i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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catello casimiro
he him
june 20th
Mauville City
ask him
rocket member
125 height
125 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
342 posts
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TAG WITH @jonah
giona ferrara
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 2:44:51 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Hair fell around his face. Gel just didn't cut it, these days. He seemed more full of life than usual, throwing little punches every so often. The meeting was fated, now that all other things fell away. Now that the things keeping the Rockets apart slowly subsided. He sat there, with a Drakloak nearby.

Giona wore black denim head to toe, sitting at the base of the tree cross-legged. His cell signal was fading by moving this far from the city and the cell-towers, but it was worth it. He'd already sent out a group text, a call to aid. He was inarticulate and bad with words, and hopefully, they'd all be able to talk, rather than texting and letting the chips fall where they may.

"Gentlemen..." He said, stretching his arms out, and slowly standing. He was still dwarfed by the gargantuan tree, and saw fit to lean on one of its roots. He saw fit to greet the other Rockets, magnanimous in victory. Especially that and , who he hadn't seen in months.

The gargantuan tree sat in the center of the grove. Like every great tree, it soaked up the city's carbon. The air felt cool, clean, and dry to all nearby. The one tradeoff was the pollen it put out. Like a songbird's mating ritual, for a life form that could not make a sound.

His buzzed eyebrows and deathly pallor made him just look like a skull with hair. Not even being Italian could spare him this fate. Like an illegitimate child of Oscar's.

"How have you all been, lately? It's been far too long. We have much to discuss."


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
492 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 3:34:44 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    A soft sigh escaped from his lips as Rowan approached the center of this new monument of Sootopolis City, amber eyes glancing about his surroundings with dulled wonder. “Hmm.” There were many places he would have rather been, but there were new responsibilities that arose with being appointed one of the Beasts of Team Rocket.

    Responsibility that had been thrust upon him as a reward for murder, apparently proof positive that he had the strength required to be a blood hound of the organization. Others looked upon him now for leadership and guidance, for actions he didn’t intend.

    How have we all been? Was that an actual question? Most of them still bore the wounds from overtaking Sootopolis, the question in itself was asinine but he had to be respectful. “Agreed, there is a lot of information to go over. Especially with this tree we are all standing within.”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 3:44:08 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e approached slow, curious of the tree.

His phone had pinged, clear, and the text received with a raised brow. Exhaustion and some type of loneliness tugged at him, which he hoped the camaraderie of Rocket in victory could cure for a little while. His approach was slow but he offered a half smile to anyone else present when he arrived.

"No food?" Was replied to , hummed, his voice rough but still pleased.

Usually he brought food to any little get together like this. Today, however, he had been too wound up to even pick up some Kalos Fried Chansey.
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
creatures of habit, carrion flowers, growing from repeated crimes.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 4:03:22 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin's approach is heralded by a fearsome gale and the fluttering of massive wings before Lugia comes to land upon the shore. It was nice for the both of them, not having to hide, here. Lugia could enjoy the freedom of flight and Gavin could enjoy a convenient airlift from his house to the tree that's replaced the Silver Spire as a Sootopolis landmark.

I'm sorry he's so extra, guys.

True to her newfound freedom, Lugia curls up nearby to nap like a cat.

Gavin sits down and rests his back against her chest, soothed by the rhythm of her slow breathing.

Like those before him, Gavin doesn't bother with the pleasantries.

"What in particular did you want to talk about?" Rowan mentions the tree, and Gavin manages a dry laugh. "Well the canopy gives some nice shade, keeps the bay a little cooler, so I'm not complaining."

He lived in Sootopolis, after all.
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 5:05:00 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



[attr="class","bryanoverlap"]You should see me in a crown.

[attr="class","bryanbody"]bryan walked to the area where the group decided to meet. The area looked like something right out of a fantasy world. [break][break]
Everywhere he looked was a luscious area of greenery and [break][break]
However where there were fairy types, there were prying eyes as they watched him with mischievous intent. He pointed both of his fingers at his eyes back at those little fuckers. [break][break]
He met with the other rockets "Yo." he said giving a small wave to the many familiar faces. "Surprised you all can talk and not be amazed by all of...this." he said looking around, finding something new to spot everytime



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catello casimiro
he him
june 20th
Mauville City
ask him
rocket member
125 height
125 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
342 posts
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TAG WITH @jonah
giona ferrara
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 5:38:47 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Hair fell around his face. He had in one hand a bag of beef jerky. Just a salted, dried meat, presumably to keep his lizard in check. Not that it’d ever lash out. Drakloak was a dragon known for doting; known for a motherly instinct. Kangaskan for the lizards. He pinched off a big piece for his little dragon to gnaw on, and tossed another to Chu-e after a warning gesture.

He smiled, ear to ear. The tryhard, chuuni sonofabitch loved sitting together with his boys. Living the mafia movie fantasy. He looked to Rowan, and saw fit to address him first. “We can start wherever you’d like. If you don’t mind though... I have some findings with regards to Groudon.”

He said, pinching and smoothing out the collar of the white button-up he wore under his denim jacket. He then shrugged his shoulders to Chu-e. “I’m so sorry, that this was on short notice. I figured I couldn’t risk my... difficulties with text messages getting in the way of us putting our heads together.”

The gargantuan tree felt just as alive as any of the little things at its feet. It whistled with the wind, and teemed with masses of Cutiefly, and Florges. If the seas and forests were the circulatory system of nature, this was a major artery. 

He trusted these men. Trusted that none of them were followed. He would’ve followed Bryan himself, had he not found a woman. Awooga. Perish the thought. He had to address Gavin.

"The source of its power was scattered to the winds, but even Groudon is self-aware. I held its power in my hand, and together with it averted a volcanic ash storm that could’ve smothered all of Lavaridge. And I suspect... if we were to find it again, that power could be vested in the hands of any one of us."


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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 5:50:18 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

more human[break]than human
more human[break]than human


i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.




The tree is a spectacle to behold. [break][break]

It's almost poetic, biblical even, that after the gods brought a storm and tore apart the world - something beautiful sprouted. [break][break]

"A light in the darkness." [break][break]

What a shame that they couldn't move any closer to it than they already were. Killian's body begged him to try, to push past whatever force bared entry beyond the first field. [break][break]

"Groudon and Kyogre." he muttered, spinning on his heels to face as he spoke. "Both appearing around the same time can't be good." but nothing in Hoenn was ever good.


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 7:29:59 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","littlejay"] it felt... strange.

[break][break] to be called a beast of all things felt odd, given that he had spent a lifetime looking up to the people who heralded the title. he wondered, briefly, what father would have thought if he saw him standing there.

[break][break] violet eyes were focused skyward to stare at the large tree that had taken place as the centerpoint of the city, wonderous in it's intensity. tree of life, it was called.

[break][break] he stands a few feet away from , his fellow beast, so it doesn't startle him when the other speaks. what does surprise him, however, is the entrance of . gazing at the underboss brings a mixed sense of strain and relief — the latter likely due to the events of the sootopolis raid. he was alive, at least.

[break][break] he swallows, lifting up a bag of fastfood that he'd bought along the way. "i bought some sushi," he offers, the irony of being in a seaborn city lost on him.

[break][break] the meeting commences, and gives his speech. groudon and kyogre? wait —

[break][break] his gaze narrows.

[break][break] "you held it's power in your hand?"



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 8:29:33 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar


@ rocket[break][break]


head full, brain hurties

There's been a lot that's gone on these past few days, a whirlwind of news and endless changes that threaten to knock her off her feet if she so much as stops thinking about it for a second. Groudon's return, a journey to the past, the strange occurrences of Sootopolis, Kyogre appearing? Though Kanto had its fair share of oddities, war was the main focus of it all. Not fights against deities, nor encounters with the unknown who merely dabbled into this reality...
It's a lovely location for a picnic, even more so when she hears the name - The Tree of Life. It has a nice ring to it, carries a whisper of a dream that can only lead to more opportunities should she dare to reach out and grasp it. The canopy sprawls overhead, the roots reaching down into the earth and beyond her sight. Perhaps, it is here that life truly thrives, the sight of a napping Lugia filling her with wonder and awe.
Free and with no more need to hide...
As the adults spoke to each other with theories and new concerns, Eris sits amidst the tangled roots, finding comfort in tracing her pen across the pages as she fills her notebook with more things. Groudon... its red orb... the dragon-like pokemon it'd fought... trapped in the past. Kyogre awakened... active in the present. She'd always been told stories of the two, how their meeting would bring ruination to the region once more, so was probably right in some way.
As for the spire disappearing and being replaced by this tree, where had it gone? Why had a symbol of Xerneas taken roots here? The more she thinks on it, the darker the lines of her sketches get. It's all topics worth exploring but where should she start?
Her Luxray yawns by her side, folding his front limbs as he rests his head upon them. For now, it's probably best to take a rest while she still has the time. Even as she adds more details to Xerneas' antlers, her attention is spread across the various groups and their discussions. Perhaps they'll know more about it than her. Maybe they're chasing after connections that don't even exist...
Eris extends a hand before Reiner's face and he opens a single eye, sighing softly before stretching a paw to drag her pouch of pens towards her. For now, it's better to let her colour simple depictions than go running after danger. That's something that they can surely worry about later.









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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 12:14:11 GMT
Deleted Avatar



Pulling her shades down as she entered the vicinity of the tree she made note of several people already huddled together. Some faces she knew, other's were foreign to her. After all, she was still new to this whole Rocket business thing. But it didn't change the fact that she had experience in the field, after all from one criminal organization to the next, her skillsets could still be of great use, no matter who her employer was. [break][break]

Tucking a strand of pink hair behind her ear she turned towards her friend. Lulu, as she was called now a days, had received a message about this meeting. Being the ever nosy one, Emi felt the need to invite herself to this meeting too. After all a new phenomenon had appeared at the heart of Sootopolis, her new home, and she wanted to learn more about it. [break][break]

For science, and all that. [break][break]

She'd been eager to get to work ever since she joined Rocket. As long as Lulu was by her side she was free to let her ambitions run free. Besides, with her long term goal now met, she needed to focus on other things. Helping Lulu with her work seemed like the natural choice while also cementing her place in Rocket as a close follow-up. [break][break]

After all, the more she showed herself as a capable assist the more they would trust her with, which meant more secrets for her to learn. And if there was one thing that propelled Emi through life it was the promise of learning more things, especially if they were forbidden. An easy smirk formed on her lips as she turned towards Lulu, "Looks like we made it just in time for the good stuff." she whispered to her friend.


+ @/the rest of these tree huggin folks[break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes: don't mind me droppin in~[break]


emi +

made by gimmick

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
492 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 20:39:35 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “I’ve seen trees before.” A smirk crawled across Rowan’s lips as he replied to , deflecting his own discomfort with a sense of humor. “Groudon appeared too?” There wasn’t much he knew about Legendary Pokémon, but he’d been immersed in the culture of Hoenn long enough to know of these titans that called the region their home. “Can’t be a coincidence.” Groudon and Kyogre were diametrically opposed, with only Rayquaza to quell the battle between them, of which had also been seen in the skies over Sootopolis recently.

    “Did you manage any samples from the encounter with Groudon? Energy readings or otherwise? I’m sure would be interested in those.” It was hard for him to remain focused on the needs of others considering his own burdens, but he could make time for the advancement of his sister’s research.

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
you gon' be
addicted to my eyes
5'6" height
5'6" height
✨ I'm addicted to shining and glowing
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 21:02:29 GMT
mint frost Avatar

The call to action or rather, call to party, as Mint had assumed was answered by one cheery grunt. He’d assumed picnic or pot luck not business meeting. He stumbled through the field moving towards massive sea monster that was that Lugia just vibing behind the big boys. He assumed anyway. He spotted addressing others he didn’t recognize. There’s a small wave as he quietly deposited a few boxes of fresh glazed donuts for picking if anyone felt like it. The conversation however doesn’t entice him so much. Again, hard to pay attention when the equivalent of a sea god is just sitting 100 ft away from you. He made no move to get closer. He spotted and stared at him incredulously as if going ‘that’s insane.’ And moving along. That was a conversation for another day. [break][break]

To be honest, he considered bailing. Any information presented couldn’t been summarized in a long email instead of making everyone come out here. Especially when no one was grilling and barely anyone had food. Backing away, his eyes move to the giant of tree, and the name Yggdrail floats into his head. Now this, this is much more interesting than a logistics report. Amid his gazing, he spotted a little girl idling nearby and his expression brightened, as he moved over to her. “Hey Eris!” he greeted, careful not to be too loud. “You bored too?” he asked snickering at the younger girl. [break][break]

He hadn’t known her for very long but found himself having more in common with a 12-year-old child than the rest of his peers. “Or are you just disappointed in the lack of quality spread today? You’d think a gang with that much money to spend would invest a little more in their company picnics.” He turned his attention to the Luxray giving Reiner a polite wave but avoiding petting him when he was still groggy. He didn’t want to get accidentally bitten.


+ tl;dr we we str8 vibing with a child [break][break]



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october 10th
ballonlea town
you're like a
124 height
124 height
we plot in the shadows & hang out in gallows
422 posts
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TAG WITH @siobhan
siobhan burke
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 21:35:25 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
Siobhan arrives a bit late, the higher ranking Rockets already there. she knows she is only recently an Executive but if there was a Rocket meeting - she had to be there for it. arriving just as does his speech, she slips into the back and remains quiet. there is another Rocket asking if he truly held 'the power'.

Groudon's Power...

of course, she had noticed something like that. some of the folks held some 'power' once they exited the rifts. she hadn't known it was Groudon's power in the mess of things that had happened. she had been too focused on taking down the blades. but Rocket had congratulated her. they sent her a fancy envelope and everything. 

that had to mean something, right?

she notices others she has met. and among them. quietly, she slips in with the former. a faint smile appears as she looks to Jayden but other than that; she lets her betters speak.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 21:59:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar
he's not here to make any waves, but there's a necessity to being in high places. his father might be content to be the big fish in a little pond, but hoenn is too unstable, too dangerous to be left in the dark. 

most of his jobs are a one-man kind of thing - covert, discreet, and in the grand scheme of things, irrelevant. he keeps the cog spinning, keeps the machine oiled, so that important people like this can keep on funding the takeover of the region. 

remus is a quiet presence at his side.

the tree is a marvel. no one can argue that. despite its troubling appearance, he is awestruck by it. the chittering sounds of wild pokemon echo around them, digging through roots and the like. 

he stays to the fringes, family insignia on his breast to belay any questions about his allegiances. 
@ -
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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2021 1:28:33 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

Celeste is quiet, as present as a ghost would be. She is just barely there enough to be tangible, yet her mind is elsewhere even as she listens into the conversation happening. Groudon and Kyogre, the Silver Spire, vanished, and in it's place a powerful symbol. None of this was by accident, it was all by design. Whether it was by fate's design, or someone behind the scenes knew everything, that was to be determined. But there was no pretending anymore. Everything happened for a reason.[break][break]

For now, Celeste stood still. In between seething with hatred for the destruction of her family's most powerful symbol and a place of knowledge and worship, to awe in the presence of Lugia just a short distance away. Every time she was in their presence, it was hard to be unsure of her purpose. With a deep breath, she examined the other members in the area. Her gaze starting at and the crew surrounding him, all the way to who was quite the unique sight amongst everyone else.[break][break]

For a second, she debated on joining the conversation in the middle. Expressing her opinion, perhaps. And yet, the spotlight was counterproductive to her goals. Her black, wide brimmed hat even obscured her face from a distance. The League would pay for their removal of the tower, and she would ensure Sootopolis would make that sentiment known no matter how long it took.[break][break]

For now, she would simply look over at the divine beast Lugia and bow her head in reverence. She would complete the task placed upon her, no matter the cost to personal gain or promotion. Loyalty and faith were worth more than power in her world.

notes ...


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