i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2021 23:50:04 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
It got real crowded real quick. Oscar nearly jumped out of his skin when @kris snuck up on him. The came up and pinched his butt, which made his face the color of a cranberry. Genesect spotted the Mr. Mime being the true offender of its master's ass, and stomped over to give it a piece of its mind. As Genesect passed by Oscar, he saw the 'baby on board sticker' and that just broke the camel's back. 

"Fuck sake I can barely breathe here--and we're in a tree!" Oscar grabbed Genesect by the shoulder and pulled it away so he could get the sticker off in private. Oscar carefully used his nail to peel off the sticker, not wanting to leave behind any wayward glue. "You cost more than three sub-bases and they're putting stickers on you. Fuckin' hell."

Oscar looked toward as she approached, smiling as he quickly continued his removal. "Yeah thank Priam for it. I wasn't a fan at first but it's grown on me." With the sticker fully removed, Oscar discarded it and stood upright. He grabbed a polishing disk from out of his inner coat pocket and slowly rubbed it across the top of Genesect's head. The cyborg made a whirring sound, leaning into the disk as Oscar delivered fresh wax to its noggin. Genesect had basically no feeling across its body, and yet it seemed to greatly enjoy being polished. Maybe the sensation is different for a robot.

Oscar noticed Lulu walk off and deciding he had nothing better to do, he put away the disk and followed her to with Genesect in tow. Oscar came just in time to hear Lulu defend his 'hoverboard', and Oscar chuckled when he was in earshot. "This fucker does a lot more than hover, it nearly sank the sub. Imagine what it'll do to this tree. Speaking of I agree with mister jawline, if this takes any longer Genesect is gonna start rusting. How hard is it to put a bunch of Unknown in place anyway?"

Oscar looked to the half finished puzzle, pulling out a cigarette case and popping it open to retrieve a blue lollipop from within. Hopefully the candy would keep his mind busy while the others finished up.
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2021 3:13:21 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin turns, sharp, and stops just short of punching in the face. He lowers the arm he'd pulled back in preparation and shakes his head, disapproving but with no heat behind it. His heart pounds hard in his chest, gaze sharp.

"Fucking hell, Chu-e, I nearly decked you."

He doesn't turn immediately at the shout, having burned the alias of Liam King at the end of Hoenn's Star Tournament and no longer expecting to answer to it. It's only when corrects himself that the underboss shifts his attention.

"I've got more strength where this came from," he says, shrugging. "But feel free to do the heavy lifting."

That's why they had brought such a large force into this expedition, after all.

"We still don't understand where the Tree came from." He turns to , tilting his head. "Maybe it's from... wherever they are. The Unown, the mist... no idea why they've got us solving crossword puzzles, though."

He directs his pair of Unown to flip another two tiles, settling for the 'T' and and 'I' in DECLINATION.

Gavin nearly punches in the face.
Exchanges briefly with and .
Directs his Unown to flip another two tiles, 'T' and 'I'.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2021 3:36:08 GMT
Deleted Avatar
A fuck-ton of shit was happening that Kris wasn't quite what is going on. So Kris watched the group scatter about like a bunch of Torchics without heads. And when somebody noticed them Kris waved at and said "Yo." While drifting away Kris noticed 's streaming set up and Kris pointed at the man with a finger guns and said. "Yo, wanna have my Porygon-Z connected to your set up? Not that you have a choice since Omega already connected to it." Kris said bluntly. As Omegas eyes shined with it recording live.

When arrived Kris wondered if the two of them are in gay with other or if Kris just thinks that since he's under the assumption most of the rockets are gay. Kris had no idea what the fuck anybody is talking about about the cross word puzzle that Kris just lit a cig and let the people who know what's going on to solve it all for people like them.

Tl;Dr Kris vibes.

Omega hacks into Mint's live stream.

Kris thinks collective of team rocket is gay.

Willing to get carried this round since they Have no idea what is up right now.

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2021 10:04:16 GMT
beats him to it.

"i've been told they're one of my best features."

not really. take it as his attempt at a joke, as bad and dry as it might have been.

after striking a match and lighting his cigarette, he steps over to do the same for 's, though he's aware she likely has a light of her own.

and then, pulling out his phone, he opens up the unown report and scans 's unown. it takes a few moments, and in that time, he looks over his shoulder at the other rockets present.

"looks like everyone's vying to get going."

he chuckles.

"team effort."
- vibine with + +
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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
110 posts
Kano Iyona DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 4:01:11 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


The concern and excitement that is proposed by Lulu made her hum thinking about the possibility of what she just said. "If it really is another universe that I should shift my expectation and prepare the unexpected. Have you wondered why the Unown plays parts in this scheme?" Kano whispered back with a similar tone back to . While Lulu strays off to another group of people, Kano decides to join them casually completely ignoring any kind of social cues of a group gathering like this. [break][break]

Kano can't help herself to stare at since two people now compliment his cheekbones, "His cheekbones looks sharp enough to simulate a paper cut with it" Kano notes. "You could spend your energy on fending off those tendrils if you want to or I am sure that we won't have any shortage things to kill once we proceed further" Kano addresses 's desire to kill, pointing at the tendrils behind them. [break][break]

tl;dr: [break]
Just puts herself within the group and has an idle chatter.



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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 7:46:33 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"Yikes.. jealousy is not a good colour on you."

She slides her attention over to , a mean smirk playing across her features. It broadens as a result of 's encouraging, quite enjoying the fact that the tequila woman was joining in on the joke readily.

Theo too, even though he was sort of the butt end of her joke.

"Your butt ain't bad either, I guess."

And, while he scans her Unown, she helps herself to a glance. She meets his gaze briefly, only to follow it over her own shoulder to the rockets he's referring to.

"I don't know why, everyone seems pretty happy-go-lucky to throw themselves into the whomping willows."

- hitting on pretty much all three of them
- making a bad joke about running to ones death basically
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 7:00:18 GMT
shiv Avatar






THE DIMENSIONAL MEMBRANE SHUDDERS AND FIDGETS LIKE AN EXPOSED NERVE. As the appropriate UNOWN sink into the alphabetic layer of black, several of Rocket's trainers defend against the thrusting branches. A menagerie of AURORA VEILS, REFLECTS, RAGE POWDERS and more allow those contesting the dimensional gate to dispel it. XENIC. DECLINATION. The black veil shatters— and the involved UNOWN emerge from the dissipating shrapnel.[break][break]

The tree stops fighting back. 's GENESECT does not find the need to scan anymore as 's GUZZLORD finishes consuming its fibre for the day. Similarly, and ' SKARMORY AND LUXRAY allow themselves time to rest. Meanwhile, 's ZARUDE is able to provide JUNGLE HEALING, should there be anyone injured.[break][break]

"well done!" Walsh claps as the branches recede. As he watches the MR. MIME & ZARUDE of his Underbosses return to them, shadows begin to billow from the dark tails of his coat. "i will follow closely. do not disappoint me, now!" His whole body plummets. Like a collapsing tower of smoke, he disappears, leaving only echoing ripples of shadow.[break][break]

With the tree pacified for now, they are able to move forth. Those who have moved in safely by their Pokemon will find that they may teleport or ride without fear as the last remnants of the dimensional layer fade away...


UNVEILED BEFORE YOU IS A MASSIVE BAMBOO FOREST. The bamboo stalks reach to the high heavens where it is endlessly bright. Furthermore, the forest extends endlessly to your left and right. There is no way around it or above it, for it is impossibly dense— and there is but one narrow path that moves into the middle of the bamboo wood. It is at least three trainers wide. There are no signs of Pokemon... save for the occasional cry.[break][break]

In front of the bamboo forest, on either side of the forest's path's opening, there are two stone statues in the shape of unfamiliar dogs. They are oddly reminiscent of GROWLITHE— they greet you with open maw. On each of their bases, the same cryptic message is inscribed:[break][break]


Sticking your hand into the maw of these statues will allow you to pluck a SMALL ROCK HORN. Carved onto these stone horns are NUMBERS which will cryptically convey one's luck.[break][break]


HAVE YOUR CHARACTER PICK A HORN FROM THE STATUE. These "fortune horns" are chipped at their bases, suggesting that they have been broken off.[break][break]

The ROLL YOU MAKE in your post will represent the NUMBER your character finds on the plucked horn. Beware certain numbers.


AFTER RECEIVING A FORTUNE, you may venture in the BAMBOO FOREST. It is a tight space flooded in green. Curiously, some of the bamboo stalks have curious carvings etched into their skins. Regardless of the rigid bamboo surrounding all of you, the wood seems alive. Wind billows through like breath. The bamboo towers above you all as if looking on in condescension.[break][break]

The earth rumbles. Ahead, you can hear a field of bamboo clanging against each other before the sound and shaking stops...

1. React to your character's fortune.[break]
2. Attempt to travel into and through the bamboo forest.[break]
3. Attempt to make traversal easier (e.g. cutting, fire, etc.).[break]
4. React to the rumbling.[break]
5. Investigate the etchings in the bamboo.



THIS IS THE FIRST ROUND OF THE EVENT. A deadline has been posted, which means you must lock in your Pokemon in the GEOMANCY SIGN UPS thread. The deadline is also longer than usual to account for the AMERICAN HOLIDAYS.[break][break]

During this round, you must ROLL ONCE, which will represent your character's NUMERICAL FORTUNE.[break][break]

Please include a TL;DR with your posts and highlight POKEMON USED & THEIR MOVES. Please ensure that you write the POKEMON SPECIES should you refer to them by their nickname.




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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 7:56:56 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Even with 's warning of almost being punched, Chu-e just gives a vague kind of 'eh' and shrugs his shoulders. It probably would have hurt like a bitch but he's too emotionally drained to really give much of a shit right now. It's not anyone's fault, he's just been feeling bad the last few days. Between , , , and the other Rocket nerds gathered around, there is a lot going on.

The Walsh decides to do his creepy shadow thing right as the doorway pops open. Sadly, Fiesta the Mr. Mime would not get to have it's epic anime battle with 's Genesect right now. Maybe later.

"You heard the man! Forward!" Chu-e raises his hand and voice to demand attention before stepping through and into the stretching forest. His Mr. Mime is called back due to the thick bamboo ahead, but feeling unsafe without a pokemon out, he releases his Meowth. Sugar drapes around his neck to keep close.

The statues are strange. The fortune is stranger. Fortunes about death make him roll his eyes; he's a dead man walking anyway. Plucking a horn from the mouth of the weird dog, Chu-e turns it in his hand to get a good look.


Shrugging, he puts the horn in his pocket and moves forward, into the dense bamboo. A strange carving catches his eye, which Chu-e stops to look over. He doesn't get to look at it long, eyes jerking forward when the trees shake and ground rumbles ahead.

- Chu-e calls back his Mr. Mime, Calls out his Meowth
- Has Meowth on his shoulders to make it easier to move through the bamboo
- Picks up a horn
- Glances at one of the carvings before the rumbling starts
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 8:13:42 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




Burning scientific curiosity compels the former archaeologist to leave the mask of ADMIN FOX behind for the night. Braving the strangeness and oddities as himself, royal Galarian ambassador by day and executive paper-pusher by night, steps forward out of the shadows after the path ahead is cleared. Wearing a dark brown long coat with black trousers, vest, and dress shirt, he passes the veil into a serene bamboo forest ahead.[break][break]


SENKETSU, the blue Bisharp trained by the ANVIL mercenary corps, covers the prince's flank from behind as they proceed. Crossing over beds of sharp leaves and rotten bamboo, Remiel stops upon reaching one of two guardian statues. The other is approached by in that same moment. The inscription upon each of the statues fails to petrify either of the Rocket elites.[break][break]

The royal reaches into his pack for a leather bound journal and pen. After sketching the Growlithe-like effigy, he tucks the pen into his vest pocket before reaching into its maw for a fortune of his own. In his palm, moments afterwards, sits a small rock horn. It's easy for the former archaeologist to assess that it's been broken away from something. He happens to find that more interesting than the number etched onto its back:[break][break]


Regardless, a deep rumbling and clanging of bamboo serves to draw his attention away. With swiftness, Remiel places both the rock horn and his journal into his pack, then follows after with his Bisharp in tow. "Take point," He orders. "Carve us a path through."[break][break]

Snickt snickt!

Should the forest grow too dense ahead, Senketsu chest blades would attempt to cut the bamboo blocking them into pieces, using its arm blades for more precise slicing if required (METAL CLAW).[break][break]

"I can't help but feel as though we're trespassing upon something's lair... if that's the case, 'BEWARE DOG' would have sufficed instead of that death poetry." He nonchalantly comments out loud.[break]

tagged for
— Remiel enters with his SHINY BISHARP[break]
— Remiel sketches the strange Growlithe statue[break]
— Remiel takes his fortune (22)[break]
— Remiel follows Chu-e and helps clear a path with Bisharp's blades[break][break]


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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,478 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 8:24:39 GMT

just what he needed, and both in the same room. he knew how to pick 'em, eh?
"fuck off the both of ye."
it, nor the finger he raises in response, holds no real heat. his hand drops, removing the cigarette from his lips to hand it to . if she wanted it, that was. his expression perks beneath oscar's scrutiniy.
"jawline? i'll take it."
further conversation falls away in the wake of an uneasy stillness. it appears the group would pass, after all.
"heads up dick beaters. it's go time."
he pushes off, and moves to advance on the strange scene drawing itself before him. a bamboo forest and growlithe like statues, eerie in its warnings.
but death hadn't stopped him before, and it sure as fuck wouldn't start now.

[break][break] following suite the likes of and , king reaches in and takes a 'number.' but that's not all, a falinks appears from the pale light, surrounding king and those who seek his companionship. each takes a point, eventually forming a circle, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their liege.
"so long as these fuckers don't stand in my way come time ta fight, they can lead all they want."

[attr="class","ooc"] | | | [break][break]
⊕ goes in and retrieves a number, content to let others lead the path.[break]
⊕ summons a falinks to surround him, and anyone that wants to 'party up'.[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-falinks"]

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[newclass=".snubis12 .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 9:06:56 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]A dimensional rift, xenic - Something not of this world. The more she thinks about it, the more her conspiracy sessions with make sense. Even so, she doesn't neglect to give Reiner an encouraging hug, clambering onto his back as she looks to . After her experience in the catacombs of the Evergrande church, she's somewhat learnt her lesson of not straying too far from the group.
Then again, as much as intriguing topics and danger often went hand in hand, discoveries were always made by fucking around.
Reiner prowls on forwards, keeping close to for the sake of his own sanity. With how dense the forestation is, losing sight of Eris would probably spell disaster in every possible shape and form. And after the literal child-snatching incident incited by , he'd really rather not risk letting her run off again.
"Mint, look! Fluffy Growlithe!"
The stone statues ahead catch her attention, the engraved message they bear seeming so grim. And yet, it means almost nothing to her as she looks straight into its maws. If that cursed basement has taught her anything else, it's stick your hand into rock formations and you might just find something.
A good luck charm? A weird one, but she'll keep it for now. Whilst others try to cut away at the thicket, she's holding tight to Reiner, tense from the strange rumbling but distracted by the unusual markings on the bamboo. Her hands brush over them as she beckons Reiner to step closer for a look.
Perhaps, there'd be a little more context to their situation in these carvings.
Tl;dr -[break]
- Eris sticking close to and [break]
- Grabs a hornyhahaecksdee.png[break]
- Notices the rumbling and takes closer look at bambooty markings
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || into the woods



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 9:18:31 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin's countenance remains grim even as the dimensional barrier shivers, then shatters. He shifts his gaze to Walsh and inclines his head as Rocket's boss vanishes into a column of smoke.

Gavin crouches down next to one of the stone canines, squinting at its base. Reaching into its maw, his fingers curl around a stone horn with an engraving that he examines with a troubled frown.

What does this number mean?

Confronted by a dense thicket of bamboo as he straightens up, Gavin recalls his Zarude and summons Lucario in its place.

He whistles, and Niamh draws close. He clicks his tongue, points ahead to 's Bisharp, and Lucario's own metal claws glitter sharp and dangerous.

"Keep the way clear for us, Niamh."

Her eyes glint as she sustains the copycat, taking point and slashing at whatever vegetation might stand in their path. Gavin examines the etchings in the bamboo as she works, looking up only when the ground begins to rumble underfoot.

Miamsa swirls around the underboss, dancing in the wind.


Gavin checks out the totally-not-Growlithe statue and pulls a fortune.
Swaps Zarude for Lucario, who Copycats Metal Claw to cut the bamboo.
Gavin examines the bamboo, tries to read the etchings.
Looks up and activates his shadow miasma when the ground starts to rumble.
Uh oh, sisters!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 9:45:50 GMT
Deleted Avatar








Rayne had smiled as noticed him, giving a subtle wink and a finger over his own mouth, with a mischievous hushing motion as he continued on his way, an unsaid promise to talk another time. Though the young eccentric had tightened up his 'disguise' a little, if it could even be called that,[break][break]

Yet as time passed, it seemed Rayne had happily played his part protecting his cohorts, and as much as he didn’t quite understand the strange mechanisms at play that had allowed them to continue onwards, he’d smiled and laughed as they pushed forward. Though Rayne couldn’t help but admire the beautiful spectacle they had been greeted with, taking a moment to behold the graceful Bambussy and Bambutthol that swayed in the wind.[break][break]

Seeing his cohorts take from the statues—not even actually reading the warning carved into them—Rayne had happily followed along and reached his hand as deep as he could down the gullet of the statue with a chipper smile—almost evident through his face mask. Pulling out his own little notched horn, he’d inspected the curious little token between his thumb and index, before eventually flicking it and catching it with his other hand to put in his pocket.[break][break]

The moment he had done so, the strange rumbling echoing and shaking around them had put the candid eccentric back on guard, no rest for the wicked, perhaps? He’d switched his Raichu out for his Pincurchin, they had to be on high alert and this seemed the best option, as the urchin pokémon’s Electric Surge had flared up, Rayne had looked to the first person he could see, which just happened to be , ”Uni, Acupressure if you will, we need to be on our guard!”


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- Rayne acknowledged Mint's reaction, though made a silent vow to chat with him more another time, thinking himself a little cute to give a quick wink[break]
- Rayne took one of the odd tokens.[break]
- Rayne sent out Pincurchin, Electric Surge activated in its presence.[break]
- Pincurchin used Acupressure on 's Meowth.
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 9:56:03 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
with its job done, priam recalls the guzzlord back to its confinement to be replaced with his espeon. it's a pokemon he'd rather be with when venturing to the unknown, especially since he knows it won't just turn its back on him all of a sudden.

the warp brings him to a bamboo forest along with everyone else. the trip was fluid enough that no nausea of any form seemed to have been caused by it.

something reminiscent of temples of kanto greet them. priam's nostalgia is hit as he hurries up to one of them, and upon reading the inscriptions, he turns to his espeon.

"oh yeah, we need to leave a gift for shrines like this when you get your fortune."

the espeon showers the statue with a pay day, given that there were no donation boxes in the area, while priam sticks his hand deep into the growlithe's mouth. like a child, he goes for the deepest one he can reach, swirling his hand around before taking a horn out.


he takes his fortune, looking at the number and making heads of tails of it since that's not how usually fortunes go, as he follows the crowd deeper into the bamboo forest.

  • guzzlord in, espeon out
  • priam leaves a donation
  • priam takes a fortune

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 10:29:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Oh, It appeared Kris won by doing absolutely nothing and letting others do things for them. Kris let out a content sigh and smile as they threw their cig on the ground and stomped it out. Kris' Porygon-Z followed closely behind Kris, with 's live stream playing from its eyes even now. Kris followed behind and the others under his command into the tree's hole.

Chu-E and the others found a strange statue of a Dog-like Pokemon Kris had never seen before, and when Chu-E and the others dug their hands in the statue's mouth and pulled out a horn. Kris quickly read the ominous warning and scoffed-"Without power, I might as well be dead." Kris said as he dug his arm into the dog's mouth and pulled out a horn, and looked at it.


Kris looked at it before shrugging as Kris moved on forward with Omega by his side. Kris looked over at the three taking charge in front of the line. They consisted of , , , and . Kris decided it was safer to behind this group but not too far behind as if to be easily plucked out with nobody's notice. If anything weird happens, they would have Omega blow it up with its tri-attack.

-Kris finishes their smoke
-Kris leaves out their Porygon-Z
-Plucks out a horn from the dog's mouth.
-Follows behind the charging group with their porygon-Z ready to start blasting
The Shula Region
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