i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 23:48:20 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

"Ugh," Chryssa declared after mere minutes of waiting for the meteor shower to start. "I grow tired of this! Let's get something to eat."

Her rapidly shortening attention span was made more apparent by the bizarre number of people talking about the shrimp at the refreshments table. What's the point in eavesdropping when all anyone talks about is shrimp? Chryssa wondered, wondering if she should talk about shrimp too, just to fit in. Maybe it was a sociological experiment. Or perhaps a subliminally-charged shrimp commercial had snuck its way into one of her radio shows and poisoned the minds of the masses.

In that case, was certainly gullible enough to be entranced by the mystery. "Speaking of cephlopods," Chryssa said as she and her disproportionally large friend made their way towards the refreshments table. They passed by the bar, speaking loud enough for to overhear. "...I had a visit from Azelf the other day."

She said it casually, but Chryssa had no misunderstandings about what she'd seen. Unlike most other Legendary Pokemon, she was quite familiar with the mythology of her home region. "It's one of the traditional Lake Guardians from Sinnoh. I'm familiar with its iconography, so I'm quite certain."

She zoomed in on a skewer of grilled shrimp that hadn't been gobbled up and seized it, waving it triumphantly at Zac. "It's supposed to be sleeping at the bottom of Lake Valor to preserve balance in the world. If it's out and about, delivering prophecies, I suppose that balance has been disrupted."

open for lake trio interaction at the shrimp table

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it's whatever
2 height
2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
victor evans DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @victor
victor evans
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 23:49:43 GMT
victor evans Avatar

he never would have told ruslan that his wish was to stop himself from... becoming. because becoming what was too hard to explain really. but in due time it wouldn't even matter. after all he'd be lost to himself, his brain and thoughts turning and turning over each other. for the moment though, all he could do was watch the sky. the lights and colors like nothing he would ever see again probably. no matter how many fancy parties he went to. "don't tell me yours either." wasn't there something about not telling each others wishes or else they wouldn't come true? knowing what he did of ruslan though he suspected it was something simple. something easy. "i hope that you'll remember tonight." forever.


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April 2
Rt 103, Hoenn
Equipment Technician
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I'm not the kind that uses pencil or rule
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Bo Locke
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 0:12:07 GMT
Bo Locke Avatar

Bo nodded and lifted a drink in response to Mint’s introductions to everyone before she moved to settle the tray on a nearby table. It seemed like things were winding down a bit -- or she might have just felt that way because Luka had drifted away with the newest guy to join the group. What was his name again? She shrugged to herself and downed a glass of champagne.

Her face screwed into a grimace as she slapped down the glass and picked up another. She didn’t have enough time to gag at the taste before she was downing another -- and maybe that’s what gave her enough willpower to slap down the empty glass and pick up a third. There wasn't any down time to react to the announcement between her first drinks but she jumped slightly when she noticed had reappeared beside her. He was the first to take her up on her champagne offer and that gave her a nice, warm feeling. She smirked and lifted her glass in a little toast before downing it as well. There was a moment she spent admiring the sight over head. She would need to think of a wish... but maybe a little more alcohol first.

Derek’s question stopped Bo as she wrapped her hand around yet another glass. Confusion quirked her brows ever so slightly as she looked him over. Was he being serious? After a moment she decided she didn’t care. Or the alcohol decided for her. She gave a short laugh - her cheeks and ears flushing as a toothy smile spread across her face. ”A’right.” She lifted her hand from the glass and offered it to Derek with a gentleman's bow. ”But I’m leadin’.”

TLDR >> Bo shot-gunned a few champagnes and accepted Derek's offer to dance.
TAG >>
OUTFIT >> This but ginger

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 0:12:49 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

Bilateral symmetry. Invertebrate. Complex brain. Completely merged head and foot. Growing up in Sinnoh   knowledge of the Psychic Cephalopods was accurate and formidable. But why had one of them paid her a visit?

"Where did ya see it?" Zac asked, before frowning at her ill portent. "Out of balance?" He thought for a brief second about the rampaging legendaries, attacks by interdimensional cannibal aliens, the new Avatars popping up like popcorn kernels, and now the time-travelling ninja assassins.

"Yeah I can believe that."

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 0:18:52 GMT
mint frost Avatar

One moment its giggling, the next its watching the miniors float. His own little companion sticking close by occasionally moving in to tussle the ribbon holding his hair back. As his friend pair off he decided he was better off finding somewhere to sit. Perhaps he could catch up with Artemis? Ask him about his work, his life… He just wanted to talk again. Besides, there was probably so much left to say between all of them. They could catch up with the rest later. And he was feeling braver now. Or, perhaps the appropriate word was selfish. [break][break]

He’s about to suggest they find a seat when Artemis signed to him again. Droopy eyes close slowly as he processed the information before they began to light up gradually. A bright smile soon joined in. ‘I would be honored.’ Mint managed to gesture slowly, warm and fuzzy from his previous drinks. As he looked up at Arty he raised a hand, noting the darkness of his own face. He carefully brushed aside a stray lock of hair, tucking it behind his ear. ‘You’re drunk too~’ he thought. He meant to say this out loud, but it only came out as a small hum. [break][break]

Mint’s hand easily slips back into Artemis’. They’re both no strangers to dance, regardless of their feeling son the past galas they’d attended together. And since Artemis asked, therefore he must lead. Mint is right at home with this too. His grip is loose, tightening a little as he steadied himself with a small breath before nodding at his companion and grinning. “Did you know?” he began with a small start as his other hand sets itself upon his friend’s shoulder. “You’re my first dance since I’ve left home?” A small laugh punctuated his statement as he began to follow Artemis’ lead, falling into step with him. [break][break]

It feels good. It feels like everything falling into place, in that moment. It feels like everything he’d imagined it would. It feels like freedom. And then the lights flash. He saw the first little Litleonids before the announcement fully cranked up. At the sight, his eyes widen. “Artemis…” he murmured, dreamily, his eyes on the sky above as the stars are pulled form the heavens above. Make a wish. The waltz lulls him, like the rocking of a cradle and he found himself resting a little on his partner. What more could he want? [break][break]

Gelatto isn’t one to stick around when his trainer was in such a good mood. He’d gone back for his scolding and it’d barely hurt. Set free from his shame, the fox pokemon is quick to retreat from the dancers and miniors and move farther from the actions. Not to gorge himself again on the foods provided, but to perhaps enjoy the peace that the sky watching would offer. There is safety near the walls and so Gelatto keeps close to avoid the food traffic of more…oblivious humans that may step on his tails. But in a twist of fate, he’s the one stepping on tails! Or well, a train? Skirts?? Gelatto yipped as he retreated backwards from Reve, shaking his snout and whining softly at the stranger. He didn’t look up though, instead checking if he had left any smears of food on the bottom. Doubtful since he had been wiped down by a helpful waiter at least half an hour ago but still. He backed away a little more looking apologetic but waiting for to check themselves. His eyes dart from Reve back to the outside. Maybe he should’ve chosen deeper in the gardens instead at his hidey hole.


+ @artemis + post 15 [break][break]

- OH LAWD HE COMIN' [break]
- at peace, content[break]
- watching the stars, waltzing with my bestie[break]
- Gelatto the Ninetails goes to pester Reve I'm sorry [break]




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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,231 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 0:30:02 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]a sky full of stars
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]a heart full of wishes
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It's strange how fate brings people together. Before she even knows what's going on, a few more people have joined their little crusade to the shrimp table. Each of them seem to be drawn in by familiarity, each adding a spark and hint of joy to this conversation.
With every voice that joins in, Eris finds himself sinking further into the comforting warmth of her Luxray, offering a small wave to whoever jumps in on the party. It's only when joins in that she's forced to speak, however hoarse or horrible she may sound.
"That's… a nice wish."
Much more realistic and probably more ambitious than hers could ever be. Her attention grazes the skylines, doused by the fleeting sparks of falling starlight. It seems bright, far too bright for her to feel at ease but perhaps, she doesn't quite know enough about the phenomenon to discern what is out of the ordinary.
Instead, she falls back into silence, thinking hard about the wishes she holds in her heart. To be able to fulfill her mother's dreams and continue researching in her stead, to understand the truth behind the deities written in legends, to protect everyone around her and never become a burden to them. They're all heavy hopes, weighing down on her heart and drowning her mind in a sea of white noise.
But when she's asked, she offers a weak smile, combing through Reiner's fur as he growls in response.
"I wish we can all stay friends forever."
No matter what happens between us.

[attr="class","adrie-note"] || || [break]
post #21

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lana, rue
september 1
littleroot town
forever alone
38 height
38 height
'Cause you don't belong where you don't belong Yeah, I don't belong
180 posts
ruslan skye DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruslan
ruslan skye
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 0:46:15 GMT
ruslan skye Avatar

Nothing about this feels real, and yet it is. Not just the sky and the lights. The party, the clothes, the food. The company. Paid or not, he never would’ve thought he’d ever be somewhere like this. Not even a month ago he was scrounging up pay by snatching quarters off the dirty floor of a casino after doing petty cleaning work for them. Now, in just a couple of weeks he had more money than he knew what to do with, and anxiety that followed. Where would he go? What would he do? He would become dependent on it, he knew this. It was so easy to. [break][break]

It felt like he’d died and swapped places with someone else. Someone with a completely different life from him. The only sense of gravity for him was Garbage Baby, his beloved smelly partner, and the group of ghosts that tailed him and helped him. His team held him together far better than any family member ever had. So, when Victors hopes that he, a dumb poor kid from deep in the suburbs of a small town, he lets out a laugh. Not something shy or bashful. But something hard and sudden. It’s baffling really, that’s he’s here, watching this moment, with this person next to him. He’s utterly undeserving of it, having never imagined something like this and that’s why its funny. Was it irony? “N-Nothing could make me forget t-this.” He said trying not to snort. “A-All things considered…I-I’m enjoying myself.” He confessed. “Thank you.”


+ hehehe post #14

tl'dr [break][break]

- yo im scared [break]
- come get this twink help [break]
- lbr lana started from the bottom now we here [break]



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it's whatever
2 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
victor evans DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @victor
victor evans
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 0:58:48 GMT
victor evans Avatar

the laughter was a nice change from the nervous stuttering and feeling as if ruslan was going to break just from trying to speak. of course the stutter was still there but at least victor knew he wasn't absolutely and completely terrified of the idea of having a nice evening. "it's what i'm here for." if anyone else had said it it might have sounded sweet or caring. to let another person know they were there to care for them. but from victor everything always seemed to have some sort of edge he couldn't cut out of his voice. some sort of lining to it.

"have you eaten enough? there's probably lots of foods you would like here." if he only gave them the chance. after all these foods were probably a bit out of ruslan's price range normally. victor wanted him to at least try some of them to see if he liked them. try to get him further into this sort of lifestyle. to make things easier.


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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 1:01:37 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

"Where? Outside the—" Radio Tower, Chryssa thought, realizing she hadn't filled the redhead in on the details of her new part-time (full-time) job. Zac was an ally, her Champion, her fallback. It didn't cross her mind for a second that he might be a threat or sell her out to the League—he knew about , after all. But she still had an act to maintain.

"—Garden," Chryssa finished, having never grown a flower in her life (except for bitter-tasting Zarude vines). 

She did wonder what the man would say if he knew she was living in a radio tower, falling asleep every night to toneless strings of numbers and ululating Ecruteak monks.

Perhaps he'd say she'd dreamed it all up.

"Anyway, it left a bad taste in my mind," Chryssa went on, trying to shrug off the moment of indecision. It wasn't like her to hesitate. "I'm sure I can handle whatever's coming, but I'm not sure why I'm sure. It feels like divine interference to me." Her eyes narrowed slightly.

At that moment, a great ooh swept across the soiree, and she heard someone gasp nearby as the first streak of light passed across the sky. "Oh, it's starting!" Chryssa pointed her shrimp skewer up at the open night sky, voice ringing with random authority. "Hurry, appreciate it!"

The heavens were alight with shooting stars, one after another. Chryssa had never seen so many. Perhaps there were more than usual. Perhaps it was simply because the sky was so dark, every trace of interstellar light blotted out by something deep, something vast, something older than time and space.

Unbidden, unwanted, her wish rose to the top of her mind like scum on water.

I want to live.

Chryssa locked her jaw, gritting her teeth so hard she could imagine all the plates of her skull creak under the pressure.

open for lake trio interaction at the shrimp table
made a wish - #9

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 1:43:36 GMT
Deleted Avatar
494 for
artemis waits, with bated breath, for mint’s answer to his question. he doesn’t know why he was so nervous, knows mint would probably agree even if it was just as friends. it doesn’t stop him from relaxing when they do- even if he’s tense with nerves just as fast at mint’s movement to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. it sends his heart racing again with the weight of his childhood crush, one he never truly got over.

one he should have gotten over five years ago. he wouldn’t be in this situation otherwise, wondering if he’s about to die in this exact moment. or if his luck had gotten him this far just for him to drop dead in the middle of their dance; or if he’s already dying and this is some twisted version of his last moments, because it really feels like it.

mint’s hand slips back into his, and artemis pulls him towards the group of people dancing. solaris, apparently wanting no part of this, half-dangles off of his shoulder until she can get enough balance to slip away into the crowd. artemis almost misses the comforting weight of the espeon on his shoulder, but at the same time, he’s pulled into the familiarity of the dance. and of mint being so close, and the fact that he’s still not entirely sure he’s not dying.

the waltz being so familiar to artemis is a comfort in and of itself, even if he can’t answer mint’s question without solaris around; not that he thinks he could really say anything of substance, anyways, still focused on just this moment. it feels perfect, like everything artemis had ever wanted, like a scene out of the romcoms he used to watch with mint when they were younger. but it’s real, and it’s happening to him, and he thinks this may be one of his most treasured memories.

the litleonids flash in his vision, before the announcement, but it takes a moment for him to tear his attention away from mint. they’re breathtaking, even if he thinks his dance partner is more, and he tries to take in every moment of this. he really thinks, even if it’s been a while since they’ve last seen each other, this may be his chance at a happy ending. like some old fairy tale- a final dance under a meteor-filled sky, some sort of confession, and then the rest could be history.

maybe. He wondered, then, if making a wish could put it into action. he could hear his parents now, telling him that wishes wouldn’t count for anything if he didn’t put effort in too, but...

just this once. just this once he could humor some old myths. so, with mint resting just slightly on him and his attention still only half focused on the meteors, he wishes that things could stay like this forever. that he wouldn’t have to say goodbye to mint again.

- dancing with mint
- wishes that he doesn't have to say goodbye to mint again.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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lana, rue
september 1
littleroot town
forever alone
38 height
38 height
'Cause you don't belong where you don't belong Yeah, I don't belong
180 posts
ruslan skye DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruslan
ruslan skye
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 1:46:38 GMT
ruslan skye Avatar

There’s a reason his laughter earlier was a surprise to both him and his pokemon. Victor always sounded so…serious. Tired maybe. He hadn’t spent enough time with him to pin it down. Whatever it was, it added to his intensity. Despite seemingly mild mannered, it flared up at times. Like when dealing with @elliott earlier. That’s not enough to scare him off. After all, it wasn’t like he’d laid a hand on him. He had no reason to be scared of that either. “Ok…t-then…good job?” he snickered unsure what to say. Technically…that was Victor’s job during this endeavor. He provided, and, well, Lana entertained. Whatever the hell that meant. [break][break]

He shook his head, knowing well enough a few bonbons Mike had retrieved for him wasn’t exactly what Victor had in mind when he asked for a full meal. “W-What I had was good.” He explained with a shake of his head. “But…i-it wasn’t much.” He shrugged lightly. In his defense, he’d been a little too nervous with the pretty clothes and Elliott to really concentrate on eating. It had mostly been watching Victor and Elliott and then…watching Victor so he wouldn’t follow up on him. “I-I’m not that h-hungry though…so i-it worked out.” He paused once more, blinking slowly as he formulated another thought. “W-What was your p-plan? For b-bringing me here I m-mean?” Was it really that much fun just showing him off? He dind’t really get it, but if he was doing this long term he wanted to understand a bit more.


+ hehehe post #15

tl'dr [break][break]

- OOF BUDDY lets discuss our jobs[break]
- making conversation [break]



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it's whatever
2 height
2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
victor evans DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @victor
victor evans
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 1:56:51 GMT
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words echoed in his ears over and over again not long after they left ruslan's mouth. they clouded his brain, filling it with whatever chemical imbalance he was lacking or had too much of. there was always something off with him for some reason or another and this of course, was another. his arms wrapped a little tighter around the smaller man, pulling him closer, though just slightly. it was enough of a change for him to have to adjust his position just a little bit. good job. good job. good job. it echoed until he pulled himself out of it. realizing that he was still being spoken to. it had all been momentarily static.

"i didn't have a plan." though he said it a little more slowly than he normally spoke. his brain still trying to formulate and speak properly. "it was simply what i wanted to do." and that was the truth for the most part. he did enjoy showing lana off but with the way the evening had been he'd nearly gotten into a fight before getting to do so. and now everyone was focused on the sky. so really there hadn't been much of a point. other than letting lana have a nice evening out to enjoy some of the finer things.


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 2:30:39 GMT
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    “Yeah, she can be pretty cringe sometimes.” Rowan admitted with a small chuckle. “That's what I like about her, though.” Melody was different from him in practically every fashion, except for their shared abuse. She was the loud, colorful and eccentric beam of light that he needed in his life to stave away the darkness and ground him to reality. “Only I can say that though, jerk.” A small smirk crossed his lips as he lightly punched Adrian in the shoulder, resting his head against the spot after the playful blow.

    What do you desire? What do you dream? There were too many things to choose, but the breathtaking performance was already taking place, stars streaming seamlessly across the sky. I wish…A pause in his thoughts, unable to find the words to phrase his desires. ...I had the strength to make things right. Rowan gently squeezed Adrian’s hand, hoping both of their wishes would come true.

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 2:52:19 GMT
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Mint didn’t want to waste his wish, but his dizzy little brain found it hard to focus. He’d gotten everything he’d asked for. His freedom, his friends, his prince- The thought wakes him with a start, his heart thudding hard in his chest. There it is again, that selfish little thought wriggling through despite it all. Despite all his hard-earned happiness, there it shone through wriggling around and ruining everything. Despite how perfect this was, how textbook it felt… His eyes, half lidded before are open wide as he looked at Artemis. [break][break]


The thought wracks him, makes him tremble a little as he gazes up as his perfect, fairy tale dance, and it’s not Prince Charming that’s dancing with him. It’s Artemis. Sweet, beloved Artemis whose loyalty was immeasurable. Who he loved so genuinely, and hurt so deeply. He was his closest companion, and he had forgiven so easily, far too easily. There was a kindness here that he didn’t deserve, and there was a guilt that surfaced, unlocked by how easy he felt thanks to a couple of shot of liquor, he hadn’t quelled. He hadn’t fixed it. He hadn’t-


Not nearly enough, anyway. His eyes prick with emotion. At first, it’s a wave of confusion, because he’s not here in this fairy tale ending. This is reality. He’s here with the one person left on this earth that cared about him. That he’d hurt. That’s not what he deserved. Disgust wells up like bile and he swallowed thickly, trying to blink bag tears. “S-Sorry…I-…I got overexcited…haha.” He said immediately excusing the shift in mood. He felt…awful. Dirty. Why did Artemis still tolerate him? Why did he still talk to him? He’d just brushed past faking his own death with brunch?? [break][break]

I wish he had been angrier with me.

Gelatto felt itchy, anxious. Once again, he missed behind a third of his size, unable to really maneuver well this tall now. But then again, Reve seemed nice. Anyone wearing a dress that pretty had to be, right? He sniffs at their feet, once more checking their clothes in the low light. But as the crowd begins to ooh and aah at the meteor shower, Gelatto’s attention it taken, first looking upwards at the dome they resided in before looking back the way he’d come in. He’s about to pad away only to turn back to the stranger. Considering how late in the party it was…he figured they were like him. Alone. But his trainer is kind enough, and so with that in mind, the fox shook himself, attempting to gain the redhead’s attention before yipping softly at the looking human and lead them back outside. Surely, he would be in good company there.


+ @artemis + post 16 [break][break]

- man this would be so romantic if i didn't hardwire mint to suppress his emotions [break]
- yeah we didn't tlak about this huh 8 ) [break]
- i line up my shot [break]
- Gelatto the Ninetails goes to bother Reve because 'damn bro u look lonely lmao' [break]
- makes a wish [break]




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artie, finn, finch
august 13
mirror, mirror on the wall
45 height
45 height
110 posts
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TAG WITH @arthur
arthur finnian vanderbilt
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 3:09:09 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar





Where had Artie gone, you might be asking? One would assume that it was impossible for such an esteemed prince to be lost in a venue such as this, especially when he'd had such a remarkable entrance. Kissing his date in the center of a crowded room, drawing all attention to the beauty that was himself and — surely, after that spectacle, no one would be able to take their eyes off him.

[break][break] Of course, however, Artie was Artie. Prince Arthur Finnian Vanderbilt, and the normal laws never did quite apply to him.

[break][break] So as Andres drifted about the party, causing chaos as he did, his date was either there or not there. But by the time the courageous blond would approach and , the magnetizing prince would be all but missing. One might be able to find his familiar tuft of blond hair and sparkling magenta gaze amongst the other patrons of the event, but sure enough, had Andres looked that way, he would find his date missing once more.

[break][break] Which - perhaps unfortunately for the Prescott heir - meant that he had the freedom to do whatever he wished.

[break][break] When Artie appeared once more, he found his date crumpled on the ballroom floor. How unfortunate! How was he supposed to dazzle and delight their audience - more importantly Artie - whilest on the floor?!

[break][break] He clicked his tongue, hand on his hip.

[break][break] The prince smiles brightly down at . "Having so much fun you forgot me already?" He offers a hand out to the other.

[break][break] Remaining completely oblivious - or perhaps ignoring - the presence of others two. Alas, such was the way of Arthur Finnian Vanderbilt.



+ artie reappears and criticizes andres for forgetting about him!!

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing