i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
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But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 4:05:30 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Reiner accepts the hug with a soft sigh, shaking his mane out when after all the tears have finished falling. And then as Locke lets go of Eris, he picks her up and lets her rest upon his back. He doesn't need to see it to know that she's tired, gently wrapping his tail around her torso to make sure she doesn't fall off.[break][break]

When she lays her head down into his mane, he knows she's knocked out with the quiet evening out of her breathing. So he slinks over to , giving him a gentle nudge and tilting his head toward Eris before grabbing the pokeballs in his maw.[break][break]

After all that's happened, it's probably time to head home.
Thank you shiv for this fun event! ITS TIME TO PREPARE FOR SPELLJAMMER HOENN EDITION!!
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 5:29:42 GMT



THEY GOT LUCKY. all the theories, their actions or lack thereof, it all amounts to nothing. because, in this instance, maldacena was honest. the tragedy gets reversed, yes, but is is unforeseen and a factor none could consider. well, none of them within reason, sans the one behind their stroke of good fortune.

on the beach, fernando does not ruminate over the existence of hoenn’s future. his data may be restored but who he is does not change. the future starts with the present and the mistakes of the past must be corrected. team rocket is afoot and their existence is one he cannot tolerate.

so while others care for their missing pokemon or tend to the gaps that no longer exist, he scours the beach for the anomaly he intends to correct. once and for all.

- looking for rockets.
- presumably doesn't find them. thread exit.

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
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i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 8:50:27 GMT

huh. was right. nothing really did matter in the end.[break][break]

as he finds himself back on familiar terrain, his mind could not help but linger on a thought. it's one that he can't shake.[break][break]

just how many doppelgangers are already among them?[break][break]

he looks at the group, at faces he deems familiar. but what if they aren't real? even , someone who loves and cares for him does no more than look at him before TELEPORTING away.[break][break]

in the back of his mind, he feels a presence, and it confirms that he is in fact home. if he could even call hoenn that.[break][break]


for now, he'll TELEPORT away as well with the help of one of his pokemon.[break][break]

- suspects there are already imposters in hoenn.[break]
- exits.[break]

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angel, rogue bastard
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 14:05:05 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo doesn't so much as flinch when his friend charges across the beach towards the girl whom he'd torn them from. As scoops into a tight, sobbing embrace, the pilot is but a distant bystander.

He's rebuilt. Complete. Overflowing with information newly acquired he doesn't quite understand.

Yet guilt does not find itself twisting in his gut. It's not that there's no place for it. There simply is none.

His execution had been questionable but Angelo would do it again in a heartbeat.

After his gaze catches on a crowd of familiar faces and those he holds dear, ensuring their safe return, Angelo slips out of 's warm touch.

She'd only need follow the trail of footprints he carves in the sand to find him. Her company wouldn't be shunned if she did, would be welcomed even, although Angelo doesn't bring himself to ask for it.

Boots stripped off, he stands within the shallow tide of the Mirage Island. Taking a moment to silently lament over the reveal of its strange secrets, poured out to the masses. Bidding farewell to the rush of its discovery that had come to an end. 

To bask in the warmth of the ocean tugging away the familiar, unsettling sensation of dimensional travel.

There's so much to figure out...

But for now he steals time to breathe, to relish in the comfort of a distant friend reaching out to him on the sweet, tropical breeze. Welcoming him home.

Whatever his next step, Angelo wouldn't let all of this - those he loves - disappear.

Hoenn's adventure wasn't over yet.


thanks for the raid shiv! looking forward to what's next! :looking:
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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 16:09:15 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The Salamence was more than itching, hell, he was fucking ready to incinerate the other man he’d literally just roared at a few minutes ago—before noticing something was… wrong.

While he was no Lucario, fact of the matter that the unicorn had begun trying to heal his human companion meant that something bad had happened, and at the sight of red dripping from Alexei’s mouth—the draconid sobered up. At least, for now.

He growled a little when Memo had approached him and literally swung his weight up on his back, but fact of the matter was that they had to get the hell out of here.

If Kaida was to go with them they’d be terribly weighed down, so unfortunately he could only look at the young woman with a look close to asking for help.

‘Why me,’ was the look on the draconid’s face, before realizing that they had to go—now.

With another quieter roar, and a nod in her direction, the Salamence took off, tail whipping in his wake as they left the island.

• they out (Alex & Memo, that is)
• Kaida’s free to follow them back to Fortree, if she want to

Writer’s note: Oh good gravy, thanks for giving me the chance to explore mortality and death with the one character I own that’s terrified of the entire concept of passing on from this world. Shit’s gonna get real interesting from this point forward for Alex, considering the fact that there’s a rather large gap in his memory and it just happened to be during the very important parts!

(thanks for the new nightmare fuel for Alex that I can explore and poke around with, !)

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 16:15:54 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Their battle is halted momentarily as everything goes haywire, the platform wobbles, and for a moment he believes he has succeeded in his goal. He never wavers, even if this was to send them all to their deaths in his mind it was a victory still, due to everything he had learned since he had been in this place. However the thought doesn't get to complete itself before he is suddenly back on the beach restored, the memories, and name that he had been missing returned to him, and his Sceptile standing on the beach next to him. Remembering how the Pokemon reached out to him, he simply reached back out, and gave it a single gentle headpat. Amor had come here alone, and thus there was no one for him to celebrate with, not that it mattered. They had lived, and he should feel good about that, but he remembered now.

He remembered his ambition, why he wanted to achieve the things he sought after. He remembered clearly now, with those key memories missing for those precious moments he became pure once more. Somewhere along the way he had gotten lax, complacent, perhaps it was due to the influence of those that he called friends. Perhaps they had dulled his ambitions just enough for him to be somewhat happy with his current life. While he had forged ahead despite everything, despite the attempt on his life, despite the losses he had suffered, the friends he had made, and broken along the way. Amor had somewhere along that road forgotten his ambition, and it was only after she had stood up to him that he remembered it. The red head had done him some good in attempting to stop him because it had made him remember what made him strong.

He was going to have to work more on himself in his free time now to realize his dream in the future, but for now he simply listened to the idle prattle of those around him. Then he remembered the two who had sided with him, we he made his decision.

One good turn deserves another. He thought to himself as he walked over to , and .

Despite not knowing who he was, they had opted to put their trust in him for better or worse, and for that he was appreciative. He listened to the boy's device read the file name outloud, and he made a mental note to do some research when he got home, but that could wait.

"Knight, and I presume his squire." He spoke to the pair with a soft smile on his lips. "Thank you for attempting to help me back there. I'm not sure if it was the right decision or not, but you did risk yourselves for me, and for that I owe you both one." He spoke to them, and pulled out a simple business card with the emblem of his company on it, and held it out to them it held a contact number on it. "If you ever need something don't hesitate to call. I have many resources at my disposal." He'd say to them as his Sceptile, and Dragonite loomed on either side of him.

Amor is remembering who he should be.
Amor is thanking , and
Gave them a business card with his contact info on it.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 16:49:55 GMT
Deleted Avatar

In the blink of an instant, everything came and went. First, he felt nothing, thought nothing. No longer existing was a strange thing. It was like time stopped into an infinite second.
And the next thing he knew he was back. Back amongst chaos and confusion. Until that too faded away. He blinked, and suddenly he was on a beach. The same beach he arrived on.
Pristine and pure.
An overwhelming sense of emotion flooded through him all at once. As the event ran over him like a semi-truck. And hit him with the impact of the coming meteor. He lurched over and found it hard to breathe before he finally caught his breath. And tears began to streak down his face. He was alive...
His dear pokemon floated to his side, their trills and desire to comfort him consumed his heart as it swelled with emotion. He cried, overwhelmed and exhausted. He finally felt free.
Free from that hell that was a void. He knew now, that such a thing, such emptiness was not something he ever wanted to experience again.
He knew that now.
So he would continue on, and forge ahead. Hoenn would survive this. They would survive this. He hoped and prayed. But hope was a simple, silly thing, that he couldn't help but love.

Because life, no matter how hard, was worth living.
With a newfound understanding of himself and brand new resolve, Tobias and his pokemon - went on their way...
It was time to save the world.


+Tobias survives and finds a new lease on life.
+Leaves and prepares to do whatever he can to save Hoenn.


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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
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You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2022 1:49:26 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar
When all is said and done, the world of pixels and data makes way for the sun once more. She can feel its warmth against her skin, pooling through the blindfold as her darkness fades away for something brighter, while her heart suddenly feels that much heavier. As if she missed out on things vital to her survival-- even though that was exactly what she did. What they all did. Survive.

Yvaine hears calling out whether they're okay, and she shrugs, keeping her closed eyes trained on the sun, the breeze, and the waves cascading against the sandy beach. Yes, they're back. But she's certain something has been left behind in that strange, futuristic place. And something has been gained. When the blindfold comes undone only one of her eyes sees the world around her--- the other having fully succumbed to the darkness. Although it was bound to happen, the mercenary registers the fear and gives it a place almost immediately. A hurdle. An obstacle for her to overcome, or to succumb to in full. She knows that if she doesn't adapt her world will have no mercy for her, nor will her goals allow her to continue... her mind wanders to the Dark Triad. To the legendary canines called Zacian and Zamazenta, who's appearance have been burnt into her memory. There's many things she has to think of, she realises. To decide on.

She turns away from the sea to watch a most heartfelt reunion between the loud voice she unmistakingly recognises as Josh, and his Manectric, and a smile lingers on her lips at the sight. Then she looks at her Zoroark and gently runs her fingers through its manes. "Without you we wouldn't have made it out of there, Zoroark... thank you. Let's take it easy for a while and enjoy some well-deserved time off."

She smiled, but her mind only half-shared the sentiment. The other half was occupied with the creeping thoughts of the things left Unseen. Only Arceus would know when their next respite would be.

They had been warned. And she, for one, would be prepared.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Aug 30, 2022 5:09:55 GMT


first draft


the company PASSERBY ANALYTICS recently published a survey. at the bottom was a riddle that, when answered correctly, revealed a portion of hoenn’s map.

  • due to the amount of people involved, we believe this was given to everyone who answered correctly*.
  • based on the size of the map piece, we believe there to have been six separate pieces*.
  • PASSERBY ANALYTICS has claimed the map to be a glitch. at this time, that appears to be true*.

rumors circulated about the location revealed on the map. many trainers, including myself, showed up to an unidentified island in hoenn’s south east quadrant on SUNDAY.

@aaaaaaa is requesting an edit:

cry of a nosepass told us the answer for the whirlpool riddle.
suggests riddles to be straightforward and not entirely connected to personal data/history/mind games.


many trainers were on this island including several members of team rocket. on the coast, a riddle urged those present to venture into one of several nearby whirlpools.


  • several trainers reported hearing voices important to them. based on our understanding of these events, they were likely targeted to us as individuals based on our data and history.


the whirlpools transported us to a digital dimension referred to as THE CLOUD. due to the heavy presence of PORYGON, we believe this to be true.

maldacena, who we have encountered during the UNOWN REPORT COOK OFF, revealed himself. he claimed that THE CLOUD is a backup of our dimension. the purpose of this backup is to restore our world in the case of ANOMALIES, not unlike traditional data storage formats.

maldacena claims that the syndicate, official title DARK TRIAD, has become involved due to this dimension’s effect on others. they believe our dimension will be responsible for the end of all dimensions, an event referred to as the ORIGIN POINT.

at this time, we believe the claims about other dimensions. beyond ULTRA SPACE, several individuals have visited other worlds through GRANITE CAVE. we believe FATHER WINTER to be a member of the DARK TRIAD.

for his own amusement, maldacena was willing to assist our dimension. he tasked those present with disabling SIX TERMINALS that, from our understanding, would be responsible for wiping out our dimension and restoring it to an earlier point in time.

it should be noted that a SCAN may have been completed some time after entering.

important note: C:\u820\maldacena>data

the porygons present began to attack those present. my understanding at this time is that while maldacena can operate THE CLOUD he does not have sole control. however, due to his character, it may also be for his own amusement. he has a fondness for riddles. we do not know who else, including the DARK TRIAD, can operate THE CLOUD.

some individuals were attacked by their data copies. for what reason, we do not know. we also do not know if these were earlier renditions of ourselves or another entity using our likeness as their form.

it should be noted that injuries sustained throughout THE CLOUD seems to affect our data. within THE CLOUD we do not retain a physical human body in terms of organic matter.

author note: mention file01 in later portions.


the prompt at TERMINAL 1 was to identify the legendary pokemon that belongs in a sequence. based on ’s account of her experience, the choice and riddle is seemingly arbitrary.

an incorrect answer caused the group to encounter opposition. they were faced with and YVELTAL along with an unidentified man with RESHIRAM. due to the nature of these circumstances, i believe this was the data of RESHIRAM’s previous avatar, if applicable. this is certainly plausible considering the relationship with , ARTICUNO, and SENRI HARADA, as well as , TAPU LELE, and .


the prompt at TERMINAL 2 was to identify the legendary pokemon that did not belong. among the options were RAIKOU, ENTEI, SUICUNE, UXIE, MESPRIT, AZELF, DIALGA, PALKIA, GIRATINA, DARKRAI, CRESSELIA, and two unidentified pokemon called ZACIAN and ZAMAZETA.

and was able to deduce the answer was DARKRAI due to its classification. for reasons unknown, claims to have a heavy investment into DARKRAI and CRESSELIA.

we determined as a group to select the correct answer. for reason unknown, an individual decided to otherwise. we do not know if this was done maliciously.

since the group picked the correct answer, an UNNAMED FILE was provided. under the pretense of an incorrect answer, maldacena recreated the HOOPA’S ARENA where i first encountered DARKRAI.

we had to defeat ZACIAN, ZAMAZETA, DAKRAI, and CRESSELIA. if this battle reflects the pokemon’s real abilities, it can be surmised that CRESSELIA has potent healing abilities, and that the unknown legendary pokemon are competent at PHYSICAL COMBAT.


the following is an account from .

the prompt at TERMINAL 2 was to identify the ultra beast that would complete the pattern. the choices were KARTANA, CELESTEELA, BLACEPHALON, GUZZLORD, <unknown>, and NAGANADEL.

was able to deduce the answer was XURKITREE through the ultra beast’s codenames.

this group was also provided an UNNAMED FILE. believes these files were unnamed due to an incorrect answer.

this terminal was faced with the MAUVILLE WARFRONT. they were attacked by XURKITREE and POIPOLEs.


upon activating the terminals, everyone was returned to a central location. the next prompt asked for the files in a specific order.

below is a recreation of the files:

FILE01: the orange represents the dome around hoenn.
FILE02: our dimension dying.
FILE03: other dimensions moving into the place of where our dimension was.
FILE04: dimensions impacting. this will continue to happen across all dimensions.

ORIGIN POINT CAUSES: mega evolution. extradimensional traversal. avatars. anomalies.

maldacena claims that the STAR SOIREE and the early litleonids are proof. our dimension is overlapping with other dimensions and therefore they are all out of place. the fact we were able to visit THE CLOUD is ‘proof’. it should also be noted that UNOWN are related to THE CLOUD.

he does not know what the ORIGIN POINT is. however, the fact that hoenn is affecting galar makes him confident in his theory.

after explaining this to us, a THIRD SCAN is complete. these SCANS seem to have siphoned data away from us. it has adverse affect on individuals which range from changing their personalities (an omission of memories) to missing pieces. likewise, pokemon seem to have lost their ABILITIES.


prior to heading to the next set of terminals, i was able to identify . in an attempt to apprehend him, several individuals proceeded to obstruct and interfere. it is unknown whether this was due to changes afflicted by the SCAN, rocket sympathy, or even secretly being a part of team rocket.

those involved , owner of DELIBIRD DELIVERIES, an unknown child, , two unknown trainers, and .

and while and took no part, they also shared their sympathies and showed no regard for the presence of team rocket.

and provided assistance but we could not apprehend or eliminate rocket members and due to the aforementioned interference. it should be noted that the attempt to capture these rockets had no effect on those present. it in no way stopped them from continuing onto the other terminals, as many others did. those mentioned chose to interfere and put themselves into the small skirmish that arose.


was the only person we could identify as a member of TERMINAL 4. the following is taken from her statements and her own reports.

TERMINAL 4 seemed to have taken place in space. a staircase was presented to them and upon following it they were presented with a certain pattern of sigils. from her memory, remembers an array of circles and a triangle in the center.

she believes she spotted an unidentified pokemon. based on her description, it has an ethereal form. gaseous, not unlike ghastly, but at a level that extends beyond comprehension. perhaps based on space dust?

within the sigils were four eggs. UNOWN surrounded these eggs. they hatched into a GIRATINA, an unknown purple and pink pokemon, along with pokemon the seem to resemble our understanding of DIALGA and PALKIA. while ’s description is far off from our current understanding of these pokemon, given the context of the situation, we believe them to be the same pokemon or closely related.


claims this terminal presented hoenn isolated from the world. DIALGA and PALKIA were seemingly attempting to correct hoenn through the use of their abilities. however, golden hands bound them before also attacking those present. UNOWN also attacked those present.

from his understanding of the terminal, ULTRA SPACE serves as a layer between dimensions. it is possible that DIALGA and PALKIA are confined or will be confined in the short term future. this would explain why ULTRA SPACE cannot be accessed.


this terminal presented a hoenn filled with dead bodies. among the dead pokemon and humans were spears of light. these spears could be found in several legendary pokemon which include but are not limited to:

  • HO-OH
  • UXIE
  • HOOPA (big)

meteors began to fall upon our entry. we escaped before they could eliminate us. however, i believe it is implied that the universe ends with the meteor’s explosion.


at this point, maldacena revealed that while he wants hoenn to survive for his own amusement he has not cut ties with the DARK TRIAD. it is presumed that he still holds ties to them, officially, and needs an alibi.

he required 10 individuals to stay behind. THE CLOUD could not handle transporting everyone present. we have no proof that this claim was true.

it should be noted that , , , , , was willing to sacrifice themselves. it is highly advised that reyes, hoffman, and ivanov to undergo a psychological analysis should they continue their positions and we, the league, expect to rely on them in the future.


unrelated to this, it appears may have some involvement with THE CLOUD. at this time, his involvement with the UNOWN and the UNOWN REPORT have become concerning enough to arouse suspicion. to my understanding, he has contributed many entries and claims to have a large swathe of UNOWN. what part this has to play, or if it was mere coincidence, remains to be seen.

prior to being transported out, it seems the system had a specific interaction with him. THE CLOUD seemed to have encountered a SYSTEM FAILURE that was reversed after an interaction with mr. del mar.

considering his position and possible influence in hoenn and recent events, i believe it is imperative to keep a watch on this individual to prevent situations similar to .

those confirmed to be in attendance:

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— 7/16/2022

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