i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 4:18:42 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He already took vanguard earlier, he supposed it would be better to recuperate for the moment.

Nodding over at Lynette, the Gardevoir continued to use Life Dew around him and the immediate tram. While the hike was slow, there was a reason and purpose for this.

The strange rain continued to sting his exposed skin, but thankfully 's healing kept them going. He'd have to thank her once this was over.

Looking skyward, he conveyed his thoughts to the deity of ice he embodied. Wondering if such a connection was possible, he watched.

And waited.

And then a sudden, precisely-aimed Ice Beam swept through the skies, aimed ahead of them in an attempt to hit whatever was going to come barreling out of the clouds. He knew that there were other League members up ahead, but certainly, they would be smart enough to dodge out of the way, right?

To Ryujin and Ro, the two worked as one--the Swampert throwing up a Protective screen; while the Metagross helped out with a direct application of Psychic, aiming to repel any stray Leech Seed attacks that may have pierced through the burning defensive wall set up by .

To Amir, he merely tilted his head. "Let it rip," was all he said. A few moments later, the Type:Null released a horrible scraping, screeching Metal Sound, hoping to catch any wayward incoming attackers off their guard.

How much further? He looked at and , wondering what they were planning next.

Slow and steadily, they moved as a group, him and his Pokémon staying together as much as possible.

@team meteor falls



• Gardevoir used Life Dew to heal everyone nearby up as well as him ( / / / )
• Articuno used a precisely-aimed Ice Beam, attempting to catch whatever was flying up ahead off-guard and strike it down
• Swampert used Protect and Metagross used Psychic as another layer of defense to pick off any straggler Leech Seeds that may have escaped the fiery wall of Moltres and Charizard
• Type:Null used Metal Sound to catch any other approaching enemies off-guard!

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 4:24:07 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar
Electricity crackled through the air, and it wasn't difficult to see that it came from Pokkenger's ( ) Zeraora. Unfortunately, he's already moving ahead before she can chastise him for his careless attack. The enemy's Charizards were gone but at the risk of hurting allies. Ruby simply gritted her teeth, preparing for the worst as the shadowy portal seemed to explode, shrapnel slamming into everything. The young girl gasped in pain, only to watch giant leech seeds being launched their way. They had to move, fast.

Luckily, Grace was already using LIFE DEW, quickly spreading her healing waters across the battlefield to aid any injured rangers and trainers nearby. As the cool waters washed over Ruby and the rest of her pokemon the Gardevoir was quickly recalled. Now was the time to interrupt the drilling, and fast, before they found whatever they were looking for.

's TAILWIND was close enough to affect Ruby and her pokemon as well, with Amor taking eager advantage of the assistance. With EXTREME SPEED, the Togekiss practically zoomed across the entire mountainside. With its ability to sense the Naganadel's hidden amongst the craggy landscape,  Amor was quick enough to avoid all of them. No reason to put their trainer in excess danger.

Bea the Kubfu steeled her nerves as she stared up at the Celesteela off in the distance. Ready to give it her all, she continued to BULK UP, her muscles incredibly tight at this point. The fighting teddy bear simply stuck close to Ruby as they flew.

"Hey!" Ruby yelled out to Mateo as he flew as well. "Where do you think you're going all alone after asking for help? Think again! Come on, they're not going to take our home!"

Home? Yeah. Hoenn was home. Nobody was going to take this from her.

Electrocuted and blasted by shrapnel.
Gardevoir patched people up with LIFE DEW, before being recalled.
With Mateo's Tailwind, Ruby's pokemon are twice as fast.
Capitalizing on the Tailwind, Shadow Togekiss used EXTREME SPEED to zoom.
Shadow Togekiss used its sensory abilities to avoid any hidden groups of Naganadels and their Megalopolans amongst the mountains.
Kubfu used Bulk Up x3.


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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
54 height
54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
140 posts
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 4:27:56 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]It's a small miracle that their response to the rock slide goes as cleanly as it does. Machamp is the only one injured; a few stones meant to be broken with STRENGTH instead crack open on and bruise its left side. There's no grunts or groans to announce the injury, but Lillian catches it quickly once they start moving again.

Machamp begins to slowly slip out of position one limp at a time. Lillian points from Magneton to Machamp and quickly the former moves from the rear up to the center with Machamp and Bronzong. The air between it and the ground pulses, MAGNET RISE gives it a boost in its limited levitation abilities. It then seats Machamp in the center of its three eyes and lifts it off the ground. It's ridiculous looking, but functional.

"Cover us," she reminds her Pokemon of their job as they move along the path cleared by , , and . Bronzong sets up the last of its defenses, a somewhat redundant SAFEGUARD flows out from the bottom of its bell in a pulse of silvery dust. Machamp once again puts its arms up, setting up a familiar WIDE GUARD.

Cloyster, still near the vanguard, glows with a supernatural sheen. IRON DEFENSE in preparation for any dangers approaching from the front.

+ Machamp is injured by the rocks
+ Magneton uses MAGNET RISE and lifts Machamp with its body to keep from slowing the party down
+ Following the path cleared by multiple characters alongside
+ Bronzong used SAFEGUARD (1/5) -- still holding LIGHT SCREEN (3/5) and REFLECT (2/5)
+ Machamp used WIDE GUARD in an attempt to protect from LEECH SEED and other nearby threats
+ Cloyster used IRON DEFENSE (+2 DEF)


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 6:55:23 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel

Holy smokes.[break][break]

The cacophonous clamor of the landslide was enough to unsteady Hanno’s footing as they climbed up the mountainside battleground. Progress was slowed as Atlan watched his own comrades nearby struggle with the heaps of rubble and rock. As dust and greenery filled the air, his Hattrem shielded the lower half of his face from it all with one of her appendages. His Copperajah, in the meantime, heaved as it struggled to plow over the great sum of boulders that had fallen. He was a heavy brute. This incline was brutal.[break][break]

Atlan was relieved to see the giant beast ahead of them fall, and even cackled with delight when he saw that Vagabon had a part to play in that. But, even with a Tailwind from the legendary Moltres that flew overhead, he knew Hanno wouldn’t catch up to his allies in time without being exhausted beyond belief. So, summoning his Skarmory with a quick toss of its heavy ball, the daring lad grabbed onto its leg and was swept up into the air before returning his Copperajah to its own ball. ”Nice work, Hanno! Take a breather! AhhhhHHHH!”[break][break]

His Hattrem wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and hung on for dear life when the Skarmory threw them up into the air. After deftly catching the human on its back, Atlan settled onto his new mount and began to gauge his surroundings. Just then, however, the gargantuan Celesteela ahead launched its doomsday-like flurry of LEECH SEED at them. A call for help () briefly brought his attention to the portal behind him, and the impending Shadowy Aura that was about to burst because of it... then he spotted Vagabon below.[break][break]

”To the portal! I’ll meet you there!” He called out to his Krookodile, pointing in the direction of the aforementioned anomaly. ”Now, Dig! Go!”[break][break]

With Vagabon diving beneath the earth to try and avoid the Leech Seed and travel ahead, however, their own safety remained yet in peril. ”Chrom, set up a decoy! Quick!” Atlan commanded, prompting his Skarmory to shed a metal SUBSTITUTE in its form that would serve to intercept the seed flying their way. Unfortunately, any victory in this endeavor would be marred by the shadowy explosion behind them and the shrapnel that struck from it.[break][break]

The trio took a moment to recover until Atlan realized his allies just below (, , , ) seemed worse for wear as well. Prior to steering his Skarmory towards the portal and blasting off at mach speed, he reached over his shoulder to tap Thalia on the rim of her hat. ”Make it rain, doll.” He winked, smiling past the pain and the smoke as he watched his Hattrem deliver a drizzle of sparkling LIFE DEW upon them. The splash that hit him, his Skarmory, and Thalia herself was quite soothing.[break]


Copperajah was returned![break]
Krookodile used Dig![break]
Skarmory used Substitute![break]
Hattrem used Life Dew! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break][break]

tl;dr: Atlan summons his Skarmory and returns Copperajah into its ball. Flying atop Skarmory, Atlan orders Krookodile to head to the portal with Dig and, coincidentally, hide from the Leech Seed. Skarmory uses Substitute to form a decoy and shield itself and its riders from incoming Leech Seed. Hattrem rains Life Dew upon itself and its allies before the ride for the portal.[break][break]


— Atlan is wearing a dark green combat vest with a long-sleeve black shirt, black trousers, and combat boots. Strapped to his belt are his heavy balls and several supplies, including: a flashlight, emergency flares, a pair of cuffs, rations, a canteen, portable first-aid, and a pair of stun batons.


war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 7:19:58 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




LEAGUE FORCES STORM THE MOUNTAIN. While some take to the sky, like and , others rely upon a steady advance. As the heavens darken with descending seeds and painful flashes of light, everyone advances as if they were challenging a Victory Road.[break][break][break]


Elite Four member takes charge. Receiving support from ’s Smeargle’s HELPING HAND, her Moltres expels hellish flames. The HEAT WAVE fries the seeds ahead; this close, one would see that some of the kernels are large. While some seeds may be characteristic of the typical LEECH SEED, the large seeds that make landing embed themselves in the earth like fallen meteroids. Cinders burn where dry plants once were, the mountain rock scorched black. In the process, ’s Houndoom is struck by flame. It’s power is emboldened. It adds to the flames with an INFERNO.[break][break][break]


As helps narrowly avoid the seeds with a PHANTOM FORCING Dragapult, their mounts bring them to closer to the excavation site. The short Megalopolan General busily orders the Celesteela that has resumed mining— and they would be able to see how far they have dug. A brief peek would grant them a view of a deep chamber with a mural obfuscated by the dark of the underground. They return back to safety. 's Shadow Togepi's FUTURE SIGHT witnesses a gauntlet of explosions while 's Charizard continues to PROTECT them.[break][break][break]

Soaring across the mountainscape, rides his Noivern deftly through the falling seeds. Despite the pulsing pain of the SHADOWY AURA, his hair billows back as they knock Megalopolan troops off the mountain with his BARRIER-ing Milotic wrapped around his waist. Large seeds grind into the earth around him, like gargantuan pineapples. follows too. With her Shadow Togekiss carrying her on the gales of ’s TAILWIND, they avoid ambushes and seeds. The Shadow Pokemon’s sight would alert her to a lithe alien-like creature ahead, defending the entrance of the excavation site.[break][break][break]


weaves her beautiful scales around the party. As they glisten, HEALING cascades over her allies. Alongside ’s Meowstic, ’s Blissey, and ’s Gardevoir, Hoenn’s defense is able to endure the pain a little longer. Her Pokemon craft defenses on her allies while her Galarian Ponyta DRAINING KISSES a lunging Megalopolan soldier.[break][break][break]

Type: Nulls engage in both offense and defense, sniffing out the path underneath their helmets. As ’s Clefairy harvests the power of Meteor Falls with METEOR BEAM, ’ Articuno fires a potent ICE BEAM. The air grows cold, but it misses its intended target. Whatever is up ahead does not stay in one place. His Head Ranger attempts to PSYCHIC the seeds away while follows close behind . Her Bronzong hovers with its continual defenses, while her Machamp, on her MAGNET RISING Magneton, allows the Pokemon to WIDE GUARD.[break][break][break]


As the seeds strike League soldiers, several succumb to its effects. Vines sprout out from their skin. Like macabre topiary, their bodies twitch into a terrible stiffness, as if paralyzed. While the seeds’ paralyzing effect is mitigated by , , and ’s defenses, several smaller seeds land on a few.[break][break][break]

Crying in concern, ’s Kommo-o watches as its owner is struck by a smaller seed. Similarly, , , and are rained on by the seeds. They stick into their skin like burrs and germinate immediately. Vines sprout from their capsules and wrap around the entirety of their bodies. They look like ’s Cofagrigus. Hardening stems ensnare them and make it difficult to move, for their limbs are binded together. Thankfully, they are not paralyzed, as mentioned before.[break][break][break]

Closer to the beach, would be able to coast over the initial climb safely. With his Porygon mount, the scientist deflects seeds with his Reuniclus and Porygon 2’s efforts; however, he would find the large seeds embedding themselves into the mountain side terribly disturbing. He would see that they begin to unfurl… as if an explosive force is attempting to escape the seed coat’s confines.[break][break][break]

, , , and require FIRE-TYPE moves to burn the vines free; however, in doing so, they will be harmed.[break][break] If they do not break free, they will automatically fail the roll to escape the obstacle below:


AFTER FACING THE FORMIDABLE PHERMOSA, retreats to the earth with a TELEPORT. His Swampert launches upheaved earth toward the slender creature. When his Dragonite attempts to FIRE PUNCH the Pheromosa, the Ultra Beast seems to vanish in mid-air. It avoids both attacks before rematerializing to deliver a ferocious HIGH JUMP KICK at the Dragonite. Like a meteor breaking the atmosphere, the dragon dives sharply from the impact before striking the beach with a crash.[break][break][break]

While escapes the compromised boat, his Pokemon defend their trainer from any stray enemies fleeing the flames nearby. After his Doublade leaves its owner on the coast, it swings up, clashing with the Pheromosa that attempts to follow the councilman.[break][break][break]

The Pheromosa hisses. It assaults the Doublade with a flurry of blows before sensing the Councilman's attempt to flee to the portal. A pleasant scent wafts from its fluttering, translucent wings. From its crown, its affixed antenna flicker, for the Cockroach is expelling pheromones. , who heeds 's call, flies over atop of his Skarmory. While his Krookodile attempts to DIG in order to move closer to the portal, he too, is struck by the sweet scent of a Pheromosa's charm.[break][break][break]



Regardless of the outcome, your characters, alongside (potentially), will be able to reach the forest where the Ultra Wormhole is contained in this round. At the end of the wood, they would see a large generator-like machine with a mega stone affixed to it.[break][break][break]



AS METEOR FALLS IS DESECRATED BY LARGE SEEDS, what has sensed will begin to come into fruition. 's Alakazam's FUTURE SIGHT brings about a vision. A pillar of psychic energy, summoned her Pokemon strikes one of the embedded large seeds. The capsule seems to have been bloating, its dark brown coat peeling away forcibly from whatever was pressuring it inside. However, the attack deflates the seed, preventing it from doing whatever it could have done.[break][break][break]

Suddenly, the large seeds behind them begin to detonate. As if undergoing the natural process of ballochory, the seeds EXPLODE IN EXTREME BURSTS OF FLAME. From 's Alakazam's prophesized defensive attack, it appears you can destroy the seeds before they erupt. However, many seeds dot the mountainscape ahead of you. And at the end, a Pheromosa reveals itself.[break][break][break]


Snickering like a prissy queen, it begins to expel a BLIZZARD in order to keep you from leaving the explosive stretch of mountain you all find yourselves in. Once again, the SHADOWY AURA pulses, taxing your body. Under these oppressive conditions, the can your characters and Pokemon survive?[break][break][break]


THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE BUT , & [break][break]

In order to escape, you must avoid rolling any of the numbers above. If you roll one of the numbers, it will represent you being caught in one of the blasts! As a group, you can sacrifice TWO POKEMON to succeed the check for everyone.[break][break]

Attack the seeds, fend off the Pheromosa's BLIZZARD, and reach the excavation site! You can write that you arrive close to the Celesteela in your next post.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

☐ Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
☐ Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Handle the two Pheromosa and their attacks (charm + blizzard).[break]
☐ Free those ensnared by vines.[break]
☐ Attack the large seeds to disrupt them, or protect against them.[break]
☐ Run toward the excavation site, across the mountain range, as explosions rock all around you.[break]
☐ Attempt to close the Wormhole Portal.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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April 22nd
23 height
23 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rufio
Rufio McGillis
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 13:36:17 GMT
Rufio McGillis Avatar
Once they hit the beach they managed to scramble well enough and fend for themselves thanks to the guidance afforded by Moore the Mudkip's Foresight. However as they neared the heat of the real battle nearby Zweihander the Doublade would swiftly flying into action quite literally. Having used Aerial Ace to escape the sea with Rufio in tow, it now used the moved to attack the nearby Pheromosa though the latter would soon enough swat away the ghastly steely Pokemon.

Gritting hit teeth and being swift to catch Zweihander by her hilts the ginger would proceed to twirl her about before checking her once over rather than asking if she was alright. She had sustained some damage, but she was alright. It would be around this time that the area would once more pulsate with dark energy that seemed to physically bog down the group, though the teen would grit his teeth and bare it.

The giant space-energy-hole thing in sky was nearby filling Rufio with the urge to jump into it to attack from wherever the portal lead to, but he also was left with the desire to combat the Pheromosa. The scent of something sweet would almost distract him and yet it was defied just as soon as the mere thought of such had appeared.

A decision had to be made....

Lockjaw, head closer to that portal and wait for me, scout the area and guard it for me, I wanna' hop a ride to the other side so don't let anyone close it!

Cracking a grin then while twirling his sword Pokemon Rufio would take aim at the Pheromosa in the distance, he felt confident even while being ignorant of the slight advantage he had due to the unknown typing differences between Doublade and Pheromosa, being Ghost-Steel type vs Bug-Fighting type.

Zweihander, Aerial Ace!

Let's shred this bug!


Before they took off Rufio would then proceed to lean down to speak to Moore the Mudkip before then returning to face their target in the distance. Leaping into the fray once more the pair of Rufio and Zweihander the Doublade would seek out the Pheromosa, blitzing through the air and darting about in another beautiful estranged display. Blades would flash as they swung about, sharp edges aiming to slash at the Pheromosa that was now nearby while Rufio held on all the while.

However Moore would appear during this clash of blades, having clung to Rufio's back and was now perched on the latter's left shoulder. Having been ordered to use PROTECT which would gleam in a condensed frame, protecting only Zweihander and Rufio while still allowing the two to attack Pheromosa.

Meanwhile Lockjaw the Croconaw had taken off into the woods, following anyone else whom might've taken the same path. Eventually getting to their destination the reptile would snap it's jaws at the air as it eyed the aliens and the machine near them that was seemingly fueling the portal in the air.

Sprinting into action Lockjaw would enter a RAGE while seeking to attack the nearby aliens.

tl / dr;
Rufio orders Lockjaw the Croconaw to go to the portal and guard it for his arrival
Rufio "kind of smells something sweet", but ignores it [due to high enough roll to avoid Charm]
Rufio and Zweihander the Doublade attack Pheromosa with Aerial Ace
Rufio secretly ordered Moore the Mudkip to hide on his person and to use Protect
Lockjaw the Croconaw arrives at the portal-machine and attacks the nearby aliens with Rage
Morph the Morpeko remains in their Poke Ball on Rufio's person

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 17:15:04 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
the barrier dissipated. their ride, from here on out, had been smooth sailing. it wasn't until the young girl () caught up with mateo. the dragon master surprised, yet approving, of the girl's capability. for someone so young to be within such a war. he wondered just how exactly she got caught up in all of this. he could see from across that she possessed a fiery spirit, one almost akin to a dragon.

it wasn't until something shiny had fallen by the pair and their pokemon. it was a seed, and upon the growing distance between they and "it," an explosion would occur. it wasn't until he was too late to realize that those leech seeds were no ordinary. with his comrades below and the pokemon of meteor falls beneath them; if anymore were to explode that would prove to be a disaster.

MILOTIC was aware, so, too, was DRAGAPULT as it watched from its ball. they needed to save not just their trainer, but the pokemon and people of their second home. their master, a former elite four, had a duty. whether he was apart of the league or not, mateo wasn't going to stop doing what he fought for; thus that same mindset would transfer to his pokemon.

unannouncing its release, dragapult emerged from its ball. milotic would leave mateo's side, entrusting him within the wings of noivern. "milotic, dragapult!" mateo called, looking back for them as they made haste to deal with the raining seeds that would cause an explosive event. together dragapult and milotic free fell in sync.

dragapult would use DRAGON RUSH as milotic rode upon the ghost dragon. dragapult could be seen cloaked in the aura of a dragon; dashing through a plethora of seeds, it would destroy them in one fell swoop. milotic, through the utilization of PSYCHIC to ensure the destruction of those that roamed about. though, in doing so, they would both be caught in the blast.

their lives no more.

noivern, while carrying , focused on the goal at hand: to defeat celesteela and rid the megalopolan soldiers of their general. though mateo had the want to mourn, he was unable to. but their did greatly so reside pain deep within his heart. for now he had to remain strong, focused, and spirited as his draconic heart pulsed rapidly.

in the midst of SHADOWY AURA and 's aid. mateo pushed through, becoming more driven as sharpened eyes became honed like a dragon's own. nothing would stand in the dragon master's way as he sought completion of the objectives. "girl (), ready yourself!" he growled, fangs bared.

should they come to meet CELESTEELA next, mateo's NOIVERN, without hesitation, would utilize SUPERSONIC to create confusion for the ultra beast.


+ milotic and dragapult went off on their own and sacrificed themselves to save everyone from the explosive seeds, dying in the process.

+ noivern continues to head toward celesteela as his comrades sacrifice themselves. should they meet celesteela, it would immediately use SUPERSONIC.

+ can't believe i actually wrote this. :dimitrikms:


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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 20:07:11 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Rheager let out a mighty roar as he clasped his hand like claws together to summon a protective barrier around them as the seeds launched into the air. However when the dragon and fighting type tried to summon the barrier to protect him and his trainer, nothing happened. The dragon felt his heart raced as the seeds came crashing down on them. Eyes widen as he tried move in front of his trainer to block him from the attack. Rheager wasn’t quick enough. Maverick raised his hands to block his face from he attack as it pebbled on. The man shouted a few curse words as the seeds stuck to his skin like pin needles.

Both his houndoom and kommo-o were quick to aid their trainer as the seeds sudden appeared to grow into vines and engulf him. Warm crimson colored orbs widen as he faced his creature. “Azula! Quick use fire fang,” the man barked as the vines soon threatened to eat him. At first, the canine let out a small whimper knowing that it would put her trainer at risk. “Azula!” Maverick shouted at her hesitation. A snarl ripped through her throat as the taste of sulfur ticked her throat. And when she felt the heat of flames within her throat, her muzzle opened with her teeth engulfed in flames. She leaped forward, biting down an any part of the vines to stop it. Another round of muffled growls ripped through her throat as the flames scorched the plant, rippling at it and doing her best not to her her trainer. Maverick muffled a curse as he could feel the heat from the burning vines on his bare skin.

Only once the vines where clear that Maverick saw the damage the hot flames did. Luckily, it appeared not to bad with it being a controlled fire. Pulling off the remained vines and untangling himself, warm orbs flickered to the task ahead. “Thanks,” the man praised his creature, “Let’s try to help others.” Reaching into his pockets, he summoned his aerodactyl. The creature screeched upon release as it hovered by her trainer. "Attack Avias!" The rock and flying creature let out another screech as she took off, taking a deep breath to launch a hyper beam at anything standing in her way.

But before he could help anyone else break free from the vines, another wave of attacks were launched in their direction. Once again, he looked to his dragon. “Protect again Rheager!” The scaly creature roared as he clasped his claws together once more, summoning a barrier in hopes to protect his trainer from the bitter cold that was about to blast them away.


TAGS @meteor falls raid
OOC houndoom uses fire fang on the vines. aerodactyl attacks with hyper beam. kommo-o used protect against blizzard and shadow sky not knowing the sacrifice that has happened.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 5:23:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


a dark portal opened up above the megalopan general and the giant drill as pokkenger and came out of it atop a charizard. below he could see the seeds that were once after them stuck in the ground and pulsating with light. it wasn't a very inspiring scene, and to make matters worse there was what he could only assume was another ultra beast in the shape of a very feminine humanoid bug aiming a blizzard at the people coming up the mountain. was it trying to trap them among the strange seeds?
"beware ultra invader! pokkenger is here to stop you and your beasts!" shouted the masked hero as he took a capsule from his belt and threw it towards the ground. out of it popped out his blastoise who landed with a hard thud on the ground and eyed the bug lady pokemon as it readied its cannons. "burn the drill! flash the beauty! fire away boys!" simple commands that were enough for his charizard to fire blast the large drilling celesteela and his blastoise to use a flash cannon to cut through the blizzard and at the pheramosa, all the while the aura from teh sky continued to rain down on them.

    + appears near celesteela with [break]
    + charizard uses fire blast on celesteela![break]
    + kazimir sends out blastoise![break]
    + blastoise uses flash cannon on pheromosa! (chance to lower foes' sp def)

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2020 1:33:54 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
The slight quake caused from the body of the Dragonite hitting the earth is enough to stop Kim in his tracks, the man looking back at the Dragonite, face filled with worry as the pokemon struggled to get to its feet.

Friendly Coffee, roost up here with us!

Kim shouts back, continuing his move forward, mentally ordering a heal pulse from Kirlia as his pokemon group around him.

Thanks would not go unearned from ’s Doublade, the pokemon more successful than his own when it came to clashing with the bug. But this thanks would be given after they had dealt with the current threats that egged at them.

His move forward would not be interrupted, the sweet scent that entered his senses unphazing him from his path. Reaching his destination, sooner or later than expected, he eyes the generator with a steadfast gaze, hand quickly shooting forward and pointing at the generator ahead.

Minnow, Knock-Me-Down, wreck that thing.

This command was met with swift obedience, the Lickilicky clapping its hands and boosting the Swamperts Earth Power, the ground smashed with the mudfish’s mitts cracking in a jagged line; making its way towards the machine in an attempt to destroy it.


ღ dragonite gets up, critically injured, then regroups with kim and uses roost

ღ kirlia uses heal pulse around kim's team to heal them all

ღ lickilicky uses helping hand and boosts up swampert's earth power to try and destroy the generator

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2020 11:01:17 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


valerio reappears with above the excavation site, just enough to see what the megalopolans are really up to. but the distance and darkness that linger below obscures any recognizable detail from the pit. and so they fly back at a reasonable height from the titan ultra beast until his companion does something unexpected.[break][break]

“sometimes, i wonder why i chose to date a superhero. i never even wanted to be a sidekick.” valerio responds with a clicking of tongue and a shaking of head while at the same time smirking, the usual set of reaction he has for the pokkenger. from the guy's waist, his hands reach to his cheeks and lands a peck on the mask. “later, tough guy.”[break][break]

the rocket dives head first from the charizard mount, gliding near the tip of the blaster's length and “walks” down the arm of the celesteela, the togepi's eyes dotting smaller with shock. the dragapult plunges to provide support, its wings fold back to ride the wind at a rapidash pace. he sprints vertically downwards, both of his hands tactically tucked inside his pockets to retrieve two more capsules, kangaskhan and turtonator.[break][break]

“hey you!” she calls the general's attention, attempting to distract her from kazimir's assault when darty climbs his back and phantom forces his trainer away, materializing in-front of the perky petite megalopolan with a fistful punch from a left hook, force amplified by the ghost dragon's doing.[break][break]


valerio lifts his head to call on his companion. “i'll help your blastoise below! keep yourself up!” juno begins to support the blastoise. she summons a wave of surf into the pheromosa and the surrounding army who are still surprisingly alive from the seed bombs. lincoln, on the other hand, supports the charizard. it releases a compacted wave of flames (burning jealousy) through the bottom hole of the blaster, attempting to block an incoming attack from its cannon arms and triggering an explosion.[break][break]

meanwhile, togepi's gaze continues to wander, her eyes reaching the depth of the excavation as her hands sway, triggering a dazzling gleam.[break][break]


+ dragapult's light screen surrounds them (3/5)[break]
+ valerio and reappears above celesteela[break]
+ watches the incident below and observes kazimir's actions, decides to leap from charizard[break]
+ valerio “walks” down celesteela's arms as he falls while dragapult plunges with him for support in case he loses balance as he hurls two more pokéballs on the ground and calls kangaskhan and turtonator[break]
+ dragapult connects with valerio and uses phantom force, reappearing into the ground and using the momentum he gains from falling to punch smohke into the excavation pit[break]
+ kangaskhan uses surf against surrounding megalopolan army and into pheromosa, supporting blastoise's attack[break]
+ turtonator uses burning jealousy through celesteela's blasters, hoping to trigger an explosion inside if it uses its powers[break]
+ sh!togepi uses dazzling gleam to light up the pit





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 1:51:52 GMT
Deleted Avatar
the seeds burrow through her flesh, and she lets out a soft grunt and squeak, wincing in pain. lord, just her luck..

a glare to her eyes, directed to the houndoom. there wasn't anything he could do, and she knows it. his flames would be too strong against her pale body, with the light of the sun already scathing her skin as is. she knows with how powerful her houndoom had gotten over the time, he would definitely kill her. instead..

"flamethrower on the blizzard!" she commands the hellhound. though concerned, the pokemon releases a powerful burst of flames at the beast's attempt to freeze them in place, hoping to match its power, if not contribute to others' helps. on the other hand, the albino winces again as she looks towards the flame woman, who seemed to have.. some connection with using fire hands on. surely, it would be less fatal than her houndoom.

"p-please help burn this off me. my houndoom will help with the blizzard--" she winces again, taking a deep breath when her absol suddenly tugs the woman onto his back, standing before the trainer. he intended to use detect to avoid the charm once the vines were off her and, if not, then he would move last second.

both her sharpedo and meowstic returned to their pokeballs.

- asks to help her break free from the vines
- HOUNDOOM uses (x2 nasty plot + x2 flash fire) FLAMETHROWER to counter BLIZZARD
- SHARPEDO is recalled
- ABSOL picks up OPHELIA and uses DETECT to avoid the charm after getting the vines off
- MEOWSTIC is recalled


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 5:29:46 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

The path is clear and, as Stormy's defenses draw back to reveal their next steps, she looks back in time to watch members of her team be struck by stray seeds anyway. Moltres' heat wave had protected her, but had not protected her friends in time. Horror reflects as vines grow from 's skin, from 's, from 's. She stumbles away from the girl, specifically, unsure what to make of such a thing. Her face pales, unwilling to touch it, unwilling to let herself be consumed by such disease.[break][break]

But behind her, a BLIZZARD rages, courtesy of the Pheromosa. It laughs, well aware that it is submitting them to their doom. And it's then that fire burns hot in her veins, a determination, her fear manifested.[break][break]

Ophelia's Houndoom challenges the storm, breathing fire against the cold in order to protect them. Moltres screams, enraged, and it seems to fuel Stormy's confidence and instills in her a sense of urgency. The woman looks back to Fernando again, fear turning to concern. The vines spread, twisting around his limbs and she calls to him.[break][break]

"No! No, I can't lose you, too!"[break][break]

Although the woman begs for her help, Stormy turns away from Ophelia to run for Fernando. Her Charizard takes her place, aiming a FLAMETHROWER to burn away what holds the white-haired woman. Although the Pokemon takes care to be accurate, her flames are impossibly hot thanks to Moltres' AVATAR GIFT.[break][break]

Wings spring from Stormy's back, their flames hissing against the onslaught of the BLIZZARD. Blissey and Aegislash opt to follow her, seeking the warmth that she exudes. While the sword and shield Pokemon defends from the storm with a WIDE GUARD, Blissey performs another LIFE DEW in preparation for what's to come. Fire burns at her hands as she meets Fernando, her hands burning away at his bonds, her wings encircling them both, burning without conviction, without hesitation, cleansing. Fernando disappears beneath the folds of her wings, a cocoon of heat protecting them both from the BLIZZARD.[break][break]

"You'll be okay, you'll be okay."[break][break]

Stormy's Type: Null peels off from the group, charging after the Pheromosa, followed by Moltres momentarily as the legendary Pokemon's FLAME BODY warms the air. But it seems that the bird is headed for Lars, encircling the man with a HEAT WAVE in order to stave off his prison, too. Type: Null fires off a THUNDER WAVE after the Pheromosa using BLIZZARD. [break][break]


- moltres uses it's FLAME BODY to protect from the blizzard and HEAT WAVE to save lars from the vines.[break]

- charizard uses FLAMETHROWER save ophelia from the vines.[break]

- type: null uses THUNDER WAVE as soon as it can, targeting the pheromosa using blizzard.[break]

- aegislash protects stormy's side (including blissey and fernando) with a WIDE GUARD.[break]

- blissey uses LIFE DEW the group, specifically fernando. ability HEALER is in effect to combat burns from her friendly fire![break]

- pokemon stay near her person w/ aegislash ahead of her and blissey behind her.


notes: ...


, ,


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 6:00:11 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel


The ground trembles beneath the Pheromosa's feet. The groan of earth seamlessly blends with a vicious growl from down below. Pheromones permitting, the lithe alien is subjected to this attempt at INTIMIDATION before the mischievous crocodile responsible for it bursts out of the forest ground in a shower of dirt, grass, and leaves. Vagabon's nostrils flare as he attempts to fight the trance-inducing properties of the pheromones in the air. He pulls his head back as a lump rises up his throat. Then, in one sickening belch, the beast releases a wave of SCORCHING SANDS at the Pheromosa from his open maw.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Atlan clings to his Skarmory mount as he zips across the sky and nears the portal. Worried about the effects of the pheromones reaching them, even at this altitude, the young man pulls up the bandana around his neck to cover the lower half of his face. He spots a boy's ( ) Croconaw attacking aggressors down below, near the portal. Then he spots : not exactly what he would call a familiar sight, but certainly a face he'd seen in the papers once or twice.[break][break]

"Anyone order some reinforcements?!" He announces, flying by in a sweep of wind before turning his attention to the generator below. Catching a glint of light bouncing off the mega stone embedded in the machine, Atlan has an idea. After Kim's Swampert launches its powerful attack, hopefully shattering the machine once and for all, he guides Chrom downward to help make sure it stays kaput. "Metal Sound!" He orders, thankful for the Hattrem on his shoulders when she covers his ears.[break][break]


After the Skarmory's shrill screech attempts to weaken or outright disable what is left of the technology, Atlan steers the metal bird to encircle what's left of it from above as Thalia gets to work. "Pull that out for us with Psychic," He speaks, pointing down at the mega stone below. "We need to keep it away from Megalopolan hands!"[break][break]

The Hattrem nods with a determined gleam in her eyes as she focuses her enhanced telekineses around the beautiful stone. Should the pheromones fail to render any of them brainwashed, and should Vagabon keep the Ultra Beast preoccupied enough with the others, she would attempt to yank the stone completely before ferrying it over into Atlan's hand.[break]


Krookodile attempts to use its ability to Intimidate![break]
Krookodile used Scorching Sands![break]
Skarmory attempts to weaken the integrity of the generator further with Metal Sound![break]
Hattrem attempts to remove the mega stone powering the generator with Psychic! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break][break]

tl;dr: Krookodile challenges the Pheromosa (or attempts, depending on the roll) and emerges to intimidate and cast Scorching Sand at the alien. Meanwhile, Atlan rides Skarmory towards the portal's generator. They try to weaken the contraption with Metal Sound, before Hattrem attempts to pull out the mega stone powering it with a boosted-up Psychic.[break][break]


— Atlan is wearing a dark green combat vest with a long-sleeve black shirt, black trousers, and combat boots. Strapped to his belt are his heavy balls and several supplies, including: a flashlight, emergency flares, a pair of cuffs, rations, a canteen, portable first-aid, and a pair of stun batons. Wrapped around his neck is a black bandana.


war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2020 21:23:06 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

All of Ruby's attention is making sure they don't get hit by any of the falling seeds or Megalopolan squads within the mountains. Gripping tightly onto her Togekiss, trusting it with her life. Luckily, they seemed to manage to dodge around everything relatively fine. Despite that, the pain from the portal overhead was beginning to sting once again, hopefully, someone else was taking care of the portal.

All of a sudden, a few of the seeds behind them began to explode and she could only watch in horror as two of 's pokemon went out of their way to blow up as many as possible, only at the cost of their lives. A very physical reminder. At any time, she could be next. Speaking of danger, it seemed it was already coming for them.

Even as called out for her to ready herself, a giant bug-like creature stepped out, flinging a blizzard straight at them and the Hoenn forces. The cold winds bit terribly into her bones but it seemed Amor was still flying straight in, pushing through the pain. From above, Ruby gritted her teeth as her eyes narrowed. It looked like a cockroach but moved so human-like. Almost as if on instinct, knowing the Ultra Beast was approaching, Amor the Togekiss was quick to launch an AIR SLASH at the Ultra Beast, aided with SERENE GRACE to hopefully force it to flinch.

"Go! I'll hold it back!" She would shout towards , quickly summoning her other two Pokemon. "Grace, DAZZLING GLEAM!" The Gardevoir immediately let loose a blinding flash of light from her position floating above the ground, intent to only disorient the beast further. "Now! Whisper! Rip that bug apart!" The Hatterene was already MEGA-EVOLVING, its form and power growing in size... as sound began to fade completely in a large area around her.

It was silent, impossibly quiet as if all sound just stopped. And yet, Whisper was only laughing. Cackling, perhaps was a better word for it, despite it being entirely inaudible. A smug, almost sadistic smirk began to spread across her face. This was the Z-MOVE WITCHING HOUR, evidenced by the massive psychic claws forming around her tentacles. With a blink, Whisper would teleport in and start slashing away at the Pheremosa with violent and brutal energy to her movements, with sound eventually crashing back in like a tidal wave of echoes.

At the same time as Whisper's brutal attempted assault, Bea could only sit there and watch atop Amor's back for so long. Muscles incredibly tight, the Kubfu flexed for a brief moment as if readying herself for combat. Suddenly reaching up to grab the RAPID-STRIKE BANDANA off Ruby's head, Bea would leap straight towards the ground as they quickly donned the bandana. Swirling with light as it leaped in, her entire form changed rapidly as it EVOLVED into Urshifu even as it fell. The time for biding her time had passed, now was the time to strike with everything she had. With an AERIAL ACE, Bea began to move with blinding speed as it attempted to strike the Pheremosa multiple times as fast as it could.


Shadow Togekiss used Air Slash, super-accurate against UB's and aided by Serene Grace to attempt to flinch it.
Gardevoir used Dazzling Gleam to attempt to blind it.
Hatterene Mega-Evolved and used Z-Move Witching Hour.
Kubfu Evolved into Urshifu, striking with Aerial Ace, buffed by three previous uses of Bulk Up.


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