Aurorus Winter Ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jet O'Haire
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 17:57:16 GMT
Jet O'Haire Avatar

Lifting his gaze from the ground, Jet's teal eyes met that of the other blue haired man who was approaching him with way too happy of a smile. The night just started? Why are you so happy? he thought to himself unable to keep a grin forming on his face too. This guy's energy was infectious and the smile alone already made him want to give one back. It did seem odd that he was smiling even when just wheeling in that other kid and leaving them with someone else. He didn't know anyone here but some seemed familiar. The other blue haired person looked vaguely familiar to Jet but he wasn't too sure from where. Another Rocket grunt maybe? Well regardless he seemed to be overly enthusiastic in general. He had a gleam in his red eyes that seemed to be in total opposition to the glint in his own.

"I'm not lonely." he said smirking back at the other boy. Not a second later a tiny furry spec of an insect began to crawl around his arm and up to his shoulder. It's beady little blue eyes seemed to be scanning, almost seizing up this new person who just arrived with a curious wonder. "Anyway friend, what's you name?" he decided to roll with what this guy was saying for now. He may as well try to have fun while he was there. Speaking of fun, Cyc hovered behind Priam, waiting for him to turn around so the little ghost could scare him.

tl;dr just chatting with Priam while joltik scurries around him and duskull floats around


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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
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596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 17:58:52 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

she laughed airily in response to fernando's attire, the man appearing to be in the midst of begrudging the circumstances that had led him here. the grin she offered in response to his greetings was brimming with amusement and the usual amount of adoration, cait deciding to simply respond to his welcome as opposed to commenting on his fanciful garb.

merry christmas, sir," she chimed.

her gardevoir snickered, covering her mouth with a hand in a half-hearted attempt to conceal her amusement. her mistress's gaze lingered upon the man's back as he moved on as she worked on polishing off the remainder of her treat. 


evan's sudden and unannounced presence caused her to jump, a rush of air escaping her as she shot the heavily tattooed man a pointed look that lacked any amount of heat.

gods, evan," she breathed, her shoulders lightly sagging. "you can't do that, you ass. you very nearly gave me a heart attack."

she moved to lightly slap him on the shoulder before a grin returned to her face.

but thanks for the compliment."

cait gives him a once over, her brows furrowing deeply. 

that's definitely the... ugliest sweater i've ever had the pleasure of seeing."

she very nearly missed stormy's entrance, but the sight of her waving in her direction both caught her eye and caused her to wave excitably in response.


cait beckons, hopeful that her friend would accept her impromptu invitation. their 'favorite councilman' made his very own entrance shortly after, with the young gym leader releasing a quiet snort in response to his announcement.

[ outfit

- cait is amused by outfit, but decides against commenting how ridiculous he looks.

- she is surprised by and moves to give him a light slap on the shoulder before commenting on his - um - beautiful sweater.

- cait urged to join them with a gesture.

- acknowledges 's existence, i guess. 

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Employee at the Stray
189 height
189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 18:40:31 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
What the hell was with the old men at the party? Kyle sounded no better than the Phony Santa. Then again, maybe it wasn’t just the guys. A woman arrived, and though she had a lot more Christmas cheer, she’d completely ignored her! And the fact that she was talking to him! A flicker of fury showed itself in the girl’s eyes, but no, no. It was the holidays. No place for such hostility. She took a deep breath in and exhaled her troubles away.

And then another one did the same thing, and it all came rushing back.

Excuse me! I thought that the grown-ups were supposed to be the one with manners! We’re trying to have a heart-to-heart!” Nostrils flared and crimson eyes narrowed. It might have been troubling, if she wasn’t wearing a Delibird costume that had cost four pokedollars to make (and looked like it, too). “Now listen here, bucko! You’re not old because you’re a big man! You’re old because you’re a big man, hiding in a corner, out at a totally optional party and being a big downer about it! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Start acting like it is!”

Somebody was yelling over her, or trying to. He didn’t earn more than a “Who the heck are you?!” from the bird before she fixed her glare back on Kyle. “Now, I want you to get up and stop being outdone by a little girl. What would your Pokemon have to say about your act, huh?”

TL;DR: Annie gets ignored by and . She isn't happy about it, and takes that out on . gets acknowledged, I guess. Costume notes are here.


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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 20:03:24 GMT
evan fader Avatar

The sound he made could have only been referred to as a chortle at miss Alfric's jumping. She leaves him mildly amused and laughing into his eggnog as he wonders back over towards her with the drink. He's obviously unbothered by her comments and his smile is as wide as ever.

"But where is the fun in that miss Cait?" he jests, because he most certainly can do that and will continue to.

Easily distracted by the sweets he does not often eat (not intentionally, his diet's just never had a lot of sugary things in it) Evan reaches out to pluck up another one and nibble on it as they talk. "And thank you, its godawful and I felt like everyone else needed to witness it with me."

He pats the head of the rapidash jutting from his chest to accentuate the comment he makes. He only breaks away from their conversation long enough for his eyes to flit to the man's announcement about a dance with a curiously raised eyebrow before turning back to the young lady who is ushering someone else over.

The more the merrier.

>>continues chatting with over eggnog and treats
>>Acknowledges 's announcement with a raised eyebrow, little skeptical

>>wearing an oversized version of this monstrosity but with a galar rapidash instead

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 20:44:46 GMT
Deleted Avatar

She doesn't get it. [break][break]

Why was his face getting red? Was it the cold, and the weather catching up on him? It could, possibly, be due to the weather getting him sick with a fever. That's right, she heard that people took warm baths when they got sick. Maybe this was the case for him? Yes, that would make sense. It would also explain why he was speaking in such a choppy manner, right? She couldn't seem to think of anything else, so this had to be the conclusion. [break][break]

"... But hot tubs have the word tub in them?" And, as far as she knew, tubs were used for baths. So, by extension, this would be a hot bath, right? What did she get wrong about that? His attempt to explain why her actions were inappropriate went right over her head, noted by the nonchalant expression while she listens and the near, air-headed response of tilting her head in confusion. Either way, she seemed to be making him uncomfortable. [break][break]

She leans back to lean against the edge of the spring. With a pensive hum, she turns her head back to the hotel and the crowding inside. She pays the announcement little mind, assuming that it was referring to the people inside. Rather, she was more intent on the hotel itself. That's right.. She got a room, didn't she? But where did she leave the keys? She didn't seem to remember, no matter how much she searched-- [break][break]

.. Oh. That's right. She left it in her cloak then gave it to the staff. Maybe she could walk in to grab it. [break][break]

"Nicole forgot." She admits, standing up while trying to slowly crawl out of the tub. "So.. Nicole should go inside, right?"

notes: standing up; says she forgot she had a room. will probably forget about the towel too so please remind her :monkas:

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 21:10:04 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian clearly hadn't meant to bark up that tree and had been taken back by their admission. Well, that explains it, then, he thought snidely, but made no other comment but to tuck his lip in a forming pout. It still wasn't an excuse. "Ok? And?"

The tension forming in his knitted brows eased when a third party stepped into their conversation, though he clearly seemed aligned with the dark-haired stranger in some case. It wasn't until then Adrian realized how much he was letting show through; he tried to dial it back, to varied affect.

The stranger confessed he didn't even want to be here, which made it obvious why he even was.

"I was just introducing myself—upon his asking—but he decided he was above responding in kind, I guess," he spoke plainly, holding back an inciting tone. He gave a light shrug; there wasn't much more to it than that.

tl;dr: Still conversing with , @bean3.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 21:47:59 GMT
Deleted Avatar


“Hm, well... People always seem to find their reasons, don't they?” Petra humours with an answer as she takes the hand that is offered. But before they get very far, she feels inclined to correct him.

“It's Miss Claus, by the way. Didn't you hear?” She is just trying to clarify, and for good reason. “Mister Claus isn't here for me, nor I him.” As they gently guide one another, Petra is quick to bombard the gentleman with questions.

“So, what is your name? And have you ever danced before?” Whether she had to take the lead or not, Petra could care less. She was finally able to let loose a little, the liquor helping her forget about all the problems Hoenn or herself were facing. Instead she was able to focus on having a good time at the party, which Petra hadn't imagined possible when she arrived some hour or two ago...


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #DEA02C; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 23:55:40 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

[attr="class","twobeelyric"]I WILL FIGHT



[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]THE WORLD


[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]TO BE THEIR STRENGTH


"OH! OH! OH! MOVE IT PEOPLE!" A voice that sounded a lot more energetic compared to Fernando's imitation resonated in the hotel as the doors swung open, allowing a metallic lion to step in, followed by a tall man wearing red pants and an open santa vest, revealing part of his naked upper body. Black gloves covered his hands and forearms and black boots and belt completed the look. Santa Balder was in the place.[break][break]

"Leo, time to radiate your blessing on everyone in here." The lion Nodded before jumping to reach the highest place. Reaching the desired location, the lion roared and unleashed some rays of light to light the place up like a disco ball, but using a light not too strong to blind people. Balder smiled as he looked at everyone in here. "Merry early Holidays folks! Time to go wild!"[break][break]

As he said this, he threw 5 pokeballs in the air, unleashing the pokemons they contained: Coalossal, Aurorus, Yanma, Alolan Raichu and Braviary. "Colossus, go give some heat to those that feel cold!" The Coalossal grunted before moving in a location and sat down, emitting enough heat to warm people up. Balder looked at his Aurorus. "Glacies, can you do a Skating Ring like we practised? Outside of the place of course." The aurorus lowered it's head and rubbed it against Balder's face to agree to the request before heading out to do its job.[break][break]

"Now... As for you three. Time to set up the mood." Balder pulled out 3 mistletoes from his bag and handed them to Yanma, Alolan Raichu and Braviary. "Chosuke, Hover around the dessert table for anyone who wants an excuse to kiss. Falco, follow for anyone that would seem to want to kiss him, or anyone around them at least. Buzz, patrol the surroundings and be ready to be waved at for an excuse." The 3 creatures took the items and took flight to their respective locations, awaiting any movements.

Padoru Padoru[break]
Coalossal is in the corner to produce heat[break]
Aurorus is doing a skating ring[break]
A!Raichu hovers the dessert table with a mistletoe[break]
Braviary follows Fernando[break]
Yanma patrols the perimeter.




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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 0:56:42 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

She fidgets, an uncomfortable habit that's proving to be a bit too difficult to shake. The crowd is enormous, bodies mingling about, each one dressed for the occasion. Some in costume or sweaters, others in formal attire, all looking as dazzling as the ball itself. She supposes she could have just worn her favorite sweater and a pair of jeans without the worry of looking odd among the crowd... Instead, that very same worry caused her to slip into a simple red gown, soft and flowy with a sweetheart neckline. Man, does she miss her sweater now.

Her pair of Ninetales sit at each side, Flammae to her left and Nix to the right. A comforting presence, close with gentle presses of fur against her legs. The simple utterance of a "Thank you," is all she offers them, genuine in meaning and almost drowned out by the noise.

Between the music and the people, she's not exactly sure which is more overwhelming.

People weave in and out, some dancing, some gifting presents. Others sulk in the corner and some linger by the drinks and food, filling their stomachs to their hearts desire. The dark haired woman finds herself choosing to stay separate from the masses, content with watching the scenes unfold. It's easier this way, less expectations of social interaction or the ever awful dancing. Saving another from having their feet continuously stomped on sounds like a valiant effort, right?

Some passerbys look familiar and while she notices a few she could possibly converse with, Illeana chooses the path with the least interaction possible. The drinks table. Her legs are shaky, kept on course by the dutiful presence of each Ninetales sticking close through the crowd. The trio cross the room with little effort and with a soft sigh, the scientist fills a small cup with the nearest drink. Liquid gently sloshes in the container, trembling hands holding a little too tight. Don't spill, don't spill... Easier thought than done, however, and she manages to drop a little bit of liquid on the floor, embarrassment flooding her system as she scrambles to clean it.

Hope no one saw that...

They probably did and if so, she might just die of embarrassment.

notes: she a mess, ignore her she's just cleaning her drink up off the floor c:

@ event c:

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 2:20:28 GMT
shiv Avatar




WHAT WILL YOU DO?[break][break]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 3:18:01 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Ever since that 'fateful day' in regards with the rambunctious Dragon Clan, things had been extremely 'awkward' within the Compound of this prestigious bloodline. Certain people refuse to talk to one another, some sulk in their own misery, while others kick even more poor Eevee's off a steep cliff as a way to channel raw and unbridled emotions. Chancelor found himself stuck in the middle of this gigantic, sloppy, and pungent mess—frankly he found it extremely funny, but then he witnessed how hurt was in the aftermath; what was once funny was no longer so in the eyes of the McQueen. Try as he may, he found it challenging to get the girl to crack even the faintest of smiles, but giving up at anything—especially the ones you hold dearest,  was simply something his own bloodline never did. Eventually, after days upon days of being his usual goofy self, he managed to shine a little sunshine over the gloomy reality Noelle found herself in. With a little more effort, those gloomy days saw even more and more sun—flowers bloomed, and Pokémon frolicked. Despite the brave-face she gave, Chancelor knew the wounds were still fresh and writhed in anguish, but the fact she was trying to get over what occurred a month ago made him want to keep being a solid companion and show her life wasn't over yet. Which brings them to today, a winter festival ball full of people and good times.

"Bring me back somethin' while you're at it." Chancelor airs to Noelle as she is walking off to find food. The youth is dressed rather causally compared to the Dragon Princess and the other folks around him. He has a black motif going on: black jeans, black sneakers, with a black ugly Christmas sweater which was hand-crafted by one of his many lady friends. On the front of the sweater was a Santa-Pikachu within a red sleigh being pulled by a group of Stantler. On top of Chancelor's head was a black Christmas hat with a white fluffy ball at the end. Usually his hair would be slicked up and stylized, however, to properly wear the hat, his hair was more-or-less down; draped just above the shoulder blade in length. Oh his shoulder would be Pikachu, eyeing all the women around them. Pikachu was also 'dressed' for the occasion: he wore a little green backpack, but this backpack had an type of extension that ran a few feet over Pikachu's head. At the end of this extension would be a brightly green mistletoe.

The long-eared rodent jumps from the shoulder of his Trainer and proceeds to go around putting himself in various positions to get a kiss from all the wide assortment of women scattered around this large and beautiful venue. Chancelor doesn't even attempt to stop the Pokémon, he merely shakes his head, cops a squat at one of the nearest tables, kicks his feet up, begins surfing on his PokéNavi, and patiently awaits for Noelle to return.

✝ tag(s) - .
✝ notes - tl;dr - pikachu out here sexually harassing every female he can .

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pro wrestler
39 height
39 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shinraboi
Shinra Redgrave
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 3:28:29 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

"my mistake. well now i feel sorry that mr. claus missed out on someone like you." he smirked as he apologized for assuming. how insensitive he was! especially if he didn't introduce himself when he decided to ask her to dance as well! "shinra redgrave. and i know some moves."

his hand was placed gently on her back as he lifted his hand and guided her along in a waltz along the floor. his movements a bit stiff due to his large frame he was still able to not step on her toes. however the giant and incoming legendary solgaleo brought by might have as they moved into its path. upon seeing it shinra was amazed and both scared that they'd be trampled by the thing if he didn't suddenly grab petra by the waist and lift her up into a twirl away from the beast as it moved pass them.

holding her still he decided to incorporate this little incident into showing off and carefully dipped her, the lights coming off the giant lion making his face glow and his scar light up, "that was a close call wasn't it? some people just don't know subtlety don't they? you ok?" that last question was brought when he lifted her back onto her feet standing up and gave her a warm smile. "believe it or not that's not the first time a pokemon has nearly messed me up. oricoco's will try to step on your feet y'know."

    +dances with @noblesse
    +dodges a solgaleo encounter
    +disco lights bby


[attr="class","merrktagI"]@aurora ball

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 4:47:37 GMT
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Najwa could literally throttle Kim after his outburst.
But then he gives her that dumb smile and she sighs loudly, closing her eyes for a moment. "Right." She hums and opens her eyes back up, looking upwards as a Cherubi floats above her head. "Oh!" She grins and stares at the "mistletoe," before looking back at Kim.
She kisses the side of his lips and raises her eyebrows. "Alright, let's get those drinks?" Hopefully he'd be satisfied with the small smooch, not one for public displays of affection unless the other person was outwardly showing signs that they wanted to do as such.


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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
part of
kim cole-essam
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 5:25:51 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
For a moment he would stand surprised by her sudden display of affection, not exactly knowing what the think, until he spotted the “mistletoe” overhead.


He worded audibly before making a face comparable to saying, “that's it?” without actively saying it.

That wasn’t a very good kiss.

He states outright before pulling her in- their bodies meshing into a perfect snowstorm- the councilman planting one good hollywood kiss on the woman's lips before pushing her away and wiping his lips with a thumb.

Grab one for me, please.

He said kindly as he rushed over to a long time friend, Stormy, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

STORMS, just the woman I wanted to see.

He expressed at a normal volume before lowering his voice to a whisper.

Is my face red? I feel like my face is red, let’s go over there, I don't want anyone to see me like this.

Quickly he grabbed hold of Stormy’s hand, dragging her towards Cait and hers in an attempt to blend in.

❄ plants a fat one on @bean4

❄ embarrased as hell so grabs and goes to blend in with and

current outfit

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 6:54:39 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Darling returned just in time to see Ruby putting away her new gift, carefully tucking her into the purse that she was carrying. Turning around, Ruby would give her precious babysitter a soft smile as she returned with a plate full of simple snacks, leaning forward to give them a gentle peck on the top of their head. "Thanks, Darling." She took the fortune cookie from where it was sitting, finally managing to dig into it and slowly eat it. It wasn't bad, for a cheap cookie, but Ruby wasn't going to complain. It was given out of kindness, and that tasted sweeter than anything.

Before Ruby could resume her seat and continue watching Opal outside, a dance suddenly began. A beautiful waltz, with a beautiful pair of Pokemon putting on a show as a few people from the crowd began to dance. Her eyes widened in excitement, quickly shifting on her feet as a smile spread across her face. It was beautiful the melodies of the Krikitune, the dance of the Lopunny, it was so stunning. Once again, Ruby was about to be content to simply sit and listen to the music before more and more things kept happening, people kept arriving.

A man in a snowflake-printed suit walked in, suddenly demanding a dance from every single one of them. Even "Ferny," who was apparently the kind Santa from before. Almost immediately, Ruby shifted a tad bit uncomfortably where she stood. A dance? With someone else? Who was this man? Was it wrong that she was suddenly nervous? What if he was incredibly important in Hoenn, and she just didn't know because she didn't live here? Already suddenly at conflict, blushing softly to herself in nerves, Ruby was already confused. Her confusion only grew, however, as she saw the beautiful Solgaleo across the room, shining its lights around. Her eyes widened immensely, only to quickly sigh and look away, a bit overwhelmed by everything.

Of course, Darling is the good babysitter she was immediately noticed Ruby's emotions. Gently tugging on Ruby's hand to get her attention, she gently held it as she motioned for Ruby to breathe in and out slowly. Knowing better than to argue, the quiet girl closed her eyes and slowly let out a few deep breaths, trying her best to relax with all these sudden new stimuli. Was this how Whisper felt all the time? The constant bombardment of emotions, sounds, sights? She didn't even know what that lion Pokemon was across the room, but no doubt it was immensely special in some way.

After about half a minute of just breathing and focusing on the relaxing music, Ruby finally nodded and opened up her eyes. "Thank you, Darling. I should uh, w-well..." She took another deep breath to stabilize herself. "I don't know who that man is, but if he's important, I don't wanna make him mad. Can you, um, walk me over there please?"

Darling, of course, was eager to do so. Holding Ruby's hand, the Indeedee led the way around the dancefloor and towards the small group Kim had merged himself with. Ruby's nervous blush only grew even worse, struggling to speak for a few seconds before finally muttering out. "U-umm, excuse me, Sir?" She paused, hoping that got his attention before quickly looking to the ground before she could even accidentally look him in the eyes. "Y-you um, said it was an order? To dance with you, I mean? I'm uh, not very good at dancing, but..." She couldn't even quite bring herself to finish her sentence, the nerves very obviously a bit much, even with Darling's gentle squeezing of her hand to remind her that she wasn't alone.

- - -

Opal had finally completed her masterpiece. It was a large snow sculpture, or more accurately, an attempt at one. The lack of hands certainly made it challenging, but it was recognizable as a massive snowman, without arms or facial expressions, sure, but it was a start. Settling in close, Opal would hope that her newfound friend would help in the construction, giving it an actual face with their smaller legs.

notes: Ruby is overwhelmed a bit and was calmed by Darling. Thinking a dance is required of her, she made her way over towards Kim and the group he had merged into to offer herself to dance.

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