i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2023 16:45:23 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Since these ghosts were a little different than the ones she owned and raised, the ambassador wished they wouldn’t encounter any more of the supernatural threats…for Alex’s sake. “I would hope we won’t encounter any more of those supernatural threats anymore than we have to.” The female royal responds back to Alexei while she looks up to the sky and sees the same aurora borealis the gym leader was seeing. They were rare and only seen in the north parts of the world, something that she’ll see in a lifetime if she was lucky. [break][break]

Her Mismagius floats close to her when Alexei asked if they’ll find something close to where the northern lights were. “Yes, I’d think we’ll find something if we can head over there.” While Alexei tells her to stay close to him, Elise is reminded of how her personal guard spoke of this too when he was by her side. “I’ll stay close to you, don’t worry. We’re sticking together since I do not want to leave you alone with the spirits here.”



- Prompt(s) cleared: ❄️ Use the word ‘aurora borealis’ in a post.[break]
- Active Pokemon: Mismagius[break]



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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 3:25:34 GMT
Ettie Avatar
At the question of combat, Ettie took a second to consider it, before nodding. She didn't seem afraid; if anything, at the mention of a possible fight, something shifted in her demeanor as she gazed ahead once more. Her gaze sharpened, her hands gripped at the spikes in Anne's mane more tightly, muscles winding up... It was like she was ready to pounce straight from the Lycanroc's back, at the drop of a hat!

She had zero qualms at throwing hands in the face of danger.

And, in turn, danger had zero qualms in showing itself, as the group reached the peak.

Because there, stood the masked maiden - or... No, there stood a Froslass. It was clearly the source of the light - in her chest, a Power Spot was embedded; the red-violet light that shone from it illuminating the peak, reflecting off of the glitter of the snow and the facets of the surrounding Tera Crystals.

And as the Froslass took notice of them, the winds would begin to shriek at her beckon - a snowstorm forming around the peak...!

Anne and Anat were ready, however; as the Lycanroc would tilt her head back in a Howl, one that Anat would join in with Copycat, to empower the collective! Even Ettie would join the chorus with a howl of her own - "Aoooooouuuuuuuu!" - throwing her head back and calling from the top of her lungs!

A Blizzard filled the air - but Anne and Anat would stand their grounds even as shards of ice whipped at them and the winds threatenede to send them flying, before charging forth into battle.

They moved like a pack on the hunt - Anne tackling into the Froslass with Accelerock (40) to Crunch (80) down on it, holding the ghost still. Which, left the Froslass open to a Meteor Mash (90) from Anat - who struck at the Power Spot that was embedded in the ice-type's chest, stunning her!

And here, Ettie would glance back to Jack and his pokemon - calling "Now!" with a surprisingly authorative tone, from such a little girl. The Froslass was open, for his pokemon to make the final blows.
Prompts Completed: 12
Prompts Done:
Icicles, Ghosts, Snow, Jumpscare, White, Fond Memory, Offering Aid, Candy, Receive Aid, Miracle, Warm Food/Beverage, Masked Maiden

Checkpoints Completed: 2 (210/350 BP + hoping that leaving the froslass open for jack to finish counts for the ko prompt lmao)

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
736 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 3:51:57 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Yurei would snort softly in reaction to the pat - the Wyrdeer glancing back at Sio. Faint, vague, the sense of appreciation came off of Yurei in response - no doubt an expression of her psychic abilities, given the faint glow of her antlers.

But as the group continued to ascend to the peak, it appeared that Makoto's intuition was correct.

Because at the top, the masked maiden -- no, on a second glance, the maiden was not there. Instead, there floated a Froslass, who bore a glowing Power Spot in her chest - and upon noticing the group, she would beckon an arm to summon a snowstorm around the peak!

As the ghost was clearly hostile, Makoto was quick to call out commands to their pokemon. "Yurei - Me First on Kuro! Kuro, Bitter Malice!"

With a snarl, the Zorua would emerge from Makoto's shadow once more, ghostly flames rising up at the fox's beck and call...

... But, as Yurei's antlers began to glow with psychic energy, they'd take on those very same flames, as Me First allowed her to copy Kuro's attack..! Which meant that a pair of Bitter Malices (75 x2) would fire off at the Froslass, one after another!

The ghost-type shrieked under the pair of super-effective attacks - and in turn, would fire off a retaliatory Ice Beam at Yurei and her riders!

Yurei, however, would act quick as she countered with Psyshield Bash (70); a shield of psychic force forming before them. Though it was not a perfect block - some of the icy energy chilling at the Wyrdeer's fur - Yurei would not falter...

"Hang on tight..!"

... And charging forward, she would slam it into the Froslass - cracking her Power Spot, and leaving the ghost reeling, open to the attacks of Sio's own pokemon!
Prompts Completed: 12
Prompts Done:
Whispers, Rudolph, Hot Beverage/Food, Fond Memory, Offering Help, Accepting Help, Singing Carol, Jumpscare, White, Overcoming Fear, Survive an Avalanche, Icicles

Checkpoints Completed: 3 (Checkpoint Prompts; 220/350 BP)

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 4:26:40 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El was careful, even if Ro was gentle about setting them down on the ground. With the icy conditions, they were glad that they had picked up an attachment for their cane the year before - little spikes, meant to go on the end to grip at slick ground much like boot cleats. Steadying themself against their cane, they'd glance to the peak above - then to Laurence - nodding. "We're r-ready," They confirmed.

But, Yuina had made a good point about the threat of those spirits. While pokemon were straightforward, actual ghosts weren't quite the same. But... "D-do either of you have g-ghost types...? Maybe t-that'd help..." They mused out loud - adding "All e-else fails... I t-think Ysera's Moonlight had calmed th-them down, earlier?"

Maybe her - and Toridcless - could pacify the spirits, if they became an issue?

Either way though, Baron would get off of Ysera's back, allowing El to climb back onto the Hydreigon. And with that, the group would begin the trek up the mountain - up towards the looming glowing peak, that drew ever-closer...
Prompts Completed: 12
Prompts Done:
Masked Maiden, Scrooge, Miracle, Jumpscare, White, Hot Beverage/Food, Lost, Wish, Icicles, Survive Avalanche, Rudolph, Aurora Borealis

Checkpoints Completed: 2

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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
111 posts
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TAG WITH @siosoti
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 5:02:33 GMT
Feeling the positive emotions come off of Yurei, Sio would hum and nod in response - giving her one last pat for the road.

Intuition- it's a funny thing, really. Sio had felt off about the Masked Maiden throughout the entire of this nightmarish journey, and here she was proven right as well. A hostile Frolass beckons the duo and their pokemon closer- to the bitter cold of terror and death.

But of course, Sio's already prepared to bounce off of Makoto's calls with her own, and- surprisingly- her Smeargle is just as readt to follow. "Quill - Sketch on Yurei! Follow their lead!"

Quill readies himself with a snarl and a concentrated expression- flinging his tail in all directions as he observes the Wyrdeer. With the eager glint in his eyes, it's immediately clear that Me First is right up his alley, along with the ghastly flames of Bitter Malice! The energetic Smeargle immediately makes use of the latter move, sneering at the "Maiden" and inflicting her with an extra third dose of Bitter Malice! (75)

Although, there's something to consider; an artist is never done after just one masterpiece, is he? He keeps the brush end of his tail at the ready- eagerly Sketching one last time, right after Yurei bashes at the Froslass's Power Spot. Even with Makoto's command to hold on tight, Quill howls with a newfound spark, forming his own shield and knocking the ghost-type down with another Psyshield Bash right to her Power Spot! (70)

. . .

Slowly, the very power that had corrupted the area dies down, leaving a shaking yet smiling Sio and a panting, tail-wagging Quill. Besides, even if he'd been scratched up some, he was still more than proud of himself, and for good reason! The detective, finally breathing a more relaxed sigh into the bitter cold, hums contentedly afterward.

"So...that was it. Did you still want to come back to mine for cookies and tea, darling? I figure I can help us patch up on the way home."

Prompts Completed: 12

Prompts Done:

Rudolph, Accepting Help, Merry, Whispers, Offering Help, Scrooge, Singing Carol, White, Wish, Overcoming Fear, Surviving an Avalanche, Icicle

Checkpoints Completed: 3 (365/350 BP, Froslass KO, Power Spot Hit)

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 5:48:08 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


The mountain peak was nearing, and the ominous feeling of it all was definitely closing in. Surely they were getting close to this maiden, and to the end of this nightmare. It was fortunate, their new friend that had come to their rescue through the avalanche, snatching them up from the icy snow and then being able to make it to the peak together. They were probably as ready as they could be...[break][break]
Yuina returned Daikenki and Rasza, she knew she had one partner in particular that was very right for the job. She released Kyoko, the Typhlosion out into the cold night, looking between her two comrades.[break][break]
"I think we're as ready as possible... N-not knowing what t-to expect... As long as we stick together, and we d-don't get separated, we sh-should be able to do this...," Yuina shivered, staying close now to Kyoko's warmth as they started towards the peak, the snow crunching beneath her shoes.


Prompt: Receive help from another character in the maze[break]
Prompts Completed: 12[break]
Checkpoints Completed: 2[break]
Active Pokemon: H!Typhlosion[break]


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 9:17:49 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
And there, at the peak, was their final challenge upon this frozen mountain.

The source of the glowing lights became quickly obvious, that of the masked maiden - no, a Froslass upon a momentary blink - that stood before them, the red-violet glow of the Power Spot in her chest illuminating the space. It reflected in the glitter of the snow, the shine of the Tera Crystals, casting the light to the sky above. And upon seeing the group, the winds would howl at her beck and call as a snowstorm began to form.

At first, Ysera was prepared to step forth to fight - the Hydreigon preparing to let down a rain of meteors with a mighty bellow...

... But here, the Froslass shot first - an Ice Beam from the ghost quickly freezing the dragon, empowered by the crystals and Power Spot first.

"Y-Ysera..!" El gasped - startled by the strength that the Froslass put on display. But not about to let her be further harmed, they are quick to recall her to her pokeball... and glancing to Baron, meeting one another's gazes, there is only but a moment's passing before the two have found consensus.

Baron steps forward, forming and readying his spear. And as the Froslass rises into the sky, preparing something--

"Go f-for it, Baron!" El called - reaching out to that shared connection in their minds. "Final Verse; Stardiver!" (Guesstimating 190)

Z-power flared about the knight - and moving like a speeding bullet, he bounces between the Tera Crystals, using them as vantage points to climb. And upon perching atop the tallest one, he makes a mighty leap into the sky - disappearing amongst the storm and clouds.

The only sign that he is present is the glow of Z-Power and fairy-type energy alike, a bright pink light shining high in the sky...

wreathed in energy, the pokemon leaps on high before diving to deal a vicious blow. this deals increased damage to airborne pokemon, including those using fly, bounce, or sky drop and grounds them for 3 turns.
(Potentially flashy gif!)

... Before he becomes a falling star, diving upon the Froslass spear-first, wreathed in blinding light. The spear strikes into the ghost's Power Spot, sending her to the earth; and as the vivid energy bursts outwards and dissipates, it reveals the Froslass stunned, weakened, and most certainly open to a followup from the others.

Pulling his spear free, Baron vaults off of the Froslass to perch atop a nearby crystal, the message he sends to the others clear; now was the time for an all-out attack!
Prompts Completed: 12
Prompts Done:
Masked Maiden, Scrooge, Miracle, Jumpscare, White, Hot Beverage/Food, Lost, Wish, Icicles, Survive Avalanche, Rudolph, Aurora Borealis

Checkpoints Completed: 3 (190/350; based the base power for the z-move off of the BP of other pokemon-based z-moves)

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 13:53:14 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

It was time to face off… whatever was waiting for them at the peak of the mountain. Perhaps the way out was through there?

(How could one explain the ‘northern lights’ leading them there?)

Now that he could get a closer look at his companions, he belatedly realized that they were both Rangers… maybe it was for the best that they didn’t know who he was; asides from someone trapped in this ‘collective hallucination’.

“If for some reason this is not a collective hallucination, would you two be alright with meeting up once we get the hell out of here to go over what happened here?” he offered the two.

Before they could do that, though…

“Let’s tackle this little problem.”

Seeing that there was something that was the equivalent of an intercontinental ballistic missile that came striking down from the heavens—he cackled quietly.

“Good grief,” he continued as he popped open the Dusk Ball that had his Heat-form Rotom and threw it forward; watching as the stove… microwave… Pokémon zipped forward, before suddenly bursting out a blast of powerful water in the form of a Hydro Cannon attack.

Now see, the funny thing about this was that since this was the Fire-type of Rotom, it was… it was boiling-hot water that came soaring out from the open door of the Rotom’s ‘oven’… receptacle before striking the crystal that was glowing ominously, even though there was a powerful storm raining down on them. While it lessened the effect of the storm somewhat…

“Go, get them!” he continued, while the Metagross used Telekinesis again; the better to stave off the worst effects of the storm that was howling around them.

Maybe with one more attack, they could be able to escape and get out of here…!

↠ Work with a partner(s) and utilize pokémon moves with a base power equal to 350 (Hydro Cannon: 150 + the z-move from El; the rest is all yours Yuina!)
↠ Damage the power spot that’s enhancing the Froslass’ power. (knocked off a chip from the power spot)
↠ Pacify or knock out the Froslass and pass the last hurdle. (setting this up for Yuina; pacify? Or just setting up for the final blow?!)

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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 15:25:22 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
The moment they got to their destination—the cold winds were howling and coming down on them both; and while his Absol shivered, he knew that there was but one answer to all of this—


Swapping his Gardevoir’s Pokéball out for another one, he then threw forward the one that contained his hot-headed Incineroar, Bas, before sliding off the back of his Absol because he knew he was going to need her help through all this.

“Go help them!” he shouted, crouching down as a cold wind came rippling through the area where they were located—the Incineroar unleashed a Flamethrower attack to dissipate the cold; while the Absol, reckless as she was charged forward with a Night Slash while aiming at the power spot that was glowing rather ominously—like ticking time bomb ready to explode.

“Get out of range! It looks ready to—” he trailed off before a sudden explosion of light shook the area.

“Ettie, get down!” he yelled as he made a flying leap towards her in an attempt to shield her from harm.

His Incineroar and Absol were still standing despite the explosion of light that had temporarily blinded them—

The Absol came crashing in with another Night Slash on the Froslass, before the Incineroar came in riding high with a Darkest Lariat attack to knock the Froslass down and out!

+ Work with a partner(s) and utilize pokémon moves with a base power equal to 350 (Flamethrower 90, Night Slash 70)
+ Damage the power spot that’s enhancing the Froslass’ power. (attacking the power spot with above-mentioned Flamethrower and Night Slash)
+ Pacify or knock out the Froslass and pass the last hurdle.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 15:58:35 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“S-stay near me,” he breathed out, not realizing that his breath was misting and fogging up the closer they got to where… holy shit on a stick.

See, this exactly was why he was against having these strange ‘power spots’ so close to civilization—the size of the one they’d approached was massive, and at the helm of it all was an angry, angry Froslass…

“Oh, come on—alright, fine!” he grumbled as this time, he threw out his Charizard, Ravana—better than his Salamence since they were going up against a Ghost-type that was also part-Ice.

“Go!” he yelled and the Charizard opened fire on the Froslass with Flamethrower, while on second thought—his Magmortar also made an appearance, who then opened fire on the Froslass as well with Thunderbolt while he recalled the Braviary for his safety!

“Miss Elise, can you help hit the strange glowing thing for me while I distract the Froslass?!” he exclaimed as he tilted his head in the direction of the ominously-glowing spot that was empowering the Froslass as it brought down a Blizzard around them.

↠ Work with a partner(s) and utilize pokémon moves with a base power equal to 350 (Flamethrower 90, Thunderbolt 90)

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 16:08:12 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


No sooner had they crested the top of the mountain than did it all become clear... The raging blizzard, the ice and snow that came in such a heavy onslaught, the power of the ghosts and spirits that wandered here... A Froslass was at the heart of it, the maiden was a ghost, empowered by Tera Crystals and one of those power spots like at the bottom of that island...[break][break]
Their acquaintance offered a reprieve after the fact, in hopes that this wasn't all some dream, that they were really here and helping each other. Surely, they would remember this night, and know that they were allies here, that they had worked together to get through this nightmare? Yuina hated the thought of being forced to forget something...[break][break]
The Froslass laid waste upon the mountain's peak, the blizzard would surely bury them all if they couldn't stand their ground, and so they had to strike with everything that they could. El's Pokemon dealt a devastating blow, opening the way for their acquaintance's Pokemon to strike, but they needed to make sure that it couldn't keep drawing power...[break]
Yuina took out one other Pokeball as Kyoko beside her used her ghostly flames to keep ghosts and spirits at bay around them, and from the ball Roble emerged, his giant round figure creating a divot in the snow.[break]
"Roble, the power spot," Yuina called over the swirling snow, and the Electrode rushed forward over the snow, finding the open chance to get close as the Hydro Canon tore through the battle.[break][break]
"Everybody get down," Yuina shouted, ducking down and shielding herself the best that she could low to the ground as Roble rolled right into the power spot and detonated with a powerful Chloroblast that shook the very ground they stood on. Snow erupted all around them, the explosion dealing a heavy blow to the power the Froslass was drawing, and for that moment everything fell still as the explosion subsided...[break][break]
The ghost wavered, its power drained, and Yuina stood with Kyoko, they had the chance to end it but... Her memory flashed, that far away place, the Froslass that roamed the Alabaster Icelands, scorned and betrayed... It wasn't her fault...[break][break]
"Kyoko, jihi," Yuina spoke then in the sullen, eerie quiet of the moment where the Froslass was waning and the storm had stopped... Where the Typhlosion was flared, purple fire spiraling around her, at Yuina's word the flames quelled, and the fire type instead made a Wish. She held the soft, soothing energy in her paws for only a moment before gently tossing it into the air, giving it to the ghost. In that moment, everything fell still, and the Froslass vanished, taking the stormy snow with her.

Prompt: LET'S HECKIN' GO[break]
Prompts Completed: 12[break]
Checkpoints Completed: 3[break]
Active Pokemon: H!Typhlosion and H!Electrode[break]
1.) Z Move + Hydro Canon + Chloroblast = way more than 350 BP; 2.) Roble detonates inside the power spot; 3.) Kyoko makes a Wish and gives the calming, soothing energy to the Froslass to pacify the spirit[break]


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 21:55:55 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

They reach a Power Spot as she sees an angry white Froslass come out. This was not a friendly one and she sends out her Froslass and Aerodactyl to help Alexei deal with the angered spirit. “Shadow Ball and follow that up with Thunderbolt.” The two attacks from Mari the Froslass create a dark looking bolt of lightning which fired at the Froslass and Elise watches the Froslass get knocked out on the ground. “I think that should do it.” The female royal gives out a long sigh before the rumbling makes her look behind her to see that there was yet another avalanche coming.[break][break]

“Go with him, I’ll take care of the avalanche.” After her two other Pokemon were directed to follow Alexei, Seteth and Mari go along with the Fortree gym leader, her Mismagius tries to use Psychic to mitigate the running avalanche though the ambassador releases her Dragonair to help her Mismagius in stopping it from covering them with Flamethrower.[break][break]




- Prompt(s) cleared: ❄️ Use the color ‘white’ in a post, Block or Shield against the incoming avalanche (Must roll at least above a 50 for the mitigation to be successful) (checkpoint #2 prompt)[break]
- Active Pokemon: Mismagius, Dragonair (Aerodactyl and Froslass go with Alex)[break]



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2023 4:59:42 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Little did they know that the avalanche that had happened just now was caused by the angry Froslass’s spite and pent-up emotions; fueled by the ominously-glowing crystal that it was so zealously protecting—

“And that’s that,” he chuckled quietly as another Thunderbolt followed up by a Shadow Ball subdued the spiteful Froslass—for the moment.

There was still the little problem of the ominous glowing to deal with—

“Ravana, stand guard over our ‘little friend’ here,” he continued as he tilted his head in the knocked-out Froslass’s direction; “Agni, and you two—please follow me, we have to deal with that,” he added as he pointed at the power spot because man that ominous glowing was really, really, really bad if left unattended.

The Magmortar than proceeded to open fire on the ominous glowing with a Flamethrower attack, renewed by the sudden propelling burst from the two arm-cannons while he allowed the other two Pokémon that were with him to join in as well—the Aerodactyl turning the flames into mini-meteors by way of Rock Slide while another barrage of Shadow Ball followed up as well.

They had to at least damage the ‘power spot’ a little bit, otherwise…

A sudden explosion of light came from the point where the attacks had converged; before a loud cracking noise echoed throughout the area.

Dang, how big was this thing? He had to look over to make sure that the Never-Melt Ice holding the danged thing in place was still there before confirming that the cracking noise did come from the ‘power spot’, where it was now damaged somewhat.

Little did he realize that while they were damaging the ‘power spot’, it would inevitably cause yet another avalanche that would be headed Miss Elise’s way…


↠ Work with a partner(s) and utilize pokémon moves with a base power equal to 350 (Flamethrower 90, Thunderbolt 90 + Thunderbolt 90, Shadow Ball 80 from ’s pokémon)
↠ Damage the power spot that’s enhancing the Froslass’ power. (cracked the thing, hope this counts)
↠ Pacify or knock out the Froslass and pass the last hurdle. (done by Miss Elise, working in tandem)

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP