i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 15:32:39 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Shit, he could really do with some of his caramel squares right about now…

Why didn’t he bring any candy before coming out here?! This was a fucking nightmare.

He should… he should really try to get himself un-lost from this mess of a maze.

Who knew that Mount Pyre was capable of playing tricks with whoever had crossed and run afoul of the spirits who were here in eternal rest?

Now, which way would he go again…?

❄️ Reference ‘candy’ in some way.


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played by


he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 15:49:43 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
It wouldn’t take too long before he would encounter an actual specter of the dead when he went into the rolling fog—

“Who—who are you?” he breathed out, realizing that the person had seen him but didn’t hear him.

“Hey—wait!” he called as the half-visible specter of the ghost he met vanished into the wind…

“Some help you are,” he grumbled as he continued into the never-ending maze…

+ @tag
+ prompt: ❄️ Encounter ‘spirits of the damned’ or ‘ghosts’.

[newclass=".iggy b"] color:#e6194e;font-size:13px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".iggy a"] font-size:13px; font-family: courier new; text-transform: lowercase!important; [/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 2:16:55 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Putting him, ghosts, and Mount Pyre in the same sentence (or location, even) was bound to end all in disaster…

For now he was being chased by spirits that looked… less than human. Oh, no!

“A-a-a-a-a-a-are you k-k-k-k-k-kidding me?!” he whined, the last part of his sentence drawn out like a wail. And much like the malefic energy they represented, the specters were hissing. Hissing his way, however they were speaking… huh. He couldn’t understand what they were saying! What was up with that?

Were they whispering things unknown to him, or were they warning him? Who knows?!

“No, no, no, no, shoo!” he wailed, quickly pulling out two Pokéballs and then flicking them forward at random; finding himself with Hera the Gyarados, who roared at the spirits upon emerging; and his yet-to-be-named Hydreigon, whose mouth-hands began snapping angrily at the specters.

“G-get them away from me!”

Before long, the Gyarados would roar again; before unleashing a powerful burst of Hydro Pump at the other malevolent specters that were gathering; and he had a moment’s notice before the Hydreigon’s tail lashed down against the ground as he made a flying leap and got on the draconid’s back to ride out the Earthquake that shook the immediate vicinity, as if warning the corrupted specters to stay the hell away from them.

“L-let’s get out of here! H-Hera, help!” he stammered, as the Hydreigon made to escape the rampaging Gyarados who then fired off Ice Beam, afterward snapping and biting at any spectral being that dared come too close.

Several minutes after him and the Hydreigon had disappeared into the rolling fog, the Gyarados would catch up with them; at least they were on the right path!


❄️ Mention the whisperings of the dead. (Dec. 21 prompt)
↠ Utilize pokémon moves that will equal to a base power of 250 (Hydro Pump 110, Earthquake 100, Ice Beam 90)
↠ Utilize pokémon with a type advantage against the vengeful spirits (ghost types); Hydreigon [Dark-type]
↠ Pacify the spirits with a pokémon move or distract them long enough to escape


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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 4:38:24 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Needless to say, if she would have known that she was going to be in the middle of a snow storm that could rival the snowy mountains of the Alabaster Icelands, Yuina would have come more prepared, but there was no way of knowing that the cryptid message would have lead to all of this.[break]
El was kind, and offered up an emergency blanket they had, but it would only do so good for so long, they couldn't survive out in the cold without proper gear and protection.[break][break]
"Th-thank you... We should try to keep moving... W-we can't stay still f-for too long... There's so many ghosts here," Yuina returned, motioning Ayashi forward as the pair began to trudge forward.

Prompt: Use the word 'ghosts'[break]
Prompts Completed: 3[break]
Checkpoints Completed: 0[break]
Active Pokemon: Wyrdeer[break]


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played by


October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
111 posts
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TAG WITH @siosoti
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 4:46:50 GMT
Sio meets Makoto's glance as they give it to her- and in turn, she smiles, relaxing once more. "Yes, that...that sounds lovely. I'm sure I could bake something for us; what kind of cookies do you prefer, hm?" she muses in turn, eager now more than ever for something sweet.

But, perhaps that wishful thinking will have to wait. After all, with the change in view up ahead also came what could only be described as whisperings of the dead- of vengeful spirits ready to prey on whoever came near. Surely they'd be able to make it past this, right?

Prompts Completed: 4 (Whispers of the dead)

Checkpoints Completed: N/A

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
736 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 7:06:40 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Baking some cookies? The idea of that certainly sounded tempting to Makoto, though the question of what sorts they preferred was a good one. "Mmm... I'd... like to help, if you're gonna bake something for me." They spoke first, giving a sheepish chuckle, before musing "I've never given my favorite cookie much thought, but... Chocolate chip is good,"

Though they, too, had taken note of the whispers of malicious or otherwise agitated spirits. The place they approached, though clearly a landmark, was filled with what might've once been shrines or grave markers that had long-since fallen into disrepair amidst the wear and tear of the chilling elements.

And with the duo's arrival, spirits and ghost-type pokemon alike arose, disturbed by their presences.

Kuro emerged with a low growl - the ghost-type Zorua setting aside its anxieties to instead fight. Ghostly energy like chilling flames rose in the little kit's wake, as it threw itself at the nearest ghost with Bitter Malice (75)!

Yurei snorted, hooves briefly stamping at the ground as her initial instinct was to move away - but the group was quickly growing surrounded. Their horns lit up with psychic energy, shocking an approaching pokemon with her own Extrasensory (80)!

Makoto, meanwhile, had to hang on tight in that brief moment - their knuckles whitening around the reins. "W-watch our backs!" They called to Sio, "We'll find a way through!" It was hard enough to watch their front as it was; but there was most definitely a benefit to not being alone.

But at the very least? Their pokemon were holding their own quite well - perhaps partly due to the both of them being partial normal-types. As a Dark Pulse (80) was let loose by Kuro - sending more pokemon reeling - Yurei would let out a whistling cry as she charged forwards, antlers glowing brilliantly in a Psyshield Bash (70)..!

Which would help to provide an opening, which the Wyrdeer did not hesitate to take, galloping forwards through the snow. The ghosts, not done with the hunt, would attempt to give chase...

... But would find themselves mysteriously drawn away, by the dazzling lights of a little fox's Spotlight.

It was hard to say, exactly, how long Makoto allowed Yurei to run for -but once they could no longer see or hear the hostile spirits, they'd bring her to a stop with a drawn out exhale. "Y... You okay..?" They questioned, glancing back to Sio.

At the very least, their own pokemon weren't all that beat up - Kuro soon emerging from wherever it had led the ghosts to, to hop into Makoto's lap and curl up.
Prompts Completed: 5 (Whispers)
Checkpoints Completed: 1 (Completed Prompts)

Prompts Done:
Whispers, Rudolph, Hot Beverage/Food, Fond Memory, Offering Assistance
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 7:12:37 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El smiled a bit, as Yuina accepted the blanket - happy to have been able to help, even if only a little. They were no scrooge!

But, she definitely had the right idea of things, to keep moving. Which, El wasted no time in nudging Heidrun onwards at a decent click. "I-I've, uhm, been keeping to the right when I can - and having Baron mark where we've been," They explained to her as they moved - adding "That way, if we get lost, we just have to keep to the left instead to find our way back."

It wasn't like the exact path up was clear - just trying to take paths that went up the mountain could easily lead to dead ends they found. So, it was better to have a system in place - and this system worked for most mazes, right?
Prompts Completed: 5 (Scrooge)
Checkpoints Completed: N/A

Prompts Done:
Scrooge, Miracle, Jumpscare, White, Hot Beverage/Food
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 7:31:05 GMT
Ettie Avatar
But as it turned out, the path ahead was frought with more danger than she had initially expected, when the howls and whispers about her seemed to grow all the louder. In this place of old and forgotten resting places, the ghosts here seemed all the more hostile..!

Anne would quickly bristle with the rising danger - teeth bared as she growled, protectively hovering near Ettie. Zeit whined a bit - unsure...

... But Ettie, reaching down to pet the little Growlithe, would switch him out - instead bringing out Adraea in his stead.

Wolf and crow glanced to one another - and though the Honchkrow was normally the mischievous sort... It only took a glance for the dark-type to realize the situation.

And thus, when Anne threw her head back in a Howl, Adraea was quick to throw the first punch - a Sucker Punch (70), in fact! And with the enemies on the back foot, Anne snarled - a vicious Stone Edge (100) rising from the earth to send them reeling back!

It was clear that Adraea had no interest in being shown up, though; engaging in a bit of Foul Play (95) to further bamboozle the spirits.

But, things were tricky; as though the group were able to fight their way past, the ghosts pursued still, and spirits were not beholden to limits such as the thick snow or stamina.

It was when Ettie felt one of her pokeballs jolt, that she realized there was a potential answer. Switching Adraea out, Anat would come forth - the Lucario standing tall, wreathed in the faintest glow of aura.

And it was through aura that she would work to soothe the spirits, applying it in a calming Heal Pulse. In the wake of this aura, the howling quieted, the whispers softened...

... And before Ettie knew it, her ears were met with only the sound of the wind rustling the trees.
Open to interactions =w=
Prompts Completed: 5 (Ghosts)
Checkpoints Completed: 1 (Completed Prompts)

Prompts Done:
Icicles, Ghosts, Snow, Jumpscare, White
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played by


October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
111 posts
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TAG WITH @siosoti
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 7:54:13 GMT
"Oh, goodness- then remind me before you come over. Everything's... a bit of a mess!" Sio chuckles, rubbing the back of their neck. "But truly, thank you. Perhaps I can make a variety of them, then; it could certainly help you decide on a favorite, and it'd be fun for both of us-"

But likewise, Sio's ghost-type pokemon had quickly taken notice of the vengeful spirits trying to steal away their owner and her friend, immediately raring up to fight. Itiá gives a rattling cry to the group of phantoms to warn them- or perhaps even taunt them, knowing how dramatic and confident she can get.

"I've got us- just hang on tight!" Sio calls back, gripping tighter onto Makoto- her own grip whitening her knuckles with how her hands clasp together.

Thankfully, while Yurei and Kuro have the front end handled, Itiá and Wisp quickly bolt around to behind the crew. The Phantump rears back, eyes glinting with malice and confidence alike as she slams down a Wood Hammer(120)! After another cry from one ghost-type, the other- the ever eager and mischievous Lampent whistles back. He sets the Wood Hammer ablaze with a sudden burst of flame in the form of an Overheat(130)! With the two's power combined, the opposing ghost pokemon seem to disappear just as quickly as they had once risen- easily pacified by the chaotic duo.

Sio braces herself for the rest of the ride, keeping a close eye on Makoto and their shared team of pokemon. And even though they all seem perfectly fine, she exhales just as heavily and roots through her bag.

"I'm...I'm alright. Are you? If you need anything, I usually keep a small first aid kit on hand." Besides- if Makoto was going to help her, there was nothing stopping her from returning the favor. Though in her searching, she does find a baggie of some generic yet ever familiar soft caramels. Sio takes a handful out- Itiá taking her piece with a slightly tired yet ever happy rattle while the detective offers another to Kuro. After all, such hard workers deserve only the best treats.

Prompts Completed: 5 (Offering Help)

Checkpoints Completed: 1 (Completed Prompts)

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 15:17:40 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

It wouldn’t take too long before he would run afoul of some spirits again—however these spirits were obviously corrupted; they look much more demented—deranged, twisted—and he blinked.

He wasn’t as fazed as most people when it came to encountering the shades of the dead, all things considered, because he’d already met some of them at the Border.

For a few moments he thought he saw the wayward spirit of his younger sister, Léanne, among the specters that were wandering around Mount Pyre before the corrupted ones began chasing him…

How else to combat a ghost with another ‘ghost’? In fact, he had several…

Out came his Greninja, ready to fight and immediately throwing out a Night Slash towards the closest corrupted malevolent force; trying to dissuade it enough so that they could make a quick getaway—

However there were more specters that were intent on chasing them down, and a second Pokémon emerged; his Rotom… wait, that wasn’t his Water Rotom! Either way, this was one of the three(?) he knew that could use a—

“Right now would be perfect, thank you!” he yelped as the Heat Rotom then fired off a surprise Hydro Cannon and the Greninja followed up with two instances of Water Shuriken while they made their quick getaway into the rolling fog!

❄️ See spirits of loved ones while traversing the maze. (Dec. 21 prompt)
↠ Utilize pokémon moves that will equal to a base power of 250 (150 Hydro Cannon, 70 Night Slash, 15 * 2 Water Shuriken)
↠ Utilize pokémon with a type advantage against the vengeful spirits (ghost types); Greninja [part-Dark type]
↠ Pacify the spirits with a pokémon move or distract them long enough to escape


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played by


he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 15:46:23 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
“Oh, come on!” he whined quietly as he realized that he’d seen the same rickety little tree for the third… fourth… was it fifth, sixth time now?

Was he lost?!


And then there were several rogue spirits that looked like twisted zombies were chasing after him!

“Really?!” he yelped as he threw out two Pokéballs; relieved to see his Absol and Gardevoir emerge from the beams of red light; the Gardevoir immediately opening fire with a Dazzling Gleam; while the Absol then peered into the Future, taking Sight of what was going to happen—

All the while the specters were still chasing them through the mess of a maze!

“Let’s go!” he shouted, as the Absol then threw out a Sucker Punch to help distract the specters that were chasing them as they went deeper into the maze…

+ @tag
+ prompt: ❄️ Get lost in the maze. (Dec. 21 prompt)
+ Utilize pokémon moves that will equal to a base power of 250 (80 Dazzling Gleam, 120 Future Sight, 70 Sucker Punch)
+ Utilize pokémon with a type advantage against the vengeful spirits (ghost types); Absol [Dark-type]
+ Pacify the spirits with a pokémon move or distract them long enough to escape

[newclass=".iggy b"] color:#e6194e;font-size:13px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".iggy a"] font-size:13px; font-family: courier new; text-transform: lowercase!important; [/newclass]
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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 1:44:28 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


This whole thing really was a nightmare before christmas, it was so close to the winter holiday, was that meant to be part of the ploy? The ruse? Knowing that people were looking for holiday joy in such a trying time and dashing it at the first chance?[break]
El's method was very thoughtful, and came with it's own merit, but as they moved through the ice and snow together Yuina couldn't help but wonder...[break][break]
"True... But... You don't think, the maze could change... Do you? It-t's all white with snow... It's k-kind of hard to tell w-which direction we're going in the first place...," Yuina worried, if this woman was as malicious as she made all of this feel, Yuina didn't feel like it was out of the question for the maze to be changing as they went through its walls... It would be easy... With the snow that never stopped falling...


Prompt: Mention a 'holiday movie title'[break]
Prompts Completed: 4[break]
Checkpoints Completed: 0[break]
Active Pokemon: Wyrdeer[break]
Advent Calendar Day 21: Mention a holiday themed movie[break]


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 5:19:45 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Seeing the mist roll around Route 121 when she would be trying to find other ghost type Pokemon to add to her family of other spirits, the royal ambassador finds herself in a snowy place surrounded by trees. Her faithful witch-like partner materializes from where the Mismagius had been watching out for her charge until they can get out of here. They had come onto the path near the graveyard since Elise remembers that there were rifts around the route she was on.[break][break]

Walking onto the path and expecting that her other ghosts would be waiting for her outside of whatever place she had been whisked away to, she sees a familiar blond man panicking from Arceus knows what kind of evil has chased him now. Running up to approach the Fortree gym leader, the female royal calls out to him.[break][break]

“Are you alright?! What happened?” Her expression turned to concern if he was probably running away from something.



- Prompt: ❄️ Reference ‘ghosts’ in some way.[break]
- Active Pokemon: Mismagius



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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
736 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 5:55:46 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
As things quiet down, Makoto lets out a relieved sigh - practically ready to melt in the saddle, if not for the fact that Sio was right behind them. "I... I think I'm alright, and Yurei wasn't hurt at all in the chaos..."

Though, a glance to Kuro does find that he has a few scrapes - nothing serious, but no doubt it had gotten into a more close-up scuffle with the hostile ghosts at some point. That, or it had gotten caught on the foliage whilst drawing said spirits away.

Makoto is more than happy to accept some help in patching the little kit up... But what really seems to perk things up for the group, is when Kuro takes notice of the caramels that Sio had - prompting a soft chuckle from Makoto.

The Zorua's approach is slow, careful, and ginger... But once it is within range, it quickly (yet feather-lightly) snatches up the caramel! And with treat obtained, Kuro returns to their place on Makoto's lap - chewing on the caramel.

With this, Makoto smiles back to Sio. "Thank you... Maybe after a few more caramels, you'll get Kuro to linger around?" They muse - equal parts humorous and hopeful. They'd certainly like for Kuro to warm up to other people!
Prompts Completed: 6 (Accepting Help)
Prompts Done:
Whispers, Rudolph, Hot Beverage/Food, Fond Memory, Offering Help, Accepting Help

Checkpoints Completed: 1

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 6:16:00 GMT
Ettie Avatar
With the danger no more, Ettie takes this as an opportunity to rest - taking shelter with Anne and Anat both under an overhang. Sharing in the warmth of her packmates, fingers idly tracing along the pokeballs that she holds close... She realizes just how far the pack had come, ever since those first days setting out on one's lonesome alongside Anne.

There is a certain warmth, to it all. She had a good pack. A strong pack. And a den to come home to, once she found her way out of here.

The distant sounds of crunching snow would soon draw her attention though - and she would glance up to see and his Absol both!

"Hello!" Ettie called, with a wave of her arm. "Am friend! Rest with pack?"

Anat, glancing up as well, would wave to the duo - though Anne simply watched with a quiet stare.
Prompts Completed: 6 (Fond Memory)
Prompts Done:
Icicles, Ghosts, Snow, Jumpscare, White, Fond Memory

Checkpoints Completed: 1

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP