i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
110 posts
Kano Iyona DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 11:49:30 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


The theory of the multiverse that has been proposed by Lulu earlier become much more apparent. Would this be a universe that derailed from quantum time in the slightest that create this version of the universe or it is a different universe itself with its own ruleset? Kano ponders as she finds herself within the massive bamboo forest like any others. Cry echoes throughout the place yet no sign of any Pokemon around them - Suddenly, a stone creature that shares a resemblance of Growlithe yet it has a peculiar feature that sets it apart from the usual Growlithe that she knows of. The statue spats a cryptic message as if they are the bearer of the death but Kano still fascinates upon the looks "What are you exactly?" Kano observes the statues closer, not wanting to miss any detail - Trying to find the difference from the usual Growlithe externally. Other than it bears a fluffier figure, there is no other visible distinct difference besides that. Kano plucks the small rock horn to get the number [break][break]


"There is a pokemon that looks different between regions despite from the same species. Do you reckon that this is this universe's variant of Growlithe?" Kano shares her guesses to while shoving the number to her pocket without sparing any glance at it. Now, does the difference in the knowledge of a pokemon will only stop here? Kano finds herself starting to get excited over this expedition. [break][break]

tl;dr [break]
- She looks closer to the statue for a closer inspection [break]
- Conclude that the creature must be similar to region-specific pokemon [break]
- She didn't see the number before shoving it to the pocket [break]
- Decide to follow wherever she goes.



template by punki

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
696 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 12:10:14 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Jumping to multiversal theory so quickly? Bold choice, in a way. Vio briefly perked up, seeing someone she did not know yet talk to Lulu. She herself had talked to the scientist about that sort of thing before, and she knew that it was a topic of interest. Yet at the same time, she kind of felt like it was a bit silly to jump to conclusions like that. After all, this just being a different universe was not necessarily confirmed just yet. Even in another one of those, it very likely was an odd place still.
Plus, this was just too easy an explanation. “This tree was brought here and we were able to enter. These looking different from our Growlithes doesn’t mean they are native to this place, if you ask me. Could have wandered in the same way we did, with their trainers. We clearly are not the first people here one way or another, after all. Or maybe those Growlithes are from Hoenn even and just came here much earlier when they looked differently.” At the end of the day, her words in this regard were probably meaningless. Heck, she was picking up her own number while saying that.

But she never gave up on a chance to sound smart and maybe even score a few points by being critical of an explanation that was too simple. Thus, she noted this, memorized the number for the time being, recalled her Zarude and brought out her Togekiss. “Go up and see if you can get a view over the forest. Be careful,” she ordered it, letting it fly upwards. But she was ready to recall it, just in case it was being supremely attacked or something like that. Vio did not trust these woods.

+ -chimes in with and
- brings out Togekiss instead, scouting vertically



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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 12:28:47 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Once all tiles are in the right position, the black veil shatters, both of Mars’ Unown returning to the small group of them that gathers around him. Underboss leads the charge, and for a short moment, Mars simply watches as the first few step past the fallen barrier and into a bamboo forest…
Why would he test if it's safe out there when he can let others do it?
That’s just how it works, isn’t it?
With a sigh, he turns to his Metagross, a single instruction being given before he too steps into the forest. ”Cut the bamboo down when they get in the way.” Which they obviously do, because with how damn large such Steel types are, mobility sure can be an issue.
METAL CLAWS much alike those of ’s Bisharp cut through bamboo, all while Mars busies himself with looking at the strange Growlithe statues so many others seem interested in too. Reaching deep into the mouth of one of them, he retrieves a fang… or a horn… or whatever it is. That’s not the part that matters here.
”The hell is this… Fucked up crossword puzzles and now ancient lotto tickets? Great.
But, if it’s a lottery, then what are the winning numbers and what will the prize be?
Just as he wonders this, the ground rumbles, causing Mars to hold onto a bamboo stalk with strange carvings etched upon it "What the hell..." Numbers on rocks, symbols on bamboo, what's next?




[break]- Metagross uses METAL CLAW to cut bamboo
[break]- Mars thinks this is like a weird lottery
[break]- He takes his fortune
[break]- Ground rumbles so he holds onto bamboo
[break]- WTH is written on it thoooo



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,623 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 12:43:27 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
blood of

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the covenant


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the water of the womb...


Adrian wanders over the threshold of the dimensional membrane, feeling a wrench in his gut as his eyelids peel back to reveal an incandescent backdrop to a seemingly endless forest of bamboo. Just like that, things get weirder still.[break][break]

"Perfect place to get lost and murdered in," he remarks in a deadpan.[break][break]

Maintaining line of sight with Chu-e and co. is second only to stepping in tandem with as they tread on unknown turf. After many others retrieve their fortunes, Adrian is able to glean the visage's likeness to a Growlithe. His brow furls with a lack of appreciation as the imagery elicits suppressed memories of Howitzer. Approaching it only after a score of enforcers have retrieved their own fortunes, he reaches in to pluck one for himself. Hope it's lucky...[break][break]


While he's still in earshot, he catches someone commenting on the statue's morphed features despite an obvious likeness to Growlithe. "That's... not an unreasonable theory," he mentions casually to . The notion however was perturbing enough that he took his leave soon as he could, hovering only for Rowan's sake.[break][break]

"...Let's get going." Presented with an endless expanse he cannot help but urge Rowan to accompany him, but rather than willfully lose themselves to the uncharted territories, he withdraws AMOONGUSS in favor of SMEARGLE for reasons that soon make themselves clear. "Mark where we've already been—"[break][break]

When Smeargle slathers its inky tail against the nearby bamboo, Adrian detects engraved letters along its sides that the paint doesn't touch. He'd take a moment to inspect them, discerning what he could before the rumbling interrupted him. It draws away his attention, prompting a glance towards Rowan. "Should we head that way, or...?" Doubtlessly someone would spearhead the way, though he wondered if their attention wouldn't be better spent getting a read on the rest of the greenweald.

tags [break]
Adrian withdraws AMOONGUSS & releases SMEARGLE[break]
Adrian takes a fortune before exploring the bamboo forest[break]
Smeargle inks the bamboo to mark where they've been[break]
Ink reveals the etchings and Adrian inspects them[break]
Adrian acknowledges the rumbling and considers investigating

[break] [break]



template by punki

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 18:21:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar

hover for info
prince watches, from their spot, as the puzzle is completed and the tree stops fighting back suddenly. their skarmory comes back to them, and with a pat on the head and a reassurance of "good job", they pull oxford back into his pokeball. there would be more chances that he would be needed, and they didn't want to risk losing him before that. mint gets a nod and a "good job" too, for figuring out the puzzle, before prince is following the others.

the bamboo forest, and the statutes, are creepy as fuck, prince notes. dragging a finger across one of the stones, they reach for a fortune, half expecting some weird hand-removing trap. but nobody else has dealt with it, so...they'd be fine. plucking out a small rock horn, they frown at the number carved with a mutter of "this isn't creepy at all" to anyone who was listening.


they don't know what to do with the fortune- keep it?- they put it in their pocket to follow the others, into the weird, crowded bamboo forest. at least, for a bit; maybe they fall behind a little when they stop to look at the carvings in the bamboo. dragging a finger along them seems like less of a risk than investigating whatever's causing the rumbling. they almost ask if they can stay behind, but-

no. bad idea, actually, considering.

moving away from the carvings a bit hurriedly, prince goes to stand near @rayne; just because he was the first person prince saw when they looked up, honestly.

- recalls skarmory and tells mint he did good (important)
- runs a finger across one of the statues
- takes a fortune
- investigates the bamboo carvings and touches them too
- goes to stand by lucien because of the rumbling

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 21:37:15 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
no one would ever

change this animal

I have become

A path opened before them as the membrane faded away, revealing an expansive bamboo forest in it's wake. "Atlas, come back." A single beam of red light returned the Swampert to their Pokéball, the usefulness of brute force having been lost for now. Amber eyes fixated on the statues that were perched on either end of the cluster of shoots, unable to recognize the Pokémon that was being depicted. There were similarities to Growlithe but the differences were what cast the shroud of mystery over the effigy.

Eager to continue their journey, Rowan wouldn't waste time getting his horn from the maw of stone, turning the piece over to see his 'fortune'. "Ninety-two..." He muttered to himself, unsure of the significance that the number held. A glance upwards saw the figure of standing not too far from him, clutching one of the stones himself. "What'd you get?" Rowan asked out of pure curiosity, hoping to glean some meaning from the numbers of others.

Adrian watched him carefully from the edge of the bamboo, obvious intention of having the two of them travel together. "Want to accompany us, Delarosa?" After all, he considered the man a Beast in training, where better to further observe his skills than uncharted territory.

Rowan stepped into line with Adrian regardless of whether or not Bryan chose to come with the pair, cautious gaze scanning the bamboo for unseen threats. "Do you feel that?" Strange rumblings came from ahead of them, clashing against the eerie silence of the forest, reminiscent of a ground-type. "Sirroco, come on out." The Pelipper appeared in a flash of light, finding itself directed towards the source of the sound ahead of them. "Scout ahead, if you can." Sirocco nodded and took towards the air, attempting to navigate the thick bamboo and see what was was lurking about.



(notes)⏤ Got a number, invited Bryan to come along. noticed rumbling, brought out Pelipper. Pelipper is attempting to fly up and scout ahead.
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 4:54:40 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




The attacks eventually roll to a stop as the branches stopped moving. Whatever they had done it seemingly worked. "Nice." he said grinning as the way towards the tree was now cleared and walsh gave the all clear. Bryan BOOKED it as if he had speed boost as an ability and found the statues and bamboo swaying around in the wind.[break][break]

"What the fuck?" he said looking around in disbelief, as if the tree wasn't already enough of a giant mystery, where the hell were they now? He looked over towards the message inscribed in the statue. It made no sense to him at the moment, take a fortune? Did it mean the teeth? It looked like they had been broken off previously so Bryan just grabbed one at random. [break][break]

wQ4Pb|UK [break][break]

He got a 92? "Hey Priam is it good or bad that I got a 92?" he asked as the rest of his fellow rockets began to grab teeth at random. He watched his espeon use payday. He said as he recalled his ninetails and sent out his support oriented Audino who used helping hand to boost the payday. "Thanks for covering the tab for me. I don't have any cash on me." [break][break] then approaches Bryan and asked him to join him. He looked over towards Priam and Eris and whispered in Rowan's ear. "I would but they're already a part of my group and if I leave alone she'll eat wood or dirt and Priam would get worried." he said pointing over to Eris who may or may not have already been trying to eat the bamboo. [break][break]

"You're more than welcome to follow behind us though if you'd like. The more the merrier in my opinion." he said as he still had a fond opinion of Rowan. After some walking, Bryan began to notice a shaking. "Look alive everyone, we may have a friend coming in." He said as his audino clung to his side.


notes about this post

Bryan took note of how the unown manipulate the tree.[break][break]
Ran in like a mad man after walsh finished speaking and ripped off a horn and read out his number 92 out loud. [break][break]
Recalled his ninetails and sent out his helping hand audino and used helping hand on espeon's payday to boost it further. [break][break]
Invited to walk behind his group so they'd be safe in numbers[break][break]
noticed a rumbling and prepared for a fight[break][break]


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catello casimiro
he him
june 20th
Mauville City
ask him
rocket member
125 height
125 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @jonah
giona ferrara
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 6:27:48 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

The grove parts. The group is met by a pair of statues. Effigies of hounds who served people like their lives depended on it. Giona reached into an open mouth, receiving a bone that was marked for him.


The result wouldn't be pertinent yet. The membrane protecting the forest from scores of Rockets was torn open. Gaped, even. They each were funneled towards the statues, then pushed away again. Giona continued charging after Gavin, running with arms behind his back, neck craned up and core tightened like Naruto.

He then dug a pokeball out of a pocket. Giona switched his Dusclops out with something smaller and faster. His Zangoose followed suit.


He thought, before scrunching up his face and looking flustered. Giona held the whittled bone in his hand, thumb running over its grooves. He'd dabbled in occultism, but never something like this.

Giona tried to follow him, whistling for his Zangoose. The muscly ferret cleared debris with big, bulky claws swinging like machetes doing an X-Scissor. Giona felt the rumbling in the ground as he ran. Hairs stood up on his neck, and he felt the tremors shoot up from his feet to his chest, like he was near a bass-drum being hit as hard as possible.

"...If it's all the same with you. I'll jump on that thing. Whatever it is that made the ground shake."

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march 11th
human resources
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 13:53:17 GMT
charges off, leaving them on their own.

"looks like he's just as excited."

well, no point in lingering.

onwards — into the bamboo forest where two stone dogs await them. he wastes little time in plucking off a small rock horn, holding it before turning to and .

for whatever reason, he waits until they've both plucked theirs before turning his own over to peer down at his number.


"what'd you get?"
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Feburary 14
Celadon City, Kanto
15 height
15 height
let's game!
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TAG WITH @cossack
Cossack Kurama
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 6:19:24 GMT
Cossack Kurama Avatar

"one door down...about a dozen more to go it seems." before them lay a forest full of bamboo and statues of strange creatures that reminded him of cute little fire dogs only...different. they looked old, like really old, and almost out of place in this strange place and that was saying something considering where they were. still curiosity got the better of him and as he approached one of them cossack reached in and plucked one of the many horns hiding inside of its mouth, turning it over to inspect the odd number carved into it. "this smells like a puzzle, can't wait. i could use a bit of exercise of my brain."

venturing deep into the forest he noticed that the bamboo around them looked like something had cut into them leaving them with strange markings like the little horns he had in his hand. inspecting the carvings he had to wonder what made them. from what he could tell...well...he wasn't sure what he was supposed to think. did someone carve these into the bamboo? was it even a person that did it or was it a pokemon? as the ground rumbled he held onto one of the bamboo stalks and muttered under his breath; "i don't think we're alone in here..."

    [*] take a numbered horn

    [*] inspects the bamboo



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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 14:43:18 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar

Remi snickers, amused and encouraged by 's less than enthused responses. But eventually, even he breaks off from their makeshift little group to investigate further. By break off I mean he stepped three feet ahead to be the first idiot in line to take a fortune for their doom. He then offers Remi, Theo and Lulu a protective ring with his Falinks.

No, it's not a kink.

They bump into what appear to be stone statues reminiscent of Growlithe- but hairier.

"I can only imagine the amount of shedding those guys do. Yuck."

And, when King steps forward to take a fortune, Remi steps up alongside Theo. Some kid mentions leaving a gift behind when they take a fortune, and she, as a result, leaves behind whatever pocket lint and paperclips she has in her pockets. It's the thought that counts, right?

But before she takes a peek at her own number and fortune, she spies 's lucky number 13. This ensues barking laughter and air wheezing desperately from her chest.

"You're fucked."

King's earlier smoke offered to her is then pressed to her lips and devoured hungrily.

"Teddiursa? You comin', babe?"

The small teddy bear that had clung to her calf earlier has since disappeared once most of the threats had disappeared. She weaved in between people with her PICKUP ability activated. Sorry, .

Once located, Remi bends to scoop the Pokemon into her arms and hand off the horn to the child for her to chew on. Along the way, she trails her fingers against the etched bamboo and glances back to and .

"What do you think these mean?"


- responds to theo and king mostly
- teddiursa is attempting to make use of her PICKUP ability after priam's PAYDAY
- remi takes a fortune, leaves some pocket lint in return
- inspecting the bamboo, carrying teddiursa
- mentioned king a lot bc i forgot
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 19:55:09 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

The tree calms, and the door to another world cracks open. It’s an unsettling feeling that gnaws at her and she passes through the threshold and into the unknown. There’s a comfort having there with her and a battalion of Rocket colleagues, but her trust for them is thin. Like her, they care for themselves. She’s just another body to sacrifice to the greater glory of the organization. Even Walsh brings up the rear, letting them enter first.

Like a good lamb, she follows. Her inspection of the stone statue is brief. Like the others, she tries her luck by plucking a small horn from the open maw of the strange Growlithe.


"Hm, not bad," it's a pity she doesn't believe in fortune. You make your own fate, no one else can do it for you. It does ease the pit in her stomach, just a little.

Regardless, there's no turning. The narrow path proves difficult for them all to traverse at once. A flash of light trades the Shadowed Gardevoir for the spectral equine, Spectrier. Its bulk seems to take up a majority of the path, but its ethereal presence allows branches to slide through its form with ease. A magenta horn rises from its skull, and the PSYCHO CUT strikes at rogue branches to try and make the journey a bit easier.

Lex tries her luck
Gardevoir is traded out for Spectreir
Uses Psycho Cut to try and slice through the bamboo

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 21:47:53 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar



All Pryde does does for now is record a bit, noting the way the tree attempted to defend itself from them, even going so far as to make a password to open. Like it was some child gatekeeping others from getting into their tree house. At the very least they have many lively troops willing to just wildly throw themselves into the danger without thinking. [break][break]

At least they're all able to get it open eventually and Pryde also moves in choosing not to team up with anyone for now as it's crowded enough as it is and he prefers to study without others interrupting him. The scientist gives a hum of thought at the bamboo forest they find their group in. At the growlith he studies the statue finding it to be quite interesting as this appeared to be a variant of some kind. A statue giving off a fortune of death.[break][break]

Interesting, though the rumbling of the forest does encourage him to keep on going. [break][break]

He takes a stone horn for himself taking a small chance to examine it to see if there was anything other than the number. After he would venture toward the bamboo, cutting down one with his rotom arm for a chance top examine the carvings into it. [break][break]


[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Pryde enters the tree
[break]+ Gets a number to be next in the deli line
[break]+ Cuts down a bamboo with his arm to better get the chance to examine the carvings on them.



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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 21:49:58 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

A bamboo forest? What a strange thing to find inside a tree. "Be careful." he warned the two ladies next to him. It's mostly for his benefit. Neither of them needed a reminder of the danger they faced.

Danger. The unknown.

Killian's heart raced in his chest. He lived for this shit more than anyone would ever know.

When they approached the statue, the admin released his Ditto before reaching his hand inside. "Can you copy the shape the?" he'd never seen anything like it before. The statue resembled a Growlithe but different - more wild in appearance.

The blob of flesh eyed the statue and quickly Transformed into its shape. It only had looks to go on, so Ditto got no power from shapeshifting, but it did look adorable now. A cute black and white puppy with a tuff of fur over its face, trotting behind Killian.


Killian looked at his fortune.


Good or bad, he's sure he'd find out soon enough.

"What you guys get?" he asked @ari and .

- Released Ditto.

- Had Ditto Transform into the Hisuian Growlithe.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 0:01:48 GMT
Deleted Avatar
there's a dizzying moment she experiences after lex's pokemon teleports them. when the world snaps back into view, it's not long before the rockets who'd marched before them manage to solve the puzzle and open the way.

pakhet stays at her side, eyes shifting from under her cowl. she'll watch their flanks and react to anything out of the ordinary. still, ari feels uneasy as the bamboo forest comes around them. 


killian's ditto transforms and she's reminded of the creature's power. the battle against its unstable cousin, dressed in the mirage of one of killian's own ultra beasts, was rough. and yet she can't help but feel that the battle they'd faced then will be nothing like what's to come. 

i should have stayed in kanto. there, things made sense. 

she curls her fingers around the horn, holding it close. then she turns it about and shows her two companions. 

"riddles and numbers - it all seems very odd for a tree, right?"
pulls a number
tells kill and lex
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