Flames of Retribution.

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 4:50:21 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LITTLEROOT FIRE


Stop the blazing Inferno!


NIGHT TIME, LITTLEROOT TOWN. Everything was quiet in this small forgotten little slice of paradise. It was typically like this on many nights, Pokémon sleeping comfortably in the nearby forest and humans resting in their homes nestled in with their loved ones.[break][break]

They hadn't seen any action since the events of an Ivory tree growing straight through town's theatre, a sudden but welcomed appearance as it was an extremely beautiful sight. It was almost as if then town was exempt from the various problems that plagued the rest of the region, almost. [break][break]

the sound of gunshots and screaming rung throughout the town in the night, stirring people and Pokémon alike from their slumber. Suddenly it seemed like it was day time as a shining light paired with the loud and painful screams of a person erupted from a home in little root and it was set ablaze in an erupting inferno.[break][break]

Residents hobbled out of their home to find the fire had begun to spread, and quickly. Some managed to get away in time from the blazing fire but others were no so lucky as they were trapped and were stuck in place. The residents that managed to get away safely began to call the league headquarters and police force for assistance in dealing with the fire as people and Pokémon alike were trapped in the inferno. [break][break]

Who would answer the call of duty and save the people of Littleroot?


LITTLEROOT is now plagued with a fire that is now spinning out of control and the league has called for rangers and anyone else who can help to lend aid to the town to stop the fire before it becomes too large to control! [break][break]

CURRENT PROMPTS:[break][break]

  • Help put out the fires!
  • Rescue trapped people and Pokemon!
  • Figure out the source of the fire!
  • Heal those who are injured!

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january 14th
akura cfo
ace trainer
mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.
1,004 posts
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TAG WITH @uriah
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 5:03:28 GMT
finding himself at the right place at the right time, purely out of coincidence and luck, he's one of the first responders to the fire. it ain't looking good.


his milotic slides forward and is quick to summon an area of LIFE DEW that combats against the heat of the flames. it heals those close enough as it drenches the ground.

"those who are injured come over here!"

meanwhile, uriah scans the area, searching for the cause of the fire.

little does he know...

++ setting up LIFE DEW to heal those injured
++ searching for the cause of the fire
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winsome widowbird

twenty two
october fifth
17 height
17 height
bits and pieces, strung together
47 posts
Mòrag Glas DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @morag
Mòrag Glas
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 5:47:23 GMT
Mòrag Glas Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]I like the dirty rhythm you play.
I want to hear you
calling my name.
I know you want
it in the worst way.
Littleroot Town, a little paradise away from the noisiness of the big Hoenn cities she had rapidly grown tired of. At least, that was supposedly the case. Being a newcomer to the region, Mòrag could only go by hearsay, although to be quite honest, from all the things she had seen in the news, she was surprised that this one little spot could remain free from all the chaos that infested the rest of the region.

But of course, fate seems to have a taste for irony, and as she approached the town on foot, the heat carried by the wind tipped her off to something that was terribly wrong. Over the horizon, Littleroot Town was lit up, and it certainly wasn’t for some sort of festival. There lay the small town in flames, apparently as a smack in the face of Mòrag’s desire for a peaceful day.


No rest for the wicked, she supposed.

Wasting no time, Mòrag dashed towards the town, in the direction of the flames. If there were people in there, it was more than likely they would be trapped, and die to either the smog or the flames themselves. It’s not like she could let that happen, could she? Looking around, she spotted an intersection blocked by flames, trapping several people in front of a building.

Hmm. Mòrag frowned, clutching her pokeball for just a second before tossing it in front of her, and out came Orianna, her Ralts. The sight of the town in flames immediately alarmed her, seemingly paralysed at the sight.

“Steady on, dear.” Came Mòrag’s calming voice from behind the young Ralts, “We’ll be fine, but we need to help these people. Can you do that?”

A few moments, then a solemn nod.

“Good. Now, I need you to use life dew to clear the flames and smog, all right? Stay calm, remember your training.”

With a small noise of affirmation, Orianna would spend a moment in effort before life-giving water splashed from her, slowly easing the flames and smog as she walked forward in order to free the intersection for the civilians to flee.

“Run, don’t come back for any personal belongings, and call whichever authorities you can reach!” Mòrag barked out the orders, leaving no room for disagreement. Of course, the group she saved was all too happy to escape the ring of fire they had found themselves in, running past her and away from the flames.

Phooey. Mòrag exhaled, looking around for anyone stuck within the flames.

(tagged)⏤ @.someone
(notes)⏤ using life dew to clear the fire and open up an escape route
searching for people trapped in the flames
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 5:54:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


the door to one of the houses was broken down as pokkenger charged right through it into the burning building as a blastoise was right behind him on the porch spewing a hydro pump to try and calm the flames down as fast as he could. he was lucky he was patrolling around the area tonight for the first time in a while. it felt like it was some kind of messed up twist of fate that he was flying over littleroot when he saw the flames from above.

no time to dawddle on thoughts about how lucky he was because that same luck wasn't afforded to the people of this town. at least it was given to the man he saw crawling along the floor coughing up a fit. "hold on!" the hero rushed over to the man only to see the ceiling above them give way and the masked hero jumped forward to throw himself onto the man as the debris fell on top of him, puncturing part of his suit and singing part of it as well as he did his best to shrug it off and slowly rise to his feet pulling the man along with him.

"don't worry...pokkenger's here!" kaz said weakly through his helmet as he put the man's arm over his shoulder and quickly dragged the man out of the building as more of it started to collapse despite his blastoise's best efforts to stall the blaze from claiming it.


+ pulling someone out of a burning building
+ blastoise is trying to put out the fire with hydro pump

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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Finn, Ziggy
November 26
Research Assistant
25 height
25 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
Finley Black DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @finn
Finley Black
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 7:17:51 GMT
Finley Black Avatar
Little does know that his younger brother was among the crowd.

One second it was just Finn and Pea hovering near the side of a peach color house, and the next second they realized the house WASNT peach color but was, in fact, on fire!

"Shit shit shit" The teen muttered after returning his pokemon to their ball. The clamouring of distressed parents and children rung from all around him, with the heat of flames following close behind. As much as he wanted to follow the swarms of crying residents, his legs had begun to go on a strike, leaving his body planted in place.

It wasn't until a familiar voice broke through the cloud of noise that he felt a flash of clarity.

"Uriah! I'm over here!!"

tasks completed: nada I suck sry
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August 22nd
Goldenrod City
Pokéathlon Athlete
Rising Star
my howling heart is yours
to do what you will
6'2" / 187 cm height
6'2" / 187 cm height
don't dry with fakes or fears, 'cause you will hate yourself in the end
249 posts
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TAG WITH @toshiaki
Toshiaki Macallan
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 9:35:39 GMT
Toshiaki Macallan Avatar


“Shit.” He hisses out haggardly, cuddles the frightened Pokemon in his jacket nice and close as he limps. “It’s fine. Hey? We’re fine!”[break][break]
Toshiaki had been staying overnight when the flames erupted in Littleroot town. Never did he expect a large fire like this to happen out of nowhere. The chances of it being a natural occurrence were slim to none, not with how fast and drastic it’s been spreading. He didn't have time to think about who caused it, though.[break][break]
Because in the blink of an eye it all went to hell.[break][break]
The three wild Zigzagoon secured in his coat cry out.[break][break]
Crimson stains threads of silver hair as the dark blotch of red in the back of his head pools larger. Same for the gash in his back. Everything was turning dark and fuzzy, but he kept willing himself to keep walking toward some sort of safety. [break][break]
The air quality is terrible, like an unfiltered steam bath. Although he’s thankful to at least be outdoors. When part of the house he was staying in began to deteriorate, Toshiaki charged out as fast as he possibly could. And when he did, he happened upon some wild Zigzagoon that were trying to flee the disaster, shielding them in the process. Talk about friends in unlikely places. His back and head took a nasty hit from some fallen tree branches. However he still had the strength to move, therefore he grins and bears it. [break][break]
“Hey, it’ll be alright. Just snuggle in there and you’ll be safe—”[break][break]
In that moment all the strength saps from his knees as they buckle. Off guard as it took him, Toshiaki manages to twist himself mid-fall, promptly landing on his side as he protects the Zigzagoon in his arms. Struggling to keep his eyes open, their cries grow muffled as the world around him begins to turn dark.[break][break]
“It.. will be.. a-alright—”[break][break]
+ Saved some wild Pokemon![break]
+ But also took an L.



[attr="class","TTsubtxt"]i can't go on much longer
not knowing what i'm worth



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August 10
Mauville City, Hoenn
16 height
16 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
52 posts
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TAG WITH @bbbunny
Ann Nickolette
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 11:48:30 GMT
Ann Nickolette Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




written for TAG


Ann has been living as a homeless for a while now despite having her own room back at Lars' abode. Her interaction with various homeless across the town and the neighborhood town has granted her place within the homeless network where she often learns about the place that is kind toward the homeless or an ideal sleeping place for people like them and many more. Her first year as a homeless was harsh, to the point of almost dying on the ditch due to hunger if it wasn't for a fellow homeless that takes her under his wing and teaches her some ropes to live as a homeless person. Ann is heavily indebted towards him and wants to repay a favor until she hears about the supposedly new place where he is residing - Littleroot Town - has been set ablaze. [break][break]

Ann rushes to the town as fast as she could, it was lucky that she was roaming not too far from that town when she got the news as she was running an errand for free food. Ann has worn her newly created suit to hide her identity as she doesn't want to let others hinder her action due to fake pity since she is still a child. She wore a secret heel under her boots to make her taller and a breast pad to make a new silhouette to her bodyline. A Dewpider clings on her hand as it shots sticky web to the nearest well while she descends down from the rooftop and land on the ground. [break][break]


The fire is raging everywhere and a lot of folks rush around either running away or trying to help. Ann decides to stay low profile as much as possible and sneak through a less populated area, "Hey, old man! Can you hear me?" Ann shouts calling for the person that has been helping her since she start living on the street, a nickname that she gave to him despite him being still around his early 20s. Suddenly, a familiar voice can be heard from not too far and she found that old man's Riolu's leg got trapped under the fallen heavy pipe. "Stay put" Ann's Dewpider shot a sticky web to the sky and as it reaches the maximum height it falls and goes through a pipe above and sticks to the pipe that is crushing the Riolu's leg - Creating a lever. By using her whole weight, she is barely lifting the pipe but it is enough for Zee to pull the Riolu out from there. [break][break]

"Where is your trainer?" Ann asks then the Riolu whimper pointing her finger in a direction. Ann picks her up to her back and goes in that direction.

[attr="class","curragebot"]NOTES [break]
- She is wearing this with a Dewpider on hand [break]
- She is sneaking around making herself look suspicious to other people [break]
- Help a trapped pokemon



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 16:42:16 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
who uses a gun when pokemon exist?

the voice of rings in the area. there was no need to search for him when he announces his presence as part of his persona. among the people around, he also sees a familiar face in . at least there's one more person on the job.

he leaves the job of containing fires and rescuing civilians to them, in addition to a few more volunteers that risk their lives and brave the danger for little reason. instead, he hangs out with his pokemon.

"we're searching for the scent of gunpowder," he tells his mightyena, nonchalantly standing amid chaos while others rush to save the town. "we trained for this. this is literally the reason i got you to begin with when i entered the force."

his mightyena weren't originally for battles after all, and more so for general police work, which included detection of explosives and drugs.

the arid scent of burning wood differs greatly from pokemon explosions, as well as gunpowder. trying to differentiate which was which took time with the volume of smoke, but well-trained pokemon such as his mightyena eventually got it with laser focus attention.

ears perk, and his head turns to a vague direction. "atta boy." together, the two casually walks across the burning streets of littleroot on their way to what they think was the source of gunshots.

surely, he doesn't need to worry about the fires and the civilians when supposedly responsible people are on the job.

  • mightyena tracks the scent of gunpowder
  • kyle and mightyena stroll the streets of littleroot

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
part of
TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 19:31:11 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

As of late, a certain person had been spending more and more time over at a certain flower shop; thankfully the fire alarm incidents were becoming infrequent now.

However, the kitchen still didn’t get much use because Lars wasn’t going to trust himself to fuck up the only thing he could reasonably cook while visiting another person’s home.

(Look, he has kitchen issues when it comes to making carbonara.)

“Wait here, I’ll be right back,” and with that he stood up from the table, gave this reassuring look before heading out into the dark evening.

It had—been only a few hours since that incident, the one he was still salty over. Forced to keep quiet about not being able to tell the truth?

Well… it was better that Lumie didn’t know about the existence of another universe, at least.

(Who knew how she would react if she found out that another version of herself existed in another universe?)

After shouting something about locking the door and not opening it until he got back, he literally hit the ground running, with Ryujin by his side. Even from here at Oldale, there was a bright haze rising from the south—and he had to move quickly.

In no time flat he’d jumped over the hedges and was at Littleroot proper, before tilting his head in the direction of the hottest flames.

“Go, help them put out the fire!” he said to the dual-type, who was more than happy to bound away and aimed a Hydro Pump in the direction of the worst of the flames.

Now that he had that covered—what else, what else—he then pulled out his phone and sent a message to all the Rangers whose numbers he had saved.

‘Fire at Littleroot. Going to need as many hands on deck as possible. Bring Water-types and first-aid kits!’

• gets several messages asking for help over at Littleroot to put out a fire
‘Why does it always have to be fire?!
• coming from Oldale, it’s not too far
• makes a run for Littleroot, summoned Swampert as well
• upon arrival, directs Ryujin to help with putting out the fires
• sends out another text message to all the Rangers he can reach; this shit is urgent

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 20:19:29 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LITTLEROOT FIRE


Stop the blazing Inferno!


Many arrived to the scene as quickly as possible, some already  in the area, others traversing from far away when the news broke on the league's communication channels and the like.[break][break]


Regardless of how and when they found out, the end result is all the same. Many showed up and even more were coming to lend their aid, thankfully a portion of the fire was contained thanks to the efforts of those who showed up first preventing an even worse disaster from occuring  but the threat of it spreading was still very evident and this was only the beginning. Thanks to the group's combined efforts of fighting the flames, you all gave enough breathing room to find time to search for the cause of the flames with his full focus. Kyle's Mightyena wouldn't be able to smell gunpowder as the cause of the fire but something else instead.[break][break]

The "bite" Pokémon started to bark wildly at Kyle and lead him towards a specific direction, clearly signaling he found something. The barks would be loud enough for to be able to follow suit but he must make a choice, he cannot split his focus between healing people and finding the source of the flames so he must choose one task to follow lest his attention be too split and he fails at both. [break][break]

As Kyle got closer and closer he would be able to find some fire Pokémon were running around adding to the flames and cheering, thinking it was a game or something. Upon the sight of the champion and his fearsome Mightyena they shout and scatter, afraid of the Pokémon and rush deeper into town where the others can see them running around amongst the flames.


People and Pokémon alike cried, some due to their injuries, others because of their belongings and homes being destroyed right before their very eyes, helpless as they watched it burn. They were grateful though that the league fought to try and save what they could. [break][break]

Those of you focused on tending to the wounded would have some spare time and be able to notice something strange near the group of people who survived that a NEW separate fire has started. This building in particular was known amongst the locals as people began to scream and panic at the site of a new fire starting, worried they were still in danger. Interact with these civilians while giving medical care to find out more details of the situation![break][break]


Thanks to the actions of , and co. Were able to find a safe path to lead the old man he rescued back to the group of rescued civilians who were a safer distance from the fire.

The riolu that finds leads her back towards the group of rescued civilians and successfully reunites with it's trainer. The people there however are fearful of her appearance but take solace in the fact that Pokkenger was here to save them from this hooligan! Someone from the crowd shouts to pokkenger "Please pokkenger! save us from the masked freak who continues to harass us! It looks like he has a friend!" they say pointing to who had the depiction of a dewpider on her outfit. [break][break]

Should take a moment to look around he'd feel a shiver run down his spine, as if someone was watching him.


LITTLEROOT is now plagued with a fire that is now spinning out of control and the league has called for rangers and anyone else who can help to lend aid to the town to stop the fire before it becomes too large to control! [break][break]

CURRENT PROMPTS:[break][break]

  • Help put out the fires!
  • Rescue trapped people and Pokémon!
  • Figure out the source of the fire!
  • Heal those who are injured!

  • ATTEMPT to capture or wrangle the fire type pokemon creating more fire.
  • React to the new fire starting at a nearby building.
  • Interact with civilians for more information!

Fire pokemon that have been spotted running amok:[break][break]

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 21:53:03 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
He heard the gunfire first, waking him from a fairly restless sleep. He only realized it wasn’t a nightmare when he felt his Ambipom shaking him, and the scent of smoke entered his nostrils. And the room had gotten considerably warmer.

As if he didn’t have enough on his mind after that amulet meeting - now the place he rented a bed at was on fire. And there was a massive commotion outside.

Hideo hurriedly gathered his things, his Ambipom rushing him out of the room. He could feel a rush of heat as she opened the door, and the sound of crackling flames were impossible to miss.

They were coming from the only way downstairs - the only way out.

Oh shit,” he muttered, his Ambipom dragging him away from the fire. He hadn’t brought any water Pokemon with him, nor any that could teleport. And this place was too small to let out his Dragonite, the only Pokemon he had that could fly.

In other words, he had no idea how they'd get out of this. "Pom, do you see a way out?"

Yet among the chaos, he heard something…snickering? It didn’t sound like a person, and it definitely didn’t sound scared.

Though Hideo couldn’t see it, his Ambipom could see the perpetrator: a Salandit, giggling as it spewed more flames from its mouth. It took notice to their arrival, running further into the building.

With a quick swipe of her tail, the Ambipom tossed the Swift stars all around the place - a number went for the Salandit, but a few crashed through a window - one that was too small for any human to crawl through, but no doubt someone would notice the sound or the stars flying out; she wanted to draw attention to them, both to help catch one of the Pokemon responsible and to help get them out.

Hideo is stuck in a building that's on fire, with no immediate way out
Uh oh, sisters
His Ambipom spots a Salandit lighting more fires
His Ambipom throws a bunch of Swift stars, both at the Salandit and to draw attention from the outside

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 22:24:34 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as the people were brought together they pinned the blame of their worries, or some of it at least, onto a newcomer to the scene. who they picked out left kazimir with quite the impression. it wasn't like masked vigilantes weren't an uncommon sight around the region lately but...spider themed one? that was new and original.

still he had a duty to keep them at ease even if as he looked over this masked "hooligan" and their little partner in "crime". "well the people here seem to think your a trouble maker here spider-chum. any confessions or does my friend here going to have to 'convince' you to spill some poke-beams." the hero ordered as he stood between and the crowd of rescued people. from behind the spider-woman his blastoise suddenly stomped to stand behind her with his face looking down on her with a cheeky smirk on its face as its shoulder cannons quickly twitched with a 'KERCHAK' sound accompanying the movement.

"he can be very convincing."


+ pulling someone out of a burning building
+ blastoise is trying to put out the fire with hydro pump

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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[newclass=.pokkenger u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #18d13f;[/newclass]
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winsome widowbird

twenty two
october fifth
17 height
17 height
bits and pieces, strung together
47 posts
Mòrag Glas DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @morag
Mòrag Glas
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 22:30:08 GMT
Mòrag Glas Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]I like the dirty rhythm you play.
I want to hear you
calling my name.
I know you want
it in the worst way.
In the chaos of the fires, a lot of things happened incredibly quickly, to the point where she could barely keep up with all the occurrences around her. Luckily, however, it seemed that her creating a path had facilitated the escape of others as well, which could only be a good thing. Hopefully, it stayed that way.

Eyes continued to scour the flaming town as she moved along, searching for anyone who needed help, and her Ralts continued to use life dew periodically in order to soak the ground and slow the spread of the flames. That was, until she spotted another fire being lit. That was way too suspicious, was someone lighting the fire on purpose? If so, for what end, and why in this little town in the arse end of nowhere?

Her musings were cut short, though, by the distinct starry glow of the move swift that ’s Ambipom had just used. Narrowing her eyes, she realised that someone was trapped in there, likely without a way out.

“Orianna, teleport us inside.”

A moment’s hesitation from the young Ralts, but then she nodded, and disappeared in a flash.

Hideo would find his call for help answered when two new figures suddenly materialised in front of him, a human woman and her Ralts, who had evidently teleported inside. Though she couldn’t see much, she definitely heard the distinctly Pokémon-like snickering, and being the owner of a Salazzle herself, only took a moment to recognise the noises.

“It seems our perpetrator is inside the building, or one of them anyway.” She commented, looking towards Hideo, “You’re stuck in quite the unfortunate situation. Lucky for you that I spotted your signal.”

Mòrag would then give a small nod towards her Ralts, who wasted no time in using life dew to start easing the flames around them.

“Keep your head low as we move, and be on the lookout for a Salandit. I’ve no doubt it’s the one causing this fire.”

(tagged)⏤ @.someone
(notes)⏤ using life dew to soak the ground and slow the spread of fire
teleported inside the building is trapped in to put out the fire and catch the Salandit
[newclass=.mizocredit a]font:bold 6pt calibri;letter-spacing:1px;color:#b5d1f1;[/newclass]
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 0:03:52 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
166 for @tag

The panicked call came just as Locke narrowly avoided another wave of fire from the wild Blaziken. It bounced from foot to foot, making its next Blaze Kick all the harder to predict. De-De leapt up to meet it, Countering the blow with a swing of her tail and sending the fire-type stumbling back even as she frantically patted out the flames that sprouted on contact.

Of course a quick overnight delivery like this would turn deadly. It was just that kind of month.

It was always that kind of month in Hoenn.

The Blaziken regained its stance soon enough, but De-De didn’t give it a chance to strike first. The Delibird took in a deep breath and released it as a cloud of ice-cold air towards her opponent. It was unfazed, however, cutting through the Freeze-Dry with another Blaze Kick and knocking the penguin back into her trainer’s arms, sending them both tumbling to the ground as the other Pokémon slowly approached.

- Locke calls out for help as the Blaziken attacks him
- De-De tries to defend him, but isn't quite enough on her own
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 0:14:41 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]The sight washes over her memories like a tidal wave, sullied flames caressing the walls of buildings nearby when she trudges in the wake of his grief.
"Bryan!" Her cries are consumed by the crackling of flames, "Where are you?"
She calls but there won't be any answers, her scars kissed by the heat as she scrambles through the wreckage. Her Wooper Troopers are hard at work, quenching the flames with their splashing about as the Quagsires try their best to lift the debris. When they finally quell enough of the ravenous flames, they're careful in throwing open the doors, fighting back any new outbreaks with ferocious streams of water. Tugging out a pokeball, Eris summons her Zarude and allows him time to adapt to the situation.
"Keep working on it. Anyone trapped under should be brought out to be treated." She murmurs, finding herself left with no choice but to head in and check for survivors. Reiner leads the charge, keeping close and moving away from drafts of wind through the corridors. Some of her Woopers on the other hand waddle alongside her, covering more ground when they separate into pairs.
Ghosts of past dance in the shadows cast by flickering light. Her spine is wracked by chills, her body driven cold as she's forced to take a light breath.
Home sweet home

- putting out fires with wooper troopers and gang...[break]
- looking for survivors in burning building[break]
- zarude offering Jungle Healing to the injured
- country roads, take me home, through the fire and the storm...
[attr="class","adrie-note"]@ o p e n

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing