i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 8:36:01 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

Perhaps, there was a miscalculation in Selena’s plans when she attempted to break through using Zorya’s SHADOW SNEAK once again. On the good side, she was not caught up in the mess of branches and foliage like those who succeeded jumping to pit. On the bad side, the no-nonsense sided with the guards and made it even harder for her, , and the other three who were left in the room, to do whatever they needed to get past the first basement.

All the journalist could think of was that there was nothing to blame but her own irrational thinking. And yet again, there was a plan. She and Alexei crafted it before going down.

Where did this feeling of impulsiveness came from? The andrenaline from the dangers of this legwork? From the thrill of the chase? The excitement in pursuing what was obviously being withheld by the authorities?

Selena hoped she could just flex her authority like what the councilman and the head researcher did. But she thought she cannot just show her badge now given the circumstances she was already in. Moreso, she cannot just flash her press ID given the possible secrets this institution was trying to keep.

Is it really Macro Cosmos? Are they, once again, up to something at the detriment of the citizens of Hoenn?

The Kalosian tried harder in staying calm, reading her and Alexei—Irina’s situation and reconsidering their options, but then, pink-colored chains wrapped the entire room and prevented all their pokémon for escaping. Except for one.

Selena eyed her delphox, then at Irina. Circe then glanced towards the other trainer. Hopefully he—she knew what they were going to do.

The FAIRY LOCK effectively secured all the creatures in their position except for Selena’s aegislash. She saw it as an advantage, at least to get as much distance as possible from the guards and Fernando. The journalist trusted her delphox could handle herself for the time being, after all, Alexei was still there. They are a team, afterall.

One of the mr. mimes summoned ICY WIND towards her party. Circe parried, raised her staff, waved it until purplish flames with tinges of red, orange, and yellow forms on one end, and hurled the MYSTICAL FIRE towards her aggressors; the heat connected with the ice, hoping to produce steam that will cover the entire hall. Selena and Zorya used this opportunity to attempt another escape; the aegislash dashed and closed in towards the orher side with AUTOTOMIZE, shedding parts of its body as it increases speed.

The trainer held tightly to her sword’s hilt, looking at the delphox with both worry and confidence. Alexei won’t leave you; we’ll wait for you on the otherside, she thought to herself, hoping at least the bond with the fox will reassure her that they will wait for her.


  • uses the FAIRY LOCK to her advantage to escape since aegislash is a ghost-type and unaffected
  • party is hit by ICY WIND; delphox counters with MYSTICAL FIRE, attempting to produce steam from the contact of ice and fire, rendering the entire floor with the mist
  • selena holds to aegislash, who dashes off towards the other side with AUTOTOMIZE, shedding parts of its body as it increases its speed

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 15:56:16 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


There is the familiar tugging sensation of teleportation, and then Gavin finds himself on the floor.[break][break]

Uncertain of where they'd land, he loses his footing on the ice and winces at the dull pain in his hip as it's rudely introduced to the stairs. Marcel seems to have a more balanced landing, but it seems Emma had suffered a similar fate.[break][break]

Free from the chaos of the floor but still in the presence of others he doesn't know, Gavin hesitates to break their cover just yet. League had already shown a proclivity for rule-breaking that could work to their advantage. As he gets carefully to his feet, utilizing the wall for support, he spots one such unfamiliar face () sharing the stairwell with them — and her Pokemon.[break][break]

Aware that things could turn awry, depending on the intentions of others, Gavin sends out a Pokemon of his own.[break][break]

The Sandslash growls as it's released, a harsh and feral sound, and Gavin knows that his presence and authority is the only thing keeping it at bay. Its frost-tipped claws find easy purchase on the icy stairs, and it stands idle.[break][break]

Charles, on the other hand, has turned his attention to his 'wife'. As he offers a hand to help her up, Gavin offers a subtle nod. Should he be paying attention, could have noticed as well.[break][break]

"All right?" he asks Emma.[break][break]


slips on the ice, o u c h[break]
stands up and assesses the situation, releases sandslash[break]
attempts to help emma up[break][break]


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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 15:58:30 GMT
marie jules Avatar

Marie placing her hands in her lap watched the chaos unfold. She kept her cool, head tilting ever so slightly as she gave a quick look to her surroundings and taking note of everyone's actions, waiting patiently to act.

For a moment she questions doing as dominic's group had and strong arming her way into a situation; but taking into consideration of ’s presence, that wouldn’t be the wisest decision to make.

She slightly wishes she had hitched a ride with and his crew, but groups weren’t her thing. Besides, she could be of some use in another way to them, by being a distraction of sorts.

Marie comes to a stand- the Lilligant standing with her as steam lifted from the clashing of fire and ice- and approached the league officials calling out to them as she walked the slippery path towards them.

Mr. Silph! Is it alright if I come with you?” She says in a tone slightly above her own natural octave. “I want to make sure my competitors performances aren’t stifled, and if there’s anything I can do to make sure they can compete without worry, I want to want to help!

Marie seems determined, but her legs shake a mile a minute, giving off the impression of someone putting up face and simply acting brave.

After speaking her hands curl up tightly into fist of worry, the Lilligant noticing and giving a soft, “Lii~” as she took hold of the woman’s hand.

- approached and asked if she can assist him under the guise of a well meaning competitor


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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 17:49:46 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


For a moment, it feels as though she is floating.[break][break]

That sensation is quickly replaced with a gasp of pain and shock as her hip crashes against the ground and she's left a sprawled mess on the icy staircase. The familiar pain of re-bruising her already recently healed wound sends a jolt all the way down the side of her leg. Of course, Emma pushes past the shock anyway, digging her nails into the ice to find purchase.[break][break]

manages to get to his feet beside her as she carefully begins to pick herself up. As she does this she takes in her surroundings, coming to the conclusion that they were entering a white-bark jungle full of bizarre branches. There's another person on the stairs with them and it appears she's released Pokemon. Gavin releases his Sandslash before turning to help her up.[break][break]

Without even questioning it, she reaches up to put her hand in his, allowing him to pull her close. In the fluid of that motion she releases her Skuntank. The Pokemon exudes an unpleasant odor but it appears Anna has tied ribbons in the Pokemon's fur and added sparkles. Skuntank must be her coordinating Pokemon.[break][break]

"I'm fine."[break][break]

She glances at , silently asking him the same question asked to her.[break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: spends the round getting back on her feet, taking notice of her surroundings[break]
releases skunktank but doesn't make any indication of her purpose outside of coordinating


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 19:34:34 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam takes the backpack from without question and puts it on. the jacket he wore deforms in a way that it looked like there was a bulge on his stomach. he deems it 'uncool' and frowns.

"you're just kidding though, right?" he asks, tone carrying pure curiosity.

regardless, priam carries on with the mission and goes through the door connecting 's room to 's. not wanting to destroy a friend's room, he hurries to the connecting one, hoping that it urged the others to follow after him without doing anything else.

he did snag a pair of aviator sunglasses from the vanity of his dressing room when he walked by.

he'd eventually exit onto the last room, being faced with the trio of , and , the last one he didn't recognize due to believing him not rejoining rocket. that, and he was in a rush and things weren't very clear whenever he's in a rush.

"maintenance crew, coming in!" he yells, kicking the door open dramatically. he lets either or @zacharias take the lead afterwards, being more equipped with the current predicament than he is.

  • priam travels from lopez's dressing room to the last dressing room and reaches b2 stairs that way


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 20:09:21 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

See, there is a reason why I dislike him. He just ruins everything! she thought angrily, her brows furrowed as the guards decided to side with the councilman. Grumbling under her breath, she hissed at the pinkish-hued ground and knew her Kommo-o was jack shit useless at the moment.

Time to hopefully swing shit in MY favor! she continued in the back of her mind, her lips pursed as the pink terrain hummed underneath her feet. As she tried to recall her Kommo-o, she was surprised (not to mention quite angry) that it wasn't working.

Ah, fuck, she went on in her head, brows furrowed into another thoughtful look. It was here she spotted someone in a dress looming quite harassed, accompanied by a Gallade () and she knew, she just knew she had to help her.

"Careful there now," she called to the young girl, attempting to motion her way to call her close. Whether or not the other would approach, she had a plan.

Quickly unballing her third companion, a blue-decorated Florges appeared. To the new addition on the field, she addressed, "Be a dear and change the terrain to something better? Grassy Terrain, now!"

The Florges spread its delicate arms and attempted to summon up a green growth underfoot. At the same time, she then nudged the Kommo-o forward, having it use Dragon Dance to hopefully pick up the speed and dash forward (once more) through the cover of mist caused by the Delphox's earlier Mystical Fire attempt, at the same time trying to urge the Delphox forward to follow them through the mist as well.

It was now or never.

• Alexei is here, cross-dressed as ‘Irina’ once again!
• Is really (internally) angry at Fernando's Misty Terrain attempt, nullify Dragon-type things in general why don't you
• Attempts to recall Kommo-o. Fails fantastically
• Attempts to call Ruby over to join them run through the mist
• Summons Florges and attempts to shift the terrain to Grassy Terrain instead!
• Kommo-uses Dragon Dance to speed itself up!
• Alex/Irina attempts to run through the chaos while riding her Kommo-o!
• Also attempts to signal the Delphox to follow them!


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 21:20:54 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 "deaf motherfucker," dominic hisses under his breath, glaring at the back of @zacharias's head for second before accepting the bag from . he mutters a thanks to her and fishes through it for a second to feel for the safety equipment he knows to be inside, slinging it over his shoulder when he's sure it's all there.

wordlessly, he takes off after , sprinting through each of the dressing rooms, veins pumping with a new type of adrenaline. the bisharp follows at his heels - sliding across the floor on its razor-sharp legs and leaving deep gauges on the floor as it went.

after priam kicks the door in, dominic steps forward to survey the scene and his eyes linger on , and for a heartbeat too long. as they haphazardly make their way across the ice, dominic imagines lunging at them and throwing them back down to the hard ground. he steels himself and bites back the urge to exact violence - he has pokemon for that.

"both of you leave something to snare the others," he says, addressing his klefki and bisharp. in unison, the two pokemon snap their attention to the makeshift arena: the ground between the dressing rooms, the tree trunk and the staircase. it was too late to affect that three league that passed them by, but anyone else will find themselves caught.

hidden in the debris from the tree - among the leaves and branches - ice turns to stone, preparing to impale anyone that trespasses with bisharp's STEALTH ROCK. perhaps slightly more visible but no less dangerous are the dozens, perhaps hundreds, of glinting SPIKES klefki scatters with a delighted chirp. satisfied, dominic recalls the bisharp and lets the klefki return to hiding on his person once more.

"go around the perimeter," he says by way of warning to his three companions, and then, sighing, gestures to the edge of the walls leading to the stairs because, again, zacharias is a deaf motherfucker and needs visual cues.

as he begins to descend the staircase behind the others, dominic releases his houndoom. the pokemon follows closely behind his trainer, exhaling smoke from its vicious maw in anticipation of a fight.

tl;dr: runs through the series of dressing rooms and reaches the stairs leading down to b2. has klefki set up SPIKES and bisharp leave STEALTH ROCK in the area spanning between the stairs, the dressing rooms and the tree. recalls bisharp. warns his companions to follow him along the perimeter to the stairs to avoid being clipped by the trapping moves. releases houndoom.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 22:11:35 GMT
Deleted Avatar


[attr="class","blipstoplyric"]bad moon rising

[attr="class","blipstoplyric2"]I see a bad moon a-rising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today. Don't go 'round tonight, it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise. I hear hurricanes a-blowing. I know the end is coming soon. I fear rivers overflowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin. I hope you got your things together. I hope you are quite prepared to die. Look's like we're in for nasty weather, one eye is taken for an eye. Bad moon on the rise.



[attr="class","blipstop22"]tree time








The pathway was open. Newly gained equipment latched to him, Zacharias was lost to the muffled sounds around him.[break][break]

Unable to hear Dominic's insult, he gave a knowing smile and a middle finger; but, there was no time for fun.[break][break]

He followed after the charge, following as the younger man made his ways to the stairs; his exclamation went unheard by Zacharias, but he felt the reverberations of the ground that spelled a battle ensuing behind them.[break][break]

It was time to head down, while everyone was caught in their own mess.[break][break]

He would slow his pace, giving enough time for and to lead ahead of him. With previous hazardos deployed, it was time to add one of his own.[break][break]

Ariados at his side, he gestured to the doorway as he stepped through it, then made the ok-sign with his fingers. The poison-type nodded receptively.[break][break]

Sticky web was deployed, just to slow the approach of anyone that would try to catch up to their position. He wouldn't have the chance to witness the struggle as he turned his back and followed the team into the depths.[break][break]


tldr: Ran after the other rockets through the dressing rooms to head to the stairs. Used sticky web after and with his Ariados to slow anyone else that heads through the stairwell.




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twenty six
84 height
84 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
142 posts
Goro Shimizu DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sadsoda
Goro Shimizu
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 22:53:17 GMT
Goro Shimizu Avatar
Goro: Unleash the beast.
{Show Pesterlog}

so there he was, enjoying the cool refreshing frosted floors of the basement sailing past all the chaos when some PUNK got in his way and the duo ended up fumbling down the hole. what met the clown's face wasn't the cool solid concrete he had been expecting, but rather a bramble of branches and thorns. "oh hell nah." the clown king drawls, and with a grunt, managed to flick open a pokeball.

what came next was... horrifying. instead of the usual bright flash that came with the familiar click of a pokeball, a dark mist of swirling violet energy spewed forth and in the thicket of the branches a small, humanoid figure was awakening. a sinister cackle could be heard, echoing from all directions, as the mime jr set its terrifying beady gaze upon the clown. with a disheartened sigh, and refusing to make eye contact with the demon, goro grunted, "fuck it up."

with a ominous giggle, the mime jr leapt up and out of the hole - having spied the flames of 's magical fox - before landing smack dab in front of goro. there was a look of... glee? hate? something between the two and goro barked, "stop looking at me like that holy shit."

lil nas x was happy to oblige, and with a twinkle and twirl, unleashed mystical fire to try and burn through the branches. on the first floor of the basement, having spotted the little demon fly up and fall back down, snoop dog kept up his distractions. using the lobs of earth he had been juggling, the t rex attempted to hurl the mud and rocks at the hole near the tree - to fill it and stop others from following.



> tl;dr==>mime jr used mimic on 's delphox (stole mystical fire)! mime jr is trying to burn through the branches! tyrantrum is using ancient power to plug up the hole!

[attr="class","pester"]Start Over | Go Back
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 23:26:56 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

I've tasted blood and it is sweet[break]
I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet[break]
I've trusted lies and trusted men[break]
Broke down and put myself back together

Gallade's teleport, although successful in part, did not manage to bring Katherine to the floor as she had expected. Instead, she finds herself stuck in a makeshift of a cage - built by branches that curled upon themselves. "Gallade. Some help please?" The woman's partner rises to a stand (as much as he can, at least). The blades on the pokemon's arms glow with a white streak as a number of slashes occur, each carrying the intent of freeing Kat and himself from the cage.
"Morpeko," The woman whispers to the smaller of her partners, drawing his attention. "You can squeeze yourself between the gaps there, right? Go." The tiny pokemon prepares himself as the onslaught of slashes from Gallade continues, "Use AURA WHEEL on the ceiling near the stairs. We don't want everyone to crash the party."
, , and presumably all manage to reach the basement by the time Katherine's Morpeko escapes - and then, he follows the order of his trainer. He runs across the room in distress, lightning collecting around him in the form of a rapidly spinning wheel. And once it grows large enough? It is launched towards the ceiling near the stairs, where the trio just came from.
The attack carries the intent of not harming anyone, but instead, creating an obstacle for others to deal with before reaching the basement. It includes a couple members of Rocket as well - there's a small chance that @zacharias , , , , and won't make it in time. Not that Kat particularly cared. As far as she was concerned, it was their fault for being so slow.
"M-Morpeko! Calm down!"
Her disguise is not off just yet. She pretends that her Pokemon is unable to control himself, much like the Hatterene from the floor above. "We're... We're not trying to stay here longer than we have to. And we don't want this whole building to collapse on us!"
Alas, the Rocketess is not alone. But if it wasn't for and ? Katherine likely wouldn't have felt the need to pretend that she cares so much about the property being vandalized.


★ gallade uses AERIAL ACE to cut through the branches in order to escape with katherine.
[break]★ morpeko uses AURA WHEEL against the ceiling near the staircase, shortly after emma, gavin, and marcel arrive. he attempts to block the path for others by causing a small part of the ceiling there to collapse.
[break]★ kat continues to keep up the facade of being a scared coordinator with a pokemon who's out of control.
[break]★ if gallade manages to break through the cage of branches, he'd carry kat with his arms and bring her down.
[attr="class","sltdrkcred"][ DARKEE ]

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 23:41:56 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

[attr="class","mthread"]"shit." marcel feels his feet slide under him as they reappear. while he might have kept his footing in a different scenario, with his hands still holding onto emma and gavin he's pulled down with his teammates. his sylveon appears to be entirely more fortunate, stepping to the side with all the grace neither of them possess.
his back cracks as he pushes himself to his feet, grumbling some sort of reassurance in return to emma's look. hearing the footsteps of another--rocket or league he did not know, but he'd rather not take the chance--he decides to get a move on. the twisted branches of the tree prove a mighty obstacle: the stairs are a dead-end. unless they did something about it.
's pokemon are visible before she is, and marcel curses at the sight. the type match-up didn't fare well for him; he'd just have to trust that emma and gavin had it handled. more footsteps--god, if those were more league members--meant they'd be in for a tight fit if the tree were to grow any more.
"see if you can do something." he mutters to his sylveon. the pokemon casts a wary glance around before approaching the branches. a gentle, if wary, DRAINING KISS is placed on one.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: sylveon uses draining kiss to try and prevent any further growth of the tree.


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Rocket Scientist
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
POSTED ON May 27, 2020 5:00:41 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
”Right, I’m only kidding.”

She replied, and in a way that wasn’t assuring was so ever. The Rocket scientist had made one last check to make sure that they had everything right before she began following behind the trio to the other rooms. Once they made their way to the icy floor of the main hall Eva scanned the area.

They weren’t the first ones here which was unfortunate but manageable and for now she’d wouldn’t make any moves against those she was unfamiliar with unless they got in there way, or when they end up in a more favorable position to be dealt with. Eva then looked to her Orbeetle who had been following beside her.

”If you wouldn’t mind.” Was all she said as she then pointed towards the stairs.

The Pokémon used PSYCHIC to lift the woman above the ground below and move her and itself to the staircase, moving at a speed that let them keep up with the others.

”Thank you.” She’d say once the bug had gently landed her on dry ground and the woman was free to continue. The scientist rolled her eyes at Priam’s outburst but couldn’t be annoyed with him.

After all he was still a child despite how the law might look at him so something like this came with the territory.

”Good thinking you two.” She said in reference to and @zacharias , their decision to lay traps would be useful.

The stairwell appeared exactly how Eva figured it would, but was it like this before, or perhaps the sudden growth was responsible for the current state of it? She couldn’t stick around and study it so for now that question would go unanswered.

”Don’t do anything stupid or go rushing ahead carelessly! Especially you, Blue!” Eva began, taking another look around.

”With the way the tree’s been growing and reacting there’s a chance there might be another outburst or even worse so try not to get into a mess. We’ve got no idea what’s down here.” She’d release her Malamar for good measure, thinking she might need the Pokémon.


tl;dr Used her Orbeetle’s PSYCHIC to float over to the stairs and begins heading down them. Warns , and @zacharias about potential dangers and releases malamar.
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 27, 2020 6:11:58 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Consent is all he needs. The moment Fernando affirms his decision, he pulls out another Pokeball, along with his cellphone. His immediate reaction is to allow his Greninja to serve as his vanguard before announcing to the Hall.

"This contest hall is private property. Anyone found disregarding security and trespassing beyond this point will be detained and possibly charged, punishable as a misdemeanor, up to a felony for tampering with a League authorized investigation."

It might not be straight off the books but Fernando isn't an officer by any means. There's no sworn creed or miranda rights ingrained into his memory that someone like or may be required to recite, if at all, but his authority hold just the same. The only way to make it more official is to bring them onto the scene. While he doesn't expect either to show up immediately, he does text each of them in a mass text and individually. The small rapport he's built with both of them as Elite Four members, Blade & Bulwarks guild mates, and their own chance encounters, is something he relies on for pressing matters.

'Littleroot. Contest basement. Code R (lots).'

He keeps his message brief considering the time he has. While unreadable to some, there's little for either to miss by their secret code. Blade & Bulwarks has done well in acquainting them to a more unofficial side of the otherwise no-nonsense Silph.

Fernando makes another request to the Rangers for a few additional officers, well knowing that it'll take time for anyone to be on site. Better to be prudent considering how many people just straight up scattered with a blatant disregard for security.

Why? He still has no clue but that can come after.

Even when explains her own reasoning for accompanying him, Fernando can't help but refuse. He's no Olivia. He can't knowingly invite someone unrelated to join in on the authority of a League investigation. He has no intention of recognizing some civilian as the Lifeguard of Littleroot.

But there is a task he still needs help with. "Unfortunately, it looks like most of them are up to no good. Some rangers should be coming in. If you could direct them from the upper floor, we'll try to get this situation back under control in time for you to perform."

A snap of his fingers bring his Pokemon to attention. Tapu Fini has little regards for actually apprehending anyone but is more than eager to blast through anything in their way. Greninja knows a bit more about nuance and prepares a SUBSTITUTE beforehand.

Unlike the others, Fernando has no sense of urgency. He treads carefully and cautiously around the unpredictable tree trunk. Secure footing is more important in order to react to any stray attack headed his way. He also considers the tree a threat and looks to reserve his energy. Let the others scamper and tire themselves out. He has no one to flee from so he'll hunt them down as they tire themselves out.

Tapu Fini retains a CALM MIND as it sticks to Fernando's person. It can't assess what exactly is going on with the tree but it can pick up on its trainer's precautions.

As far as Fernando's concerned, @matteo and are probably innocent. Neither have made a move contrary to what an 'ordinary' person would do and evade suspicion. and are his immediate targets and ironically his primary suspects considering their outright attacks.


- announces anyone disobeying security is breaking the law and will be detained accordingly
- brings out greninja
- texts bailey + kyle about 'this' as a heads up
- requests nearby rangers as backup for possible riot
- asks marie to direct rangers to the basement instead of allowing her to accompany
- greninja uses substitute
- tapu fini uses calm mind (1)
- values safe footing over speed, makes way to B2; very cautious about random tree growing
- those in the tree can be handled later

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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON May 27, 2020 6:52:12 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Ruby didn't exactly get far before the cold winds from one of the Mr. Mimes seemed to blow them right back. Luckily, before the freezing cold could damage either one of them, Fury the Gallade firmly planted his feet on the ground and held up his arms. A pale sheet of psychic energy appeared between them and the attack, using the move Wide Guard to protect from the Icy Wind.

It is at this point where Ruby honestly doesn't know what to do anymore. The sudden misty terrain floating around, paired with the sudden fairy lock on Gallade. She couldn't retrieve him if she tried! At least Whisper was safe, for the time being. Slowly backing up, Ruby's eyes worriedly glanced at the tree. Pokemon moves were being used left and right, honestly more terrifying than she wanted to admit to herself.

Luckily, before she had time really allow her thoughts to drift into making even more bad decisions, she heard a familiar voice speak. was speaking out loud, quickly making it clear that disregarding security was an obvious crime. Ruby immediately blinked, slumping backward and trying not to be in the way. An investigation made sense, but suddenly everyone bursting in through seemed so much more... worrisome than before. Could she trust anyone at all?

Some strange woman ( ) had motioned for her to join her... But that practically set off her internal alarms even more. Why would this strange lady invite her? Were they trying to get her in trouble? It was so hard to make a rational decision with such adrenaline in her veins from the tree. Did everyone else feel the same way? Just who was this strange woman? She shook her head, once again looking at as he continued to speak to someone else and walk carefully around the tree.

People being up to no good made obvious sense, but why still evaded her. The tree had to do with something, there was no doubt in her mind about that. And yet, she was once again paralyzed with indecision. She couldn't just stand here and do nothing! How could she help the people she knew for a fact were good, while not actually committing a crime and directly disobeying the law? It didn't seem like there was until she noticed the 's Greninja prepare with Substitute for combat that seemed inevitable.

"W-wait!" Ruby called out, but whether or not he listened, or bothered to acknowledge her was another matter. There was still at least one way she could help. Sending out Grace the Gardevoir, Ruby quickly motioned towards the Greninja. "Grace, try to heal him up please!"

The shiny Gardevoir would gracefully nod her head, suddenly swirling energy between their hands as a Heal Pulse would fire towards 's Greninja, hopefully healing it back up. "I-I can help too! But, umm... Nevermind." Ruby nervously called out, trying her best to not look uncomfortably at the security no doubt staring her down for her previous actions. He already denied someone's offer to help him, no doubt he would deny hers as well. Even an official commendation from the league itself likely didn't change anything there.


Notes: Fury used Wide Guard to protect from Icy Wind. Ruby fell back, growing worried about the cause for all of the chaos. Listening to Fernando, and trying her best to obey the law, for now at least. Sent out Grace to use Heal Pulse on Fernando's Greninja, injured from Substitute.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 27, 2020 8:03:48 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]






As ’s Shadow Mime. Jr is summoned, it MIMICS the wisps of ’s Delphox’s MYSTICAL FIRE. Flames lick through the branches— but the clown soon realizes how difficult it is to burn through live trees. The bark is charred, and and are privy to its acrid smell of burning. The Pokkenger is spared better luck— although Mismagius’ MAGICAL LEAF is able to cut through the burned bark easier, it is the CROSS CHOP of his summoned Machoke that breaks the branches. They crack crisply as ’s Tyrantrum plugs the tree hole with ANCIENT POWER. [break][break][break]

Still in her facade as a nervous pedestrian, succeeds in breaking free. Her Gallade manages to bring her down from the branches as her Morpeko deftly navigates to the staircase. It follows the thick branches, curving around the trunk before reaching the stairs. An AURA WHEEL slams into the ceiling, forcing chunks to fall in the entrance of the staircase leading to B2.[break][break][break]


However, and have not navigated into the staircase. Although , @zacharias, , and sneak into the staircase as maintenance crew, casting a myriad of traps (SPIKES, STEALTH ROCK, STICKY WEB) to slow others down, the Rocket Underboss and Rocket Beast are unfortunately caught by bad timing. The staircase is cluttered with rubble, slowing their process further. Perhaps, their Pokemon, Shadow Sandslash and Skuntank can aid them?[break][break][break]

Those with SHINIGAMI EYES will notice (if they see them) that ’s Mime. Jr and ’s Sandslash are of a darker hue— and have some colour.

’s Sylveon uses DRAINING KISS on a part of the tree. Suddenly, the Fairy-Type mews as an incredible energy surges into its body. The Sylveon has learned the Z-move, BLOOM DOOM, which can be used ONCE within this event before dissipating.[break][break][break]

Furthermore, , @zacharias, , , and can clear the branches in the staircase should they act on it. They are allowed to move into B2 in their posts.[break][break][break]


and navigate toward the staircase; however, they run into an area that is suddenly littered with SPIKES, STEALTH ROCKS, and a STICKY WEB. The debris cuts into their bodies and their Pokemon, slowing their progress and injuring them (you may decide the extent of your wounds) before they encounter the same obstacle and face: a blocked staircase of ceiling rubble.[break][break][break]


Sweetly, moves to and offers her assistance; however, the councilman politely refuses. He messages , , and the League rangers— but should he peer at his phone moments later, he sees the following message:[break][break][break]


Still, Councilman ’s Greninja prepares with a SUBSTITUTE and his Tapu Fini CALM MINDS in preparation for what’s to come.[break][break][break]


Tapu Fini’s MISTY TERRAIN is overwritten by ’s (disguised as Irina), Florges’ GRASSY TERRAIN. The green mist surges across the entirety of B1— and should , and their Pokemon remain in it briefly, they will be healed a sliver. too, affords healing. Her Gardevoir HEAL PULSES ’s Greninja after Gallade WIDE GUARDS against the ICY WIND.[break][break][break]


too, attempts to flee. Her retaliation against the ICY WINDS slows her some, but the icy flooring is melted in part due to her Delphox’s MYSTICAL FIRE. As she flees with her Aegislash and heads toward the staircase, she finds herself encountering the same SPIKES, STEALTH ROCKS and STICKY WEB alongside the blocked staircase entrance. Delphox can not leave the area yet, and is in danger of being seized by the security guards who move their Galarian Mr. Mimes in position.[break][break][break]


The three that manage to free themselves from the branches land on the floor of B2. The floor is thick with costumes. Terribly unorganized stacks and racks of clothes hinder movement in this narrow floor. Furthermore, prop racks line the walls too. These props contain accessories such as hat wear, staffs, stage combat weapons with blunted edges, and jewelry.[break][break][break]

Despite the tree trunk, they may be able to squeeze through to the other side where the staircase is; however, only one can go at a time. Furthermore, the staircase is still smothered in thick foliage that those in the staircase need to clear. Lining the ceiling and walls, they find that the vents continue to funnel the detritus from the performances.[break][break][break]


Suddenly, the plant grows. The massive tree surges upward. Branches grow, twist and thicken. , , and realize that if they had stayed in the branches, they may have been crushed to death. The flooring to B1 begins to weaken and crumble as branches push through. [break][break]

The integrity of the building seems to be at risk as the foundations groan. It's too bad those upstairs can not hear this— for the uproarious applause of spectators drowns much of it out.[break][break][break]

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?: everyone in B1 and B2 will realize B1's floor is about to collapse. Actions and rolls in B1 will determine whether you are able to move to the staircase in time or protect yourselves in the imminent fall).


For clarity's sake, @matteo is still on B1. should be inside the staircase. However, next mod post, I will decide what happens to these characters if there is no post made for them![break][break][break]


IN ORDER TO CLAIM COMPLETE REWARDS FOR YOUR FACTION, and to facilitate plot moments within the event thread, your respective groups will have objectives to fulfill collectively. for example, if your rocket character becomes captured, that objective is fulfilled for the entire group.[break][break]

throughout the event, more objectives may be added/these objectives are subject to change.[break][break]


  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☐
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☐
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • please try not to invent new npcs; however, i've worked the new security guards in alongside the canon two that have now moved closer to your side. for simplicity's sake, we can say there are a total of four security guards, one for each mr. mime.
  • there is a hatch door that opens up to a ladder to the crawlspace; not every character will be privy to this information depending on the way you entered the event.


  • the 3 pokemon you have signed up with are now locked in for the event.
  • each of your pokemon can only perform 1 move per round.
  • please do not meta-game; this event is not a competition.
  • if you do not post by the round's deadline, you will be skipped.
  • like others have been doing, please note when you have tagged everyone once for the objective!
  • for this round, please ROLL once.



@matteo [break][break]

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing