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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
over the moon night [m]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 4:37:20 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

the more mika spoke to this person, the more confused she was. from appearance alone, she looked like any girl or younger woman in town, but her words were much more...biting. experienced. mika was never good around others her age, so with someone that looked as young as the devil in front of her proved to be even more of a challenge. at the risk of being called a hag, mika just couldn't relate to the attitude of today's youths. "is that so?" [break][break]

she didn't regret talking to her, no, but she certainly hadn't expected the night to turn out like this. at least everyone else was enjoying themselves, from their unruly pokemon to the others trick-or-treating on this night. so mika couldn't really complain, all things considered. "a were-lycanroc...i'll have to remember that for next year, then." it was a good idea, and her own lycanroc would get a huge kick out of it. mika smiled softly at the thought. "that's not a bad idea. you seem to have a lot of experience with this kind of thing." she still had no idea about the other's true nature, though. but why would she? hoenn seemed to attract all sorts of anomalies, so mika might even believe her if she told her the truth about her age or body... but she also might think it's a trick, since it's on tonight of all nights. [break][break]

instead, mika said, "well, since you and i have gotten this far, i suppose it's time for a proper introduction. i'm mika." instead of a handshake, she offered the other a full-sized chocolate bar as a peace offering, of sorts. could be worse, right? [break][break]



distorted dreams: tricking or treating



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
One Spooky Night! (DD)
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 4:24:29 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

oliver's quiet suggestion didn't go unnoticed by mika. she nodded in agreement that in closed quarters, smaller pokemon were more beneficial to have. besides, if he was going to let dragonite stay on the first floor and send his canine pokemon into action, mika felt like she couldn't slack off, either. "hydreigon, you stay down here and make sure nothing comes in, okay? musharna and vulpix, this way." [break][break]

she followed closely behind oliver, but not too close since she didn't want to bump into him and vice versa. they had to admit that they were impressed with oliver's baton, and how he seemed just as ready for a fight as his pokemon were. it was something that mika hadn't yet gotten used to doing herself, as she had a habit of relying solely on her pokemon for self-defense. perhaps this was a sign from the universe to train her own self, too, and not just keep up the regular exercise on an almost-daily basis like she'd been doing all her life. [break][break]

as they crept up the stairs, mika could hear the distant shouts of oliver's canine pokemon. it sounded like they were engaged in a battle with wild pokemon on the outside of the outpost. perhaps one of the wild pokemon got inside, too? "there's something up ahead," mika whispered. she turned to her musharna beside her and nodded, then reached down to gently pat her vulpix, and told her to be prepared, as well. [break][break]

then at the end of the hall, where the lights had mysteriously flickered off, three distinct shapes could be seen in the shadows. when the moonlight entered through a gaping wide-open window, it was obvious what the shapes were. a sneasel, a banette, and a haunter. so those were the pokemon causing trouble for everyone else! [break][break]

mika wanted to say something, but the wild pokemon attacked first. the three of them focused three different shadow ball attacks into one big one, and sent it spiraling down the hallway, looking to hurt mika and oliver... [break][break]



distorted dreams: hush



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 0:08:48 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X shadow move tutor from dream drop distance | annihilape learns shadow end! annihilape becomes shadow annihilape!
1X pokemon egg from dream drop distance | mika's wishlist can be found here for reference


do come again!

00 PD
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
chasing that feeling
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 0:00:59 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



for as long as she can remember, mika had been living life for others. in her youth, she’d been the perfect daughter to two reserved parents, never questioning them, never acting out against their wishes. in her teenagedom, she’d been the model student and aspiring ranger-to-be, fulfilling everyone’s expectations, and never imagining a life of her own outside of these constraints. [break][break]

but in her adolescence, mika nakayama found , and everything changed. it hadn’t just been what does julie want, but what does mika want for herself, when all is said and done? when someone who brings out the best in her makes her see that there’s more to life than dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s, that no one would reprimand mika for not signing directly on the line, or initialing where it needs initials. that if she stepped out of the four walls of her home, she’d see just how vast and wondrous the world outside is. [break][break]

she would see that her desire to save her region and help people doesn’t come from a life of obligation, but a heart of generositychoosing to assist others when it’d be so easy to just stay on the sidelines. does this make them a hero? no, far from it. but does it save them in a different way, in a harmless way, in an exploratory and self-realizing way? [break][break]

mika doesn’t have the answer yet. but the more she dreams, the more her own reality is blurred, and it becomes painfully obvious that not even the sweetest fantasies can give her what she wants. the answer they’re searching for, the memories they’ve preserved…they’re all within reach, and all mika has to do is go out and grab them. [break][break]

my life starts with me. [break][break]

the dream shatters and breaks, colors and saturation fading out into a startlingly normal world, in the hoenn and in the world that mika really and truly lives in — not some sad paradise where nothing ever goes wrong. [break][break]

the julie of this world, the julie in the next, the julie from before… [break][break]

mika can’t change the past, nor can she predict the future. all she has is the here and now. [break][break]

and this time, when they reach out, it won’t be just color, light, and prismatic beauty scintillating at her fingertips. [break][break]

it’ll be something real. [break][break]



• theme: stepping up [break]
• word count: 388 [break]
• sleep score: 200 (1000 total)



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
and i'm free falling [sw]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 5:34:31 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



after a few minutes, komainu points its muzzle toward the sky, prompting mika to follow its gaze. in the distance, where clouds hang low over the horizon, sora flies like a searing shot, a comet against the overcast expanse. and as he flies fast, he herds a single pokemon in mika's direction, causing it to cry sharply and flap drastically as though flying for its very life. [break][break]

ultimately, a wild swablu comes into view, and its little eyes go wide at the sight of mika. the ranger anticipates a collision, and steels herself for the (fluffy) force of a scared swablu to crash into them at any second now. [break][break]

except, the swablu doesn't crash, and instead it flies upward, before finally roosting on top of mika's head. she blinks owlishly, staring up at the cloud-like puffs that make up the swablu's wings, like a crown made of cotton. [break][break]

sora returns to his trainer's side, but the presence of the talonflame causes the wild swablu to squeak. apparently, their skyward chase had caused the poor thing to grow scared of sora. the talonflame screeches some sort of apology, but mika merely shakes her head. "it's okay, sora. don't worry about it." then she gently tugs at the swablu's wing, causing the small pokemon to peer down at her, in turn. "do you want to come with us? i promise you'll be safe. but sora is my friend, so if you're scared of him, maybe it's better if you stay here." [break][break]

whether or not the swablu understands mika's words, it doesn't matter. the little creature stays despite everything, and mika nods in understanding. "then let's go home. i've been waiting for someone like you, little swablu." while it might be a small and tiny pokemon now, one day it will grow into an altaria, a pokemon with a beautiful mega evolution stage that even mika couldn't deny would be worth working towards. a future of possibilities awaits them, and mika leaves the forest for now, bringing her bird and wolf companions alongside with her. [break][break]



using 1x incense for flying type pokemon only! [break]
catching swablu! [break]



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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
and i'm free falling [sw]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 0:34:51 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



route 119 is where some of the best fliers in the region are said to roost. mika knows that the more ranger missions she takes on, the more situations she'll get herself into, and the more pokemon she'll need for every different situation. [break][break]

but she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel excited about this outing in particular. flying-type pokemon are near and dear to her heart. which is why she releases sora the talonflame from his poke ball, allowing him to feel the wind beneath his wings and fly to his heart's content. she smiles at the sight of him, knowing that even in a casual setting, her longest partner could always be trusted to stay focused on the job. [break][break]

komainu the shiny dusk-lycanroc is also with her, the wolf pokemon having become one of her most trusted battle partners and pokemon companions in general. where sora had commanded the skies, komainu had dominated the earth, and between the two of them, mika feels content that only the seas remain uncharted within her soul. [break][break]

she remains grounded, shouting to sora in the sky: "if you see anything, bring it this way!" her goal is to have sora herd wild pokemon in her direction, forcing them to come between the talonflame and the lycanroc — the latter which stays near mika's side loyally, body tense but lithe as it brushes against her. sora disappears into the horizon after screeching in assent, and mika exhales quietly as she watches its silhouette turn to light. [break][break]

what will today's first encounter be? [break][break]



using 1x incense for flying type pokemon only! [break]



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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 0:14:15 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

the entrance to the secret room is activated, but this revelation doesn't come without fanfare. it had been stressful enough to endure the storm outside and the ceaseless chatter inside, but a whirling confuse ray shoots out of the room upon opening, evidently from some startled pokemon that had retreated further inside before anyone could do anything. mika holds their breath, but ultimately follows the small queue of people inside, everyone taken aback by the horrific sight laying before them. [break][break]

yet another body, this time of a man whose face mika hadn't ever seen before. the detective soon explains that he is the peacock family's lawyer and financial advisor. with all the various clues found throughout the night, mika hopes that on top of this new discovery, everything will come together in her mind. [break][break]

though it is impossible to ignore the elephant (er...the bird) in this room any longer. and mika sees that she's not the only one worried about the panicky pokemon from before, as investigates the strange presence felt near the vault, the work of some avian creature that's been completely on-edge from the start. mika stands alongside the other girl, equally curious and cautious. after all, if the pokemon attacks anyone else with confuse ray like it did before, that could delay everyone else's investigations considerably. [break][break]

"...easy there," mika mutters (whether she's directing this towards the pokemon, herself, or even tsubaki, it's hard to tell), taking a gentle step forward. she's not really the fighting type, especially without her trusted pokemon by her side, but she likes to think that her talent lies in diffusing tension, at the very least. beside tsubaki, mika looks at the shadow, and says, "wait a second, you're—"



✚ LOCATION: Secret Room [break]
✚ INVESTIGATING: Identify the bird in the room 2/2 [break]
✚ VOTING: Detective Declan should search Henley's body! [break]



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 10:42:09 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

mika knows the conflict between the league and team rocket is intense when they call upon her for help. as someone with less experience than other cadet-ranked rangers, mika realizes that her presence in route 105 could only mean one thing. [break][break]

they need help, and badly. the task is deceivingly simple: deliver essential supplies to one of the base camps stationed nearby. mika has a haul that consists of poke balls, medicine, ropes, pitons, tents, tarps, and spare clothes — all of which are important to the cause one way or another. it's enough to deliver these things on their own, but luckily for mika, they'll have someone accompanying them along the way. [break][break]

the sound of rustling alerts komainu, mika's shiny dusk-lycanroc, and one of her strongest (and fastest) pokemon, who had seldom left the ranger's side ever since it first joined them, becoming a steadfast and loyal companion since then. it raises its snout at the incoming threat, sharp fangs bared in anticipation for an enemy attack. [break][break]

luckily for mika, the person emerging from the woods is a friend, instead. "alia!" she greets her fellow ranger with a soft smile, jogging over to meet her face-to-face. her lycanroc follows after her, relaxing slightly, but still maintaining a wary stance, with tufts of white fur sticking up against the cobalt blue fur. [break][break]

mika says, "likewise. with the two of us working together, i'm sure our mission will be a success." success being the watchword here — there's no telling what kind of dangers (rocket ambushes, raging wild pokemon, or something else) lie ahead of them. "let's get a move on."


+ @saturn [break]
+ 50 MP for participation in a RT Battle/Mission. [break]
+ 10 MP per IC post in a RT Battle/Mission. [break]



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
Supply Noel and Mika [rt]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 10:14:05 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



today is the day. mika had been tasked with assisting the league against the forces of team rocket, so she'd spent the past few weeks or so preparing for what would be her first direct encounter with rocket forces in a long time. she'd been in their midst before, of course, but it had always been inconsistent in terms of time and place. during her trainee days, she helped in putting out fires caused by their organization, or returning stolen pokemon to their trainers. once in a while she would fight against a grunt-level rocket, putting the curmudgeons in their place, but mostly leaving them to their own devices as she was more concerned with maintaining peace than exacting justice. [break][break]

but there is no avoiding today's encounter with the rockets, though she wishes that there might be a peaceful compromise, instead. the one good thing about it all is that she won't be alone. noel parker, one of mika's good friends, sits crouched beside her. they'd been on a few good adventures before this one, but something about team rocket darkens all the hope, grays out all the color of those happy memories. she sighs quietly before meeting noel's gaze. "i'm alright. i've faced members of team rocket here and there before, but not in a setting like this." lying in wait, watching for movement, this feels like an ambush. it feels wrong somehow, yet mika knows better than to complain. [break][break]

"but i won't back down. and if it's you by my side, then i know we'll be okay." they're both forces to be reckoned with, and their pokemon have the strength to back up that confidence! between mika's pokemon and noel's pokemon, they should be well-equipped against any hostile force. [break][break]

that said... "wait, i think i see someone coming." she crouches lower into the thicket, hand hovering over one of her poke balls, eyes focused on the path before them. "if it's a rocket, let's surprise them together." she waits for a sign of team rocket's presence, holding her breath all the while. [break][break]

here goes everything. [break][break]



50 MP for participation in a RT Battle/Mission. [break]
10 MP per IC post in a RT Battle/Mission. [break]




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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 9:50:40 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar




550 MP FROM SKY w/
100 MP FROM SUPPLY w/ @saturn



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
you are my oasis [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 9:37:55 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

she joins noel for a climb onto the rocks, making sure to leave enough space between them, but still close enough that she can talk to him without difficulty. she says, "good catch on the gossifleur, by the way. it makes you wonder if there's pokemon at the top of this rock, too." if there are, mika finds herself well-equipped to deal with such threats. beside her, her prinplup is jumping up on the ledges with her, careful and slow so as not to get too far ahead of its own trainer. [break][break]

it doesn't take them long to reach the top. the ranger pulls themselves up and over the ledge, slowly dragging her body onto the surface properly. they glance at noel to see if he needs help (not likely, what with the way they've been slyly competing with each other, but even so, mika would help him in a pinch — he need only say the word). then she turns her head to look at the rocky expanse before them. they are so high up that not even the sands can reach them, so mika unties the bandana around her mouth, and inhales the evening air. [break][break]

she stops short, however, when something big and heavy started walking in their direction. a large golurk stumbles before them, the golem pokemon sitting immobile one minute, but then activating the next, as though the presence of the trainers and their pokemon caused it to wake up from a long slumber. its size could certainly cause problems, especially this high up. so mika is quick to order her prinplup to deal with the threat, calling out: "use brine on the golurk!" [break][break]

the penguin pokemon obeys the command, and floods the ground-and-ghost pokemon with a torrent of water, causing the great automaton figure to stagger and fall to one knee. mika takes advantage of this weakness, and tosses a poke ball in its direction. the great golurk is soon brought down, the poke ball snapping shut, and mika's breath exhaling out of relief. she retrieves the new catch, accidentally ignores a lone nincada that's been watching them the whole time, and returns her attention to her companion at large. "noel, look at that view. isn't it breathtaking?" [break][break]

the entire desert is stretched out before them. the sands burn gold and orange under a setting sun, grains sparkling like diamonds. cacti and other resilient plants grow in pinches along the sandy horizon, with various other rock formations and cliffs sticking out of the dunes. and the pokemon, oh the pokemon! lines of maractus and cacnea shuffling through the sand, while a wild pack of midday lycanrocs run through the mud. and further away from them is a stream of pokemon from the cottonee, gossifleur, and hoppip lines, dozens of grass-type pokemon riding the hot desert breeze, and disappearing like clouds over the distance. [break][break]

what a perfect view, and what a perfect friend to share it with. mika couldn't ask for anything better than this. [break][break]



duo wilds! ground / grass / rock [break]
catching golurk!



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
making a splash [s]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 9:04:20 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

mika thinks she sees something flash across alia's gaze, but she's not quite sure what. maybe the preamble to swimming reminds her of time spent near water, or perhaps their pace is too fast or too slow. regardless, mika waits patiently for the other to move when she's most comfortable, and for a few seconds, everything seems fine. [break][break]

but then alia gulps a bit of lake water, and her limbs flail, causing mika to anchor herself, a quiet "careful, it's alright," escaping her. of course, she has no real fear of their lessons taking a turn for the worst, but that doesn't eliminate the anxious instinct within them. they glance between alia, prinplup, and marshtomp, concern written on their features. [break][break]

when alia herself explains the sudden motions (and the somewhat silly image of a yamper paddling in the water), mika understands at once. "heh, no need to apologize. it's easy to have your mind wander in these kinds of situations, honestly." that's probably why mika took to swimming in the first place — it's all one giant mindless task, swimming to a physical current and a tangible beat, the body working twice as hard so the brain doesn't have to. [break][break]

and yet... "alright, since you have the kicks, floating, and water-treading down...all that's left is the test of truth." they are certainly past the shallow end, now, with their toes beginning to lift from the rock surface beneath the lake, bodies floating towards a deeper middle. "we'll practice swimming together, first. i won't let go of you, just remember all we learned, and take it easy. we can also take a break if needed."


+ @saturn | LMAO I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT and it's all good i haven't swam in so long either... mika should teach us all how to swim tbh LOL



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
same as always
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 8:33:08 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

they all say the same things in mika's head. [break][break]

don't look down when you're up high; don't stare into the void; don't look for the man behind the curtain. don't, don't, don't. what mika doesn't know won't hurt her, what she doesn't understand can't harm her. [break][break]

and yet... and yet, there is a weight to her and julie's interactions lately that have had this energy attached to it, lingering like spirits of their past, bright echoes that lure the unsuspecting towards something darker, heavier. they truly have to marvel at this new reality: a world where mika and julie know everything about each other, yet they also know nothing at all, hiding and morphing the parts of them that won't conform to the shape of the mask they favor. for mika, it's a hero's mask, brave and courageous, outspoken and fiery. it's the plumage of her talonflame, sora a million worlds braver and stronger than mika, but still willing to be led by her uncertain reins, nonetheless. it's fire-orange and sky-blue — it's the dawn sparking to life, the dusk fading to black. [break][break]

for mika, it's something that can be seen, that can be held. [break][break]

but for julie... "a trip to lavaridge?" mika repeats the words spoken just now, parsing through them like they're entirely foreign to her — a doppleganger on her lips. she casts the other woman a concerned look (with a tiny hint of curiosity, too, but mostly concern — irises an unyielding blaze that reflect the image of julie within, drinking her in despite every failed attempt to avoid familiarity), but doesn't outright deny the request when she asks, "...when?" it's not an automatic 'yes' to the question asked, but it's a way to probe deeper into the inquiry itself, and by proxy, the inquirer. [break][break]

yet mika says nothing as julie talks about the snacks, enervated by the sweet fruits and the pokemon around them. mika remembers julie's old habits well, and old memories overlap their current ones (a younger mimi chastising that jules should pack more than just granola bars, even if the trip is only a few hours in a day! and a younger jules laughing and saying that mimi always packs extra, anyway, so why bother? she always knew the right words, and the right time to say them). [break][break]

" make a fair point." and the trip to lavaridge can be dangerous. better to be at your side than not, the ranger thinks to themself with a nod. "i'll go with you. when are you free?" just then, ruru demands attention (and snacks) from her trainer, so mika temporarily looks away from julie, and to the cute little cherubi, instead. "alright, easy now, no need to gulp it down at once..." [break][break]

then she sits up straight, thinking back to what jules had just said. you don't need to thank me, her instinct says. "you're welcome," her mouth actually says. "it's nothing, really." it's the least i could do. "have some more." don't leave me. "you can take some with you for the road, too." [break][break]




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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
chasing that feeling
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 18:53:22 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



mika tries a second time, blinking her eyes against blinding light, stretching her fingers against dried bloodstains — grimacing at the way it cakes her skin, staining her body the way a red sun stains the sea. [break][break]

then she sees the door in front of her, and pushes it open at the handle, well-worn. [break][break]

inside, . inside, a chance to set things right. [break][break]

when jules startles with alarm, when she rises to her feet, mika inhales. “be honest,” mika says, a little shaky at the irony in her words stabbing her right back, “would you stay?” [break][break]

“...” [break][break]

“if…if things got dire, if i don’t come back, or if it’s worse than this…would you still…”

be by my side? they choke on the words, swallowing everything but their fears. julie doesn’t move during this part, and the colors around them waver, lights flashing and dimming and flashing again. [break][break]

the furthest wall crumbles — mika speaks among the falling debris. “would you still want to be with me? would you regret everything? would you have…” more and more parts of the home disappear. the beautiful scenery of fortree, its magnificent trees and endless stretches of greenery, bleed into blues and reds, the sun setting and rising. endless colors in every direction. [break][break]

julie takes a step forward. [break][break]

mika continues to say, “would you have rather we never got together in the first place?” [break][break]

which, they’d understand. these are the thoughts running through their head, these are the doubts that informed their decisions in the past. for fear of losing julie — for fear of hurting her — mika took scissors to their relationship first, making the cuts that would sever them entirely. [break][break]

except, it never happened as cleanly as that. the threads frayed but didn’t break, and fate finds them in each other’s worlds, anyway. fate finds a way, and now mika stands before julie, silent. cognizant of all the wrongs they’d done to her; guilty of the crimes of ending their relationship, but still yearning for what could’ve been. [break][break]

for what might still be. [break][break]

“...say something, jules.” [break][break]

“what do you want me to say, mimi?” the other gets closer, her eyes downcast as she reaches for mika’s hands, fingers gently probing at the dried bloodstains. “do you want to say that i regret everything? that if i could go back, i’d never love you at all?” [break][break]

“...” [break][break]

“or do you want me to say that i’ll stay with you always, that i’ll weather the storm with you, that our love will never die?” she glances up at them, eyes glimmering. [break][break]

around them, an endless sky, clouds and stars dotted across stretches of blue and pink. wind that blows in every direction, mika’s sight obscured by wisps of navy-blue hair. “i don’t know what i want you to say,” she finally admits. “but i just want to hear you say it.” [break][break]

julie laughs. “then you already know your answer, don’t you?” [break][break]

and as dream-julie gently scrapes off the dried blood on mika’s hands with her long nails — as the sunlight catches on them both, setting their eyes and hair and skin alight — mika closes her eyes against the sight, nodding once. [break][break]

it’s just as well.[break][break]



• theme: aspiration [break]
• word count: 526 [break]
• sleep score: 200 (800 total)



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
Second Quest LEVEL-1: Temple of Hours [M][C/Mika]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 8:23:58 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

"that makes sense," mika said as shalin explained more about the rifts and the league's need for more intel about such nebulous spaces. what lied within any singular rift was beyond reason, beyond distortion. yet to think that such anomalies existed in abundance around hoenn...mika didn't know whether to be impressed or scared. [break][break]

however, she didn't have time to ruminate for long. the espathra became aware of their presence, though it was greatly hindered at the start thanks to shalin and her avian bow. so while komainu helped in warding it off, the lingering lumina crash attack stayed with shalin and starr, leaving them with strange glowing essences and smarting bruises from the impact. concerned, mika would offer some convalescence at a later time, deciding to move on with shalin if it seemed like the expeditionary was alright from that attack. [break][break]

so mika continued onward, her lycanroc and musharna following after her. and when shalin's intuition earned her a small green shard, mika nodded in agreement with her initial guess. infiniy energy, mega stone, mega evolution... so these were the places that birthed such strange and powerful things. [break][break] when they reached the next part of the pathing, the blue-haired ranger glanced upward, lost in thought. [break][break]

"hmm. y'know, i brought my talonflame, hydreigon, and musharna with me." the lattermost pokemon cried out softly, pink and purple body floating with psychic concentration. "i could send any of them to investigate things on the ceiling, if you think that's a good idea." maybe the lone switch on the ceiling was important. it was by itself, after all, and that couldn't have been for nothing...right? [break][break]






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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP