i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2019 7:27:00 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Much to Thomas' surprise, joins him in the elevator, and through some sort of strange power, helps dull the pain from his bloody stub of an arm. Though she can't heal the wound, in fear of leaving an infected stub, Thomas smiles gently at her. "It's okay, Cait, thanks for the assist. I don't know what you just did, but thanks all the same.", Thomas reassured her. "And if we make it through - whatever the fuck this is - I can always get a prosthetic arm to replace this one. I'm overdue for a mechanical eye anyway.", he'd tell the shorter woman with a labored chuckle.

In the moment of quiet they had, Thomas couldn't help but think about the rings that spat out the zombie horde. He had seen a ring like that before, when it spit out a Glaceon during @bean2's visit to the Ranch. Was it the same force that summoned the Glaceon, and was it the one responsible for this mess?

But before he could contemplate further, the situation erupted into complete chaos. Thomas held onto the railing with his remaining arm for dear life as the elevators thrashed around. Thomas would notice his boot soles starting to melt against the ground, as it was heated. Words popped up, telling them they made the wrong choice, and now they had to make another choice to survive.

Cait would attempt to make the choice, sacrificing the Jock Elevator so that the more densely populated Nerd elevator would survive. Meanwhile, others in both camps would attempt to attack or support their own elevator. He would see others trying to stop her, while Lars motioned to him to join him.

Finally, Thomas decided that he would try to be one of those to try to find another way out of this. Even if it was for nothing, he refused to allow himself to give into this sort of behavior, yet refused to go out without a fight. Thomas would summon three of his Pokemon as fast as he could.

Kalameet the Hydreigon, Freke the Alakazam, and Colt the Clawitzer all appeared outside of the elevator. Kalameet would get under the elevator, attempting to endure the heated metal, Kalameet's draconian body making it easier on him. Freke would attempt to assist by using Telekinesis, in hopes that their combined strength, and any others helping, would allow them to lift the elevator faster.

Colt would play the role of attempting to stall the fireball somehow. The Clawitzer fired off a Water Pulse downward, hoping that the Water attack would do something to hamper the oncoming blast.


tags: @tag
notes: -Thomas thanks Cait for the assist
-Ponders the rings from earlier
-Watches the scene unfold, before trying to call for order
-Refuses to throw the others under the bus, while refusing to give up without a fight
-Brings out Hydreigon, Pangoro, Clawitzer, and Alakazam
-Clawitzer attempts to help weaken the fire attack with Water Pulse
-Hydreigon, Pangoro, and Alakazam (via Telekinesis) attempt to lift the Jock Elevator, to carry their weight

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2019 23:24:41 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
All she can do is focus on one thing at a time, regardless of the whirl of chaos and events around her. Cutting elevators? Dropping people to their death? Groudon? This wasn't real. And yet, the naturally superstitious side of her said not to take such belief for granted. That aside, dream or not...

Her green stare swept across her gathered family members. As cruel as it was, and as much as she didn't want to hurt anyone, they were her priority. As long as they were safe - by any means...A hand twitched towards one of her pokeballs, trying to decide if she'd aid with felling the other elevators. In the end though, the woman quickly shook off the foul thought when she noticed that there were other ways rather than violence to protect themselves. she briefly pondered 's words, but, she can't help but find cruelty in them. perhaps they held some truth though? 

Slight guilt dared to welled up in her throat at her near failure in judgement, but, she didn't let it hold her back. As optimistic as she wanted to be, if there was no other choice - if the other elevators decided it was hopeless and decided to 'go for it', she wouldn't hesitate like she was now.

With a touch of a hand to her pokeball, two pokemon revealed themselves. Alongside the others, both slowbro and chansey's bodies lightly glowed, as they utilized psychic to try and forcibly pull their elevator up.

- opts to not attack any other elevator, briefly thinks over cadis' words
- has her chansey & slowbro both use psychic to pull the elevator up

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:26:13 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

raid peeps
at bottom of post
The sight of Blaine joining the nerd elevator is comforting to say the least. A friend through all of this is certainly welcome, that much is certain. She offers him a smile, shuffling to make more room for the remaining stragglers. "Thanks for sticking around," she murmurs, gratitude dripping from every word. This entire thing has been nothing but terrifying and staying together could possibly be the only way to handle every obstacle.

She wishes she had thought of that sooner, however, for the latest trial thrown their way is basically punishment for not sticking as a group. Damn it. Her eyes widen at the mere thought of attacking the other elevators. No way, she couldn't. Send them plummeting to their deaths? One look down at the inferno below and she's made her decision. There's absolutely no way she'll sever those chains. Despite this, however, others have begun targeting the various chains. Most make the quick decision to either turn on each other or unleash wave after wave of attacks on the elevators with the most people within them. Naturally, her own elevator is at the top of the food chain. Some attempt to speed up the rate at which their elevators move, using various attacks and strengths to aid their effort. Perhaps the least she could do is buy them all some time...

With her mind made up, she releases three Pokemon to assist those around her. Ninetales, Alolan Vulpix, and one of her Eevees. Each one appears outside the elevators, hovering, unsure of what is fully going on. They do, however, turn their immediate attention to their trainer, eyes expecting orders. "Um," she begins, uncertainty filling her stomach. Will the others be upset with her decision? She shouldn't care if it's the right or wrong decision in this moment... Lives are at stake. "Let's try to buy everyone some time, please. Ninetales, use confuse ray on anyone who gets too close to the chains. Eevee, help her out with double-edge. Vulpix, try to strengthen the previous safeguard with your own. Perhaps if both are in play it'll be difficult to overcome them." Truthfully, she is completely lacking in experience to use these moves to their full effectiveness but... Well, hopefully it'll help. If not, Illeana really isn't sure what else to do. Her Pokemon don't exactly possess the right movesets for such a task, equipped with offensive moves instead of defensive. She'd prefer to keep fighting to a minimum if possible but... With attacks flying at their chains, the most she can offer right now is defensive attacking to ward off attempts at their chains. Perhaps if she had focused a little less on books and a little more on training she could fully understand how to fully help this situation but for now, this is her best attempt at providing aid to those around her.


notes |
- tells she's thankful for his company
- refuses to attack an elevator
- opts to defend against attacks and protect the chains c:
- alolan vulpix joins in the safeguard effort
- ninetales uses confuse ray on anyone getting too close to the chains
- eevee uses double-edge to keep attackers at bay
- she rly has no idea what she's doing srry ya'll

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 1:48:56 GMT
Deleted Avatar

"Y'all wildin' something vicious..." Chancelor speaks to himself, dumbfounded by everything transpiring around him—hazel eyes drifting from person to person, witnessing raw, unbridled, human emotion take flight like a fully evolved Bagon with a new pair of wings. "Y'all got it." He states, shoulders shrugging, not a single Pokémon summoned while the others coordinated attacks, intercepted attacks, and even attempted other methods of seeing through this 'predicament'. Truthfully, the numbers were in his elevators favor; not to mention the crazed female across the way attacking her own 'people'. So, honestly, in his eyes, any action done by him would change absolutely nothing. Besides, the day he'd let some melodramatic nightmare get the better of him and his emotions is the day he'd be face to face with true defeat—yeah, that ain't happening. So, he just stands in place, watching as the massive fireball below creeps closer and closer. "If I ever see any of you in real life. It's hands on sight. No cap. Ya' bunch of liabilities." The Dragoon airs absentmindedly, unfazed, unbothered, and truly above all these silly reindeer games.

✝ tag(s) - @event
✝ notes -


- opts to do nothing because the day some ugly ass voice gets him to act like pennywise is the day mateo stops drop kicking eevee's off cliffs .
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 2:23:39 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Much to Fernando's surprise, an apparition emerges and answers his request in the form of a riddle. There's only so much he can read in between the lines and when added to the elevator dilemma only applies a greater pressure onto his shoulders. Time is ticking and Fernando cuts out all distractions, ignoring the chaos because all of it is irrelevant.

This is his dream and Fernando is the protagonist of his own story. Everyone else is merely an illusion, a poorly replicated image made by his subconsciousness' perception of them. And, while Fernando is too competitive to die lying down, he won't allow these moral eccentric questions steer him off course. Not another one of Yugi's hocus pocus mind tricks will deny him the right to the Silph answer.

"Cut them down. Every last one of them!"

Internally debating the meaning of the spectre's answer is time wasted. That can come after, when they've made it through the more immediate threat of their approaching doom. In hindsight, the previous riddle flows perfectly in conjunction of their current task. And it's not like Fernando has to explain his reasoning. Those around him are mere hallucinations. Even if they weren't, his answer wouldn't change. They can reason out that the safety of the group outweighs the gamble of saving everyone but Fernando knows better.

The only life that matters is his own.

In a series of taps, his Pokemon are released and he orders them to objectively cut the chains of the other elevators. While it would be nice if everyone survived, the riddle explicitly stated that two elevators needed to be cut. That's the focal point of his attacks and any other attempts they make to lift their elevator up through means that don't involve the chain are ignored. The only issue is how to navigate around 's SPOTLIGHT. His only answer is to find a way around it and Silph opts for the only correct answer — brute force.


Noctowl and Greninja appear outside the elevator, poised above them and floating in mid-air. Their stance and gravity defying position, along with the rest of the Pokemon, only reinforce the fact that this is a dream and Fernando cements himself on his lack of remorse. HEATWAVE shoots forward toward the other elevators, looking to melt through both the JOCK and VIRGIN chain. His Greninja doesn't have the same luxury of a large scaled move and opts for throwing a wild barrage of WATER SHURIKEN. While they are traditionally aimed at the JOCK elevator, the lack of precision and sheer numbers may end up cutting at the VIRGIN's chain as well.

Fernando observes absently while he secretly fixates himself on the ghost's answer. "Not the shadow's dream but lured here." But which one, the mysterious Pokemon that tried to assist them earlier or the thing that grabbed it. The master is obviously the former, depicted in the numerous pictures that line the mansion. Wait. Was that Pokemon missing any limbs? Fernando's eyes narrow as he recounts the events that have unfolded, eyes staring over to and .

The shadow's dream. But wasn't this his dream? Does that mean he's the shadowed lured here? No. That doesn't make sense.

Or does it?

— orders his pokemon to cut both of the other elevators.
— noctowl uses HEATWAVE on both elevators.
— greninja uses WATER SHURIKEN on the jock elevator.
— considers the riddle the ghost gave him and stares at balder and blake.
— thinks nerd is most appealing due to sheer numbers.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Vampire Rora

Pink Princess
October 31
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TAG WITH @rora
Natsuki Ryuunosuke
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 2:40:51 GMT
Natsuki Ryuunosuke Avatar








As the lot of them had divided up and walking into there perspective elevators it was clear to one thing, only three of them had been brave enough to pick this particular one. However something seemed to be nagging at the back of her brain, something just wasn’t sitting right with her. These tests to go further into the castle were confusing but she felt like they had to have some underlying point right? Nothing was ever going to be simple that was for sure and no sooner had the doors to the elevators closed the sound of doom began to ring upon their ears. Things were turning ugly and quick as there pokemon were forced back into there balls, the walls to the elevators vanishing as large chains showed to be there only salvation.

Apparently that nagging feeling had been right and they were to have chosen to go as group, the only hope of them passing was to have two elevators go down saving one to ride unto the next destination. The threat was that if they all didn’t bring down two then they would all perish, however Natsuki couldn’t help but wonder if this was another trick. After all they had to work together to open the door and they were supposed to have worked together to choose a door, why would this test of fate be any different? Those words would only fall on deaf ears as people began to call there pokemon, there bodies appearing outside the doors as there trainers began to ask them to attack.

Save for a few who were trying to protect the others. Meanwhile her counterpart seemed to be having a breakdown, the poor fellow was in tears. Her state of mind had already been wrecked by the first two traumatic experiences they had already lived thought “we probably shouldn’t do anything to be honest this thing wants us to have some sort of team work for whatever reason.” sighing she doubted that the sobbing one would listen to anything right now “though” she mused before shaking her head, arms crossing her front as she leaned against the supposed nonexistent walls. “MAYBE WE SHOULD BE WORKING AS A TEAM AND DO NOTHING” she shouted, though the idea that the already raging masses would stop to listen was laughable.


--opts to do nothing but hope her fate is well

-- hopes her should of teamwork might reach someone?





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she / her
november 23
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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 4:05:19 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar
the letters of the text - revealing their collective mistake - doesn't sway persephone, so much as the heat below them does.

she could ponder how they erred in their decision, but the chaos is brought into focused clarity only by the orders being directed from her elevator, and more immediately, by the heat radiating from below.

this is no riddle, this time it seems like a direct order, and sticking together won't save them from a fiery, molten maw of a creature whose name she knew without having ever laid eyes on it.

the idea of helping - of doing anything other than destroy things - does cross persephone's mind, but the adrenaline doesn't allow for it, kyle's suggestion falling to the wayside in lieu of more chaos. cadis' spotlight direct persephone and her pokemon.

she just lost one pokemon, so what's another? claydol calmly places its stout body at the base of the jock's chain and begins to vibrate as the particles making up its body heat and tear themselves apart in an explosion of blinding white.

lucario and mimikyu float as close to their trainer as they can from outside the elevator, one flash cannon following the other in a copycat, also aimed squarely for the jock chain.

» responds to spotlight
» claydol uses explosion on jock chain
» lucario uses flash cannon on jock chain
» mimikyu copycats lucario's flash cannon (also aiming for jock chain)

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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 4:18:29 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar











As soon as they entered the elevator, Solgaleo was forced back into its pokeball, making a surprised Balder fall towards the ground. Luckily, Kyle came to help him inside. "Thanks for the assist, Kyle. And no need for a med kit, I should be fine." As Kyle lets go of him, the man jumps until he reaches the corner of the elevator, putting his back against it to help him stay up. He looked at where his lost leg previously was, relatively surprised that the cotton he had grabbed was actually doing its job.[break][break]

And then, chaos ensued. A death game between the 3 elevators, a gigantic Groudon from the legends surged from the abyss and everyone summoning their pokemons, floating in the void surrounding them. Something completely unreal, and some pokemons seemed disturbed about it, yet others adapted to it quite quickly.[break][break]

As the chaos happened, Balder analysed the actions of those in his elevators. Some tried to force the elevator up, protect it or even assault the Groudon. Some others rushed for the chains of the other elevators. While Balder wasn't really keen on this idea, he couldn't help but agree this was the ideal way to attain survival. Then, the guy who helped them against the monstrous Ursaring proceeded to use the move "Spotlight" on the chain on one of the elevator, forcing some attacks towards it. Sully not your hands, but those of others huh...[break][break]

Then, Fernando proceeded forward. In the same bashful attitude that Balder knew of him, the man took charge, sending most of his pokemons out and began a full out assault. But then, also said words that Balder didn't expect to hear. "Not the shadow's dream, but lured here". "Wait, Fernando, did you...?" Balder stopped in what he was gonna say, thinking back to everything he saw. The tentacles, the black figure getting dragged away into the shadow, the picture frames with claw marks...[break][break]

A nightmare, a trap. Not meant for them per se, but they were called here to help, as the black figure had requested. But if it was all a nightmare, or dream depending on the viewpoint... That would explain why the tentacles crushed and ripped his leg so easily, and held Leo down so much. "If your words are right, Fernando, then all of this would be a trap meant for that Shadow, most likely Darkrai from the legends of Sinnoh. And we were brought here, by mistake or to try and free him. A race against the clock..."[break][break]

Balder called forth two of his pokemons: Ash the Typhlosion and Jaws the Feraligatr. Afterwards, he raised his voice, trying to be loud enough for all the elevators to hear him. "Everyone, this is a nightmare. But it's not real. None of it. We'll wake up from it and have no wounds out of it. And no lost limbs for some of us. If you're not satisfied, feel free to come hit me at the silver spire when we'll be out of here. Now we gotta save the guy who called us here."[break][break]

Jaws and Ash both looked back at their master, wondering what he was on about. The alolan avenger sighed and raised his head. "Now, our elevator needs to reach the top. To have the biggest attacking team and avoid as much casualties as possible. So... Sorry for the other two elevators. I'll buy you a drink to compensate. Ash, Eruption on the chains. Jaws, Ice Fang on them when they are red hot." Both Typhlosion and Feraligatr roared at the same time. Ash began to release the strongest flames she could, unleashing them at the chain of the Jock elevator, thanks to the Spotlight. As the chains became a vivid red, Feraligatr rushed forward, flying between the pokemons. Opening his maw, now covered in ice, he closed it upon the burning chain areas, releasing all the ice power he had accumulated. With some luck, this would make breaking the chains easier.



FOR @raid






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the volatile
August 15th
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 4:46:34 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar







fear was the mindkiller.[break][break]

bailey cooper had failed every math class she had ever been placed in. numbers were never her game. that fact was a constant. she never liked odds--she liked taking the cards from a deck and restacking them in her favor. people called it cheating, but they never knew what it was like to run with such shit luck to begin with.[break][break]

shit luck or shit talent--if there was a difference, she had yet to find it.[break][break]

but there was a moment of luck when her hand checked her holster, finding her gun still tucked away. despite becoming a member of the elite four, she had still clung to her title as an officer. enacting the law had never been her calling, but the thought of protecting others had always been the real draw that kept her grounded.[break][break]

and it was that thought that ease her conscious as she aligned her weapon with , keeping it at eye-level to express lethal intentions. after the war with rocket, and the first time she drew a gun it would be against a gym leader? it was a bad joke. "So, what's the wise idea? Shiv us all to death so you can feel good about yourself in your final moments? Fuck off."[break][break]

"Keep that shitty knife out of my face--you can off yourself after I'm done," and the once-cop would sonder to the side of the elevator, looking far calmer than she had any right to be. the blood riddle on the wall left her cold; her eyes scanning the other two elevators for a rough head count.[break][break]

too many. they would panic. they would attack the chains--and there was no way to stack the numbers for this to twist in her favor.[break][break]

Death was inevitable. It was accepted. hadn't she flirted with its appearance one too many times? Slipped so quickly between its fingertips that she was spared? spared to leave someone else in its wake? it was only fair that it would be her turn to finally stand at the chopping block.[break][break]

She would not let human decency desert her. Attack the chains? Why? So she could grovel like a beaten dog and hope for mercy? Sacrifice others to keep running to whatever waited for them? And then what? Get cut down again?[break][break]

Who the fuck could live with themselves after that?[break][break]

No, it was better to go with dignity. "Hey Perse, guess I got the short end of the stick," and the Elite Four member wondered if her voice could cut through everyone's panic to reach her ears; her tone jovial. "Tough break, huh?"[break][break]

a breath; a pause.[break][break]

"I wouldn't worry about me--I can end it all like flipping a light switch, okay?" and she wondered if it was her own attempt to justify it to herself. "I don't want to get crisped up. A burn heal won't do shit for that. It's, uh, an ugly way to go..."[break][break]

She does not falter for long.[break][break]

"Head to my ranch if you get outta this--someone's gonna have to explain what happened," and her fist finally clenched from where it was pressed to the glass, hinting at the gut-wrenching dread that had hollowed her from the inside. "And, uh... thanks. I went out knowing that you knew me at my best."[break][break]

And there was nothing else to be said.[break][break]


tldr: bailey removes her gun from her holster as a way of controlling the crazy cait situation. leans against the glass wall, speaking to while keeping a hand on the gun as a deterrent. explains to perse that she won't let herself burn to death, insinuating suicide. does not make an effort to touch the chains. explains that her pokemon should have “someone to tell them what happened” and “I went out knowing that you knew me at my best.”



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27 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Blaine Jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blaine
Blaine Jones
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 4:56:25 GMT
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Having someone to stick by through this was pretty beneficial for Blaine too. While he wasn't exactly scared of the situation now that they were just in an elevator instead of facing off against a horde of zombies, the company and the motivation to keep them safe that came with it was enough to keep his mind off of what happened to poor Raichu for the moment. "Its no problem, I'm gonna try to at least get us both through all this after all." It was easy to tell that there was nothing but truth behind the detective's words.[break][break]

As their elevator went upwards and the messages on the wall were revealed he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, a little bit of regret running through his mind. Having everyone stick together made so much sense, splitting up the group was a big no no in practically every situation. If he wasn't so out of it from the events that happened outside the castle he might of thought to mention it to everyone, but it was too late now for regrets.[break][break]

For a few moments Blaine stood around thinking, watching other people around him send out pokemon to do various things outside the elevators. From what he could see of what exactly shot the huge fireball that was approaching them he doubted that any of them had something with the kind of power to actually put out the fire. [break][break]

While he thought he focused on what another guy in the elevator was saying, about this all being a nightmare and they'd wake up at the end. It did make a bit of sense, while he didn't hear everything that the man who just spoke did due to being lost in his thoughts, to his knowledge Darkrai's powers had something to do with dreams and nightmares. If this was really a trap for the legendary then things were probably a bit more dire then he thought.[break][break]

Having made up his mind on what he planned to do Blaine reached down and tapped one of the pokeballs on his belt, his Slowking appearing outside the elevator. The thought of actually attacking the other chains had only briefly entered his mind, his whole current path in life was to help people and he was going to at least continue to try that. All his thoughts were just over what exactly he could do to help. Turning his head to look over at Illeana again he muttered out a simple, "So I think I have an idea to keep our chain good, I don't know if it'll work out. But hey if we do make it out of here and this is all just a dream we should hang out sometime." Just a nice thought to go out on if things went bad for this elevator.[break][break]

"Alright Pinky, use heal pulse on our elevator." The detective called out with a look of slight concern on his face, he had literally no idea if heal pulse would help. Not having time to argue the Slowking simply raised its arms up in front of itself, emitting a faint blue and green glow that gently enveloped the elevator and its chain in an attempt to repair it. [break][break]

[tl;dr: Refused to attack any of the other chains, didnt become a detective to hurt people nahh, didn't think they could put out the fireball, said things to yet again new friends whatsup, believed the whole its a nightmare thing said, sent out Slowking to use heal pulse to try to repair anything done to their chain.]




540 WORDS FOR @raids


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 8:13:03 GMT
NPC Avatar



"death enabled" raid


[attr="class","ihead"]INSIDE THE VIRGIN & JOCK ELEVATOR


there is little time. the fire billows upward in a pyroclastic pillar, threatening to consume all things. as 's cries echo in unheeded laments, 's and @n0ble's pokemon would discover that their attacks strike through nothing; the groudon's visage contorts into a psychedelic spiral, the reds of its body turning into a singular red nose. a clown greets them from the darkness, laughing with a bobbing rhythm like the denizen that haunts the inside of a jack-in-the-box.[break][break][break]

's immediate acts of protection are able to stave off 's self-destructive assault. after @valyx's greninja deters the time-traveling fairy with a potent SUCKER PUNCH, their respective pokemon clash among COTTON SPORES. within the chaos of the jocks' elevator, 's knife draws blood. it plunges into 's palm, driving the blade straight through flesh and bone. [break][break][break]

in desperation, wields her gun, heating the clay of their tension brittle.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]LIFTING THE ELEVATORS

releases her rotom. in a heroic, yet despairing attempt, the ghost pokemon attempts to possess the elevator, but to no avail. almost psychically, the bug specialist feels the apathetic chill of the chain the rotom tries to control. instead, the rotom zaps around in frantic paths, exhausting all trials to appease its owner.[break][break][break]


a TELEKINESIS from 's mega metagross tries to lift the elevator; despite the valiant effort, those in the virgin and nerd elevator will realize that the elevator stops short at a certain distance. limited by the chain's thwarting tether, the elevator is confined to a helpless height. even then, ' gardevoir is able to DISABLE the TELEKINESIS, sending the jock elevator toppling back down, jostling all of its participants before 's hydreigon and alakazam are able to lift and stabilize it.[break][break][break]

' infernape ASSISTS 's espeon in their hoisting of the nerd elevator alongside 's pokemon. nevertheless...[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE CHAINS

is the only one attempting a severance of the nerds' elevator chain. his altaria and gallade skirmish with @bryony's and 's impeccable set up of defenses. bryony's turtwig is able deter a brilliant pink MOONBLAST with a WIDE GUARD; however, the PSYCHO CUT is able to rock the jock elevator with a terrifying rattle as the gallade avoids 's ninetales' CONFUSE RAY.[break][break][break]

as and 's pokemon prepare a PROTECT and DETECT for the nerd elevator's chain, their scholarly peers waste no time in attacking. ' starmie's SPOTLIGHT proves dangerously effective, redirecting 's lycanroc's STONE EDGE toward the jock elevator's chain. explosions, lightning, beams, and blades clash against the jocks' chains, thanks to , , , and .[break][break][break]

those inside the jock elevator will find that their chain is sturdy... it holds well, but steel chips clatter against the invisible wall of their elevator. 's slowking and his HEAL PULSE fail to restore the chain to its original condition much to their chagrin. finally, and find that their pokemon's FIRE MOVES are the most effective. they burn through the chain, melting its metal with ease.[break][break][break]


those in the jock elevator feel their cab lurch violently... before the intense rush of vertigo tosses the contents of their stomachs upward, their elevator car beginning to plummet. despite 's attempt to strike at the other chains, the potency of his pokemon's attacks is naturally weaker on for the virgin elevator chain.[break][break][break]

with two elevators still chained together, almost all seems lost.

[attr="class","ihead"]THE CHAINS


it appears 's call for help is heeded. as the jock elevator drops, the shadowy creature reemerges. it looks worse for wear, its ghostly plumage in tatters. regardless, it re-materializes in time to grab the nerd elevator's chain. its umbral claws pulse a purple force around the elevator and hoist it up alongside the rest. the darkrai glues the chain back to the rest with a swift motion, a pulsating purple orb keeping the elevator connected.[break][break][break]

its single eye widens as the flames surge forth. although trainers may attempt to recall their pokemon, such commands fail to work. as fires rush past and around the elevators, everyone inside will see the burning bodies of the pokemon they unknowingly sent out to their deaths. they can hear the screams. they can see the stripping of flesh. they bang and claw at the elevator walls, begging for help. begging for their owners to save them- or to give them one last utterance of praise. soon, their wails die down, their skin, muscle and bone charred to gaunt charcoal.[break][break][break]


everyone inside each elevator will find that the only discomfort they have is the hot metal of their flooring. as the flames subside, the shadowy creature is nowhere to be found. instead, they can see the burnt husks of their pokemon plummeting into the unhinged jaws of the ever-smiling clown. miraculously, 's ninetales has survived, a curious purple barrier hugging its trembling form.[break][break][break]

the dead:
musharna, mimikyu, cottonee, celebi, venusaur, gardevoir, altaria, drampa, turtwig, greninja, altaria, gallade, mega metagross, gardevoir, infernape, starmie, turtonator, espeon, sableye, aegislash, chandelure, rotom, mega garchomp, feraligatr, salamence, dragonite, blaziken, aegislash, lycanroc, dusknoir, hydreigon, alakazam, clawitzer, alolan vulpix, eevee, greninja, noctowl, claydol, lucario, mimikyu, typhlosion, feraligatr, slowking.

in the aftermath of the cremation, many will realize that the deaths of all their pokemon could have been avoided should they have remained still in their elevators. the speed in which the elevators rise to the upper floor has not changed. a sham played for foolish tragedy.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE FINAL FLOOR


the elevators reach the upper floor. their walls and chains phase away, leaving their iron ceilings and floor floating oddly on this circular stage. the stage seems to float in some undefined space, and loops hang in the air in various angles. here too, there has been a struggle. claw marks tear across the ground and in the various stones and buildings that float in the air around you. three long, bluish limbs float too, their ends torn in raggedy pieces.[break][break][break]

a tortured howl sounds in the distance. it's muffled. one of the rings vibrates with an unnerving resonance.[break][break][break]




the next mod post will be on 10/27 PST.

  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions. some posts may require rolls using the dice command.
  • this is a "death-enabled" event where characters and pokemon may "die"; however, in this event, the character or pokemon simply wake up when "killed".

link to event sign-up page:

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may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 9:04:41 GMT
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cait retrieves her blade with the lurch of her hand, her expression pained as she is confronted with the lost of her venusaur and gardevoir - and the temporarily vanquished celebi; yet she holds fast to her faith, for her god is everlasting

"may you be free of this hell," she prayed, quiet and mournful. "
and may we meet again.

there was blood on her hands and she glanced down at 's life essence. no apologies were uttered by the young woman and no amount of regret dictated her following actions, her mind fixated on ensuring that the people whom she was willing to die for were safe. and while she was utterly shaken to her core, cait forced herself to walk upon unsteady legs to her goal. 

this is - "

she blinks for a moment, her brows furrowed as she takes stock of her immediate surroundings. everything was so surreal that it was difficult for her to comprehend, the sight alone leaving her momentarily gobsmacked and distracted. there was a curiously distant look in her eye, for she felt odd in the wake of tragedy; for her actions had brought to light her willingness to irrevocably stain her hands with the blood of another.  

'i should feel guilty,' she thought. 'i should be begging for forgiveness.' 

and yet she wasn't compelled to - not in the least.

this is hell," she ascertained. 

'or a nightmare.'

cait flexed her fingers, a glow returning to her eyes as she felt the stirrings of her gift - curious to see if she was still capable. the feeling of power alone further strengthened her resolve, and without a backward glance to those whom had occupied jock's elevator; she moved to return to 's side, tucking her folded knife into her back pocket as she did so. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 10:43:57 GMT
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Let's face it,

Your replacement is

All the hopes and the dreams

You took right out of me

I've outgrown your

All of your silly little things

Outgrown those silly little games


The lurch in the elevator was the moment when his life flashed before his eyes. As the chaos outside continued, he watched as the jock chain was continually battered by assault, his own elevator responding in turn. He felt the chain drop, the intense heat from below slowly getting greater. Not a good way to go. Were his final thoughts, as he closed his eyes, hoping to God his last few moments weren't screams. He didn't want to be remembered that way. The floor heated up, further, as the flames engulfed the elevator.[break][break]

And then nothing. By sheer stroke of luck, nothing further than the discomfort of the fire reached them. Outside, he watched as the fire engulfs his Gamakichi, the only one he had commanded to move, as it is engulfed in flames, Morgan closes his eyes knowing full well he had sent it to its death. He chose not to show his sadness. [break][break]

Stepping out of the clownjock elevator, Morgan set his Pokeballs back in order. He had lost one, the other five should get him through safely, hopefully. He did not fault the others for trying to kill him, it just showed what kind of person they were when the chips were down. Still, the idea of unloading his entire arsenal on the nerd elevator and restarting the battle was a fun idea, especially as the dark haired, green haired girl slinked her way back over to the nerd elevator. [break][break]

Morgan pulled off the most smug, shit-eating grin as he walked out the door to everyone that refused to listen to him in the elevator. "Hate to say I told you so." He lied, "But I told you so."[break][break]

+ Morgan: "You are not a clown, you are the entire circus." - Irresponsible Prosecutor Man, circa 2001[break][break]


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 15:08:51 GMT
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nightmare? no. this was the dream.

although it should be considered a wrong move, kyle did not regret playing it safe. losing half of his team under a very short period of time hurt him, both emotionally and practically, but feelings like these would leave him vulnerable. he locks it up, hardening his resolve to finish this quest.

he steps out of the elevator, a clenched fist raised as he walks ahead of everyone. the elite four leads the front lines, rallying everyone once more after the chaotic event that took place. he raises his voice, uncharacteristically of him, as he attempts to grab everyone's attention.

"reserve the grieving and the arguments for later! now's not the time. whether this is a dream or not, we're surviving this game with as little casualty as possible. set your differences aside for this endeavor, please!

the setting follows game archetypes. floating islands, mysterious designs and patterns, eerie atmosphere... it just sets everything up for one climatic ending. what comes next is undetermined, but kyle knows it is something they should all be taking seriously. he starts muttering his thoughts aloud.

"the stage is set. we're facing the final boss soon. this is the-- dog!"

his voice cracks with the howl, quickly turning his head to the direction. he tries to identify its species, though he couldn't quite recognize it from the suppressed sound.

  • makes an anime speech
  • gets distracted by the howl


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 17:35:24 GMT
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Someone else shares her thoughts: this is all a dream. She wants to believe this, and maybe she does, but something nags at her. Fear? Anxiety? The world around them is too real for it to be only a harmless nightmare.

Wake up from it?

Will they wake up from it?

Flames flicker and twist in Bryony's pale eyes as the elevator is swallowed whole. She carries herself forward to press her hands to the smooth glass. She can make out the images of her drampa and turtwig but it is her Altaria that throws itself into the glass. Its high, singing voice resonates throughout the inferno. Only, it is not singing.

It is screaming.

It is screaming in a desperate, frantic song, a noise so sharp it makes her head ache.

The fires disappear. The other elevators are in tact. Her Pokemon are gone. The other elevators are in tact, people seemingly unharmed inside, chains held strong above. Bryony takes a step back and then another and then her weight is suddenly too much to hold up and like a marionette, strings cut, she collapses to her knees.

This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream.

A trembling hand lifts to her mouth. How does everyone else stand in the light of this tragedy? How do they keep their heads up?

- bryony is done playing this game. she's collapsed to her knees and is currently refusing to move.

[attr="class","b-dead"] [attr="class","b-dead"] [attr="class","b-dead"] [attr="class","b-dead"]

[newclass=.b-dead]filter:grayscale(100%); opacity: .6;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing