i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON May 18, 2020 19:45:36 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
despite all the attention and impact that made, along with every other person trying to force their way in through the security, priam keeps to his person and stays in character.

having applied to the same place as @zacharias, priam feels at home in the basement as well. the only difference is that he was hired just a few days prior to the contest day. he was technically a contractual employee, working only until the hype from the tree dies down, though it does not matter much given what was going to transpire this day.

the id on his id reads 'conrad' as a given name along with a random surname. he wears the same uniform as every other employee of the venue, although he wears a jacket that makes him look bulkier than he is on top of it.

he joins zach at the vending machine once he spots him like the social butterfly that he is. his hand reach to his pockets as he approaches him, pulling them out to find nothing on them.

"do you have spare change?" he asks as he attempts to find any cash on his person.

  • priam is with zacharias at the vending machine


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 1:32:37 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

"Come on Whisper... I know you don't wanna do it, but we came all this way." Ruby pouted softly at her Pokemon, the Hatterene standing still with an incredibly uncomfortable look on her face. The sounds, the cheering from above, the emotions compounding in the contest hall, all of it together had Whisper struggling. Even with all of the love and support from Ruby helping her on, such a huge event was too much for her without having an outlet for her aggression.

Ruby sighed, gently placing her hand against Whisper's side, remaining silent. She knew Whisper well enough that she could sense her appreciation and understanding, that further words weren't needed at all. For her part, Whisper was genuinely trying her best to listen to her trainer and relax as well.

However, perhaps some things just weren't meant to be. Almost as if out of nowhere, there was a commotion involving another hat-wearing Pokemon. Someone was causing a complaint about this famous pokemon idol, unknown to her to actually be , and Ruby's interest was piqued. More people? More rooms? Didn't the contest just start? She had to bail out of it because Whisper wasn't doing so good, but that was only the start.

More people filtered down into the basement area one at a time and Ruby's innate curiosity quickly came into effect. A very... revealing woman came down, unknownst to Ruby to actually be , and went to talk to some guards. Yet another individual ( ) came down with a pokemon claiming to need more work done, intent to charge through further into the basement area.

Just what was going on all of a sudden? It was almost too much to even keep up with. Pokemon left and right, people all over the place. She came down here to give Whisper some time to relax, to maybe, hopefully, attempt to go back and actually take part in the contest. But with all the noise, all the talking, all the action, it was having the entirely opposite effect.

Whisper's frustrated state only grew worse as she stared across the room and Ruby could practically sense her pokemon's intense frustration. All these emotions running rampant, it was too much. And then there was suddenly one individual that Ruby couldn't help but look at. Someone suddenly was down here performing tricks... and looked terrifying. Some horrifying, terrible clown charging in with a dinosaur Pokemon of all things, screaming about how he was a jester and flipping off of his Pokemon. All of this combined had Ruby's curiosity quickly shift to suspicion. Something odd was going on.

Contrary to popular belief, however, not everyone loves jazz hands. Before Ruby can even begin to attempt to help Whisper calm down or pull her back into her Pokeball it was too late. Whisper quickly blinked over towards the acrobatic, annoying clown, with a combination of her levitation and extremely short teleportation. Intensely frustrated, with Whisper's anger soaring into heavens, she did what came naturally to her species when confronted with loud noises and intense emotions.

She would attempt to slam her fist straight into 's face, intent to silence the literal fool.


Notes: Ruby had to pull out of the contest because Whisper got overwhelmed, but then all the people  coming down once again got her overwhelmed even more, and she lashed out in anger at Goro.


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Rocket Scientist
Head Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 3:38:01 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
When this plan was devised she had not expected to actually be put to work as much as she ended up being, though it was a small price to pay in exchange for ease of access to the contest hall.

Much like @zacharias and she was now currently under the employment of this place, under the name Dora, having used the former as a reference to ease the process of getting hired. But unlike the later she had been brought on earlier, Zacharias did a bit too well of a job talking her up which ended up meaning a lot of work for her.

But this did mean however she was quite familiar now with the layout of this place. This is what made things quick when she and , another wonderful employee, were tasked with restocking the vending machine in the basement.

What she had not expected, however, was the complete and utter mess that was now the basement. She was perplexed to the point of her head beginning to hurt trying to make sense of what was going on. Like who allowed the complete idiocy of to even get this far? Did no one catch the clown and his Tyrantrum?

Eva doesn’t dwell on it much and focuses on the task at hand; getting this trolley they were pulling over to the vending machine which was easier with the help of her orbeetle.

If she were to actually pay more attention then she already was as to what was going on she was sure she was going to die from a brain aneurysm Besides they were just simple minimum-wage employees and dealing with all of this debauchery was a job for security.

The trolley was completely stacked with boxes filled with sodas and snacks for the machines but hid a secret within, equipment specially selected for this job.

Tucked away in one of the boxes that had a hidden compartment in it, the box made to avoid the items from being detected from things like x-rays, metal detectors, and the like.

”Hey we’ve got the new shipment in, got to restock and all.” She’d say to her two coworkers at the vending machines.

”Just got done with the ones on the other “floors” so this is the last one so if you two don’t mind. I want to get out of here before any more clowns show up.” Eva added.


tl;dr Approaches the vending machines with to restock them and joins and @zacharias
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 4:33:06 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 zack campbell wears an unassuming uniform of monochrome colours; t-shirt with the contest orgainsation's blue lining the collar, sweatpants, comfortable work wear. a loose bandana and an employee pass bearing his name and photograph both hang around his neck, the pass freshly issued after he was recommended to their boss by his brother, max campbell. apparently nepotism reaches even here.

he's totally unassuming save for two aspects of his behaviour. first, as he pulls along the trolley with soft drink boxes along with 's orbeetle, he is silent but for the chime of jangling of keys at his belt. secondly, he doesn't blink when someone makes an entrance with their tyrantrum (), not even bothering to turn around at the burgeoning commotion.

dominic halts the trolley alongside @zacharias and and pierces the tape sealing the top box with a flourish of a particularly viscous pocket knife. sticking his hand inside the box, he thumbs past the safety goggles, ear plugs, face masks, and whatever else gear eva thought it appropriate to pack. when he withdraws his hand, he's holding a can of soft drink, which he passes over to priam.

"here ya go, kiddo. don't tell anyone," dominic says with a drawl clearly imitating the announcer's speech as it's broadcast over the speakers.

as eva voices her desire to move on (with which he whole-heartedly agrees), dominic cranes his neck to watch the the handful of people approaching the guards with an expression of pliant, well-meaning concern. is that the league head scientist? he averts his gaze to hide the way his features darkened.

tl;dr: employee restocking the drink machine, joins @zacharias and with . mocks cooper armstrong's voice. gives priam a soda. watches the guards, looking for an opening.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 4:49:26 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Everyone has their methodology. Some rely on trickery and deceit. Others coax their way in through sheer charisma. Fernando exudes neither because his weapon is laid bare through recognition and name. The title of Councilman wields the authority of law while his position as Avatar is an acknowledgement from the world itself. In the face of an otherworldly phenomenon there are few that have the credentials to tackle such a task.

He almost seems out of place compared to those in attendance, lavished in decadence. Fernando lacks the same pizzazz that the other costumes and outfits show off. His simple casual business attire matches the same wardrobe he's known for in the media and in person. Anyone can recognize the esteemed Councilman and that's his presumed gateway into the basement. One of his signature Pokemon: Tapu Fini, remains near his person.

Tapu Fini emanates its own energy, distinct and unrelated to the tree, dwarfed in comparison but unique to itself. The powers of Alola, which enable it to use its Z-MOVE, is one that Fernando has spent ample time harvesting both on his own and alongside the many trainers of Hoenn. Far from flashy, this display makes his claims to the tree more credible than word alone. It helps to have a warrant for investigation under the guise of a possible relationship between this incident and the recent Desert Tomb sighting and Ultra Beast invasion.

Unlike the nonsensical and, for a better word, obvious attempt of several other individuals to head deeper into the basement, Fernando walks straight toward B2 with a clear poise of self assurance. As to why the others need to venture deeper into the underworld, he's unsure, but he has his own alibi which he has no need to hide or add to the slowly mounting suspicion. The only person he recognizes is who just barely matches his recollection of her. Her choice in garb is quite astounding. Fernando is unable to decide whether it registers as alluring or gaudy considering how much it seems to betray his impression of her. While inviting by all means, her meek presentation seemed to attribute to a character too shy to show such skin.

If confronted by either guard, assuming they weren't preoccupied by the others who so desperately demanded their attention, Fernando is ready with warrant in hand.

His presented purpose is simple and concise: investigate the tree alongside a Legendary Pokemon. With the Pokemon's approval and aide, safely harvest a sample for research while allowing the Pokemon to inspect the specimen in person. Fernando may not agree with 's overreach by any margin but having an Avatar on the Council does come with some perks. It's this type of cooperation and example that builds trust between the two. Something that Fernando will have to bear the burden in 's stead.

- silph is here and recognizable
- tapu fini is w/ him
- has a warrant to investigate the tree; possibly related to desert ruins / ultra beast
- tapu fini exudes alolan energy to serve as envoy for this task
- recognizes illeana and makes note of her attire
- walks straight into b2
- if confronted by either guard, assuming they're not tied up w/ everyone else, serves warrant and explains himself
- use legendary pokemon status as an approval and assurance that they'll investigate with care


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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 19:11:58 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



The tree had garnered quite an interest. Enough to attract attention and even be used as the center of a contest. The resurrection of beauty contests in Hoenn they say. Did the League really think this was a natural occurrence and nothing should be done about it? No, knowing them, they surely had people investigating in the background. Surely they wouldn't be hosting so extravagant just for the sake of a display?[break][break]

Looking at Littleroot from the woods surrounding it, Balder analyzed the situation. Hard to say what could be happening inside, or how deep the tree can be. What was certain though is that the appearance in this remote town was... odd. Why appear in this town? Was it because of the calmness and it's closeness to nature? Or was it completely random?[break][break]

Solgaleo appeared beside his Avatar in a flash of red. Balder decided to embark upon him, rubbing the lion's mane at the same time. It's gonna be hard, but try to bring us as close to the roots as possible. I believe in you partner." The lion emitted a low growl as it opened a portal and jumped into it, hopefully landing at a discreet location inside.[break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Shiv authorized my late post.[break]
-Balder warps into the area. Roll and the admin decides where he lands.

[attr="class","tag"]@event ]

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 21:34:21 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]





image note: may be slightly inaccurate.
The Galarian Mr. Mime vigilantly hold watch over the hall. Their perpetual smiles conceal the solemnity they possess for their work. Trained as security guards themselves, they scour the vast hall for wrongdoings or ne’er-do-wells. However, the trouble comes to them. They do not need to look far for it.[break][break]

As a disguised prances into the hall, the Mr. Mime find their own clownery mirrored. But it is the sound of raining water sliding over security camera housings that alerts them to foul play. At the same time, ’s Hatterene punches the clown with a resounding thwack. Any chance of silent infiltration shatters.[break][break]


A Mr. Mime’s blue shoe, rimmed with ice, taps against the ground. The hallway’s flooring freezes solid, climbing up the staircase to the first ground floor. With a shriek, the ice kicks up, containing everyone in the hall by blocking the exit. The other Mr. Mime attempts to HYPNOSIS ’s Hatterene, to prevent it from attacking any further.[break][break]

’s attempt to SHADOW SNEAK does not work; her human body strikes an invisible barrier constructed by the Mr. Mime. Those attempting to enter the dressing rooms will find that Lane’s and Armstrong’s dressing room entrances are barricaded by invisible Mr. Mime barriers.[break][break]

The security guards before these dressing room doors, taunted and distracted by a myriad of pokemon and disguised characters, immediately find themselves questioning the circumstances in which everyone finds themselves in. Although ’s initial method of entry proves to be effective at first, the ensuing balderdash interrupts any sense of logical sequence.[break][break]

On the other side, the two security guards and the Mr. Mime are alerted to the ruckus.[break][break]

’s Sylveon inspects the vents. They’re narrow, fitted with metal flaps that open to allow the debris from the stage above to be moved for disposal. Recently, chunks of stone from ’s Aerodactyl, water and ice from ’s Kingdra and ’s Spheal, have been funneled down. However, the Pokemon is able to find that the tree’s trunk grows more twisted there— and branches too.[break][break]

Suddenly, the tree begins to grow. Thicker. Taller. The trunk twists and curves like a curling worm. The glass enclosure surrounding it cracks as the trunk widens and shifts before shattering as growing branches pierce the glass. The trunk bends enough to allow entrance to the other side of the hall, but the trunk has grown thicker to prevent anyone from simply dropping to the next floor. ’s Solgaleo can not open a portal— perhaps it can not simply open an entrance to Ultra Space just anywhere.[break][break]

Curiously, the tree’s growth brings with it, a pleasant presence of vigor. One may attribute it to the sweet scent of ’s Eternal Floette performing above, but the bleached oak seems to galvanize the body with adrenaline. Perhaps, this strange energy—although one may attribute it to the rush stirred on by the incoming chaos—is interfering with all manner of things as well.[break][break]


”HOLD IT!” One of the guards shouts. The man wears orange-tinted sunglasses and bears the insignia of what appears to be a klink. ”WHAT’S GOING ON IN HERE?”[break][break] Able to traverse to the other side, the security guards and the remaining Mr. Mime burst into action.[break][break]

From the vents, a surge of water from 's performance spills out from the vents above, rendering the slippery surface even harder to traverse. The Mr. Mime are too caught up with handling the infraction of the peace to funnel the water properly. Some spills in the central hole where the tree stands.[break][break]

"YOU! CONTROL YOUR HATTERENE." The same security guard barks at . The other directs the Mr. Mimes into position, their mitten-like hands tracing the lines of squares. "YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT SECURITY CAMERA?!" A Mr. Mime points at the disguised . The water on the security camera has frozen, every droplet a small icicle.[break][break]


On their uniforms, above the heart, a logo in the shape of a 'C' is displayed brazenly.[break][break]

Another security guard shouts, "PLEASE STAY PUT. WE NEED TO HOLD YOU ALL FOR QUESTIONING." The Mr. Mime advance, hands raised as if preparing attacks.[break][break]

From the vents above, a wind seems to be stirring, causing the metal flaps to rattle.[break][break]


IN ORDER TO CLAIM COMPLETE REWARDS FOR YOUR FACTION, and to facilitate plot moments within the event thread, your respective groups will have objectives to fulfill collectively. for example, if your rocket character becomes captured, that objective is fulfilled for the entire group.[break][break]

throughout the event, more objectives may be added/these objectives are subject to change.[break][break]


  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☐
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☐
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • please try not to invent new npcs; however, i've worked the new security guards in alongside the canon two that have now moved closer to your side. for simplicity's sake, we can say there are a total of four security guards, one for each mr. mime.
  • the exit to floor one is now sealed by ice; everything is slippery and icy.
  • one can now move to the other side of the hallway; there is also enough space to hop to the bottom floor.
  • the security guards will attempt to hold everyone for questioning.


  • the 3 pokemon you have signed up with are now locked in for the event.
  • each of your pokemon can only perform 1 move per round.
  • PLEASE DO NOT META-GAME; this event is not a competition.
  • if you do not post by the round's deadline, you will be skipped.
  • for this round, please ROLL once.



@matteo [break][break]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 2:06:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.
TAG event

In response to all the chaos that suddenly flooded the first floor of the basement like a wave, Atlan isn't surprised at all to see the majority of security react accordingly. It's no wonder Nemesis, his Rookidee, goes ignored as she pecks away at the camera in the southwest corner of the large room. There's that boisterous clown riding his Tyrantrum, of course. Then 's Hatterene storming in to punch said clown, kicking off a series of events that proves to be as startling to watch from the bench he's calmly seated on as it is entertaining.

Things to note?

1. The Mr. Mime security detail have placed up invisible barriers to bar entry into certain areas, as predicted. And as proven by 's failed attempt.

2.  himself has chosen to make an appearance outside of his proverbial ivory tower. This practically guarantees the presence of Rocket here in some degree, and solidifies the tree as something of great importance. Though it is still a mystery as to why.

3. The security detail, and likely the entire event itself, is run by an organization using that 'C' logo. Atlan commits the image to memory as he observes the tree suddenly grow, obscuring Nemesis from view as she continues pecking away at the camera she had perched upon.

The detective's assistant narrows his eyes in quiet thought. A Solgaleo brought out by attempts to summon a portal, presumably to the lower level below, but fails. And, as Atlan notes the pleasant aroma and strange energy in the air, he also observes as the room is rendered wet by the contest above and 's actions as well. But it wasn't the water that made the strange tree grow. It was what preceded it.

... Right?

Still seated calmly on the bench, Atlan sighs as he looks up at the Mr. Mime closest to him and reaches past his jacket to unclip a ball from his belt. With Nemesis out of sight, it would behoove him to have another partner by his side during all the commotion. So, in an instant and a flash of grey, Brigid the Aron is summoned at his feet:


She looks up at her trainer for direction, but he keeps his amused blue eyes fixed on the Mr. Mime. "Sounds like you're all dealing with quite the situation here," It's a pokémon. It can't respond and give him worthwhile information. Not really. "I'd show you my badge, but I doubt that would mean anything to you, right?" He doesn't even have one, but that's besides the point.

"Well," He continues. "I don't want to get in your way." He notes the soft wind passing through the vents above. Then the branches and enlarged tree trunk they've sprouted from. A way? It brings a smile to his face. "But I've also got a job to do." He adds, calmly moving himself to stand on the bench he's been sitting on.

He gauges the Mr. Mime's expression, then crouches down to grip the edge of the bench. "You might want to step back, pal." He smirks, turning to the little Aron on the floor nearby then pointing down. "Brigid, ROCK TOMB!" He orders, holding on tight as the bench is (presumably) launched upward by a mass of whatever minerals compromise the basement floor.

If all goes according to plan, the sudden ROCK TOMB will have stunned the Mr. Mime (but not hurt it) if it had remained standing so close. And Atlan will have landed on (or at least grabbed onto) one of the several new branches above, positioning himself to navigate around the tree from up high and reach the other side. A short whistle should be enough to recall his Rookidee after.

TL;DR Atlan's Aron uses ROCK TOMB to propel him upwards as he attempts to land onto (or at least grab) one of the branches up high. He intends to recall his Rookidee with a whistle and reach the other side after.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 3:26:20 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Kaida isn't a fool, and she recognizes two things about her current situation. She is in a pack. There is another pack. She is not stupid enough to see nearby and trying to get in and not recognize that there is something amiss, and that their enemies may have already been in here. Freya hugs her in fright as and her Hatterene end up smacking the man clowning happy as it made Kaida to have a little less noise, it really did not help the situation. [break][break]

Then, all hell broke loose. [break][break]

Kaida didn't know what to gape at first. The rapidly growing tree or the man and steel lion that seemed to step out of the ether ( ). A frightened stress grew in her chest, and she fought the urge to cover her ears, substituting by hauling up Freya and placing her on her own back. The Salnazzle seemed frozen in fear, and at least there she could protect Kaida. [break][break]

Kaida snapped back into reality as another man ( ) leapt into action, suddenly aware that if she didn't get moving, she would be trapped. A Pokeball dropped from her hand, releasing a Seviper that hissed as she impacted the cold ground. "Sorry Hema, you'll have to bare it, we need a friend to help us." The words were the signal, and Hema hastily looked around for a suitable Pokemon. The Mr. Mime were a clear choice, what with their abilities. Psychic powers were always a boon. Thus, fixing her eyes on one, Hema's eyes glowed a pink that radiated daintily. An Attract sure to sway a Mr. Mime into helping them, she was so beautiful after all. [break][break]

It was a fine plan. No harm would come to the Mr. Mime and she would gain a powerful ally, however temporary. "I need help! We need to get over there!" She pointed across the tree, trusting Hema's hisses to translate her words, then leaned down and prepared to slide, shouting over her shoulder to the only two allies she knew here ( and ) "Be careful, the people here are strange!" She only had time to shout those words before balancing herself and preparing for movement. Up on her back, Freya hatched a Nasty Plot and whipped her tail against the floor, launching Kaida forward in just the way she imagined. Hema launched after them with her own sharp tail, hopefully alongside the Mr. Mime to either defend them or help them move faster. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida releases Hema the Seviper, picks up Freya to support her, and tells Hema to use Attract on one of the Mr. Mimes before asking for its help to traverse across the tree. In the meantime, Freya uses Nasty Plot and will attempt to slide Kaida across the ice to traverse.


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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 4:41:39 GMT
marie jules Avatar

Oh god they’re all here...

: The shit kid.

: Marie’s lesser equal.

: The idiot who got out only to come back.

: Same as Emma but more tolerable.

: The bitch who decided to take control of HER fuckin clown.

@zacharias : Um...

: The lost mutt.

and worst of all : Mister Cellophane.

There was another she could vaguely remember,  , Marie believes she had seen her around once before, though just as with any other grunt, she was of no major importance to the woman.

This was going to be a shit show, especially with the observations of those she could only amount to being league affiliated- their questionable acts resulting in the Mr.Mime’s rebuttals as well as the entrance of security.

She could only react as reasonably as possible, scooting over and raising her feet so they were not frozen in the Mime’s icy wake- the Lilligant hopping onto the newly freed seat and watching just as her owner had been. They both remained calm and quiet, observing others and keeping their cool (get it) as the crew of go-getters continued to scatter about.

She needed to act soon, but only when the moment presented itself.

- i did my part of the sub goal, your turn fuckers

- marie


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twenty six
84 height
84 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Goro Shimizu DOLLARS
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Goro Shimizu
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 6:10:33 GMT
Goro Shimizu Avatar
Goro: Get clocked.
{Show Pesterlog}

goro got clocked in the face by the pokemon, the gray paint staining the forest witch's hand paw thingy. "oh noooooooo~" he called out in feigned terror - though the punch had landed and did in fact hurt - he was sent flying towards the tree in the air, managing to escape the ice! his dinosaur was not so lucky. with a roar, the tyrantrum shook its tiny fore arms and the earth around them began to tremble as its eyes glowed... and three large blobs of rocks ripped through the ice around the dinopokemon's hind legs. he began to juggle!

it was smooth sailing from here. theoretically. goro sailed over the poor mr mime that had tried to hypnotize the rude ass hat thing, and slid down the icy floor like a slip'n'slide into the hole that led to the floor below!


+ goro got clocked by ruby's pokemon - sent sailing through the air and avoided the ice
+ snoop dog got frozen
+ snoop dog used ancient power to free itself... and juggle!
+ goro slid by to the hole near the tree!


> tl;dr==>he is being loud and dumb
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 7:39:58 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


Selena rarely swears, being a journalist, that’s why. But the situation compels her to channel her agitation in a manner that will keep her composure, despite the plan she crafted beforehand reaching miserable failure. Thumped by the invisible barricade of the dressing room, the journalist dropped to the floor with Zorya on her back.

At least she managed to stay undercover, she kid herself. , on the other hand, was not faring well. And if she would be totally blunt, not everyone was faring well.

As far as she was concerned, the earlier antics by Glynda Goodwitch’s person ( ) and the lady in the bodytight suit ( ) were not successful in keeping the guards in their places, especially when a raging tyrantrum and its half-wit of a trainer ( ) causes such an irreparable ruckus. The commotion was even more aggravated when an unruly hatterene whose owner ( ) was not able to stop leveled its fist directly at the fiddling jester. A few more pairs also proved interesting: there was the coach-coordinator couple who insisted on having a dressing room whose name ( ) reminded her of someone from Kalos, and of course, and .

The presence of the councilman was no surprise. After all, the mysteries surrounding the giant white oak which sprouted at the heart of a faraway suburban intrigued the entire region, and it was the league’s business to meddle with such affairs concerning the people’s safety. But with the previous champion’s reappearance, whose hiatus was mired with controversy, rendered everything Selena knew illogical.

Why is he here? What business does he possibly have with the tree? Is he with the Councilman Silph? It seems like this investigation has given her more questions than answers. But Selena needed to keep her head straight—Balder can wait.

For now, her goal is to get past through the guards and reach the end of the basement.

Unfortunately, the crowd gathered the guards’ and the mr. mimes’ attentions and made it difficult for a stealthy operation. The security personnel carried a ‘C’ insignia. ’Is it the Macro Cosmos logo? The B&B data breach mastermind?’ No wonder told her that the people here are strange.

But the thing that trumped all their fascination was when the tree trunk glowed and grew—destroying its glass casing as it swerve on one side, opening enough space to leap down below.

The journalist reassessed the situation. If the dressing room was blocked by the mr. mimes, then perhaps the other rooms were also blocked. When the clowns froze the entire floor, it was obvious that she had no other choice. As soon as the rookidee trainer ( ) engages in action, Selena commenced her Plan B. “Zorya, SHADOW SNEAK once more!”

She would first drop the pokéball bearing Circe into the ground as the pair continue to dash towards the opening by the trunk, passing through another unknown figure (@matteo ) Selena failed to notice from the start. The delphox would be their rear guard against galarian mr. mimes who would assault them from their sneaking, taunting with a FIRE BLAST that will surely melt the ice.

Before completing her attempt to descend the basement floors, she gave a quick nod—she helped her partner trail his eyes into his obvious way out.


  • the name uses as an alias is somehow recognizable for Selena, being a Kalosian herself
  • Selena recognizes the familiar ‘C’ logo; she thinks the Macro Cosmos who are somewhat responsible for the controversial VR game data breach has something to do with the mysterious giant tree
  • holds onto aegislash again and makes it use SHADOW SNEAK to dash towards the pit at the center of the room; the delphox using FIRE BLAST to protect them from other possible attacks of the mr. mimes and to melt the ice

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 14:40:22 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]okay, the decent into madness has apparently started already... this is, quite literally, where all hell breaks loose. between the man with his dinosaur making an entrance and 's hatterene effectively silencing the fool, she's distracted. perhaps a little too distracted to fully place the logo on guard uniforms as they close in. it's familiar, perhaps too familiar for her to be comfortable with. but... where has she seen it? the news? a random pokejob she took? that now abandoned game? all of the above, none, she doesn't know. the chill in the air increases until it's racking her body with shivers, freezing fingers clawing at her exposed skin. poor choice of outfit noted.

what she does know, however, is that she needs to move. now.

a grateful quirk of the lips is flashed toward , a dip of the head following. thank you for the distraction, detective. it'll provide a cover, an escape.

something stops her. perhaps it's the very councilman beside her, the one who's words still echo in her mind. , in the flesh. he has something in his hand that her gaze drops to take note of. some paper... credentials, maybe? ah, that would make the most sense. he's a man of power and influence, after all. to expect him to show up to a gun fight ill-prepared is ludicrous.

and both prove ineffective, just as she had, for their own agendas. guards and mr rimes close in on the entirety of the group. some show late, like the familiar , while others linger in the background. one man, @matteo, sits quietly to observe. another man, , is being called out by the guards closest to them and it all feels increasingly suffocating. she can't dwell on this or them, however. before she can sweep her gaze across the chaos, however, former partner is calling out and snagging her attention. "be careful, the people here are strange!"

strange, indeed.

her mind races through options, possible scenarios flashing in hazy increments. escape, be held for questioning, or attack. each one comes with another series of actions to follow, adding to the weight of their choice. in the end, she'll opt for the lesser of evils, the one with the least amount of damage. the path to hell is laced with good intentions.

"virgo," she whispers, voice dropping as the kirlia at her heels doesn't even spare a glance up. she doesn't need to. no, the prickling sensation in her mind is telltale enough for illeana to know her psychic companion is hanging on every syllable. "get us out of here." the cape swishes a little further, a badge of information fluttering against her chest in the process. head scientist, league operative. sure, it's not as high and mighty as fernando's but it'll get the job done.

another pokeball is carefully plucked from the bulky belt at her hips, contents released behind the cover of a cape. a golett rumbles behind her lower back before disappearing into the shadows she's provided it. an automaton in waiting, a protector in the shadows.

and then, time and space shift sideways with the action of TELEPORT, stomach churning in the process. closer to the trunk, to the other side of the hallway. it could fail, this much she understands. she could be held here for questioning while others descend to the roots. and as they try to whisk themselves to the other side, a small voice in the back of her mind confirms her intentions. make it to the end, discover the secrets of this tree. something is going on, more than the commotion at hand.

faintly, she's aware of the surge in her veins, that fuzzy feeling of adrenaline. is that normal? or peculiar? had it been there before? is it merely the events around them lending themselves to the sensation? too many questions, not enough escaping.


[attr="class","illietag"]event uwu
tldr |
- she freezin, damn mimes
- resorts to following fernando's lead in using status
to her advantage, flash dat badge gurl
- takes advantage of the commotion to attempt to
teleport to the other side of the hall
- custos the golett is released to lie in the shadows of
her cape should she need any assistance

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 16:50:20 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

[attr="class","mthread"]the barrier is the least of his worries. marcel doesn't bother to hold back his sigh, for it's soon lost to the ruckus around them. his gaze passes over emma and gavin to check on , @zacharias, , and ; then , sitting some way off from them. it takes a moment longer to find , but once he's finally assessed the position of all his teammates, it becomes clear that this spiral of events was the sole product of league intervention.
[break][break]well, save goro. the idiot.
his sylveon shakes her head at his questioning glance--the vents were a no-go then. marcel doesn't want to waste any more time--the situation was changing rapidly enough as it was--and he's more than grateful when a kirlia catches his eye. "change of plan." he mutters under his breath, quiet enough that emma and gavin might not have picked up on it.
as his sylveon's ribbons wind around his ankle, marcel moves to grab the hands of his teammates. "get us downstairs." focusing on the stairs on the opposite side of the hall, amour uses COPYCAT. hopefully the guard's attentions were diverted enough that they'd be able to make a clean getaway to the next floor down.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: marcel's sylveon attempts to copy illeana's teleport to get him, emma, and gavin to the stairs to b2.


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 17:54:15 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

I've tasted blood and it is sweet[break]
I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet[break]
I've trusted lies and trusted men[break]
Broke down and put myself back together

Her plan was to play it safe.
However, the League had other plans. A reckless trainer with a Hatterene who clearly wasn't tame enough to be brought here causes the ruckus, the spark that throws any plan out of the window. There's too much chaos to play it safe. Sure, Katherine thought of a good background and she looked really freaking good with this mask but some things couldn't be avoided. This was one of them.
A glance is spared towards the 'married' couple, remembering what had mentioned to her the last time they spoke. is also recognized - but most of the others are not.
"Sparks, calm down. Everything will be fine-"
The drop in temperature is easily noticeable, and it takes no longer than a moment or two before the Mr.Mimes freeze the floor. How bothersome. People have begun to shout at each other, pokemons are assaulting bystanders - and to top it all off, the guards can feel that something is wrong.
[break]So much for pulling this off under their noses, huh?
The Rocketess' Morpeko goes under a transformation caused by the stress that reached him-- well, it was either that or he could read the room well enough to provide his trainer with the necessary tools to proceed. Enraged, the Morpeko's familiar yellow color changes to a deep purple, his eyes glowing ruby-red. He is enraged, and his HANGRY FORM only helps him act faster. Red waves emit from his tiny figure, intent on both boosting the special attack of the mr.mime and confuse it. FLATTER. More chaos. More confusion. More distractions that allow Rocket members to go unnoticed.
The blinding flashes of the many teleporting pokemon promote Katherine to call for Gallade. "A-Arthur, get us out of here!" She still sounds like a coordinator who's gotten involved with something she shouldn't have. A damsel in distress, one might guess.
Katherine's Gallade follows the lead of 's Sylveon and attempts to TELEPORT himself, Morpeko and Katherine to the floor downstairs.


★ kat realizes there's no time to play it safe because of the league.
[break]★ morpeko changes into his HANGRY FORM and then targets one of the mr.mime with FLATTER, confusing them.
[break]★ she follows marcel's lead and calls out for her gallade so he can TELEPORT her downstairs.
[attr="class","sltdrkcred"][ DARKEE ]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing