i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
92 height
92 height
Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
215 posts
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 0:51:30 GMT
chaos unfolds. 

So much, that she can't tell what's going on anymore. All that she does register is that the doors to the castle open, and she's one of the first to quickly recall two of her pokemon, with only her rotom at her side. Throughout the chaos, she shuffles into the doors, doing her best to ignore the wails and groans from what could only be called zombies. 

Once entering, she takes a moment to catch her breath with the clear air. tonight was one with too much death and rotten, burning flesh. 

She is one of the people who stares towards the door labels, taking a moment to contemplate on what she should.. Actually go through. Though part of her learned towards the virgin door, she already witnessed a good number of other people going through it. 

Ah, the poor, poor souls subjecting themselves to the embarrassment. 

Is what she would think, if she wasn't about to do so herself. Her eyes move elsewhere, now resting upon the path to the nerd elevator. 

Shes about to move forwards, but stops. 

And immediately turns to the jock door. Was it just trying to play with her head? Maybe so-- There was only one way to find out. "Hanabi." she says, recalling the vivillon. She then calls out a petite ribombee to sit atop of her shoulder. "... Just in case~" 

.. Yet she was still having trouble. What would she do with so little to go by? Of course, she casually begins to point, and plays the eenie meenie miney moe, game.itlands on jock? That's a good enough answer for her.

With that, she walks towards the elevator and joins the group.

- she going down the jock elevator

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27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
42 posts
Blaine Jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blaine
Blaine Jones
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 2:03:48 GMT
Blaine Jones Avatar





A panic that never came close to anything Blaine had felt before ran through him as he helplessly saw the horde attack his Raichu, even with multiple presses of the button on his pokeball to try to return the pokemon it was too late for his faithful companion. The moment he actually saw Raichu go down the detective had to divert his eyes, he couldn't watch this. Holding his other pokeball into the air the man returned his Noctowl to the ball he had already lost one of the pokemon that had been with him for years and he wasn't going to lose another today. [break][break]

Blaine was actually kind of out of it after his Raichu went down, he didn't realize the door to the building behind them was open until people already began pouring inside. Once they were inside he didn't even really pay attention to the interior of the building they were now in, the shock of losing his Raichu all of a sudden was still overwhelming him.[break][break]

It wasn't until Illeana spoke up that Blaine was snapped out of his thoughts. Shaking his head a little bit he gave the girl the best smile he could, before looking around the inside of the building. The three elevators caught his attention first, only one of them really standing out as a choice for him. "Thanks, I'll be along in a bit, just need a second.." He muttered out in response, his eyes scanning the area yet again.[break][break]

He had to do his best to just keep on going, to figure out what was going on and try to get out of here. If he didn't then everything that he just went through, including the loss of Raichu was pointless. If Raichu really was gone the man didn't want it to be for nothing.[break][break]

The only elevator that made sense for him in his own mind was the nerd elevator. The middle elevator didn't really fit him, and he wasn't necessarily a jock. Studying and pouring over case files day and night and all the work it took him to become a detective sort of made the elevator fit.[break][break]

Making his way to the nerd elevator Blaine squeezed his way inside, coming to a rest right next to Illeana. "Looks like we're still in this together huh?" Even if the elevator didn't really fit him for some reason he planned to stick with her through this anyway.[break][break]

[tl;dr: Saw raichu die and broke a bit, zoned out inside and said stuff to still, went into the nerdevator ]




407 WORDS FOR @raids


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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 2:21:42 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar

There's a moment of dramatic pause, an intake of breath that takes too long to force down. It lingers in her chest uncomfortably, like a heavy weight crushing the will out of her chest.[break][break]

Kyle's Manectric mega-evolves and grows larger, his lightning rod ability saps all of the electric energy from the air. It siphons and redirects her Galvantula's attack, distracting her. It's too late for Emma to call out despite the hoarseness in her throat. Her Pokemon is buried in the undead, it's screams cut short almost immediately.[break][break]

And then, after a time, the door bursts open with a horrible scream and everyone tumbles through the door. In the confusion her Pokemon find their way home, all except for the now half-eaten carcass of her Galvantula. She doesn't look back, however.[break][break]

Upon entering the castle she promptly returns all of her Pokemon. She makes her way over to the elevators everyone is so curious about. She chooses indifferently, mostly because she has no real knowledge about horror movies and stereotypes. [break][break]

She makes her way into the 'JOCK' elevator, leaning idly against the railing inside. [break][break]

> watches galvantula die[break]
> runs into the building[break]
> returns her pokemon[break]
> picks the jock elevator[break][break]



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A Blue Person

he, him, they
June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
143 posts
Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 3:30:45 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
What an experience. After the gate had been successfully opened by chancellor and another trainer, everyone had poured inside the mansion. However that was not before morgan managed to recall his dragonite after managing to fend some off the monsters that plagued everyone.

Inside the mansion he noticed the three elevators, but standing next to kyle morgan didnt need to decide what one to go into. One thing was for sure though he wanted to avoid the individual he had a run in with prior. 

The gentleman that opened the gate gestured towards the lift that both morgan and kyle was going too. Nodding in agreement and following and  inside the ‘nerd’ elevator.

goes inside nerd lift/elevator with cadis and kyle


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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 10:44:04 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

a terrible guilt gnawed away at her as they entered, the sound of the doors - once firmly shut - further punctuating that they were well and truly trapped. there was no amount of organization to be found once they were grant a moment of reprieve, everyone appearing to consolidate into small groups before pressing onward. it was this lack of communication that made her realize that everyone was intent on survival, their stricken gazes fixated upon the elevators as they sought a way out. 

you were wonderful, venusaur," cait said. 

with her free hand she retrieved the pokemon's capsule, returning the weary beast into the safe confines of her pokeball. 

'it's a mercy that i didn't lose her out there.' 

cait momentarily tightened her grip upon her superior's hand, the action involuntary as she forced herself to think - to contemplate and carefully weigh her options. there was little time left to make a decision, her gaze raising just as entered one elevator. the man was in a pitiful state, his arm gone and the flesh that remained of the limb badly torn. 


the girl removed her hand from fernando's, her gaze sharp and determined as she met his gaze.

he needs me, sir," she stated, simply. "he needs help."

cait briskly walked into the jock elevator without a moment's hesitation, hastening her steps to join the injured man and whomever else occupied the elevator. 

let me help you, thomas."

her eyes were dimly lit in that moment, the florescent lights that flickered doing little to conceal the change as she sought to administer her gift upon torn flesh. at the moment all she could do was further stem the flow of blood - which thomas had done an excellent job of already - as well as dull the pain. 

i can't do anything more without cleaning the wound first," she said, her tone betraying her frustration. "if i tried to seal it - it'd seal in any amount of dirt and grime that you probably picked up on your way here.

cait retreated a step, the look upon her face saddened as she continued to stare at his missing limb. 

i'm sorry. i'm so sorry, thomas.
- cait returns her venusaur once they enter and notices that everyone is doing their own thing.

- pulls away from to tend to 's wound.

- enters the jock elevator while doing so.

- uses her gift to further stem the flow of blood and causes the pain to dull. but she isn't able to do much else without supplies.  

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 12:14:35 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] The gates break open and Fernando trails after and . The subsequent gore and carnage behind him goes amiss and largely ignored in lieu of fixating on the safety in front of him. His Pokemon are promptly recalled with a single Pokeball still kept tightly within the palm of his right hand. Every cripple needs their crutch and Fernando's uncertainty about this nightmare is kept in check by his overtly cautious nature. Being quick to the draw grants him the best window to react, which in itself isn't a promise of persevere. It's only a chance.

The mansion's interior has its own definitive traits but the feature that draws Fernando's attention are the damaged portraits of their momentary savior. It's not hard to put one and one together; obviously the manor is the house of the create that protected them. Whatever it was that snatched it away has probably come to assault it, for whatever reason, denoted by the clawed damages to the numerous paintings.

The remainder of the group enters the foyer right before the gate closes on the approaching Manectric. Under proper lighting, Fernando can recognize several faces and find relief that his dream is saturated with more than only one person he knows. That comfort is quickly diminished when he mentally reminds himself that this is nothing more than a drawn out nightmare but the presence of dashes the thought. Whether it be dream or reality, there is only one person to put him at ease.

Three elevators lie in wait and a riddle adorn above all else dictates which one to take for those unable to decipher the deeper meaning behind the thinly veiled secret. Fernando ponders the riddle to himself, broken in thought the moment pulls away, unable to protest against her when his attention is already divided between more pressing matters.

"If stereotypes hail from ill truths must we heed them?" He mutters the passage back to himself while approaching Persephone, arguably the greatest mind he's come to know while also being the object of his fascination. "The answer is no, right?" He seems uncertain because there's only one person he trusts to steer him right, the one person he can openly be vulnerable with being unsure of when the solution seems so simple.

"Hold it together and decide your fate."

It takes verbally repeating the last line for Fernando to understand the riddle and find his answer. If he's to decide his fate then it falls under Persephone's. He'll follow her wherever she may go, suspecting that the roles listed determine the outcome of their choice, hence them deciding their fate. Rather than require those who fit the stereotypes to board the respective elevator, which seems to be the general consensus, those who enter specific elevators will be subjected to a fate that befalls the roles assigned. With that in mind, 'NERD' seems the most appealing due to the sheer number of people on board.

— runs in and recalls all his pokemon.
— notices the darkrai paintings and deducts something is attacking it.
— recognizes several people but most importantly perse.
— thinks about the riddle when cait pulls away.
— deducts that they don't have to fit the stereotype but asks perse for confirmation.
— decides to follow perse to whichever elevator she goes into.
— suspects those who board an elevator are choosing their fate, aka what happens.
— thinks nerd is most appealing due to sheer numbers.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
419 posts
evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 16:24:23 GMT
evan fader Avatar

Evan is overcome by the haunting allure of the castle. The entirety of the space is instantly and overwhelmingly fascinating to him. His eyes trace the dance of the chandelure and in moments his footsteps fall in line with their haunting sway. The stress on his face melts into a wide grin as if he was in the perfect place to be. Evan the sounds of the likely reforming horde of death outside the windows did nothing to deter his smile.

He turns his back to the elevators as he surveys the foyer and all it has to offer. The pictures and their frames, the architecture of the walls and he tries to place where it might be from. The origin of the building just as appealing as the building itself despite the potential state of this entire adventure as a dream. It does little to deter his curiosity. If anything the entire scene makes his hair stand on end and brim with an otherworldly feeling. Despite it likely being caused by nothing more than his own mind His hand subconsciously settles on the lower part of his right ribs as he stares at an image that looks familiar to him. Darkrai, a story on the tip of his tongue that he can't quite articulate. Words he knows were etched into him once upon a time.

He has heard stories sine, gone far and wide to find them but the ones upon his skin are fleeting and foreign. Seconds, glimpses, snippets of voices in his ears to remind him, to tell him of a creature he was never expected to meet. But had they now? Was that what was happening here? A play in two parts, and it seemed that Darkrai was as much one of the actors as they were.

Scars beneath cloth beneath skin- anxiety rising to the surface, bubbling behind his eyes as his finger traces his skin through his shirt and his mind begins to ask questions it has not asked in far too long and a moment later he is looking for a distraction. Counting the chandelures and traces their orbits until his eyes settle on the elevators. He becomes starkly aware of the fact that he is lagging behind the rest who seem to be following an urgent call to move forward without him. His instincts tell him to linger, to ask for more but being left behind offers dangers that it may be better not to risk. Not until they see more.

The words that try to guide them twist in ways that Evan knows too well. Riddles are common place in old lore and he tumbles the phrases over and over again in his head as he watches the elevators fill up. He has an inkling that they are asking them to stay together as one but something tells him otherwise. How many ways could this be twisted? There are 2 that most will see first. Stick to your stereotype and band together with the others. Second, band together as one group despite your stereotypes. And a third, form groups and face the stereotype together. Regardless of the truth the answer will result in more challenges and Evan turns to the Nerd elevator. In truth he would say not a one of these fits him but that doesn't really matter. The rest have begun to split up already, going separate ways and he marks off the idea of everyone being in one. That leaves something else, unsure which to follow he gravitates towards the jock elevator. If one of the options is splitting into groups to face a challenge then that can sprawl in far too many ways. Numbers become risky in some cases, favored in others and he choose the elevator in the middle for that reason.

He will later find that there was no truly right answer. It did not matter what they chose or where they went, they would end up failing regardless.

>> Gets in castle
>> Gets distracted because this is a bomb ass aesthetic and he actually thinks this is really cool? Even with the undead outside
>> Finally looks at the elevators and feels like its telling them not to split and face one together more than pick what fits and debates his choice
>>first instinct is nerdvator but with so many already piled in he makes a last second switch to jock and hopes for the best

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 23:28:14 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
The gruesome sight of pokemon being torn to shreds and blood staining the dark ground made the pinkette's stomach swirl. It felt hard to breath, and her eyes felt a bit blurry with tears. Even if she hadn't lost any of her team, thankfully, the feelings of terror, grief, or even pain experienced by those around her was practically numbing the highly empathetic priestess.

Returning both of her pokemon, who stared at her in slight worry, she wanted to immediately seek out the first two people on her mind; @bryony and . However, they had to keep on moving. With a charging howl from the mutated manectric, those alive were sent into a frantic jumble of forcing themselves into the massive castle, with the large doors thankfully closing shut behind them.

Not breathing too hard at all from the sprint, she didn't immediately seek out an elevator nor even her friends. Lingering by the door for just a few moments, she clasped her hands together, letting them press into her chest as she offered up a quick prayer for those lost. Usually, deaths were handled far more ceremoniously and traditionally, given how sacred they were to her clan - it was there responsibility to deal with them. Perhaps it was a bit pathetic though that, despite being the heiress, the sight of ones life ending, especially so violently, made her feel like this.

She sent an additional prayer for the voice whom called out 'help'. Whether they aided it or not, she didn't know.

Completing the prayer, she moved to the nerd elevator after spotting the familiar sight of Bryony. Not caring if it fit her or lack thereof, she wanted to simply be there for her. Quickly placing herself within the elevator in a painfully quiet manner, she hovered near the other woman. Touchy as usual, she raised a hand to perhaps intertwine their fingers, but, hesitated, before her hand inevitably fell back to her side, and her gaze flickering off elsewhere.

- she's horrified by the scene but escapes with the rests
- she offers a prayer for those who died & the voice that calls out help
- chooses the nerd elevator mostly to be with bryony
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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 0:42:32 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

Once the gate shuts close behind them and they enter the safety of the mansion Lucas reluctantly begins to return his pokemon. All but his lycanroc and aegislash return to the safety of the pokeballs on his hip.

"If stereotypes hail from ill truth must we yet feed them?" He repeats the plaque's cryptic message under his breath as he thinks it over. Standing there deep in thought Lucas watches as people, some familiar, walk past and enter different elevators. His brow furrows in thought.

With a heavy sigh, Lucas decides to enter the nerd elevator. Lycanrock disappears in a flash of red light as he enters to make room for the crowd of people and pokemon.

-returns everyone but lycanrock and aegislash
-goes nerd


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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 0:49:57 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar











The assault had worked. At what cost however? Some of the other people's pokemon had fallen, some even turning into zombies themselves. Yet because of the success and killing most of the zombies, the team were able to open the gate and allow everyone to seek refuge inside. As the gate had opened, Balder called back Ash, Terra and Tyr into their pokeball and directed Leo towards the open gate.[break][break]

Once the gate close, the alolan man looked at the eerie place. A bunch of Soul-less chandelure floated about and a portrait featuring the emissary of the shadows, Darkrai, stood at one end of the room. Yet, that frame had some slashes across it. Which was... Odd. What could've done such marks? The other odd part was the 3 elevators and the phrase that came with it.[break][break]

Stereotypes do hail from ill truth. That's how a lot of rumors about anyone tended to start: Have an etiquette placed upon you and then it explodes. In this case... It was like they were asked which etiquette they wished to bear, and if they were willing to endure it. Abide to the etiquette of what you are, or choose your fate and be what you want. Or could it say which challenge you'd face once you step in? Balder decided to test his luck. First, he removed his shirt and tied it up over his wound, holding the cotton spore close and making sure blood doesn't leak through. And then, he led Leo to the elevator meant for The Nerd



FOR @raid






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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 2:40:36 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar
she sees the rotted limbs grasp at the chandelure, but she never hears its spindly lacquered limbs break. persephone has lost pokemon before due to, perhaps, her own recklessness, and this dream-like manifestation of guilt isn't altogether that uncommon.

persephone turns away from the assault quickly, catching only the slideshow visuals of other pokemon being overwhelmed too. the gardevoir's tug at her arm and an inhuman scream alert her to the front doors being opened and she follows everyone inside.

the salt in the wound has to be ghosts - these strange dream chandelure that float overhead in a manner that, while certainly graceful, feels off compared to the way her own pokemon moved. persephone pauses to look back in the direction of the courtyard. merely nightmare or no, she misses whist.

in the eerie lighting, persephone takes a moment to examine the portraiture and the strange pokemon depicted in it. she had seen the shadow of it outside, but even looking at the pokemon closely now, it doesn't seem like an ultrabeast, which is a small blessing.

up ahead, people begin to separate themselves among the three marked elevator doors, and persephone doesn't take long to make her choice because ill-truth or no, only one option felt even remotely descriptive. the fact that this one drew her closes to is just an added bonus.

» that chandelure was her starter pepehands
» recalls gardevoir, enters the castle
» picks nerd door with all the other nerds

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 2:57:06 GMT
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This doesn't feel real.

Doesn't seem real.

Siobhan is floating above her body, conscious barely keeping a tether to the feeling of her shoes squelching imprints of mud and blood onto the castle floor, to the aches and bruises that come from fighting alongside her shinx, the rest of the people trapped in this nightmare. She hesitates, hesitates, hesitates — means to go into the nerd elevator, but that many people — it's too much, too close, too crowded —

As her eyes flicker to the plaque above the virgin's open doors, a fresh line of tears streak down her face, expression laced with a deep-seated fear but otherwise dull. There are freckles on her face that weren't there before; the tears, mingling, become bloodied.

Floating, she takes quick tip-toe steps into the elevator. Though she might look at the others with her, it's far-away. Like she doesn't even see them.

+ she is going into the virgin one and also doing a big dissociate uwu  also shinx is there

[newclass=".scalessl b"] color:#dea02c;font-size:13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".scalessl a"] font-size:13px; font-family: courier new; text-transform: lowercase!important; [/newclass]
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 3:17:40 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
He knows he has to make a choice, and just like that, he makes one based on a snap judgment. Sighting the same person who had yelled at him outside about using electricity earlier to help take down the horde was in the "nerd" elevator, that's when he makes his decision.

The sight of a few familiar faces on the other elevator comforts him, and so Lars goes to join Thomas in the jock elevator. He remembers how the other had sacrificed a limb to save a Galvantula, and he flashbacks to the time they worked together to save the Commissioner.


Gesturing to Gareth, the Gallade quickly joins him in the elevator along with the others who chose the jock.

May his choice not damm him eternally to one of the circles in Hell.

• thinking of his choice
• notices with the nerds, that changes his decision
• joins Thomas in the jock elevator with his Gallade

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 4:58:14 GMT
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"I've seen enough old-school horror films to know exactly where this is going." Chancelor speaks aloud, recalling the Water type while Dusknoir continued to orbit around him like the stalwart sentinel of guidance that he was. "Tight work on the gate, fella'." He speaks to before strolling forward casually, taking in the ominous and horrific sights. While everyone decides on which elevator to takes, the youngest McQueen stands off to the side—weighing in his own options and taking this moment to take in all the new and unknown faces. That was when he saw a couple of folks he recognized, females and males alike. He strolls over to the women—@bryony and , and casually accompanies me them into the elevator of their choosing. With an air of confidence about him, Chancelor speaks: "I'm a Jack of All Trades. S'all good." That is when he turns around and gestures for the attention of both and —whistling in an further attempt to get their attention if they don't see him or the gargantuan specter orbiting behind him like some kind magical familiar. He points to the elevator before entering, hands stuffed in trouser pockets.

✝ tag(s) - @event
✝ notes -

- recalls empoleon .
- groups up with bry and noelle and goes into the nerd elevator .
- gestures for morgan and kyle to follow so the a-team can get together and wreck .
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 5:36:11 GMT
NPC Avatar



"death enabled" raid


[attr="class","ihead"]THE ASCENT



once the last survivor enters their elevator, their iron-barred doors close with a shrill creaking. all of your pokemon are immediately cast back into their balls. inside these broad chambers, you can hear the ominous chains dragging your elevator cab upwards. the metal floors are stained with rust... or blood. it's difficult to discern. through the iron bars, you can only see the harsh walls of cold concrete. the other elevators can not be seen.[break][break][break]

as your elevator scrolls upward, you spot writing on the northern wall outside of your elevator cab. each message disappears below you as you pass them in this cryptic climb. the first message reads:[break][break][break]


the sounds of the reeling chains from the other shafts become audible. the violence of their clanging is almost deafening as your elevator cab begins to breach an open space rather than a narrow shaft. another message is scrawled upon the wall.[break][break][break]


eventually, the wall recedes to reveal that your elevators are being hauled up by massive chains toward an upper floor. the elevators leave their shafts into a large, circular expanse like a floorless tower. freed from the narrow constraints of their shafts, the elevator cabs suddenly swing toward each other, occasionally slamming into the other cabs before spinning away. their large steel chains are connected to one large chain that hauls each cab up.[break][break][break]

suddenly, the ground below disappears into darkness. two baleful orbs of yellow emerge in the black.

[attr="class","ihead"]LET GO OF THE DEAD WEIGHT

a roar greets everyone's ears, shaking the cabs and the chains as an odd creature, similar in appearance to the groudon of myth, illuminates its magmatic maw. a massive fireball erupts from its mouth. it surges forth with frightening speeds. it is clear that the elevators will not make it up in time at this sluggish speed.[break][break][break]


even at this distance, you can feel the intensity of the hellish heat. it heats the elevator's metal floor. melts the rubber of your soles. singes the flesh should you touch it with bare flesh.[break][break][break]

the iron-barred walls of your broad, expansive elevator cabs disappear; however, should you touch where they once were, an invisible wall greets your finger tips.[break][break][break]

furthermore, should you summon your pokemon, you will notice that your pokemon are cast outside of the elevators. regardless of their ability for flight, every pokemon will float freely in the space around your elevator cabs.[break][break][break]


using your pokemon, two elevator cabs' chains must be severed, dropping their respective cabs alongside all of their passengers in order for you to make it to the upper floor. which elevator cabs will you sacrifice and will the passengers in those cabs allow you to sacrifice them?[break][break][break]



please ROLL with your action. the roll will not be the sole determiner of success furthermore, you only have time to command THREE POKEMON WITH ONE MOVE EACH.[break][break]

should you attack a chain(s), ensure that you identify the chain as JOCK CHAIN, VIRGIN CHAIN, or NERD CHAIN.[break][break][break]

the next mod post will be on 10/25 PST.

  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions. some posts may require rolls using the dice command.
  • this is a "death-enabled" event where characters and pokemon may "die"; however, in this event, the character or pokemon simply wake up when "killed".

link to event sign-up page:

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
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