i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
54 height
54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
140 posts
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 3:21:29 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Machamps eyes are sharp, its reflexes strong. Attention on the sky that kept the group safe from artillery fire shifts to the vanguard as the HEAT WAVE shifts across the land. Its WIDE GUARD swings down and hits the ground with a dull thud and a puff of dust. Any bits of the HEAT WAVE that slip past Tapu Fini's SURF break against its length before the shield itself shatters -- its duration expired.

Just in time for the rocks to start falling.

"Tighten up ranks!" Lillian orders her Pokemon before closing the space between herself and . Another WIDE GUARD is too risky, Machamp needs time to gather energy for the move again, so they're going to need to depend on less certain forms of defense. Hopefully reducing the amount of ground that needs covering will ensure as little damage as possible slips through.

"A path!" she gives her Pokemon a task and they take to it alongside Fernando's. Cloyster moves beyond the protective MAT BLOCKS to set up another wall with its body. Its shell snaps shut and the air around it solidifies -- PROTECT provides a less substantial, but just as solid wall as its predecessors erected to aid in the redirection of the tumbling rocks.

Bronzong remains hovering within the now significantly smaller space between Fernando and Lillian. The air around it once again shimmers. The REFLECT it erects was meant to go up now regardless of circumstance, but now it can serve as additional protection against any of the landslide that manages to crack the defenses they've set up.

Machamp and Magneton take up a position to the side of Fernando and Lillian most exposed to the falling rocks. Magneton's earlier LOCK-ON is without living targets, but allows for nigh-perfect understanding of the paths the chunks of Earth will follow. It attempts to clear a whole line of the landslide with ZAP CANNON before directing Machamp as to where its STRENGTH is best utilized in the deflecting and breaking of incoming projectiles.

All the while the SHADOW SKY weeps burning rain on the party. None of them flinch in the face of the pain, but they're all quietly grateful for the LIFE DEW that heals their singed skin following it.

+ Machamp used the last of its WIDE GUARD to stop any of the HEAT WAVE that got through other defenses
+ Lillian closed some of the space between her and Fernando
+ Cloyster joined Clefairy and bolstered Smeargle's efforts with PROTECT
+ Bronzong used REFLECT (1/5) -- still holding LIGHT SCREEN (2/5)
+ Magneton's LOCK-ON from last round has plugged it into the matrix, it uses its understanding of the landslide's trajectories to attempt and clear a large number of falling rocks with ZAP CANNON
+ Under Magneton's guidance, Machamp uses STRENGTH to destroy and redirect parts of the landslide that get past the protection of the others
+ The SHADOW SKY damages the party, but LIFE DEW from allies keeps them topped off

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 3:24:20 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the heatwave is unavoidable, that much she knows. it burns, more than she'd like to admit, and the wince that follows isn't concealed. there's no time for her to dwell on the pain, however, as boulders begin to roll in their direction. loosened and coming in hot, she prepares for them to strike. instead, the world around her shifts. teleport comes from her alakazam, shifting her out of harm's way and into safety.

cofagrigus handles the rest of the rocks as they come, shifting in and out of the shadows with phantom force. the possessed coffin bats away each boulder until her team is shuffling closer to her. the mild anxiety of having them separated from her side eases, even more so when tapu lele takes its place beside her once more.

scales begin to form a little clearer around her, as if called by the onslaught of damage being dealt. and while she's not close enough to provide health to everyone, she tries to shift them toward her allies to the best of her ability. the deity by her side assists in the endeavor, glittering pink scales almost glowing as they move and spread across the vicinity.

meanwhile, galarian ponyta offers some assistance to articuno. a heal pulse radiates from the small horse, hoping to provide some health back to the legendary bird as a thanks for being part of their offense. perhaps in the next turn, the shift will turn to moltres. for now, however, the icy bird is the focus.

as illeana shifts to get closer to fernando's side, her alcremie sticks close. it doesn't have any protective moves to assist them but the presence of it is enough to be reassuring for the scientist. the pain of shadow sky lingers and spreads across the battlefield and she struggles to keep her face even, to keep from showing how bits of shadow sky are aggravating the damage done from heatwave. her focus isn't on herself, however. no, it's on the team. and perhaps to reflect that, the scales she spreads pick up speed in their endeavor of reaching her allies.

she says nothing when she reaches fernando, instead offering a small smile before sweeping her eyes toward stormy and lars. there's nothing she can do in this moment beside provide for their attackers and honestly, that's fine with her.

- illeana begins to spread scales, guiding them toward her allies in an attempt to heal the damage from shadow sky.

- alakazam uses teleport to bring illeana out of the path of the rocks.

- g!ponyta uses heal pulse on articuno to return some health.

- cofagrigus uses phantom force to knock away boulders from her team. they join her side a moment later.

- alcremie is on standby. sweet veil & aroma veil are still in effect.

- tapu lele also begins to spread scales.

- follows fernando to the high ground, ready to apply support for their attackers.

- using a salac!

[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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Galar Region
Married to science
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 3:32:22 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




Not only did the future sight seem to have failed, the electric sad noise emitted by Code 00 seemed to indicate that the creature couldn't localize the source of the sound. Nonetheless, this was a calculated failure. It was through experimenting and failing that science advanced, and so does life.[break][break]

Seeing the wall of flame vanish was a sign to finally move forward. As it dissipated, the scientist called the Dewgong back into its pokeball and started to move forward, following 's group from a distance. But when the rocks started to fall... The man sighed and called out his other porygon. "What a waste of time. Cell, 02. The usual."[break][break]

The newly summoned porygon and Reuniclus moved forward, using signal beam and psyshock respectively to help destroy or push the rocks away. "00, rise up. I want to close in on one of these odd charizards." Upon receiving his order, the remaining Porybon used Magnet Rise to rise higher over the ground.[break][break]

The scientist hooked himself onto the data creature's back and they began to advance towards the Shadow Mega Charizard that had assaulted. It looked weakened enough, especially from the attacks that the little girl and her team. Tsubasa called the Dewgong once more. "Ice Shard" As another rain of ice emerged from the sea creatures vicinity, the league scientist threw one of his pokeballs, hoping to capture the Shadow pokemon. As the pokeball is thrown, Reuniclus and the other Porygon catches up to them.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Tsubasa calls Dewgong back into the pokeball [break]
Follow 's group for a bit[break]
Helps break rocks with Psyshock (Reuniclus) and Signal Beam (Porygon)[break]
Other Porygon uses Magnet Rise to list Tsubasa and move faster towards a Shadow Charizard[break]
Reaches the other Shadow Charizard that got attacked by [break]
Summons Dewgong again to use Ice Shard and weaken the Shadow Charizard even more[break]
Decides to try throwing a pokeball at it, in hopes of capturing and experimenting

template by kay

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 8:53:22 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




THE LAST WAVE OF HEAT fades into thin air, but the atmosphere is thick with humidity. The powerful SURF of ’s Tapu Fini crashes against the mountain. ’s Shadow Togepi MIRROR COAT redirects part of the HEAT WAVE away, and like its royal purple constitution, the purple sky pulses with bright lights. Meteor Falls is haunted with shadowy energies swirling in the heavens. It does not help that an Ultra Wormhole pulses north.[break][break][break]

Ear-splitting BOOMBURSTS protect , who stands at the vanguard. As the Pokemon protect their trainer from the HEAT WAVE, ’s Noivern and Sceptile’s attacks obliterate several boulders and blows back troops. However, the sheer amount of rocks swiftly overwhelms them. Although Noivern is able to evade by flight, ’s Sceptile is clobbered by a boulder protecting him— sustaining damage. Furthermore, ’s Smeargle, ’s Copperajah and ’s Machamp (as it defends ) eventually become overwhelmed too, boulders bruising them as they roll away.[break][break][break]

The IRON HEAD of Elite Four ’s TYPE: NULL shatters the boulders while ’s Absol cuts the smaller pieces. While ’s Moltres whips up a TAILWIND, Head Ranger ’ Articuno blows a fierce BLIZZARD across the field, while his Type: Null helps secure the path.[break][break][break]

’s Meowstic attempts to PSYSHOCK boulders away alongside ’s Hattrem’s PSYCHIC, but the Meowstic is eventually struck. It flies backwards, but lands on its feet as a cat should as ZAP CANNONS fire from ’s Magneton with extreme precision. As SIGNAL BEAMS and PSYSHOCKS from ’s Reuniclus and Porygon whittle away at the last of the boulders, the field reveals fallen League troops and Pokemon among Megalopolan dead.[break][break][break]

Thankfully, the combined efforts of Councilman ’s Clefairy, ’ Gardevoir’s LIFE DEW help keep everyone afloat. Head Scientist wields her avatar powers, beautiful scales shimmering across the battlefield to HEAL those hurt. Bruised and bloodied bodies find momentary relief before the next pulse of SHADOWY AURA arrives.[break][break][break]

’s smeargle, 's sceptile, 's machamp, 's copperajah, 's meowstic will find that they are slower than usual for the next round.


FROM THE EARTH, ’s Krookodile reemerges with a dramatic strike on one of the Charizard. As ’s Dewgong fires ICY SHARDS against the corrupted reptile, a purple flame begins to bubble in its maw. Thankfully, ’s Shadow Togekiss FLINCHES the Charizard before ’s Zeraora DISCHARGES to finish it off.[break][break][break]

Everyone in the vicinity is electrified to a degree— and as a ROCK SLIDE is launched at the remaining Shadow Beast from ’s other Charizard, flames (BURNING JEALOUSY) expand from ’s Turtonator, burning troops and striking the Shadow Charizard. A LAND’S WRATH from ’s 10% Zygarde finishes the Shadow Charizard off in a violent quake, clearing the mountainous terrain for easy traversal.[break][break][break]

However, would find that the cave is blocked. Plugged from the inside from a cave-in caused by the incessant drilling by the Celesteela far ahead.[break][break][break]

Unfortunately, the capture attempts fail. The Pokemon are dead.[break][break][break]


WHEN RUBY’S POKEMON communicates to and what it discerns, they would be alerted to the figures’ general location and their immense speed. However, the foreign nature of these beings causes the imagination to fail: what could these be?

As leaps on to his Volcarona, his Shedinja following close behind him, his Urshifu tears into a group of Megalopolans. Bones break and bodies are buffeted. ’s Morpeko’s AURA WHEEL scatters a group of Megalopolans like bowling pins as his Croconaw leaps from a Mudkip’s PROTECT. Their owner wields a DOUBLADE as he blitzkriegs forth while airborne Naganadel and troops are downed by ’s Spiritomb, their CONFUSED flight patterns making them easy pickings.[break][break][break]

As attempts to board the boat, the vessel is obliterated by ’s Swampert. STONE EDGE splinters wood and crushes planks. Having TELEPORTED under the stalwart defense of Lickilicky’s PROTECT, the Councilman advances toward the stretch of wood that leads toward the portal. However, he’s wise to wait for back-up by the shoreline. As ’s Gardevoir's TELEPATHIC MESSAGE arrives, the Councilman is able to swiftly react to the incoming attack.[break][break][break]


From the wood, a spindly insect-like woman leaps. Its long limbs look fragile— but its power is incredibly overwhelming. He is able to react in time, the AGILITY of his Dragonite allowing to evade or block the HIGH JUMP KICK it attacks with. She does not stop— able to pedal her kicks with such speed and force, that it seems like her thin legs have disappeared. In a feat of of sheer luck or incomparable skill, the Councilman is able to respond to the cockroach’s initial attack as and come closer.[break][break][break]



AFTER THE ROCK SLIDE, those on the path or the wood will be able to move on to the mountain itself. The land here is treacherous. Steep slopes make traversal difficult, while the craggy land hide groups Megalopolan troops and Naganadel.[break][break][break]


This close, the sound of drilling reaches your bones. However, as you all crest over the initial slope, it stops. As League forces clash with Megalopolan soldiers, the Celesteela in the distance slowly rotates around. It smiles as it lifts its arms.[break][break][break]

"MEGA-BOOO!! LET US DIG IN PEACE. THERE ARE SPOILS WAITING IN THE UNDER." The small Megalopolan general sighs before ordering the Celesteela to attack.[break][break][break]

When it raises its long, bamboo-like arms, LEECH SEEDS begin to burst from its green shells like spores. They scatter all across the mountain range in a defensive effort to keep you all at bay. The sight would be familiar to , who has fought one of these before in Mossdeep. Being hit with a LEECH SEED would surely spell disaster…[break][break][break]

THIS INVOLVES EVERY CHARACTER EXCEPT[break], , & .[break][break]

TO AVOID BEING HURT OR CAUGHT BY THE LEECH SEEDS, TRY TO ROLL ABOVE 50; however, be aware that actions (collective or individual) are weighed more than rolls! Some will have an easier time than others due to their position.

The Celesteela resumes mining once more as THE SHADOWY AURA in the sky BURSTS IN BRIGHT LIGHT, THE BRIGHT SHRAPNEL HITTING EVERYONE ON THE FIELD.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

☐ Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
☐ Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Handle the Pheromosa; clear the passage/find a way to the Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Advance deeper into the mountain while avoiding the Leech Seed (won't be able to reach Celesteela yet).[break]
☐ Clear the mountain of Megalopolan forces.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2020 12:36:48 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


it seems as if he had managed to stop it too good as the ball bounces off the still body of the charizard. "oh...well alright then." pokkenger mutters with a shrug of his shoulders flabbergasted. guess it was time to move on as the sound of drilling became more and more apparent as he got closer to the mountain. the sound of it sent vibrations through his whole body as he approached two familiar sights, a cave entrance that he's used so many times before which was now sealed up, and a redhead who he promised a date before all of this war broke out. the two managed to balance out the good and the bad that each of them held.
"looks like we ain't going through," the masked hero commented as he stood side by side with and lifted his mask to get a better view of the walled entrance and allow himself some fresh (albeit shadowy) air, "guess that just leaves over." slipping his mask back on he returns all of his pokemon save scorcher the charizard whom lowers himself enough for kazimir to hop onto his back and outstretch a hand towards valerio. "ain't the date i promised, but kicking some megalopian butt doesn't sound like a bad one does it?" after waiting a good minute for the man to jump on if he wanted his charizard took off towards the top of the mountain.
in the sky he could see a lot of trouble for them, megalopian forces all over the moutain, the top brim of the portal on the far side of the mountain still spewing out whatever it was that was raining from the sky, and a bunch of odd spores (seeds upon closer inspection) that were heading their way. a triple threat. "hold on!" kazimir yelled out as his charizard flew over the mountain towards the strange green ultra beast that was drilling into their home. a protective barrier was signaled with a roar from the dragon as it soared in preparation to keep himself and his rider(s) safe from any harm.

    + no shadow charizard makes pokkenger a sad hero[break][break]
    + kazimir inspects the closed off cave and returns all his pokemon but charizard[break][break]
    + kazimir hops onto his charizard to fly over the cave entrance and invites to join.[break][break]
    + charizard uses protect to shield from the shadow sky and leech seed

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 1:24:11 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

It was all last minute. A few days before Maverick got the call to join in on a possible raid taking place at Meteor Falls, his phone rang with grim news. One of his relatives was deathly sick and needed assistance just for a little bit. And although he wanted to aid his fellow Hoennians defending their home, family did came first. With that, the scarred man made the long travel outside of the region only for a few days to help his sick relative. But within those few days the trainer left for, the raid has begun without him. But when the word finally did get to the man, Maverick was quick to make arrangements to head back to his new home.

The recently promoted sergeant league member didn’t plan on appearing late. And man, he will probably never hear the end of it from his colleagues. At this point, Mav wondered if he should even show his face before them. It wasn’t like him to show up late to a party, but today was one of those days. And when he finally arrived, he was blown away by everything that has already happened in the matter of moments.

Maverick took in the situation as best as he could at the moment, warm gaze flickered to see what everyone was doing. He took quick mental notes before summoning his creature as the sky began to darken with shadow sky and the leech seed was launched. “Rheagar use protect,” the man barked as the dragon and fighting type materialized next to him in the matter of seconds. The scaly creature let loose a mighty roar, arms like appendages open side as a turquoise bubble like force field appeared around him, his trainer, and the massive six foot seven houndoom that stood proudly by his trainer’s side. Maverick had only just arrived and was already under fire.


TAGS @meteor falls raid
OOC kommo-o used protect against leech seed and shadow sky.

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2020 18:07:03 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


“i think that's not enough.” hesitation reverberates in valerio's controlled gasps, his arms encircle the masked rider's waist as he reins his charizard to soar from the ground. their strategy fails at the sight of the blocked cavern entrance and is quick enough to leap onto his dragon to fly them above the rocks. (the rocket recalls turtonator for it is too heavy to carry.) but as far as valerio is concerned, the obvious solutions are not always the best ones.[break][break]

above the bouldered walls of meteor falls, near the summit of its mountainous terrain, the glistening greens of the ultra beast's leech seeds linger the air, billowing in their direction.[break][break]

“the avatars can handle this,” his finger points at the direction on his rear, whether he’s pointing at them is beyond him now. “we can use that to our advantage.”[break][break]

darty lunges on his trainer's back before it glimmers in purple hue. the fiendish aura envelops the entire party before they dissolve in a phantasmal smoke, the light screen continues to provide cover as it sizzles with the incoming germs. hopefully, they return with phantom force much closer to the ultra beast on the mountain.[break][break]

in her carrier, eggnog dances under a trance, dotted eyes aim on the celesteela beyond the viridescent rain: a glimpse into the murky, nearby future.[break][break]


ooc/tl;dr: x1 salac[break]
+ dragapult's light screen surrounds them (2/5)[break]
+ valerio retrieves turtonator and rides charizard, clutching on ’s waist. dragapult flies with them, sh!togepi is still on the carrier[break]
+ valerio suggests teleporting to [break]
+ dragapult lunges on valerio's back, uses phantom force and teleports party to avoid leech seed and possible incoming attacks from league reinforcements[break]
+ sh!togepi uses future sight, pokes on what the leech seeds can do to those affected[break]
+ hopefully teleports back much closer to celesteela, avoiding the attacks





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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 0:51:18 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
with sceptile in need of some rest. mateo would return the grass-type while noize the noivern remained on the field. quickly, as mateo would run to hop onto his dragon's back, he'd call forth milotic once more. "ensnare me," he ordered. the milotic would come to casually wrap itself around mateo.

together the trio would be.

"let's move, TAILWIND!" with a speed like no other. noivern would enhance the wind current around its person in order to give double the normal flight power. bypassing the masked ranger (), there was no time for mateo to be a super fan or take notice of 's rumored lover; who which he had asked once or twice for the elite trainer (now champion) to introduce him to, she had yet to make that happen. sadly this wasn't the best day for the pair to meet.

with leech seed raining down from above, mateo would order milotic to use BARRIER. the reason for coating the speedy group within this green sphere while moving was so that noivern could attempt to dodge each falling seed. this was a simple countermeasure should he fail and accidentally become seeded.

either way, while moving toward celesteela, noivern would purposely ram into a few megalopolans on their way. hoping to knock some off the mountain while hastening toward their first beast lackey, "get ready to get mega-fucked, idjit!"


+ recalled sceptile, summoned milotic. milotic wrapped herself around mateo as they ride noivern.

+ used tailwind to bypass and company.
+ noivern is maneuvering with attempts to dodge any raining seeds, while also attempting to ram into and knock any megalopolans out of their way and off the mountain.

+ milotic used barrier to protect their group as a secondary coverage just in case noivern couldn't dodge them all with its hastened movement.

+ heading to fight the first beast a.k.a. celesteela. move bitch yer in the way.

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2020 16:08:47 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Actions of grandeur and spectacular showmanship prove to be in Kims favor, what distractions he ran giving him enough time for backup to arrive; his eyes looking back as he soared through the air, spotting pulling behind Kim's own turbulence.

As the league's forces focus on the main objective, Kim taps into comms to deliver a message to all that had a central form of communication; though this message was directed at one person in particular.

Hey, , when you see that kid tell ‘em this line: ‘I don’t think you have a permit to drill here.’ I promise it’s gonna be tight as hell.

Kim laughs at his own words, his jolly nature soon stifling on edge, a telepathic message alerting him of incoming reinforcements, the councilman thankfully able to dodge the flurry of kicks that shot towards him.

Eyes widened at the beast before him, this beautiful bug catching him off guard. And for a couple of seconds, he was stunned, not only by the fact that it had gotten to this altitude, but the speed at which it attacked. But to sit and gawk alone would win him no upper hand.

Swat this bug, Coffee.

His hands released from the Dragonite, Kims grip loosening as he was left to the wind, releasing a Kirlia as he teleported to ground level, the Swampert soon emerging from the water, shaking away what rocks remained on its body.

The Dragonite ignites its fist, a fiery punch aiming to land on the insect's thin frame- Kim commanding the Swampert to slam into the terrain ground shaking quake causing an eruption of earth to shoot into the sky at the beast, slim hopes to at least stun the pokemon as it had him. It was inconsequential whether or not his attacks had damaged the beast, slowing it down was enough at the moment.

Lets go.

Kim commands, his pokemon following in tow as the Dragonite soared overhead, eyeing the bug beast as it fell, the Dragonite following Kim above his ground team.

, move towards the wormhole, we make our stand there. Anyone else that wants a piece of this bimbo bug ass meet me at the portal, and make it fast.

One more pokeball and his Lickilicky is released, the pokemon using its tongue to whip away any threats that stood in their paths, the Swampert doing its part to negate the shocks from those with weapons, her thick skin providing coverage to their man made elements.


ღ kim kisses the sky and teleports to ground level with kirlia

ღ swampert causes an eruption if earth to fly towards pheromosa after dragonite uses fire punch to try and hit it, trying to stun it for a moment

ღ kim makes his way towards the portal through the forest, swampert and lickilicky clearing a way for him while dragonite watches from overhead

ღ kim gives an all call to anyone that can provide backup to converge on the portal with him to make a stand

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 21:10:40 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

The rock slide is reduced to rubble and her and her Pokemon arrive on the other side of it with minor scrapes. Blissey's healing along with Lars' and Illeana's help alleviate the pain of the shadow sky along with their newly obtained bruises. Stormy exhales, shoulders drooping as she catches her breath.[break][break]

But they are far from the end of this war.[break][break]

When the dust clears, they are left to advance - which they do, eagerly. Unfortunately, fate is not on their side.[break][break]

The shadow Charizard ahead of them are destroyed, those that attempted to capture the beasts are disgruntled. And then she sees them: the Megalopolans in plain view, commanding Celesteela to attack. A flurry of LEECH SEEDS are spread far and wide in order to slow them down. Stormy holds out her hand to stop her own Pokemon from advancing while she comes up with a solution.[break][break]

Several push ahead of her anyway, braving the disastrous and unidentified effects of the leech seeds.[break][break]

"Stand back, I'm comin' in hot!"[break][break]

She whistles for Moltres and the legendary fire bird swoops, blasting a path ahead of her with a scorching HEAT WAVE. It BURNS on contact and Stormy braces.[break][break]

"Sekhmet, protect us! Make sure the fire doesn't reach us."[break][break]

While she braces her Pokemon for the aoe affect of her flames, her Aegislash puts himself as the first defense, slamming himself into a KING'S SHIELD. Type: Null and Blissey fall in behind Stormy while the heat wave scorches ahead. Sekhmet lands alongside Stormy, putting up a reflective PROTECT.[break][break]

Blissey readies a HEAL PULSE at whoever may get harmed by the flames should it get out of hand. Her HEALER ability will also activate, hopefully relieving the severity of Stormy's AVATAR BURN should the need arise.[break][break]

Type: Null leaps forward as soon as it is given an opportunity to do so, attacking whatever lies beyond with a TRI ATTACK. [break][break]


- moltres uses HEAT WAVE to scorch a path free of LEECH SEEDS ahead. if it comes in contact with anyone, it will INSTANTLY BURN thanks to stormy's avatar powers.[break]

- charizard uses PROTECT to prevent splash damage should moltres miss.[break]

- type: null uses TRI ATTACK as soon as it can, targeting anything ahead of them.[break]

- aegislash protects stormy's side (including blissey) with a KINGS SHIELD.[break]

- blissey readies a HEAL PULSE on anyone who may be in danger of moltres' heat wave. ability HEALER is in effect to combat burns![break]

- pokemon stay near her person w/ aegislash ahead of her and blissey behind her.[break]

- they push forward as they gain ground, following fernando, illeana and lars.


notes: used 1 salac (6 remaining, 3 finished growing on the 28)


, ,


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2020 22:47:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar
stick by stormy.

that was a good enough idea. they were advancing, but she was worried about what came next. the only pokemon injured was her meowstic, who seemed to pick herself up. unfortunately she was moving slower than the rest of her pokemon as a result of the blow. "go pick her up, using agility." she commands the sharpedo, who swiftly dashes through the rubble with his move, coupled with speed boost, to manoeuvre in a blur. he returns with the feline pokemon, coupled with the trainer.

she's quick to heed the woman's words, standing behind her as the flaming bird launches a scorching heatwave across the field to decimate the leech seed coming through. her houndoom follows suit, however, allowing him to get hit by the heatwave in favour of powering up his own, INFERNO released at any stray seeds that may have come raining down.

all while the trainer and her pokemon were safe behind the confines of PROTECT and HEAL PULSE.

she tries to push ahead to gain ground, following , and

- sharpedo uses AGILITY to pick up meowstic. SPEED BOOST activate.
- meowstic is clinging to sharpedo's fin.
- houndoom is hit by HEATWAVE. FLASH FIRE activates.
- houndoom uses NASTY PLOT (x2) and FLASH FIRE (x2) powered INFERNO on the leech seed to help MOLTRES.
- ophelia mounts absol
- absol uses SWORDS DANCE
- ophelia and pokemon are being shielded by 's pokemon
- meowstic recovers via HEAL PULSE


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Galar Region
Married to science
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 0:04:11 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




The capture had failed. Wether by the attacks or whatever turned them in this state, the transformed dragons were now dead. A shame. They would've been a good test subject for some experimentation. But there would be more opportunities to get something out of this, namely with the Ultra Beasts roaming around. And that open portal.[break][break]

Tsubasa recalled the Dewgong. Only the Reuniclus and the Porygon the scientist was riding on remained. The galarian man looked to the left, where a wormhole could be seen. Since most individuals seemed inclined to go up the mountain... Why not head for the wormhole?[break][break]

"00, head towards the woods, pass by the edge of the mountains if needed." The Porygon nodded as it began to advance, Reuniclus holding to his master. The second Porygon tried to tag along as best as it could. As the team reached one of ridges that formed the mountain, a rain of leech seed started to fall. The face of the scientist became slightly twisted in a frown.[break][break]

"02, Magic Coat. Cell, Guard us with your Magic Guard and your Psyshock." As the second Porygon erected a Magic Coat to protect the team, The Reuniclus positioned itself Before his master, expanding his Magic Guard as best as possible and using Psyshock to push the falling Leech Seeds out of the way. In the meantime, the transporting porygon used Recover to help it sustain the damage from Shadow Sky.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Calls Dewgong back.[break]
Porygon, Porygon (02), Reuniclus and Tsubasa head towards the forest.[break]
Porygon's(00) Magnet Rise is still in effect. Helps them go over the obstacles.[break]
Sees the leech Seed. Porygon (02) uses Magic Coat[break]
Reuniclus places itself before the group, Magic Guard active[break]
Reuniclus uses Psyshock to push some leech Seeds away from them.[break]
Porygon (00) uses Recover as it carries them towards the forest.

template by kay

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 1:18:12 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the general consensus is to advance with stormy leading the charge. a solid plan, one she's more than happy to put her faith in. a soft smile is directed toward the elite four member as she calls to them. and while she knows better than to step into the line of fire, this is war and there's circumstances that can bring them into their allies's line of sight. in preparation, both illeana and tapu lele draw more scales at the ready. prepared to heal, prepared to support those around them as only they know best.

and while she knows stormy wouldn't willingly burn them, fire tends to have a mind of its own. her cofagrigus shifts to the front of the group with ease, golden coffin almost shinning a little brighter. crafty shield takes shape, solely intended to protect both itself and their allies from the burns heat wave can cause. right behind the possessed coffin comes both her galarian ponyta and alakazam. both go on the offensive. the pastel pony sends a draining kiss toward the nearest megalopolans in an attempt to clear the path for their attackers to advance further. meanwhile, alakazam sets up to protect their backs from surprise attacks in the form of another future sight. psychic attacks are sent into the near future, ready and waiting to strike enemy forces behind them.

alcremie provides a different kind of purpose in this instance. instead of attacking or waiting for a command, the dessert pokemon lets out an aromatic mist, aimed at moltres to boost the legendary phoenix while it handles the leech seeds. tapu lele sticks close to illeana's body, two halves of the same coin advancing forward with their team. and when another shadowy display begins, almost like black stars falling from the night sky, both avatar and guardian deity begin to spread their scales once more.

- more scales are readied by illeana & tapu lele and sent out for the second wave of shadow sky.

- g!ponyta uses draining kiss on the nearest mega-guy-thing to clear their path.

- alakazam uses future sight to send attacks into the future should their backs be vulnerable.

- alcremie uses aromatic mist on moltres to boost it while it attacks.

- cofagrigus uses crafty shield to protect itself and its allies from burns via heat wave.

- tapu lele stays close to illeana, both ready to heal should they need to.

- they push forward behind stormy.

[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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April 22nd
23 height
23 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rufio
Rufio McGillis
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 2:46:26 GMT
Rufio McGillis Avatar
Rufio and crew are sent crashing into the sea as the boat is destroyed
Rufio holds onto Doublade
Doublade uses Aerial Ace to take Rufio and itself above water and closer to the beach
Rufio recalls Morpeko to Poke Ball
Croconaw and Mudkip swim to shore
Everyone takes dark energy damage as well
Croconaw uses Aqua Tail on any nearby enemys
Mudkip uses Foresight
Doublade ends Aerial Ace by clashing with any nearby enemy

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2020 3:51:32 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]The mountain rumbles as a final warning for the last obstacle in their path.

"Secure footing. We need a point for artillery."

Navigating the terrain amidst the battle already proves hard enough. Thankfully, the team proves sufficient in covering each other. Their progress may not be as fast or flashy but they're able to cover each other with minimal losses. Fernando's MISTY TERRAIN still surrounds them, at his beck and call, empowering them for when they finally reach their vantage point.

From below, Fernando's Smeargle proves too slow to keep up with the rest of them. He has to pluck the Pokemon by its scruff, hoisting it onto his shoulders where the Pokemon waves its tail desperately to send energy to Stormy's Moltres with a HELPING HAND.

On each end of his close flanks, his Pokemon prepare for what's to come. Tapu Fini takes a moment to recharge from its back to back SURFS. Preparation for its next strike becomes easier with a CALM MIND. Likewise, his Clefairy tries to harness the power of Meteor Falls itself. It takes time to prepare the METEOR BEAM but Fernando has full confidence that the Pokemon's acclimation to Mount Moon will be just as applicable here.

Which leaves his front line to act as their shields. takes the lead by paving their path with a HEAT WAVE but it's up to his Zygarde and Type:Null to stand behind her, catching whatever manages to brave the flames. Type:Null's PROTECT projects a barrier to repel anything from making contact while Zygarde's STONE EDGE looks to not only remove loose rocks and otherwise uncertain footing but to pelt nearby enemies and projectiles alike with jagged debris.

Fernando keeps his own eyes on their group and positioning, barely able to make out 's comment. If it wasn't for the precarious nature of their situation, he'd have half the mind to rebuke him for interrupting 'clean comms'. For now, his comment sits at the back of his mind, buried.

- slow march to prioritize sure footing

- refresh on MISTY TERRAIN; blocks status conditions and boosts attack power

- smeargle is much slower, riding piggyback on fernando. uses HELPING HAND on stormy's moltres who is trying to clear the LEECH SEED for the group.

- clefairy's FRIEND GUARD mitigates damage to allies

- tapu fini stays behind their front line / protection to use CALM MIND.

- clefairy stays behind their front line / protection to use METEOR BEAM. harvests energy from meteor falls.

- type:null front lines behind stormy with PROTECT.

- zygarde front lines behind stormy with STONE EDGE. uses loose rocks / unstable footing to lodge at enemies and incoming projectiles.

- SHADOW SKY whittle their health and they have no way to mitigate it; rely on ally's healing ().

- unsure of what to make of 's TELEPATHY.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing