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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
Bump In The Night (DD)
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 5:38:18 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

julie laughs and mika is content to get lost in the sound of her bright cadence, the two of them falling into a familiar rhythm as they walk through the night market. it would be so easy to forget the distance between them, to erase the nebulous years in their past and re-align this night with the many nights spent in their youth, laughing and talking and strolling beneath the stars. just like before, just like it had always been. [break][break]

she's about to retaliate, saying something like well, if anyone knows me well, it'd be you, jules. except she doesn't get to say anything, as a voice so airy and light that it couldn't be attached to a living being echoes throughout, drawn out words almost like a song, empty and hollow as the shadows surrounding them. [break][break]

red... or blue...? mika meets julie's gaze, and any fear the ranger has is immediately dissipated upon seeing the fear in the other's eyes. every instinct in mika tells her to protect julie, to preserve her shine and to dispel any worries — to save something between them when mika themself had ruined everything else. [break][break]

but this? this moment, this night? this was theirs. they weren't going to make the same mistake again. as julie cowers into mika's arm, mika draws her in closer, teeth clenched and eyes hardened as she ponders the possibilities. shadows, voices, the air chilling like ice... none of it speaks to something concrete. it's the makings of a good ghost story, a tale of phantoms and ice in a world filled with warmth. and mika holds onto julie, but also carefully steps forward, so the ranger's body blocks her off — so that mika can finally stretch her heart to match her height, head tilted up so that she looks down at whatever threat presents itself, amber eyes blazing like suns that threaten to burn anything that gets too close to their orbit. anything at all. [break][break]

"stay behind me, julie. and don't worry. whatever it is, i won't let it harm you." with their free arm, mika reaches for her belt, and takes the nearest poke ball she can, activating it in a flash. a large tri-headed dragon appears, san the hydreigon roaring with renewed energy, body shaking with anticipation for some kind of conflict. typically, mika wouldn't let the dragon out unless there was a threat or a wild pokemon nearby, but in this moment, having him out feels more than appropriate. (and what a way to introduce some of her newer pokemon to julie, at that!) [break][break]

red... or... blue...? the voice repeats its earlier inquiry, and mika hesitates to answer it. when she does, however, their response is short but clipped — determined and resolute. "blue," she says aloud, eyes narrowing. "san, on your guard!" [break][break]



+ [break]
+ distorted dreams: red or blue? [break]



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 5:07:08 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

the voice resonated loudly over the speakers, startling mika as she'd been too lost in thought just now. she quickly regained her nerve, and nodded at sora, who looked raring to go. "it's time. come on, sora." [break][break]

the two of them soon arrived at sector 5, where they saw the other racers already ahead of them. mika was polite and made introductions with ace, eron, and aravan, as well as the pokemon they were using for the race. even as something as simple as introductions had gone by in a blur, the entire racing grounds moving at a breakneck pace when the actual race hadn't even started yet! [break][break]

she kept a calm exterior, though, betraying nothing of the inner turmoil spiraling within. instead, she met eyes with josh, and a small smile graced her features, a sense of familiarity becoming the anchor with which she grounded herself. "hello, josh. i've trained a lot since our last bout together, and today my talonflame and i will do our best to show you the results. i look forward to it!" but there was no denying that sora was more excited about this entire prospect than mika was. not that she disliked racing, no, quite the opposite. she just couldn't believe how much pressure it all was, how discouraging it felt to have so many eyes watching her at once. [break][break]

it wasn't going to be easy. "alright," she said in response to josh's recitation of the rules, "i understand." [break][break]

and just like that, all the racers prepared themselves behind the starting line. mika and sora slotted themselves there, too, the ranger making last-minute adjustments to the riding gear and saddle before mounting it accordingly. she snapped her own visor into place, exhaling deeply as her heart hammered in her chest — the fiery determination in sora's body and heart burning outward for them, both. simmering. [break][break]

she glanced at josh and suzaku, noting the shift in the gym leader's demeanor at once. his focus was absolute, almost calm in the way he settled into the saddle with ease, eyes focused on the track ahead. she knew that racing, above all else, was his passion and that he had more love and experience for the sport in his left pinkie finger than mika did in her entire body. it would take everything she had and then some to even attempt to match him for effort, for courage. [break][break]

sora's body tensed as he felt her wavering confidence from their irregular heartbeat and quiet sighs alone. she clenched her teeth and muttered, "just focus on the race," as though to steer away any attention or focus on herself. what she thought and felt right now didn't matter — it was sora's time to shine, and mika won't let her own shortcomings affect her dear friend's flight. (or at least, she hopes it won't affect it.) her amber eyes instead shifted towards the monitor, waiting for the countdown to appear on its screen. [break][break]

waiting for the beginning of the end. [break][break]



SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
you are my oasis [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 3:56:28 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

they meet gazes, and mika finds herself staring for a few seconds longer than she should. even without words, she understands noel's resolve, and vice versa. she simply nods and follows his pace, making sure that her prinplup stays as close to them as possible. wordlessly, she pushes through the sand, each step heavier than the last. she looks as far ahead into the distance as she can, and meters ahead, just beyond a few more sand dunes, is a gigantic rock outcropping, forming a sloped cliff that rises above the desert sands — creating an ideal place to stop and take a rest, and maybe admire the sky while they're at it. [break][break]

mika says, "let's head towards that giant rock. we can take another break once we get there." [break][break]

"pri!" her prinplup chirps beside her, and mika glances at it, noting the worried expression in its eyes. "what's wrong?"" and the prinplup makes a sharp noise, pointing its beak at the direction in front of them. at first, mika doesn't see anything, which worries her. is it another steelix? or some other large, underground pokemon that's about to make itself known through a violent upheaval? [break][break]

but then, she sees what it is that's made her prinplup on high alert. several pokemon in the distance, scattered in the sands before them. a couple of gossifleurs, hopping and floating in the air like the skiploom herd from before, their petals dancing with the sandy winds. but further from them is a lone mudbray, trudging through the sands with a slow but powerful determination. [break][break]

"ground types are helpful in a pinch," mika rationalizes aloud to herself. it's all the convincing she needs before she sends prinplup after it, engaging in a short-lived battle that ends with mika capturing a weakened mudbray in one of their spare poke balls. they sweep up the poke ball before the sand swallows it, and nods at noel. "let's make another push towards the cliff. once we climb up, we'll get a good view of the rest of the desert, and a break from all the sand, besides." [break][break]



duo wilds! ground / grass / rock [break]
catching mudbray!



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
over the moon night [m]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 3:37:01 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

"i see. i can respect that." mika supposed this was better than the worst case scenario, and no one was getting hurt because of her spirited pokemon. not to mention they had an impressive array of candy to choose from! and around them, others were getting more and more festive, some people even choosing to mega evolve or terastallize their pokemon to make them even more 'dressed up.' what a festive night![break][break]

"that's fine. actually, my mienfoo is..." well, wild wasn't the right word to describe the mienfoo. more accurately, the young pokemon was ready to fight anywhere, anytime. as soon as the other's pokemon started chomping down on mienfoo, lee retaliated, and the two of them were locked in a biting and punching match. mika let it happen, but she brought out her toxicroak as a mediator, so she could stop the two smaller pokemon if they got out of hand. [break][break]

instead, they turned their attention to the devil, who wielded a sharp tongue and wasn't afraid to point its bladed edge at another person, even for fun. "i suppose you're right, but i just couldn't decide to go all in or not. this is pretty dressed up for me, though." she was rather distant and formal in her own way, so celebrating in terms of costumes and candy was a foreign thing to her, still. but as the other pointed this out, mika couldn't help but glance at her costume, in contrast. "your costume is very nice, though. do you like celebrating this holiday?" [break][break]



distorted dreams: tricking or treating



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
chasing that feeling
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 7:06:55 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



some part of mika hesitates. there are a hundred different things she can dream of, but to think of this particular one is… [break][break]

does she want to hurt by imagining this next part? or will they skip to the part where they get better — where everything gets better — because mika is too afraid of living through the parts that are worse? [break][break]

… [break][break]

let me do it, mika wills themself in the dream. julie… [break][break]

wind funnels as a barrier around mika. she reaches out, and the rest of the scene bleeds at her fingertips, coming to life. [break][break]

it’s midnight and there’s dried blood on her fingers. [break][break]

she blinks once, twice. the dream she creates is not a nice one, and the scenes of before flash in her mind, body and mind wavering as they remember it all. the medics already took care of everything serious, but… [break][break]

even in this sorry state, she wants to see julie. [break][break]

the door opens, and mika steps inside. there, she draws the attention of her lover, who’s radiant even in her nightwear and a pair of buneary houseslippers. julie peers behind her shoulder for a moment, casual in the way she says, “welcome home! you’re a little later than usual, did everything go okay?” [break][break]

“julie—” [break][break]

“mika?” [break][break]

she stands up from her place at the couch, ami and ruru (the latter who’d always stayed home with her other mama whenever mika went out to do something dangerous) startled at the sudden movement. julie comforts them with a shaky hand, then moves closer to her beloved with worry etched into the brights of her eyes. [break][break]

mika exhales softly, vision slowly blinking into the reality she’s chosen. [break][break]

a reality where she’s covered in evidence of a hard-won fight: dried blood stains (her own, her own, her own — she’ll never let her pokemon or her friends get hurt before she does), ranger uniform torn in places where she’d been caught on terrain, or where she’d fallen from being impacted, and a slight bruise forming on her right cheek. [break][break]

the smell of smoke and ash lingering around them like a ghost. [break][break]

julie runs to her, hands so gentle and so sweet, face falling devoid of emotion. except for fear. “what happened to you?” [break][break]

“...long day at work. there were some dangerous pokemon and—” she flinches— “people.” [break][break]

“oh, mika…” [break][break]

“it’s not that bad, really. i’m mostly fine, and i already saw a doctor and everything, but i just…”

“...” [break][break]

i wanted to see your reaction. if you’d see the dangers and if you’d still stay — if being near me for long isn’t too much for you. [break][break]

isn’t that cruel? [break][break]

“well, let’s try not to make this a habit,” julie slowly says, a gentle attempt at humor in a dark time, “sit down and take it easy, okay? i’ll grab the first aid kit. let’s get you cleaned up.” [break][break]

and everything moves in retrograde, colors and light expanding and stretching, flecks of lights eclipsing into each other. julie’s image blurring at the edges. [break][break]

it’d be so easy to go further, to imagine that she’d continue to be silently supportive of mika, or always be ready to face dangerous aftermaths to dangerous consequences, but… [break][break]

would any of it matter if it wasn’t real? [break][break]

mika doesn’t answer themself. they simply sit in silence, watching as the julie of their dreams walks away, and mika — as always — doesn’t stop her, even if she wants to. [break][break]

she lets the feeling wash away, sighing as a new sight fills her vision and a new resolve fills in the empty hollow of her chest. let’s try that one again. [break][break]



• theme: revelations [break]
• word count: 600 [break]
• sleep score: 200 (600 total)



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 5:53:02 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar
  • player/ooc name: kiri
  • character tags: &
  • dropped characters' tags (if applicable):
  • ic posts for characters: MIKA NAKAYAMA & MOMO SAKAI
  • are characters in directories?: Yes!
  • any notes/comments: just watched phantom of the opera (2005) and it was so good y'all
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 17:23:10 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


1X premium gacha roll (fighting) from dream drop distance rewards
mika's gachapon
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
you are my oasis [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 6:41:22 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

as mika moves closer to the oasis, filling up one of her already-empty canteens, she can't help but chuckle lightly at the sight of the wild quagsire. it really does remind her of some other similarly blob-like pokemon, including its own cousin the clodsire, as well as other distantly related species like lickitung or wobbufet. something charming in the way they seem so naive. [break][break]

she stands to her full height once more, taking in the sights around them. the desert can be unforgiving, but in some ways, it's as beautiful as other climes, like meadows or forests. so much life teeming around them. so much hope. [break][break]

"i know exactly what you mean." she's always envied flying-type pokemon for their wings, for their ability to fly. for their chance to escape any part of their lives whenever they want, soaring high in the skies where no one else can touch them. where no one else can hurt them. [break][break]

out of reach. "wait, do you feel that? i thought it was a tremor." the ranger turns their attention to the ground, and the subtle way that the grains of sand are shifting — moreso than usual. she turns her head in the direction of the tremors, and sees an incredible sight. [break][break]

a steelix, burrowing through the sand. the top part of its body is still visible, large chunks of metal against the grainy sand. something like that could be incredibly useful for ranger missions and traveling through rough terrain. mika had to have it. "prinplup, surprise our new friend with your brine." at once, the penguin pokemon followed its trainer's command, removing itself from the water and running towards the steelix, instead. a blue orb of energy formed in front of its beak, and from its center violent rushes of brine water surged out, removing the layers of sand and exposing the steelix like a metallic spine rendered from flesh. [break][break]

the ground shakes with its roars, and mika knows it's weakened. she tells her prinplup to keep laying on the attacks, until eventually the steelix is on its last legs, and mika tosses a poke ball at it once and for all, capturing the steel-type beast. "there we are. shouldn't cause problems to anyone else for a while." she turns to noel, her blue-braid swinging in the desert breeze. "maybe that's a sign that we should keep going, after all." [break][break]



duo wilds! ground / grass / rock [break]
catching steelix!



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
chasing that feeling
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 5:30:53 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



“heh, i didn’t take you for the fighting type.” [break][break]

mika pauses, a handful of poke balls held in the crook of her arms. “i’m really not,” she begins to say, “but i found that it helps to have more pokemon for all sorts of different situations.” [break][break]

laughs. her laughter could make the sun rise and the stars fall — her brightness could make blazing fires look pale. “always prepared, aren’t you?” [break][break]

the ranger sets down her things. she’s heard that saying a few times before, and her answer to that remains the same each time. “not always.” [break][break]

rays of sun enter through the window, blinding rays of light that cast onto the shadows of their body and slowly crawl upward. in this light, a reflection of their entire lives — one family’s vacation in the summer, the other family’s vocation, blue and pink like the early dawn, meeting at the horizon between the sky and the sea. months spent in happy bliss, months turning into years, young and hopeful love carrying them like petals on the breeze, like sunlight across a vast ocean. [break][break]

(and at one section of the crossroad, a world where mika takes off flying, going higher and higher where no one can reach her. not her pokemon, not her parents, not even julie. soaring above the clouds as though she could truly distance herself from whatever happens on the surface beneath.) [break][break]

(but at this section of the crossroad—) [break][break]

julie looks at mika, carves a little space next to her on the couch. the sun washes over them, but all mika feels is the way julie’s hand fits in hers. “...i don’t want to talk about this next part.” [break][break]

in a perfect world, julie would reply “what part?” because she would be oblivious to what happens next; to the wrinkle in the fabric of mika’s reality, the wrinkle in everyone’s fabric, reality, life. [break][break]

instead, even dreams are tainted by the cruel reality — by the history of the region and all it’s done to the people living within it. [break][break]

julie says, “you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. i already know.” [break][break]

mika leans in closer, close enough they can rest their head on julie’s shoulder, eyes closed against her image. “do you?” [break][break]

“i do. team rocket, the wars, the legendary pokemon, all that stuff that sounds way above our pay grade. everything.” [break][break]

“then you know that—” [break][break]

“that you’ll be busy? that you’ll have to leave?” a rueful laugh, this time. mika’s heart twisting in its cage. julie places a hand near mika’s face, fingers curling against her cheek — slender and cool to the touch. “i figured as much. it’s okay. i’ll be right here waiting for you.” [break][break]

“will you?” [break][break]

and in this dream, mika doesn’t hear an answer. [break][break]

(or maybe, it would have been easier on their own heart not to listen.) [break][break]



• theme: reminiscence [break]
• word count: 466 [break]
• sleep score: 200 (400 total)



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
Heart to Gold [DD]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 18:04:46 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


distorted dreams: pied pipers

steven, hmm? he seemed rather eager to be on his merry way, and while mika would normally not mind cutting the conversation short, there was no denying that fate had other plans. much like how a slowpoke's tail would get chopped off yet the slowpoke continued onward, so did mika when pursuing this trail further, despite steven's hesitation to be near her. [break][break]

she began walking in the same direction, herself, a quiet sigh escaping their lips. "well, steven, it looks like we're heading the same way." everything was a touch awkward now, but there was no helping it. "if you're going after the source of the disappearances, then you should know i can't leave you alone in good conscience." [break][break]

but they wouldn't make this any harder than it needed to be. other than that brief acknowledgement, mika was fine to pay more attention to her own pokemon — komainu brushing up against her legs as they walked. "but you don't seem like a ranger. are you missing one of your pokemon?" [break][break]




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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
lightning in a bottle [sw]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 5:46:58 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

momo feels instant guilt, for the next pokemon that appears before her is a toxel, and she regards it the same way she did the togedemaru. it's a small pokemon, a baby pokemon, something that needs to be raised and raising in return. and from the way it toddles about, a klutz that can barely hold its own berries without dropping them, makes the ranger's heart yearn. [break][break]

pokemon like that have a hard time surviving in the wilds alone. perhaps it's more dangerous to act this sympathetic towards the thing, but mika imagines for a moment having the toxel by her side, feeding it snacks (would it like berries? slowpoke tails? homemade muffins?) and watching it grow. [break][break]

komainu the lycanroc senses his trainer's change of heart. mika silently apologizes to the togedemaru she ignored for the same reason just now. i swear i'll never pick and choose after this, she thinks to herself. i have no right to judge. [break][break]

as this silent judgement comes to pass, komainu acts with his own intuition, the blue wolf breaking out of its hiding place in the tall grass, running towards the toxel at breakneck speed. the little purple pokemon starts sobbing immediately, but komainu does not falter under its watery gaze. instead, he carries the toxel by the scruff, and brings him to mika like he's returning a lost package to its recipient. [break][break]

"i promise you'll be safer with me," she says, right before she gently bops the toxel on the head with a poke ball. the toxel makes one last pathetic squeal before succumbing to its fate, the capsule snapping closed after shaking itself shut. [break][break]

she pets komainu affectionately, before burying her face in its fur and hugging it at the neck. "thanks for helping. let's head back now." [break][break]

and so they do, their newest friend in tow. [break][break]



using 1x incense for electric type pokemon! [break]
catching toxel!



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
lightning in a bottle [sw]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 4:23:46 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

the movement reveals its source: a rather cute and round togedemaru, rolling in the space between the bushes and trees, its gray fur crackling with electricity. its many colorful segments on the body speak to the steel-like spikes that arise whenever it sparks with lightning. [break][break]

while a powerful ally, it's also an unpredictable one, and mika has more than her fair share of spirited baby pokemon that do what they please. "better to leave this one for now," she mutters to komainu. "let's see if there's something else out there we can work with." [break][break]

komainu nods once, following his trainer's lead as she reroutes their path around the togedemaru, making sure not to alarm it all the while. [break][break]

they make their way to the next clearing, sweet incense burning in their wake. mika's pace halts once komainu's does, the wolf glancing in her direction with a knowing look. something wild lies ahead.



using 1x incense for electric type pokemon! [break]
skipping togedemaru!



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
making a splash [s]
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 21:17:08 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

she'd been so worried before all this, worried that she wouldn't be able to teach well, worried she wouldn't get along with alia enough to get her points across. so mika's heart lightens at the realization that the exact opposite happened — that they're teaching her just fine, that the two of them are getting along well. it's all such a far cry from what mika imagined herself doing, she can't help but smile at the simplicity of it all. [break][break]

"you're a good student," mika counters the compliment with yet another, deflecting any sort of praise unto herself. "and i'm sure you're ready for the next part. but before we get into the swimming swimming, there is an essential skill that i should teach you first. unless you know it already." she nods at prinplup, and the pokemon demonstrates the next move: floating. the penguin pokemon floats on its back, almost cute in the way it drifts with the lake's current. "floating is good, too, because if you ever feel like you can't swim, you can always float to keep yourself above water." [break][break]

prinplup swims over to the two of them, now, and mika gently hands alia over to marshtomp, instead, so she can demonstrate the next part with her own pokemon. "after floating, i'll start you off like this." she holds the end of prinplup's wings, belly down in the water, stretching its legs out and kicking its feet, holding onto mika like a buoy all the while. "this is kinda like when an adult holds the handlebars of a kid's bicycle for them the first time around. except i won't let go until you're ready, okay?" and at the end of the demonstration, prinplup lets go of mika's hand, and the blue-haired ranger reaches out for her fellow ranger, gently taking her from the marshtomp's hold. "got all that? we can take it slowly, so no need to rush yourself."


+ @saturn



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
A Thousand Words [M]
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 20:48:51 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

a sense of relief flooded mika the moment ever said it wasn't life-threatening. though the ranger had guessed as much, herself, it always helped to hear other people say it aloud, too. [break][break]

he had normal medicine available for the taillow's use, though it seemed that both him and mika had been thinking the same thing: a pokemon center would be much better. still, there were a walk away from the nearest center, and it would be important to help the taillow in the meantime. [break][break]

"i think you're doing a great job," she commended, voice falling to a gentle softness so as not to disturb the taillow anymore than it had already been. "this will help keep it stable until we reach the center." she hadn't much experience in the way of treating injured pokemon, but she'd certainly take ever's proactive mannerisms into consideration whenever the opportunity next presented itself. [break][break]

"yes, of course i can carry that for you. don't worry about it. i'll be careful, as well." her training would always be put to good use no matter what. in this instance, mika felt confident that she could do that for ever, at the very least. she went back to the space where their things were, and started packing everything up and carrying it in the most efficient manner possible (she ended up giving her own bag to bronzong, who held it sturdy with its heavy metal arms). [break][break]

then she returned to ever's side, nodding at once. "i've got everything. we can head out once you're ready." [break][break]




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP