i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 18:19:08 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Fashionably late, as has always been Mars’ prerogative, this time totally not because they got sidetracked on the way here or anything...
Endless stars shine in the darkened firmament up above, and below them, the halls of the observatory have been exquisitely decorated to fit the theme of the night. A Star Soirée. Admittedly, it makes for quite the impressive sight, yet honey-coloured eyes still wander over their surroundings with the scrutiny of someone all too familiar with events of the like. The venue may be new to him, it may be a different region, but in the end all those balls and galas and soirées have one too many things in common, and it’s all always the same, isn’t it?
Except, perhaps, for one thing.
”I guess here is where I admit you were right: it was a good idea to come.”
It’s all too easily that his gaze finds Cian’s, a smirk tugging at his lips as these words are pronounced. They hold hands, fingers intertwined, and even if Mars had not been the sort of person who thrives in this sort of event despite the familiarity of it all, he would have still spoken those same words.
It had been a good idea, because good company can make all the difference, and there’s nothing quite like the opportunity to see Cian in a suit, is there? Maybe they should go to formal events more often…
”Should we grab some drinks?”


+ TLDR; Mars and are fashionably late ♡


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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 18:23:27 GMT
out of the west wing they come, much more relaxed than when they first entered. with a smile, he turns to mars, rolling his eyes at his words.

"when will you learn, mars? i'm always right."

and then he spares a glance out at the ballroom that's littered with people. 's here somewhere; he can practically smell whatever expensive cologne he's wearing from where they are.

with a tug, cian leads them into the ballroom.


entering the ballroom late with
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may 12th
devon & rotomtv ceo
72 height
72 height
we fall in space, we can't look down, death may come, peace i have found.
338 posts
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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 18:30:39 GMT
like some others, ana arrives fashionably late, even noticing and his friend as she makes her way into the ballroom, picking up a glass of champagne off a passing tray as she does.

the sight of a cute little litleo catches her attention, though it's not the fire-type that leads her back to its trainer.

"i'm no waiter, but..."

a gift in the form of a glass full of champagne. she extends it over to her before reaching for another off a waiter.


interacting with @yuna
feel free to jump in
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 19:11:59 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

Oh yeah? What gave it away?” Lips curl slowly against the edge of the glass, within the midst of a languorous sip when company slides forward. “The half-assed formal attire or that my Dreepy's just flown off on his own to who-knows where?”[break][break]

’s familiar presence is greeted warmly, evident in how Angelo gives pause in his desire to venture outside and instead takes a moment to linger around the bar; calloused fingers reaching out to fondly pet Pen-Pen between the ear tufts. [break][break]

Actually, stars are my sort of thing. My step-dad taught me a lot about reading them for navigation years ago, and I always liked constellation stories as a kid.” It’s a basic explanation, really; there’s something about the night sky that Angelo can’t quite put into words, in how it captivates and draws him in. How he craves to extend his fingertips within a river of stardust, catch them in his eyes… [break][break]

He lowers his whiskey down to the bar table with a slight knock against wood that’s drowned out amongst the buzz and chatter of the party; yet his fingers remain curled loosely around glass, thumb swiping droplets off the rim. [break][break]

But formal parties… Sure, we’ll just go with ‘not my style’.” A laugh, catching rough around the edges from a stubborn weariness, bubbles forward. As if to back this up, Angelo catches the malt off his thumb with his mouth – teeth flashing.[break][break]

Speaking of, I was about to head outside. The ceiling feature is 'pretty', I guess… But I’d rather be looking at the real thing.”[break][break]

Cerulean eyes turn to Locke, extending an invitation that he could decline without worry of offending – it was a party, after all. The postman should enjoy it their way. [break][break]

Want to join? I’ll get you a drink on the way out.

[attr="class","angelotag"] , OPEN



talking to locke, will probably head to a balcony next post[break][break]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 19:45:08 GMT
Deleted Avatar

The faint smell of alcohol swarmed around Yuna like Mandibuzzes. Within her time of undisturbed delight, her breath felt hot — each exhale a burning sensation inside her chest.

That was not to say that was unsavoury for her, though. In fact, the moment more champagne called for her name, her last glass was heedlessly shoved to the nearest worker. The unlucky attendant practically balancing their plate from falling as Yuna’s excitement ran thicker.

Quite,” she hummed, her manicured nails tapping against the refreshment. Yuna’s eyes scanned the area. Her cheerful, darling Litleo was nowhere to be seen. My, my. Had such a stunning presence been the work all from herself?

”And they call these drinks fine dining. Hah! These petty little cups hardly last a minute,” at least, for others akin to her. ”An indulger like me, are you? The ballroom does seem livelier with a bit of poison in your system, doesn’t it?” A bit was an understatement. Yuna could immerse herself in the whole damn bar without seeing the smallest star and still leave satisfied at this point.

+ tl;dr literally just getting drunker. her litleo is still on the lookout. someone call her kids.

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,863 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 20:09:34 GMT
mint frost Avatar

While he had left a life of luxury behind, Mint Frost could not deny how enchanting big parties like this had been. And while…this particular soireee was tame compared to the balls and galas of his youth, it was still exciting for other reasons. Without a personal stylist dictating his every look in coordination with older, flashier siblings Mint was free to dress as he please, look as he pleased. Gone were the days of forced buzz cuts and perfectly gelled close-cropped hair. No longer was he forced to stick to ugly earthy palettes and tweed suits. And for the love of every God that ever existed, no more. Fucking. Glasses.

He’d smashed that last pair of fakes ages ago but every time he looked at himself in the mirror, and thought about a wasted youth, he wanted to do it again. While there had been no precision of a second hand to help him, Mint looked almost as pristine as the twins would’ve for a performance. His hair was lightly styles for volume, bangs swept to the side to frame his face. The rest of his hair pulled back into a short ponytail that jutted out of form the nape of his neck, an intricate ribbon holding it together in place. His suit, just barely, consisted of a mix of sheers, blues and glitter with coattails to match. Accessories, light makeup, even his pokemons own little collar were all star themed. Where would he be in this world if he couldn’t follow a simple theme?

But that’s not exactly the best part either. There’s a missing sense of pressure absent from his actions and movements. He’s no longer stiff, or even thinking three steps ahead. Impulsive. He’s impulsive. Because here, in this humble little ball in the middle of an observatory with an ominous scientist speaking to them, he’s not under her eyes, and therefore does not have to pursue her agenda.

Oh. And also, the super-hot date he was about to have. That was a plus too. Finally, his dancing lessons from youth would be put to the test. Maybe he’d actually enjoy it for once. Gelatto is at his side, stars dripping from the newly evolved Ninetails’ neck. He is all grace, and poof and anxiety. It’s just now he can’t hide in the arms of his trainer anymore. “Come on, Gelatto. This is smaller than Alonzo’s communion.” He said gently stroking the oversized fox’s head. A quick glance at the crowd and he caught sight of many faces he recognized. And then oddly enough ( because I have the meme for it )


“Mischa?!” It’s less surprise now and more excitement for the weirdo. At this point it’s a joke. Clearly. He gave a little wave before turning back to the dance floor, heart starting to pound in his chest in anticipation. The stage was set, the outfit was perfect, his pokemon was as eye catching as Mint was. A nervous glance at the clock wondering if it was better to stand still- where was his Prince Charming?


+ + the boy he's been drunk texting since fucking july [break][break]



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lana, rue
september 1
littleroot town
forever alone
38 height
38 height
'Cause you don't belong where you don't belong Yeah, I don't belong
180 posts
ruslan skye DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruslan
ruslan skye
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 20:25:49 GMT
ruslan skye Avatar

Ruslan Skye is from a shitty little town, with a shitty little family, that had a shitty little life. To say that never, in his wildest dreams, ever pictured himself entering such an extravagant party. He didn’t even think he had the desire to attend. Not out of insecurity, although that was hitting in fucking waves as he stepped through in new clothes, and new hair. He simply…has never wanted something so extravagant. He would’ve wished for something like a friend, or a Gameboy, or even a pizza party but he was the only one in attendance and he got to eat all the pizza himself. The décor, the people, Dr’ Holo’s weirdly ominous introduction to the festivities… he couldn’t care for it.[break][break]

That’s what he’d said the other day when had invited him to go. He hadn’t wanted to say no. His feelings weren’t strong on the matter. So, he’d gone along with it, gone to suit fittings, and boutiques and even a salon all to get ready for this night. He’s still unsure what to expect. He couldn’t even dance after all. But he stood there nevertheless, a delicate addition to his companion. Red flowers drip from his chest and delicate silk ruffles adorned him. His ears glimmered with new piercings and expensive jewelry. He felt like a Barbie doll. [break][break]

But it didn’t feel bad. It wasn’t like he took pride in his grubby, street rat appearance. The greasy hair? The dirty skin? Smell, ripped clothes? No. Who would want that? This was better, albeit somewhat of the extreme he was used to. But he wouldn’t complain. “What do you t-think she’s planning?” he asked, red eyes moving, to look up at his patron.


+ [break][break]

tl;dr [break]
lana shows up as arm candy for his sugar daddy [break][break]



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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 20:33:47 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Skyler's stationary position lasts about as long as the amber liquid within her glass. When the last few drops are wiped from her lips with the back of her hand, the ship captain sees no reason to stay.

Dorado scrambles to follow her into the crowds, horrified at the possibility of losing sight of his beloved captain. 

"Are you going to take this?" The person doesn't acknowledge her, and Skyler doesn't wait for them to. Condensation kisses the tips of her calloused fingers as she takes the fancy glass for herself, humming in unmistakable pleasure when the taste of whisky tickles down her tongue. 

"Much obliged." By the time the glass is found missing, Skyler has already dived into the crowd again, drawn by a familiar splash of white hair.

"Oscar! Knife guy!" The cheerful greeting cuts through nearby conversations, unashamedly loud. Her lips part to speak, but she's interrupted by a zooming Dreepy that attaches itself to her face. "Shit! What the fuc-"

Dorado's claws are out and ready to rip the ghost to ribbons when it retreats, nimbly weaving past the attempted murder. "... Blinky?" The Dreepy warbles out a greeting, unblinking eyes managing to look somehow cute. "The fuck are you doing here? And-" Oh, Angelo. Of course. 

When a cursory look fails to materialize the blue-eyed pilot, Skyler shakes her head and focuses instead on her very best drinking buddy and friend, and the purple-eyed knife-thrower ( ). With a devious flash of teeth that foretells trouble, she waves her now empty glass at them. "Long time no drink."


- gets up to search for more alcohol
- swipes a drink from someone
- is attacked by a cute dreepy
- greets and

[newclass=.skycaptain] [/newclass]
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papichulo grippin' culo
october 14
castelia city, unova
personal trainer
he looks up
grinning like a devil
6'0" height
6'0" height
it's like we go through the same shit every night
468 posts
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TAG WITH @andres
andres buenaventura
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 20:42:33 GMT
andres buenaventura Avatar

“Artie…this is so cool.” He said to his date as the horse drawn carriage came to a stop in front of the observatory. He hadn’t expected this set up. Especially when he had gone himself to pick up the blonde for their party. He had thought the event a fun idea and had been happy the little prince hadn’t rebuffed him when he’d offered to take him. It was a cool date if he said so himself. Date…being a looser term for the pair but it was the easiest way to explain it to his friends. He’d heard a couple other attending and had been excited to see them. [break][break]

Or in ’s case, tease them. Artie and he shared a sense of humor though, so maybe it was for the best if she kept her distance. As the carriage came to a stop, Andres popped up, eager to see the party inside. He held out a hand as gallantly as he could, helping his date out of the Really Fancy Horse Carriage, and began to lead him inside. The place was already packed with everyone dressed in their best. Andres had given it the good old college try too. Unfortunately, he wasn’t that well verse in formal wear. Streetwear being far closer to his realm of thought. Nevertheless, he’s tried! Styling his hair perfectly back, adding some color to his outfit instead of the usual black and white tuxedo. He’d never cared for those. Only 007 could pull it off. Not some punk from Castelia. [break][break]

“I’m glad you’re coming with me.” He said as he held out his arm for the noble. “I would’ve felt terrible if you’d spent another cold, sleepless night without me.” He added, teasing the other man.


+ [break][break]



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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 22:34:02 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




It seemed had noticed him. The younger lad was intercepted by and however. Now he was going to have to walk closer. Walking and standing were neither fun tasks with his leg as it was. Slipping below the thus far serene waters of annoyance, he didn't notice wander by, which was likely for the best given his present prickles.
''Gengar.'' The pokemon tried to point the man out, remembering what had happened months prior, but the Galarian waved him off. ''Not now. Let's suffer a little more I guess. Fuck.'' The falls of the brassed cane tip tapping a little louder, the youth's limping continued until intermingling distance was achieved.
''Ladies,'' a slight incline of the head was aimed towards them. ''Gentleman.'' It was strange how easily the fall into the social training that made him 'worthy of his pedigree' came. Perhaps proof that despite his efforts, deprogramming from the rigors of polite society hadn't been as complete as he might have wished.
Epitaph flashed him a strange look at the echos of a long dead Edmund Blackadder.
''I mean, yo.'' Of course he himself had noticed. ''How you bitches doing tonight?'' If you stumbled one direction, you had to dive back in the other. ''Geouh... Geouh...'' Epitaph blew at the strands of his own tie than dangled down from his forehead into his face. A light elbow from his trainer forced the gengar to act as if everything was normal.





[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 23:32:57 GMT
Deleted Avatar

It has been over a decade since the last time the Litleonids graced the skies, and while usually they would only make their presence known later in the year, it’s in mid-September that they’re expected this time. The date had been marked in his phone’s calendar for months now, but this is far from how Rye expected to spend the night of the meteor shower...
Formalwear has never bothered him, and it’s with natural comfort and confidence that he stands near the bar. But, the crowd? The noise? The dancing? The celebrating? All of those things he could do without.
It makes him glad for the drink in his hands, and the glass of champagne is gently swirled as crimson eyes wander over the faces of strangers. In the distance, he’s pretty sure he sees the familiar sight that is , but no efforts are made to greet him. That can be done later, and he’s not who Rye is looking for this time around anyway (sorry, Caden, we love you).
What he’s looking for instead is that familiar flash of peppermint blue that is impossible to miss once spotted near the dance floor…
Like candy. Like bubblegum. Like all those things he teases for.
A sigh, and whatever champagne remains in his glass is downed. This is then placed back on the bar all before approaching the one person who could convince Rye to come to a stupid soirée.
”Is that Gelatto?” Unexpected as the sight is, he looks at the newly evolved Alolan Ninetails. ”I guess congratulations are in order, huh?”
A smirk, only then meeting Mint’s gaze.


+ TLDR; Rye likes meteor showers but he's an antisocial idiot who hates being here xoxo
[break]The things he do for SMH


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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 23:56:20 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

Casey is smiling, serenely. Despite this, he looks slightly tired. Must be the long hard hours spent in the podcast mines. Grinding away Content. The evening's locale was flush with light, both from actual lighting fixtures and the jewelry worn by some attendants. It all sounded of countless, buzzing inside-voices.

His experience with such things was as a prop for his connected parents. Paraded around as you would a dog. Still, going alone was freeing.

Casey spent a concerningly long time vaping outside. His Treecko looked up at him, unsure of how to console him. It felt like he was put in a headlock by a baby, the way he felt a constant, low pressure. "...I need to just get in there and let things happen."

People continued to pour into the building, and he merged in with the nearest lane. Deposited into the dance floor, he beelined for the drink table. Scooping up a bottled Piña Colada-flavored wine cooler in each hand, he then pivoted on his heel, followed in tow by his lizard. Seeing someone against a wall, he moved towards her with the neck of one bottle pointed at her as an offering, as if handing over a sword handle-first.

While Elaine wanted a battle of wits, what she'd end up with is an unarmed opponent with a height advantage. A vegetarian model and podcaster who hits the gym two times a week, mostly to stave off Vaping Lung.

Casey looked down at her, and smiled. "You look flustered. Did your date stand you up, or something?"
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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,554 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2021 2:03:04 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar




Well then, it had certainly been an interesting month in August for melody.. she had been back in league custody for about a week-ish time by now. But it was kept secret from the public of her safe return, saw it fitting to announce it at the soiree with of course the one who rescued her, . [break][break]

"The show must go on." she comments idly as she stares out the window of the side area they were in. "But thanks for the concern Matias. It's kind of you to worry about me like this, im gonna forever be in your debt at this rate." she smiles at him warmly as she truly appreciated everything he did for her. "Yes I have the pager, I'll let you know if anything starts to happen. I should be alright, I can...I can feel my connection to Cobalion still, he will be here tonight so I have faith he will be protecting me from the sidelines should something happen." she assured him to put his worries at ease, he should be having fun tonight! She'd hate herself if she was the reason he couldn't. [break][break]

It was show time.

"You look pretty good too! You certainly know you're teasing everyone else there with your open collar. Go get em tiger." she giggles to herself as she takes his arm and wraps hers in it for their debut. The doors swing open as the crowd of people there stand there with their mouth's open.  [break][break]

Melody miro was back?! She had a simple light blue dress on, the lower half of it was made out of a thin light blue mesh let people see her white heels as they clicked against the marble floor. The dressed seemed...rather simple, however melody of course had a plan. She raised her hand as if reaching out to someone and a flash of blue dashed passed everyone and left behind a trail of sparkles that coated her dress and a psychic glow to them that placed them properly on her dress in the form of stars. [break][break]

The culprit of this glitter spray was cobalion wearing a cravat. He seemed rather uninterested in this event entirely but Melody placed a hand on his head "Thanks for that. I'll bring you some food later as thanks." she says as she figured he'd probably hate being surrounded by so many humans so she didn't want to keep him from being at ease somewhere nearby. [break][break]

A hatterene made her way over to Melody, her hair adorned with various scented flowers she was responsible for the glitter placement as she had used her psychic powers. An over the top entrance for an over the top star, hopefully Matias wasn't too thrown off by what just happen, and the media personnel who were attending were already abuzz with the news of her return. [break][break]

  her mission was completed, now to have some fun!



tagged for [break]
Open to interactions! [break]

Dress reference

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,744 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2021 2:27:50 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



[attr="class","bryanoverlap"]You should see me in a crown.

[attr="class","bryanbody"]Bryan had been invited to the soiree by Jayden, was even offered a ride there in a limo. The country boy never really rode in one of them before so he was for sure not going to turn it down lest he never get a chance again. The lights blinded him almost immediately, causing him to squink against the bright ass lights. "Alright, im gonna go get some drinks. Let me know if you want anything and I'll grab it for ya." he says as he split off from the man once they were inside. [break][break]

Another flash of light blinded him as Melody made her debut in the soiree. Flashy bitch... he said watching Melody's entrance to the soiree, she was so over the top he found it nauseating. Even if he was a secret fan of her music, he just despised the fact she was such a dog for the league. [break][break]

Bryan was at the bar, grabbing a whiskey coke which he was glad was being offered freely at this little shingding. He would have probably not came if it wasn't for the all inclusive bar being offered. [break][break]

He took a sip of his drink and grabbing the same "grape juice" that Priam enjoyed so much at the bar during their time in sootopolis. He held his drink in his elbow gently as he tried to text "Yo where are you at? I have your drink ready for you handsome." he said before hitting send. [break][break]
He looked around trying to find someone he recognized in the mean time as he waited for Priam.

[attr="class","bryaninfo"] bryan's suit


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,242 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2021 2:33:02 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar


@ open![break][break]

starry nights[break][break]

dancing with pokemon![break]

In the midst of their starlit waltz, Eris and Reiner find themselves graced by the presence of a Sinistea. All dressed up and seemingly polite, the Luxray has no qualms with passing her hands to the teacup, watching as she happily sways with the ghost. After a little twirl and a curtsey, Eris' gaze wanders, falling upon a sight that shakes her to the core.
Rushing over to the man, she doesn't quite know what expression to make in this scenario. All she knows it isn't anything terrible for the first time in a long while. "How long have you been watching...?" There is a hint of pink that colours her cheeks, her eyes averted to the skies as she takes a spot beside him. "It probably looked weird, didn't it? The only person I ever waltzed with was my pa... and even then, he was way taller than I was, so it was more of me stumbling on his toes."









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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing