i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 5:16:06 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

Landing safely was pure luck. Dodging the hazards amidst the environmental inferno was a miracle. As the pink terrain surged the entire floor, she could feel the nibbles of poison and drowziness dissipate from her and the delphox’s body. “You alright, girl?” The light moan from the vixen was enough to keep her calm.

Selena observed as ’s salazzle made its business down the hatch. Her seviper attempted to look down from the pit and hissed as pink chains emerged from the hole and locked their pokémons once again on the second basement. “There they are again.”

And with an unlucky twist of fate, crimson waves filled the entire hall, soundwaves bringing PERISH SONG all over the entire building. The journalist looked at her delphox, the pokémon becoming frantic with every second. Whoever was keeping them from reaching the floor below, she must meet them.

The pink-haired lady called on her partner from above the ceiling, still mounted on his pelipper. “I’m doing fine down here. But this FAIRY LOCK is really getting on my nerves!”

She could feel the same tension just like the dumbstrucked ranger as the oak trunk creaked and launched branches impaling everything on sight.

“Ale—Irina!” She almost slipped. “We’re stuck. Rabid branches. A little help?”

Throwing in Zorya again, she needed the sword’s help in clearing the branches. “Zorya, use SLASH against incoming branches. Circe, CALM (MIND) yourself. It’s just for a few seconds, okay?” The aegislash proceeded to do what she was asked and the delphox began glowing in reddish aura as she meditated.

Selena would consider getting the FAIRY LOCK-PERISH SONG combo herself in another time, but right now she needed to outsmart the culprits that was keeping them from coming down.

She just hoped that whatever shenanigan was going down below, she was not too late to witness.


  • safely landed and safe from hazards thanks
  • notices the FAIRY LOCK and PERISH SONG, consoles delphox
  • calls on (Irina) for help
  • summons aegislash to SLASH the rabid branches going their way and orders delphox to use CALM MIND (1)
  • OBJECTIVE CLEARED: all league members are tagged from the previous posts

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 5:34:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"are ya kidding me?! didn't ya see that guy's mime jr set fire to everything?! i'm taking him dow-blrblblblblr-" as kazimir was standing straight up in defense of his own justice and his actions a waterfall of sludge suddenly came down on him and spooked his other pokemon who managed to scuttle out of the way as the sludge wave began to pool and kazimir came stumbling out of the waterfall coughing up purple gunk. "what the hell...was that for?!" he shouted to the floor above him only to quickly double over in pain as the nausea was starting to affect him much quicker than he would have thought. perhaps it was the small creature living inside of him moving around as it cried out in pain, of course its voice could only be heard by kazimir who could feel something move around inside and hoped it wasn't his lunch.
goodwitch the mismagius just laughed at him as he climbed atop dinozord with his wooden tool in hand and did his best not to hurl on his dracovolt who was still smiling despite all of the commotion going on. as kaz got his bearings he was witness to the large ice type move suddenly get slammed onto the tree and others digging around it before disappearing into a thing veil of smog. that didn't look like it was good news in any shape or form and while he was ready to throw down with the people who were taking advantage of this hell to try and look at the tree he had to give himself pause when he realized he might be a bit outnumbered here. still he had to try, actually not try but do. there was no try when it came to the hero biz. "c'mon boys, let's take them out and get that tree some safety."
the dracovolt charged ahead with his trainer riding on top with the machoke and mismagius close behind. things were never as simple as charging ahead however as the tree began to creak and branches began popping out of it and swinging wildly at everything in the room. "machoman! cut 'em down!" the machoke used his strength in a cross chop to cut down any branches that were heading kazimir's way.
machoman the machoke used cross chop on the branches!

as the machoke cleared the way towards the tree kazimir noticed the sludge around them was being mixed with water and mismagius was suddenly floating lower to the floor with a look of fatigue on her. was her own perish song that powerful? it was doubled up thanks to that no good mime jr but this seemed like something else, like she had lost a bit of power in her own ability to levitate. either way she was still up and running and kaz needed that when a light bulb turned on his head. "dinozord, get me close to that tree. goodwitch, send whoever still here packing with some covering fire." that's when the gems around the mismagius began to close as leaves manifested around them before shooting them off towards any target that she could see.
goodwitch the mismagius used magical leaf on anyone and any pokemon!

"c'mon dinozord! lets show them that sludge and water ain't gonna stop us, but it sure as hell gonna be trouble for them!" as machoman cut down at more branches the dracovolt splashed around in the muck around him before jumping at one of the branches and aiming a thundershock at the wet floor to try and spread it all around the floor. as it did kaz noticed the glow of something oozing out of the tree roots. he didn't have time to question what it was as a branch came swinging at him but he quickly rolled off of his dracovolt and ran towards the glowing sap ready to scoop some up with his hand. dinozord the dracovolt on the other hand let out a roar before electricity crackled all around him and shot it towards the flooded floor to spread it around as much as he could.
dinozord the dracovolt uses thundershock on the floor!

Salac Berry Reroll:


    * mismagius/machoke/dracovolt perish count 3/4![break]
    * machoke uses cross chop on the attacking branches to cut them down![break]
    * mismagius uses magical leaf on any pokemon and person in b3![break]
    * kazimir lunges for the sap after riding dracovolt towards the tree![break]
    * dracovolt uses thundershock on the flooded floor to conduct it everywhere it reaches![break]
    * used 1 salac berry for a reroll!


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 5:58:00 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

A sickenly sweet siren song echoed through the entire basement, but that was the least of Ruby's worries right now. She didn't know whether it was the adrenaline pumping through her veins or the combination of smog, smoke, and toxic gases in her lungs, but she was sweating up a storm. It was only by the soft mist that spread out from Fernando's direction that seemed to soothe her aches.

Regardless, the Tyrantrum was still a threat. The thrashing it gave Fury after it threw itself into way wasn't easily forgotten. However, the sound of someone else yelling protect () out across the floor she was on sounded like a smart idea. She didn't know what was happening on the other side of the tree, but judging by the quaking floor and the incredible tree growth, even the massive adrenaline surge in her veins couldn't distract her from the obvious. If they did nothing, they were going to fall again, and if they didn't, the branches were going to pierce them right through. Her eyes wide with panic, Ruby's psychic type pokemon sensed her growing fear. Even Fury, who was struggling to stand quickly tossed out another Wide Guard. His eyes steeled over with determination as he grew desperate to protect his trainer with everything he had.

"Q-quickly!" Ruby cried out to the guards she had assisted earlier, motioning for them to join her behind the shield that was protecting her Pokemon. "That tree is going to hurt us all if we don't do something! See if your Mr. Mimes can do something!" She spoke out as Grace would quickly attempt to urge them closer. Her mind slowly opening to the infinite possibilities, using Future Sight to attempt and find them not only the safest place to stand but what was going to happen next. She would have also gathered , but she trusted that of all people, would be able to protect them.

Of course, Whisper wasn't satisfied to put her faith behind a single pokemon to protect her trainer. Fury had gained her respect by protecting her, but she would never stand idly by. Roaring out with incredible strength, the witch Pokemon swung her three tentacles as psychic blades of energy fired off towards the tree, using Psycho Cut to attempt to slice any branches that dared to come too close to her trainer. Everything about this place was wrong, in her eyes. So many aggressive emotions... She would silence every single one of them if she could get her claws on them.


Notes: Fury uses Wide Guard to protect Ruby, her pokemon, and the guards. Ruby urges the guards to join her behind the guard and attempts to convince them to use their Mr. Mimes to help protect them all. Grace uses Future Sight, to attempt to find them the safest place to stand, and what might occur next. Whisper still Mega Evolved, furious, swings her tentacles wildly to use Psycho Cut to defend Ruby and her pokemon.


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #B8D9EC; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 6:02:42 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.
TAG event

The landing was a bit rough, but they'd managed to reach B3 relatively unscathed. Once he found firm footing in the wet and muddy ground, Atlan was quick to exit the area the crawlspace hovered over. Especially when the chaotic sounds of destruction erupted from up above. But that was only the half of it. While his ears paid attention to the symphony of conflict, his eyes were quick to notice the trainers surrounding the tree in B3.

And the Gengar that flooded it with Smog.

Though his Mawile and Aron were more than likely spared the effects of the toxic smoke and ground below, he worried for the Rookidee on his shoulder as he covered the lower half of his face with his sleeve. When the tree suddenly started going wild, however, his worry was once again extended towards the rest of his pokémon as well. "Brigid, Rock Tomb!" He quickly commands, using the small gargoyle in his arms to summon a V-shaped formation of rocks around his little group.

Together, they would huddle behind the rocks as the swinging branches whipped at them from the other side. Whether or not the swinging stopped soon (or, at the very least, lessened in ferocity), the blue-eyed assistant was sure to keep their objective in mind. It was most important, and this was a crucial moment with so many trainers already gathered here before the exposed tree root.

"Alright... it's time. I need you to Play Rough and get your way to that root, Dwen." He says, peeking out from behind the rock with his pokémon and pointing towards it. "Collect a sample with your jaw." He adds, turning back to pat the large jaw in question. Then, he turns to his Rookidee. "Nemesis, guide her way and Taunt anyone who tries to stop her, okay? We'll be right behind you!"

It's when he realizes that the sludge at their feet has been diluted that he sends them off. "Now go!"

And so their impromptu, and rather rash, plan kicks into gear. The Rookidee takes flight, struggling not to inhale too much of the Smog, as she guides the Mawile through it and towards the exposed root on the western end. Using her Keen Eye, she also watches out for any pokémon that shows any interest in stopping the Mawile in question as it makes a bullrush through. Her Play Rough reveals itself in the form of a large swinging jaw as she does so, snapping up anyone who dares get too close before throwing them far across the room.

Should she reach the tree root, the Mawile would be quick to scoop up as much of the blue goo as she can before clamping the jaw that scooped it up tight. Atlan and the Aron in his arms, in the meantime, would exit their cover shortly after his first two pokémon had made their move, keeping his mouth and nose shielded.

TL;DR Atlan's Aron uses ROCK TOMB to shield Atlan, the Mawile, and the Rookidee from the whipping branches. Considering its poison immunity, Atlan sends Mawile to PLAY ROUGH her way towards the exposed branch on the western side, hoping to scoop up some of the glowing blue sap into her large jaw and clamp it shut. Rookidee, in the meantime, guides her with its KEEN EYE and uses TAUNT at the first pokémon who tries to stop her! Carrying Aron, Atlan follows afterwards.


Mawile: STOCKPILE x1
Aron: SPD +2
Rookidee: ATK +2, ACC +2




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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 6:29:30 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] The moment 's Mime Jr COPYCATS Fernando's Tapu Fini is the moment that the Pokemon finds that its powers have come to a stop. It's as if some malignant force has breached the connection the Pokemon has with the ocean. No more water comes out and Tapu Fini can only stares as the SURF flows out from another.

"On me!"

Things change too quickly and there's too much at play. Fernando no longer has any interest in anything short of his own self preservation once the tree spasms underneath its own mutation. While may stay close, Fernando tear his other hand onto his belt loop and releases his last contingency: Aegislash. It's KING'S SHIELD create lucid barrier to stand against the physical blows of the tree while his Greninja leaps back by his side. It promptly brings up a MAT BLOCK to serve as another layer of protect that encompasses his Tapu Fini as well.

The Legendary Pokemon remains indifferent as the Greninja's MAT BLOCK snakes around it. The floor begins to crumble underneath the Tyrantrum's ANCIENT POWER. Some of branches come a little too close for the Pokemon's comfort and it channels a NATURE'S MADNESS to fend off the appendages, looking to contort nature's very essence against it.

As for Fernando, he's holding onto his Greninja by the time the floor begins to crumble again. Considering the Pokemon's agility and maneuverability, he figures he's in better hands than handling it alone.


- Tapu Fini's unable to use SURF due to Shadow Mime Jr.
- Brings out Aegislash to use KING'S SHIELD to protect.
- Greninja returns to him and uses a MAT BLOCK to protect him, his Pokemon, and AFK Gizz.
- Tapu Fini uses NATURE'S MADNESS at branches that get too close.
- Floor collapses? Fernando's latched onto his Greninja.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Rocket Scientist
Head Scientist
147 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 6:31:36 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
Her attempt at avoiding the sludge hadn’t gone exactly as planned but then again nothing during this job had really been going as it should. After the combination of the sludge and water, which had come from above, mixed and diluted the toxin the scientists made contact with the ground again.

And despite all of the commotion, the tree began to grow larger, its branches beginning to lash out against all forms of intruders. Eva released her Malamar and ordered her two Pokémon to fend off the branches and clear a path. Malamar used NIGHT SLASH to slice and deflect incoming branches and PSYCHIC from Orbeetle to try and repel them.

Priam’s “beam thing” had given the scientist an idea one which leads her to reach into her pocket and take out a special capsule. With the cover of the smog, Eva released the creature within this special ball, the Ultra Beast.

”Destroy it.” There were not many things that Eva could say actually unnerved her but this thing, the way its body contorted and twitched like some sort of twisted mannequin was nightmare-inducing. Even the way it looked at her if it was doing that it was hard to tell with this thing.

Despite all of this the Blachephalon turned to the tree, placing its hands on its head. It was fascinating but Eva didn’t have time to really watch this happen.

As Priam’s Braviary used Oblivion Wing on the tree the Blacephalon would throw its head towards the area the laser attack in an attempt for its head to enter the tree.

Regardless of the head would be primed to explode, the Ultra Beast used MIND BLOWN. The ones on B3 would be able to catch a glimpse of the Ultra Beast and while it was unfortunate in some grand scope of things that other fellow rockets like , and were not close enough to react it didn’t matter much in the end. Only the mission did.

”It’s time for us to leave!” A message directed mostly to the four that she came here with and the stowaway they met in the stairwell. Regardless she wasn’t keen on sticking around.


tl;dr - Released Malamar and using its Night Slash and Orbeetle’s PSYCHIC to defend against the branches.

- Released Ultra Beast Blachephalon from its Beast Ball, concealing its release via the smog, and used MIND BLOWN at the tree trunk aimed to where Priam’s Braviary was using Oblivion wing was targeting.

- At this point, every rocket should have been tagged!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 7:04:58 GMT
Deleted Avatar


[attr="class","blipstoplyric"]bad moon rising

[attr="class","blipstoplyric2"]I see a bad moon a-rising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today. Don't go 'round tonight, it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise. I hear hurricanes a-blowing. I know the end is coming soon. I fear rivers overflowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin. I hope you got your things together. I hope you are quite prepared to die. Look's like we're in for nasty weather, one eye is taken for an eye. Bad moon on the rise.



[attr="class","blipstop22"]tree time








“...Well, shit.”[break][break]

It was time to bounce.[break][break]

But, hadn't it all been too easy? Zacharias could only contemplate how bored he felt, even as water and sludge merged to toil in their surroundings. Cascading water registered only with its sense of weight as it dumped over his shoulders, draping his hair wet just to add to his frustrations.[break][break]

He still couldn't hear shit; but, he could see the faint outline of the true clown as it materialized. and his Braviary seen in the pitch of purple that curtained his vision, followed by a beam-like strike aimed to finish the tree for good.[break][break]

Noivern was released from its capsule—in the thicket of the smog, even the size of the Pokemon could be obscured.[break][break]

“Yeah, yeah, I know what you're saying,” he would say in 's direction, unable to hear the man; but, he knew by the way that the man was yelling that it was time to make their move.[break][break]

He clapped his hands—once, then twice. A signal to the ghost-type in the dark to do what needed to be done.[break][break]

Magic leaf came next, and he heard the whistle before he felt the leaves strike; blood rising from shallow cuts from an attack that had been hazardously cast.[break][break]

Didn't these amateurs know to only attack when there was no possible way to miss?[break][break]

The noivern would grasp them both by the arm, heaving them from the ground with one powerful flap of its wings. Ariados was not withdrawn, choosing to latch itself to Zacharias' back as he felt his weight pull up from the swam-like floor.[break][break]

Up through the hatch. As they flew up into the space of B2, Zacharias Burke looked out over a sea of morons that had pursued them without ever putting two and two together.[break][break]

Or, if they had, he imagined it was an effort akin to a child trying to fit the square block through the round hole—functioning on assumptions or basic instinct, like animals.[break][break]

“Air Slash,” he deadpanned, if only because the tree seemed keen to impale them with its swaying limbs—an attack of wind that manifested itself in a wide, sweeping radius of cutting air that swept both towards the tree and anything that would come too close.[break][break]

would initiate his attack, and with it, Zacharias offered his support; it came without his guidance.[break][break]

Gengar would materialize, stretching up from the floor with its phantasmal essence; shadowlike energy materialized into the shape of shadow ball as it was launched at 's exposed back. The next second? The ghost would slip back into the solid surface knowing that it could offer its protection.[break][break]

Zacharias allowed his eyes to stray, knowing that Gengar had been a member of his team long enough to function without needing command. But for the ariados? His eyes felt something draw his focus.[break][break]

As liked to call them, Zacharias stared in the direction of and her injured “green bitch,” the Gallade holding its wide guard so valiantly.[break][break]

Only one problem with that.[break][break]

“Go on,” and the spider swallowed itself with a shadow-like fade, deploying shadow sneak to depart from its trainer; malice failing to rise to his voice, spurring him to wonder why his heart beat without its usual drumming. Calm, the button-man wondered why he wished for plans to go terribly—like he wanted to flex the joys of improv in a comically violent fashion.[break][break]

Ariados departed like smoke. Then, to the ground, where it stalked with an instant-like malevolence.[break][break]

Wide guard would not protect against a singular strike.[break][break]

Press this advantage, give them no quarter—the Ariados would re-materialize through the wall, mandibles extended as it sought to sink fangs into Fury with a fury all its own.[break][break]


tldr: flies out with using noivern. noivern uses air slash on any nearby tree limbs/anyone that draws too close. gengar utilizes shadowball in a sneak attack against . ariados utilizes shadow sneak in an attempt to strike at 's gallade. SAFEGUARD (3/5) and LIGHT SCREEN (2/5) are active.




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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 7:08:59 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 he wants blood, he wants sulfur and brimstone. dominic feels his heartbeat thrum in the back of his throat, the adrenaline making him see in everything so sharply in the gloom and smog.

as and his dracozolt attempt to approach the tree, the ground underneath them will open up, swallowing them into the hungry mud as bisharp pulls them down with its DIG. the pokemon won't remain out long enough to see if the attempt to stall and drain the water works; dominic recalls it to its capsule with honed reflexes.

where they stand, dominic feels a droplet of something grace his cheek - he recognises the healing properties of a LIFE DEW.

"block them," he orders the klefki, even as he's making his way through the mud and grime to rejoin the others. the HEAL BLOCK is practically invisible in its conception - a momentary outline of white envelopes both the tree and everyone near the LIFE DEW'S source.

dominic whirls around to face his group just as the blacephalon is released from its confines. seeing the eerie spectral shape of the beasts elicits a grin.

as more water surges around them in a crescendo he yells out a string of profanity to @zacharias and closes the distance between him and the man's noivern. dominic grabs the pokemon's leg and allows it to raise them into the air. branches burst out once more, violent in their release. the klefki flits through them to rejoin its trainer, using its tiny size and agility to its advantage.

once they've ascended to b2, dominic watches for a moment as the ultra beast's flames begin to rise higher and higher. he reaches for another capsule and releases houndoom alongside the small collection of gathered league and rocket alike.

"burn everything," dominic says, and the pokemon does exactly as directed, summoning a raging INFERNO to lash at everyone in its vicinity.

tldr: SAFEGUARD (3/5) and LIGHT SCREEN (2/5) are active. bisharp DIGS underneath , attacking him and draining some water. bisharp is recalled. klefki uses HEAL BLOCK on the tree, and every league member in the vicinity of LIFE DEW - it will then attempt to flit through the branches to return to dominic's side. dominic backs up to @zacharias and gets picked up by noivern. at the b2 level, dominic releases houndoom and uses INFERNO to set everyone and any threatening branches alight, empowered by FLASH FIRE triggered from blacephalon's attack.



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 7:58:46 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

At first, everything was fine.

Then, it wasn’t.

While she was trying to keep her balance on the Pelipper, the tree began to react—violently.

She barely heard Selena’s shouts over the rumbling, cracking and snapping of branches that were suddenly growing wildly. Agility! Try to dodge the obstacles!” she called to the Flying-type that was holding her weight. The Pelipper then attempted to speed up, several attempts to dodge incoming growing branches flashing right before her eyes.

An unearthly melody wafted through the space, and while he did not recognize this to be Perish Song, he saw another flash before hearing Selena muttering something about Fairy Lock once more.

Oh no, not again! she thought angrily, trying to veer back towards the tree—only to be met with another sudden growth of branches growing wildly in several directions as she tried to back away from the tree. Looking over to where Selena was shouting, she then pointed at another batch of incoming branches.

“Florges!” she began—but then realized that there was a possibility that the place would come down. Instead, she decided to help Selena instead. “Help her out! Moonblast anything trying to attack her!” she continued.

Hopefully she would be able to cover Selena’s back!

• Alexei is here, cross-dressed as ‘Irina’ once again!
• From this point, Alex/Irina and Selena are together in a party, so any healing effects from Florges would extend to Selena’s Pokémon
• Tree growth, Pelipper used Agility to try and avoid the branches!
• Perish Song + Fairy Lock is in effect around the area! Alexei/Irina is ANGRY at the Fairy Lock!
• Decides to help Selena by aiming a Moonblast at any branches that would try attacking her

Objective cleared:

• mentioned everyone from the League a few posts back so that's done!


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,873 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 8:44:22 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]




’s Arctozolt PROTECTS against the initial barrage of branches— but she is struck to the floor as more of them scrape across B3. Her Golett attempts to block against the branches— but is slapped away by a swinging limb. The Ghost-type Pokemon suffers incredible hurt, for its clay body is chipped. She looks for sap as she staves off the SMOG wanting to poison her body.[break][break][break]

The thick branches strike across ’s body as well. His Aron’s ROCK TOMB lessens the blow somewhat, and the rocks chip into dust upon impact. However, the Aron is slammed into a wall, the branches having injured the poor Steel-type grievously. He too, saves against the poison gas. His Mawile rushes for the sap, reaching who crawls to a glowing puddle of blue. From the floor, she can see faint hues of green too, as if the gas has toyed with her vision. ’s Mawile and manage to reach the sap. Rookidee overwatches the operation— and chirps wildly as a terrible threat is thrown toward the tree… and themselves.[break][break][break]


manages to save herself from the tree’s retaliation. She is able to tuck her body enough so the branches swing underneath and above her while her pokemon run behind and ’s COMBINED PROTECTION. Her Grovyle attempts to protect against anything else with a QUICK GUARD. As the branches fly across, ’s Crobat delivers sizzling POISONS against them. These new limbs seem weaker against attacks and erode despite their density.[break][break][break]


Unlike , who uses his Aegislash defensively, practices the adage: “offense is the best defense.” Her Pokemon cuts through the branches while her Delphox meditates. Her ally, a cross-dressed atop a Pelipper, manages to avoid the surge of plant growth.[break][break][break]


Detecting the danger, ’s Hatterene casts a potent PSYCHIC toward Tapu Fini’s SURF attack. Able to weave herself out of harm’s way, ’s Morpeko destroys the weakened branch successfully. Its CRUNCH severs it. The tree seems to twist and turn in pain at its amputation. The Hatterene’s PSYCHIC is broken, for the Tapu Fini’s SURF is emboldened in strength by ’s AVATAR MISTY TERRAIN. Her Mega Evolved Gallade’s cape billows as it TELEPORTS her party to the other side after the branches complete their attack.[break][break][break]


As the guards thank , they attempt to call upon their Mr. Mimes. They seem injured, and while they attempt to regain composure, the girl’s Gardevoir FUTURE SIGHTS. In that vision, she sees the floor’s imminent collapse; there is no safe place to stand. However, the Gardevoir also realizes the whole building will collapse soon. While her Mega Evolved Hatterene PSYCHO CUTS cuts through the branches with ease, the floor groans.[break][break][break]

’s Tapu Fini finds that it can not use SURF anymore due to ’s Mime Jr.’s special ability. The shadowfied Pokemon snickers, but that laughter is drowned by the terrible collision of a Guardian Deity’s NATURE’S MADNESS. His Greninja protects with MAT BLOCK. Swiftly, the branches are obliterated— and the floor collapses. latches on to his Greninja, and the guards attempt to have their Mr. Mime’s PSYCHIC and her Pokemon to descend safely.[break][break][break]


Rocket’s clown is knocked out by the branches and poison clouding his lungs. His Tyrantrum, bloodied but defiant of fate, throws ANCIENT POWER BOULDERS toward B2 to create an even bigger hole. In the process of doing so, the branches pierce through the weakened dinosaur. Thanks to ’s Gallade’s previous attack, the limbs impale the beast. The Tyrantrum roars, shaking the basement with its siren song before collapsing dead.[break][break][break]

His Haunter uses POISON GAS on B2— but ’s MISTY TERRAIN still persists, clearing it. open mouth falls upon the sap… and it immediately wakes him up. The taste is bitter but invigorating, like an ENERGY ROOT; however, the SLUDGE WAVE from before has contaminated the substance. will find themselves incredibly nauseous and disoriented.[break][break][break]


’s Metagross continues to keep him afloat. His Sylveon’s ribbons flare as it SKILL SWAPS with ’s Mismagius, granting itself LEVITATE while the Ghost-type Pokemon receives PIXILATE.[break][break][break]

’s Mismagius summons sharp MAGICAL LEAVES. This attack does not miss, for the leaves chase after every single Pokemon and trainer on B3. , , , , , and @zacharias are cut by these curious leaves— but can not capitalize on his attack. His Machoke is able to CROSS CHOP a few branches, but is overtaken by them. The muscular Pokemon is torn by the branches— and is near death. Thanks to the Machoke, is able to gain some distance on his Dracovolt, but before the dragon can THUNDER SHOCK, ’s Bisharp UNEARTHS FROM ITS DIG. The Steel-type slams into the belly of the dragon, which hurls off its back.[break][break][break]


As ’s Klefki uses HEAL BLOCK around the tree, its owner is picked up by @zacharias on his Noivern. is struck by the branches despite her Malamar’s best efforts. She falls into the muddy floor, but under the cover of SMOG and in her supine position, she manages to release the Blacephalon. The Ultra Beast arrives dramatically, its pink and blue orbs flashing dramatic colours within the basement.[break][break][break]

manages to weave through the branches and safely obtains a sample of sap. While his Shiinotic and Pyukumuku assault the tree, his Braviary caws, malevolent energies building from its beak. A horrifying wail announces a fiendish red beam (OBLIVION WING) that tears through the tree alongside ’s Houndoom’s INFERNO. and @zacharias’ Noivern’s AIR SLASH.[break][break][break]

As hovers, protected by the guards and their Mr. Mimes, her valiant Gallade is ambushed. @zacharias’ Ariados SHADOW SNEAKS through the wall, sharp mandibles tearing out the Gallade’s throat in a fatal strike.[break][break][break]


Ever smiling, @zacharias’s Gengar hurls a SHADOW BALL at . It strikes the Pokkenger, forcing blood from his mouth. Seriously injured, wonders if this day will be his last, and as his vision struggles to steady on the wet floor, he sees green. However, it’s not just one. Not just two. Several Zygarde cells emerge from the earth. Having been called to this location, a beautiful green glow begins to materialize in front of him. In a protective stance before the hurt hero, a green-hued dog stands on all fours. Swiftly, it pivots, attempting to carry away…[break][break][break]



The Blacephalon, secured by and now commanded by , throws its head toward the same location as ’s Braviary’s OBLIVION WING. The dotted head arcs through the air— then detonates (MIND BLOWN). A blinding light emerges from B3 as the explosion expands.[break][break][break]


Although the explosion is not as potent as the ones in Slateport, it is still massive. Deadly. All-consuming. Everyone who is not already fleeing must escape in some capacity to avoid serious injury— or even death. To escape or survive, you may consider sacrificing your Pokemon... absolute destruction is imminent.[break][break][break]

Furthermore, 's Mime Jr.'s SURF has flooded B3, causing those who are on the ground (, , , ), to be drenched. The terrain is subsequently even more treacherous to escape from![break][break][break]



IN ORDER TO CLAIM COMPLETE REWARDS FOR YOUR FACTION, and to facilitate plot moments within the event thread, your respective groups will have objectives to fulfill collectively. for example, if your rocket character becomes captured, that objective is fulfilled for the entire group.[break][break]

throughout the event, more objectives may be added/these objectives are subject to change.[break][break]


  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☐
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands (1/3). ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☑
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☑
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☑


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☑
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands (1/3). ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☑
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☑


  • fairy lock is now gone; there is one more round until perish song is over.
  • the MIND BLOWN from blacephalon is detonating.
  • and 's mawile have reached the sap; however, the detonating MIND BLOWN may make it difficult to retrieve it.
  • 's gardevoir's FUTURE SIGHT has seen the collapse of the building.
  • 's tyrantrum and 's gallade have perished in battle.
  • 's aron, 's machoke, 's golett are seriously hurt.
  • , , have been poisoned by the SMOG; in particular, is seriously hurt.
  • has made it to the other side of B3 safely— and is in range of other rockets.
  • try to refer to the Pokemon species (not their nicknames) in the tl;dr! it makes it easier for me, hehe.
  • event is almost over/next round may be the last round.


  • the 3 pokemon you have signed up with are now locked in for the event.
  • each of your pokemon can only perform 1 move per round.
  • please do not meta-game; this event is not a competition.
  • if you do not post by the round's deadline, you will be skipped.
  • like others have been doing, please note when you have tagged everyone once for the objective!
  • please ROLL once.




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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,455 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 9:26:49 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
they did their job, and the exit comes soon afterwards. the situation was much more different than they predicted due to league wildcards that started coming in, and the escape plan has to change ever so slightly.

priam recalls his pyukumuku and then tucks his shiinotic by his arms as he climbs on the braviary's back with ease. despite its aggressive nature as a shadow pokemon, it somehow was obedient enough around its trainer to be instructed with ease.

"burst through the roof! we're getting out!"

with the blinding light from b3, the braviary's keen eye assured priam that it wasn't going to affect their abrupt exit plan. it steadies itself in the air with one strong flap before rushing upwards with its superpower with an intent to break another hole from b2 and another one that takes them outside.

on their way out, priam whispers to his shiinotic. "spore please."

almost invisible spores start to scatter from the grass-type's head, spraying them all over the area on their trail. the various visual effects that include, but not limited to, misty terrain, smog, and the smoke from the fires that were put out, should make the spore hard to notice with naked eye.

  • priam rides on his braviary and recalls the pyukumuku.
  • braviary makes holes on the roofs with superpower
  • shiinotic used spore on the way out


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 9:28:15 GMT
Deleted Avatar


[attr="class","blipstoplyric"]bad moon rising

[attr="class","blipstoplyric2"]I see a bad moon a-rising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today. Don't go 'round tonight, it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise. I hear hurricanes a-blowing. I know the end is coming soon. I fear rivers overflowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin. I hope you got your things together. I hope you are quite prepared to die. Look's like we're in for nasty weather, one eye is taken for an eye. Bad moon on the rise.



[attr="class","blipstop22"]tree time








Death lingered on the tongue like a stale aftertaste—long had it departed of its meaning.[break][break]

Calloused like scabs, forming layer after layer, Zacharias Burke could disassociate from his actions. Not him, he would think, as he would let mind separate from body. It was just like a man pulling on a draw string, just to listen to a doll's chattering.[break][break]

With his hand played, he knew hostilities would turn. It was a response so timed, so clearly visualized, that he could not react to the chaos unfolding with any shred of attention.[break][break]

Loud beat the pulse of music as he gave his next order.[break][break]

“Double Team,” and one Noivern became many—a sea of illusions, where multiple copies of the flying dragon with its occupants came into existence.[break][break]

He plucked his airpods from his ears with a free hand, tossing them aside along with the ear plugs that would have served to protect him from his Noivern's sound-based attacks—a tactic that was never employed. It had not been needed.[break][break]

Gengar re-materialized, floating into this mob of illusions with a sinister giggle. Its target may have departed from harm's way, but the point had never been to clench a kill; Zacharias would shrug at its return. “Make it harder for 'em.”[break][break]

Ghost clutching to his shoulders, it would unhinge its jaws to spew forth another round of smog. perish song would come to its close, but Zacharias kept a hand on his partner to keep the ghost steady until unconsciousness would take it.[break][break]

For Ariados, the situation would be more complication. Mandibles drenched, the creature did not linger; sticky web deployed to the high ceiling as the bug-type made its retreat with a sharp withdrawal. It would be pulled sharply up, ascending from the ground to capitalize on the moment of shock.[break][break]

It would not be as fast as shadow sneak. It would be more visible.[break][break]

That allowed Zacharias to spy the bug-type before the miasma would overtake him—between the double team, he could see his pokemon.[break][break]

And he sought to recall it with a raised capsule.[break][break]

“Get us back to the stairs,” he would order the Noivern, knowing that while the floor to B1 had collapsed, the stairwell that lead upstairs would still remain intact—to some degree.[break][break]


tldr: zacharias orders noivern to use double team to obscure where the real @zacharias and could be. gengar rejoins zacharias and deploys smog to further complicate this process. ariados uses sticky web in an attempt to sail up to the ceiling, where zacharias will attempt to recall it. zacharias has ordered the noivern to fly to the stairs that would lead upstairs, to the ground floor above b1. safeguard (4/5) and lightscreen (3/5) are still active.




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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
181 posts
marie jules DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @marie
marie jules
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 14:36:53 GMT
marie jules Avatar

Her mind fades in and out, one minute she’s in control, and the next she’s simply on autopilot, her movements not her own but her mind unwilling to bother acting as if they weren’t. She felt like an onlooker for most of this ordeal. She would only snap back into reality when the floor gives way once more, the woman sucking her teeth as she releases a Scizor, the winged pokemon catching her and the Lilligant midair.

Looking down further into the hole, she spots a glint of the growing explosion akin to HER clown’s and grimaces, calling down to the councilman in her altered voice.

On second thought… I think I got in over my head on this one… I think I’m gonna just go. Thanks for having me!” She says, returning the Lilligant and instead swapping it out for a Sallazle that hooks to the tree, following her trainer. As it ascends behind Marie, the dual fire type  shoots flames at branches in passing as Marie makes her aerial escape- the Scizor Fury Cutting any obstacle that stood in their way to freedom.


- sends out Scizor to catch her before completely falling a level down and boy byes

- returns lilligant, sends out sallazle who climbs up after Marie on the tree

- sallazle used flamethrower on branches as she passes them while scizor uses fury cutter to cut itself and its rider an escape route

-she'll return the sallazle when she reaches safety and jet on that scizor afterwards

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,456 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 14:47:59 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


An unlikely ally appears in the form of — after a quick pause for thought, Gavin does not protest her presence. Separated from the rest of Rocket, he and must do whatever they can to maintain their own cover and survive.[break][break]

With a curt nod to the girl, he's considering their options when a rumbling explosion from below announces the arrival of their secret weapon: the Blacephalon must've been deployed. Though he had not witnessed the destruction first-hand during the New Years celebration, he knows enough to understand the danger they are in.[break][break]

Mounting up on Aerodactyl, understanding that the perishing song affords them only a small window of time to escape, he reluctantly makes the choice to leave his Lucario behind. Rather than recalling the dual-type who'd spent so many years as his loyal companion, he extends a hand to in order to help her aboard the prehistoric flier. There is no time for apologies, goodbyes, and he swallows the lump in his throat as he commands his Aerodactyl: "Fly, fast!"[break][break]

Utilizing her natural AGILITY, Aerodactyl waits only until both Rockets are aboard before taking to the air.[break][break]

"Get us to the exit!"[break][break]

Aerodactyl flies for the nearest avenue of escape; if possible, it will land to allow its passengers to dismount before the woeful song takes effect.[break][break]

|jpzwAN7 [break]

recognizes that Blacephalon = we need to leave, mounts up on Aerodactyl[break]
makes a choice to avoid recalling his Lucario, instead using those precious seconds to ensure can climb aboard Aerodactyl[break]
AERODACTYL uses AGILITY to speed its flight for an escape route[break]
if it finds a place to land safely and allow Gavin and Emma to dismount/flee, it'll do that, since Perish Song is active[break][break]


template by kay

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 16:49:08 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


Emma, like Gavin, does not protest the stranger's presence - but she does take note of the woman's desperation. Had they not been in a life or death situation, Emma might have scowled at the woman's lack of self-preservation from her own abilities.[break][break]

However, it was a life or death situation and they were successful in blocking and beating back the branches. Crobat's cross poison snaps off branches before they can cause damage. Of course, this isn't even the tip of the 'we're in grave danger' iceberg.[break][break]

From below, causing Emma's balance to falter for a moment as she grabs hold of Gavin's arm, Eva has released the Blacephalon. There's an explosion growing beneath them and there is no time to lose. Gavin turns for Aerodactyl and her feet move in sync with him. Her heart is pounding but her breathing is measured - they have to stay calm.[break][break]

They will escape, they have the head-start.[break][break]

"Mephisto!" she shouts, her voice unfaltering. The sound of his name - a name he hadn't at first realized he even had - spurs the beast into action.[break][break]

As the pair of them rise on the back of the prehistoric flier, Emma has made eye contact with the shadow Pokemon. In the heat of the moment, there was a split decision made: the first being her own self-preservation and the second, the safety of her shadow Pokemon.[break][break]

The Zoroark uses AGILITY to keep up with the Aerodactyl, to climb the rubble, to do whatever it takes to escape the floor and get as close to Emma as he can. The moment he is, Emma, with one hand holding fast to Gavin's waist, uses her free hand to attempt to return the sprinting dark-type before doom might take it from her.[break][break]

In the meantime, her Crobat with her small frame and powerful four wings does the best she can to escape the explosion from below with her natural affinity for speed. She prays on her INFILTRATOR ability to get into tight spaces and escape, to get back to Emma, to survive. [break][break]

And, should the opportunity arise and Emma and Gavin reach safety and can dismount, Emma would gather herself and her dress, whatever remained of it, to run.[break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: climbs on board 's aerodactyl[break]
orders zoroark to use agility to get close to her in the air so she can return him to safety[break]
crobat uses its natural abilities and infiltrator to escape behind emma


template by kay

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[newclass=.divide]width:auto;height:1px;border-bottom:solid 1px #1a1a1a;text-transform:lowercase;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing