i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 5:16:43 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

The first thing she noticed was just how hard it was to breathe in here. Flames and smog had filled this floor of the basement and she immediately coughed to try and clear her lungs, quickly holding her arm over her mouth in an attempt to stop breathing in as much smoke as she could. Her eyes wide, staring around to try and grasp at least some logical grip on the situation.

There was no longer any doubt that people were here to hurt other people in her mind. Why else would there be flames? "Grace!" She cried out to her pokemon, who was carefully making sure the guards she and Fury had rescued were safe and sound. "Put out these flames!"

Grace didn't hesitate, immediately twirling as they used Life Dew. Waves of bubbles fueled with healing energy suddenly fired all across the floor as much as they could, attempting to seek out injured allies and douse the flames.

Before Ruby could react to anything else, the clown's ( ) Tyrantrum from before was charging straight at Whisper, jaw wide in an obvious attempt to bite down on her. If there was anything that confirmed her worries, that had to be it. She quickly attempted to get out of the way as her own Pokemon immediately reacted to the threat.

Faster than the others, Fury the Gallade immediately charged in, sacrificing its own safety and throwing caution to the entire wind as it would attempt to slam it's elbow blades straight into the face of the Tyrantrum, using Close Combat to try and knock it off course.

Whisper was slower to react due to her very nature, but the sheer fact that a Pokemon was attempting to attack her now, of all times, infuriated her. Her eyes narrowed as raw anger overtook the witch-like Pokemon. "Whisper! Smite!" Ruby didn't even have to call it out, as the Hatterene already seemed to be starting. Raising her tentacles back, a loud cry began to echo out from the normally silent pokemon. Stars would suddenly crash down into the ground around the Tyrantrum, as blinding light and Fairy-type energy would attempt to shock and burn the giant dinosaur-like Pokemon. The strike so powerful, waves would fire off from the impact, potentially confusing any other opposing pokemon within close distance.


Notes: Grace used Life Dew to attempt to heal/put out flames. Fury used Close Combat, buffed by Swords Dance straight at the Tyrantrum charging at Whisper. A Mega Evolved Whisper used G-Max Smite, a move dealing Fairy-type damage and attempting to confuse any more opponents.


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 5:19:47 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 as soon as dominic's feet hit the ground, he drops 's sylveon at the man's feet (almost gently - the eevee evolutions always feel so fragile and he didn't want to actually injure a colleagues pokemon inadvertently).

briefly, he's fixated on the tree, its brilliant white roots starkly visible in the gloom. dominic watches and join them, remaining still and watching through narrowed eyes as dealt with them. while the trio are occupied he turns and takes the klefki out again, repeating the same order from earlier. he can hear voices drawing near, and if they're here it must means others aren't too far behind. they need just a bit more time.

the klefki floats up from his hands and silently snaps out long, pink chains once more through the hole in the hatch, another FAIRY LOCK, before dropping back down into dominic's open palm. he watches as something dark and noxious pours down through the hatch. the poison seeps into the floor around them, harmless against their glimmering SAFEGUARD and LIGHT SCREEN, and bleeds into the dirt closer to the roots.

kind of someone to do his job for him, he supposes.

"we don't have much time," dominic murmurs to when he draws close, nodding toward the tree. "take what you need and let's light this bitch on fire."

he releases the bisharp once more and it DIGS deep into the earth almost immediately, requiring only a hand gesture from its trainer to know what to do - lie in wait until it hears dominic's voice reverberate through and direct him where to attack.

tldr: 's SAFEGUARD (2/5) and 's LIGHT SCREEN (1/5) are active. klefki uses FAIRY LOCK through the hatch on b2 (west side) to stall and keep people in miasma. recalls kelfki (removes PERISH SONG effects). releases bisharp, bisharp uses DIG and lies in wait.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 5:36:16 GMT
Deleted Avatar


[attr="class","blipstoplyric"]bad moon rising

[attr="class","blipstoplyric2"]I see a bad moon a-rising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today. Don't go 'round tonight, it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise. I hear hurricanes a-blowing. I know the end is coming soon. I fear rivers overflowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin. I hope you got your things together. I hope you are quite prepared to die. Look's like we're in for nasty weather, one eye is taken for an eye. Bad moon on the rise.



[attr="class","blipstop22"]tree time








He wanted his music to change—fingers swiping over his cellphone to something deeper. He wanted the thrum, the vibration, that would reverberate down the spine.[break][break]

Distance the mind from the ground, from the prowling of his footfall, as the roots of their target came into sight.[break][break]

Bramble like snow. It was smooth and without thorns.[break][break]

Zacharias felt his head quiver, because the earbuds managed to grab him by the stem, coaxing a man from deafness to something closer to sense.[break][break]

Noise muffled through the vibration, deafened further by cushion. His finger pushed against the filled space, just to make sure that everything was tight and in check—he only raised his head when the lightscreen was cast, when it cast his shadow at a long and distorted angle.[break][break]

So far it stretched, that as the lightscreen encased them, its strand almost seemed to sever.[break][break]

It made his surprise authentic when their group grew, as his head swiveled to speaking to with a hand around the clown that lead to this disaster; his body losing a chill as focus came back to him.[break][break]

He could guess the gist of the conversation. “Yeah! Those mister mimes didn't deserve this! They were just doing their job!”[break][break]

And so was he.[break][break]

It was why, as Priam spoke and tried to keep an arm on the clown, he flanked back closer to the tree.[break][break]

Because Gengar had been separated from him, and as made a large show of his attempt to escape, it offered the ghost-type the chance to position deep in the shadows, situated in the forgotten mess of props and crates.[break][break]

From there, the ghost-type cast its smog oozing out poison that would be unable to affect those shrouded by the combination of lightscreen and safeguard—something to make the journey to the bottom floor all the more laborious.[break][break]


tldr: gengar transitions from zacharias' shadow when lightscreen is cast. it hides in the surrounding shadows (surrounded by the crates and boxes) and uses smog.[break][break]

i tagged them rockets. :Pes_LookCoffee:




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Rocket Scientist
Head Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 5:41:44 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
They were finally here and it was worth all the crap they had to deal with to make it. It was as majestic as Eva imagined it would look, the stunning light from the energy that surged throughout the tree was enough to make the scientists admired it for a second before continuing her approach.

While the others might preoccupy themselves with the noises going on Eva focused on the tree, making for the soil the large roots dug into.

Eva crouched down; placing the suitcase she had been carrying this entire time down on the ground and opened it up revealing the technology inside. She was taking advantage of all the commotion going on as to not be bothered.

The suitcase had actually been a console, which along with the screen and keyboard, hosted a series of vials and other tools that the scientist took one of the vials out along with what was essentially a small hand shovel.

Carefully, Eva took some of the soil and placed it in a few of the vials, making sure to take samples from different spots. Each of the vials was then put into the console, the screen had been busy with a noise of information but now with the vials, the screen began to dance with numbers and graphs.

She didn’t have time to read the data on the screen despite how much she might have wanted to. There was too much noise, too many people and too much going on for her to safely read what was being displayed, and instead, she had to close her suitcase and pick it up.

She’d watch as the likes of and would take it upon them to be the first to attack the tree. Looking over to Priam was a mistake, bearing witness to his folly being spoiled by someone who should be assisting them to hurt her brain and seeing another Pokémon attack the tree continued to do so.

And then, as if God itself wanted to give Eva another fuck you, a wave of sludge came from the hatch above. League or rocket this sort of stunt was pulled with such little care about who else was down here that was a real head-scratcher, especially given that its effectiveness was also in question. To be safe however the woman had her Orbeetle lift her with PSYCHIC to avoid the sludge if anything at least she’d be dry.

”I need a sample of the roots before we really do anything. Think you could get me one? If it’s possible that is. If not, forget it, kill it.” Given the tree was already being attacked that might prove….difficult. Just thinking about it gave her a headache. She hated it here and wanted to go home.

Screw this.


tl;dr Gets a soil sample. Used her Orbeetle’s PSYCHIC to float over the sludge covering the ground.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 5:42:24 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.
TAG event

It soon became apparent that analyzing the situation and the area was a pretty big waste of time as a thick Smog filled it. But he'd seen what he needed to see: a crawlspace leading to the B3. One that would soon prove harder to reach and traverse than Atlan had initially imagined. Regardless, he was quick to summon Cerridwen, his Mawile, and scoop up his Aron into his arms. The Rookidee, in the meantime, perched herself on his shoulders as he filled them in on his game plan.

Thankfully, as he's doing so, 's Pelipper does great work in (attempting) to stifle the Smog and the fires that now litter B2. He takes a moment to sniff, before ultimately recognizing it as Aromatherapy.

After blinking and refocusing on the task at hand, however, the blue-eyed Holon native continued. "Okay, here's the deal. We have to make it across that burning field of rubble and shit, got it? It's a little less crazy than it was before, but we gotta make it to the floor below. ASAP! Nemesis, use your Keen Eye to guide us. And sharpen those claws some more while you're at it! Dwen, gather your strength with Stockpile."

Casting his gaze down to the little Aron in his arms, he smiled. "And Brigid? You just wait for my word, okay? Let's gooooo!" And, without missing another beat, the would-be detective sprints out from behind his cover, forcing his Rookidee to flutter off his shoulder quickly and lead the way. Whether there is any Smog or Spores remaining after Alexei's Aromatherapy, Atlan and his pokémon endeavor to push through regardless until they've reached the crawlspace with the others there.

Then, without pausing to say a word to them, he leaps down it with his Aron still in his arms. "Okay, now! PROTECT!" He commands, watching as the Aron produces an invisible barrier in front of them as they descend downward, ramming through whatever flames or other forms of trouble that attempted to stop them.

TL;DR Atlan's Mawile uses STOCKPILE. Atlan's Rookidee guides him to the crawlspace using its KEEN EYE ability, and uses HONE CLAWS once more. Atlan's Aron uses PROTECT as they descend down into the crawlspace to shield them as they push through.


Mawile: STOCKPILE x1
Aron: SPD +2
Rookidee: ATK +2, ACC +2




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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 6:59:30 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] The unseen terror of 's Tyrantrum disrupts what would've been a clean landing. It is only through the additional aid of 's Whisper that all six of them land in relative safety. Between the crushed rubble comes the noxious smell of lingering SMOG and Fernando coughs twice, clearing his throat before crinkling his nose. With a disgusted exhale, pixie fumes expel from both nostrils and pores, surrounding himself in a growing MISTY TERRAIN.

He can barely secure his footing before someone grasps at his arm, clinging it against their body and preventing him from taking off. A moment's hesitation stammers any progress he'd make toward the hole to B3 and unbeknownst to either of them, the timing spares him from taking the brunt flash of 's MYSTICAL FIRE. Fernando narrows his eyes against the bright contrast of the sudden flames—this is going to be a shitshow.

"Stay close." It's the only comfort and warning he'll spare as his attention turns back to the two Pokemon he has on him.

"Tapu! Put out the fire."

Water begins to manifest around the Pokemon, revolving around its shell. The volume lacks the grandeur fit for a Legendary water Pokemon but it suffices in batting back the flames that dare to encroach on B2. Once the water pools into a condense ball, the SURF releases into a tidal wave that funnels into the same hole that had been lit by MYSTICAL FIRE. The opening in the ground will serve as a drain, siphoning the bulk of the water and sure to put out the fire as it fill the floor beneath. Hopefully nobody's underneath the surging water.

On the sidelines, Fernando's Greninja remains a spectator to the skirmish between Whisper and Goro's Tyrantrum. Rather than engage, it sits on the side, waiting for them to clash before slipping several WATER SHURIKENS toward the dinosaur's backside.


- lands in B2
- uses avatar power to bring out MISTY TERRAIN to push back the SMOG
- hooked in place by marie cause gizz wants to cyber :huh:
- tapu fini uses SURF to put out the MYSTICAL FIRE that's in the hole to b3
- all the water for the SURF should be going into the hole and down to drown kathy
- greninja finds an opening after whispurrr's SMITE to use WATER SHURIKEN on goro's tyrantrum

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 9:01:44 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]




Due to ’s Mismagius’ PERISH SONG and ’s Mime Jr.’s subsequent COPYCAT, the haunting wailing impacts every single Pokemon on the field. However, ’s Klefki is recalled to clear the moves’ damning effect. PERISH SONG will cause all Pokemon who have heard it (and do not have the ability, SOUNDPROOF), to faint in 4 ROUNDS.[break][break][break]

Recalling your Pokemon is a possibility; however, be aware that recalling your Pokemon takes time and will affect how your character’s actions play out.


Those in B2 enter a hellish underworld. The poisonous gases, smoke and flames immediately force your bodies into a harsh sweat. Spores burn in the fires, but still threaten to seize your lungs. Around her, ’s Arctozolt manages to PROTECT those nearest to her from being inflicted with the dangerous hazards, but the barrier will not hold for long...[break][break][break]

Thankfully, a pink mist spreads across the floor. They come from Councilman : the avatar powers bestowed upon him. The mist saves , , , and from succumbing to POISON and SLEEP.[break][break][break]


’s Gardevoir’s LIFE DEW diminishes some of the flames and allows ’s injured thigh to heal some. The flames are finally extinguished by ’s Pelipper’s DRIZZLE ability as a Florges’ AROMATHERAPY perfumes the bitter smelling room.[break][break][break]


As falls, his Aerodactyl swoops downward with a SKY DROP. It allows enough time to grab him as the prehistoric pterodactyl flaps its leathery wings. Below them, ’s Golett, which was stationed to catch him, retracts its small arms when the man is deemed safe.[break][break][break]

’s Mawile and Rookidee prepare themselves while ’s Salazzle moves to the hatch. A thick torrential flood of SLUDGE (WAVE) pours like a waterfall into B3, drowning the fizzing puddle of ’s spilled soda. ’s Metagross MAGNET RISES, while his Sylveon’s LIGHT SCREEN protects , , @zacharias, , and ’s locations.[break][break][break]


manages to retrieve a soil sample and as the SLUDGE WAVE splashes onto the ground, she escapes the poison with her Orbeetle’s PSYCHIC. However, , and are struck by the sludge.[break][break][break]

Thankfully, a lingering SAFEGUARD from before and a newly established LIGHT SCREEN prevents them from being poisoned and from being injured too harshly. However, and are still POISONED; they finds their strength diminishing as the poison courses within them. However, can feel his Zygarde cell panicking within his body and wailing, as if calling out to something...[break][break][break]

The SLUDGE WAVE causes the terrain in the crawlspace to become slippery and stinging. B3 is now treacherous to traverse due to the difficult terrain.[break][break][break]


’s Shiinotic and its STRENGTH SAP weakens one of the six roots around the tree. The bark around the root cracks— and the CORROSIVE SLUDGE WAVE expose its vulnerable cambium layer. Likewise, ’s Gallade finds similar success. After MEGA EVOLVING, the sheer power of a SUBZERO SLAMMER and her Morpeko’s dependable AURA WHEEL allows her to tear away the bark and reveal its cambium layer too. In total, two of the roots are exposed— and they begin to ooze a glowing blue sap.[break][break][break]

Unfortunately, ’s Haunter will realize CURSE has no effect on the tree— or at least, whatever effects it may have are not visible yet...[break][break][break]

However, the soil is poisoned and the tree seems to be continually retrieving nutrients from the earth.[break][break][break]


’s Klefki uses FAIRY LOCK through the hatch. is able to sense things going “south” and her prepared TELEPORT allows her and her team to move into B3 should she desire to![break][break][break]

The Pokemon in B2 owned by , , , , , , , , as well as ’s Tyrantrum are now under the effects of FAIRY LOCK. They can not leave the floor this round.

manages to reach B3 safely thanks to his Aron’s PROTECT. His other two Pokemon are allowed to enter B3 too, if they have followed him. As he enters, he would see the trainers there before a Gengar (@zacharias) emerges from the shadows. Immediately, it casts SMOG.[break][break][break]

Vision in B3 is obscured; however, may find themselves being poisoned should they linger in the SMOG. and will need to make a HAZARD ROLL if they remain in the SMOG.[break][break][break]


B2’s eastern side trembles with every stomp of ’s Tyrantrum. The dinosaur lunges with its terrible CRUNCH. However, ’s Gallade moves in to knock it off course. Instead, the Gallade takes the CRUNCH as ’s Tyrantrum is bombarded with ’s Greninja’s WATER SHURIKEN. Swiftly, the Mega Evolved Hatterene strikes with its G-MAX SMITE. Stars, like nuclear strikes slam into the Tyrantrum, causing it to roar in agony.[break][break][break]


’s Tyrantrum is now SEVERELY HURT- but not confused thanks to the MISTY TERRAIN. Likewise, ’s Gallade has sustained much damage. Both Pokemon are in danger of being killed should they be attacked again.[break][break][break]

The G-MAX SMITE’s stars slam into the floor. The hole already threatens the infrastructure of B2’s floor. The floor ’s Tyrantrum, , , and are on is about to collapse ( would be able to sense this too).[break][break][break]


A MYSTICAL FIRE from ’s Hatterene erupts from the hole she made in the previous round. The pillar of flame causes and to recoil, buying her more time. Thankfully, ’s performance continues to slow the councilman from reaching the bottom floor.[break][break][break]

In response to the flames, reacts, his Tapu Fini casting SURF down the hole in B3; and her Hatterene is struck by the coursing water as B3 floods some.[break][break][break]

B3’s TOXIC, MUDDY FLOOR is diluted with water. The tree’s roots seem to pulse as it sucks up nutrients from the polluted soil. [break][break][break]


The tree grows once more. Thanks to 's Haunter's CURSE, 's SURF and 's SLUDGE WAVE, the tree experiences its biggest growth yet. It's almost as if it is defending itself, but in a frantic manner. As the branches swing out from the tree, everyone on all floors must avoid being impaled or struck (your rolls and actions will affect what happens!). Pokemon are in danger too.[break][break][break]

Two of the trees roots are exposed. One is on the eastern side () and the one is on western side (, , , , , @zacharias, , ). Both ooze an odd blue sap.[break][break][break]



IN ORDER TO CLAIM COMPLETE REWARDS FOR YOUR FACTION, and to facilitate plot moments within the event thread, your respective groups will have objectives to fulfill collectively. for example, if your rocket character becomes captured, that objective is fulfilled for the entire group.[break][break]

throughout the event, more objectives may be added/these objectives are subject to change.[break][break]


  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☐
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☐
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • fairy lock & perish song are in effect.
  • 's tyrantrum and 's gallade are very hurt.
  • two of the roots are exposed and are oozing blue sap.
  • & are poisoned and are in danger of being poisoned by SMOG.
  • b3 is rapidly filling with SMOG which obscures vision.
  • b3 is hard to move around in due to the mud, sludge and water.
  • the eastern side of b2 is about to collapse.
  • the tree is growing dramatically and branches may strike at your characters and their pokemon next round. this is dangerous and you rolls + actions will determine what happens!
  • @matteo has been ejected from the event and his existence in the event has been retconned.
  • try to refer to the Pokemon species (not their nicknames) in the tl;dr! it makes it easier for me, hehe.


  • the 3 pokemon you have signed up with are now locked in for the event.
  • each of your pokemon can only perform 1 move per round.
  • please do not meta-game; this event is not a competition.
  • if you do not post by the round's deadline, you will be skipped.
  • like others have been doing, please note when you have tagged everyone once for the objective!
  • please ROLL once.




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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 15:21:52 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Gavin braces for impact, for pain — but just as he's about to hit the ground, the shriek of his Aerodactyl fills his ears and he is snatched from the jaws of danger. His racing heart jumps to his throat as the Aerodactyl flares its wings and makes a cautious landing among the rubble, and the Rocket scientist turns his amber gaze to his rescuer.[break][break]

He'd heard her call out to him; that she'd remembered his alias in the chaos was impressive, but the concern in her voice had rung genuine.[break][break]

His mouth is dry with panic, and he offers a curt nod of thanks for fear that his voice might crack. He finds himself clutching onto Emma for the support that was no longer needed now that they were on the ground — her presence grounds him, and the dizzying haze of adrenaline starts to fade.[break][break]

Though the air is filled with a song of perish, he does not risk returning his greatest defensive asset. His hand finds the prehistoric beast's neck, a secondary anchor.[break][break]

"We need to get below," he insists. "If the others—"[break][break]

Whatever he'd been about to say, he cuts himself off as he notices the tree begin to surge with new growth.[break][break]

"Aerodactyl, guard us!"[break][break]

With a rallying cry, the ancient avian leaps forth and spreads its wings with a WIDE GUARD.[break][break]

In the chaos, Gavin attempts to send out his Lucario for support, gripping the dual-type's capsule like a lifeline.[break][break]


takes a moment to recover mentally from the stress of falling[break]
intends to seek a path downward, but is stopped by the tree growth[break]
AERODACTYL uses WIDE GUARD to shield their group from the assault of branches[break]
Gavin attempts to release LUCARIO for back-up[break][break]


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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2020 1:17:19 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


Her hand closes around Gavin's hand and wrist and she holds fast, pulling him close the moment they land. Without even really registering, the woman has slid off of the back of the Aerodactyl and been wrapped up in the arms of her partner - and she doesn't make an effort to escape. In fact, it seems it's taking all of the strength she has not to falter. He had almost slipped out of her fingers. It was like reliving a nightmare.[break][break]

As comforting as this moment is, however, the moment ends as Gavin peels away to speak to her. He still sounds breathless, but that wasn't surprising given the circumstances. And, miraculously, the poison that had touched her skin fades away thanks to a misty terrain.[break][break]

His thought is promptly cut off, however, as the trunk of the tree grows once again - but this time, they're in actual danger of the branches.[break][break]

Thankfully, both Gavin and Zoroark are quick to act. The man orders the prehistoric beast into action and his rallying cry is mimicked with Zoroark's howl. As the bird's wings stretch to perform a WIDE GUARD, Zoroark puts up a PROTECT to help bolster defences. Emma stays behind the formation in order to defend herself, but remains close to Gavin.[break][break]

From her belt, however, the woman is reaching for her Crobat's Pokeball, releasing the four-winged bat. [break][break]

"If the branches come too close, sever them. I'm not about to die for some stupid tree."[break][break]

Her tone drips venom as her clear irritation takes hold. This operation was falling apart - she'd much rather have handled this herself, discreetly. There was absolutely nothing discreet about this whatsoever. [break][break]

Crobat performs a few CROSS POISONS, sending arching slices of poisonous air-strikes against whatever branches might threaten to break through their protective formation.[break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: clings to Gavin for dear life, is she acting?[break]
zoroark steps up to assist the wide guard with protect[break]
emma releases crobat to cross poison any branches that might push past


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2020 3:34:01 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Kaida narrowed her eyes, peering down the hatch. Had the sludge hit enough enemies to make a difference? Had it hurt a human? She knew well enough that not many were like her, plenty had Pokemon that relied on their trainer's orders. If they were still fine, then she needed to finish the job, hunt them and make the pin. "Mmm? Hema?" Her attention caught on the Seviper as it moved to stick her head down the hatch, and hissed and drew back in a flash of pink. The serpent's eyes flashed, a damned fairy trick! At least psychics were handsomely intelligent, fairies were just a nuisance! [break][break]

Sticking her hand down, Kaida understood quickly, her Pokemon were trapped here for some time., if it could be called that, was also swirling in her ears, but faded quickly sounded bad, and her Pokemon's eyes turning glassy for a few seconds didn't help her confidence. Without thinking, she released another of her pack, Hel, the Grovyle, who looked about curiously and chirped good-naturedly. Where was the hunt? [break][break]

Maybe in the drizzle, in the calm, she forgot much could still happen. [break][break]

Kaida only had a brief moment to hear bark creaking before branches shot about, crashing and stabbing at their surroundings. She opened her mouth, not even sure how she could ensure their safety, and her Pokemon acted first. Whatever words were on her tongue cut off in a scream as Hema rammed into Kaida, flinging her into the hatch. Flailing frantically, Kaida caught herself on the hatch, clinging frantically as she felt her arm throb horribly. It was bleeding again, hit on the wall before she caught herself. [break][break]

Three faces looked down the hatch briefly, the scaly faces of Hema, Hel, and Freya seeming genuinely gleeful before they disappeared, pursued by branches. And the absolutely useless human could only cling in safety, so small and unable to help in any way. A frantic scream shook free from her, her own small frame seemingly impossibly loud as she yelled at the one thing she was here to try and protect, a being that was now going to kill the only connections she ever had. "Your enemies are down here! Down! Not them!" She shrieked and howled hopelessly, banging her feet into the walls as if it would do anything. Anything, if it meant their lives would be scared. Something cracked in her chest, and her voice died, unused to being raised in any manner. Still, desperately waiting for the branches to stop attacking, waiting for her Pokemon to show themselves miraculously, her thoughts kept racing, directed as if her thoughts meant anything to this thing. Down there, the ones killing you are down. What the hell was she doing? Talking to a tree, maybe she was just simple. [break][break]

Up above, her Pokemon were now pressed for survival. Freya breathed out a great Flamethrower, a wide, sweeping wall of fire she hoped would dissuade the branches until they retreated to safety. What safety? Why, those two with those protecting Pokemon! ( and ) All three Pokemon retreated away from the tree and towards the protection as the Flamethrower raged. At the back, Hema unleashed Night Slash at any branch that came near, hoping to keep the trio from being stabbed in the back. Hel simply ran and, once reaching the two humans, a membranous barrier extended from her being. Quick Guard. Perhaps not as useful as Protect, but anything to bolster defenses was probably good, she thought. [break][break]

Hema and Freya tried to fling themselves near the humans too, trying to take advantage of the defenses, chirping and rumbling in what seemed like...greeting? For stranger's, they seemed awfully friendly. It was just like Kaida, whoever they were working with were currently partners, was all.

XgAd0Qvo [break][break]

(Salac berry roll!)


[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida releases Grovyle, becoming aware that her Pokemon cannot go into the hatch because something is blocking them (Fairy Lock). She also notices that Seviper and Salnazzle are affected by a Perish Song but is unable to do anything about it before the branches start attacking. Her Pokemon push her into the hatch, trying to keep her safe. Kaida does not leave the hatch until the round is over. Salnazzle then uses Flamethrower and Seviper uses Night Slash to try and ward off strikes as they run towards and , trying to join the protection. Hel uses Quick Guard to try and bolster defenses as they hunker down. [break][break]

Using my Salac berry! Please, please, please!


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2020 18:23:26 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]sometimes, bad things happen in succession. in this case, it's a shitstorm of awful that keeps pummeling them. can she even weather this kind of storm? is it possible to survive such a thing? hopefully. panic is slowly settling into her system, mingling with the odd rush that lingers from the very beginning. it swirls and mixes and churns together and once it settles into the pit of her stomach, she's coming to the slow realization that she recognizes the sensation. dread. absolute dread.

perhaps it's luck that lends itself to her in this moment. as the protective barrier around them begins to shatter and crumble, she's moving further into the unknown.

she manages to dip right on out of there as things begin to take a turn for the worst. keeping virgo on standby must have been one of the only good things she actually did today... although, it doesn't seem to help those around her. with an apologetic glance thrown over her shoulder toward 's retreating form, the scientist and her pokemon TELEPORT down into the hatch. down the rabbit hole, down into the chaos.

they land with a plop, murky water and sludge licking at the exposed skin of her legs. it's funny, she had expected the impact to hurt more... ah, wait. is that the effect of life dew taking hold? her hands are tentative as they drift to the wound. some of the blood has slowed, a healing process slowly begun and slowly stopped. it'll work, she decides with another light brush over the injury. for now, it has to work.

illeana doesn't have a moment to gather her barrings. not a minute, not a second, nothing.

smog begins to fill the area, mingling in the once damp air until it's all but suffocating. she's scrambling for cover, for a sense of direction in the murky darkness. how can she see? how can she get to the roots? how. can. she. do. her. job? the answer: she can't.

"nefas," she gasps, hands beginning to roam for the telltale form of her arctozolt. it has to be close, has to still be nearby. it takes a moment, perhaps longer than she even has, before fingers brush against a shivering body and she's inching closer. her kirlia stays close with injured hands wrapping around her legs while the fourth member of their little team shifts back into the shadows. a golett on standby, lurking and lying in wait in the darkness. is it within its element? perhaps. is it a comfort she desperately needs right now? absolutely. "protect."

it might fail. actually, it probably absolutely will but she needs to try. chattering teeth fill her ears and she shivers, pressing closer as the arctozolt attempts another PROTECT to shield them from the smog that threatens to overcome them. if it works, she doesn't notice. no, she's too busy getting smacked from behind by a flailing branch. it's effective in knocking all of the wind from her lungs, sending the woman scrambling and gasping. "what the hell?" with the cover of poisonous gas, the tree has started moving. (the tree said i'm boutta start swingin'). oh god, she can barely see a foot in front of her. how is she supposed to defend against something she can't see? she isn't.

"custos, try to block whatever's coming!" if she can't see it, perhaps her automaton can. illeana begins to slowly push forward through the sludge, away from the hatch's ladder and into the fray. as the branches come for them, her golett emerges to meet the tree's defenses. it struggles against the branches, forced to constantly disappear and reappear with the threat of poison looming around them. multiple hits break through the shoddy defenses she has put into place, winding branches coming from all directions. she has to believe that the golett can defend them, just enough to give her time to stumble around with searching hands until she hits the jackpot... hopefully.

otherwise, they just might die down here. does dying for science come with the job?

YNnuKo5L | regular
| hazards

tldr |
- kirlia uses TELEPORT to bring
illeana & her pokemon to B3.
- arctozolt tries to use PROTECT again,
with a 50% chance of it failing. yolo.
- golett shifts into the shadows, emerging
in an attempt to force the branches back with
brute force.
- stumbling around like an idiot looking
for the roots.
- if we're gonna die, we die like men.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,454 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2020 18:57:28 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
goro gets free from his hold. that was somewhat expected, but at least he tried. unfortunately, he has to keep up the act until the curtain falls.

"shit, i take it back! get that terrorist, justice boy!"

and then everything that can possibly damage the tree starts to happen even before they could take everything that they need. sludge falls down from the ceiling and priam turns his phone back up to light up. "fuck!" the device catches someone by the hatch before smog fills the room, obscuring vision.

there was a stinging pain by his legs, but objectives were to be met at all costs. he unzips his jacket, and the pyukumuku falls off. "toxic once we take off, m'kay?" priam takes a switch blade from one of its inner pockets and a container, quickly scraping off part of the tree trunk along with residue sap, and puts it within. the container and the blade goes back to the same inner pocket he took it from.

he releases his braviary while takes both of his other pokemon around his arms. the shiinotic gets interrupted from using mega drain to nourish itself from the tree while the pyukumuku spews out toxic by the exposed root nearest to priam. the flying-type grabs priam by his shoulders, the padding from the jacket helping cushion its grip.

"do that beam thing," he commands the shadow pokemon.

the braviary flies away from the tree in preparation of its move, taking priam away from the pile of sludge at the bottom. an advocate of the saying 'the best defense is a good offense', priam hopes that his braviary's oblivion wing would be enough to tear through the tree's defenses and go through it.

  • priam does his things under the cover of smog
  • takes a sample of the root/sap for
  • shiinotic used mega drain on the tree
  • pyukumuku used toxic on the tree
  • priam carries both of his pokemon while his braviary carries him
  • braviary uses oblivion wing at the tree/tree's branches


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twenty six
84 height
84 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
142 posts
Goro Shimizu DOLLARS
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Goro Shimizu
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2020 4:10:35 GMT
Goro Shimizu Avatar
Goro: get clocked.. again.
{Show Pesterlog}

he had managed to escape 's grasp, but that was when face met tree - a massive branch swinging out and smacking him in the face. whatever forward momentum goro had was gone now, as he slid unceramoniously to the ground and washed up on the ebbing toxic tides, his conscious fading in and out.

meanwhile, snoop dog wasn't doing too hot either. the evil hat witch had rained down the heavens and that punk ass psychic had really done some damage. with not much left to lose, the pea brained t rex dinosaur waggled his little arms... and the floor beneath them began to give way as his ANCIENT POWER ripped apart the ground - enlarging the hole the legendary fairy type had just flushed!

beneath him, lil nas x caught sight of the island pokemon and used COPY CAT to steal SURF; unleashing a torrent of shadow fueled water out towards the tree - and more importantly, to quickly begin to fill up b3 with water! the prince of chaos and clownery was trying to... flood the floor?!

rising through the floor, betty white spied her stupid ally and his wounds. the haunter could smell the sweet putrid scent of death lingering over snoop dog, and was summoned to b2. a cackle betrayed her location near the tree as POISON GAS seeped from her cartoonish mouth and began to fill the room with toxic gas.

the water woke goro, his face ached and bruising shades of violet replaced the gray paint on the clown's face. he looked around in a daze for something to grab onto - a branch! a root? was that.. slime? sap? ... something else? he didn't care and made his way towards the exposed root, falling face first into the mysterious liquid as a stray branch decked him in the knees!


+ goro is KO'd by a branch and poison!
+ tyrantrum uses ANCIENT POWER to rip open the hole on b2!
+ mime jr used COPYCAT on 's Tapu Fini to steal SURF; uses it on b3 to flood the floor/help goro?!
+ haunter/mime jr: perish count (3/4)
+ haunter is attracted to the dying tyrantrum and gallade to b2!
+ haunter uses POISON GAS on b2!
+ goro wakes up as the water washes over him!
+ goro spies the exposed root, and tries to get to it.. only to be tripped up by a branch - face (mouth) falling for the mysterious slime!


> tl;dr==>he is being loud and dumb
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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
1,191 posts
marcel maeda DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @marcel
marcel maeda
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 1:33:06 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

[attr="class","mthread"]while his metagross is unaffected by the attack, marcel's sylveon lets out a cry of pain as the sludge wave hits her. wave after wave of water envelopes the floor, and he can feel the ground changing under his feet. cursing, he picks up amour and climbs atop his metagross.
as he turns his gaze to league mismagius--the cause of yet another one of their problems--he utters a command to amour. "skill swap." he needed the extra mobility so long as the floor was in this state.[break][break]
the situation has quickly worsened--there's little he can do until they've regained at least some control of it.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: magnet rise is in effect (2/5). marcel picks up his sylveon and climbs atop his metagross to avoid the sludge. sylveon uses skill swap on 's mismagius (pixilate ⭤ levitate).


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 2:08:35 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Luckily for Katherine and the rest of her team - Hatterene possessed a unique ability that allowed her a slight glimpse into the future. Or rather, ANTICIPATION allowed the psychic-type to see and prepare for the crashing wave of water that was provided by the Legendary pokemon of Fernando. A faster reaction is all she needs, however, as her task was only to stall.

The fire is doused and replaced by a repelling wave of a PSYCHIC force - forcing Hatterene's focus to remain upon the hole in the ceiling. She resists allowing it to reach her trainer just yet, but, there was no doubt that <i>it was coming</i>.

"Q-Quickly, Morpeko! The root! CRUNCH! Take it down!"

The masked woman can feel the ground itself shake as the tree experiences an additional wave of growth, promoting branches to frantically spread with the intent of skewering those who had dared to attack it. Katherine's Morpeko, however, still attempts to reach the exposed root and bite down right where the blue sap was oozing from. Its point of weakness presumably.

If he manages to strike it where it matters - it will be eliminated. The grave danger it posed to his trainer will be gone.
But regardless of if the small pokemon's dreams are fulfilled or not, Hatterene's PSYCHIC reaches its limit. The protective barrier shatters - and the water finally moves to flood the floor from above.

"Gallade, now!" A nod from the mega-evolved pokemon is issued before a TELEPORT ensues - intent on carrying the trainer and her partners across the room to the other side, where others will serve as her defense against the branches.


tl;dr (it's a big one)
★ hatterene's ability, ANTICIPATION, warns her from the incoming SURF, promoting her to use PSYCHIC to hold the water in the air for as long as she can. it doesn't last for long.
★ in the meantime, morpeko attempts to run by and reach the exposed root. his intent is to use CRUNCH right upon the tree's 'injury', where the blue sap oozed from.
★ the protective barrier of hatterene's PSYCHIC shatters, and the water finally comes falling.
★ gallade, still mega-evolved, uses TELEPORT to move the group across the room to the other side, where there are enough people who are dealing with the branches + can get skewered by them first. you know... just a line of meatshield(s).

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing