i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2021 22:15:19 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
390 for an ambulance hopefully
Chiro-Chiro swiftly redirected his attack to the fairy type clutching at his trainer. The Flame Charge collided with its new target, easily knocking it into his ally’s Stone Edge. The Clefairy, its work done, disappeared as quickly as it came in a flash of red light, revealing the other victim of the Steelix’s attack.

Was the earth really shaking or was it just him?

Locke looked down at the sharp rock embedded in his side with more surprise than pain. Somewhere in the fog of his mind he dully noted that he must have been in shock for a wound like that not to hurt.

When did he end up on the ground?

The same unhelpful part of his brain also reminded him that he’d probably bleed out if he didn’t put any pressure on the injury. He tried to lift himself up, but was unable to do more than shift his arms underneath of himself.

Was he always this heavy?

Chiro-Chiro didn’t even see the chimera coming, too overwhelmed at the state of his master. A single blow of the rock-type attack was enough to knock the Fletchinder to the ground next to them. Locke sluggishly reached out and placed a hand over their fainted Pokémon in a helpless attempt to protect him.

Their other Pokemon were quick to react to their being in danger. Tropi-Tropi unleashed a flurry of Razor Leaf at the Silvally to force it back, while Gre-Gre quietly dipped into a Shadow Sneak once more and rushed to attack it from behind. De-De, too concerned for her master’s life to attack, attempted to hurry past the fighting and to their side.

Far above, Ji-Ji’s descent towards the god of destruction was abruptly stalled as thick ropes of hair coiled painfully around him. The Drampa struggled to escape, searching for his newest attacker. His gaze, however, would lock not on the sneering Grimmsnarl entangling him, nor on the approaching Kommo-o, but on the scene of his injured and bleeding trainer below.

Brightly-colored embers flickered at the corners of Ji-Ji’s mouth as he roared out in rage. A stream of blue-and-purple flames erupted from the now-Berserk Drampa’s maw as a Dragon Breath streaked towards the rival dragon type. He began to thrash about with increased power, trying desperately to break free of his bindings and defend Locke.

Chiro-Chiro’s Flame Charge is redirected by and connects with ’s Clefairy.
Locke is seriously injured in the crossfire of @chloe’s Steelix’s redirected Stone Edge.
There is an open wound in their side where the stone struck them and they are in the process of losing consciousness.
Chiro-Chiro is OHKO’d by Silvally’s STAB 4x effective rock type Multi-Attack. Yowch.
Tropi-Tropi and Gre-Gre respond by attacking Silvally with Razor Leaf and Shadow Sneak respectively.
Meanwhile, Ji-Ji’s Fly against Yvetal is interrupted when he is entangled by and takes heavy damage from Grimmsnarl’s Foul Play
The damage taken and the sight of his wounded trainer triggers Ji-Ji’s Berserk ability, raising his Special Attack by one stage.
Ji-Ji fires a Dragon Breath (Special damage+30% chance of paralyzing) at Kommo-o and attempts to break out of Grimmsnarl’s hair.
Chiro-Chiro's Tailwind doesn't fade when the user faints, so it's still in effect for 2 rounds.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,757 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2021 2:08:08 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Chaos. I was utter chaos. A strange, yet familiar, environment. Adrenaline coursed through her veins; her focus airtight on the task at hand but still aware of her surroundings through Blade’s watchful eyes. Well-trained hands moved deftly to stabilize the Spinda Unfortunately, field medicine only allowed her to do so much. She could only stabilize then move the pokemon to the hospital for further care. As the pain injection and mild sedative worked their magic, the Spinda’s breathing faded from quick, rapid inhales to a more steady rhythm. That was about as good as it was going to get for the pokemon in this environment, “Let’s carefully move it out of the way,” Eva’s hands gently scooped under the Spinda. There really wasn’t an “out of the way” for a battlefield but anything was better than in the middle.

Eva expected Blade’s assistance, but the Gallade’s intuition had sent him on a different path. He watched with frustrated eyes as the barrage of attacks following the Clefairy turned and moved towards . He wouldn’t make it fast enough. He couldn’t save him.

“Ohmygod,” Eva gasped, the all too familiar sight of crimson staining the boy’s side. Priorities had changed. The opposition was keeping her busy with the wounded. Eva skidded to a halt beside Locke on the muddy ground, falling to her knees to assess the damage done by the sharp rock, “Hey, buddy, stay with me now,” she placed a gentle hand on Locke’s arm, a silent indication that they didn’t need to try to fix his own wound. She let the comforting hand that rested on the fainted Fletchinder remain.

“Blade! How much wound packing material we got in there?” she tried to hide the look of concern on her face. Blade set down the medpac, pulling out the materials Eva would need. To pull it or not to pull . . . that was always the question. Unfortunately, she didn’t see the size of the rock, so she had no idea how far it actually penetrated into Locke’s side, “We’re gonna leave it, let’s secure it,” When in doubt, don’t pull it out, “I got this Blade, get back out there,” Eva waved the Gallade away while grabbing rolled gauze from the medpac to start applying pressure to Locke’s wound.

Blade stepped away, quickly assessing the turmoil and who may need aid. Everyone seemed to be caught in a mess of their own. The Shadow Miasma, the pouring rain, the dwindling Smoke Screen. None of it helped Blade truly assess the situation. All of them? All of them.

The Gallade rose his hands to the sky, a faint blue energy drifting off his fingertips. He sued the Lugia’s raging storm as a vessel. The dark rain began to sparkle, the healing properties of a LIFE DEW tangled in its web. Hopefully, his allies would find some reprieve in the healing energy.

Meanwhile, the Salamence had flown high into the sky. The dragon’s eyes darted from battle to battle. Her primary objective was to protect, but her draconic nature fought with the training, an urge to rush into battle consumed her. From the darkness below, Eva’s emerald bracelet began to shine, a beacon of her place among the chaos. A similar energy coated the green dragon in the sky as she pivoted, turning her body back towards earth. Gravity took hold as it pulled her back towards the battle below. A flash of light shifted her appearance. Mehira’s wings grew into massive scythes, framing her now bulky body. There wasn’t too much of a change in her appearance with mega-evolution, but enough to make it clear she was a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, she wasn’t nearly as impressive as the two legendaries, but that wouldn’t stop her from confronting a giant if needed.

Watchful eyes locked onto @chloe as the corrupted pokemon turned their attention towards her. A deep growl rumbled through the dragon’s throat. A subtle shift in the angle of her path brought her form barreling down to their ally’s aid. A sharp extension of her wings sent a rush of air down on Chloe and her pokemon as the Mega Salamence came to a grinding halt. Mehira took a protective stance above the woman. Fierce, crimson eyes boldly studied the corrupted pokemon as their onslaught began. She couldn’t protect them all, but she did what she could. A shimmering barrier (PROTECT) rose to defend some of the pokemon, but mostly the woman should she be in any danger. The dragon’s leathery lips parted, a splitting roar vibrating the air around them, making her presence known.

tl;dr: Eva is able to stabilize the Spinda. Blade is too late to protect because he was distracted by the tree. Eva moves her attention to stabilizing while Blade uses LIFE DEW to give his allies some reprieve. Mehira the Salamence mega-evolves and moves to PROTECT @chloe and her pokemon from what she can (you can decide what she was able to protect).

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,433 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2021 6:29:26 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

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excursion route 113a

come now, don't be shy

step into the night


What could possibly make this tree so special as to warrant flagrantly tempting fate's cruel hand? Adrian found himself in wonder at this odd clash that had come about, awestruck by the sheer forces at play. It never failed to make his flesh feel weak and feeble, standing beneath ireful titans. Besides cowering behind his pokemon, there was little else he would risk doing in their presence, knowing full well he was out of his depth in their quarrel.[break][break]

Ahead of them the tree became so threatened as to peak Yveltal's outrage; in a singular moment it had descended to the ground, drawing strength from the desecrated earth and further sapping Adrian's pokemon of their vigor. But even so its tone was despondent as it reluctantly admits its shortcomings:[break][break]

'...Alone I cannot stop them, and they will not heed reason...'[break][break]



Yveltal directs the resultant destruction towards the tree in one last desperate effort, toiling to perhaps drain the tree of its seemingly boundless energy by focusing its full might against its wards. Whatever its intent, the blast strains the protective barrier for a time with a roaring sound at the dissonance between two opposing forces. At first they're assured the ward will hold as it had before...[break][break]

But there's an audible sound of crackling in the air, and soon the invokers of the tree see fissures traced in jagged lines; but still even the most perceptive individual would correctly gauge Yveltal's devastating blow wouldn't last long enough to cause the sudden overturn that was currently their deepest, darkest fear... To tap into such potent chaos would test even its divine resolve, such as it was, and so an uneasy lull would overtake those shielded behind its aura.[break][break]

Surely they could place great faith in its power...[break][break]

And yet as Yveltal's form stretched tall and wide, now drained of its vibrant color until all that remained was an obscure vanta black pigment that seemed to reject light. Its power SURGED with a sudden ferocity, the stream of ruinous energy filing down on the ward until its shimmering veil flickered and finally shattered at the initial point of contact, allowing a glancing blow to defile the once hallowed tree. It was all Yveltal could manage before succumbing to exhaustion. Curling into a cocoon, it would sink into the earth as if a fissure had opened itself to the underworld, availing Yveltal to the sanctuary of its domain.[break][break]


Before it's truly gone, it reaches out to Adrian: '...You betray our bond...'[break][break]

It would seem Adrian's transgressions had earned him its spite. Fuck you too. Adrian turns his attention after Yveltal disappears, believing the worst of it to be behind them. With the looming threat now vanished, he tends to his pokemon before casting a weary glance towards Gavin, the tree and those gathered.[break][break]

Somehow, he wasn't convinced it was over just yet. Not with this crowd.


- Magnezone's Analytic helps it distinguish friend from 'foe'; LOCK ON targets Lugia.[break]
- Gyarados is resigned to inaction; recognize Yveltal from the battle against Nihilego.[break]
- Vileplume is resigned to inaction; hovers near Adrian cautiously.[break]
- Heatran uses PROTECT; demonstrates the least fatigue.[break]
- Yveltal cannot heal, and has sustained moderate+ damage so far.[break]
- Yveltal siphons Adrian's pokemon for energy to empower its next attack.[break]
- Specifically, Yveltal has sapped (+50%HP) from each of Adrian's pokemon.[break]
- Adrian's pokemon exhibit signs of increased fatigue and loss of concentration.[break]
- DEVASTATION DRAKE now targets ??? directly for ??? damage. (Round 3 of 3)[break]
- Yveltal is attempting to alter, corrupt or temper the tree in some way.[break]
- Yveltal has made its departure, perhaps in a sudden change of heart...?




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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,860 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2021 7:14:17 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar



danger above[break][break]

sacrifices must be made,,,

There are times when she believes that Team Rocket was justified in blaming the League, especially in cases that involve life or death. When the enraged Yveltal attacked them first, it had claimed the title of villain in this scenario, right? So why would you attack Lugia? The one who was fighting to protect a human instead of harming them?
She throws Thalassa out onto the field, a quick whistle garnering their attention as she points to the Drampa aiming at Lugia. And she's are quick to catch onto her drift, aiming an AQUA JET at the bumbling berserker if only to tell him to buzz off. As much as the League hates to admit it, the one common threat they face now is the desecration of all life by the harbinger of destruction itself, not the grounded legendary that’s attempting to catch its breath - Not yet, at the very least.
But just as she's about to make a snide comment, she spies the danger that approaches, tumbling off Reiner's back and shoving him out of the way as Lugia's tail swings right at them. It catches her with the edges of its spikes, a harsh crack ringing in her ears as the sharpened quills drag deep across her back, throwing her right across the ashen field as she chokes for air. It burns but the world feels so cold, the tattered threads of her clothes dyed crimson as the only thing that escapes her lips is a wretched gasp. She can hear an unnatural yowl wrenched from Reiner's throat but she can't quite see where he might be.
It's never easy to withstand the pain, even more so when bearing witness to loved ones being injured beyond one's control. To the world, Eris is nothing but a kid left in Kanto's remains but to him, she means the world. Electricity surges through his body like a shattered light, sparking and crackling as he rushes over to his ward and nudges her. Small, weak and covered in red as life slowly drips from her wounds, he had promised himself never to let such a thing repeat itself -
But promises meant nothing if they were broken.
If only the League hadn't been blinded. If only they hadn't aggressed the wrong one. He screeches in the wake of ongoing chaos, his claws primed as his eyes lock onto the ones that started this mess. With a primal howl, he lashes out with a DISCHARGE of unbridled energy, readily catching out any pokemon nearby.
Tl;dr - Thalassa the Buizel uses AQUA JET on @chloe's Drampa[break]
Eris gets YEETED and severely injured by Lugia's tail causing Reiner to lose it, using DISCHARGE to attack any League pokemon nearby









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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2021 10:10:02 GMT
Deleted Avatar

From the moment an arrow landed next to Eva’s feet, her heart had steadily filled with fear. Fear which she tried her best to ignore, to avoid. Believing it would only become a hindrance. It reached the climax as shadow lugia slammed into the sacred tree, resulting in it being uprooted. The ranger could only chuckle for a reaction, finding it ironic. The tree in which she saw as hope, now laid on the scorched ground.
Doubting her actions, Chloe glanced towards Oakley who fearlessly challenged the shadow lugia. She was too reckless when she gave the command to attack. Realizing her mistake she tried to call back her drampa, but it was too late.
Oakley!!!” Chloe’s shouts of concern were drowned out by the painful howls of her Drampa, as the dragon type is overwhelmed by the combined forces of @gavins shadow pokemon. “Fuck” Chloe remarks to herself, her expression becoming clouded. Unsure how to get Oakley out of such a dicey situation. The gust of wind would shift her attention for a moment, and she felt temporary relief seeing ’s mega Salamanca assisting them. Chloe was unaware of ’s and ’s situation but still thankful towards the doctor. Seeing that the Salamence brought forth a protect, Chloe would yell out to Oakley. “Fly! Fly!” The dragon type did her best to comply with the order but was too weak from the vicious attacks of and . She would release a pained roar as she collapsed onto the scorched floor, succumbing to the injuries.
“Fuck” she cursed under her breath once more, the words of catching her attention. His cockiness was off-putting, but Chloe saw how brutal his shadow pokemon were. From the way he spoke, Chloe could only assume that he wasn’t an ally. “I’m not gonna let you have your way” She stated. Chloe knew that she was outmatched, but she won't back down so easily.
Hydro-cannon, Empoleon!” The pokemon stepped forward, unknowingly walking into the dark spikes set by the shadow roserade. Summoning forth a large vein of water, the empoleon directs it towards Gavin’s shadow pokemon.

Chloe has a brief break down
Tries to recall Oakley, but fails. Oakley is barraged with attacks from Gavins shadow pokemon
Doesn’t know the situation of Bryan, Priam, Locke, Eva, Adrian
Oakley succumbs to the attacks from and
Chloe continues the fight with Gavin and his shadow pokemon.



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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break.
8,041 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2021 11:25:02 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

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As Yveltal's final, desperate efforts are met with its resignation from the fight, conflict wages on.[break][break]

Salamence transforms to shield Drampa's trainer from harm, but she was never in danger from the shadowy assault. They target Oakley and Oakley alone, ordered to exact vengeance for the blow struck against their patron. Gavin turns away as a gut-wrenching howl echoes over the sound of a gathering storm.[break][break]

Drampa falls, but it is not alone.[break][break]

goes down to a redirected Stone Edge from an ally, and is quick to his side. A brilliant discharge of electric energy follows; though it had never been the legend's intent to harm, the child had been caught by a wayward swing of Lugia's tail. Spikes cleave through delicate flesh without care for the allegiance of the organs within. Her Luxray cries for justice, its vengeance sparking through the air. Gavin's response is immediate. Another pokeball summons a Lucario, seemingly not corrupted by the same malice as the others, whose own howl scatters sparkling LIFE DEW across the child's wounds.[break][break]

Gavin, in his arrogance, expects @chloe to back down. He does not notice the oncoming attack, but Lugia does.[break][break]

Legends spoke of a 40-day storm summoned by the Diving Pokémon's mighty wings. Legends were exaggerations of its power, but most tales held fragments of the truth. A strengthened Lugia launches itself skyward, and the powerful swipe of its wings through the air summons the force of a HURRICANE to a battlefield already assaulted by strong winds. They grow more violent in nature, tearing at the ravaged earth as they slam into the water full-force and scatter it back toward the aggressor. The hurricane forms a wall of whirling winds, forcing back those who try to approach the tree.[break][break]

Miasma scatters also, and purple-black mist shrouds the fallen Drampa.[break]
Oakley rises.[break][break]

Lugia's own avatar, ignorant of the power he now wields, has rushed to Eris' side. Silent commands are forgone in favour of a single, snarled word. "Defend." His shadow Pokémon hasten to obey, forming a threatening ring around the underboss and the fallen.[break][break]

His newest charge answers also.[break][break]

Oakley erects a shimmering barrier to protect not the trainer who had loved and raised it, but her newfound enemy.[break][break]


Clicking any of Gavin's Pokemon will bring you to a page with their moveset + explanation of their shadow abilities.[break]
RAIN DANCE is in effect for 2 MORE TURNS.[break]
LUCARIO is sent out and uses LIFE DEW! All Rockets are considered allies.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA uses HURRICANE! It's boosted by RAIN DANCE as well as Alcremie's DECORATE! It's basically acting as a counter to hydro cannon + a physical force to shove back anyone who tries to get closer.[break]
EELEKTROSS, ROSERADE, CORVIKNIGHT, CRYOGONAL are all defending Gavin and Eris.[break]
SHADOW MIASMA reanimates DRAMPA! It uses LIGHT SCREEN to protect Gavin + allies.[break]
Gavin's SHADOW MIASMA boosts the speed and evasion of himself and his Pokémon while they are within it! His shadow Pokémon have increased strength![break]




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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 1:12:17 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam appears nervous with @chloe's statement, or at least, his body language implied it. as soon as her attention was elsewhere, it fades away and continues with his job.

the rocket continues to communicate with the other end. "s-so, is the entire thing not gonna happen?" he asks from his phone, his voice still playing the role of a confused ranger in case someone else was still trying to listen to him. "i don't think the tree's going to last long with this carnage..."

he turns back to his pokemon, a clear idea of how to achieve their goal already in his mind. he nods to them before giving them specific instructions to follow.

"shroomy, start with growth. venusaur, get ready for one final push."

the venusaurs efforts to loosen the tree's roots' grip on the earth continues underground, hidden from plain sight. the shroomish starts to grow bigger as it takes in nutrients from the soil to grow.

priam pushes himself against the bark of the tree in an attempt to not get caught in the chaos.

  • priam continues his tree duty
  • venusaur still uprooting the tree underground away from plain sight
  • shroomish uses growth


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 19:08:35 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Life was always a priority. Her objective to sample and protect the tree was forced to take a back seat in light of the new circumstances. Eva snapped a set of gloves on from the medpac before continuing. Kamal crept up beside her as Blade moved to being his Life Dew, “Kamal! Great! Gomme some of your stun spore,” The doctor protectively leaned over her cupped hands to protect them from the the rain that may just wash away any attempt at the STUN SPORE. The Roserade crept closer, his flowered hands beneath the doctor’s chest. A soft vibration shook the yellow spores into her gloved hands. The water dripping off Eva’s chin mixed with the growing pile in her hands. The fine powder turned to a viscous paste as she rubbed them together, “Alright, this is gonna feel funny,” But no doubt better than the sharp pain of a jagged rock in your side. Eva gently slapped on the paste, rubbing it around the wound to focus the effects of the numbing powder to their torso, rather than letting it spread systemically.

Eva worked quickly to keep the heavy rain from washing the paste away. Eva gently sat Locke up against the Roserade, wrapping his torso tightly in a layer of elastic bandage wrap, securing the fragment and applying enough pressure to hopefully slow any internal bleeding long enough to get them to a proper hospital.

Blade was privy to the brutal force of the Lugia’s tail against the small child’s form. His eyes watching in horror as she was thrown across the battlefield, settling motionless against the muddied ground. His astonishment and innate sense of urgency was strong enough to push itself onto Eva.

The Gallade’s strong emotional response made Eva gasp and pull back from Locke, eyes wide at the sudden onslaught of emotions. Her head snapped around to follow the Gallade’s focus to the gathering barrier around , the scarlet blood bubbling from her back clear across the battlefield.

“Stay with him,” Locke was stable – for now. Eva doubted the child’s fragile body could handle such a devastating blow, “Blade, on me,” This was an “all hands on deck” kind of situation.

Wind whipped furiously from the Lugia’s growing HURRICAINE. Wet blonde hair snapped against her face, a bloodied hand raised to protect her from the sharp rain drops. It was getting harder for her small frame to battle the strong winds. She was met with obstacle after obstacle, dark spikes littered the ground and the poor corrupted Shadow Pokemon defensively blocked her way. Blade’s hands reached to catch her and the mud beneath her boots gave out, barely missing a dangerously toxic Dark Spike.

Eva found her footing again, a dangerous determination beamed from emerald eyes. Nothing would stand between her and the child, not even ’s army from hell. Life would win.

Lucky for her, Gavin seemed to agree with her mission, giving a nod of approval before his pokemon let her and the Gallade through to assess the girl. The duo had seen some serious shit during their time in Kanto but this definitely made the Top 10 list. The sheer surface area the injuries took up on the girl’s petite frame was astonishing. Instinctively, the Gallade’s hands moved forward, palms pulsed a soft pink HEAL PULSE over Eris’s back to aid the LIFE DEW.

Unlike a full-grown adult, the child couldn’t afford to lose this much blood. Finger gently pressed against the girl’s wrist to assess her pulse, thready at best. Unfortunately, Eva didn’t come prepared today treat multiple wounded people. This was supposed to be a scientific expedition, a simple collection of samples before Teleporting back to the lab. Most of her bandage material was wrapped around Locke.

She needed anything, everything to stop the bleeding. But everything was wet and wouldn’t form a good seal. The size of the wounds wouldn’t make gauze practical. Well . . . field medicine involved being inventive. The doctor ripped off her own shirt, folding it neatly over one of the large gashed in the child flesh, “Gimme your shirt,” the hand not applying pressure reached towards Gavin, expecting him to comply as it shook to express the urgency. What they really needed to do was get this kid to a hospital.

tl;dr: Eva has completely given up on her sampling and protection of the tree by now in order to focus on the wounded. She makes a paste with Kamal’s STUN SPORE and the rain to rub around the wound to give some pain relief. Eva finished wrapping Locke’s torso to keep the rock shard in place until they can get to a hospital. Don’t pull it out. She leaves in Kamal’s care while she and Blade rush to check on . Blade uses HEAL PULSE to help stabilize while Eva tries to control the bleeding, but it’s difficult because everything is wet =( And yes, she rips off her shirt and asks Gavin for his. Gimme gimme.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 11:48:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar

While yvetal left.. There were still many other problems that needed to be handled. The strong winds of Lugia’s hurricane prevented Chloe from getting any closer to battle with Gavin. It was difficult for Chloe to admit it, but the battle was a loss. There was no way she could defeat Gavin with his shadow army. It was difficult to see her Drampa being controlled by the man's mysterious power but Chloe figured it would wear off.
Noticing the injuries that were sustained by Locke and Eris, the ranger saw no point in continuing fighting. Rushing towards ’s side, she carefully scooped up the injured chiro-chiro. “Let’s get you out of here.” Chloe whispered, Locke looked stable due to Eva’s emergency treatment, but she was hesitant on how to move him, as he still had the rock wedged in his side.
Chloe looked over towards Locke’s rampaging drampa, while lugia was a bigger threat the legendary didn’t seem to be attacking, most likely tired out from the battle with yvetal. The drampa needed to be handled, “Steelix, Double Edge. Empoleon, Steel Wing!” She commands, and her pokemon comply, working together to take down the rampaging drampa.
TL;DR Stops battling Gavin to look over Locke. She picks up the defeated chiro-chiro on the way.
Also commands her Steelix and Empoleon to use Steel Wing, and Double Edge to take care of the drampa who's going bonkers.



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 15:09:47 GMT
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chilly rain[break][break]

sacrifices must be made,,,

How did things start going so wrong? Though Thalassa knows her goal has been achieved, the sight of her trainer down leaves her commandless as she watches the fallen Drampa resurrect. Nothing about it makes sense but then again, nothing about this situation ever made any sense to begin with. With the end of one threat comes the rise of another, yet another Drampa losing themselves to madness as their bond drives them into depravity.
Slapping her tail against muddy grounds, the Buizel launches a HYDRO PUMP at 's Drampa. Why do people even befriend pokemon's that go berserk? Trainers can surely be brainlets at times.
Humans aren't beings to be trusted - Such are the words held in Reiner's heart as he snarls at the approaching figures, his claws straining into the dirt as he raises his hackles. But even he yields in the face of intent, dispelling his electrical DISCHARGE with the readiness to lash out once more should the need arise. While 's attempt to heal and save Eris may be allowed with a rough growl, is someone that he can't quite trust just yet, sharpened teeth dripping with venomous intent.
The League are enemies. The very thought of ripping into the woman's body crosses his mind with a subconscious twitch but Eris' shallow breathing tames his ire for now. Swallowing his breath, Reiner steps closer, laying down beside the girl as he attempts to generate enough heat with a soft current.
Vendettas can wait for his charge's return.
Where do things go when their hearts stop beating? The question is but a brief memory that itches in the back of a clouded mind. Everything feels hazy, noises blending into a sea of white noise as her mind struggles to discern the plane that she currently exists on.
Gentle is the touch that cradles her wounds, warmth seeping against her back as she attempts to lift her head.
"Mom…?" She chokes out, her vision blurring further than it had already distorted. "It hurts…" Through the welling tears and the uncertainty, she's reaching out for the hands of another, seeking comfort in familiarity as tufts of black fur slide into view.
"I wanna go home now…"
Tl;dr - Reiner is ready to strike Dr Eva when needed but waits for now[break]
Eris is barely conscious and still losing blood fast[break]
Thalassa uses HYDRO PUMP on Locke's Drampa









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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 21:03:10 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Battle. War. Blood. Chaos. They were all familiar. Too familiar to the doctor. The blood of many soldiers and their pokemon had coated her hands. Lives saved, lives lost, each one a notch in her belt that determined her self-worth. But the blood of a child was something she thought she’d never have to stain her hands with.

And this would be a crimson stain that she’d never be able to wash her hands of.

For the first time in her years of work, Eva was overwhelmed. She held the child’s fragile life in her hands delicately with limited resources. Time was not on their side, “Don’t move, don’t move,” a shaky voice comforted through the roar of the rain as tried to lift her head.


It hurts

I wanna go home now

The child’s voice broke her. Her jaw trembled with the threat of a sob, tears hidden by the rain coursing down her cheeks. To Eva, Eris was an innocent bystander, an impressionable child who didn’t deserve this fate. Eva’s eyes turned to the blood-soaked shirt she held in place. She knew she wouldn’t be able to stop the bleeding, not here, not like this, “Blade, again,” Another HEAL PULSE pushed towards the child’s wounds, Eva continued to apply pressure, every ounce of blood saved counted when someone was this small and Eva didn’t give up on anything, not even when a heart stopped beating, “We need to get her to a hospital . . . Like, NOW,” That was the only way they’d save her.

tl;dr: Just Eva being emotional. Couldn’t help myself. The muse just flowed.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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lost in thoughts
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 3:43:22 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he feels the earth underneath him loosen up. thee shroomish is now at max capacity from using growth within the tree's radius. he checks the time on his phone as he ends the call. the time was coming up.

priam takes a vial and scoops out soil samples, ignoring everything else happening beside him as he focuses on the tree. as soon as other rocket operatives arrive with their gardvoirs and alakazams and other teleporting pokemon, he turns to his pokemon and issues the command in a hushed tone.

"venusaur, earth power. shroomish, toxic."

an explosion happens underneath the tree, completely unearthing it with a blast. dried leaves, ash and earth spray everywhere. multiple rocket operatives come to collect their prize, teleporting with it with their psychic-type pokemon's collective efforts.

the shroomish spills poison on the ground. previous experience in littleroot prove that this does nothing but delay the inevitable. it gives league less to work with, but it ultimately shouldn't matter in the end.


he recalls his other pokemon and goes with the other operatives as they teleport away from the scene.

  • priam collects soil samples for old time's sake
  • venusaur uses earth power to uproot the tree completely
  • shroomish uses growth + toxic to contaminate the scene
  • rockets arrive and teleport away with the tree + priam

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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 3:59:29 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








Yveltal's absence registers belated, the calm in the eye of a proverbial storm. The literal storm that was Lugia's HURRICANE remains at the legend's command, a ring of howling wind that envelops the tree, their allies, and a dying child.[break][break]

Though his jacket is soaked with rain and coated in ash, he shrugs it off at 's request and pulls off the unmarred shirt beneath, coating it in another shower of Lucario's LIFE DEW before pressing it against 's wounds. The fierce, commanding presence of an avatar and underboss has faded to bitter concern, rain spattering a scarred chest as he reaches for another pokeball.[break][break]

Claydol materializes, the eerie doll spinning slowly as it adjusts to its surroundings.[break][break]

"We've got her," Gavin promises, loud enough that the other Rockets would be able to hear him over their comms. "You should make sure the other one's all right." He calls upon Lugia through their bond, and the shadowy leviathan turns its menacing red gaze upon them. "Let them through; there's wounded that need taking care of." Through their mental link, he feels its hesitance and ire before the hurricane subsides, the thundering skies above beginning to clear. Though RAIN still falls, its intensity wanes.[break][break]

Gavin's gaze first finds @chloe in the chaos, ensuring that the girl did not continue to aggress upon his patron. Then it settles on , closest of the League to their predicament, and Gavin motions for him to approach.[break][break]

"Do you need evac, or can you get yourself to safety?"[break][break]

Gavin had not missed his warning before Yveltal had appeared, nor the way he'd collapsed on the legend's entrance to the scene. He seemed weakened where the god of destruction had strengthened itself, and connections had been made in his mind. Though the man was somewhat a stranger, the underboss also recalled how he had called him Gavin. An ally of some kind, if a prickly one — the offer is shrouded, a silent invitation. The League would doubtless want to question those who remained on the scene and the herald of Route 113's destruction would be a priority target. Claydol's eyes begin to blink as it prepares its TELEPORT.[break][break]

Lugia lands next to their gathered group, ground quaking beneath its weight. Its wings shroud the trainers gathered next to the tree.[break][break]

Then the earth explodes.[break][break]

Dirt, ash, and leaves scatter against Lugia's wings as the symbol of Xerneas is forcibly uprooted. Rocket teleports onto the scene in a display of unity and power, their psychic Pokémon forming a ring around their prize. A brilliant flash, and it's over as quick as it had begun. Gavin's red gaze, mirroring that of the legendary looming over them, burns with a muted triumph.[break][break]

Another flash, and Claydol is gone. Gavin, Lugia, and an army of shadows remain.[break][break]

"Go to your wounded." Gavin's gaze falls upon , dangerously close to the ring of shadows around them. He gestures toward and @chloe. "We will not stop you."[break][break]


Clicking any of Gavin's Pokemon will bring you to a page with their moveset + explanation of their shadow abilities.[break]
RAIN DANCE is in effect for 1 MORE TURN.[break]
LUCARIO uses LIFE DEW! All Rockets are considered allies.[break]
Gavin asks Lugia to end the hurricane, and it does. He pulls out a CLAYDOL, who remains on stand-by to TELEPORT Eris to Rocket HQ. Gavin also offers to teleport if he has no method of quick escape.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA is idle![break]
EELEKTROSS, ROSERADE, CORVIKNIGHT, CRYOGONAL are all defending Gavin and Eris.[break]
DRAMPA is idle because Gavin isn't paying attention/commanding.[break]
CLAYDOL teleports off-scene! It'll take and if they choose to go along with it.[break]
Gavin's SHADOW MIASMA boosts the speed and evasion of himself and his Pokémon while they are within it! His shadow Pokémon have increased strength![break]




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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,679 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 20:33:45 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



[attr="class","bryanoverlap"]You should see me in a crown.

[attr="class","bryanbody"] Oh fuck. oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, the young girl with rocket was injured now. The battle had raged on and the fight was ending. Grimmsnarl had let go of drampa once it started to go beserk and instead opted to just defend against the tree by using it's hair to tank the attacks. He watched as priam was working on pushing out little by little. The kommo-o and the silvally causing absolute chaos on the field with their attacks. Wow, silvally really was a beast...he needed to invest more time into it. [break][break]

As the war raged on bryan recalled his pokemon one by one as it seemed that they were heading into evacuation mode. As he started to calm down he realized what he caused. It was his fault, not only that but priam desecrated xerneas's land..the internal strife was apparent on his face but his mask covered it. How poetic. He frowned and stayed silent jumping down from the treeline to gavin's side, opting to stay silent as he knew he was going to get chewed out for this later. Not like he cared, all that mattered was the tree. The tree was the one goal he had and rocket secured it. He recalled all his pokemon and waited for claydol to teleport him away from the battle field.



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[newclass=.bryanimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/C7MbXVz/4c13452c9adf8ebf7bdee361ab5b87b3.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.bryanbody b]color:#972100;[/newclass]

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,757 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 21:29:28 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Gavin’s promise doesn’t seem to sit well with the doctor. Even as she adjusts the shirt to cover the open wound. None of this did. There was too much lining up to be sheer coincidence. The legendaries, the “rangers” the attacks from the tree line . . . Needless to say, she didn’t particularly trust the man was going to take proper care of the child.

More come to join the avatar and his Claydol. Allies? The doctor studies them while she can. A particularly icy glare falls on and his bow and arrow. The sudden explosion from beneath the tree surprised her. Her body protectively folded over Eris as the shadow beast’s wings protectively wrapped around all of them. She’s shrouded in darkness, if only for a moment before the legendary recoils.

Eva’s jaw hung open in surprise to see the mass of people and psychic-types that surrounded the tree. As quick as they appeared, they vanished in a flash of light. They left nothing but a gaping hole in the scarred earth. Between Yveltal’s devastating attack and the removal of the land’s source of energy, the emerald that was left began to quickly wilt.

Only someone oblivious to common sense would fail to recognize an organized effort. And this certainly wasn’t organized by the League.

Eris’s mass disappeared beneath her hands. She blinked at the empty space, the helplessness she felt fading with the sight of the child. Now, it was just them.

Suspicious eyes narrowed, meeting Gavin’s gaze as she slowly stood up. A moment of silence. It was clear in her resolute gaze that connections were starting to click into place like pieces of a messy puzzle once you saw the whole picture.

He stood there, basking silently in the glory of their success. It infuriated her. She was surrounded by things she didn’t understand (shadow pokemon) but knew in her gut they went against everything she stood for.

In a rather daring display the doctor raised a bloodied hand with an accusatory finger pointed at Gavin, “But we will stop you,” she didn’t know what they had planned with the tree, but knowing Rocket it was never something good.

“Hostiles on Route 113a, requesting immediate back up,” she spoke into The League communication device on the same wrist, an icy glare never wavering from Gavin’s.

tl;dr: Eva is now super sus that they are Rocket after the way that evac the tree. They are too organized to not be, and they certainly aren’t with The League. In a very daring and dangerous display, Eva threatens Gavin before calling for League back-up.