already attempting to open it for them. things were set in place, although the call for help resonates with kyle. it gets him anxious, nervous. the sense of urgency gets him to action.

"manectric, get in place. thunder!"

the beast moves ahead of his trainer, extending his electric terrain to where the majority of the pokemon were. his lightning rod attracts any of the stray lightning from the various discharge attacks that would have hit anyone in their group. kyle moves his hand to his wrist, activating the manectite that would change the manectric's form.

expending the charge he's been holding, as well as the boosts from the earlier charge beam and the electric terrain he has maintained from the start, he summons forth a large bolt of lightning to smite large numbers of the undead from afar.

  • checks the gravestone that has his name
  • electric terrain boosts everyone else's electric-type moves
  • lightning rod activates, redirecting stray lightning from discharge away from the civvies and boosting his moves
  • mega evolves manectric
  • uses thunder after multiple boosts


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 14:50:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Bryony's gaze lingers on where her moonblast hit, the way the tentacles look eaten away by the light. Just as soon, her focus is lost as the smell of burnt flesh fills her nose. As Noelle tends to the rest of the tentacles, Bryony's shoulders heave as she tries to swallow back her building nausea.

There is too much happening at once. Lost limbs and bodies litter the ground and something inhuman begs for help before it's swallowed.

Someone's aromatherapy briefly clears the air but with the onslaught of new enemies, it's not long before Bryony can smell burning flesh all over again. She grabs her cloak and tugs it over her mouth and nose. Cacophony explodes around her: she can barely hear her own thoughts over the sound of crackling fire and thunderous lightning.

She releases another Pokemon: Whimsicott.

"Moonlight and fairy wind," she chokes out. Her whimsicott climbs to the top of the charizard's head and summons forth a gust of wind. In the air, Altaria's wings open and white light explodes from its form to swallow as many of the monsters as possible.

- still in the air on charizard
- summons her whimsicott
- altaria uses moonblast and whimsicott uses fairywind

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 17:08:29 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

Lucas rode atop his tyrantrum as he follows 's lead. At this point, his eyes open up to the reality that this wasn't a mere dream eater he was stuck in. One civilian in the group had already viciously torn apart. It was a horrifying sight, one he hopes to be spared from.

Following the elite four's suit, Lucas releases all the pokemon he has to fight the oncoming hoard. Orders fly through the air as he instructs the pokemon. "Badb, stay here." He commands the Aegislash to stay close with its shield drawn. An extra precaution to keep himself safe.

-follows kyle
-releases entire team
-Aegislash stays by his side with a king's shield ready in case of a portal

-Lycanrock used stone edge
-Unown used ancient power
-Tyrantrum used crunch
-Dusknoir used gravity on the backline
-Drampa used outrage

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 19:03:38 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar







This was a weird dream.[break][break]

As people are rendered from their limbs, Bailey wondered if this was a manifestation of her experiences after the events of Mossdeep; if, somehow, this was her mind reconstructing another life-threatening scenario, but in a Halloween hellscape. Or, maybe, it was because she had been gorging herself on a bowl of candy before she passed out for the night.[break][break]

Sugar before bed was always a bad idea.[break][break]

"Fuck this," and there was no time to take in the sight of the extensive injuries that members of the group had suffered–zombies were flooding into the courtyard. Literal zombies.[break][break]

"Fuck that," as her eyes shifted to the sky, watching the loops manifest like tears through fabric. Their presence was a grim reminder of past events, but something tingled in the back of her mind to remind her that this looked different from the hole that had manifested above Mossdeep.[break][break]

She deployed her Togekiss.[break][break]


tldr: bailey holds the line. deploys togekiss and has it spam attack the encroaching zombies with air slash in tandem with her meowstic utilizing telekinesis.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2019 1:03:44 GMT
Deleted Avatar

So much had taken place in such a small amount of time, Chancelor found it impossible to keep up mentally. His eyes scanned from side to side, a battlefield before him—Pokémon and human fighting bravely against the undead hoard; albeit a little haphazardly, but their valiant efforts didn't go unnoticed by him. Dusknoir levitates behind the Fighter like the stalwart protector he was, awaiting further instructions or the perfect opportunity to make a move to turn the tides of conflict in their favor. Suddenly, Chancelor felt a hand upon his shoulder, he looks back to see a man dressed in Gothic garb—which was fitting given their current situation, to say the least.

Approaching the 'living' gate, he listens intently, arms crossed up against a hard chest; nodding every now and again to show that he was following the words being spoken. "I see what you puttin' down." He speaks, eyeing the blue lock, a firm fist around one of the PokéBall clipped upon the hip. He wastes no time and brings forth Empoleon, the regal penguin standing before Chancelor with both armored fins to the side. "We hit the locks with the corresponding typing on my mark. If this fails the only logical thing to do is go the roshambo route. Either way, on my mark." Empoleon stands ready, kingly gaze glued to the lock. "Now," Chancelor announces, Empoleon raising both armored fins in front of his equally armored body, ejecting a swirling torrent of water (whirlpool) which would collide and bombarded the lock with a icy cold current.

✝ tag(s) - @event
✝ notes -

- chancelor follows .
- chancelor brings forth empoleon .
- chancelor agrees to the initial idea while prepping/suggesting another method on the off-chance this one fails .
- chancelor gives the signal and attacks his designated lock with a whirlpool .
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Vampire Rora

Pink Princess
October 31
Lumiose City
Mistress of the Dark
Sick one with a smile
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Natsuki Ryuunosuke
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2019 4:54:59 GMT
Natsuki Ryuunosuke Avatar








This was planning out like some giant game of chance, they were little pawn upon the board which was slowly being lit on fire. What seemed like the glimmering light of salvation before them would turn pale, only to cast a light of under whelming darkness. Those unlucky enough to have made it past the tree line had been left with a terror more unspeakable then what currently faced the rest, however there lone suffering could only be felt by the few who had been unfortunate enough to be within distance of there fellow human beings. As if the growing nightmare couldn’t haven found a better time to shock the lot of them, tombstones were plotted around the various muck of landscape which graced the front of there shining light. Name after name carved deep into the stone, it was rather surreal to have read her name up on a cold slab of rock. The vast majority of the surviving had managed to reach what appeared to be gate leading into the front of the castle, it seemed far to easy of a battle to have made it to the boss’s lair so unharmed.

Screams fill the air as the trap had been sprung, calling forth something just as hideous as there first opponent. Hordes of undead descended upon the group claiming a few who had straggled behind, before them a gate stood way to there only hope of survival from the massive horde. As if the gods had deemed them unworthy it was sure that the lot of them would die, mauled to death by the jaws of rotting flesh. Just as quickly as the luck they had accumulated had begun to run out a creature from the darkness had appeared as if to aid them. Its rasp of a voice calling out for help before succumbing to the wickedness before it. What little moment of relief any of them had felt was all but drown out by the returning venture of the horde. Her neck ached from the quickness she had begun to turn it, casing her vision from the gate to the horde behind them. Thankfully someone was able to process a thought and had started to work on any stratagy to get the gate open, brave souls had also stepped forward to put up any line of defense to allow the others to work. Knowing she would be no use to anyone in her current state Natsuki had opted to take a stance with a few of the others hoping that in some way she could help if any to defend against the growing numbers still emerging from the woods. Pulling the remaining three balls from her waist Natsuki called forth her remaining pokemon.


-Nasuki decides to take the stand againt the zombies
-calls out the other 3 of her pokemon





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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2019 5:57:57 GMT
evan fader Avatar

He keeps hold of his cottonee as they trudge onward, his mimikyu finding her way to his shoulder and keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings as they catch up with the group. The patch job was by no means perfect but it at the very least helped them keep up with the rest of the group that seemed to be moving on ward.

The more they move the calmer he is, instead finding the castle and gravestones a curious thing. His hand brushes against the stone in an absentminded habit, it ground him and let him focus on what is happening. What is sure to come. And when a god comes calling and the dead begin to rise he finds himself steadier than before. Ready to face it.

Evan flinches at the call for fire, moving to put himself in a position to handle the hoard rather than the door. Not much point in opening a gate if they don't have the time to pick it apart. While others try and open them he is one of the many to let loose his pokemon.

"Vince Telekinesis, thin the hoard and keep them close for everyone else's attack. Meg Copy cat. Bumble cover the rest in cotton spores to slow them down. Sirius on me with Iron defense, drench any that come close in venom. Suzy Q use leaf storm and Barnabus.... earthquake on standby."

The pokemon are quick to work, the first two using telekinesis to raise the dead they can reach off the ground and make them easy targets for the rest, stragglers are quickly coated in cotton spores to limit movement and buy time. One eye is on the hoard, and the other is on the door. If they fail to hold them back their only choice will be to run.

>>Calm down during the walk
>>flinches at the call for fire but respects it's a good choice
>>Musharna uses Telekinesis to lift the undead off the ground and make them easier targets.
>>Mimikyu uses copy cat to do the same!
>>Cottonee uses cotton spores to slow them down
>>Sirus uses Iron defense and readies Venom drench for anything that gets close
>>Lilligant uses Leaf storm top cull the hoard
>>Barnabus is on stand by, ready to use Earthwuake if things get dire.


[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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A Blue Person

he, him, they
June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2019 19:13:58 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
Kyle was moving reckless. It actually baffled morgan how he had managed to survive this long without with garnering a serious injury. From the way his friend was behaving he had developed some sort of hero complex and it was really cringe to watch. Although kyle being kyle was not all bad, and to be blunt with all the idiotic trainers using aoe pokemon moves like they were not going to affect the people and fellow pokemon on their side.

Morgan himself would of the just let the entire thing slide however one clown had decided to fly into the sky following himself/dragonite and woman with her noibat and use discharge; an aoe electric type move surrounded by flying types. With the flash of lightning arc'ing towards him and his dragonite Morgan wide eyed and put his hands up in defense. Luckily for them 's pokemon seemed to draw all the electricity towards it causing the electrical attack to home in on manetric like a heat seeking missile.

Slowing down to the perpetrator of such an idiotic move Morgan let them have a piece of his mind. "Are you dumb?.. Sorry let me introduce myself. The names Morgan, and are you fucking stupid? An electric type move in an area where you have people flying around? What would you of done if you took us out huh?" Morgan vented his frustration at the individual flying on top of the altaria.

During the entire conversation Morgan stared directly into this individuals eyes letting them know that he did not take too kindly too their negligent plan.

Deeming what he said to be enough Morgan flew away closer towards separating himself from the other two people giving aerial support. Although him going towards kyle was short lived as morgan spotted a familiar person in .

Noticing that him and another was fiddling with a gate. Morgan set down behind them supporting them with his pokemon. He was more of a security guard getitng his dragonite to hyper beam anything that would be coming their way.

Morgan gives as piece of his mind
inwardly loves for his manetric
Morgan seperates himself from the 'aerial assault'
dragonite uses hyperbeam on anything coming towards cadis and chancelor



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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2019 22:50:26 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
There's so much going on, that it's hard for the pinkette to stay on track. There were graves, someone had died, now they were trapped - someone was calling for help? did they have a plan? why wasn't anyone make a plan? could they open the gate? where they going to die?!

Head beginning to hurt and terror daring to slow her actions, she began to utilize an old technique her grandmother taught her, which meant blocking everything out. The terrified screams and angry shouts of the others were like a distant memory, as her breathing stilled and her fear seemingly melted away, despite the horde of faceless undead that strove towards them. The typically talkative woman all but silenced herself, as she quickly dispatched three of her pokmon.

"august, help the front lines with an inferno!" seeing the rush of fiery moves and the explosive display though, even from all the way back near the gate, she could feel the intense heat. and so, she had her blastoise stand by her side followed by her slowbro. "sheldon, use water pulse to keep those raging flames under control, don't let them spread back here towards us! argos, prepare a protect just...just in case."

she hoped it wouldn't have to come to that. she prayed it wouldn't. but, someone had just died. anything was possible. they could try and defend off the undead as much as they wanted to, but, their real hope remained on those tampering with the gate.  

- gets a bit stressed out from all that going on, but, stops herself from having a meltdown & being useless
- has her typhlosion use inferno on the zombies
- has her slowbro stand back with her near the gate to get rid of any stray flames with water pulse
- has blastoise prepare a protect, just in case


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing