i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dawn grandier
rocket boss
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 18:14:28 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝those who prove incapable have no place...❞

they were dead.
an expression unchanged.
they simply weren't up to snuff.

and thus he carried on. everyone survived, color cadis impressed. lady luck worked in mysterious ways. while some celebrated, others mourned.

cadis, on the other hand, had come to notice something. he'd stare toward the one-armed . intrigued by his action and the reward from it. "could it be..." a hollow expression was worn. he'd come to place a hand underneath his chin, stroking it as he thought to himself briefly from everything that was said by the fellow with one leg.

it wasn't until he was interrupted by kyle's leaderly blunder. walking toward , he'd place a hand upon his torn shoulder. whispering to blake, he'd say with a smile, "i don't know what you did. but prepared to do it again." he spoke of the invocation that summoned darkrai. that was the only thing focused on cadis's mind right now.

he had a theory to confirm. was it possible that blake possessed some form of compatibility or was it just a coincidence? either way, blake had a great opportunity to be promoted at this very moment. cadis's job was to make his subordinate a potential host. moving his hand from his shoulder. cadis would remove his jacket, placing it over .

"let's cover that wound. it's unsightly." continuing, he'd add, "prepare yourself, my friend. it seems we may have reached the final bout." cadis assumed that, if this were a dream as stated by the one-legged hulk, that the wound blake possessed shouldn't hurt. but the human brain was a strange creature. "will that wound hinder you from fighting with your pok--"

cadis was caught off guard by the sudden, bloodcurdling screams of @bryony's altaria. "oh, that's not good." she was breaking down. the last thing they needed in manpower was a lack of manpower.


- cadis is thinking to himself.
- cadis speaks to .
- cadis has some thoughts and theories.
- cadis 'bout 2 get blake a promotion.
- cadis gave blake his jacket to cover that wound up.
- cadis asked if he'd be able 2 fight.
- reacts to @bryony .


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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
92 height
92 height
Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 19:51:47 GMT
her rotom tried, you have to give them brownie points for that. 

but try clearly wasn't enough. Ayame was upset, disgruntled and irritable. now was NOT a good time for her to be irritated with these games. "fucking--" the woman curses, quietly. As the heat began to make its way through the metal walls, she glares quietly towards them. How the hell did they even wind up her, in the first place? She didn't recall waking up. She didn't recall getting up in the morning, nor going through the day. 

but she did remember going to sleep. 

and as the elevator warmed up, she froze. she went to sleep; she was sure of it. She didn't know how she ended up in this hell in the first place, and she didn't remember. she couldn't remember any of this-- was this a dream? it was farfetched, but considering that they could witness darkrai? who knows. 

for the time being, she keeps to herself in favour of collecting herself. the flames against the elevator was a red herring, and she was vaguely aware of what was happening. unfortunately, her rotom was unable to escape the carnage, and burned to death while trying to appease their trainer. 

should she be disgusted? 

as disgusted as the screams outside, of the pokemon who were sent out thinking they would save their trainers (she's lying when she says she feels nothing; of course she will mourn, but that was unbecoming of a lady and the teachings branded in her mind). deep breaths, ayame. she steps out of the elevator, glancing around the area. She pays little attention to the fellow jocks and instead makes a beeline to the nerd elevator, where two recognizable rockets were. "Oi." she calls out, as she makes her way towards them. 

"are you two alright?" she asks, tilting her head. "I only let out my rotom, so five of my pokemon are still alright." she says, yet she hols little remourse throwing her rotom out. It just proved that she was careless, and she didn't want to make the same mistake again. she reaches to take off her coloured, flowing robe to hold up to blake. "Hold still." 

- rotom b dead but she doesn't look like she cares
- she's calming herself down and there goes the smile again
- joins up and talks with and
- takes off the flowing robe thing and holds it up to
- offers to patch up the wound 

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 21:10:22 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
He wasn’t expecting mass mayhem to break out the moment everyone within his line of sight started deploying their respective Pokémon and tried to either keep their shit together or… well, was he the only one who tried to attack another elevator? What was with everyone being so… so… self-sacrificing?

Turning away from where Cait was collectively losing her bananas, he tuned out everything else and turned his attention back to his three Pokérmon that had somehow materialized outside the elevator… and for some reason he feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He doesn’t know why, though.

At least, he doesn’t realize that he can feel the fear when he looks down through the ‘see-through’ floor of the elevator cab that he’s stuck in and sees superheated flames roaring up from below. Before he even has time to blink and recall his three fighters outside the elevator, the flames surge upwards, turning everything in its path into literal flames.

He doesn’t know if he can hear the screaming. The way his Altaria is shrieking, the way his Gallade is trying to Teleport away from the flames but there’s nowhere to run, and the Metagross. Oh, fuck, Ro.

As the all-consuming flames eat way at all the Pokémon outside, he feels something suddenly snap—and right then and there, he witnesses the death of all three of his companions. While Gareth and Nami crumble to dust, Ro takes much longer, and all he can do is look on helplessly, before he hears a piercing, grating noise and even the Metagross is literally vaporized.

Little does Lars know he would end up dying in the same way, but that’s neither here nor there.

All that’s there at the moment is the connection between himself and Ro disintegrates, and for a few seconds, he’s left reeling. Not until does he take a deep breath to force himself to calm down does he realize that everything was for nothing as all the ‘elevators’ come to a halt and slide open quietly, letting all their occupants out.

Like they were mocking everyone who’d deployed Pokémon for doing something so stupid.

Now that he’s left with three useless Pokéballs, he stares at them for a few moments, before shrinking them all down and pocketing them. He practically blanks out and lets his feet move him on autopilot, dead to the world as he slams a fist to the ‘wall’ of the ‘elevator’ and exits the space.

He thought he heard a howl coming from somewhere. Nonchalantly, he looks up and tries to gain bearings for his surroundings. Everything… doesn’t seem to make sense at all. When he sees the people coming out of the most-crowded elevator he can only spare them a withering glare before turning away and looking at the macabre environs quietly.

• well shit we all fucked
• so everyone starts going nuts, basically. And they want everyone in the jock elevator DEAD
• he's not gonna stand for this. The flames have other plans, though
• funeral pyre for Gareth, Nami, and Ro (Gallade, Altaria, Mega-Metagross)
• the heady connection between owner and Pokémon in Mega-Evolved state abruptly snaps at the moment Ro dies
• has a sick, twisted thought that everyone else's Pokémon who tried to attack their elevator is also dead in this mess
• he knows Lynette (his Gardevoir) will kill him when Gareth (Gallade) doesn't return. So basically out of his 4 original starters Lars is now down to one. And it's his Lucario
• basically dead to the world now, catatonically staring at three now-empty Pokéballs before pocketing them and curling up his fist in silent rage. Doesn't know he's clenching his fist too hard. Just keeps his anger to himself instead of lashing outward.
• upon arrival at the next destination, just basically heads out ahead of everyone in their 'elevator' and looks up at the floating bluish limbs. What new horrors will these bring? Ignores pretty much everyone at this point now
• hears the muffled howl. Wonders what it is. Doesn't say anything else after that. Just silently observes everyone. Glaring mostly at the people coming out of the 'nerd' elevator but turns away and continues to examine the area quietly

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 21:16:15 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

raid peeps
at bottom of post
Dream, dream, dream.

It has to be. This can't be real. They can't be lying, not in the face of this most recent horror.

The smells, the screams, the pain... It all feels as real as possible, however, and she is simply lost. The little amount of sanity left after facing horror after horror is broken, torn into pieces at the sight of her beloved Pokemon burning. She bangs at the walls of the elevators, screaming, sobbing, begging for anything to help save them. She has to save them, they need her. She's their trainer, damn it! How could she fail them so horribly?

Tears flow freely, throat burning from hoarse screaming as she weakly continues her efforts to get closer to them. The walls won't budge, she knows this, but they need to. She'd move heaven and hell just to save them. Why isn't it enough? She isn't concerned with the rest of the group, not anymore. Let them see her break, let them scoff and move along to the next task. She'll stay here, watching as the remains of her Pokemon fall victim to the clown's disgusting jaw.

They deserved better. Who cares if it's a dream? They perished for their trainers and for what? So they can just move along to face the final obstacle?

She stays silent as others converse among themselves, tears streaming with ease down dirt streaked cheeks. The looks on both Vulpix's and Eevee's face practically burned themselves into her mind and even closing her eyes offers no relief. A silver lining in the wake of this devastation comes in the form of Ninetales, glowing purple and trembling. The fire type is the only survivor from beyond the safety of the elevator and Illeana all but books it out the doors as soon as they open, stumbling in her haste to hold her Pokemon in her arms.

They collapse to the floor, Ninetales shaking in her grasp as she clings to the fox for dear life. Sobs shake her own body as she nestles her face into familiar fur, ignoring the snot embedding itself into the fur. She'll give Ninetales a nice warm bath after this... Hopefully when they're both safe. If one was to shuffle closer to the reunited pair, they would hear the repetitive mumbling of a simple phrase, over and over and over again. "Thank you."

Her mind doesn't want to think of what's next for the group but... Her mind has never been good at focusing on the here and now. She has always been a curious creature and now is no different. Will they perish as their Pokemon had, falling one by one at the hands of this final boss some have been mumbling about? Will they survive? What even awaits at the end of this? She'd be lying if she said she wasn't terrified of the next monster in their path. The final boss... Death or survival... Who will even emerge from this in one whole piece? She shivers and presses closer to Ninetales, the warmth held within her fluff offering comfort. No amount of comfort, however, will be able to quell the terror in her body at what lies ahead.

Part of her wants this to be over, wants this dream to end, but she's uncertain if that will mean surviving this horror or succumbing to the terrors it throws their way. Most of her, if not all of her, really doesn't want to find out.

notes |
- prays she's dreaming like they say
- sobbing mess srry
- clings to ninetales as soon as she's out of the elevator
- they're a heap of snot n floof on the floor just do a lil steppy around them
- says thank you to whoever or whatever saved her precious bby
- terrified for what's to come next

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 23:41:50 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Decimation; a word best defined by the situation that just unfolded. Every single pokemon released outside of the transparent prisons were eradicated in a sudden inferno. Their struggles and screams were played as a spectacle to the contained audience. It was awful in nearly every way, but beautiful in others.


Although his pokemon were nothing more than tools, Blake was nothing without them. They were a foundation now removed. Only a crumbling structure remained. The one-armed warrior only had one more pokemon to his name. Calling to the creature of the dark saved lives, but Blake couldn't decide if it was a life worth living. With that thought noted, the rocket still had a promise to withhold.


As the elevators finished its ascent, Blake's superior and comrade revealed their words of encouragement. He was offered shelter through pieces of attire which he lifelessly accepted. "I'm fin-" He tried to respond, but was caught by the very same gloom that robbed . Blake wasn't the only one hindered here, but it only hurt in the way of a reminder. His remaining hand pulled another capsule from his pocket. This one contained his last remaining pokemon. Blake's eyes examined the exterior as his mind rushed through his loss.


This wasn't going to be enough for what was next. Darkrai wasn't just Blake's last resort, he was the trump card that entire group relied on. Goosebumps along the trainer's single arm elaborated his fear and excitement of managing that power, if it was even possible.








blake replied back to and looked his last remaining pokemon through the pokeball. daydreams of darkrai.


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27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Blaine Jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blaine
Blaine Jones
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2019 2:28:48 GMT
Blaine Jones Avatar




In retrospect what happened to all the pokemon outside of the elevators seemed like something that they should of expected. The huge fireball that was going after them was in theory enough to take out the actual elevators that they all stood in so what it could do to their pokemon should of been obvious. Despite that Blaine didn't even begin to think about what could of happened to all the creatures outside, including his own that was sent out for what was ultimately something completely useless. [break][break]

The heal pulse didn't even do anything at all, the entire thing was just a waste of his Slowking's life. The hope that this really was just some nightmare trap for Darkrai was an even greater through in his head now.[break][break]

However as the elevators reached the new floor and everyone began stepping out Blaine tried his best to put on a tough appearance, to make it seem like he wasn't actually torn up inside over losing his Raichu and Slowking. As he stepped out of the elevator Blaine took in the sight of the weird stage they all now seemed to be on, the even stranger floating bluish limbs around the area confusing him more then anything else. The detective had no answer at all for what those could be, or what pokemon they could even belong to.[break][break]

Going back into his thoughts for a moment Blaine took inventory of what pokemon he had left, only four of the pokeballs on his belt actually held anything in them now. If this really was some hellish nightmare he'd get Raichu and Slowking back when he woke up, at least he still had some heavy hitters on his team that could help with whatever the next obstacle was. [break][break]

As the man stood around thinking about his losses the realization that every pokemon out there and not just his one was now gone, the realization immediately making him think about his newly found friend. She had sent out seemingly everything she had. Turning his attention to where Illeana had once been he was met with the sight of the girl already on the ground holding her ninetails. [break][break]

Stepping a bit closer to her Blaine knelt down by her side before wrapping her in a hug, losing almost all of your pokemon all at once like that had to be terrible. "Hey if this is some trap for that Darkrai thing everything will be back to normal when we all wake up, your time with them isn't over yet. I know this is all horrible but you don't have to fight through this anymore just stay here with Nintetails, I said i'll get us two out of here and I'm sticking by that." After that little speech Blaine released the hug not wanting to push any boundaries.[break][break]

[tl;dr: Thought about how messed up this all is and how slowking went for nothing cause heal pulse cant fix metal blaine, saw the shape was in and gave her a hug while saying some stuff about this being a dream and getting the two of them out of here.][break][break]




471 WORDS FOR @raids


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2019 7:17:48 GMT
Deleted Avatar


Derek was already having a bad time, but the shape-shifting clown that did in his Garchomp, Feraligatr and Blaziken was where he drew the line. Many of the others, whom he overheard, were going on about how this was some kind of dream; a nightmare, really. While he could make sense of that, it still broke Derek's spirit to see his pokemon depart in such a way. He felt silly for getting so emotional, but on the plus side, he cared about his pokemon and the others unlike some. With any luck, this 'final boss' would deal with them while Derek was still around to see it.

tl;dr waiting for something to happen


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #DEA02C; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2019 8:15:59 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Remorse is an emotion for those who lack conviction. Whether they were correct or not does not matter, only that they gave the best possible answer with the limited information given. That's why Fernando feels nothing when he watches his Pokemon wither away, screaming in agony as they fall victim to their pain. His frown is steep and the sorrow is shown but in retrospect, Pokemon are nothing more than tools used to ensure his own safety. It extends beyond this, evident by the virgin and jock elevators, ultimately leading that all life, regardless of species, can be valued as detrimental if it means forfeiting his own. Rise, persevere, survive against all odds. Any semblance of sympathy or concern was lost long ago, devoured along with bits of his flesh back on Mount Silver.


Although Fernando does not falter like those around him that doesn't mean he's immune to an emotional reaction. Mounting frustration stems from being both incorrect and being toyed with. The longer he spends in his dream the more it points toward being anything but. His spectre hints at something more behind a cryptic message and Fernando ignores 's conjecture. To derive such an exposition off a single sentence is foolhardy. Although the Alolan is right, there is not enough proof to reach that point without lying or performing some sort of mental gymnastics. If they're lucky, the theory will prove true and they'll wake up perfectly fine. But without further evidence, that's not a gamble Fernando is willing to take. He approaches the final destination primed and composed, holding onto his last two trump cards until his own life becomes endangered.

The instance of 's plea toward the Pokemon that had helped them earlier is an interesting one. The mention of the master and the quip about torn limbs is still fresh in his mind but Fernando is too uncertain to claim a line between them. Even when Darkrai appears, he's unsure if the Pokemon is answering the call for help or showed up coincidentally. There's too many unknowns to factor and for now he let's it slip by, keeping it in mind in the mean time.

leads their initiative into a new setting and Fernando takes his position near the middle of the pack. Eventually, everyone spills out of the elevator and two particular individuals leave worse for wear. Fernando just barely recognizes but ignores her, leaving her in the arms of 's comfort. The other is @bryony, crumpled up on the floor and left in what he can only interpret as a gaze. Time is a ticking and Silph does not have the luxury of sparing her more than a hand on her shoulder.

"Surviving tragedy kills the spirit but only those who stand against all odds carry on the will of the fallen."

Not the most reassuring pep-talk but Fernando owes her nothing. He cannot dawdle because some stranger doesn't have the fortitude to stomach an unfortunate demise. The bonds between man and Pokemon create everlasting friendships but they also make them vulnerable. Those unable to cast aside their feeling are bound to be shackled by them. The dragon member serves as a perfect example to reinforce Fernando's own ideology and he follows after Kyle, reunited with .

"That was foolish Alfric." Fernando puts not importance on the floating buildings or the way the room seems to ignore the laws of physics. "And I don't mean separating from me. I'm glad you're safe but you should not have revealed Celebii so carelessly." Eyes hover to the claw marks, then the loops, and finally the floating limbs. It doesn't take much to put one and one together. is the last thing he settles on and there's relief in her well being. For a figment of his imagination, it captures her beauty perfectly, but he cannot slip up on something that isn't real. She too comes second to himself.

He's ready to wake up but something tells him it won't happen until the dream plays out to the finale. A pink murkiness radiates from his body, pooling around his waist and slowly spilling down over his legs and onto the floor. The MISTY TERRAIN is reserved only for him and those in his immediate surroundings but he steadies himself, ready to embrace the entirety of his powers should it come to that.

"Battle routine set."

A mere whisper that slips between the tense fingers clutching tightly onto his Pokeball.

— has a sad expression on his face to show his sorrow but really has no remorse.
— ignores balder's hypothesis because there's not enough proof. same thing with anyone who builds off of it.
— places a hand on bryony's shoulder and says something silph-like to her before leaving.
— is glad cait is alive but disappointed she let celebii die so easily.
— glad that perse is safe but focuses on the limbs in front.
— starts to and barely makes a MISTY TERRAIN that only really extends to himself and a little bit around him.
— expects to fight whatever is creating the claw marks.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2019 19:39:39 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Despite their best efforts, the Jock Elevator still went down. Thomas felt his stomach lurch as he experienced the fall from within, his Pokemon in pursuit. Thankfully, the elevator was stopped by something catching it, and dragging them upward. Thomas would immediately attempt to recall his Pokemon, making multiple, useless attempts to recall them, as they desperately called out to him. Freke, seeing that his efforts were in vain, resigned himself to his fate.

Finally, seeing that he couldn't save his Pokemon, all Thomas could do was call out to them.

"Kalameet, Freke, Colt, I... I'm so proud of you three. You've done good by me, all of you have. I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry I failed you! I love you guys, and.. and if there's a next life, I hope you find someone better than me!", Thomas called out to the trio, in a frankly pitiful manner.

It was the last thing they heard, before the fires consumed them. Upon the flash subsiding, the last thing Thomas would see would be their charred remains falling down into the maw of the clown at the source of it. At this point, tears flowed down the face of the Gym Leader, before he pounded against the wall, and let out a scream directed towards the heavens, before briefly shutting down the rest of the ride up.

Once the elevator opened up, Thomas walked out, like a zombie, before spotting Cadis again, the man who spotlit the chain earlier. Thomas would shoot the man a glare, before looking around, to see one of the others in a bad state. Thomas rushed over to the girl, before kneeling down, to give her a hug with his one remaining arm.

"Miss, you have my condolences. I-I know it's hard to lose your beloved companions, but at this point, all we can do now is avenge our losses. What.. whatever did this to us... was unforgivable, and the best way to honor our lost loved ones is to not let their deaths go unavenged...", Thomas whispered to her, before letting go of her, and giving her some space, backing off.

Upon hearing the howl, Thomas looked towards its direction, a fire lit up in his eye suddenly. He would march towards the direction of the howl, ready to take on the source of their agony.

tags: @bryony
notes: Thomas desperately tries to recall his Pokemon to no avail
Tells his Pokemon he's proud of them, and that he loves them before they die
Has a brief moment where he screams into the air
Is able to snap out of it
Shoots a dirty look at Cadis
Sees Bryony's state, and goes over to try to comfort her, offering support and advice
Joins the group in pressing on towards the final boss

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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2019 23:55:30 GMT
evan fader Avatar


Evan is many things, but rarely is he so angry.

As their elevator rocks and rumbles, salvaged only barely by a hand that isn't there's and he doubts he has any right to be saved by, it becomes increasingly clear to him that they have fallen for a divide and concur trap. First by splitting them into the three elevators (though he believes that it didn't actually matter if they split or not, he's quite certain now that they would have been pitted against something with the same effect but they would have all been in the same box together for it instead) and then by pitting them against each other. Not enough of them thought about the situation enough to realize what it was. Emotionally charged and wholly misguided decisions have left them a fragmented group. (they already were anyway, its the nature of humans)

(and one of the may reasons he so greatly avoids people)

He doesn't blame anyone. Humans are panicky creatures and are more likely to act first and think later regardless of what they say. That's why he turns to @valyx, a face he now realizes he's seen before if only briefly and comments "Leave it be, you'll only waste energy." there was little point in stirring further trouble.

His steps on the platform are heavy, if only because his mind tricks his body into thinking they are. It's a void that causes the gravity to pull at him though he doubts it actually exists here. Though the loss of three is a tragedy in its own it is the mimikyu's loss that sets his blood to boiling. He tempers it only barely with the certainty that this dream will mean he wakes to her sitting on his chest like she always is by morning. He refuses to accept she's gone until he sees it for himself in the back room of The Stray with an empty pokeball in hand. Only then will he accept it.

Eyes drift, his mind registers the howl but he focuses in on the ghastly limbs looming around them. The entire stage is set in a manner that makes him wonder what has happened and with it what will. They're a part of it now regardless of what they want and they've been played with enough to leave the facade fragmenting bit by bit. Evan steps towards the front of the stage, his eyes hard, jaw clenched. A look rarely seen on him as he readies himself to face this head on.

Evan stands in silence, waiting.

[and while they wait he thinks to himself but why am i here?. I have no place before the gods. Given and forsaken, returned to a world I was never meant for and yet here I am. For what? To bear witness to the powers that left me behind and broken? He shoves such thoughts aside, old wounds he spent too many years seeking an answer for. A question the gods have always ignored.

why open old wounds and questions gone unanswered now? why bring me to a place like this so long after I have let it all go?

It lingers in his mind. He keeps it there.]

>>humans are fools but he doesn't blame anyone because they are only human
>>tells morgan to chill because it's not worth it
>>refuses to believe that his pokemon are fully dead until his in his own space with an empty pokemon
>>which means to avoid being depressed he is a pissed and making a face that actually fits his ouitward appearance for once
>>Moves straight to the front of the stage to take this on face first because fuck it. Let's get it over with.
>>[Contemplates a part of his past he has let go of but this whole shindig reawakens and tbh it probably just makes him more mad]

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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Vampire Rora

Pink Princess
October 31
Lumiose City
Mistress of the Dark
Sick one with a smile
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Natsuki Ryuunosuke
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 4:00:13 GMT
Natsuki Ryuunosuke Avatar








Despite her crys for the lot to work together and stop attacking each other, the slaughter continued until one of the chains had been broken. The jock elevator had been detached and down the lot had begun to fall, from the darkness they had been saved by a creature even god had turned its vision from. Those who had released their pokemon for battle and those hadn’t were now forced to watch as the poor creatures were lit afire and burned with agonizing screams. Natsuki could only turn her head and cover her ears to stop the piercing cries from wrecking her soul, no doubt the trainers who had unleashed their children were watching as the misguided directions had lead to so many deaths. The lot of them were now left to watch as the elevators rose even higher, the sacrifice of there Pokemon payment for there ascension to the upper floors. Just as creepy as the last the group found themselves in yet another room, no doubt something ominous would require them to make yet another choice. “should we try to get out of these elevators ?” she asked @n0ble and , thought with the loss of Derek’s pokemon in the flames she doubted the boy would be much use in helping to get out.


--Asks her elevator cohorts if they should attempt to get out of the elevator.




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 4:01:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Chancelor caught a faint glimpse of @bryony collapsing—crumbling under the weight of her own anxiety and guilt. He may have longed since realize this was nothing more but a very powerful nightmare, but the others didn't have the luxury, the insight, or the fucking common sense for that matter. Though, could he blame them? Of course not—this is a strange world they all live in, after all, but the youngest McQueen lives by a very clever and simple motto: 'if it smells like poop, and looks like crap, then m'boy you dealin' with some shit.' There were simply too many unbelievable circumstances and variables that indicated this little 'event' was indeed a dream. However, that's neither here nor there, Chancelor had to comfort Bryony. He knew how delicate and soft she was and how much she cared about her friends and Pokémon; even in a dream as vivid and powerful as this one, there was bound to be some lasting effect on those weak of will, mind, body, and spirit.

"You're a clown, I got it. Go join the other attractions, big fella'." He snaps at —the man catching an somewhat unwarranted proverbial backhand of sorts in terms of a snide and rude remark. He knocks away his hand placed upon her shoulder with a stalwart conviction before turning his attention to . "You too, Mr. Mime. Y'all ain't got nothin' important to say." Snapping at the man as well, looking down at the both of them due to how foolish and weak willed they were—a thick coat of elitism laced his reckless tongue while an vile of superiority radiated around him. Taking a seat directly beside Bryony, he grins, resting his head on her shoulder; stylized hair brushing against her chin, cheek, and maybe even lips if she turned her head even a little. "Ricky ain't here to cheer ya' up so I guess it's on me to do it, y'know?" The Youngest McQueen chuckles, sucking his teeth in a dramatic fashion. "Not like he know's how to talk to women anyways, he'd probably make it worse. This ain't really, Bry. It's all a very... Realistic dream and you all got played like a saxophone. It's all good, tho' because it means everyone is safe in their beds or whatever, y'know? Pokémon too." He quickly explains, picking his head off her shoulder—the sound of ominous howling getting his attention. "We're dwagons, right?" He says it as cutely as possible, grinning at the Little Dragon. "We're strong when we're together." Internally he cringes at the fact he just spouted such cliche manga shit, but the truth of the matter is, he meant it regardless on how corny it may have sounded. "So, me, Kyle, and El are about to see this through to the end because whatever is doing this needs to be stopped. I don't expect you to move, so just sit there and I'll protect ya'." He stands up quickly and begins to casually walk away, rotating his neck with a prominent bounce to his steps. "Or you can bare those fangs and show em' why you don't fuck with a dwagon. Raawwr." With all that being said, Chancelor simply waits gesturing for to come over and give her dragon sister some needed encouragement and empowerment.

✝ tag(s) - @event
✝ notes -

- gets real protective over Bryony and dares anyone to say anything about it .
- tries to cheer up his sickly little baby .
- calls over noelle to back him up in doing so .
- awaits for the final act with a full team in the back .
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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 5:11:00 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar








Doing nothing was the answer.[break][break]

Bailey Cooper stood dumbfounded as the elevator was engulfed in flames, subjected to the cries of the pokemon as they were unable to escape their fate. The gun in her hand feeling far lighter with the realization that a bullet would not have to be planted between her eyes.[break][break]

“Holy shit,” and she cannot be relieved, because the death that overtook the three elevators was staggering to behold.[break][break]

They said that it was the suffocation that would kill you when immolated—the surrounding fire would suck away the oxygen long before it could have the chance to burn to anything vital. If that was true, then how were these pokemon able to scream?[break][break]

Togekiss had been perched on her shoulder, untouched by the flames by the virtue of standing still.[break][break]

Her hand touched her fairy friend, unable to stop its light tremor. Pure, dumb luck had kept her alive—or, maybe, it was because Bailey Cooper had stuck to her gun and refused to partake in a desperate effort to save her own skin.[break][break]

The door opened.[break][break]

She walked out.[break][break]

Bailey Cooper fell into her own world, trying to ignore the disputes that were bound to arise—this was not the time. was right.[break][break]

Her hands reached for her remaining pokeballs, deploying Kapow; her dragon's scales flared at the sound of the encroaching roar. It was time for another fight.[break][break]

tldr: stepped out of the elevator and deployed her kommo-o



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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 5:11:46 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
The only thing Noelle focuses on in the moment of utter chaos was the distraught look of Bryony. For a moment, she felt helpless. What should she do? What could she do? For a moment, she's briefly frozen, oblivious to most else that went on around her. She heard the briefly snide words of @valyx , and aside from a look and a twitch of her lips into a frown, she didn't do much else. It was only at the beckon of that she was roused back to reality, and her legs carried her towards @bryony without her mind telling them to do so.

She offered Chancelor a small, thankful smile before practically draping herself around the woman the moment he stepped back. Always touchy and overly affectionate, she doesn't think much of the gesture as their cheeks pressed against one another. She wanted to apologize, cry that it 'wasn't fair' and that it 'shouldn't have happened'. But...that wasn't what Bry really needed right now, was it? So, instead of saying anything, Noelle simply...hugged her. Perhaps a bit too tightly, and maybe for a bit longer than what was needed, but, like a security blanket, she practically suffocated the other woman in her presence. The angry glares of others from different elevators were blocked out by her, and she gave a pointed, daring glare to any who stared for too long.

Like a dragon protecting its treasure, she held onto Bryony fiercely, until, finally, settling down by her side and letting her hands hold onto hers. "It'll take more than just some...'dream' to get rid of me, okay?" She had no intention on moving until her companion was ready to - if she ever was ready to. "I'm here with you. Until the end. I promise." She gave her hands a small squeeze. "You know, when we're together, there's nothing we can't do, right? So, when you're ready, we'll face this - together." 

- gives @ morgan a little look
- comforts bryony & opts to stay by her side instead of joining the others
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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 6:01:11 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]


[attr="class","raidName"]HOOPA UNBOUND







[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]



genderless - ??[break]
?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]


AS THE HOWL SUBSIDES, the circular stage trembles. pebbles scatter off the edge from the quaking and plummet into the unknown depths. as the rumbling crescendos, a large loop expands before the party. from the gaping maw of this portal, a two-horned head emerges. its smile exudes a terrifying permanence, as if nothing could phase this creature's killer confidence. its pointed beard is followed by its bushy pony tail, before the rest of its brawny body pulls itself through. floating in the air on two legs, this massive bipedal beast roars, summoning all of its six limbs, three on either side.[break][break][break]

three blue arms, ending in braceleted claws float beside the creature. the other three... do not look like as if they belong to the foreboding presence before you. floating with rot, the reanimated and bloated limbs of , and flex their taloned toes and fingers. in 's decaying hand, a bottle rests.[break][break][break]

the bracelets are six smaller loops, each with their own color. on the left side, descending from top to bottom, the loops are a draconic purple, pink, and gray. on the right side, the descending from top to bottom, the loops are green, red, and blue.[break][break][break]


from the center loop in the creature's stomach, a man of herculean size slams on to the ground, mind trapped by zombification. @altmight returns, bloodied and gored, but with a galvanized taste for death.[break][break][break]

another being leaps from the portal and lands with a resounding thud. the howl returns. 's zombified mega manectric leaps out, its blackened claws carving trenches into the ground. the canine's head, cleft into two, sparks frenzied sparks of electricity that arc in convulsive paths. it roars, its body conducting its surplus of corrupt electric energy. the two familiars of the blue-furred creature seem poised to attack the party.[break][break][break]


the creature speaks, voice booming with the thunder of god. "NO MORE INTERVENTIONS. THE SHADOW IS IMPRISONED."

with a hefty guffaw, the creature tosses the bottle on to a high floating plateau of stone toward the east. it may be possible to get to it by leaping from stone to stone, at the risk of falling to your death.[break][break][break]

"THIS MAY BE YOUR NIGHTMARE," the creature cries, the colored bracelets on its floating limbs expand forth with a furious quaking, "BUT THIS IS MY DREAM."

the creature begins to charge up for an attack while the bloodthirsty ghouls of 's mega manectric and @altmight launch their deadly assaults. you sense that should the creature be successful in launching its charging strike, death will ensue.[break][break][break]


  • the next mod post will be on 10/30 PST.
  • each pink bar above represents a loop with the pink loop being represented in the hover in the top left corner.
  • you may only commit to two of the following actions: attacking the loops/attacking arthur/attacking kyle's mega manectric/pursuing the bottle. try to discuss who will do what in the #halloweenraid channel so that everyone has a role!
  • arthur's player, alt, will post on his own, rolling to maim the party and/or their pokemon.
  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions and roll using the dice command.
  • this is a "death-enabled" event where characters and pokemon may "die"; however, in this event, the character or pokemon simply wake up when "killed".

The Shula Region
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing