Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2021 20:42:06 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

With Ranton focused on herding the Tauros the redhead was able to take a moment to check his phone.

A message from adrian asking about his sister. Considering Sénon left the balloon game stand before Adrian did, that didn't bode for Serena.

Of course she had to be fine, probably getting a bite to eat or vlogging about the stampede.

He winced.

Maybe vlogging would be how she got herself into harms way.

He liked to think she was more experienced and aware than that, but he didn't know her as well as Adrian did.

Sorry, Mal.
Haven't seen her. She's prob just exploring.
I can send Rockruff to u if u want;
he can track her scent.

● tags: @vsfest,
● notes: post 023

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2021 20:48:19 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Before the girl has a chance to convince Angelo that she was fine, that his Togekiss’s LIFE DEW had healed her and Wooloo’s wounds, someone else jogged into their protective circle. Is he a little annoyed that the guy didn’t acknowledge him? Perhaps. But Angelo holds his sharpened tongue in the face of the boy’s obvious worry.[break][break]

Don’t worry, man. She’s fine.” As the kid with the Ponyta ( ) begins to fuss over the teenager, berating and comforting her in a way that makes it apparent he knows her, Angelo opts to take a metaphorical step back. Reassured that would be left in safe hands. [break][break]

Alright, if you got everything under control, I’m going to take off now,” he tells the girl, giving her a small, warm smile as he pushes himself up from leaning back against the abandoned stall countertop. Ready to move on. He’s craving a drink more than ever now, although more than that, he’s feeling tempted to chase up on a loose end; one with golden hair and a rumoured lack of clothing.[break][break]

Just stick close to your brother, it’s still looking kinda crazy out there.” [break][break]

Blue eyes blink down at the feisty Wooloo one last time, recalling Ankaa back into her pokeball and daring to lean down to give the sheep a ruffle atop her head. He pulls back with a grin before the creature has a chance to potentially recreate those ‘menacing’ growls he’d heard earlier. “No more running through fire, alright?” Then he slips off with a wave, disappearing back into the crowd, Eltanin floating above Angelo’s head the only real marker of which direction he had drifted. [break][break]

When he gets a generous distance away Angelo fishes into his pocket for his bottle of rum and tips it to his lips, indulging in more than he should in one sitting. It’s when he cringes through the burn and shoves his hands in his pockets, that his fingers emerge with a five pokedollar bill. One that somehow managed to slip by unnoticed – even to himself – when he thought he had shoved all his change into 's hand. Whoops.[break][break]

Guess his luck was looking up.


post #15[break][break]
+ & [break][break]
+ closed for new interactions! [break][break]



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played by


March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2021 20:57:40 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Despite the efforts of himself and Emma, Oscar provides little help during the crisis. It seems to resolve without his input, and he reluctantly decides to call a quits. Oscar threw his lasso aside, stamping it out so that nobody accidentally poisons themselves somehow. Emma looked to her master, tilting her head as she awaited his instruction. Oscar shook his head as he pulled off his gloves, "Thanks for your help Emma, you're dismissed." Emma disappeared without a sound (Camouflage), crawling off to find a shady place to rest.

Oscar returned back to his company's stand one last time, watching as volunteers try to clean the wreckage. The remains of his prototype stared back at him mockingly, 'Nice job bro, that's some dank karma' it seemed to say. Oscar grimaced, lightly kicking an arcade cabinet as he turned to leave. This is why video games need to be outlawed, they bring nothing but bad luck!

As Oscar walked his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled out and read the text from . He smiled lightly, touched by his unnecessary concern. Oscar texted him back, "You wanna steal some churros before you head out?"

Post: 6/15
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
887 posts
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2021 22:04:02 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

It was very clear, very quickly, that he had very likely made a mistake. Sure, it worked at first. Knocked a few hits on the big Bulu and it was a bit distracted by Josh's poking. But the problem lay in the fact that Josh was not the only person attacking Tapu Bulu. No, many Trainers had decided that they wanted to take some shots at the big guy. And it was not going to fare well for Josh if he couldn't dodge past them. He darted to and fro along the tree trunk, swinging himself around and narrowly avoiding this and that.

But he couldn't avoid everything. Luckily, a kind soul had elected to help keep him alive. Thank god for that. But in the end, Tapu Bulu would suddenly drop both tree trunks. Josh and Lightning would leap off, and Josh rolled as he landed, before calling for Lightning to use Thunder.



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played by


August 22
Dewford City
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
201 posts
Yuan Wright DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wright
Yuan Wright
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 0:27:53 GMT
Yuan Wright Avatar

Now this was fascinating. [break][break]

While hardly anything was boring here in Hoenn as there always seemed to be shenanigan's going on here and there. To see an actual Guardian of Hoenn get up off it's lazy butt to add to the terror was just hilarious. Personally he lived for the chaos, but there were things to do, "Alright Zippy, Ju-dee you know what you do," he informs as he gets up from the table, comicly avoiding the tauros that came to smash it without so much of a glance of looking back. [break][break]

Zippy posessed the phone to start recording everything. Tapu Bulu, some random trainer using the Ultra Beast Buzzwole, some crazed man using a mask using yet another Ultra Beast and a Heatran. This was a scientist's dream really, and while his Rotom was recording the Joltik was most likely using it's small size to go in and grab samples. [break][break]

Though while he had his pokemon looking out at the terrors he didn't notice too much on one of the few still running tauros coming at him.


+ Post #2 [break]
+ Anyone wanna help an idiot?



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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 0:44:26 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

The picture that has sent only serves to whet her appetite when she takes a good look at the sheer chaotic madness the courier has found himself in. The sarcastic comment about clothes is ignored as Skyler finds herself sweeping a tongue over the sharp edges of her teeth. Adrenaline burns a path up her spine, demanding that she throw herself into the action.

So when the herd of Tauros thins out and the festival grows quieter, the captain finds herself having to beat back a bitter sort of restlessness. And while the familiar burn of tequila washes some of it away, it isn’t nearly enough to calm the violent staccato of her heart or to disguise the way her gaze reaches out. Molten silver reflecting the feverish itch under her skin.

Looking for trouble. Of course.

Clarabelle is kicking her way through the occasional unruly Tauros when a sharp whistle slips from Skyler’s lips, calling her back to the captain's side. The blonde's still a bit distracted with her thoughts when she turns her head to face Lars. "Why the sudden interest, Lars?" The words are drawled out through a shit-eating grin, a bright spark of mischievous intent coloring them. "Don't tell me you want in? Didn't take you for that kind of guy." 

Shameless laughter spills into the evening air, trailing behind blond curls as Skyler turns to approach one of the nearby damaged stalls. Silvery eyes study the shoddy wooden construction, pretending to assess the damage.

Then the captain's hiking the remains of her yukata further up her legs, proceeding to climb its side with thankfully more skill than she did the tree and hauling herself to the top of the structure with a huff.

Her bottle of tequila is still, somehow, in her possession.

Nothing terribly exciting meets her sweep of the area, and Skyler's teeth grit together in a display of frustration. Adrenaline still like a live current in her veins.

closed for new interactions!

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 0:51:53 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




The outright onslaught of the tapu bulu continued with attacks rocketing into it with largely reckless abandon. His own little trio intermingled with the rest. Perhaps the boy recognized some of them, but he only thought of the damage he could deal to the demi-god. He wasn't sure what was going on with mom, or Hideo, but if anything was suspect, his camp was crawling with ghost pokemon.
They could handle things.
''Keep pounding!'' The demand was met with him being swing through the air to the side, as the drifblim bobbed to jettison another gust at the legendary. ''Drifblim!'' Meanwhile Epitaph followed up with a hex to hopefully capitalize on the effects of his earlier toxic, and even so, the pokemon was being slammed with all manner of things that could afflict its status.
''Duaahhh.'' Monocle joined in with a hex of its own, hoping to bleed the mighty interloper dry. It wasn't as much shock and awe as he might have hoped for, but hopefully the beast was being worn down to the point it could no longer stand the patrons that hadn't been defeated, or had fled. It reminded him so much of the xurkitree from Mauville.








-drifblim used gust
-gengar used hex
-duskull used hex

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 1:22:37 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
a vibration from his pocket disturbs priam.

a text message appears on his inbox as priam makes his way out of the festival. he stops what he was doing to check, writing a quick response to to let him know what he's doing.

already a step ahead of you. i got cotton candy! meet up soon?

he takes away bags of cotton candy from an abandoned stall and moves away form the crime scene, trying to meet up with the rocket beast for churros.


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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 3:02:26 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

So it was them, but it wasn't at the same time. Killian frowned, not sure if he glad she was worried about him or offended. He settled somewhere in the middle. Killian placed his hand atop her's, his features softening further. "Don't be." he said, "You make it sound like I wasn't aware of any of that when I reached out to you." this was him they were talking about. Killian had weighed the positives and negatives of his decision long before he made it.

The benefits of being with Lex, the happiness, had far outweighed the consequences in his mind. "Let's be real here, Lex. The moment I got out, they knew where I was going. Not Hoenn, but they knew I was going to look for you. I'm a part of this whether you want me to be or not." without realizing it, the cold and calculating tone Killian reserved for business crept into his voice.

Removing his hand from her's, Killian stepped to Lex's side and threw his arm around her shoulders. He lowered his head close to her ear, "You see that old man in the baggy clothes? The one sitting on the bench feeding the Taillow?" he didn't point but nodded in the man's direction. "That's one of mine." subtly, he nodded towards another person - a young lady admiring the festivities with what looked to be her boyfriend.

"Those two are as well." maybe she'd forgotten. It had been a year since they'd been together. Since they'd done any kind of work together for that matter. But Killian didn't go anywhere without someone watching his back. "If they show up - I'll be the first one to know." not that his people were flawless. There were cracks, the human element - but he trusted them, and it was better than nothing.

"Not sure if that makes you feel any better, but they're there." and they always would be if Killian could help it.
NOTES: #11



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,787 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 4:29:37 GMT
shiv Avatar



TRUTH BE TOLD, the Tapu Bulu had been sleeping this entire time. Even the horrors of an alien invasion did little to wake the guardian from its slumber— but dormancy is the quiet prelude to renewed strength.

Or perhaps, the deity was simply lazy. But the Bull would never admit that to anyone.

After having faced terrible gusts of toxin from 's ghosts, telepathic interruption from 's Orbeetle, incineroar and some odd bamboo-esque creature it has never seen before— and calming rains from 's Gallade, the deity comes to realize, in their horn lock-up with 's improvised weapon, that they might have gone a little bit overboard.

As cool droplets slide down its charcoal muscle, its frenzied eyes shift into calmer shapes. Hearing Lavaridge's Gym Leader admonish him does little to his ego; however, harking back to similar situations where its laziness has done itself little good, the Tapu Bulu realizes it must do something to save face.

From its horns, an odd green glow surges forth. Its bell shakes with a steady, powerful rhythm. The green energy washes over before seeping into him like rain swallowed by fertile earth.

[attr="class","chosen"]YOU ARE WORTHY
tapu bulu has chosen , the robust, as their avatar.[break]

zac receives the following perks:

  • zac receives 10 infamy.
  • zac can call upon a special GRASSY TERRAIN from himself at any time, without using a pokemon.
  • this special GRASSY TERRAIN can also increase the PHYSICAL STRENGTH of pokemon and himself within it. the area of this terrain will be determined by the moderator in events.
  • furthermore, any foliage within GRASSY TERRAIN can be willed to grow strong and durable. should zac so desire, he can reverse the growth, using the surplus energy to HEAL HIS OR HIS ALLIES' POKEMON, OR HIMSELF.
  • this special GRASSY TERRAIN can also ENSNARE creatures caught within it, allowing him to receive one AUTO-HIT on ONE TARGET WHO IS CAUGHT IN IT ONCE PER THREAD.
  • feel free to add tapu bulu to your party and choose its moves like a gachapon pokemon.


PLEASE STAY TUNED for an explanation of what the 1X CARROT SEEDS do! This event thread will close MARCH 7TH alongside an accompanying mod post regarding their usage.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 5:31:40 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

No matter how many times he said it, it still wouldn’t change the fact that she brought this hell upon them. But there was some comfort in the fact that he recognized it. Lex leaned into him when his arm came to rest over her shoulders. She listened and followed his subtle gestures. Lex had only come to trust one person in her life that wasn’t herself, and that was Killian. Even when it came to her work, though, she worked alone. She’d get information she needed from Killian, but he wouldn’t take an active part in her side of the business. Her instinct and intuition had gotten her far in this life. Killian may trust these people, but Lex didn’t. When It came to the two of them, she trusted no one but themselves and their loyal pokemon like Loveless and Aubie. Everyone else could be bought or stolen.

It was the arm around her that made her feel better, not the eyes that watched them. She hadn’t forgotten the depth of Killian’s network. It still didn’t change the fact that these were dangerous people. Killian had found her, which meant they eventually would too, “Right,” she sighed in agreement, leaning against his chest. It might not be tonight, but eventually the time would come where Killian’s people wouldn’t be enough.

Regardless, she trusted Killian, and if he thought they were safe then she could find some comfort in that, “I’m sorry,” she repeated again, turning to look up at him, “Forgive me?” she asked with a small, playful smile behind the Espeon plushie. She even went as far as to move the arm of the plushie to gently brush his cheek with its paw, knowing all too well it would be too darn cute to resist.

notes: Post #12

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 5:41:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
11/15 posts TAGGING

the guardian deity came to a halt in its rampage after locking horns with zac of all people. honestly the sight of the guy going toe to toe with it was...inspiring. it reminded kazimir of himself when he first started doing his whole 'pokkenger' deal, clearly zac was a man who knew how to do things with his own hands and wasn't afraid of dirtying them a little bit.

it was like he was a man after kazimir's own heart.

clearly he was a man after tapu bulu's as well as the legendary rung its bell and what looked like green energy began to surround the red head and settle all around him. kazimir's eyes went wide as he witnessed it, something like that could only mean something, something that while he doesn't have firsthand experience experiencing it himself his prior friendships with others who were approached by legendary pokemon helped him put together the puzzle pieces in record time.

"zac...i think it picked ya as its avatar. holy arceus man that's fucking amazing. your fucking amazing." kazimir said in astonishment as he looked the big guy over to see if there was any kind of change in him, steel body or maybe even flames, he wasn't sure what kid of blessing a deity of alola would give but he had to imagine it was something pretty grand. it was a legendary pokemon obviously, "how do you feel?"

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played by


March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 6:37:12 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar texted Priam back, "I'll meet you right outside of town. North." With a chuckle and a flourish, Oscar pocketed his cellphone and sought out churros. It didn't take long to find a stand, every festival had one. Naturally due to the excitement it had been abandoned, so Oscar grabbed four and headed north to find Priam.

Once he got there, he waited patiently and checked the time. It was getting late, but there was plenty of time left for shenanigans. Oscar chomped on a churro, hoping Priam would appear soon with a mind full of mischief. 

Posts: 7/15
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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
112 posts
Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @adam
Adam Lycaon
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 10:22:13 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

Eventually, the chaos simmered down to a bubbling calm—but with it, he was satisfied.

His camera’s memory card was already blinking due to low storage remaining, but he was bloody-ass satisfied with the footage he got.

Quickly hitting ‘Stop’ for the recording, he then navigated around the small screen, finally picking out the point where he’d started recording and had remained on a tight focus, making sure to zoom out and watch as more people had come to join the fray.

It’s not too long until he hears the distinctly Kalosian voice of the person he works for address him. Shaken out of his reverie, he looked up for a few seconds before returning his attention to the video he was watching on playback on the small screen of his camera.

“Well, if it ain’t the boss,” he drawled. “A’course I managed to get both pictures and video. When’d you want this on your desk?” he continued a few moments later.

Ah, shit, in the excitement he’d forgotten to eat. Crap.

Either way, his Cinderace was now lounging along beside him, looking curiously at the pinkette.

he's wearing the attire on the left and is HELLA weird about it


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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 10:23:13 GMT
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If anything he'd said had brought Lex some level of comfort, Killian couldn't tell. Sure, she'd agreed, but it had come with a sigh. The type of sigh that left doubts lingering in his mind. Despite that, Killian didn't bother to prod her any further. It's not like it would have done him any good.

He relaxed, a soft smile crossing his lips as Lex apologized. He could almost hear the smile in her voice. The delicate fabric of the plushie brushed against his skin. Acting so adorable, Lex made it hard to stay mad at her for long. Killian pulled her in for a kiss. It lacked the passion their kisses typically had. Not out of anger, just due to the public setting they found themselves in.

When he pulled back, Killian's smile was wide and cheerful. "Forgiven." he whispered, "Is there anything else you want to do here? If you're still in the mood for a festival, that is."
NOTES: #12



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