i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 13:03:40 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo couldn’t resist giggling at ’s and ’s banter

A little bit of the last one! I made sure to bring them with me when I left! Always gotta have a set of clothes for a nice occasion!” Only set he’d brought with him; it was what he’d worn to that one Ranger event he and Doug got invited to. He hadn’t even put it on again until this party, as it demanded formal clothing.

It was only due to his Pokemons’ efforts that his clothes weren’t a wrinkled mess.

As for ’s presence, Hideo made sure to add to what Andy said “Yeah, me and Andy met her when we got here,” he said, “Haven’t heard from her since that Unown came in here. Things got real hard to keep track of once the explosions went off.” Not just because he holed up in the bathroom while everything went down. He didn’t know how long he was in there for, but Hideo was fairly certain he’d missed a lot.

As for ? “Arashi was in the bathroom last time I checked. Had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction, so he’s keeping my Gardevoir and Ribombee company.” Hopefully he was getting that under control.

As they went along, Hideo could tell Doug got distracted by something, with how he trailed off like that. Or someone, as Elga informed him; Hideo’s Beheeyem noticed someone familiar. 3 of them, in fact. And with their main shrimp-eater heading over to meet these 3 familiar people, Hideo was compelled to follow.

Weaving through the crowds (with his Ambipom’s help), Hideo was able to keep up with Doug. It wasn’t until he heard ’s voice that he realized who Doug was trying to meet.

But before he could get a word in, someone else approached them; . She sounded completely different. Not just in her voice, but also in the way she spoke; she always seemed more formal than this. Hideo could guess pretty quickly why that was. “Hey Ruby!” Hideo said, “Good to hear you’re alright!...and getting some drinks in.” Was she even old enough to drink alcohol?

He didn’t have long to think about it, as Chryssa and Ruby brought up some Pokemon; specifically, the lake trio. Ruby even implying that she was close to them - asking if she were their mother before Hideo could, something Ruby denied, but wished were true.

For the time being, he’d just listen in as everyone else spoke; they seemed more familiar with this “prophecy” business than he was.

While he was distracted, his Ambipom broke away, having taken notice to the shrimp-laden refreshment table. She was going to help herself for a bit while everyone else was distracted - before they used what was left to test the limits of Doug’s stomach.

Summary: Hideo continues to follow the Shrimp Caravan™, listening as the group discusses the lake trio and the prophecy.  While he's distracted, his Ambipom moves to grab some shrimp.

Bounties complete: Make a Wish, Use "Breathtaking", Reference Gravity

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 13:29:27 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar

"Ha ha," the older man gives a mock laugh not finding it as funny but there is enough of some type of effort there to humor his son. Though it seems like he softens up and becomes less judgy when Asriel admits to some of it's beauty.

"I know we don't really do birthdays but when you both became 20 I was planning on taking you both out for your first drink with your old man," he looks down to his glass and twirls his drink a bit, deep in his own thoughts for just a moment, "But at least you survived for this long," because in his head the other was as good as dead and he would raise his drink in and almost cheers motion before he took a drink.


+ Star Soiree [break]
+ Post count #4 [break]



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triple h
september 14th
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now come together, come apart
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 14:20:10 GMT
surprised, cian swayed to the tune of the song, following elliott's lead. he could dance? who knew.

the question was met with a smirk.

"already did. you should check out the west wing sometime. it's actually quite lovely, despite the smell."

then, looking around, cian asked:

"where's your date?"

dancing with @elliott
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 18:38:08 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

it was difficult to pull her attention away. she wanted to stand there for hours, and she very well might’ve if not for his question. it was sort of like asking her to play chess, in that it reminded her of her past, and gave her the same bittersweet feeling.


very well, actually; trained at a young age, just like her brother. once proper, rich galarians; the kind that spun around ballrooms with their region’s nobility.

she offered her hand, expecting him to lead. if he asked, he must have known what he was doing, right?
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march 11th
human resources
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 19:22:24 GMT

he had never danced before in his life. bobbing his head to the radio didn't count, did it? likely not, and so he stared at her offered hand for what felt like forever.

but he soon took her hand in his, guiding them towards the dancefloor.

he did his best to lead — slow, careful, unlike him to begin with.

in disguise
dancing with
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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 21:15:46 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer watched Casey fumble with his shirt bottons, unable to hide the amusement from the fact that she caused his dishevelment. She wondered if he was missing a button because of her too. "It's a shame you have to cover yourself up. You're too delicious to hide."

She was on the prowl again, except she had no shame at this point. No matter how hard they had tried, they still looked like a hot mess. And she was kind of into that.

She opened her mouth to speak, to say something about being impatient and wanting it now. Because he held everything she had craved in life, she came to realize.

This adoration. Love. Affection.

The playing and teasing was an added bonus that she was happy that he was giving her.

However, Summer was taken aback. Because she never considered the fact she could possibly grow old with someone. Would Casey really be willing to drop everything and do that with her?

Would she?

"C-Casey..." She wasn't sure what she wanted to say. There was a mix between saying "are you sure" and "of course, that's the only way," but nothing would come out of her mouth. Those hands though. They kept her balanced in reality. "What did I do to have someone like you appear in a berry farm and push into my life?"

Ah, his Treecko. "Did you bring your Treecko? Or is it only these two with you? I only brought Frigg tonight."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2021 23:14:00 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Elliott wasn't expecting that response. Okay, well, that wasn't fair.

Well, he also didn't have a boyfriend, so he couldn't exactly complain, could he?

"You're turning me off by mentioning the smell. No thank you," he said with a turn of his head, wrinkling his nose.

"Date? I told you that I was coming alone. No date for me, no sir."

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 7:41:31 GMT
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He was at a loss as 'Chryssa' began chewing on his pant leg, his blue-screened mind being thankfully reset when another, more focused looking began chastising her look alike.

"Mew above- 'ello yerself, Empress. Were ya keeping yer sisters in the cellar so ya could hog the spotlight?" He said wryly, wondering if the next time he saw her, she would've doubled her Zorua entourage.

7 Chryssas. The horror.

She remained as hard to read as ever. Ribbing him with an airy tone that didn't reveal much if anything of her feelings. But... it didn't feel like she was holding his failure against him.

Yet. Maybe he should give it some time before getting too comfortable.

"You and I remember that war very differently." He said, before his cheeks flushed red... not that anyone could see it in the dark. He grinned, keeping his eyes on at her. "My views pretty great already, thanks. Just... real glad yer here."

He could grill her for details on her surely daring one-woman escape act later, if he didn't hear of it on the Global News Channel. For now, he just wanted to see if he couldn't get her alone so he could apologize properly.

Unfortunately- Chryssa was a very popular attendee, apparently.

Doug stared at as he appeared with a question, leaving him staring at the boy with a tilted, slightly furrowed brow.

"... The heck's an Azelf? Another legendary?" Could it not wait-?

No, no it could not.

This 'Azelf' appeared to be something of a hot topic, because people were beginning to swarm around them at the chance to discuss it. Maybe swarm was an exaggeration, but if there was ever a time Doug was not feeling his curious spirit, it was now.

As the rare pokemon was discussed in detail, Doug found his attention jerked towards , who's greeting was just loud and cheery enough to let him know something was amiss.

"Oh, there ya are." He said simply as the girl stumbled up towards them... without shoes. He snorted at her question. "'fraid to say, but ya might have it backwards, shortstack."

Amusing as Ruby was in this state, Doug still threw his eyes over at her pokemon turned babysitter, tilting a brow. How the heck had this happened? Him getting shitfaced was one thing, but Ruby? She didn't even let them bring beds to the roof!

He didn't get to chastise either of them, though. As it turned out, even drunk Ruby wanted in on this Azelf action.

He rolled his eyes, huffing silently as he crossed his arms; it seemed like he was going to be waiting for a while.


-Irritated everyone's talking about stuff he has no idea about... but mostly at 'em being terrible wingmen lmao. (Does not reflect my own views at all, pls discuss Lake trio to yer hearts contents, I want in one this pie too ♥)
-Doug's suit
-Lele's suit, lollypop included

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may 26
sunyshore, sinnoh
ranger, photojournalist
Artemis Chary
2 height
2 height
my god, i’m so lonely
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reve zajac DOLLARS
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reve zajac
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 8:39:15 GMT
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Reve feels the ninetales lick his hand, and tries to refocus his attention — he really does. He focus his eyes on the creature, smiling at him gently in an attempt to forget about the current circumstance. He takes only a moment to attempt to wipe his eyes, instead focusing on holding a hand out to pet Gelato with. He’s careful as always; even if he’s hurting, he could never forget to be cautious.

Between the task at hand and the thoughts and feelings rapidly attempting to push their way to the front of his mind, only to be rapidly ushered to the back corners again, Reve finds himself borderline unaware of the world around him. To him, for a moment, the world is nothing more than him and whatever exists in front of his face, and if he could think to be, he would be almost grateful for it. He only looks up once he hears a voice near enough to him that it could be conceivably talking to the ninetales. Reve glances up to the source, to see standing there.

It takes a moment, but he recognizes them as the one Artemis had been dancing with. Reve hadn’t noticed that they had broken away from him. They’re pretty, he supposes — he can’t blame Artemis for having taste, as much as it hurts. And not only are they pretty, but they seem bright. Like someone good for Artemis. Instantly he knows this is someone he would have to try very, very hard to hide his emotions from. He isn’t about to cry in front of Artemis’s dancing partner. The fact that he’s about to cry at all is embarrassing enough, truly. Reflective of a pitiful hope he had based his entire vision of the night upon.

Being Reve Zajac is humiliating.

“No, no,” Reve says, attempting to keep the shake from his voice. Whether he is successful or not is debatable at best. “He hasn’t been a bother whatsoever. He’s been quite sweet, and I like ninetales. Gelato, you said his name is?”

post 5 for and @artemis

- reve is briefly comforted by gelato
- a conversation with mint begins
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 10:48:32 GMT
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The luminescent trails of comets traversing through the night sky, Skyler quickly decides, look the best framing the panes of Angelo's face. A playful smile blooms across her lips at the words lovingly breathed against her skin, softened by a familiar intimacy and secrets that wouldn't, at least tonight, find their way past the stuttering heartbeat within her ribcage.

"I'll always welcome you home, Angel." Certainty is etched into her voice, words breathed into fact by an unyielding stubborness. She's unaware of the way her head tilts ever so slightly to chase after his touch.

It does give her a clear view of the Litleonids, eyes narrowing at their sudden approach. Should... should they be so close?

Eh, what did she know of celestial bodies anyway?

Fingers drift from Angelo's frantic heartbeat to skim along the edge of a button, a slight movement flicking it open to expose the skin of his chest to the chilly breeze - and to her merciful attentions. An impish flash of teeth hides in the shadow of his jawline. "As long as you're able to keep up, that is."

Skyler finds her feet in familiar territory, a dare dangling from the tip of her tongue as she leans in to find his pulse under a feather-like brush of teeth. Carnivorous.

"It wasn't even your bottle to begin with, Angel." There's no remorse to be found in her voice. Nails find a path down his chest. Another button pops open. "But I'll be sure to make it up to you." 


- :sweats: 

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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 14:02:12 GMT
"aw, really?"

he feigned a pout, tilting his head a little as he looked at elliott.

"don't worry, eli. i'll help you find someone if you want. i mean, look around. plenty of options."

then, his gaze swept across the space around them, and sure enough, there were a lot of people.

dancing with @elliott
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 16:07:24 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

her hand hung at the point of his shoulder, other in his as they stepped around the floor. she said nothing at first.

in her training, they’d faced each other like this plenty, but it was his palm in hers that felt closer. drew memories of one night of intimacy—not that lulu would have ever called it as much.

he had been better at that. something she’d never admit.

“not too bad, beckett.”
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 17:53:32 GMT
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Angelo neglects the promise of whisky in favour of the challenge that spills alluring from her lips and the heat of her fingers, sinking invisible hooks into his flesh. Tender, clandestine touches and sweet declarations slowly making way for something familiar and easy but no less loving, in their own way. [break][break]

His heart racing for something else altogether. [break][break]

Although always for her. [break][break]

Keep up?” Voice throaty, from whisky and whispered secrets and creeping passion, his question breathes against Skyler's temple in a mockery of innocence that he fails to portray. [break][break]

There’s no hiding it, from the soft chuckle that spills unbidden, to the curl of something tangibly roguish in each syllable that drips off the tip of his tongue.[break][break]

From the way his gentle fingers on Skyler’s cheek slips to the nape of her neck, blunt nails digging. [break][break]

From how a roughened palm slips beneath fabric. Exposing the dip of her spine to the chilly ocean air, contrasted against the warmth of his touch, as his palm drags up the curve of her waist. Shirt edge following… [break][break]

Every gesture overflowing with intent. [break][break]

You goin’ somewhere, Sunshine?” [break][break]

Angelo’s lips split in unseen mischief against a pillow of soft, blonde curls, his grip sinking into flesh tight. Unyielding, secure – a lifeline. [break][break]

Even when he’s the one who’s playfully leaning Skyler back, inch by inch, towards the fall. [break][break]

He'd never really let her drop over the edge of the balcony.




#18 [break][break]

stars? what stars?


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march 11th
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 19:30:30 GMT
it felt different, that much he knew. he found that he liked it even if the act of dancing made him feel oddly uncomfortable.

not too bad, but definitely not good. briefly, he regretted not practicing more prior to the soiree.

"not nearly as good as you."

he sighed, admitting:

"i've never danced before."

his voice dropped a little then, almost as though he was embarrassed. or was he shy? either way, he held his gaze.

in disguise
dancing with
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 20:11:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar
solaris, having been with artemis since he was young, is no stranger to emotions either, whether they be positive or negative. and, honestly, it didn't take a more practiced pokemon to know that reve needed comforting. so, when gelato had went to comfort him, solaris followed; wandering over to attempt to bump his hand with her head in some vague attempt of comforting. as much as the espeon herself could, after all.

artemis himself can't help the small frown in his confusion. it seems like reve and mint both know something that he doesn't, and he doesn't particularly like the idea of being left out of the loop. that there's some shared secret that he should know and just doesn't and now he's lost. the fact that gelato is with reve, who had never mentioned mint before, doesn't help; he knows why solaris is there, because the espeon knows reve, but the ninetales shouldn't. unless he's missed something and now is the only time he'll be able to figure it out.

before artemis could gather the courage to ask, mint was gone, making a beeline for reve and leaving him unsure of what to do. he doesn't want to just stand in the middle of the dancefloor by himself, surrounded by people he doesn't know, but he doesn't want to interrupt mint and reve, either. he had hoped it wouldn't, had even wished for it, but something told him his fairytale night was over.

it was a silly thought, anyways.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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