Aurorus Winter Ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2019 5:13:09 GMT
shiv Avatar





[attr="class","ihead"]SOMETHING HAPPENED!


THE HEARTH ROARS TO LIFE! thanks to the efforts of several trainers and their pokemon, heat begins to return to the lodge. to prevent the fire from burning out, several rolycoly are settled into the fire. once they nestle themselves in the wood and ash, they grin with their orange eyes.[break][break][break]


a blizzard begins to blow outside. it seems as if the weather is becoming more intense.[break][break][break]

@eloise, , , , , , , , and @bean3 receive the following items:[break]

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2019 8:48:52 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Much better." Rolycoly now nestled in the fireplace, keeping the flames kindled. They had a pleasant expression that Adrian was able to share, glad for their hasty assist in dealing with the winter squall. But the fact the wind had blown so fiercely, now that had completely garnered his attention.

Adrian astride Howitzer abandons his spot by the fireside, unseating himself from his arcanine as he nears the lodge entrance, swinging the hardwood door aside that he might be able to check the surrounding Jagged Pass. It hadn't looked welcoming outside for the snow alone.

He held his hand to his brow like a visor, the other hand keeping a firm grip on the doorknob, trying not to let the winds rip it from his grasp.

But Adrian couldn't make out much save for the landscape in this whiteout. And that the weather only worsened around them, he could see plainly.

Shutting the door before Howitzer could hope to run outside, he stared back at the dance floor with mixed longing, considering another glass of spirits. But the weather had his paranoia running rampant.

Maybe he ought to tell somebody? He hadn't heard anything about this in the day's forecast. But then, the entire climate had gone topsy-turvy...

tl;dr Just being paranoid about the weather, minding the door out of a misguided impulse. Mostly because I wanted to bump the thread.
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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errand boy
lost in thoughts
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843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2019 18:18:06 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"you should take care where you're going, lady," he responds to @eloise 's blunder. it was surprisingly respectful, given priam's usual behavior.

returning to , priam simply chuckles at jet's words when he comes back. "disgust? no, no. that, my friend, is their state of shock." he hasn't actually seen the reaction, having turned his back even before he could get the chance.

still, a dare's a dare, and he had to prove his dominance by doing it.

he recovers quickly, wide eyes scanning the room for anyone that he might like. perhaps it was his superiors trying to steer him away from anything that distracts him from work, or that he just doesn't have a meaningful social life, that he's not used to picking out pretty girls from the crowd.

instead, he gives jet a straightforward answer. "i'unno. everyone looks rich in this place." he decides to consciously ignore those that weren't nicely dressed for the occasion. his finger points to the solgaleo in the room as well, who shimmers with lights for some reason priam does not know. "like that pokemon's gotta be fancy and expensive as hell, right?"

his eyes turn to the doors outside. "do you think i can still escape this place?" the blizzards outside did prove themselves to be growing too wild for his comfort.


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2019 2:37:50 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Suddenly, the wind began to tear across the landscape and her own eyes grew wide as the windows shuddered and the fire in the hearth was snuffed out by the intense winds. Their dance was abruptly pulled to a halt, but she could easily understand why. Almost everyone else on the dance floor stopped as well. Quite surprised, Ruby took a step back with a soft laugh. It seemed like he was taking that time to dismiss himself. Not that she had a problem with it, of course. In fact, she couldn't stop herself from smiling. "I will!"

Even as he walked away, she watched a crowd of people suddenly pull out several of their pokemon to use an assortment of fire-type moves to restore the hearth back to its former glory. Slowly moving off of the dance floor, she couldn't help but be surprised with just how many Pokemon were able to fit into the massive ballroom. Of course, this got her slowly thinking.

Darling the Indeedee, seeing Ruby was no longer dancing, slowly began to make their way back over to their Trainer's side. Smiling softly, Ruby leaned down and gently kissed the top of their head. "Thank you for your help, sweetie. I never would have danced if you weren't there to help." Of course, this only made Darling's smile widen even more, looking a bit bashful, but smiling all the same. Taking the smaller Pokemon's hand, Ruby began to lead the way towards the front door. If they could have all their pokemon inside, why couldn't she bring Opal in?

She stepped outside, walking politely past and almost immediately regretted it. The wind was biting away at her skin, incredibly cold. Yelping in shock, Ruby quickly yelled out to Opal. Unfortunately, there was no way she was walking all the way in this horrible weather. "Opal! Where are you?!" She carefully retrieved the Aurorus's empty Pokeball, waiting patiently despite the teeth-chattering cold. "Opaaaaal!"

And just like that, the dinosaur Pokemon slowly began to walk into view through the beginning blizzard. She absolutely looked like she was enjoying the weather, walking with a bounce to their step. Of course, this only made Ruby laugh softly. As soon as they were within range, she quickly retrieved Opal and walked back inside with Darling.

Brushing off the snow from her dress and hair, Ruby shook from the intense cold and turned to look at the man standing near the door as well. "H-heh... it's kind of a bit much outside, isn't it?" Of course, the entire time she talked, Ruby was rubbing her arms to try and heat up as fast as she could.

notes: Walked outside to get Opal past and immediately hated the cold! Retrieving her Aurorus and walking back inside, she stopped to have a conversation with Adrian, who was by the door.


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #B8D9EC; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2019 6:03:29 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Yeah." Stepping aside for , he observed as she began to warm herself up from even just shortly stepping outside. Reaching with his left hand for Howitzer, he too did what he could to stay warm, getting cozy with his arcanine.

"I'm not sure if this was part of today's forecast," he admitted to the girl with a hint of suspicion, the sense of foreboding yet to leave his guts as anything but a tangle of knots and butterflies. "Hopefully it blows over shortly."

He should've known better, known to bite back his tongue sooner than share his worrying with a stranger, especially a child at that. Unfurling his brow, Adrian introduced himself. "I'm Adrian, by the way." Making a point to ask for their name as well, a faint smile persisting after: "And you...?"

tl;dr Introductions w/ Ruby. uwu
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2019 18:24:25 GMT
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“Oh, well uh... The mistletoe was my idea.” Petra answers 's curiosity about her Chandelure, who thankfully hadn't gotten itself into too much trouble thus far. “I thought it would be kinda...cute? My family usually had a mistletoe between every room, so almost nobody could get in or out without getting caught eventually.”

She laughs a little, remembering all the times somebody forgot about them, or stood there waiting for someone to pounce on. It was good fun, or at least, she liked to think so...

“But I actually told my Chandelure not to come near me with that thing! got pretty lucky with that one... I'll be keeping my eye out to make sure they don't try anything like that on me again.” Taking out here pokeball, Petra waves at half angrily at her Chandelure, who doesn't notice their trainer as it's committed to 's plan.

tl;dr talking w/ shinra [attr="class","merktagI"]@event

[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #DEA02C; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2019 0:11:50 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

She almost immediately let her eyes drift over to the Arcanine. Oh, what she wouldn't give to be cuddled up to such a warm boy right about now. However, as he spoke her eyes quickly snapped back to him. She honestly didn't check the forecast today, mostly expecting to stay inside at the ball and then go to her room. It only just now dawned on her that not everyone had a hotel room here. Some of them might have to still travel home, but that wasn't likely to happen with this kind of weather. She hummed in agreement, slowly moving closer towards his Arcanine as if to try and absorb some of his warmth. "I hope so too. Traveling like this isn't going to be possible at all!"

As soon as he introduced himself, Ruby quickly nodded, unable to stop smiling softly as she noticed a faint smile growing on his own expression. "Oh, my name is Ruby. Ruby Walker, that is." She spoke softly, as she always did. Finally unable to help herself, she gently reached over to pat the top of his Arcanine's head, gently petting it as she stepped even closer to absorb some of that radiant heat he just put off. She felt much warmer already. Darling, of course, simply stood back with a soft, patient smile on her face.

"I'm uh, from the Galar region actually. I'm used to the occasional snowstorm back home, but here in Hoenn I was kind of expecting not to see any snow at all, you know? It's so tropical and stuff."
Ruby suddenly paused, realizing that she was talking for quite some time and dominating the conversation. "... So where do you come from? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

notes: Talked with Adrian, pet a good boy and tried to soak up some radiant heat.


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #B8D9EC; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2019 4:55:55 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian wrestled an arm around the back of Howitzer's mane, forcing her to remain steady as Ruby gave her a pat before clinging to the warmth exuding from her frame. He too had been chilled by his short time outside, glad to be able to warm up, and help Ruby Walker with as much.

"Galar? I've never been." Everything he'd come to know about Galar had been knowledge acquired only recently, and specifically about the pokemon that came from there, and which ones were slowly being introduced as per the softening of the embargo. "The Prince was my Secret Santa, actually." Not everyone could say that, right?

Had he meant to be such a braggart? Perhaps.

But she had asked him of his origins, which he would of course happily divulge. "I'm from Sinnoh myself, actually." There wasn't much else to it, and although he'd normally love a chance to laud his homeland, he insisted on keeping the dialogue less one-sided. "But I like it here, despite all the sweating and soot..."

His laugh was sheepish, of one hoping not to offend any eavesdropping Hoennian natives.

tl;dr Talking w/ still, and warming up together. uwu
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2019 17:02:44 GMT
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in her attempt to get her butt out of bed for once, she attends the ball. [break][break]

even if it were less of a ball, and more of a casual gathering. as to not stand out, she dressed up appropriately-- if you consider appropriately as a relatively ugly christmas sweater of tiny stantler horizontally lining the wool. the only reason it wasn't itching her was because she had half the mind to wear a thin layer underneath, so she likes to think she was fairly snug. [break][break]

snug as she could ever be, at least. [break][break]

she narrows her eyes, taking a gander at the cabin before letting out a sigh. on top of her head sat her swablu, perched like a hat. thankfully, she could stand by the fire to warm herself up. there seems to be a few people trying to warm up, as well. she groans. catching a fire type in the future will probably serve her well; especially because she didn't want her headphones to be freezing up in this weather. "yo, jinco." she glances up at the swablu, who hums and curls into her wings. "oi, don't go taking a nap on me.." she sighs. [break][break]

she lowers her hands from the headphones and raises them up to gently hold the napping swablu in place.

- she's cold and sad and alone
- trying to wake up swablu


[newclass=.vanessa] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.vanessa b] color: #ffadad; [/newclass]
[newclass=.vanessa i] color: #adadad; font-style: italic; [/newclass]
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
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1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2019 14:11:01 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Familiar arms wrap around her waist, effectively breaking her from her dance with @gawdzilla. Warmth fills her cheeks as she glances back to see who it is that's borrowed her attention. When she falls upon the face of Oswald, she breaks into a smile before entwining her fingers in his.[break][break]

While Oz himself also assists in relighting the hearth, she takes matters into her own hands to pull him along the dance floor and deeper into the party.[break][break]

Before that, however, she nods to Caius and grins.[break][break]

"That would be lovely! I'm sure there's a lot we could learn from one another when it comes to battling."[break][break]

Caius also melts into the crowd and she places her hand on Oswald's shoulder. She smiles thoughtfully up at him as she ponders his question. There are several mistletoe hanging idly in several areas of the lodge. It isn't surprising or subtle how quickly she manages to dance closer to one.[break][break]

"I'd say my night is going quite well."[break][break]

As she says this she leans up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on Oswald's lips.[break][break]

- dance with caius is interrupted by oswald[break]
- stormy answers caius and promises to practice training with him another time[break]
- dances with oswald towards a hanging mistletoe to attempt to kiss him


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2019 22:19:38 GMT
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Caius looked over his shoulder, back near where he recently departed and saw a familiar face by the fire. No other but Monty Conway... Except his hair seemed to change color? From green to cotton candy maybe?

Heading on over to stand next to his buddy Caius leaned over and spoke in code, "The murkrow calls at dawn." he muttered to @vanessa under the impression she was someone else. Though, he had never seen Monty with a weird bird thing on his head. Maybe he dyed his hair? Whatever he was just glad to see his buddy. Though, the code he spoke didn't really mean anything, it was just code.

"The snorlax eats in the tallest peeks... Monty are you getting anything I'm saying?" he looked down at who he suspected to be his friend.

tl;dr Confuses vanessa for Monty. Speaks in code.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2019 22:20:42 GMT
Deleted Avatar

She's overwhelmed, first because of all of the people and bustle and laughter and music. But second because Cait has gone ahead and introduced her as not a friend, but her date. The word causes a flutter in her chest and she gasps slightly, unsure how to respond and deeply flattered. Perhaps embarrassed because she herself hadn't assumed this as anything but friends - she was naive and oblivious to her own emotions. But now that Cait had indicated what this was, what the green-haired woman wanted it to be.. she was relieved and delighted.[break][break]

"Y-yes, her date. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Silph."[break][break]

Avery blushes once again, her bashfulness coming out in a deep shade of pink. Her hand reaches for Cait's and she opts to squeeze it, more for her own reassurance than for Cait's. The girl with them disappears from the group to do her own thing and she glances back at Cait as Fernando does the same, indicating they get along and have fun.[break][break]

"So? Would you like to dance, perhaps?"[break][break]

-blushes at cait's forward introduction of herself[break]
-more formally greets fernando[break]
-asks cait to dance


[newclass=.bodygold] font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; padding: 35px; width: 330px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 30px; text-align: justify; background: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 3px; [/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2019 23:19:11 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

one half of the doors to the outside almost flew off its hinges as a blonde man came barreling through them, his festive sweater wet with snow slush and its christmas colored lights were flickering on and off. once inside kazimir breathed heavily to make sure that air was getting into his lungs as he made his way towards the table with all the warmest food he could find. he had to stop himself as his oncoming cold was getting so bad he didn't see where he was going and almost rammed into the solgaleo disco ball "dang...didn't know that's what a shiny pyroar looked like...guh."

he really wanted some hot chocolate to warm himself up. finding a cup and a dispenser for it he took his time enjoying his drink and letting it warm up his insides. while he did he turned his attention to the dance floor, watching everyone get groovy with the music selection that was being picked. if his bones didn't feel so stiff he would probably join all of them.

    +casually enters the party late and sips hot cocoa by the crafts table.


[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #44d4e4; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:left; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 8px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 3:51:03 GMT
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Beyond the grand slopes of the pass, swelling white up to the lofty steeps of Mt. Chimney itself, is the Highland Lodge complete with every rustic, festive trapping conceivable. Holiday lights, ribbons, mistletoe, etc.

"What a pain."

Pale gaze sweeps over the bridge of his shoulder, expression dulling as he steps through the snowy corridor followed by his tinselly leafeon into a tall, long-beamed room.

Fire burns in a stone hearth, its flames mirror in the oaken floor and far to the other side pointed windows let in heavy light that presses down hard on the relative gloom of the evening.

Forgoes the legendary lion discoball, hoping against hope he'd find a drink, arceus, maybe even a smoke as he ambles along the periphery. He isn't lit up enough for this. . . unlike his twinkly christmas sweater.

tldr; this was a mistake where is the bar

@event / <3

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 9:06:25 GMT
shiv Avatar





[attr="class","ihead"]SOMETHING HAPPENED!

A SEVERE RUMBLING can be heard in the distance. the dancers stop once more, and the music stops. in the bar, glasses begin to rattle and clatter, their high-pitched chiming begins to intensify to a point where the barkeep worries they may shatter.[break][break]

a staff member runs from the windows, screaming, "AVALANCHE!"[break][break]


the roaring of snow rushes into the lodge. windows smash wide open as the avalanche impacts the building. snow surges into the ballroom and forces the entire structure to quake. screams distort in the vibrating air as the wave of snow continues to surge past the lodge and down the jagged pass. after a while, everything stills. people and pokemon emerge from their hiding places... [break][break]

those in the lodge would soon find out that the exits are submerged in thick, icy snow. all natural lighting is lost, and despite the hotel's lighting and hearth's luminescence, the rooms darken with haunting shadows. everyone is snowed in.[break][break]

to allow for an escape, you must carve out an exit using your pokemon.



TO ESCAPE, use a pokemon to break down the wall of snow blocking one of the exits. the rolls above represent the main wall of snow that is blocking the exits and entrances. in order to carve a path of escape, you must collectively roll and match every single one of the rolled numbers above! of course, depending on the time, you may only need to match most instead of all![break][break]

you can only roll once per post, but you can roll as many times as you want! those who roll will receive rewards. lastly, as a note, 's player may choose if her aurorus is inside the building or submerged in the snow.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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