< pavonearse [cool contest] >

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 5:16:13 GMT
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It seemed their last move hadn't gotten much of a reaction. It's fine, Fritz was pleased he got even a little bit of a reaction given he hadn't dabbled much before in contests. He knelt down and gave his Tinkaton a little pep talk to cheer her up -- tears threatened to pour over from the pink creature's eyes. He hushed her with quiet words that there were people who found her gestures to be cool, and that even if they didn't win, he was still proud to have her as his partner. The Tinkaton gave a few sniffles and when asked if she was ready, she gave a firm nod. Once he'd cheered up his pokemon, Fritz stood back up and flashed a winning smile to the crowd.

"Allow us, for this display, to dazzle you all with a never before seen move!" he promised. "Tinkaton, if you would, gigaton hammer!"

The Tinkaton ran forward, dragging her large hammer along and proceeded to jump high into the air, doing a few midair somersaults before she slammed her hammer down. The entire stage and crowd erupted from the pure shock of such a heavy hammer slamming into the stage. It was a miracle no damage had been done to the stage from the impact.

yBLegTrW + 10

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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174 posts
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TAG WITH @msdumot
< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 6:08:06 GMT

[attr="class","loretoplyr"]i like men on their knees

[attr="class","loretophold"]i don't need your roses




[attr="class","loreleisym"][attr="class","cp cp-rose"]

[attr="class","lorelyrknee"]praying up to their god seeing visions of me i'm a cult leader mind reader heart eater Fear feeder, say I'm your favorite preacher

there was a faint amount of trepidation in lorelei's voice as she ordered this of her houndour. the move was a reversal-type move like mirror coat, so she had taken some time to help the small dog pokemon practice what he should do. would he remember?[break][break]
fortunately enough, the houndour let out another yap and a yip as it spawned forward red and dark purple splashes of color about it which marked the start of the move. forming a tornado of color around him, he pranced about the stage - making the tornado bigger as he moved before it was sent out into the crowd and dispersed into fragments of color, doing no damage as the move was intended to but at least being fitting for an aesthetics contest. "good job, boy," lorelei said softly to her houndour as he returned to her, wagging his tail happily and waiting for the pat the businesswoman gave him for his job well done as the contest came to a close for them.


[attr="class","loreat"]@ contest

[newclass=".lorelhold"]position: relative; width: 360px; height: auto; border: 1px solid #232323; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color: #2b2b2b;[/newclass]
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tnl4jLyo / SWAPPING WITH 89
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,062 posts
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Andrea Vaneau
< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 13:33:08 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
This was it: The final round. Andrea and Gia had one last chance to dazzle the audience with their COOLNESS.

Dismounting her reptilian steed, the young PokéManiac spread her arms far and wide to draw everybody's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, why do we find Pokémon COOL?" She posed a rhetorical question. "It's because they're full of surprises! Just when we think we know all there is to know about them, new species get discovered out of the blue! And those new Pokémon come with new moves!"

The dragon-hooded girl gave her Cyclizar an encouraging thumbs up. "It's time, Gia... Use Shed Tail!" At her command, the bike-like lizard retreated into its Pokéball, leaving a Substitute on the stage in the form of its own molted skin.

"And now, it's time for this human to metamorphose..." Andrea announced, picking up the shed skin and wearing it like a full body suit, which looked COOL in a grotesque sort of way. "I am become Cyclizar! Agiagias!" The eccentric trainer imitated the Pokémon's cry, flailing the skin suit's flaccid arms.
//second appeal phase (gen 9 move bonus)

vTdOYcIY +10

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 15:51:48 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




swapping 2nd appeal with 88, with +10 from Spin Out for 98




Huh? Wait-were they really in the lead right now?!


There really isn't anything cooler than motorcycles…


"Great job Ro-Ro!" Locke praised his Pokémon, inviting the audience to do the same. "Now let's remind the judges who to vote for!"


Ro-Ro launched from centerstage with an explosive pop. Tires tore against tile as she began to Spin Out, running oddly-angular donuts around her trainer and leaving a path of long, winding skid marks behind her. Dust kicked up as she drove, blocking the audience's view for a few seconds before being blasted away by the Revavroom's sudden, screeching halt, revealing a pair of matching kanji beneath her.






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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 18:35:58 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Tiramisu does seem disappointed when he realizes he blew the first round, but Mint is just busy squeezing his big lizard hand and planning their next option. It'd have to be really good. He's ready if his partner is ready, and after a bit of nudging, Tiramisu is raring to go. "Ok, ok let's try..." [break][break]

Once again, the lights darken, after Mint sends a couple of cues up the chain. "Now you see me," he asked the audience, tilting his head and poking his cheek. The pose would be cute, were it not for his almost sarcastic tone. On cue, the temperature seems to drop, and wind begins to whip around Mint, tearing off his hood. Bright blue hair is tossed recklessly by howling winds and excited, almost manic grin. [break][break]

SNOWSCAPE creates its snowstorm, the surge of power enough to cause a temporary whiteout, hiding trainer from view before a roar cuts through the winds. In an instant, Tiramisu is behind his trainer, fangs bared and scales shining bright as the snow and ice latching onto his scales seems to be creating a second coat, almost like an icy armor. The fractals in the ice only seem to make the shining of Tiramisu's scales more brilliant as his ICE BODY begins its natural regenerative process. [break][break]

Tiramisu poses, standing to his fullest of heights, fangs bared. Though matching his trainer in a way, Mint's expression is probably more friendly than his pokemon's. "Now you see him! Silent threat from the 9th circle of hell. Good luck taking this big boy down." At this his Baxcalibur slaps the stage with his tail, flexing. The wind picks up once more, another small white out, and the stage is left empty again. [break][break]

Behind the stage, the crew and other contestants would see Mint sniffling form the exposure, offering a very happy lizard another treat for his efforts. [break][break]

Y0FuPkdM + 10

tagged ▸ ooc he's trying his best | contest fit




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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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luka chêne
< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 4:45:48 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


It seems as though her newest performers are struggling to keep the audience enraptured. But rather than blame her Pokemon, Luka puts the fault on herself. Perhaps she should have tried a different approach for this contest...cute has always been right within her wheelhouse, but cool has a totally different kind of vibe.[break][break]

What it means is that, even though she's managed to break into the world of contest idols and sparkling stars, she still has a long way to go before she can consider herself a good coordinator.[break][break]

It's a bit disheartening, but she doesn't allow that to show on her face, nor to affect the way she interacts with her Pokemon. Kit-kat are given the widest of smiles and nothing but encouraging words as they head into the final round, their last chance to make a positive impact with the judges.[break][break]

Discarding the flashiness that seems to have only hindered them so far (but keeping the costumes, because she worked hard on them dang it!), Kit and Kat enter the stage together, scampering right towards the edge.[break][break]

"Thank you so much for all your support, Hoenn! Everyone's done an amazing job tonight, don't you think?" Luka beams out at the audience, then turns to her Pokemon with a little nod. "Of course, the show's not over yet! Come on guys, let's finish this off with a bang!"[break][break]

It's their last chance to leave a good impression, so they'd better make this count! Kit and Kat hold paws and nod to each other before releasing a multi-strike attack. Each little explosion comes with a burst of color for flair, like a show of miniature indoor fireworks! Red, gold, aquamarine...brilliant colors fizzle and sparkle like stars, raining down on the audience in a harmless shower of sparks.[break][break]

PfO_LuEP +10
notes: tandemaus uses population bomb


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 5:23:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[googlefont=Roboto Condensed]
🎼 I'm Invincible (Ado)

It seemed the second appeal phase had a boost for each of the participants so far. They definitely came around this time around and Danny had to admit he was pleased with each of their efforts. All of the cool new moves had him and the audience equally dazzled. As the arena shook from @fritz 's move with Tinkaton, Danny braced for impact and felt himself laughing in disbelief at the sheer force of the pink pokemon's power! It wasn't long until he began to frantically jot down his own notes on the blonde trainer's display.

"Uwah! So cool, Tinkaton! You're a tough little thing, aren't you?!"

Fritz's Current Score: 81/200

For a moment, he sat there to take in 's display. It didn't feel as spectacular as her previous ones, but he couldn't allow personal opinion to outweigh his own vote. He whispered to the other panel judges and took in their input. Perhaps they were more astounded by her display than he was, and the only thing he could do was fairly go along with the majority vote. Danny jotted down the score for her and her Houndour, giving them both a thumbs up.

"You've given us a fantastic display so far, Miss Lorelei! We hope to see you back at this again!"

Lorelei's Current Score: 170/200

While some of the crowd seemed abhorred by 's display, Danny couldn't help but grin widely. It was such a fun, original take! In fact, he even laughed a bit as he gave a full on applause of his own. Weird was charming, and it worked so well for the Pokémaniac! In fact, even the crowd seemed to love the display! Perhaps they felt the same way? Danny proceeded to add to her score as the crowd's cheer came to a crescendo in the cries of her Cyclizar.


Andrea's Current Score: 145/200

And like that, the crowd went back to the dark horse of the contest, Mister Reeman themself, . As Ro-Ro came to a screeching halt after its move, Danny once more felt at an impasse. He personally didn't find much in the display, but the crowd seemed to love it greatly! He leaned over to the other judges and carefully discussed. As they stated that they all loved the show, he knitted his brows. As long as they were certain... Perhaps Danny was just too critical of the situation, but he amended his own score before he gave another clap for the Revaroom and its trainer.

"It seems like the crowd absolutely adores you! Maybe if you win this one, you can do a face reveal? Folks online LOVE face reveals!"

Locke's/Mister Reeman's Current Score: 177/200

And once more, and his Baxcalibur took the stage, and once their show was done, Danny couldn't help but give dear ol' Tiramisu a standing ovation. Somehow the creature went from being absolutely spooked to a high contender! He loved to see the proverbial phoenix rise from the ashes! Once the snowscape began to fade from the stage, Danny still stood, proud in the comeback kid Tiramisu. He couldn't help but offer some honest words of encouragement.

"You're like a great ice-phoenix! To make a comeback like that was spectacular! Mint, you've got a great future with this one, I want to think."

Mint's Current Score: 67/200

Before he can even register the display that had for her Tandemaus pair of Kit and Kat, the crackling similar to fireworks caused him to stare forward, absolutely enraptured by how cool the pair had been in their display! Danny hopped from his seat once again and gave a roaring applause to the trainer-pokemon duo and grinned widely as if offering the cute-type specialist some words of encouragement.

"There you go! With cool, you just gotta let loose and run wild! A most epic comeback, Miss Chêne!"

Luka's Current Score: 81/200


Cue the drumroll. Once all the contestants had cleared the way, Danny hopped back up on stage as his Smoliv clung tight to his shoulder. The announcer gave a quick spin before he gestured proudly at the screen above and allowed the pictures of the contestants to roll. The third place one slowly came to a halt, before it revealed and Gia! The crowd cheered wildly for the pair. It was a shame in hindsight she hadn't secured this victory, but she showed she still had flare to exude! Once the second photo began to slow down, it revealed and her Houndour. The crowd cheered even louder for the pair. Something about Lorelei's display exuded powerful businesswoman and he loved it. The crowd loved it. It was a shame it hadn't been quite enough. But last but not least! The final picture slowed to a halt and showed in his Mister Reeman costume directing his Revaroom, Ro-Ro, forward.

The crowd nearly shook the stadium with their applause. Some folks had opted to give a standing ovation while others waved around miscellaneous glowsticks and banners to show off their love for the cool contest contestant. Glitter and confetti rained down on the stage, covering everyone up there in its wake. Danny laughed while attempting to shake some off of himself.

"Congratulations to Mister Reeman! You and Ro-Ro here showed a most righteous display of coolness!" he began. "And second place, Miss Lorelei Du'mot and her Houndour! While you were in a very close second, you still showed us that an old dog can indeed still learn new tricks! Phenomenal! Thank you all for such a grand show!"

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
< pavonearse [cool contest] >
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 4:38:30 GMT
shiv Avatar



[break][break]@danny @fritz
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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Swords Clashing