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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 23:00:46 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

mika says nothing at first, content to let alia's confident tone make the first greeting towards these grunts. when it's clear that the rocket members have no intention of going peacefully, mika prepares herself for a battle. [break][break]

looks like we'll have to stop them by force, after all. she'd been in numerous battles beforehand, but there's something different about fighting team rocket grunts, rather than another normal trainer. their bad reputation and history precedes them, yet mika doesn't think in absolutes. rather, they recognize the similarities between the league and team rocket, and how from afar, alia and mika seem no different from the two grunts in front of them. both sides fight for something bigger than themselves, both sides are pieces in the greater game that the entire region of hoenn is playing. [break][break]

if this fight is a reflection, mika endeavors to become something different than the desperation she sees in the mirror. as alia and luka take on the excadrill, mika and komainu double down on the houndoom. (they say it's a dog-eat-dog world, after all. there's an extra layer of animosity between the lycanroc and houndoom as a result.) [break][break]

their teeth gritted, mika calls out the next move: "lycanroc, stone edge!" and the wolf strikes out, the fur on its body hardening into razor-sharp edges, tough as rocks and twice as sturdy. komainu is a blue blur as he darts forward, slashing at the sides of houndoom with its lethal mane. houndoom yelps painfully, and mika bites back a grunt of displeasure. it brings her no joy to hurt other pokemon like this, and she supposes that even if the team rocket members wouldn't think twice about killing, the ranger has no plans to follow those tactics, themself. knock them out and be done with it — maybe it'll teach them a lesson, at the end of the day. [break][break]

"shit. forget about the lycanroc! houndoom, use flamethrower on the riolu!" the grunt orders his dark canine pokemon, who glances at the aura pokemon and nods in agreement. it opens its mouth and a roar of fire builds in the back of his throat, a stream of fire aimed for luka the riolu. [break][break]

"not so fast!" mika sneers. "lycanroc, protect!" without warning, the lycanroc jumps in the way of the houndoom's fire, and a forcefield of protective energy emanates from it, dispelling the flamethrower attack before it can reach alia or her pokemon. maybe they won't fight an honorable fight, but mika certainly will. the grunt curses beneath his breath, forced to keep houndoom and lycanroc as mika refuses to let alia be double-teamed on. [break][break]

+ @saturn [break]
+ 10 MP per IC post in a RT Battle/Mission. [break]
+ 10 MP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon. [break]



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 22:34:58 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



the battled had raged on for what felt like an eternity, both sides unyielding in their struggle. mika felt out of place in times like these. despite being a ranger, and despite being a part of the defensive force meant to stabilize the league's position, it was difficult to imagine herself among those brave souls who answered the call to action. [break][break]

and somehow, in the midst of it all, she ended up with some pivotal information. this had been in the hands of other league members, until it passed all the way down the chain and towards mika. she knew how to relay it back to the league — that wasn't the problem at all. [break][break]

the problem was finding a calm and peaceful place to relay such information. everywhere she turned, there seemed to be one battle, then another. the sands and seas and skies were scattered with pokemon and human shapes, everyone fighting to bitter ends or until one side conceded. how would she be able to safely convey any information this way? [break][break]

she'd been on top of her terastallized talonflame, using the bird's pure flying type energy to fly faster in the skies. then, from above, she spotted a small clearing with a pond of water, surrounded on all ends by trees and rocks, with the insignia of the league in the form of seashells on a flat rock. perfect. [break][break]

she landed slowly, and in her ranger's uniform, clearly showed herself as one with the league. "sorry to drop in like this," she huffed, a bit out of breath. "i couldn't find any place to rest for miles..." [break][break]



50 MP for participation in a RT Battle/Mission.[break]
10 MP per IC post in a RT Battle/Mission.[break]
10 MP use terastallization in your thread.[break]




[newclass=.mikanakayama]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.3px;line-height:17px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 21:14:48 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X tera orb (500 PD)
- komainu the shiny dusk lycanroc becomes fire tera type!
1X tera shard (from dream drop distance) (000 PD)
- sora the talonflame becomes flying tera type!
3X potion of evolution (from bewitching brews) (000 PD)
- inari the vulpix evolves into ninetales! (inari forgets imprison and learns dazzling gleam!)
- kohli the swablu evolves into altaria! (kohli learns dragon pulse!)
- rokuya the shelgon evolves into salamence! (rokuya forgets zen headbutt and learns fly!)


do come again!

500 PD

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2023 17:23:20 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

3X potion of training (from bewitching brews) into the pc
3X potion of evolution (from bewitching brews) into the pc
1X gacha ticket (link to mika's gachapon) from passerby analytics #5


do come again!

00 PD
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2023 16:55:20 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar
survey #1 - what is your opinion on shorts?
good for exercise. versatile, can wear them at home or in public. perfect summer clothing.

survey #2 - what was your proudest moment?
officially becoming a pokemon ranger.

survey #3 - do you believe in redemption, or can some sins never be forgiven?
i believe in redemption.

survey #5 - who or what 3 objects would you bring with you if you were stuck on a deserted island?
1. utility knife
2. spare clothes
3. talonflame's pokeball

survey #6 - what do you have in your pockets?
nothing. i carry things in a bag and/or crossbody pouch.

survey #7 - do you have a sibling, or someone like one? if so, what's your relationship like?
no siblings, but sometimes i wonder what it would've been like.

survey #9 - do you name your pokemon? why, or why not? do you follow a certain theme?
i do name my pokemon, but i prefer to call them their names in private / around people i trust. because they deserve a sense of privacy, too. i don't follow a certain theme but the pokemon species and/or behavior heavily influences the name i choose for them.

survey #11 - what is your favorite color?

survey #12 - what is your favorite anime?
i don't think i have a favorite... the last time i watched one, though, was dungeon meshi.

survey #13 - oracelies solar has released her final album titled x. listen to it here. out of the tracklist, which is your favorite song and why?
cranes in the sky. i like the title, but actually listening to the song was nice, too.
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
All Hands! [M/O]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 17:42:41 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

their pokemon were certainly working hard. mika kept a watchful eye, but glanced at yuina when she spoke. "alright. you have a point." after all, it could've been an accident just as much as anything. with any luck, they wouldn't even need to do anything else after the fire was put out. mika exhaled audibly — at least they had that going for them. [break][break]

"prinplup, use brine over there! lycanroc, follow up with stone edge to snuff the little flames!" her pokemon followed her command, and mika felt a sense of relief as more and more flames subsided. [break][break]

she said, "oh, you're welcome, i should thank you for your help, as well. this certainly isn't something that someone can take on by themselves. and our pokemon are doing a fantastic job. i won't say anything just in case i jinx it, but..." the unspoken meaning of we might have this under control, after all carried through, anyway. [break][break]



mission: fire force



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[newclass=".fakebq .credit a"]font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
Second Quest LEVEL-1: Temple of Hours [M][C/Mika]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 17:27:00 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

mika simply nodded, and followed shalin's lead. they entered a new room, but shalin and starr's weight in the center activated the quicksand trap — her voice short and clipped with worry. "shalin!" [break][break]

but from the sounds and sights of it, there was a basement level beneath the sand. mika quickly backtracked and looked for a way to get to the same floor that shalin was on. eventually, she found a set of stairs, and held on tightly as komainu the lycanroc bounded down the steps. mika's musharna, meanwhile, drifted gently behind her at all times, pink and purple smoke emanating from its floating body like wisps. [break][break]

there, she saw the group of magcargo slinging their burning-hot attacks, and mika realized they'd have to be dealt with before she could progress. from her belt, she grabbed two more poke balls, and summoned her hydreigon and arctovish. together with musharna, the three of them were tasked with neutralizing the magcargo threats. a combination of dragon pulse, ancient power, and psychic attacks were enough to ward them off, allowing mika and her lycanroc to cross to the alcove. she found the dungeon map and a key, now she just had to reunite with shalin. [break][break]

mika recalled her musharna and arctovish for now, and kept her hydreigon out as she continued to stride atop her lycanroc. the ranger and her two pokemon followed the map, and decided they would return to the first floor, heading to the chamber to the right of where the stairs were.[break][break]






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[newclass=".fakebq .credit a"]font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
straight from the underground [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 17:01:49 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



"mm, i'm also on the hunt for steel-types. i'm sure we'll find some interesting ones along the way. i like having different pokemon for different situations, and steel-types come in handy for almost anything." she already had a couple of steel-types to her name, but mika didn't want to admit that she was looking for a certain pokemon in particular. if she found that today, then she'd consider herself very lucky. if not, they were also content to explore this tunnel with their new companion in tow. [break][break]

"marguerite," mika said, affirming the other's identity with a nod. they would've gone in for a handshake, too, but the excadrill interrupted the space between them, and the ranger chuckled lightly as the mole pokemon disappeared under the ground again. further in the distance, she saw a lone graveler, too — rumbling away and out of sight before either of them could do anything about it for long. they said, "i agree with you. there's safety in numbers. and i understand what you mean about your clobbopus. my toxel and swablu are also not the most ideal partners in a place like this...but it's good to expose them to all sorts of environments, no?" [break][break]

in response to marguerite's realistic but grim worry about being trapped in a tunnel, mika motioned at her lycanroc. "my lycanroc, on the other hand, is very capable. we won't have to worry too much." then she turned her gaze towards the yawning expanse beyond them, deeper in the tunnel ahead. "shall we?" [break][break]



skipping both excadrill and graveler! [break]




[newclass=.mikanakayama]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.3px;line-height:17px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".mikanakayama a"]font:12px Roboto;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".mikanakayama h2"]font:16px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
Kiri's Coding Place
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 6:32:39 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar





MIKA NAKAYAMA says...[break][break]
time's the thief that keeps on stealing
i just keep on chasing that feeling
won't give up, won't stop believing
i just keep on chasing, chasing that feeling

sent at 12:00 pm


[newclass=".gunscomms .msgs div"]font-size:11.5px;display:inline-block;padding:10px 15px 10px 15px;margin-bottom:10px;background-color:#1d1d1d;border-radius:25px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunscomms .credit"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunscomms .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]

[nospaces][div align="center"][attr="class","gunscomms"][div style="width:400px;margin:0px -55px 0px -55px;"][blockquote style="text-align:left;line-height:15px;letter-spacing:.5px;"][h1]MESSAGING:[break]CONTACT NAME[/h1]


[b]MIKA NAKAYAMA[/b] says...[break][break]
[div]time's the thief that keeps on stealing[/div][break]
[div]i just keep on chasing that feeling[/div][break]
[div]won't give up, won't stop believing[/div][break]
[div]i just keep on chasing, chasing that feeling[/div][break]

[/div][div style="text-align:right;"][i]sent at 12:00 pm[/i][/div]

[/blockquote][div][attr="class","credit"][div align="center"][div style="margin-top:-22px;"]BY [a href=""]GUNSMILE[/a][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]

[newclass=".gunscomms .msgs div"]font-size:11.5px;display:inline-block;padding:10px 15px 10px 15px;margin-bottom:10px;background-color:#1d1d1d;border-radius:25px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunscomms .credit"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunscomms .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
straight from the underground [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 3:39:48 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



mika felt a tinge of guilt surge through her. she hadn't meant to startle the other woman, either, but a warning out of the blue like that could only catch someone off guard, she supposed. "sorry," she quickly amended, stepping a bit closer to the other. "i just wanted to make sure they weren't violent." [break][break]

when it became clear that the orthworm and hippopotas were peaceful and unobtrusive, mika nodded at lycanroc and signaled for him to return to her side. she carded her fingers through the wolf's fur, a cloud-white mane of fur that could turn hard as rocks when needed. she said, "i think i heard something like that, too. i came here looking for stronger pokemon, myself." then her swablu gently hummed, while the toxel in her hands babbled quietly, shaking a poketoy in its hands like a rattle. [break][break]

it seemed like everyone was excited to see some strong steel-types. "are you also interested in that kind of thing? maybe we could go in further together." realizing this sounded a bit forceful, mika took a step back and introduced themself, first. "oh, um, i'm mika, by the way. nice to meet you." [break][break]



skipping both hippopotas and orthworm! [break]




[newclass=.mikanakayama]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.3px;line-height:17px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".mikanakayama a"]font:12px Roboto;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".mikanakayama h2"]font:16px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".mikanakayama .tag"]letter-spacing:.5px;text-transform:uppercase;line-height:18px;font:800 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
over the moon night [m]
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2023 4:39:36 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

lash. so that was her name. mika nodded. "good to meet you, lash." it wasn't entirely untrue, even if the young woman did surprise mika at first. but there was a certain mischief and festivity in the air tonight, and mika wouldn't deny it in its nature. [break][break]

"as i said, your experience certainly shows." she managed a slightly bigger smile than last time. "and yes, i'm usually busy this time of year. i think this is the first year in a while that i've attempted to get into the spirit." she was busy with ranger duties most of the time, so this was a nice change of pace, for once. [break][break]

as for the "big sister vibe" that lash mentioned, mika raised a brow, surprised. "actually, i don't have any siblings. though i do like helping others whenever i can." her life would probably be a lot different if she had siblings to share it with. so to lash's point... "i guess that makes me a little odd, then, hehe." [break][break]



distorted dreams: tricking or treating



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
One Spooky Night! (DD)
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2023 3:11:33 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

after the short-lived conflict was over, mika gathered the other two wild pokemon, and stayed standing as oliver communicated with the sneasel he'd defeated in a fight. when the weasel pokemon confirmed that their group was only trying to sneak some food, mika's chest swelled with pity. times were tough on anyone, even roaming groups of pokemon. [break][break]

and when mika glanced outside, she could see a group of shuppet, gastly, and smaller sneasels huddled in a group, having been herded by oliver's boltund and lycanroc. it was a good thing she didn't entrust her hydreigon to help out with that task, since its violent nature almost guaranteed that it would attack even the helpless pokemon like those ones. [break][break]

she nodded and said, "i agree with you. let's share the bounty for now, and figure out what to do about relocating them later. living this close to town isn't safe for them." [break][break]



distorted dreams: hush



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
straight from the underground [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 21:47:33 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



mika always found herself searching for pokemon whenever she had free time in between ranger missions. their numbers gave her safety, and she felt that with each new bond created, their collective strength would get stronger, and strength was always necessary if they wanted to protect others. [break][break]

today, she brought three pokemon with her during her excursion in the tunnel. though in reality, only one of them was battle-experienced. her shiny dusk-lycanroc remained at her side at all times, while mika held her toxel in her hands (the toddler-like pokemon crying as soon as they arrived), and her swablu sitting on her head. she might not have looked like a very serious trainer like this, but she was willing to catch pokemon and discover secrets, nevertheless. [break][break]

she spotted another woman in the tunnel, a playful clobbopus at her side. mika was fine to just nod at the other woman and go on with her day, but a few wild pokemon looked like they were getting a little too close to her for comfort. mika couldn't ignore the possibility of someone getting hurt. "watch out," she warned aloud, her lycanroc springing into action already, prepared to either scare off one of the wild pokemon or defeat it in a battle so his trainer could catch it, instead. [break][break]



- [break]




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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 9:46:22 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X gacha ticket (mika's gachapon link) (50 PD)


do come again!

50 PD
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP