i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 9:08:54 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion doesn't know Mateo well. They've only spoken on a few occasions. But he likes the other man, admires his positive energy. To watch as the grasping tentacle ensnares him and pulls him into the portal... there aren't words to describe the horror that wrenches in his gut. Thomas screams Mateo's name, a desperate yell that the councilman hears in only one ear.

The world spins and he fights to keep the contents of his stomach, brow damp with sweat.

Thomas slips off the Hydreigon without a word. When Orion makes to follow him, his ruptured eardrum betrays him: he loses his balance and stumbles, falls, registers sharp rubble piercing his palms as he coughs up bile.

In the aftermath, his composure shatters. He's trembling all over, stomach heaving. Blood slides down his jaw, draining from his damaged ear.

Nidhogg is not a compassionate creature, but it is loyal. The three-headed dragon hovers next to his trainer, snarling at any that deign to come close. When his heaving stomach produces nothing more than a pain in his ribs, Orion uses the dragon as support to help him stand. He longs for the companionship of his long-time partners, his Absol or Espeon, but an instinctive pat of his pokeball belt reminds him of their absence.

Arceus, he's so disoriented. It's difficult to walk straight, but he tries his best.

When he manages his way over to the portal, desperate for closure on what had happened with the portal, he spots familiar faces in a seemingly furious crowd. It's clear he's wandered into some sort of argument, and his social anxiety spikes.

Fernando is there, too, demanding answers. Orion's relieved by the authoritative presence: it means he can focus on standing straight and not vomiting.

"You all right?" Orion asks quietly of Annie, turning a sympathetic gaze on the kid who's way too young to be dealing with any of this shit. But he knows her, and he knows it's not her first tragedy. "Did your Pokemon... are they...?"

- hi guys i'm very late to the party b/c thorn got sucked into video games and pc organization oops
- orion approached the portal to figure out what was going on in the aftermath and feels awk man upon realising there's a whole argument he missed
- asks if she's OK and implies asking if her 'mons survived
- tagging other people nearby that know/have interacted w/ orion in the raid
- pree sure kyle and noah dipped but tagged y'all just in case

[newclass=.orion] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 9:28:40 GMT
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the council member's voice causes him to pause. he rubs his eyes with his sleeve as he tries to make himself presentable. slowly, he turns his head, glaring behind with red, watery eyes.

"ask them," he mutters just audible enough for fernando to hear. "they know what they're doing, i hope. apparently, i don't."

he stares at the ground for a moment, unsure of what else to find, and then back to fernando. "the commissioner is at my house. i should get back."

kyle shifts his eyes to the road beyond, staring at where the upper district pokemon center. he needs to withdraw pokemon.

  • talks to fernando


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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 9:38:07 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





She took the chance to collect herself.[break][break]

Wiping the vomit from her mouth, Bailey Cooper stumbled out from a piece of rubble that her Vikavolt had dropped her behind. Her nausea had passed, if only because she had emptied everything that could have worsened her symptoms.[break][break]

Her eyes raise, tired and beyond fed-up, to the sight of , , and .[break][break]

“Uh, did it fuck off?” Her eyes would glance to the others in the distance, wondering what the clustering was and why they had splintered. “And who the fuck was making those holes?”[break][break]

Krookodile returned to her side, also unaware of the shoe nonsense.[break][break]

She had seen .[break][break]

Where was ? [break][break]

“Did I... miss the something?”[break][break]

tldr: finished vomiting. talking to the boyz



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 9:55:34 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "Lopez." Fernando repeats with a more tempered range, trying to present himself as empathetic now that he can hear the dismissal in Kyle's voice. To say that he knows Kyle or understand him is a reach far beyond realism but with what he's done for the region, Fernando finds him absolutely invaluable. There are few that can dream of accomplishing the same feats and with his repertoire of gym badges, it's hard to argue that Hoenn has a trainer more capable than the tear stained man in front of him.

Fernando spares Noah a glance and decides to leave them together in lieu of pestering further. "If you need something — anything — just say so." His promise is laid out with false intentions. Just because Kyle can ask doesn't mean Fernando will do everything in his power to do so, but presenting himself as such does create the illusion that Fernando cares. Anything to cater to Kyle's favor, as per usual. He wants Lopez on his side and even in the face of adversity, a Silph finds a chance to line his pockets.

Without much of a lead or answer, Fernando turns to Balder, expression dulled beyond his initial frustration earlier but still hot with a decisiveness. He approaches a bit closer to get within speaking range before turning his question elsewhere. "What was that Schwartz? Explain."

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 9:55:37 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Before Thomas could seal the deal with the young woman, bickering resumed. Thomas looked on in irritation around him, as Balder attacked Kyle, Noah attempted to fight back, only for the masked man to stop him, and for Kyle to hiss back at him. But before Stormy could be used to get back the shoe, Thomas managed to get it for the cash offer.

"Thank you. And I suppose it's because they need something with Mateo's scent to track him. Personally, I'm not sure how much help it'll be, considering how little I know about how those portals work, but being able to hone in on his scent would be a logical way to track him through... wherever he went.", he would tell Annie, as he pulled out an evidence bag from one of the pockets of his jacket, sliding the shoe into it, and handing it to Kyle.

"Kyle, I know it's hard, but we need to plan for this. Every day will be like torture, but what good will we be to Mateo in our state, especially if we're too fucked up to actually fight back against that thing, especially on its home turf?", Thomas questioned him, trying to reason with him, at least until Fernando came in, and started to berate him.

As Kyle walked off, Thomas cursed to himself. "I should run too. But first-", Thomas said, he would slip on a pair of disposable gloves, and grab a kit for taking liquid samples from his pockets. He would carefully make his way up to the puddles o toxins that bled out from the visitor, attempting to suck it in with a pipette. If successful, he would transfer the contents of the pipette into a vial, capping it once filled. He would then scour the battlefield, until he found one of the severed tentacles. The trainer would place the severed tendril into an evidence bag, before going over to Colt and Ripper, recalling them back to their Pokeballs, and heading off to the nearest operational Pokemon Center, hoping to get Kalameet some medical treatment, and to swap him out for Kiryu.

notes: Thomas tries to explain some sort of reasoning to Annie
Thomas tries to talk reason into Kyle
Thomas attempts to collect samples, before running off to the Upper District's Pokemon Center

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 10:27:25 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

It was... all over.

Or was it?

Due to Alexei running to catch up with his Nidoking who had run so close to where the portal was located, he very nearly missed what had happened to—

Holy shit.

He saw an evil black tentacle suddenly snap up one of the other people and disappeared into the blackness that was the portal before it fizzled out into nothingness. Of course, closest to the portal was one pink-haired... wait, she looked familiar!

"Ru-Ruby?!" Alexei exclaimed, recalling the Nidoking and rushing over to her, crouching down and attempting to shake her on the shoulder gently. "H-hey..." he continued, trying to get her attention.

He didn't realize his hearing was slowly coming back until he heard the sounds of disagreement echoing from where a group of people, including one dog boy (Kyle) were apparently arguing. Knowing that the young girl needed someone she was familiar with near her, he instead chose to accompany her for the time being, blocking out the sounds of the argument.

"Hey... you in there?" He asked her gently. He figured, after seeing what happened she was not alright.

, mostly

• catches up to Nidoking, sees the tentacle-snatching of Mateo happen
• notices that Ruby is nearby. Maybe too close to where the portal was
• Recalls his Nidoking and joins her
• His hearing is finally coming back. Feel free to point out his ears are bleeding, Ruby!
• Overhears the argument, decides not to join in. Instead stays by the scared young lady to comfort her.

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 15:19:10 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Stormy must have missed the part, somehow, where 's fist connected with Kyle's jaw and that must be why screams so close to her ear. She can feel his rage swell in his breast, feel the passion and the injustice blur his senses. He's angry, and rightfully so.[break][break]

This whole situation is ridiculous.[break][break]

's hand squeezes hers hard, probably a little too hard as she feels her knuckles grind painfully between his. But she doesn't let go and she tightens her grip. He was hurting, and what he needed right now wasn't an argument with a couple of strangers and friends. [break][break]

His rage is directed at the crowd, at Balder opposing him and redirecting the issue to Dahlia and Annie vehemently holding onto something that doesn't belong to her. And then he lets go of her hand and pulls Noah back and she winces, but nods affirmation for his request for the shoe.[break][break]

Only, she doesn't have a chance to intervene and speak to Annie because the young woman is enraged and crying and Stormy's frustrations begin to pique. Who cries over a shoe? Is this how she's fighting for control over a situation, over this whole debacle that had resulted in so much bloodshed and suffering? Slateport was in shambles once again and Mateo was missing.[break][break]

Annie addresses her and she steals her attention back from Kyle and Noah as they start to leave, to deescalate the situation.[break][break]

Stormy's brow furrows as she turns back to answer Annie, to set her right and explain to her how terribly misinformed she is.[break][break]

"My friend doesn't want anyone or anything else to die, Annie. You're overreacting."[break][break]

And then, to annoy the young gym leader even further, she witnesses take the money from Thomas for the shoe that didn't belong to her, only to give Balder the money Thomas had given her.[break][break]

"Will you just stop? This is getting ridiculous. You're all ridiculous!"[break][break]

Stormy tenses as another familiar voice enters the scene, and she glances over her shoulder to witness intervene. She doesn't quite catch his conversation with Kyle, mostly because of her friends indifferent and defeated attitude. Fernando's attention is then diverted to Balder, and Stormy takes a step back.[break][break]

It isn't her place to answer on behalf of Balder, despite how agitated she is and how desperately she wants to leave.[break][break]



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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 15:50:57 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


So he was still standing after taking the fist. Impressive. Although in a sense, that also shows what state Balder was in. Clearly not in a state to go after Mateo and try to pry him from a bunch of tentacle freaks. As the man went to do his speech, he heard the words of Stormy, but preferred to ignore them. Getting an argument with her now would be counter productive. He had to remain cool-headed here, to hopefully make people see that the safe route is the best option currently.[break][break]

A man in full armor, in cosplay even, approached Balder and said he was ready to join them. A faint smile on his face, the man could only nod to approve the aid. But then, a young boy decided to rush him, in the same manner that the gym leader rushed Kyle, and attempt to punch him. As Balder was about to evade the hit, to make sure the kid didn't shatter his fist, the armored man stopped the assaulter and told everyone that they would have to go through him first if they needed to do something. Balder sighed and placed his hand on the Pokenger to have him look at him.[break][break]

"It's fine that you want things to stop, but don't get involved in something that I started. Plus, you might not have the power to stop everyone here from coming at me. Know that your support is appreciated, and we'll take all the power we can get to go save Mateo." As the kid started screaming at Balder that his speech on self control was pure shit, he leaned forward and stared at him right in the eyes. "So you're saying that letting this man step into a portal alone and die was the better option? That me punching him to try and knock his senses and make him see reason is a lack of Self-Control? That's an immature way of seeing things, kid." Balder then turned to watch Kyle as the man was processing his grief. With a more calm voice then before, Balder decided to reply.[break][break]

"Let's be real Kyle. Right now, Mateo has more chances of surviving alone. If we had opened a portal right now and rushed in, weakened by all those events? We'd be hitting a wall of those monstrosities, waiting right on the other side of the portal. And we'd get massacred before we could even get a glimpse of the man. If they wanted him dead, they would've done so already and wouldn't have captured him. So playing it safe, and assuming that he was captured to bait us? That's the safest course of action. And I don't need anything that you own, only your patience and that you recover from tonight as well. We will save Mateo, alive. I guarantee it."[break][break]

Then, someone tugged onto his pants (He's still topless). The giant alolan turned around to notice one of the person that challenged his gym, Annie, was offering him money. He then looked at his lack of shirt and shoes and couldn't help but chuckle before looking at the girl. "You can keep it Annie, I don't need to go buy anything. My body is different from everyone here, it's similar to steel. So I'm practically impervious to anything I could step on while bare feet."[break][break]

And thus, Fernando appeared, trying to understand everything that happened while also trying to order things around. Definitely not something that Balder wanted to handle right now. Standing his full height, he stared into Fernando's eyes. "There are better ways to ask someone to explain a situation Fernando. But I'll agree to explain everything if you can do something for me: Get a gag order out and don't let the media announce Mateo's disappearance and the rescue attempt we'll form. I'd rather not get a repeat of the pokeball episode we just had, since it might involved a certain group. If you want to include stuff about how Dahlia was rescued or Ruby is the Saint of Slateport or something, that's fine. But we got enough despair going on and announcing an Elite Four's disappearance is bound to cause more chaos."[break][break]

Balder looked at Stormy, who seemed quite tired and weak. After vomitting on hie shoes and trying to deal with this situation, it was to be expected right? With an apologetic smile, Balder decided to tell her a few words. "Hey, Stormy. Go home. I know you had a rough night, and it seemed like something happened to you when I covered you from those tentacles. Make sure Wadjet and the others are fine, and check on Kyle to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. When you're up and about, call me. We'll meet up for the rescue." Hopefully with this, she would be able to take her leave and make sure her team recovered.


[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Just replying to everyone.
0000 WORDS FOR @event [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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[newclass=.niknikpkmn4]color:#333333;margin:-5px 0;font-weight:700!important;[/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 17:30:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through his veins that made him cry out that challenge to people. no one seemed too keen on following up with an actual fight so that was good. then he was approached by the man he protected from noah, and he had to stare at his body for a moment because wow he didn't realize he was both topless and hot.

however words brought him back to reality and also cut pretty deep. kazimir could get the concern behind him but it did make the mighty pokenger feel...less super. yeah he was just a regular guy going around in a costume trying to help, shouldn't that count for something? then again it was coming from the guy who went super sayain and wrestled the giant alien jellyfish so...maybe he had a point. of course he did have some power as the memory of that strange green shield appearing earlier flooded his head, of course he had no idea how that even happened other than he was in danger. could be useful if he was the suicidal type of guy but he doubt that was what anyone needed on a rescue mission.

so instead he nodded to the alolan sayain's words and caught a glimpse of offering money to balder. he wasn't sort of paying attention to why people were angry at her but he could see that she was missing a shoe and that balder mentioned something about bare feet. "hey! camp annie lady." he made his way to her side and started to take off his boots. even if he wasn't going to be much help on a trip to another dimension he could at least do this, so he took off his boots and handed them to her. "might be too big for ya, but a good hero just can't let someone go around bare foot. don't worry, i got plenty extras."


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 19:53:27 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] There is a stark difference in how everyone handles being challenged. Fernando overwhelms with his dominating presence, not because of his physical size of the expression he holds but through his influence and the unlimited resources he keeps at the ready should the need arise. But out here, amidst a dying down tragedy, he refrains from outwardly picking away at Balder through promised threats and consequences.

Balder makes a demand in return and Fernando interrupts the moment he steers him toward bargaining. Blame had been equal in his eyes, divvied out due to ignorance, but now the fault lies solely at Balder. "Schwartz," he interjects before Balder can go into some tangent about the media, falling into the same erroneous line of thinking that and had once upon a time.

"Schwartz why were you assaulting ?" Fernando repeats the line to narrow down the scope of the answer he wants. Watching Balder divide himself between so many people with so many words makes it seem like its hard for the Alolan to stay on track while also getting ahead of himself from being stretched too thin. There's an underlying accusation behind the questioning but for now Fernando keeps himself constrained.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 20:42:05 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


Fernando completely ignored his request of putting a gag order on the media. It seems the man only focused on what he wanted and didn't care for the rest. Does he even know what has happened at least, or was he too focused on his safety to notice? "Quite simple really. Mateo's gone, taken in by the portal and Kyle went crazy. Lost control of his emotions. I tried to knock some sense into him. To make him see reason and stop overwhelming himself."[break][break]

The man turns around and looks at all those that were still around that had been affected by the dispute. "It didn't spin out like I wanted exactly. But I'd like to think he understood that he was being foolish, by asking me and Leo to open the portal again and have him go alone to rescue Mateo."[break][break]

The Alolan Gym Leader then stares back at Fernando. "So, should I consider this as you accepting on doing my request? Because revealing that information to the public will only increase your workload in the council in the short run and until we rescue him." Hopefully Fernando wasn't as stubborn as Olivia and wouldn't consider revealing the whole info for something personal or anything.


[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Just replying to everyone.
0000 WORDS FOR @event [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 0:56:19 GMT
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Ruby didn't even realize that Alexei and his pokemon had arrived for a few seconds. Her wide eyes staring ahead at nothing, her mind struggling to comprehend what was going on. That is until he spoke to her. She slowly turned her head to look at him, ears bleeding and looking certainly ragged as well. It felt like a cruel fate to meet him here again of all places, and yet his presence certainly helped bring her back to reality. He was hurt... And despite her own fears she couldn't sit there and ignore it.

The young girl reached up with one hand to gently touch his ear, her face's shocked expression still remaining, however. She was incredibly quiet when she spoke, almost a mumble. "You're bleeding..." It didn't take long for her psychic pokemon to understand what Ruby was so worried over. Grace instinctively used Wish on Alexei, intent to restore him as good as new as soon as it took effect. Ever so slowly Ruby stood up to her feet, standing with weak knees as she allowed herself to lean against him for support.

She didn't know what was going on. People were arguing, that much she could tell. Her eyes swept over the group of people still there that had survived. A few recognizable faces, which surprised her the most. And yet... their actions unsettled her. She didn't know what was going on, and she was positive that she missed the majority of the conversation, but she briefly heard Balder say her name. Or at least, she assumed she did. The nightmare of what she saw before them was a travesty.

The city was in ruins. Explosions had wrecked the landscape. The roads cracked, buildings ripped apart, windows shattered, everything was damaged. People lived here... People lived in those houses. Or at least, perhaps there used to be people living there. She looked up at Alexei with intense worry on her face. Before she could speak, however, an image popped into her head. Or rather, her future actions. Astral and Grace seemed to be working together to show her what she should do.

"I..." Ruby gulped softly, forcing herself to stand straight up and on her own two feet despite how wobbly they were. "I need- I need to do something." She gave Alexei as genuine a smile as she could before reaching out to touch Grace's hand. As soon as she gripped firmly, Ruby returned Astral to her Pokeball and the pair seemed to vanish from thin air, teleporting away.

It was cold atop the lighthouse, but it was precisely where Astral said she would be. She didn't understand fate, she didn't understand what it meant to be lucky to be alive, but the only thing Ruby understood is that while everyone else was just leaving, or arguing... People's lives were still at stake. People were trapped under rubble, people were hurt from explosions or that rain that hurt whisper, or who knows what other things happened when she wasn't looking. It was too much to simply do absolutely nothing about it.

Grace slowly stepped over the edge of the lighthouse, walking out into the sky as the psychic pokemon supported her own weight with her mental prowess and Ruby slowly let go of her hand. She wasn't physically strong, she couldn't fight those beasts the same way everyone else did. People and pokemon lost their lives here today and she and Whisper almost joined them. They were seconds away from death, no way to pretend they weren't.

Her rain-soaked jacket wasn't keeping her warm in the night air, but she clutched it closer to her anyways as Grace continued to float outwards. With a silent mental command to her pokemon, Grace and her telepathy caught it instantly. Finally simply floating, the Gardevoir simply began to spin. True to her name, it appeared as if she was gracefully dancing in the air. Without a second of hesitation, she began using Life Dew. Over and over and over again, despite the physical toll it took on her, she continued trying to let the healing rain drop down to the city below.

Ruby didn't pretend to understand what had happened, nor did she pretend that somehow she was strong enough to defend people from such devastation. She was young, inexperienced, with childish fantasies still wanting to run rampant in her head. She was weak, afraid, and terrified of what was to come. The tears began to flow and she didn't even try to stop them, she didn't have the energy to do so.

And yet, this felt right. She couldn't stand to just leave, to just give up and go home. People needed help and as long as she was still standing she'd try. She might not be very good at it, but she was determined to make a difference.

No matter how small.

notes: Wish on Alexei. Teleported to the lighthouse as Grace used life dew over, and over and over again as much as she can.


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august 12th
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POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 2:17:51 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "So you punched him."

How absolutely incredulous. Fernando's actually at a loss for words, staring at Balder in a moment of utter bewilderment. had truly been the last beacon of hope for Sootopolis. The fact that she didn't leave the backwater city sooner boggles his mind considering the mindset of those that call it home. Olivia comes to mind, naturally, and now Balder too is associated with cesspool of odd ball ideas its denizen seems to spill forth. It must be the water.

At the very least, now he has his answer. It explains enough considering what little Kyle gave him to go on and Fernando exhales in frustration in an attempt to bottle up his need to implode. It reminds him of an era where he loathed Hoenn and his greatest obstacle aside from Team Rocket was the own incompetency of League's inner workings.

But none of that matters when Balder reveals a key fact that make everything else irrelevant. His squabble with Kyle, the injured around them, even the pandemic that'll spread from another Ultra Beast, none of that matters compared to the one clue Fernando has been searching for: how to end them.

"You can open wormholes!?"

Fernando only uses the term loosely based off what the television and public has been calling them. Portal, wormhole — all schematics that prove unimportant.

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 4:17:25 GMT
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"are you hearing yourself?" noah barks at the alolan man. "you punched someone to calm someone down. do you think that's what normal people do? you think we should punch her? or her?!" with fire sweeping from his nostrils, noah points at @nicole and .

noah rubs his face, dismissing 's speeches. he's riled up. considering his own charge into violence, noah reels his fists in and breathes deeply. despite the frustration of being called a kid and despite the frustration that burns on his inactive knuckles, he refrains from pushing further.

he withdraws to kyle completely, tugged away by his hand.


he has other priorities after all. the slight limp walks with is worrisome, yet he dares not show a frown. as leans on him, he tugs him close like a hug.

noah does not say anything to the councilman that appears before them. the sting of 's labeling takes hold on his tongue. he nods as leaves them.

"the center's right there... almost there, buddy."

ny raid

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 15:42:39 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar

Annie paused. Blinked. Looked over her shoulder. The man’s explanation sounded reasonable. Simple, even. “Well, at least half of that sounds like a good reason. If somebody’s said that earlier-“ She paused. Tensions were high, she’d realised too late, and there wasn’t much for her to gain from adding more to that fire. That, and she was tired. Very tired, now that the threats had passed and the adrenaline had stopped flooding her system. In any given situation, she was a rambunctious tyke, but the night’s events had left her drained and… oddly calm.

She didn’t like being calm. Still, it had its benefits.

When Orion returned to her side (and she realised that she’d completely forgotten about him), he was spared the rushing hug that normally accompanied her relief. Her smile was weaker than it should have been, and beyond the lie that was “I’m fine,” she kept her words to herself.

When Balder attempted to explain his powers, she didn’t bother asking if he’d taken any drugs before the attack, or even question how or why a steel body was possible. It made about as much sense as anything else that night, and nobody else seemed to be questioning it. For once, that was good enough for her. The money would stay with her for a little longer, and he received a little more than a nod.

When her eyes found Stormy, one sentence away from a stomping tantrum, she realised there was no reasoning with her. It was a rare sight, a homeless, jobless, penniless child pitying another person, but the look was there if anybody paid her mind.

When Pokenger arrived with a pair of boots for her, she laughed! Or meant to. Instead she smiled and gave a short exhale, then decided that laughing was too much effort. “Hey, that’s what I thought too…! Thank you, but I’ll be alright. That nice man already gave me money, and it’d be rude to take anything more. All I’ve got to do is not step in anything bad until tomorrow morning.” Much easier said than done, of course, but she’d endured worse.

She finally regarded Orion again, giving him the once over. He looked pretty good – which was to say, he looked about as terrible as the best of them. “We’re all fine… ish. Bit of acid-“ She stuck out her shoeless foot. “Lots of dodged attacks. Had to stop Frankie from getting himself killed. Got threatened over a shoe. This… This night had a lot of firsts for me.” Wide eyes showed themselves as she dwelled on those thoughts, nodding to herself. As quickly as they came, she wiped them off her face, snapping her focus back onto him. “But I’m good!” She was not, but between her bloodshot eyes, a relatively quiet voice and her unnaturally restrained self, that much was obvious.

It’d started raining again, as if things couldn’t get bad enough. She’d only just started to dry off from the first round of rain. Unfortunately, the night had done much more mental damage than physical to her, and few moves could fix that. It helped a bleeding ear hidden under her hair, that she’d likely only notice in the morning, but it mostly reminded her:

“I need to keep moving. That always fixes things. Yeah. This place is too noisy. I’m gonna go get my bag, go to the Center, find somewhere to sleep, buy some shoes in the morning… Yeah, that sounds like a plan.”

The Yanmega beside her was far from the sympathetic sort, but even he gave a concerned buzz at her words. She didn’t acknowledge it. After two steps past the man, she stopped, turned around and gave him his late hug. Whether it was supposed to comfort him or her, she wasn’t sure. “I’m gonna go, okay? You… take care of yourself, Oreo.”

TL;DR: Annie replies to and , doesn't reply to , kinda replies to , and insists to that everything is hunky-dory.


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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing