beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 5:14:56 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh hissed as his right leg was squeezed between Braver's side and the outer wall marking course bounds. Even with the protective gear he wore, that was painful. As advanced as safety technology was getting, it couldn't completely remove the risks of Pokémon speedsports. By its very nature, there was a risk to open-air high speed travel.

Soldiering through his leg's thumping, the Gym Leader reined his Arcanine around the two long turns, doing his best to keep the lumbering dog on the flattest part of the course. Even if it meant he wasn't rounding corners in the most efficient manner possible, he valued stability over efficiency for now. There would be a great opportunity for the Arcanine to let loose before crossing the line to begin the last lap. For now, though, he would be content trailing behind Desiree, waiting for her and Beanbean to make the first mistake. Better that then agitating his leg even more!


' encouraging words spurred her ARCANINE to make a move along the outside part of the long turn. A little bribery with some treats went a long way, too. Neither of the two Gym Trainers let up, ARAVAN ESCHER's CYCLIZAR squealing her tires as she kept her balance along the uneven backstretch. All it took was a slight dip onto the outer slope for the challenger's Pokémon to make a move. ERON IUNIS' PYROAR looked unstoppable, her long and sharp claws able to grip the side of the hill while fighting the white-haired rider's weight. It looked like he was struggling to hold on. If he could make it, he would have a huge lead going into the final lap.

's cautious approach, valuing finishing the race above all else, would see him fall even farther behind. The CYCLIZAR and ARCANINE in front of him looked so distant, but if there was anyone that could make up that distance, it was Mauville's very own Master of Faster. The racers crossed the line, the white flag waving overhead as another sound bite blared from loudspeakers:




The fans cheered loudly as the white flag waved to the side of the starting arch; it was the last time around the track! For the final lap of the race, the Leader's rolls will be capped at 170, before modifiers are applied.


Prompt: With the separation in the field, landing on the narrow strip past the starting line was easy! While the ascending right turn was long, it wouldn't put anywhere close to as much physical pressure on Pokémon or trainers as the previous long curves did. The uphill right turn would be a wonderful spot for Pokémon to catch their breath, or those confident in their Pokémon's stamina, the opportunity to let loose with a QUICK ATTACK and gain some ground! Having taken these curves twice before, racers would have a good idea when to brake for the S-curve to come at the top of the hill!

Target Number: 115 (Endurance)

Special: None

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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2023 22:15:15 GMT

Focused on riding the trail of the white-haired rider's Pyroar, Desiree smiled as her and Beanbean's mutual idea to take the side proved fruitful; they had skidded right past the Cyclizar just before the speakers had announced the final lap, and oh was that so exciting! Heartbeat pattering with the joyous calls of the fans dotting the outskirts of the track, she was determined to keep giving them the best show in the world, even if it were to end soon. Holding onto the reins of the pink saddle with all the strength she could muster, the track's layout had seemingly etched into her mind naturally with each lap, so she figured this wouldn't be too hard of a final stretch.[break][break]

Though, now with two riders behind her, the pressure was on to keep her place and only head up from there. The Arcanine had begun to pant more laboriously than before, ready to get a big bowl of water to lap up after the race- she wanted to give him a bowl now, but the stakes were far too high to drop out last minute! Approaching her favorite part of the race, the repetitive cowgirl jump and the straightaway after it was enough of a break in of itself since there weren't as many twists and curves, and damn did they need it.[break][break]

Shooting a glance behind her at the trailing gym trainer and the master of faster, Desiree smiled and returned to what had manifested in front of her on the track. "We can't give up now, Beanbean~! ♡ Use your AGILITY to your vantage at the turn and skid it~!" She commanded, squeezing the canine's sides and flicking the reins. Letting out a determined yip, Beanbean would attempt to take the upcoming obstacle just as he did all those times before but imbued with plentiful speed, granted by his last ability to boost. With an attempt to slide through the dirt below him when the turn began as if he were a car doing a donut, his motivation was to rack up all those sweet treats as promised.[break][break]

All Desiree had to do was hold on to make sure she didn't fly off due to the momentum, and she sure would try! There was no hesitation there, only optimism resonating with the crowd's collective excited energies.[break][break]




- SPEED 4 | ENDURANCE 2 | REACTION 2 ♡¸.•' using last boost power: agility



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 5:37:54 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh and Braver had fallen even further behind, his sharp eyes on Aravan and Josy in front of him as they landed on the lower track below. If there was a Pokémon that could eke out a come-from-behind win, though, it was Braver. The Arcanine was one of the fastest Pokémon at his Gym, nearly as fast as a Raikou when using Extreme Speed. Leaning in his face was fully shielded by his mount's cream fur. Bracing himself for a rough and tumble ride, the Gym Leader gave the order to use the ultrafast move.

The fire-type's legs turned into a blur, even creating a low humming sound from how impossibly fast the exerting technique was. The living fireball sprinted toward Aravan and Desiree, Josh putting as much pressure as he could on his mount's right halter to coax a drifting slide up the long, sloping turn. The longer he kept it up, the more his right leg throbbed, feeling like it could rupture like a Drifloon under pressure.



With the white flag waving, the four racers knew it was crunch time. Any mistake from this point forward could change the outcome of the race. Mistakes could easily be made on the long, uphill curve ahead, particularly by and , who took it as exceedingly high speeds! Raucous humming echoed from behind her as the Gym Leader's ARCANINE blitzed forward with bone-rattling EXTREME SPEED. If she wanted to maintain her position, the challenger would have to answer with AGILITY from her own mount, and answer she did.

Both giant dogs whistled around the competition, the speed at which the Leader's passed ARAVAN ESCHER startling his CYCLIZAR. The two drifted to the outside of the curve, and her AGILITY-fueled ARCANINE gaining on them fast. As the backstretch's S-curve loomed ahead, the racers were forced to slam on the brakes. She found herself neck and neck with ERON IUNIS' PYROAR going into the nastiest curves to come!


Prompt: After the Pokémon in the race had a chance to take a breather, the course's titular Obstacle lurked beyond once more. With the racers now up to full speed, it would make the turn feel tighter than it did before! The top and bottom lanes were split by a steep slope that was easy to slide down if a Pokémon was unable to hold the full-circle turn. Carrying the drifting momentum of a QUICK ATTACK through such a curve was possible for highly skilled Pokémon, but was risky! One miscalculation, or even the rider's muscles cramping from the exertion needed to hold a physical command for that long, could send teams into the rail on the lower, outside lane!

Target Number: 130 (Endurance)

Special: TP loss as a result of rolling beneath this Obstacle's Target Number is multiplied by 1.5, rounded up.

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✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 20:08:51 GMT

With the brief sight of the white flags rustling on the edge of the track and the cheering coming from the crowd, things were definitely starting to pick up even more than before; and that was saying a lot, being that the race had been so fast-paced and exciting to begin with! Having followed Desiree's orders to floor it and skid amidst his rapid agility, Beanbean was having all the fun in the world contending with such fierce competition while taking on the s curve and beyond, kicking up dust with the hasty movement of his paws. All of Desiree's focus remained on the Pyroar and its rider that was only a couple of reaches away before her- she wanted to finally bump him down from his seemingly consistent first placement, though she was optimistic about the turns that were to come.[break][break]

Trailing behind him with all the vigor in the world, Desiree and the Arcanine anticipated the consistent curve that they had been soon to approach on the track. Like the other two times that they had taken this full circle head-on, the pinkette wished for the fire type to take it easy to avoid toppling over. Flunking out of the race when they were so far in would be detrimental, all that hard work put to waste! Gripping onto the reins and squeezing onto the sides of the pupper, she could feel that the lean muscle in her tattooed legs was beginning to feel sore from all of her previous efforts to stay on at such high speeds, but she figured relaxation would be shortly imminent when they crossed the finish line.[break][break]

Accompanied by a determined bark, Beanbean and his fairy-type rider would attempt to follow Eron in his circular endeavors, hoping for the best opportunity to pass him. "Hold your ground, Beanbean~! ♡ Take it easy like all the other times if you need it, we've got this buddy wuddy~! ♡" Desiree exclaimed, holding on with all of her might as they attempted to take on the top lane of the circular turn. Though they were out of legal boosts to use, the hope and belief that they still had a good chance coursed through the idol's veins- and Beanbean was still trying to rack up as many treats as he could, he had to be up to a couple buckets worth by now! He was starting to feel a bit worn due to such valiant efforts prior, but he'd continue to push on with all of his might, hoping above else to taste success alongside those sweet yum yums.[break][break]







[newclass=".desikiss"]--accent:#ff9ebe;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2023 1:12:52 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh was sore all over. His lower body was sore from absorbing the force of his Arcanine's rough gallop. His upper body's muscles felt like they were burning from the arm strength needed to get the fire-type to maintain the long turns needed to keep pace with the Pokémon around him. He was used to the pain from stressed muscles hungry for oxygen, but nothing like today's intense race was subjecting him to.

Desiree was still within striking distance, and passing her would make the difference between her getting a Badge and her not getting one. As much as Josh felt she deserved one, it was his job to make sure those who received Mauville's Gym Badge were truly worthy of it. There was one move Josh thought would win her the race, and the one move that made Arcanine such a highly desired mount. If she wanted to win, then she would need to muster the courage to use it again. His weary muscles unable to keep his arm steady, Josh did his best to line up as close to the center of the curve as possible, minding the uneven terrain.

Once this flattened out, though, Braver was kicking on the afterburners.


The fire-types and ARAVAN ESCHER's CYCLIZAR were burning up the track, pushing themselves to their limits. Scorch marks from the giant lion's and dogs' paws served as remnants of the tight lines they took, the sound of screeching, tire-like air sacs grating against the racers' ears during the final, long, and rough curve. The seconds seemed to stretch into minutes as the four riders felt the burn of riding on a dashing Pokémon going at full speed.

What the two ARCANINE lacked in turning, they more than made up for in seemingly boundless stamina. ERON IUNIS' PYROAR opened up a lead through a tight line that left the white-haired Gym Trainer's left leg thumping, and a similarly tight line let ARAVAN ESCHER's CYCLIZAR get within striking distance of Gym Leader 's ARCANINE with the home stretch looming ahead, and the Leader's and challenger's pacing allowed their mounts to keep pace with the more nimble fire-type and dragon-type surrounding them.

All that remained was the final sprint to the finish line. While 's ARCANINE was running on fumes, her Pokémon's natural speed was so high that she still had a hope in outspeeding the PYROAR ahead of her. But would she be able to hold off the Leader's ARCANINE, who would almost certainly be tailing her at the most extreme of EXTREME SPEEDS?


Prompt: The home stretch was all that remained, an official standing near the starting arch and waving the checkered flag. There was little risk of an accident on this straight sprint to the finish! Now was the best opportunity for the five Pokémon to give it everything they had!

Target Number: 0 (Speed)

Special: None

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✧ september 23 ✧
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✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 20:07:14 GMT

Amidst the feeling of tiredness and overexertion of muscle that coursed through both Desiree and Beanbean's veins, crackling through their innards, the two pushed through the circular turn with all of their might- and it was a blessing that they did not fall off the track, as a disqualification at this point in the track would have put all their determination to waste! Beads of sweat fell off of her forehead and her hands gripping the reins alike with each passing moment, focused on the Pyroar and its rider that shot into the course before them. It was a marvel that he had been able to keep his place in the race for so long, luck and technique seemingly pushing him closer and closer to taking the finish line, but there was no telling what would occur after the circular curve, even with the aches in her arms and legs.[break][break]

Now all that was left was the stretch to the finish line, following the curve that they had been able to hold their place in with the blessing of stamina! The flicker of her golden eyes felt as if it sparked at the sight of the waving flags marking the finish line; it was all so close, all moving so fast. "Beanbean, the finish is right there~! ♡ Floor it, my love! Floor it!♡!" Desiree shouted with all of her might, her hair fluttering behind her as the Arcanine tried to run at the highest speed he possibly could. Though the two had to follow the rules in not using any more boost powers, he tried to whip up just enough speed to barrel into the giant metaphorical treat waiting for him past the finish line![break][break]

Attempting to apply pressure with her leg behind the girth strap of the glimmering pink saddle with the rest of the might that she had, Desiree cheered alongside all of the excitement of the crowd around them. Even though she was feeling oh so tired, so exhausted and worn, this was the most fun she'd had in quite some time- and it was right there, there was no giving up now! Beanbean had the same mentality, his eyes in the glimmering sugary sweet awaiting him![break][break]







[newclass=".desikiss"]--accent:#ff9ebe;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 3:05:05 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Little did Josh know that the challenger's Arcanine was already running on fumes. Yes, the course was grueling on Pokémon, but the species was known for their high stamina, able to cross from Mauville all the way to Fallarbor in well under an hour. There were few ways to travel across the land faster than on the back of an Arcanine. He had made up his mind about the challenger; they had shown intricate understanding of one another for the entire race, holding the Gym Leader off for a long time. They remained competitive almost the entire way, gaining and losing position at almost the same rate.

With the finish line in sight, Josh could wait no longer. "Braver, EXTREME SPEED!" the Gym Leader commanded. With a loud bark that may have startled Desiree, the striped dog's orange legs disappeared into a blur. His mount's running stroke was fast enough for Josh to seemingly float above the saddle. The rider leaned into Braver's thick, cream fur as much as he could without impairing his vision, holding a relatively gentle pull on the fire-type's right-side reins to maintain a good racing line in the contest's final moments.



' ARCANINE had finally reached the limits of its stamina. Coming down the home stretch, it simply did not have the energy to enter the EXTREME SPEED that would have solidified her position. The rest of the field rushed forward around them, ERON IUNIS and his PYROAR running away from the rest of the field in a breathtaking trail of reflections that dazzled the gallery. Even with the challenger's ARCANINE carrying her at full gallop, the orange blur that was 's EXTREME SPEEDING ARCANINE was too fast to recognize as they dashed past in the race's closing seconds.

The sound of squealing CYCLIZAR air sac encouraged the challenger's Pokémon to keep going despite the tingling in its weary muscles. The gap between the two became smaller and smaller as the finish line came closer. If the race was only a few hundred meters longer, ARAVAN ESCHER would have snatched the final podium spot from her. Thankfully for her, she had just enough real estate to hold them off.


Not long after the race had concluded and the competitors were given a chance to hydrate (and Beanbean devour the many snacks that were due, provided were not to renege on that promise), the Leader and challenger, alongside ERON IUNIS and his PYROAR, would find themselves on the receiving end of a deluge of cheers. As the announcer read off the top finishers' ending positions and times, Josh drew his Gym's Badge into a closed right fist.

"It's been a long time since I've had an Arcanine race be so competitive," Josh said to Desiree as he stepped off his podium spot and onto the grass below. "The amount of strength and trust it takes to control an Arcanine at full gallop is immense. New riders come to me frequently with Arcanine and don't believe me when I say how difficult they are to control. To race one at its full potential requires not only a deep bond with your Pokémon, but peak athleticism. While you are lacking in the latter, your display of the former is a skill that will see you far in the Pokémon League."

The Mauville Leader opened his closed fist in front of the entertainer, revealing his Gym Badge for the taking. "This is the official Hoenn League Quick Badge. You and your Arcanine shall be enshrined in the Gym's list of Qualified Riders as champions." He paused to let his friend claim her Badge and let the title sink in. Desiree may have been able to hear Josh's disgruntled mumbling about Eron taking his course record from him. "Right, Desiree. You said you were going to treat your Arcanine to some sweets. How about we go to this place called The Little Chocolatier? It's on the northeast side. They do have sweets there other than chocolate." Chocolate, of course, was poisonous to Arcanine.

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✧ september 23 ✧
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✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 19:41:17 GMT

Galloping toward the finish line with all of their might, Desiree and Beanbean both had their eye on the prize, but everyone was going so much faster than them that it was proving difficult to hold their spot! The two had definitely hit their maximum, marked by Josh and his Arcanine passing them clean on right before they could cross; barreling across the checkered line, the pinkette's heartbeat finally began to slope downwards as the two were able to get ample rest that they desperately needed. Soreness quaked through their bodies and their muscles, and though they were not able to hold their position ahead of the master of faster, it was still such a breakthrough moment, being that they were able to blast ahead of him so many times during the race. She felt accomplished, even if the end results had not been in her favor.[break][break]

A little ornate and antique bowl of treats awaited the Arcanine, glistening under the lights- she only had so many that she brought with her, but there were bowls upon bowls waiting for him back at home in Fortree! Taking a couple of long guzzles of the water so graciously provided, the final spots were read, announcing that she had got third place. She smiled at this, already having been used to not scoring first in many categories; her career was born after placing second in the seventh season of Kalos Got Talent, after all, so there was no harm in taking the spot with grace rather than bitterness. Desiree was sure that this would be the cherry on top of her riding hobby, regardless, so she couldn't help but smile.[break][break]

She looked up at Josh as he descended from his podium, her hands clasped over her chest in delight at his words, lowering a hand to stroke the mane of the fire type beside her. "I loved every second of it, Josh~! ♡ It was definitely a test, but I'm so thankful for the opportunity- now all I've gotta do is work on these muscles a bit~" She giggled, tipping her pink cowgirl hat forward. It was so sweet of him to deem her a qualified rider even though she was unable to hold her spot ahead of him all the way through; it was tough, but she was so excited to have her first official badge of her hopefully soon-to-be collection. Taking the badge from his grasp at his offer, she looked at it glimmering within her palms and chummed.[break][break]

"It's an honor, thank you so much~! ♡" Desiree clapped in delight, waving the badge at any and all of the cheering onlookers in the stadium. "Beanbean, did you hear that? Treats are coming in early~! ♡ Yes, I'd love to, Josh! Lead the way and I'll follow, but you best believe that I'm covering the bill~" At those words, Beanbean had no urges other than to bark in utter happiness, chasing his tail in a circle with his newfound energy recovered at the mere mention of the treats awaiting him at the chocolatier. A sweet treat for a sweet day!



- thank u again for the gym thread! <33



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October 13
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beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2023 21:03:12 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM BATTLE COMPLETE!



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