i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Robust
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 3:38:14 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    " !" Zac called across the table, unclipping the pen attached to his contract as he waves the councilman over. "Witness this for me, mate."
    The contract was everything Zac wanted. Influence, power, protection, safety, the chance to make a difference, and the resources of the League at his back. I can do some real good with this, Zac thought, as he scrawled his signature on the contract. 

As always, Zac was going to take the bull by the horns. 

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 3:51:41 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Eva nods, she is satisfied with her answers from Dahlia. ’s comments bring her gaze towards her. There is a shift in Eva’s demeanor. Her posture straightens and eyes narrow in judgement, not at her backhanded comments towards , but at the mention of a war with Rocket “With your power comes responsibility,” she reminds the avatar. It’s Major Morales of the Hoenn Army speaking now, not Doctor Morales, “I like to think that responsibility includes the preservation of good in this world,” she eyes the rest of the Avatars in the room, “Rocket is not a threat to be taken lightly. Should a war come to be I would hope you would answer the call,” she would, Eva already was and she didn’t have any special “super powers”. Of course, she held herself to a much higher standard and it was unfair to ask others to do the same, “With your help we would save a lot more lives than we would lose,” Eva was speaking from experience, her time fighting Rocket in Kanto was traumatizing. With even a smidge of the power held within this room, the war would have gone much differently, “And as a Major, I think I can speak on behalf of The League and the Hoenn Army when I say we are putting the right people in place to prepare for such a turn of events. I wasn’t here for the war you speak of, but I’m here now, and I can guarantee that me and my brothers and sisters in arms are qualified to handle an attempt on Hoenn’s freedoms,” she wasn't sure how handled the previous war, but obviously it didn't sit well with Cait, probably several of those in this room. She still held regret when it came to Kanto's fall and some of the decisions they made, but she wasn't in charge back then.

tl;dr: Meet Major Morales

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golden boy
september 23
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 4:06:15 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Immediately upon Dahlia’s entrance, Kim’s Gothorita released itself, bowing to Cait and Stormy before making its way to Kim’s seat.

Well… let's get this shit show on the road.” He mutters under his breath, just loud enough for those immediately near to hear.

Pushing off the counter, Kim grabs the glass his drink sat in and took the rim to his mouth, downing what remained of the frozen beverage with a few gulps. Immediately following, the pain of the chilled drink hit, Kim refraining from screaming.

He takes his seat where the Gothorita had led, scooting up his chair and buttoning up the blazer just enough for his chest to remain exposed.

Kim had let everyone settle in and read their own packages- the councilman observing their features quietly- but just as quickly as he sat, he pushed out his chair and moved back to the bar to order another drink.

Cait’s words were right on the mark of what he had expected, and Kim was not the least bit surprised she had decided to speak out. His input was unnecessary at the current moment so instead he spoke his order to the bartender.

Gimme a Hon Deuce.” He says with a smile.


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 4:22:28 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It was Cait's own sense of morality and religion that made her throw those barbed vines at Katherine. He wasn't sure what the "witch" business was in reference to but he trusted Cait to handle the battles she herself started.

It was eva's almost arrogant broach of Cait's responsibilities that made him chime in. "If you weren't here for the first war, Major I'd like to think you did your research on who was before kicking around notions of duty and responsibility."

He remembered the good doctor from the Ranger's Reception and the recent contest Zac held for one of his Biome Badges. She always seemed to put her best forward and she was a welcomed position as Head Scientist but from where he was sitting, her bedside manner needed some work.

"Cait was on the front lines and she did her share of fighting and then some." Through Dialga's spacetime toying with him, he'd seen it with his own eyes.

He was even quite familiar with the scars her service earned her; mental and physical.

Audibly he gave a loud 'CRUNCH' on two tortilla chips half covered in cheese.

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y o y o

may 15
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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 4:24:35 GMT
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her eyebrows twitched upward, the woman's eyes rounding slightly. 

'this degenerate bitch.'

cait grinned - a hint of her teeth shown as she directed the sharpened look toward katherine.

"what a clever little tongue you have, miss fairburne" she remarked condescendingly, her voice well-measured. "
it suits the devil's personal whore quite nicely, if i do say so myself."

the woman accepted the sharp jab of an insult as she leaned back in her seat, aware she had allowed her mask of professionalism to slip. so she kept her grin firmly in place, the smile painted on and failing to reach her verdant gaze.

your heart's in the right place, morales. but i've trusted the league for no less than two years and they've yet to meet my expectations."

it was strange to think she was once so bright-eyed and eager to serve. cait met eva's gaze and took her in with the sweep of her gaze, seeing a faint reflection of herself within the woman.

if i already haven't made it obvious enough - i have no intention of allying myself with aqua nor the league. perhaps dahlia will fool a handful of us here to sign our lives away and play 'superhero' - but you won't fool me. not again."

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 4:43:04 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


“... Ah. Thank you. I’ll be sure to forward the message.”

Not that she needed to, of course. Unlike any other avatar in the room, Katherine is the only one who was bold enough to come along with their Legendary. It wasn’t out of choice, really, but that mattered little.

Giratina hears the words of Celebi’s chosen, undoubtedly not disturbed by them. If it had felt any different, then Katherine would have acted. Much like , Kat was also zealous in her own right. To speak ill of her was one thing, to insult her god— to have it disturbed by some comment…

That would earn a much worse reaction.

“It’s ironic that Celebi’s avatar managed to make such a relic of the past out of themselves. But,” she halts, smiling. If Cait thought that she was in her element, then she’d yet to fully experience Katherine in battle. “I suppose the League should thank you for ensuring that there’s one less Legendary in the region that we don’t have to worry about. After all…”

Her head tilts aside as an overly-dramatic puzzled look is featured on her visage.

“It’s not like it lifted any finger to warn us, did it? The war, the aliens, their monsters?”

She is unable to stop herself from shaking her head in disapproval, “Really, what could you bring to the table? How would you help us if Rocket was to attack tomorrow - or next week - since clearly, time isn’t much of a concern for you.”


[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ AQUA INTIATIVE

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #D5B259; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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august 12th
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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 4:45:39 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Unlike some of the others, Fernando takes his time to scour the document in full, particular to the diction used to outline the terms laid out before them. The fact that it’s written in the same style Silph Co. uses for smaller contractors causes him to laugh inwardly in a plume of pixie dust.

Wherein he does so for nefarious, profit-based reasons, he suspects Dahlia’s intentions are anything but. After all, this level of professionalism is par the course in their line of work.

Which means he can’t accept is—as is.

Intentions aside, the words below clearly define what is expected and what will come to term should the contract be breached. For most, this would be acceptable once they work out the kinks but Fernando exists outside of the same realm as those present. Compensation at this level is no more precious than the paper he uses to wipe his ass.

So, naturally, a man of his acumen gets to work. While the others debate into a senseless debacle, he flips over one of the papers and starts to jot down several notes. His hand writing is small but legible, excruciatingly neat in order to sure readability once it changes hands. Only will be able to sneak a peek, should he try to look over Fernando’s hand, while the Councilman works against time.

It’s his way of avoiding the uncomfortable situation at hand: and will more than likely be under Silph Co. payroll.


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 4:47:21 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Eva’s gaze softened as spoke up on behalf of in preparation for the harsh reality he seemed to miss, “I’m sorry, Mr. Game, but choosing to ignore responsibilities doesn’t just make them disappear,” this wasn’t some sort of game, this was real life. They were there whether you liked it or not. The look she gave Cait was apologetic, but not for what Eva said, but in recognition of her feelings, “And that is your choice, I just hope it doesn’t haunt you,” there was a sense of sincerity in her words. The lives Eva couldn’t save haunted her every day.

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y o y o

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cait alfric
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 4:52:02 GMT
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it was one thing to insult cait - she would accept it and allow it to pass over her. yet katherine's words were  directed at her god, heavily implying that the fae prince of time was negligent and utterly apathetic towards the plight of the humans and pokemon of hoenn. 

"a moment, please."

the woman stood, smiling unfailingly as she approached and took note of his drink.

... i'll be taking this. thank you, councilman cole-essam."

she laid claimed to his beverage just as it was handed over, moving to return to the conference table and approach the woman with a spry pace. cait promptly and unhesitatingly flung the beverage at katherine's face - intent on splashing the woman with the stinging alcohol. 

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
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Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:02:59 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


It’s almost as if this all takes place when Celebi finally opts to slow down time so this moment can be cherished and remembered.

The glass is sent flying, thrown by a scorned woman who Katherine had certainly earned the ire of.

And it reaches Katherine.

It clearly meets her, only— it doesn’t? Giratina’s influence on her body reveals itself in that same instant, allowing the thrown drink to simply phase through her body - as if having skipped her entirely. Katherine is spared the unfortunate fate of having a drink spill all over her face, but…

“... How cute. How very… Desperate, but I suppose I shouldn’t expect some housewife to have manners.”

Still holding onto her own glass, Kat contemplates throwing it in retaliation but eventually decides against it. For once in her life, she doesn’t stoop as low as others allowed themselves to.

She was ’s successor, after all. She had to take the high road. That would sting much better.


[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ AQUA INITIATIVE

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #D5B259; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:19:40 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
He could barely get his hands around the glass before had apprehended it, promptly tossing it through the avatar of the underworld’s head honcho. Kim could not help but smile throughout the entirety of the altercation, but a scowl had earned its place when Cait decided to make things more physical.

Coming to a stand, Kim moves to set himself between the two women, looking down to Cait with a displeased expression.

Miss Alfric. Would you kindly take your seat.

It is a command spoken in the tone of a question, Kim beckoning the woman to refrain from further ebbing into darker waters.

Whether or not Cait had listened, Kim speaks aloud to all present.

I figured that it would not need explaining but civility is expected of everyone present. We are here to discuss the agreement or disagreement of the contract you have been shown. Lets keep on topic of this and anything pertaining to this. Try not to veer off into more personal matters, please and thank you.

As he speaks, the Gothorita cleans the spill, a psychic energy pulling the contents of the beverage back into the glass before hovering from cait's reach and into the sink behind the bar.

After he had concluded, he returned to his seat, a slight huff escaping him as he sat down. Guess getting a buzz going was out of the question then.


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cait alfric
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:19:45 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

"you - "

a look of surprise settles across her features, the woman visibly bristling as she realized that her assault had failed. yet katherine doesn't retaliate, taking the metaphorical high ground as she sits there primly. 


she wanted to raise a hand to perpetuate and encourage violence, her fingers twitching as she resisted the action and glared down at the woman who was her successor. cait slammed the glass down on the table, leaning forward until her face was inches away from katherine's.

i'll be damned if i let some insolent bitch insult my god."

'she thinks she's better than me,' she thought. 'they all do. they always have.'

it was an insecurity that she had maintained throughout her career - one which had been planted when the woman had realized she was behind her peers following her enlistment. they had started their journey in their pre-adolescents - while she had been made to wait until she was a little over eighteen to train.

cait felt the foreign energy within her swell as the smell of alcohol permeated, but she kept it at bay just barely - taking in a shaky breath.

you're nothing more than an arrogant heathen."

kim placed himself between them, his authority obvious and the bond he shared with the young woman enough to temporarily mollify her rage. a touch surprised she hadn't been immediately tossed out for starting the conflict, she shot katherine one last glare before begrudgingly returning to her seat by .

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
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Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:27:29 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
Nothing is more fashionable than arriving late in this buffoonery, coming a few seconds after the Commissioner has made her entrance.

Selena received the letter, but there is much contemplation for the pinkette if she was really invited or not. She would have been required anyways because she is Tapu Koko's avatar—not to mention the threat of another fine and imprisonment—which in her opinion, is the only thing that the League is capable of doing: incriminating their colleagues. The matter of 's vendetta against her is beyond her decision to cooperate in this initiative.

She just needed to be there.

“I assume coming late does not mean detention, no?”

Smiles plasters on her face when she barges in, her presence marked with the familiar jolt of lightning pushing outwards her body. The lady's cerulean eyes scan the room as she takes note of the ones present on their seats. When Circe pops from behind, her staff pointing towards the empty seat next to , Selena gives a brief nod before she finds herself next to him.

Selena has been late for the first round of questioning. She’s never late, however, to see going all out feral again with another person in the assembly.

The pinkette chooses to focus on her side of the table, a document that lays open for her perusal. There is no need to listen to this childish banter when it is not what’s the highlight of this gathering: this contract will surmise everything chooses to say and not.

“The biggest question here would be why such an initiative is needed in the first place.” Selena raises her voice, attempting to stir the conversation. “I know for a fact that even if there’s no AQUA, every chosen one will help Hoenn get back on its feet. So what, is it only to save the League’s image? To salvage its name?”

There’s no saving their name.

“Now, I can’t help but agree with that it seems like the avatars are being used as a cannon fodder—no offense. And besides,” her eyes shift to . “I wonder where does the funding come from? Where will the league get all these resources? Isn’t this an insult to all our rangers and police officers who experience the same level of work hazard and then us avatars will be paid much more than what they could make a year?”

Arms cross as she tightens her grip to her composure, wisps of lightning sweeping the room so lightly it can tickle other people’s skin.

“This is a level of ridiculous I did not expect to see in this assembly. Even the contract recognizes that avatars can die; our institutions, however, will not. This is a very questionable investment right here.”

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the malevolent / kat
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:33:47 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Unbothered. Unphased. Nonchalant.

Cait’s insults bring nothing more than a smile to Katherine’s face, painting an expression of joy across the woman’s visage. She revels in these encounters and undoubtedly enjoys the thrill in them. A few months ago, maybe this would have devolved into a physical fight, but today?

Having Cait miss her mark feels much more rewarding.

“Yes, Cait. You’ve made how you feel about me quite clear already. Please, do heed the councilman’s advice and take a seat, you’re embarrassing more than just yourself.” It’s not the way Katherine would have liked her first official meeting as a member of the Elite Four to take place, but events of this nature were always… Explosive.

Especially when she was involved.

And once Celebi’s blessed finally returns to her seat, @selena appears to have arrived. She allows the suspended gym leader to take the stage, enjoying a lengthy sip from her cold brew.


[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ AQUA INITIATIVE

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #D5B259; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:42:42 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It was no good that Cait was the one who got worked up.

The fact of the matter was that she was venomous because she cared. If she didn't give a damn about any of this she would have been able to keep her cool, not unlike Katherine herself had done.

When Cait found a new seat next to him he slipped a subtle arm around her rubbing at her triceps in support.

As interesting as these dichotomies of choice were he wasn't here to sign anything and he knew before arriving Cait wouldn't be signing either.

What interested him the most right now, aside from how the hell Katherine managed to make herself phase through an alcoholic money-shot, was the good Doctor Eva.

"Don't feel sorry for me Pallet Town." There was no venom in his voice when he spoke. "Cinnabar died a long time before Rocket got their hands on Kanto." Eva Morales was his sister, birthed unto the same homeland if her history was to be believed.

"I know all about responsibility given what it cost me to fight for a magma-covered island of ruin and rubble." He wasn't yelling nor insisting his words to be heard. Not here, in front of the people who had all taken losses.

For a moment he even looked to , and then ; surely while the world had moved on from the death of , in some ways they might never. Being so close to the man in his last moments and suffering the same blows from the enemy but surviving where Alexander had not; the incident was never far from Sénon's mind.

Everyone in the room had lost something in these fights, battles, wars; they wouldn't have made it this far up the ladder if they hadn't.

In short, no one needed to be reminded of why they were needed and what they were fighting for.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay