i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Sugar rabbit
December 21
Lilycove City
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I may love me some vanilla but I'm not that sugar sweet
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Vera Lindt DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @vera
Vera Lindt
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 14:36:15 GMT
Vera Lindt Avatar

vera can't believe her project manager has had her shut in for so long. she understands she wanted to finish going over every step of the procedure for her report, and that's completely fair. but on the last day of the beach party? now that's unforgivable. even strudel, her pikachu who had stolen the dancefloor last year, was looking forward to it. she hurries outside, lab coat discarded and a combination of plain t-shirt and shorts donned in its stead. her only comfort is that alric is also too busy to attend, so she wouldn't be missing out on quality time with her partner.


up among the clouds, she sees the telling sparks of a wormhole. it's impossible not to, as ominously as it hangs over their heads. her pace quickens, but it's only a second before it disappears.


"wait, is the party already over?"

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[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-pikachu"]
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 5:25:08 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
[googlefont=Roboto|Montserrat:900|Raleway:900,000][nospaces][newclass=.sacred_starewrap]width:499px;height:400px;background:#e8e8e8;overflow:hidden[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_starepost]width:240px;height:270px;padding-right:10px;line-height:1.3em;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;font-family:Roboto;font-size:11px;color:#555;float:left;margin-top:25px;margin-left:30px[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_starepost b]color:#022980;font-family:Roboto;font-size:12px[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_starelyric]width:265px;line-height:1em;float:left;position:relative;margin-left:-250px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:28px;font-family:Raleway;font-weight:900;margin-top:320px;color:#fff;text-shadow:#c7c7c7 1px 1px;position:relative;z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_stareimage]width:200px;height:400px;margin-top:-400px;float:right;background:url(;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(31% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%);clip-path: polygon(31% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%);position:relative;z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_staretag]float:left;margin-left:23px;margin-top:400px;background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);padding:8px 0px 7px 0px;width:80%;font-family:Montserrat;font-size:8.5px;border-radius:10px;color:#022980;font-weight:900;transition:0.3s ease-in-out[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_staretag a]font-family:Montserrat!important;font-size:8.5px!important; color:#022980!important;font-weight:900!important;text-transform:uppercase!important[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_stareimage:hover .sacred_staretag]margin-top:350px;transition:0.3s ease-in-out[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_stareaccent]border-top:120px solid transparent;border-left:200px solid #022980;margin-top:280px;margin-left:-10px;position:relative;z-index:1;[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_starepost::-webkit-scrollbar ]background-color:#fff;width:3px; [/newclass][newclass=.sacred_starepost::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb] background-color:#022980;border-radius:10% [/newclass][newclass=.sacred_credit]text-align:right;width:450px;font-size:15px;[/newclass][newclass=.sacred_credit a]text-decoration:none!important;font-size:15px!important;[/newclass]
"Weird. You don't strike me as the type to pursue that job."
A champion... She had an idea for what one would be like. From what little she knew about Kazimir though, he didn't seem like a guy who could fit the bill well. But of course, manners were a part of her new job. Being polite was practically a requirement.
"But hey, what do I know? Our region has been missing a champion for enough time, really. I do hope we can find one soon."
The gym leader's attention shifts to the needy Zeraora once more when the small cat attempts to bite Kazimir. It's playful enough that she doesn't have to worry about whether if his trainer was at risk or not. "I can't say I got to raise a lot of baby pokemon, but some of mine still act like kids." Her Garchomp comes to mind. He was the most childish of the bunch.
"Oh, definitely. There are a lot of baby ghost-types." Katherine never asked for the birds and the bees talk from one of her ghosts, however, so was clueless when it came to the process itself. All she knew was that in the end, there was an egg with a pokemon inside. How it came to be mattered little.
"You are his parent now, you know. You need to feed it, clean after it - and, well... Teach it not to bite you like that."

notes: ---

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 6:24:16 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
You pray for a distraction to create a buffer between yourself and your feelings, and fate sends a thunder shower your way, and a bunch of Thunder Cats that need a home... Hoenn was a curious country even by abnormal standards, and it helped Adrian realize why ancient civilizations used "may you live in interesting times" as a curse.

And how quickly they are provided homes, awarded arbitrarily to those who'd performed well during the day's events. It's almost conspicuous. But it seemed it was just dumb luck, though he couldn't help but feel skeptical of it all, and of course envious. He was practically green with it.

I need a damn drink... And so he headed to the boardwalk hoping to find something a bit stiffer than a Poppin' Pachirisu Float, though he passes by several trainers and their newfound allies, curiosity getting the better of him as Adrian meanders through the crowds spilling onto the beach.

I wonder how they got all the way here...

Along the way he bumps into someone who didn't just get lucky enough to score one of these curious critters, but he'd landed a uniquely colored one with white fur on a teal physique. Just. Wow.

"Bet you're just ec-static," he said in passing, his tone dry as he made probably the least inventive pun possible for the situation...
Adding padding to help hit that 20.
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 7:24:23 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




The young ranger couldn't be more confused by what he had saw. Hes read about odd storms coming from the horizon, but none of those readings really explained a god damn hole in the sky to switch thunder and lighting came down and unknown pokemon came from. When he looked it up it seems it was rare to a point where it's name and type were all his DEX App would give him. Then to add on top of all that apparently he's done well enough to be awarded one of these rare pokemon, so lucky in fact that when he was given one where it's fur was as white as vanilla ice cream where as most of the other's hes seen so far had been an electric yellow. [break][break]

"Um hey there," he smiles at the little cat pokemon, having a few flashbacks about the time Salem had hatched so many years ago. It felt weird being giving the responsibility of taking care of a baby pokemon again but it was interesting. Both Salem and Sabrina hopped up on either shoulder causing is sore body to ache from all the games from before but they were curious about the new pokemon. Salem being the beaming energy of positivity welcoming the new cat and even told a joke it seems as it got the electric pokemon to laugh. Problem was with it's lack of control over it's electricity it expelled sparks from it's body nearly shocking all of them. In natural cat panic, Sabrina subconsciously dug her claws into his shoulder as she hissed at the Zeraora.[break][break]

Yeah this was more his luck and what he's come to expect. With both the claws and electric sparks coming out Razz accidentally dropped the new pokemon with Razz falling to one knee. "Sabrina," he scolded who still was hissing at the new pokemon, she was so hard to please sometimes. The hiss was enough to scare the baby and have it run. Razz was quick return the Meowstic to her pokeball before chasing the gifted pokemon thankfully it just went to a near by person accidentally bumping into them and may or may not have shocked them by accident from surprise. Razz doing his best to grab the white kitten gently to stop it with the rubber gloves hes been given. "I'm so-so sorry about that," he was quick to apologize already feeling terribly about everything. None of the others seems to be having troubles adjusting why did he have to screw it up. Afterward he tried to look over the kitten to be sure he didn't hurt itself either. [break][break]

At the moment all he could hope for was that the person he bumped into, nor the new cat would be upset.

    [/b] Open if anyone wants to be the person Razz's Zeraora bumps into >.>[/sub][/ul]




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    Nov. 25
    Ballonlera, Galar
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    6 ft 3 in height
    victory is in the pocket!
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    TAG WITH @kazimir
    Kazimir Wynter
    POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 14:23:58 GMT
    Kazimir Wynter Avatar
    [attr="class", kheader"]


    "this little guy biting me is nothing compared to what my other pokemon have done to me, but i'll take your advice into consideration." when he's been literally suplexed and pile driven by his own incineroar he sort of got used to the abuse that some of them put him through. it was not their fault that they forget their own strength sometimes, or in some cases that their just that naturally strong that humans probably shouldn't roughhouse with a few of them. he still loved them and he would be sure that this new addition as well as the others received enough love as well.
    as he managed to get the zeraora into his arms and off of hanging off of one of them he held up the cat once more and rubbed its fur which got a purr out of it. "by the way what do you mean don't look like a champion? can we really say what one looks like when we've been miss-gghk!"
    he felt a volt of electricity shoot up his leg as another even more colorful zeraora bumped into him and its uncontrollable electricity touched kaz's exposed leg. as his body twitched he dropped his own cat back onto the sand and while it was lucky it landed on his feet he met eyes with the oddly discolored one and let out a hiss as his hackles raised up and he took a cautionary swipe at the newcomer as its trainer came up to apologize as kaz was almost balancing on one leg while shaking his leg free of static. "dude! keep an eye on ain't you that ranger from that marowak incident?"[break][break]

    [attr="class","notes"]notes: kaz a different kind of kitten~ <3

    [attr="class","tag"] [attr="class","tag"]

    template by kay

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    March 18
    Heahea City
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    TAG WITH @oscar
    oscar clayton
    POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 2:46:02 GMT
    oscar clayton Avatar
    The dramatic events involving the storm went unnoticed by Oscar, as he was busy being on fire. His attempt to fire dance went horribly, and it had resulted in him setting his clothes on fire. Normally when this happened there were attendants to help put contestants out, but everyone was too busy watching the sky. Thus, Oscar flailed about on his own while lightning struck the beach. 

    Oscar rolled around in the sand for like five minutes, screaming all the while. You can't blame him, that fire fucking hurt. By the time he was finally out, everyone's attention was drawn to the strange kittens that had appeared after the lightning strike. Oscar could not care less, instead opting to walk past the crowd to get his shit and go home. He had enough 'fun' for one day. Half way through a step though, he heard the sound of a kitten mewing. 

    Oscar gasped and lifted his boot, revealing one of the strange kittens everyone was fawning over. Oscar knew not the context for their appearance, but he felt absolutely horrible having almost crushed it. He gingerly picked the babe up, "Aw fuck, where'd you come from?" It was such a unique looking pokemon, Oscar was entranced by its beautiful fur. He had seen nothing like it, the little guy must have been very special. 

    He saw a few others with kittens and wondered if these were given out as prizes for winning all the contests. This guy probably belonged to someone--yet Oscar took him anyway. I mean, it was the least he deserved for surviving being set on fire. Cradling the kitten, Oscar carefully walked back to his spot. There he saw a very angry tyranitar staring someone down. To his horror, that someone was Thea.

    "Whoa Pain buddy, chill she's cool." Pain snorted as he heard this, stubbornly turning away. He was quite embarrassed. Oscar walked forward, thankful that Thea wasn't hyper beamed into the sun. "Sorry about that, I told Pain to guard our stuff. Had any fun today?" The kitten mewed, rolling around in Oscar's arms. He seemed rather comfy.

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    january 1
    mistralton, unova
    battle academy teacher
    kris flynn-edwards
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    TAG WITH @thea
    Alethea Ivanova
    POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 3:08:13 GMT
    Alethea Ivanova Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]




    summer beach party

    i'll send a storm to capture

    your heart

    In a dramatic turn of events, she watches from a distance (safety first) as Oscar tackles the fire-dancing mini event. It's a disaster, honestly, as she expected. Playing with fire? On a hot day? At the beach? With no proper safety equipment on scene? [break][break]

    And when she saw him catch fire she squeaked in surprise, rushing to find some water, anything to help him. She's got a bucket down by the water, filling it, charging back - but she's bumped into his Tyranitar who must have forgotten she was waiting by his things too, or had mistaken her bucket of water as a threat to his personal hygiene.[break][break]

    She holds the water defensively against her chest, now, just in case he has anything planned. She will not hesitate to douse him if he makes one wrong move.[break][break]

    But Oscar shows up in time to call off his attack dog and make light of the situation. And.. he's carrying a tiny kitten in his arms. In one fell swoop she sets down her water bucket to approach him, her voice a melting mixture of awe and sweet nothings.[break][break]

    "All is forgiven after seeing this sweet face."[break][break]

    Thea glances up at Oscar with a smile, before that smile melts into recognition of concern. She tugs at his burned clothing, mindlessly checking him for burns and wounds. [break][break]

    "You alright, Oscar? I tried to come to your aid sooner with water, but... there's a reason I didn't participate in any of those pokeathlon events."[break][break]


    notes: ...



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    March 18
    Heahea City
    Gay af
    Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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    TAG WITH @oscar
    oscar clayton
    POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 3:31:35 GMT
    oscar clayton Avatar
    Oscar cocked his head, a reason she didn't participate? He turned his eyes to the kitten, watching it pur as Thea petted it. He kept his eyes on the kitten as he spoke to Thea, "I'm going to be fine. A couple burns will give me character!" In truth Oscar was in a bit of pain, but he's been through worse. He'll put some ointment on and be good as new in no time.

    He turned his eyes to his friend, concerned with what happened to her during all this time. "Are you alright? What have you been up to?" At this point Pain had approached to see what all the fuss was about, his eyes narrowing at the kitten in his master's arms. Was that all? What a puny little weakling, how could it have garnered so much attention? 

    Oscar had decided to put the kitten down while he chatted with Thea, and the little guy waddled toward the massive Pain. Pain recoiled in disgust, until the kitten curled up at his feet. Pain's eyes twitched, a strange feeling swelling within. He looked to make sure no one was watching, and plopped down in front of the kitten. Using his massive claws, he gently caressed the kitten's back. The kitten quite enjoyed it, drawing a smile to Pain's face.

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    january 1
    mistralton, unova
    battle academy teacher
    kris flynn-edwards
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    TAG WITH @thea
    Alethea Ivanova
    POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 3:12:16 GMT
    Alethea Ivanova Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]




    summer beach party

    i'll send a storm to capture

    your heart

    Thea chuckles at his nonchalant response, offering him a 'disappointed-but-not-surprised' sort of amused head shake. Fortunately, his burns weren't severe at all, more like sun burns. She probably had some aloe vera in her purse -- gotta come prepared for sunburn, after all.[break][break]

    "They'll give you something alright - I think it's called cancer, not character."[break][break]

    She thinks nothing of his cocked expression due to her earlier comment. The woman was a school teacher who taught Pokemon combat techniques and the like - she wasn't a gym teacher. The whole physical exercise thing wasn't her forte, she had no stamina and no upper body strength. [break][break]

    Thea smiles at him thoughtfully as he turns the concern back to her. What a sweetheart.[break][break]

    "I've been just fine. Caught up on my readings, enjoyed some sun. It's been a lovely time at the beach."[break][break]

    She watches as the man puts the Zeraora down and smiles fondly as it runs up to the Tyrantitar - though she is a little bit stiff about it. Was that safe? Apparently so, as the gigantic Pokemon has a soft spot for babies, apparently. [break][break]

    "Where'd you get the cat?"[break][break]


    notes: ...



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    [newclass=".punkianger-thcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    played by


    the Harbinger
    october 28th
    circhester, galar
    the harbinger
    I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
    8,425 posts
    part of
    TAG WITH @gavin
    Cillian Quinn
    POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 4:03:00 GMT
    Cillian Quinn Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]








    Gavin stands with Emma as the chaos dies down around them, many individuals choosing to head home or otherwise vacate the beach. It's peaceful in the aftermath of the frightening storm, his mind more at ease with Emma's presence. He's smiling as he talks with her.[break][break]

    Perhaps it's why he looks more approachable than usual. Perhaps doesn't care. Gavin turns his head to look at the stranger — was he a stranger? The Rocket's brow furrows, lips pressed together as he scans through his thoughts. The pun lands a few seconds later, and Gavin scoffs.[break][break]

    "Bet you're proud of that one," he replies. Zeraora squirms in his grip, wriggling itself into a better position to observe the newcomer. Gavin gently uses one hand as a barrier to its paws, not wanting to give anyone a shock. "I worked hard for this little one. It's hardly all that shocking."[break][break]

    His canines flash as he grins.



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    [newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    played by


    the wolf
    october 30
    lumiose city, kalos
    bisexual demi-romantic
    rocket beast
    Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
    1,571 posts
    Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
    part of
    TAG WITH @wolfe
    Emma Wolfe
    POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 4:14:35 GMT
    Emma Wolfe Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]




    beach party

    never be more than a wolf

    at your door

    The kiss shared between them is brief and she lays the blame on the squirming kitten between them. It's more likely her own discomfort with such a public display of affection - but she had instigated it. As she draws away, she takes a brief glance through the crowd, her eyes passing over the young man who would eventually come to join them.[break][break]

    Curiosity glitters behind dark eyes as she watches approach with a muddled pun. The woman remains indifferent, however, showing no indication she was either amused or understood the joke. Gavin's cheeky grin actually encourages her face to strain into something akin to a grimace. [break][break]

    Was he bragging? [break][break]

    Her attention passes back over the kitten as she realizes it's a different colour than the majority. But she really doesn't care one way or the other. It was another mouth to feed and a baby mouth at that - she was not overly thrilled to be doting over it later. Gavin was a softie, it'd most likely end up sleeping in the bed with them, or something.[break][break]

    Hades would be pissed.[break][break]


    notes: ...



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    [newclass=".punkianger-emcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    played by


    October 19
    Sootopolis City
    in my solitude
    6'1" height
    6'1" height
    I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
    2,620 posts
    part of
    TAG WITH @fonz
    Adrian Malcolm
    POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 6:24:16 GMT
    Adrian Malcolm Avatar
    Man, he's really quick to get defensive, huh? Perhaps Adrian's approach wanted for some tact, but he was pleasantly surprised by their retaliatory pun, though his own was more happenstance than not. "I didn't mean anything by it, 'cept maybe as a backhanded congratulations."

    Adrian shrugs it off with an easygoing smile, trying to ease away the tension palpable in the air, or at least to him. "They look pretty freaky, huh?" He'd started staring at it more closely, getting its full measure. He'd probably end up having to battle these things some day soon, given how many of them ended up in a certified trainer's care.

    Kinda reminded him of an Arcanine mixed with a Lucario, except it was an Electric-type, so perhaps also like an Electabuzz? If it wasn't for the bizarre circumstances of their appearance, he would've thought them something cooked up by Coltillard.

    "Well... That and maybe I wanted to provoke you, so I could see how this thing battles. Whaddaya say? I can use a bench warmer in case you're worried about it getting hurt," he suggested to make them amenable to his ploy.

    Eyes flickering between Gavin and the company he'd already been keeping, Adrian decided to take it a few steps back. "Unless you're busy...?"

    Honestly just shitposting at this point, probably.
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    played by


    the Harbinger
    october 28th
    circhester, galar
    the harbinger
    I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
    8,425 posts
    part of
    TAG WITH @gavin
    Cillian Quinn
    POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 6:41:11 GMT
    Cillian Quinn Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]








    Accustomed to others reading into his stoic mannerisms, Gavin flicks a dismissive wrist when corrects himself. Emma is far closer with her own assumption — while not strictly boasting, he was proud of his performance in the Pokeathalon. Amber eyes steadily hold the stranger's gaze; there is no bitterness in them. "Consider my humour a backhanded thanks."[break][break]

    As the man leans closer as if to inspect the mewling creature, Gavin shifts its position against his chest. Sparks diffuse against the rubber gloves the Ranger had given him upon handing over his new charge.[break][break]

    "A battle, hm?"[break][break]

    Gavin sounds surprised, but not hesitant. Perhaps this guy knew him for his league challenge, or something. Zeraora seems enthralled by the idea, letting out a little squeak. His gaze turns to Emma, a silent question. Would you mind?



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    [newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit"]width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

    [newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    played by


    May 24
    Sootopolis City
    Rocket Grunt
    5'10 height
    5'10 height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    3,608 posts
    part of
    TAG WITH @razz
    Raziel Beckett
    POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 6:44:48 GMT
    Raziel Beckett Avatar




    If it weren't for the gloves the new sparks coming from his new party member would've shocked him as well. This time thought it had seemed in response to the swipe from the other cat thing... damn it what was the name of this again? No time for that as the familiar trainer responded to which Razz just felt uncomfortable about. Once again he was causing this guy trouble, just another thing to add to his luck, "Yeah, really sorry," he was quick to say again with a bow of his head. [break][break]

    At the mention of the innocent he just nodded, "That and I'm sure we did a few runs together, Wynter right?" he asked knowing he's head the ref's say the names a few times. And it's simplicity made it easier to recall even if there was no official introduction between them. "Last I checked on them they said he's been released back into the wild," he informed the man while paying attention to the white kitty in his arms who seemed to try wiggling to be let down to let him play. Though Razz wasn't too sure about this as the last baby pokemon he dealt with was Salem who was also more on the destructive side. "I.... see you got one too," he can't help but comment as it was the yellow one his seemed to be pointing at from his arms, eventually he would get better with small talk.

      [/b] [/sub][/ul]




      Event Thread


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      Nov. 25
      Ballonlera, Galar
      ex-elite four
      6 ft 3 in height
      6 ft 3 in height
      victory is in the pocket!
      2,604 posts
      part of
      TAG WITH @kazimir
      Kazimir Wynter
      POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 7:45:33 GMT
      Kazimir Wynter Avatar
      [attr="class", kheader"]


      "oh man that's good to hear, seriously those little guys deserved a break." it was nice to know that the rangers weren't totally harsh on punishments. maybe he should revisit applying to be one, even if it meant using the pokkenger name to try and prove that he had what it takes to do so. would that be really weird? probably not.
      when the ranger mentioned that kaz had his own little cat he took a glance between his and the miscolored one that belonged to the ranger and squinted, "and i see that you have one yourself...a kinda special one too huh. must take after the a lot." would the thunder clouds even be considered their father? or whatever was on the other side of the wormhole? these were all questions reserved for later, right now he was wondering if the ranger could even answer any questions about these things for him. "hey so, do you know anything about these guys? like why they're being handed out to people? i mean i'm grateful that they decided i'm lucky enough to have one but like...i didn't think the league just handed out pokemon. i thought that was reserved for game corners or something."
      his own zeraora's nerves had calmed down enough that it approached the silver colored one with curiosity and started to sniff the air between them to get familiar with its scent, as it did it started to mew happily and started to bounce back and forth in a playful pouncing motion like he was ready to play fight with the other.[break][break]

      [attr="class","notes"]notes: kaz a different kind of kitten~ <3

      [attr="class","tag"] [attr="class","tag"]

      template by kay

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      The Shula Region
      Hogwarts AU
      RPG Unlimited
      The Enroi Region
      Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP