i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Galar Region
Married to science
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 3:19:06 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




"Odd." As the man arrived on the scene, he couldn't help but note the "avatars" using their powers so openly. Perhaps due to the war, they decided to discard their secrecy? The ranger head especially, going so far as to shoot ice beams from his hands, like an x-men of sort.[break][break]

But what struck the scientist as being odd is the lack of focus on the aerial strikers, as well as that weird buzzing noise around them. A sprinting noise even. Was he hearing it because he was farther then the others, thus not directly in battle? Perhaps. But that is a concern best left for later. Right now, the noise had grabbed Tsubasa's curiosity.[break][break]

The man threw the dangling part of his scarf behind him and reached within the pouch on the side of his belt, grabbing three pokeballs within it. "Let's begin the experiment." Upon these words, he proceeded to drop the pokeballs before him, allowing the Reuniclus, Dewgong and a Porygon to emerge.[break][break]

"Cell, gaze upon our future and be ready to intervene. 01, target those Salamences. Bring them down. Code 00, lock-on the source of that noise and relay the display to my Silph Pad. We need to be ready." Upon issuing those orders, the scientist calmly grabbed a tablet that was hanging on his left hip, and booted it to be able to receive display from the Porygon's action.[break][break]

Once all commands were stated, the team began to move. Reuniclus moved in front of Tsubasa, eyes closed and arms extended as it used Future Sight. The Dewgong jumped forward upon the hard ground before launching Ice Shards at the flying Salamences, hoping to strike them heavily before any danger. As for Porygon, he attempted to Lock-On the source of the sprinting noise, preparing to Download the feed upon his master's tablet.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Tsubasa notes everyone's actions, notably [break]
Summons Reuniclus, Dewgong and Porygon (00)[break]
Reuniclus' Magic Guard is in effect[break]
Reuniclus gazes into the future with Future Sight[break]
Dewgong uses Ice Shard on flying Salamences[break]
Porygon uses Lock-On on the source of the sprinting sound.[break]
Upon a successfull Lock-On, Porygon will Download the result upon the Silph Pad.

template by kay

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october 8th
lilycove captain
334 height
334 height
lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
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TAG WITH @lance
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 3:55:18 GMT
[attr="class","vollans"]with most focused on the threats directly in front of them, lance focuses on the ones at their sides. he will not allow them to capitalize on their poor formation.

"something's coming." the confusing sound of possible sprinting has him on high alert. through the smoke and flames, he sees nothing. still, he speaks to the group. "be prepared with your shields."

from the high ground, lance watches his team scatter into offensive formation. the RAIN DANCE is appreciated — it allows urshifu's SURGING STRIKES to form and move with much more fluidity and grace. it also makes the HURRICANE precise.

strong winds ripple as volcarona's HURRICANE engulfs the group of approaching megalopolans, paving the way for his pokemon to close the distance. urshifu's SURGING STRIKES and shedinja's PHANTOM FORCE are enough to handle them. they soon regroup.

lance carries a small rock with him, perhaps a SUBSTITUTE of his spiritomb. they keep their guards up and their eyes open.


ooc //
- lance warns the group that something might be approaching.
- lance dispatches the group of megalopolans by the stairs.
- volcarona uses HURRICANE.
- urshifu uses SURGING STRIKES.
- shedinja uses PHANTOM FORCE.
- spiritomb uses SUBSTITUTE?
- lance makes his perception roll.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shedinja"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon spiritomb"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon volcarona"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon volcarona"]

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 6:45:44 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




THE TRAMPLED BATTLEFIELD IS MUDDIED, for the RAIN DANCES of ’s and @haruka’s Pokemon resurrect the footprints of fallen soldiers with water. Under the cloudy heavens, the battle wages on. Condensed breath billows from your lips as Articuno’s presence causes the temperature to drop. Pink-purple fog from MISTY TERRAINS cast Meteor Falls in eerie low hanging clouds.[break][break][break]


Before the flames are extinguished, and his team take the blind offensive. Manifesting in the middle of a battalion, the Councilman downs several with his Dragonite’s AQUA TAIL. follows soon after with his Dragapult, while his Sceptile conjures roots to ensnare an approaching squad. Within the protection of Milotic’s barrier, DRACO METEORS slam into the earth, while ’s Swampert manages to land a HYDRO PUMP on one Shadow Charizard to faint it. However, the two other Charizards retaliate in time with HEAT WAVES. One pulses toward on the higher ground, while the other surges for .[break][break][break]


’s Tapu Fini summons the seas. Casting the wave toward the wall of flame, others follow with their own attacks. , , , @haruka , and douse the flames with a dramatic howl of water, wind and sand. The Elite Four’s Moltres’ HURRICANE combines dramatically with the other legendary’s SURF, crashing with the troops behind the wall and against ’s Milotic’s BARRIER. It causes the shield to shatter, protecting the former Elite Four member barely.[break][break][break]

However, as the curtain of fire falls, the HEAT WAVES from the Shadow Charizard rush past the singed earth, surging for the aforementioned , and his rangers, , , and .[break][break][break]

is able to evade the HEAT WAVE thanks to her Meowstic’s premonition, while 's Machamp can choose to protect her with its WIDE GUARD. Likewise, 's Togekiss can choose to PROTECT, but it may not be enough to protect her entire party without help. Furthermore, may choose to have his Togepi take the attack, but then use its MIRROR COAT on a target.[break][break][break]



As halts his ice from the remains of the flames, his Type: Null’s ROCK SLIDE attacks backfires spectacularly. Combined with ’s Torterra’s EARTHQUAKE, the whole mountain groans in response. Something has gone wrong.[break][break][break]

’s corrupted Togepi causes a terrible chain of events due to its SHADOW LUCK used on . After the HEAT WAVE, the EARTHQUAKE loosens stone from higher up in the mountains. The enemy had already prepared boulders to roll down the slopes; however, ’ Type: Null’s attack causes its own stones, the mountain's natural rocks and more to fall toward the party. They crush those PARALYZED on the ground by ’s Zygarde.[break][break][break]

As moves toward the right, in the same general proximity to ’s PHANTOM FORCING Dragapult, they would be able to see the dangerous cascade of rock.[break][break][break]

apart from , , and , everyone must attempt to escape the boulders, which come after the HEAT WAVE attack.


As ’s Pokemon strike those by the beach staircase with winds and powerful SURGING STRIKES, his attempt to discern anomalies in the battlefield is hindered by the remaining smoke.[break][break][break] Bodies fall as ’s Croconaw follows up. A weakened tree is hurled into a group thanks to a powerful HYDRO PUMP that splinters bark. Other enemy troops are dispatched with a flap of Volcarona's wings as the Croconaw leaps from the cliff. Ultimately, the immediate western side is cleared of troops thanks to their efforts.[break][break][break]


As Dewgong fells a Salamence with ICE SHARDS, ’s Porygon attempts to LOCK-ON to the odd sound. However, it cries as it fails to track it. The sound is impossible to source, for the location is absolutely unknown.[break][break][break]

However, ’s Togekiss senses odd auras. In the woods up north, it can sense two, fast moving auras that dart closer and closer, stopping from tree to tree.[break][break][break]

While ’s Magneton scouts for further targets— but can track the rolling boulders. Furthermore, ’s Tapu Lele MOONBLASTS a horde of Megalopolans. Their bodies scatter into the air as TERRAIN PULSES ravage across battlefield.[break][break][break]


The wormhole pulses. A bolt of lightning is shot into its staticky maw, and suddenly, the otherworldly portal pulses black. The sky darkens even further as it is filled with purple light (SHADOW SKY).[break][break][break]


A SHADOWY AURA overrides all weather and can not be disabled until the wormhole is closed. Suddenly, bursts of light shower from the shadowy aura striking everyone and their Pokemon like hail. The pain is palpable— but it isn’t poison. However, as long as SHADOWY AURA is up, everyone will continually take damage.[break][break][break]

In the distance, the Celesteela’s head continues to bob as it drills.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

☐ Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
☐ Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Avoid the boulders while advancing.[break]
☐ Attempt to climb up into the mountains.[break]
☐ Take down the two remaining Shadow Charizard.[break]
☐ Clear the passage/find a way to the Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 8:15:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


lady luck was a total b-word.
as the ground underneath him shook he could hear rumbling that was much more intense as the moutain started to drop rocks. luckily he and another person who popped out of darkness (almost gave him a heart attack) seemed to be ahead of the rolling rocks as they crossed up towards the mountains. they were however rolling towards the people behind them, and that was ignoring the two charizards ahead of them that were heading towards other trainers. there was something he had to do.
"head up clear up the path ahead. i'm gonna stop those charizards there. catch up in a flash!" he shouted to as his team made their way across the cracked earth. "ok men, let those flying fire breathing sonnuvaguns have it! turters! try to cut down that rock slide!" following his orders the zeraora let out a howl as it unleashed the charged up discharge it had built up a few moments ago at the flying shadow charizards (and a bit of it gave the other members a decent shock) with scorcher following up with an ancient power on them to bring them down even harder and bury their wings under a few rocks. turters turned around and stared at the rocks rolling away from them and kicked up a leaf storm to head towards the rock slide and shred the stone to pieces.
as the team did their part to contain this madness the sky turned dark and small specks of purple light rained down on them that stung like first degree burns on the group. "ow ow ow ow, buccaneer! patch job! i'm gonna try and slow down those charizards myself!" with a grun the blastoise aimed his cannons upward and shot a life dew into the air that exploded into a small shower of healing rain that reinvigorated the team despite the harmful weather happening.
as kazimir ran up to one of the shadow charizards he took out a pokeball and gripped it with all of his might. "naughty pokemon outta be sitting in detention y'know. and the detention room is this pokeball!" with every muscle in his arm behind it he threw the ball at the charizard attacked by his zeraoora and charizard in order to catch it.


    + screw shadow togepi[break][break]
    + zeraora uses charge powered discharge on both shadow charizards and inflict minor damage to team[break][break]
    + charizard uses ancient power on shadow charizard[break][break]
    + the team is hit by shadow sky[break][break]
    + blastoise uses life dew to heal the team[break][break]
    + torterra uses leaf storm to save the rock slide victims[break][break]
    + kazimir uses a pokeball to capture the shadow charizard his zeraora and charizard ganged up on.

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
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333 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 8:18:15 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
"return!" milotic and dragapult were brought back into their respective capsules. noivern and sceptile remained on the field. due to a sudden mishap on the league's end, mateo needed to deal not only with a HEAT WAVE, but an unexpected surprise avalanche of boulders rolling down the mountains.

clicking his tongue, mateo had started to become annoyed. "if that's how you wanna play it..." whistling for the attention of noivern and scetile, an order was given. "noivern, let'em have it with boomburst; sceptile, follow up with a mimic!" as the HEAT WAVE traversed their way, mateo and party would respond with a double BOOM BURST, performed simultaneously by noivern and sceptile's MIMIC.

a powerfully, explosive sound wave had been released within the direction of the enemy. together they would attempt to clash, and hopefully overcome, the incoming HEAT WAVE. while also hoping to do damage not only toward the SHADOW CHARIZARD, but to more megalopolans and some of the incoming boulders as well with their combined destructive power.

should they be successful they would continue to move forward. attempting to progress toward the general. their leader who mateo had his eyes set on crushing.


+ milotic and dragapult are brought back into their pokeball.
+ ordered noivern to use boomburst and for sceptile to use mimic: boomburst.
+ together, simultaneously, they attempt to thwart and extinguish the heat wave incoming toward them with double trouble boomburst; while, altogether, hoping to take down the shadow charizard, some more megalopolans, and incoming boulders.
+ if successful they'd continue to push forward.

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 10:29:45 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


meteor falls is now a chaos valerio has never before seen. the articuno, a legendary pokémon he once met at the shoal cave, is now fighting the war and billowing frost alongside the rain. a misty terrain smothers the hills and a wave of inferno surges into the field.[break][break]

the mirror coat from the togepi’s shadow metronome lingers as the heat wave rolls into valerio’s direction. flares lick their skin as the egg pokémon conjures a dark force field reflecting the flames into the cliffside trees.[break][break]

he slips back from the phantasmal realm and sees . they both witness the chaos unravel on the ground as rocks rain into the league reinforcement camp, not knowing that it is his own togepi that causes it. the blond then addresses him with such indifference, panic and urgency screams with his instruction as he smiles in spite of the cracked lips.[break][break]

“didn’t expect this to be our first date.” valerio sneers as his fingers play with another capsule. turtonator appears into the field and does his job for kazimir’s bidding. “use the remaining fire and burn those mofos into the ground!”[break][break]

the turtle dragon breathes and unleashes inferno back into the megalopolan. the aliens drown in burning jealousy and those who will not perish by the flames will be pushed into the cliff.[break][break]

darkness then smothers the mountainside with shadowy aura. valerio notices the patches of hail breaking through the sky. the color is slightly off and when it makes contact into the flesh, the stinging pain crawls the nerves like poison—but something entirely different. he shouts on kaz’s direction and at his turtonator. “quick! let’s take cover! darty, protect us![break][break]

still mounted on the dragapult, they chase for the mouth of the cavern as the ghost dragon casts a light screen around his team to protect from the shadow sky and togepi, irritated and weakened from the heat wave, continues to wave her hands, siphoning the remaining moisture from the rain and performing life dew at her team.[break][break]

rolled: 29 (i posted as first so i had to repost it all over again uwu)

+ sh!togepi‘s mirror coat reflects the heat wave into the cliffside woods (carry-over move from first round, already consulted shiv with this ü)[break]
+ recognizes as he teleporta back into the field.[break]
+ valerio calls turtonator and uses burning jealousy into the army of megalopolans.[break]
+ dragapult uses light screen and sh!togepi uses life dew to protect and heal the party from the shadow sky.[break]
+ valerio‘s party rushes into the cave.





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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 6:11:47 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
At the encroaching heat wave, the Lickilicky quickly forms its barrier, blocking the oncoming flames with a pink reflective shield that surrounds Kim and his pokemon. It wasn’t meant to hold for a while, only long enough for him to shift locations.

And it does, Kim teleporting to the sea, returning his Lickilicky and Kirlia as he straddles the Dragonite’s back, the Swampert swimming alongside as the man as he flew close to the ocean.

The councilman’s eyes remained on his objective, pointing to the distance at the portal barely in view from his perspective. In those seconds the sky grows dark and the rain falls like daggers, piercing the skin of those unfortunate enough not to benefit from its effects. It hurts ofcourse but Kim doesn’t have the luxury to bask in its tediousness.

His eyes focus on the task he set for himself: move towards the wormhole and shut it down. But, doing a little damage along the way wouldn’t hurt his forces.

Minnow, go for the keels of any boat thats in your way-” His hands stay busied, pulling back his hair into a ponytail and pulling out a few rubber bands, wrapping them tightly to set his hair in place. “-Stone Edge your way through them, circle back on the ones that you hit to make sure damage is done.” After the command, Kim tucks himself tightly against the Dragonites form, attempting to mesh with the pokemon to become a little more aerodynamic. “Coffee, we’re gonna run distraction for a bit until backup arrives. Agility.

With their directions heard, they begin their assault, the Swampert crashing into a boulder, arming fin, fingers and tail to the brim with jagged stones as she swept through the shoreline, crashing against the undersides of ships in her wake. Meanwhile the Dragonite with Kim in tow, beats its wings, strafing side to side and building momentum, speed boosting as it takes to the skies, zipping around ships and dragons alike.

Either backup would come to help him or they’d get to the portal before he did. Either way, he was really out here stylin on these kids.


ღ lickilicky uses protect to stop the heat wave for a bit

ღ kirlia uses teleport and zips kim out to sea

ღ swamprt uses stone edge to stur some shit up on the shoreline (break some boats along the way to that portal)

ღ kim is flyin around distracting dragon types around here in the air on the back of his agilitied up dragonite

ღ kim is going to make his way to the portal but is kinda hoping other people back him up before he does


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 6:38:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar
future sight was a good call.

only so that she knows to move away from the coming attack, as her meowstic makes it blaringly obvious of the danger that was to come. she couldn't see too far, and still, ophelia doesn't know what kind of attack the meowstic would have laid for the future. she needs to be careful.

her pokemon didn't worry so much about the heatwave, either. her houndoom made quick work of it, standing in front of the majority of the party that couldn't avoid it: the absol taking cover from behind as the houndoom relished with its FLASH FIRE activating. the sharpedo makes haste to avoid it using AGILITY, in the meantime.

there was little else to do, and few she'd be able to attack from here. she has half the mind to assist with the flying shadow charizard, but one look at her team and she knows that there was going to be an issue. instead, she chooses to stick by , seeing her pokemon heal while also attacking the threats. she catches up to her, hoping not to fall far behind the group. her houndoom continues to use NASTY PLOT as they proceed.

then a boulder falls. then another. and another, and another. they began to fall as a result of the earthquake, which was less than desirable. "look out..!" she starts, but her absol moves first, sensing the danger that was the boulders and used a powered up PSYCHO CUT to send a crescent of psychic energy, breaking apart smaller rocks that fell from above to clear the path more effectively.

meanwhile, her meowstic sits perched on her shoulder, raising its ears to form large, rock hard stones of condensed PSYSHOCK with the intention to derail and direct the boulders away from her trainer.

- houndoom used NASTY PLOT
- houndoom's FLASH FIRE powers up its FIRE TYPE MOVES
- sharpedo used AGILITY
- sharpedo's speed rose due to SPEED BOOST
- absol used (powered up) PSYCHO CUT to break smaller boulders in their path
- meowstic used PSYSHOCK to knock falling boulders off course
- ophelia is sticking by to take advantage of LIFE DEW
- pokemon are all staying close together as they advance.


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october 8th
lilycove captain
334 height
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lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
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TAG WITH @lance
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 9:02:22 GMT
[attr="class","vollans"]what little amounts of LIFE DEW seeps into them before lance is off running to the west. the leaping croconaw is mostly ignored — instead used as a distraction as lance attempts to slip past the remaining group of megalopolans.

"on my way, cole."

backup will soon arrive for the councilman. lance runs, covered by urshifu's SURGING STRIKES, before leaping up on volcarona. they fly into the air, shedinja following, and head toward for the portal.

as they soar through the air, a DARK PULSE emanates from them, its source unknown, perhaps hidden somewhere. shedinja provides cover with CONFUSE RAY, targeting airborne enemies. volcarona's BUG BUZZ screeches across the battlefield, keeping the grounded megalopolans at bay. urshifu follows close behind on the ground.

soon, lance hopes to reach .


ooc //
- see visual guide.
- lance clears the remaining few megalopolans by the stairs.
- lance flies towards , heading to the portal.
- urshifu uses SURGING STRIKES on grounded megalopolans.
- spiritomb uses DARK PULSE on airborne enemies.
- shedinja uses CONFUSE RAY on airborne enemies.
- spiritomb uses BUG BUZZ on grounded megalopolans.
- we got this (?)

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shedinja"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon spiritomb"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon volcarona"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon volcarona"]

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 19:48:48 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

With a hiss of smoke, the fire walls are diminished and the way past is clear. Unfortunately, a series of events sets them up for a rock-slide, and Stormy watches as the paralyzed Megalopolans meet their doom beneath the rubble. The mountain groans with the effort of trying to keep itself upright, but the result is that they're all in immediate danger - other than those who had strayed to the far left to the beach.[break][break]

Charizard and Moltres remain unaffected by the slide, far too high up in the sky to be in any danger of it. However, Moltres' plan seems to be geared toward speeding up surrounding allies. It gathers its strength to provide Stormy's team and those nearby a TAILWIND boost, effectively speeding up their advance and aiding them in their escape.[break][break]

Stormy continues to press forward despite the danger, gasping as takes care of some of the threat with her own Pokemon. With her nearby, she gives the woman a nod of thanks. Aegislash and Blissey combine their efforts to WIDE GUARD Stormy's area and protect them from stray rocks. Blissey's LIFE DEW and HEALER hopefully negate the effects of the SHADOW SKY to some extent. The hail bounces off of them, causing Stormy to clench her teeth.[break][break]

Charizard will remain at a distance, swapping targets from the fire wall to the rock slide. More powerful AIR SLASHES aim to deflect any incoming collapse from harming Stormy and those close to her. [break][break]

They all find themselves sped up considerably and able to push harder thanks to the TAILWIND, like a breath of life has spurred them and encouraged them. [break][break]

Type: Null takes advantage of its boosted speed to aid in deflecting the rock slide, using its IRON HEAD to bounce them off to the side. Its BATTLE ARMOR hopefully mitigates some of the damage that may bleed through the Pokemon's advance. Stormy looks to and and those next to them, (, ) for further direction, intent to back them up and follow them to their assumed destination. The rumble of Celesteela's drilling unnerves her, as does the fact that the rain has stopped in favor of painful hail. [break][break]


- moltres uses TAILWIND to boost the team's speed! affecting those pushing forward with stormy.[break]

- charizard uses AIR SLASH to aid in deflecting the rock slide.[break]

- type: null uses IRON HEAD at the incoming rock slide - deflecting it.[break]

- aegislash protects stormy's side with a WIDE GUARD.[break]

- blissey uses LIFE DEW on the area surrounding the group, healing allies. ability HEALER is in effect![break]

- pokemon stay near her person w/ aegislash and blissey slightly ahead of her.[break]

- they push forward as they gain ground, following fernando and illeana.


notes: ...


, ,


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April 22nd
23 height
23 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rufio
Rufio McGillis
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 22:55:29 GMT
Rufio McGillis Avatar

With Zweihander guiding his movements basically with the use of Aerial Ace Rufio would slide around the sand almost like a dancer, despite this he'd manage to pick up on the arrival of a muscular blond and their Pokemon. With everyone's combined efforts the initial group of aliens would be put down, but after this and during the subsequent pause Rufio would find himself glaring at .

Hey...Stay out of my way.

Speaking almost nonchalantly the ginger would then continue on up the beach, his eyes sniping the large boat in the distance...perhaps it could be used. However between the boat and his party were more aliens.

Well, let's move on...wait...

Soon the sky would darken and an eerie "rain" would begin to effect the area, leaving both he and his Pokemon wincing if only momentarily before Rufio barked an order at Moore.

Moore use Protect!

Sneering as a glass chime echoed through the air while a transparent shield formed around the immediate group Rufio would proceed to give his other Pokemon their orders. This would include Lockjaw who would land on the Protected shield from the outside before stepping off, landing on the sand only to then step inside the Protect "bubble".

Lockjaw, Ice Fang!

Morph, Aura Wheel!

Zweihander, Sword Dance!

With his Mudkip staying at the center of the group they would proceed on, Croconaw chomping at the nearest alien with icy teeth that would emit a frosty mist when hitting the open air. Morph, whom would change into his Hangry mode, would begin to emit purple and black electricity before snapping forward and rolling to create a charge up wheel of energy while targeting an alien or their Pokemon, both if need be. Now, while Rufio had ordered his Doublade to use Sword Dance to build up her Attack Power, Rufio himself was still free to use the Pokemon as weapons outright.

As such the ginger would swing the blades on his own, targeting the alien invaders himself as well. After all his goal was the boats and his enemies remained between himself and what he so desired. If able they'd press on to the boat they sought after.

Rufio and all of his Pokemon take momentary damage from "Shadowy Aura"?
Moore the Mudkip uses Protect on the party to shield them?
Lockjaw the Croconaw lands on the Protect "bubble" before entering it
Lockjaw the Croconaw uses Ice Fang on the nearest alien
Morph the Morpeko uses Aura Wheel "Dark-Type" on nearest alien and or it's Pokemon
Zweihander the Doubladeuses Sword Dance "+2 Attack"
Rufio uses Zweihander to attack an alien and or it's Pokemon
They then attempt to board the nearby boat

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2020 23:50:18 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar
So many things happened at once, Ruby barely knew how to keep up with all of it. Firstly, a man ( ) called out to her to support him, all while... insulting her? He probably didn't truly mean it, but what didn't make sense was how familiar he was. Taking that as a sign that she knew him from somewhere, Ruby was quick to nod her head. As soon as she did, it was as if they appeared on the other side of the fire wall. She had no time to debate what just happened as everything else quickly began to fall apart.

The flames were gone, but in their place was a massive wave of heat and a massive slide of boulders down the mountain. With no way to protect Whisper on the ground, the psychic-type Pokemon just managed to fire off a PSYCHIC towards the wave of boulders before immediately being retrieved halfway into the attack. She couldn't be allowed to come to harm. Never again.

Before she could recall Grace and evade, she was suddenly spoken to with TELEPATHY from the pokemon. Apparently, Amor was sensing something quite dangerous and fast within the trees. Wasting no time, Ruby was quick to command her pokemon mentally. Grace quickly reached up to grab the Togekiss and those riding it, attempting to TELEPORT them to the other side of the battlefield, above the falling boulders and past the heat wave before it could do any serious damage.

Everything began to hurt and the rain began to die away, but she couldn't waste time thinking about it. The situation was already deadly as it was with that portal open and troops on the field. As Amor began to sweep down in to join , Grace floated above the battlefield and began to use TELEPATHY to relay information across the field to League troops as fast as she possibly could, specifically starting with important individuals such as and . They had super fast reinforcements inbound.

Sweeping down from above, Amor the Togekiss quickly fired off an AIR SLASH at the Shadow Charizard with incredibly precise aim due to her ability to sense its aura and hopefully forcing it to flinch with the aid of her SERENE GRACE, Meanwhile, Bea atop the Togekiss with her trainer continued to BULK UP as combat seemed ever more likely.


Hatterene barely set off a psychic, only to immediately be recalled and kept safe.
Gardevoir teleported Ruby's party beyond the Heat Wave and above the boulders.
Gardevoir used Telepathy to inform Fernando and Kim about the approaching fast reinforcements. And whoever else might be within range.
Shadow Togekiss used Air Slash against the Shadow Charizard near Mateo, with incredible aim due to her shadow ability and Serene Grace increasing the chances it flinches.
Kubfu used Bulk Up x2.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 1:04:32 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Another SURF from Tapu Fini comes forth to clash against the incoming HEAT WAVES. This one is less chaotic than their initial attack, focused into a singular wave that surges forward to slap against anything in their way. There's no need to spread out and drench the entire field now that their vision is no longer obscured. It helps that everyone else seems to help mitigate the attacks as they grow closer.

They continue a slow march deeper into the mountainside despite the trembling that foreshadows its own fallout. "Defend," he issues to his Pokemon, entrusting his Smeargle to pull up a secondary line of defense with MAT BLOCK. A wide sheet of terrain crops up to provide a barrier in front of them, looking to stop the boulders in their tracks, if not divert them due to how they slope up and outwards, away from the main group. His Clefairy COPYCATS the technique as well, several more makeshift walls erected several feet in front of the first MAT BLOCK to route the boulders down a layered path.

His more lithe Pokemon, Type:Null and Zygarde, find navigating between the obstacle much easier in comparison. The TAILWIND from Stormy's Moltres is essential to their added evasiveness. In instances where they come too close for comfort, the Type:Null's PROTECT will have to suffice, creating a physical barrier mitigate the initial impact of any attacks. Should an attack pierce its protection the Pokemon will have to rely on its BATTLE ARMOR to prevent crucial injury, putting its artificial design to good use. Zygarde however is much faster in comparison, manipulating the LAND'S WRATH to plow through stone and ground alike due to its natural mastery over the element.

The heavy emphasis on defense may make them slower in comparison but the group values their own safety over all else. Their objective at this time is to survive and secure the high ground. They want a proper vantage point to assist those who have already charged in recklessly. After all, this field suits their fliers best of all.

The SHADOW SKY rains down with impunity. It burns, it hurts, it peels at skin, and for now Fernando has nothing to mitigate it aside from the assistance of nearby allies.

- tapu fini uses SURF to block HEATWAVE aimed at fernando's direction

- smeargle uses MAT BLOCK to block / divert incoming boulders around him and nearby allies

- clefairy uses COPYCAT on MAT BLOCK to compound on smeargle's effort

- clefairy's FRIEND GUARD mitigates damage to allies

- ground group starts to move toward high ground (northeast?)

- type:null and zygarde proceed ahead of the group and use TAILWIND to evade

- type:null uses PROTECT on what it cannot evade, BATTLE ARMOR may mitigate critical damage

- zygarde uses LAND'S WRATH to break through incoming boulders and other ground/stone based obstacles

- SHADOW SKY whittle their health and they have no way to mitigate it; rely on ally's healing (LIFE DEW)

- used a SALAC berry!

- used another SALAC berry!

- let mod decide what gets shared with TELEPATHY

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 350px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]··
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 2:36:29 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel

Chaotic was the only word that came to mind as Atlan witnessed the grand series of events that transpired one after another so quickly. Watching the colossal flames become extinguished by equally as colossal waves and land slides had nearly absorbed the entirety of his attention. But he’d spared just enough to realize they were in imminent danger as the dark Charizard ahead of them released a simmering wave of heat. ”Protect! Protect!” He hurried the Copperajah that he rode upon, patting the back of its head. Looking down at his crocodile, he added: ”Vagabon, DIG!”[break][break]

The Krookodile snapped its jaws once in reply, shooting its sharp glare at the Charizard ahead. Then, with great ease, dove into the earth below and disappeared. Meanwhile, with a barrier of protection in front of it to keep the flames at bay, Hanno the Copperajah plowed up the hill with his trainer and his partner safely upon his back. The latter, however, would not simply stay idle upon Atlan’s shoulder. The Hattrem puffed her cheeks and utilized her PSYCHIC abilities to fling away any Megalopolans or Ultra Beasts that attempted to get in their way.[break][break]

With his team focused on the immediate threat, the disheveled assistant took a moment to acknowledge the ominous portal that was hurting them with every passing second. Something needed to be done about it. Unfortunately, the thick of war-time was not the time or place to sit down and plan things with his allies. So he, too, decided to focus on the immediate threat and hopefully clear the way for those who intended to move past it and close the shadowy gateway once and for all.[break]


Copperajah used Protect! (+2 DEF)[break]

Krookodile used Dig![break]
Hattrem used Psychic! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break]

tl;dr: Copperajah shields itself and its riders, Atlan and Thalia, from the wave of flames with Protect as it continues its climb. Krookodile dodges the wave of fire with Dig, and intends to re-emerge and attack the Charizard dead ahead. Hattrem uses Psychic to clear the way ahead of them as best as she can.[break][break]


— Atlan is wearing a dark green combat vest with a long-sleeve black shirt, black trousers, and combat boots. Strapped to his belt are his heavy balls and several supplies, including: a flashlight, emergency flares, a pair of cuffs, rations, a canteen, portable first-aid, and a pair of stun batons.


war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 2:50:29 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Lars had to do a second take—what the hell had happened? Things were going fine at first, but then…

The ground rumbled—but he knew it wasn’t Ryujin’s doing as he’d asked her to make it rain. He could only guess where the tremors were coming from; however there was the pressing matter of the incoming boulders to deal with!

“Meet that with your own,” he said to the Swampert, who immediately summoned up a wide-reaching Rock Slide in an attempt to counter it. “Help her,” he added in the Metagross’s direction.

Without a second word, the silver beast whipped up a Telekinetic force, spreading it out as wide as it could manage.

“Let’s go,” he added as the group of his Pokémon followed the councilman , the Articuno far above attempting to rain down a Blizzard, moving it ahead in their attempt to sweep through the northeastern route, traveling as a group.

This left the Type:Null, growling as it released a Tri-Attack reaching ahead of where they were headed, its Battle Armor ability kicking in in case the need arose. The Gardevoir, he nodded at. “Keep us healed,” and with that she used another application of Life Dew, keeping him and everyone else he was travelling with (, , ) as healed as possible.

He squinted up at the dark sky, wondering what macabre horror awaited them—why did it feel like acid rain, the way it burned against his skin? He noticed the discomfort as well, hoping that his Pokémon were faring better than him.

@team meteor falls



• Swampert used Rock Slide, attempting to block the incoming boulders!
• Metagross used Telekinesis; assisting Swampert with deflection of incoming boulders!
• Gardevoir used Life Dew; to keep the people closest to Lars (Stormy, Fernando, Illeana) healed up
• Type:Null used Tri-Attack, aiming it ahead of the group in an attempt to secue the path (Battle Armor kicking in just in case something nasty comes out of nowhere)
• Articuno used Blizzard, assisting Type:Null with sweeping through the area up ahead
• Lars moves with the group (Stormy / Fernando / Illeana) and wonders if the rain is acid rain or similar.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing