i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 27, 2020 17:39:00 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.
TAG event

Atlan moves swiftly and carefully down the stairs, entering B2 with his Rookidee and Aron in tow. There's a small pouch of equipment in his inner jacket pocket he plans to use on the tree below. As it continues to grow and expand, threatening the integrity of the structure, he doesn't intend to get caught up like the others. And, though a part of him would like nothing more than to warn the people above, he knows there's no going back now. He wonders if the man he saw earlier, @matteo , will be alright. He looked fairly capable.

Leaving behind the likes of , , , , and , individuals he has never personally met nor is certain that they're really members league (well, all except for the pink-haired girl; she definitely didn't seem like Rocket), he hopes at least one of them can tend to the safety of the audience above in some way. Regardless, seeing the silhouettes of others ahead of him down the stairs, he knows he needs to prepare to be in this fight.

"Nemesis, Hone Claws. Brigid, Autotomize!" He commands, descending the stairs quickly before taking cover behind the first notably large thing he spots to survey the situation in B2 for a moment.

TL;DR Atlan's Aron uses AUTOTOMIZE (+2 SPD). Atlan's Rookidee uses HONE CLAWS (+1 ATK, +1 ACC). Trailing behind the others in the staircase, the trio take cover behind the first notably sized object they see to survey the situation from a safe distance.


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON May 27, 2020 19:03:43 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Pain is dulled only for a moment by the dulled adrenaline. Whipping across the room, Kaida and her Pokemon hasn't even noticed the attacks trapping the floor, but they felt it as they approached the staircase. Warmth spread across Kaida's arm as a nauseous pain made itself known. A hissing cry came from Freya, clinging desperately. Stealth Rock had activated, and Kaida found herself with a shard plunged into her arm, which she decided to leave in a desperate attempt to retain blood. Freya found herself with a similar shard cutting deep into her back, only avoiding more injury by the speed that they had passed through, and that Sticky Web hadn't slowed them much. Hema wasn't as lucky, having to struggle through a web, Spikes peppered her underside, leaving a streak of red on the floor as she desperately continued after Kaida. It was only pain, they could handle pain! Vegetation grew under their feet and, while Kaida felt no change, blood loss did slow, and wounds did attempt to heal. [break][break]

Nonetheless, with her injuries and the attacks having been launched specifically to harm others, Kaida's face twisted into a snarl, baring her teeth. Someone was here to mess everything up, to ruin her mission. To harm this tree. She skidded to a stop before the people by the stairway, eyes flickering over each and everyone. Strangers. Strange Pokemon. and were in the way. The Shadow Sandslash growled at her and, in a moment of fury, an inhuman sound rumbled from her throat. "Don't threaten me!" She spit like venom, stomping forward and hiding her wound, "If you don't-" [break][break]

Her words died as a long groan shook the foundations, her eyes widening in a primal fear as her attention was suddenly on Hema and Freya. With the tree growing like that, it was only going to mean they'd fall, and then...-"Move. Get out of our way." Her voice was dull, but direct. An aloofness entered her gaze, the sheer amount of uncaring in her eyes being like she wasn't even looking upon her own kind, not even enemies. Her attention fixed directly beyond her blockers, standing still for only a moment before she pointed at the rubble blocking their escape point. She didn't stop even if anybody was in the way. Giving a few seconds, wasn't that enough to expect these strangers to get out of the way? "Freya!" [break][break]

It didn't matter if there was anybody in the way. This was an issue with her family, a partner. There was no way she was allowing them to be hurt for the sake of somebody else, especially harmful strangers. Freya reared up and spewed a great Flamethrower, her Nasty Plots beforehand lending additional heat to the attack. She had no way to clear the path otherwise. It might burn, it might be hot, but they were getting to safety. Like Kaida, she didn't pause to consider anything in the way, anything in the stairway. If it was survival, Kaida lead, and she wasn't wrong. [break][break]

However well the attack did, Kaida leapt forward, her Pokemon by her side. Hema's tail glowed a dark purple as she prepared Night Slash to clear anything else in the way. Kaida's path was clear, the moment the stairway had any space, she aimed to leap inside, saving herself and those following her. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida takes a Steath Rock to the arm, Freya is hit in the back by the same attack, and Hema is cut on the underside by the Spikes. They linger on Grassy Terrain to heal a little. Kaida orders Freya to use Flamethrower (powered by 2 Nasty Plots) to try and melt or clear the rubble blocking the stairway, completely unheeding of anybody who might be inside/in the way and will try to go down the stairs if it is cleared at any point in time. If there is any additional things in the way, Hema is ready to use Night Slash.


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 27, 2020 19:51:48 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]help comes in the form of a former partner. is perhaps kinder than their last encounter, ushering one of her snakes to assist the bumbling scientist. hema comes over quickly with gentle jaws clamping around the fabric of her cape. it's enough to pull her in their direction, enough to find secure footing and shuffle along with kaida's pokemon. a grateful smile is flashed in the woman's direction. she's touched, really. kaida didn't have to help her out but she did and it makes her feel a little warm despite the ice surrounding them.

and then, as the day seems to constantly be heading in this direction, things take a sour turn.

debris, spikes, rocks, webs. they all litter the ground before them, yet another obstacle to overcome. they almost look strategically placed for maximum damage and time lost. her kirlia tries to twist and twirl around them only to have one cut through her arm in the process. blood splatters across tiles and illeana is quick to gasp, quick to well up with tears. no. nonono. her movements are panicked, desperate, and perhaps that's what causes her to fall victim to the trap.

a rock rushes up as she scrambles to her kirlia's side, catching her through one of her exposed thighs and holding her hostage. spikes join the rock in cutting at her skin and really, she definitely should have worn something else now. cuts scatter across the skin of her arms and legs but the main thing that slows her down in the large piece of land stuck in her thigh. it elicits a shrill shriek of pain and she doubles over, hands scrambling toward the wound. "shit," she hisses. that hurts. damn it.

"custos," she whispers, not even sparing a glance back toward the shadows of her cape. her golett peeks out from beneath the fabric's shade, already pulling out of the darkness enough to assist. removing the rock isn't ideal, not in this type of situation. she doubts anyone has a spare med kit anyway... instead, she's gesturing toward the base of the rock with bloody hands. "break the rock. please." her tone leaves little room for questions and so, with as much care as the automaton can muster, it hits at the rock with a shadow punch. another shriek escapes as rubble breaks apart beneath the pressure of the blow, the rock breaking apart to allow her mobility once more.

and yet, before she can even think about moving, things somehow manage to get worse?

the building groans and rumbles, lurching in a way that isn't normal. she's stumbling at the trembling of the floor, struggling to find footing against the traps and unstable tiles. is... is the floor going to give out? oh god, please no. could they even survive a fall from here? would they get crushed beneath the rubble? her heart lurches into her throat at the thought and she's operating out of the pure need to survive now.

kaida has a similar reaction, rushing to overcome the obstacles keeping them from the safety of the staircase. illeana's trying in vain to rush after her. the movements are sluggish, slow, painful. she can't move quickly now, can barely even apply pressure to one leg. from somewhere behind them, green mist slowly rolls in over the floor. it's soothing in a way she can't place and perhaps there's some good in her sluggishness. the mist grants some relief from pain, some minor healing to lessen the injuries for both her and her former partner. virgo, too, feels the relief of green mist and soon, she's returning to the scientist's side. a quick glance toward the psychic type and she's pleading with whatever god or higher power might be around for this rushed plan of hers to work. "can you lift all of us with psychic?" virgo nods, although illeana isn't quite sure it won't exhaust the kirlia. they have to try, though... "lift the injured toward the staircase, please." the telltale purple glow of PSYCHIC radiates around her, around them, and virgo is struggling to lift them out of harms way.

only custos lingers where they once stood, the golett rumbling almost menacingly. it teeters forward with heavy footsteps and clay legs, all too intent on assisting kaida with the endeavor of clearing the way to the staircase. instead of focusing on those that block their path, however, it turns its attention to the rubble. the automaton lurches forward with SHADOW PUNCH ready and overtaking one hand, more than ready to break through the rocks blocking the entrance to the stairs.


[attr="class","illietag"]event uwu
tldr |
- kaida's precious ily
- virgo gets pierced through one hand with rocks
- illeana gets pierced through her left thigh
- custos uses shadow punch to break the rock
through illeana's thigh
- virgo uses psychic to lift the injured up.
this can include kaida's injured pokemon as
well should she want that!
- custos tries to break up the rubble that
blocks the top of the stairs
- we sufferin, lyre got us ;u;

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,458 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 29, 2020 5:21:56 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


After verifying that Emma was unhurt, Gavin turns toward the stairs — just in time to watch as they collapsed, blocking their path and separating them from Marcel.[break][break]

Alarm surges through him, but he carefully maintains his composure as he tries to think of a plan. The same cannot be said for ; Gavin turns cold amber eyes onto the woman as she snaps at him, accusing.[break][break]

"It's not threatening you." Sandslash does not help its case, flexing its metal claws. It snarls as she storms forward, sensing furious intent. "You are stressing it out—"[break][break]

Speaking over her, Gavin, too, falls silent as he feels the floor tremble beneath his feet. Whatever Kaida says next is lost to Gavin's own survival instincts — Sandslash disappears in a halo of red, replaced by an Aerodactyl who flares her wings and looks to her master for command. Gavin clambers aboard the prehistoric beast, motioning frantically for Emma to join him.[break][break]

"We have to get off the ground!"[break][break]

Should Emma climb aboard, the Aerodactyl would do its best to get airborne.[break][break]

"Shift that rubble, now!"[break][break]

With a rumbling cry of affirmation, the Aerodactyl would attempt to gain control of some of the rubble using ROCK SLIDE, hoping to lift it and toss it out of their way.[break][break]

9AWLP7e_ [break] [used THREE OF MY SIX salacs, WHAT IS THIS LUCK :sob:]

recalls sandslash; sends out aerodactyl[break]
climbs aboard and tells to do the same[break]
once emma is on board, aerodactyl attempts to get airborne[break]
aerodactyl uses rock slide to try and shift the rubble[break][break]


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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON May 29, 2020 14:36:05 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


No sooner does she squeeze close to Gavin do the stairs fall away into rubble. They're facing a barricade of dread and Marcel had managed to slip past before the floor began to collapse. She can feel the floor groan and shift beneath her feet as the tree's sudden growth spurt takes its toll.[break][break]

Fortunately, the vending machine gang's set-up of traps and boobies is behind them, there's no danger. It merely means they're caught between a rock slide and a hard place of pointed stones. They couldn't go back but they also couldn't go forward. [break][break]

, a woman Emma didn't recognize nor care to, pushes past the STEALTH ROCKS and various other obstacles. She's bleeding, she's angry, and she whirls on 's Alolan Sandslash. The savage Pokemon's aggressive response is justified as the woman snarls back. One might almost assume the girl in question was feral herself.[break][break]

Emma wrinkles her nose at her in response, but her voice is lost to the rumble of tile smashing and foundation crashing. She feels her weight shift uncomfortably, a lurch in her chest as she reaches out to latch onto Gavin. As she turns to face him, however, the man is already returning Sandslash in a flash of light. She follows his lead, tucking Skuntank away to protect her from the fall.[break][break]

And then the man's warmth is gone as he clambers onto the back of a prehistoric dinosaur with wings. He's reaching for her and she reaches in return, pushing herself to react and grab hold of him. She slides into place in front of him, worried if she had climbed on from behind, her smaller stature might slip and fall off.[break][break]

He shouts something over the top of her head and it spurs Aerodactyl into action. The Pokemon begins to try and pull away the rubble and keep them off the ground should the floor give way. [break][break]

In the meantime, however, Emma works to retrieve her Zoroark's pokeball. As soon as she finds it she releases the Pokemon - though it shows itself as her Crobat. [break][break]

"Protect us!"[break][break]

Without question, the illusioned Crobat attempts to surround the Aerodactyl with a PROTECTIVE barrier, remaining close to Emma's shoulder so that she might catch the Crobat if he fell.[break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: observes running full ham into danger[break]
returns skuntank in order to climb onto 's aerodactyl's back for safety[break]
releases zoroark illusioned as crobat to protect them


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 29, 2020 16:00:14 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the caged trio did their best to try and free themselves with a gallade and machoke doing most of the heavy cutting in order to free them. when 's mime jr comes out however its when kazimir can't really keep his eyes off of it as it suddenly does its cute and sort of twisted plan of burning its way through this cage. that sure was one way of escaping if it didn't mind getting everyone else a set of burns all around them. his focus was so caught on the little clown and its attempt at tree barbecue that he didn't even notice 's morpeko slip away and start chipping away at the ceiling above them.
however soon they were all free and they made their way onto solid ground which once again felt soft and comfy as some tossed around costumes were the ones to break their fall through it. "oh this storage?" kazimir couldn't be too sure as he was trying to wonder why all of this was so far under the main building. he didn't get a lot of time to process it as the sound of crunching wood burst through his ears and the sight of their previous cage suddenly being smashed together was enough of a distraction. "yikes... glad we weren't in there. here's not any better though.".
like a jinx the moment he opened his mouth more rumbling could be heard only this time it was from the ceiling above them, literally. as he watched cracks form above him he recalled his two pokemon back into their balls as a chunk of ceiling fell onto a rack of clothes which prompted him to move closer to the trunk. out of reflex for self defense he grabbed whatever looked solid to him, a painted wooden sword by the feel of it and used it to brush away the debris rolling around at his feet. "ok so we need to go. now. or we're gonna be a pancake breakfast." he instructed to the two others as he looked around the trunk that was blocking their way. it didn't take long for him to find a space that looked like they could all slip through it.
"hey over here! i think we can get through. uh...single file though." that last sentence was added as soon as he slipped into the crack and could tell that it was pretty cramped with him just barely having enough space to shimmy through it.


    * kazimir recalls his pokemon.[break]
    * kazimir picks up [wooden sword][break]
    * kazimir makes his way through the space in the tree trunk to reach the other side where the staircase is.


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,456 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 29, 2020 20:12:16 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he knew he had a brief glimpse of just before all things went downhill and that was probably out there, somewhere. the path has been conveniently blocked, leaving their original party of four with two additional members.

of the two, one of them particularly catches priam's attention

"what?" he exclaims. upon closer inspection, this wasn't the kosuke sato he was told would be here. "what are you even doing here?"

mentioned to him that he wasn't rocket. on hindsight, that was the only possible answer to the question he presented to him before.

"nevermind that."

he grabs the older man by the wrists and drags him towards the hatch door that leads to the crawlspace, information he has learned for working for the place for the past few weeks. before anything, he felt the need to keep away from @zacharias .

priam lets go halfway through and brings out his shiinotic. he'd catch up with marcel later, he supposed, as the objective takes precedence over his personal intent.

he tries to find a vent and gets his shiinotic near to it. "spore." and with the command, sleep-inducing spores start to circulate throughout the place's ventilation system.

priam couldn't have done this earlier with misty terrain up, but at least someone had overwritten it just before they went down.

  • drags marcel towards the hatch door
  • takes his shiinotic out and finds the nearest vent
  • shiinotic uses spore
  • also mentioned every rocket with this post


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twenty six
84 height
84 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
142 posts
Goro Shimizu DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sadsoda
Goro Shimizu
POSTED ON May 29, 2020 20:46:06 GMT
Goro Shimizu Avatar
Goro: Descend.
{Show Pesterlog}

goro and his clown prince tumble out of the thicket and onto the littered floor of costumes and props. it was a fucking mess. as the tree grew even more, rubble and bits of the ceiling began to rain upon them. "oh shit." goro grumbled... and slipped through the opening to the other side of the room! the demonic easily followed behind due to his tiny stature which left both of them staring at the mess that was... still the second floor. he couldn't really see anything.

up above, snoop dog could feel the foundation below him start to give in. perfect. with a THWACK of his mighty dragon tail to the ground, the ice that held him shattered in a flurry of sleet and... concrete. he was trying to force the cave in!

que lil nas x doing a summersault around the room of b2, mystical fire erupting from his little hat and setting the room ablaze! goro nabbed a singed scarf and wrapped it around his nose and mouth as smoke began to fill the b2 floor. luckily, however, the flames revealed something of interest... a trap door! he gave a grunt, kick, and then released betty white because fuck that. the haunter cackled, it was a chorus of demonic laughter with both her and the mime jr as she used nightshade, two umbral bolts manifested and blasted the trapdoor.

goro scanned the room, coughing, and grabbed the two nearest things he could: two bowling pins. he used to juggle in the circus, and he knew how hard these things could hit. a final SMASH through the trapdoor with his improvised circus equipment and goro fell through to the floor below! chaotic giggles and and the CRASH from above followed as he descended into darkness, mime jr and haunter jumping/floating behind him.


+ goro slipped through first!
+ mime jr is tiny and followed!
+ tyrantrum used dragon tail on b1 to try and collapse the floor! (he is on the side closest to the f1 stairs)
+ mime jr is an evil crackhead and used MYSTICAL FIRE to set the room ablaze!
+ goro grabbed a scarf as smoke filled the room!
+ goro released haunter, haunter used nightshade on the trap door!
+ goro grabbed some bowling pins to SMASH through!


> tl;dr==>he is being loud and dumb
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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
1,191 posts
marcel maeda DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @marcel
marcel maeda
POSTED ON May 29, 2020 22:58:42 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

[attr="class","mthread"]the result is unexpected. while the tree seems unaffected, his sylveon glows--only a moment, part of him believes it was imagined. before he has time to process this observation, he feels a hand on his wrist. his immediate reaction is to pull back, but manages to catch himself in face of .
it was impossible, given marcel's rank and the size of their team, for him to stay ignorant. he recognised the lie immediately--all too aware that he was guilty too--but this has been some time ago. among all the preparations for this, it'd been easy to forget he'd yet to confront priam on the matter.
[break][break]he stifles a sigh. "shouldn't i be the one asking that?"
he supposes he shouldn't blame him for making his mistakes, but it's the fact they are his that frustrates him so. marcel knows how badly this path can end. as he's dragged towards the hatch, he holds up a hand to protect his face as the floor above begins to crumble. his expression settles into a grim line.
still, marcel has faced worse grievances than these; compartmentalisation, for him, is a practised art. he's learnt the hard way a mission always comes first--it's a lesson he isn't forgetting any time soon. grumbling a thanks to priam, he opens the hatch. "protect the floor." he orders his sylveon before making his way down.
he hopes emma and gavin are safe. the protect would only go so far; he cannot help them from here.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: marcel is led to the hatch by priam. his sylveon uses protect over their half of b2 in anticipation of b1 collapsing. the two try and make their way down to the crawlspace.
forgot to say before but all rocket chars have been mentioned.


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON May 30, 2020 1:28:43 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

I've tasted blood and it is sweet[break]
I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet[break]
I've trusted lies and trusted men[break]
Broke down and put myself back together

Shit, shit, shit.
Katherine is definitely cornered. Not only was the tree dead-set on growing further and further, the space in the room wasn't leaving many options for the Rocketess to choose from. She can either follow the steps of the other two or accept that the tree might squeeze her to death.
And that can only happen if the floor above doesn't collapse first. In her book, it was too much to handle.
But the objective remains crystal clear. Her focus is absolute, and even these threats are not enough to compel her to ask Arthur to teleport her out of the building. Not yet at the very least.
"Gallade, ice punch on the floor. Freeze as much of it as you can."
The roots are down there. And if it means she has to destroy another part of the building, then to hell with it. Kat intended to do <i>exactly</i> that.
"Morpeko, aura wheel again!"
Her partners' actions are seamless, as if born to act and fight alongside each other. Gallade first prepares his fist and coats it with a thick layer of ice before delivering a solid punch against the floor itself, and Morpeko follows it up with another blast of electricity that's charged by his movements.
..And it occurs all while Katherine fishes for another Pokeball in her pocket, reaching for the final one.
Another psychic-type is sent out, her Hatterene this time.
"Hatterene, we are not crashing down there, do everything you can to help!" Despite only now being called upon, the dual-type is quick to catch up. Her ability, ANTICIPATION warns her of the incoming collapse. She prepares herself to use PSYCHIC to soften the land, intent on ensuring that both Katherine and her team are kept safe.
..And if luck stays by the woman's side, it might just work out.


★ katherine is sort of freaking out, but she's good at keeping it cool since... the mission comes above all, doesn't it?
[break]★ gallade is ordered to use ICE PUNCH on the floor, whereas morpeko is ordered to use AURA WHEEL once again. their intent is to break through the floor and allow kat (and her team) to pass through safely to the next floor, where she assumes the roots of the tree would be found.
[break]★ hatterene is also called out during that time, and katherine asks for her help. the psychic-type prepares PSYCHIC to ensure that they land safely together.
[attr="class","sltdrkcred"][ DARKEE ]

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 30, 2020 7:13:44 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Mercifully the terrain change works, and the disturbingly pink field is swapped out for something more… calming, relaxing. It’s a nice shade of green now, and the Kommo-o lets out a sigh of relief. Even more relief comes as he finally manages to shove his way forward, into another stretch of corridor…

…before almost running into a damned mess of what she recognizes to be various entry and arena hazards.

“Oh, come on!” she grumbled, picking out the telltale signs of Spikes, and Stealth Rock among the mess. While there’s another she can’t readily identify (Sticky Web) it’s more than enough to make her question what the hell this shit is.

Seeing that there’s someone trying to break through, she then pointed ahead at the two companions who are currently outside the Pokéballs.

Dragon Claw those obstacles out of the way! Moonblast, for you! Help each other clear the place out!”

Swinging into action, she then slides off her Kommo-o’s back and watches as the dual-type attempts to slash and smash the obstacles out of the way with its Dragon Claw attack. At the same time, the Florges took a deep breath before taking aim and attempting a Moonblast beam at the unsightly tangle of debris.

Hoping that Selena was fast enough, she looks over at the pinkette and pointed at the rest of the mess.

“Think you can get your Delphox here quickly? We could try incinerating that… weird stringy stuff,” she suggested to the other. Hoping that she had something that could clear the way, she was about to continue her observations when the floor began to rumble and creak… wait, what?!

Looking down, she had to blink a few times—what the absolute flying fuck was that? Branch… branches?! What?! She thought, before looking to the protected structure behind her as the thing began surging and the floor started rumbling rather ominously.

“Get back!” she called to the Kommo-o, fishing out his Pokéball and attempting to recall it after their rudimentary attempt at “minesweeping” the debris wall out of the way. As the floor shook some more, she bit her lip… the question now here was.

How big was a Pelipper when faced with more than one passenger?!

She then flicked the Dive Ball forward once more, watching as the Pelipper emerged. “Pick her up! Hold her in your beak! Yes I know it’s disgusting but we have to make do for now! and watched as the Pelipper soared close and attempted to scoop up the Florges into its bowl-like beak.

Certainly big enough for a Florges to ride… she thought, before motioning to the avian to come closer. Scrambling onto the back as quickly as she could, she then hung on for dear life. Looking at Selena, she then called to the pinkette, “Do you have anything that can fly?! If you do—get on it, now!”

Otherwise… how much weight could a Pelipper hold? Two people? She wasn’t sure!

• Alexei is here, cross-dressed as ‘Irina’ once again!
• Almost runs into the myriad wall of traps, cringes slightly as she watched others snake their way through the mess. Nope, she’s not going to risk that!
• Quickly veers the Kommo-o and Florges into position
• Has Kommo-o use Dragon Claw, and Florges use Moonblast in an attempt to clear the wall of debris. Would it work? Who knows?!
• Calls out to Selena to get her Delphox back and points at the unknown thing (Sticky Web) to see if she can incinerate it out of the way
• Feels the floor rumbling underfoot. Yikes!
• Recalls Kommo-o, sends out Pelipper
• Has Pelipper grab Florges in its bowl beak before riding on the Flying-type’s back
• Shouts to Selena to get airborne if she can manage it!
• Ponders if a Pelipper can hold two people's weight

Objective cleared:

• mentioned everyone from the League a few posts back so that's done!


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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON May 30, 2020 16:02:23 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

Finally. Selena and Zorya managed to get past the building’s stern security team but Circe was left alone on the other side. Despite the councilman’s pronouncements, she would not have worried at all if only leagues were there. However, if the ones behind this mystery of a tree were actually the shady personalities from the dubious corporation, the idea was not something that sit well with the journalist.

“It’s STICKY WEB.” Selena replied to . After all, these weird stringy stuff saved her from being skewered by SPIKES and STEALTH ROCKS. The lady tried to remove the glutinous gossamers as she observed what unfurled on the rest of the basement: she saw once more, rowdier than before, as she hacked the path leading to the other staircase, also covered in rubbles; the other lady, the promiscuous looking one, was also caught up with the mess of traps; the coordinator couple looked just fine. “Fairy lock, then these obstructions—the guards and mr. mimes are all on the other side, which means they did not do this. Some people are purposely trying to stall us from reaching the end.”

The attempt to free herself from the cobwebs was unsuccessful, the Kalosian commanded the aegislash to use SLASH. “We don’t need fire with this, but I’m afraid Circe would be in danger if couldn’t retrieve her.” Soon, the ground started to tremble with the reverberating sound of the creaking floor. Branches crawled as cracks slowly creeped the basement slab. Pounding from the bottom floor was also audible—the attempt to crash the people from B1 was frustatingly obvious.

“I hope this works.”

Selena recalled Zorya, reddish glow began to surround the sword’s figure. “The floor’s collapsing! Everyone, save yourselves know before it’s too late!” She hoped the situation was enough to veer away the guard’s attention from delphox, if not her voice stressing it further. There was still enough space for the dephox to slip through, using FIRE BLAST to propel itself back to its trainer as she attempted to recall the vixen too to her pokéball.

The reporter, still oblivious to exhaustion because of the rush of andrenaline, and perhaps the energy surge from the flora, confessed to her companion. “I don’t have anything that can fly, so I’m counting on you now. Heh.”


  • crashes on STICKY WEB after sneaking into the other side, Zorya uses SLASH to cut through the gossamer threads
  • recognizes another group of people who intends to stall people from reaching the bottom floors
  • recalls Zorya, shouts to everyone to start saving themselves now in an attempt to distract them from retrieving delphox back; dephox uses FIRE BLAST to propel itself towards her trainer and recalls her too
  • hops into ’s pelliper, hoping it could carry them both
  • OBJECTIVE CLEARED: all league members are tagged from the previous posts
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON May 30, 2020 17:21:30 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 it takes dominic a few long seconds to recognise in the weak light, and as his eyes flicker from him to , dominic's teeth briefly glint in a cheshire cat smile. now isn't this just getting more and more interesting?

his entertainment is short-lived; dominic feels the room shudder around him, somehow both horrible and exhilaratingly familiar all at once. motes of dust fall around them, and for a second dominic hesitates because he recognises the glow of flames on the other side of the trunk among the branches.

dominic's gaze lingers on the fire, flitting back to his group as and unearth the hatch and enter.

wordlessly, he steps aside for a moment, indicating to and @zacharias that they should go ahead of him. as soon as the last head dips out of view, dominic pulls the bandana around his neck up to cover his nose and mouth and issues an only slightly muffled command to houndoom.

for a heartbeat, dominic watches @zacharias seem to linger. he half-mutters, half-snarls, a short string of profanities and shoves him toward the hatch.

turning back, a flick of his hand clarifies his words to the pokemon, and the houndoom gives a long, drawn out exhale as thick SMOG the colour of dark slate begins to fill the storage space. any rubble that threatens them will have to contend with the PROTECTIVE dome of 's sylveon.

dominic recalls his pokemon when the poisonous smoke begins to sting his eyes and drops down to enter the hatch after the others. with his body mostly inside, dominic extends one arm and snatches the sylveon as he snaps the hatch shut and descends.

tl;dr: watches and enter the hatch, ushers @zacharias and inside next. houndoom uses a volatile, combustive SMOG to cover the room and obscure the view. recalls houndoom. dominic enters the hatch last out of his vending machine + marcel group but before the others. awkwardly picks up 's sylveon and takes it down with him.


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2020 2:23:31 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Grass suddenly spread across the floor of the basement, and Ruby didn't have enough time to question whether or not it was the Tree's doing. The ground beneath her very feet seemed to begin to crack and crumble and her eyes opened wide as she forced herself not to panic. It seemed her Pokemon noticed the shaking ground as well, immediately protectively moving closer towards her, Grace even moving to attempt and hold onto her should the ground actually fall away.

Perhaps in any normal situation, Ruby genuinely would have panicked. The fear driving her to do nothing at all. And yet, with the unnatural adrenaline still pumping through her veins, she was too anxious to just do nothing. She wanted to, nay, needed to do something. She couldn't tell what in the world was going on beneath her a floor below, nor whatever chaos was occurring in the staircase across the way, but none of that mattered if they couldn't survive the fall.

"Grace! Fury!"
Ruby suddenly called out loudly, grabbing the attention of her Pokemon. "The floor is going to go! Grab the guards, keep them safe! You need to!" The two Pokemon were obviously against leaving her side and letting her remain in danger, but that steely look in her eyes was all it took to convince them to move.

Fury was quick and nimble, dashing across the floor to attempt and hoist two of the guards into his strong arms, as Grace would take the more gentle approach. Using her Telepathy, she would attempt to converse with not only the three guards in sight but as well, that the floor was going to collapse and they were going to help. Regardless of their responses, Grace would gently attempt to pull the one remaining guard and into her arms, only to move close to Fury. Her ability to float against gravity was limited, but hopefully, with the two of them using Teleport together, they could avoid the majority of the fall.

Ruby was quick to send out her own support, sending Whisper back out. The cracks only seemed to become more and more obvious as time passed, the danger becoming quite real. "Whisper..." Ruby didn't even have time to say anything else, the Hatterene immediately moving to silence her trainer with a gentle press of her claw against Ruby's lips. Whisper simply nodded, immediately wrapping her tentacle around Ruby and holding her tightly. Ruby instinctively moved to grip at her necklace as Whisper's whole form would change, mega-evolving. Growing taller, stronger, their tentacle splitting into three as the inner form within her hair only became more and more obvious, a protective look on her face.

As soon as they would begin to plummet down, Whisper would attempt with all her might to keep Ruby safe. From her own, admittedly basic, levitation, but more importantly blasting down at the ground beneath them with Psychic. Pouring every inch of her power into the blast, she'd attempt to use it to dampen the fall, despite its sheer destructive force. She wasn't exactly careful and precise, after all.


Notes: Attempting to protect the guards and from the ground crumbling. Grace using Telepathy to convey their intent, and Grace and Fury attempting to grab onto them. Using a Gardevoirs natural ability to float, paired with Grace and Fury using Teleport together to hopefully assist. Whisper Mega Evolved, planning to use Psychic at the ground beneath them as soon as they fall in order to dampen the fall, despite the sheer destructive power behind it.

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Rocket Scientist
Head Scientist
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2020 4:06:01 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
While others might have been distracted by the appearance of or the shaking of the foundation beneath their feet, Eva found herself more focused on the network of branches as they ventured deeper into the lower levels of the hall.

She had half a mind to try and collect a sample but alas it would have to wait again for another time. With the path behind them blocked and the room, they were now in rather secure in terms of immediate dangers the rocket scientist returned her Malamar, leaving on her Orbeetle free of its capsule for the time being.

The Pokémon was small enough that heading down the hatch with the others would be fine. Watching Priam's Shiinotic use spore, Eva decided to have her Orbeetle use SAFEGUARD on their little group to make sure the effects of the spore don't end up backfiring.

”Be careful with the equipment as you go down, can’t afford for anything to get damaged.” Eva would say, warning her fellow rockets before she decided to go down the hatch after and .

From here on they’d be reaching the lowest part of the basement and that’s where they could implement their plan. Eva was looking forward to finally having a moment to get herself a sample so she could study this tree. It was unfortunate however that they would have to get rid of it as well.

If only the tree had grown somewhere else that or if there weren’t so many god damn annoying pests about. With them gone she’d have time to study all she wants without worry.


tl;dr returns Malamar and then Casts SAFEGUARD on the group pand then follows behind and to the lower floor through the hatch.
The Shula Region
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