Flames of Retribution.

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2022 21:47:44 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
253 for @tag
”Th-Thank you!” While their opponent wasn’t down yet, ’s interference at least gave Locke time to get out of the ranger’s way and join the other civilians. Though not before giving him one last bit of aid.

They scrambled to their feet and returned De-De to the safety of her Pokéball, pulling out a new capsule to replace the ice-type with something a little more helpful to the other man. ”Nim-Nim!” They called out to their Castform before the red light had even faded away. ”Rain Dance! On the double!”

The cloud Pokémon’s form shifted as he complied, suddenly taking on the appearance of a small water droplet while dark storm clouds rolled in overhead. There, Locke thought as the first drops of rain began to fall, that ought to slow things down a little. Satisfied in having done what little he could, he whistled for his Pokémon to join him as he turned tail and bolted towards where the rest of the townsfolk were being gathered.

Or, that was his plan, until he spotted a familiar mask fleeing the scene.

"He's the one responsible! I saw him start it!"

Locke froze, one hand instinctively reaching for his side. He glanced around nervously. Nobody seemed to be following the man yet. Should he…? Too late, his feet were already shifting direction, moving quickly to catch up to masked man, stomach churning as the town’s cemetery came into view.

What exactly he’d do when he got there, was a problem for future Locke apparently.

- Thanks for saving him.
- Decides they'd only be in the way if they tried to battle, but still summons their Castform to set up a Rain Dance (1/5) over the town before they run away to join the other civilians.
- He stops when he recognizes 's mask a little ways away, though, and-hearing that he's the one behind the fire-changes direction to follow him to the graveyard.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 7:58:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"can you blame someone wanting to make sure people are safe is a little suspicious of a stranger, especially one in a very nice costume." there was some irony in him saying that, he could empathize with her want to make sure people were safe. given recent things he's heard however it feels like a mask could be over anyone nowadays and during times like these he couldn't take any chances. so she would be on his radar, of course with a building suddenly bursting into flames that would be moved down the priority list as he ran over to the flaming building and saw a strange pokemon emerge from it carrying a child and running off with it.

"what they-jolly roger! try to cut it off! you too firepaw!" throwing out a pokeball out came his arcanine who raced after the silvally and its entourage racing forward with extreme speed to cut them off. "jolly roger! knock them overboard!" the blastoise while running on its stubby legs tumbled forward tucking its shell in to rapidly spin into the kommo-o to try and knock it down as kaz was right behind his two pokemon running up from behind to throw himself onto the zarude.


+ sees the silvally and crew with the little girl and chases after them
+ sends out arcanine to cut them off with extreme speed
+ has blastoise use rapid spin on the kommo-o
+ tackles zarude with his own body

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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[newclass=.pokkenger i] color: #18d13f;[/newclass]
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january 14th
akura cfo
ace trainer
mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.
1,004 posts
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TAG WITH @uriah
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 8:34:07 GMT
smoke around them is buffeted away by milotic's constant AQUA RINGS. it gives them enough space for finn to attempt to regain his bearings, to calm his panic.

"what? shut up! you aren't a bother — don't be dumb, bro."

he pats finn's shoulder, attempting to snap him out of it.

"i have to help a friend. can you move?"

++ trying to go after
++ AQUA RING to keep them safe from the flames
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played by


August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
1,207 posts
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 19:59:19 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]a voice[break]inside me

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]beckons me to try again


Memo is standing next to outside of the second burning building. He hears the civilian explain that the structure used to be a laboratory. His coat is soaked with rain; water drips from his dreads, onto his forehead, and the wind whips his coattails up. As the fire begins to die, a wave of smoke takes its place, and he coughs into his arm, pulling his collar up over his nose to protect himself. [break][break]

Shivani solidifies from the smoke, zipper mouth curved into a frown. Her arms sag and she shakes her head, indicating her failure to discover anything noteworthy. “It’s alright,” Memo says, calling her back into her Pokeball just as the air filled with a terrible roar. A strange Pokemon-- a Silvally, Memo realizes-- has burst from the gutted building, carrying a person in its jaws. Before Memo, or anyone, can jump into action, there’s a burst of light and he has to bury his eyes in the crook of his arms with a yelp.[break][break]

When the light has faded and his sight is mostly returned, he is torn between the two paths of chasing down the masked individual or stopping the Pokemon terrorizing the city. One would result in more recognition, and the other would save lives.[break][break]

He chose saving lives. [break][break]

He joins in giving chase to the Silvally, Zarude, and Kommo-o. Once again he calls out Zuza, and the Ponyta gallops into the frey; a wreath of pink wind surrounds her, then lashes out at the Kommo-o, playing on its weaknesses with the fairy wind. Zuza fearlessly joins Kazimir’s Arcanine and Blastoise in battle. [break][break]


> chooses to go after the rampaging silvally, kommo-o, and zarude[break]> calls out galarian ponyta, uses fairy wind on kommo-o[break]> is standing by to assist kaz (pokkenger) if necessary but also he's 5'4" he's not about to tackle no pokemons[break][break]



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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 1:39:45 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

”yeah! get outta here!”

but it wasn’t toward safety that ran. rather, it was for more trouble. bo caught a short glimpse of the masked man he was in pursuit of, but he had more immediate concerns. their blaziken opponent rounded for another attack, emboldened by the flames roaring around them.

sweat beaded, and his arm raised at the incoming BLAZE KICK.

”watch it!”

the cloyster’s shell shut tight. it rolled, SHELL SMASH there to receive the kick, but hopefully do some damage in return.

* doesn't follow , but glimpses masked man
* continues battling blaziken
* cloyster counters blaze kick with shell smash
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Finn, Ziggy
November 26
Research Assistant
25 height
25 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
Finley Black DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @finn
Finley Black
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 5:22:06 GMT
Finley Black Avatar

With the space granted to him (a little bit of brotherly love), Finn was able to regain his composure, slowly but surely. "Sorry," He laughed through shakey breaths.

Eventually, he was calmed and back on his feet, ready to put this day behind.

"Yea, I'll be fine."

Would he? He'd like to think so, but...he had a strange feeling whirling around in his stomach. He shook his head. There was no time to let these anxieties get the best of him, especially if it meant holding back any further. So, a look of determination plastered across the teen's face, Finley released his typhlosion and made pace towards what he assumed to be the exit of the city.

- apologizes to big bro
- can't shake off a strange feeling
- shakes it off n heads towards the 'exit'

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 5:30:33 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



The voice that calls up to him is weak and racked with coughing. A tornado of flames separates them from the burning building Luka had ill-advisedly flung herself into, and she pays now for that moment of impulsiveness. Thank goodness she hadn't been inside at the time the flames erupted, saved by Lux's proximity and quick thinking.[break][break]

And, like...surprisingly strong arms? Where did those come from?[break][break]


"I'm okay," she assures with a rasping breath, starting to wiggle out of Lux's grasp as soon as they're far enough away from the laboratory. Everything is happening so much— a child rescued, a Silvally bursting from the flames. A masked figure making a hasty escape...her head reels, but maybe that's just from smoke inhalation.[break][break]

"Ramune," Luka calls once she gets unsteadily back to her feet, "Let's t-take care of the rest of this..." Her Brionne chirrups in concern but eventually relents and starts to spray down the residual flames from the smoldering building. When it seems that the fire is mostly out, the seal Pokemon moves to tend to the child that had been flung at them, dousing any injuries in a healing life dew.[break][break]

Her gaze follows the fleeing figure but there are others giving chase, and Luka has never been much for combat. "I-if the culprit was inside," she says carefully, staring up at the laboratory again, "We should probably check it out. Maybe we can figure out why they did this..."[break][break]

If Lux— or anyone— wants to stop her, they'd better be quick about it. Now that the fire is almost out, Luka heads back to the laboratory, intent on investigating. [break][break]

- We're feeling it now Mr Krabs [break]
- Saved by the cutie xoxo[break]
- Continues using her Brionne to put out the fires[break]
- Moving to investigate the labratory once the flames go out


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2022 2:18:17 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle clicks his tongue.

a quick switch of pokemon gets his mightyena back to its ball and his lycanroc out. hunter instincts kicked in and kyle figures a return fire would be appropriate.

"yeah, them."

the lycanroc locks in on the duo escaping through the shadows. it slams its foot on the ground, attempting to hit the adversaries with stone edge.

jagged rocks would mark their target, owing to the pokemon's no guard.

  • mightyena in, lycanroc out
  • no guard activates to hit through phantom force
  • stone edges fennekin/idk decidueye
  • plans to use them hostage/prisoner of war

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2022 4:52:51 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LITTLEROOT FIRE


Stop the blazing Inferno!


The fires were dying down as the fire Pokémon were rounded up and the subsequent water moves began to put out the fires and saved the town itself. However the Pokémon who were the culprits of this little stunt were all being rounded up and gathered up in the town center fearful of the trainers who were slowly corralling them as it seemed like the odds of escaping were starting to look very low. The Pokémon who had been moving in the shadows in the background would use phantom force or their ghost typing to abduct the Pokémon spreading the fires and group them all together in the center of town. [break][break]

The Decidueye that was evacuating the fennekin was nailed in a critical spot thanks to no guard and stone edge. Blood drips into a small pool underneath the Pokémon, he launches a barrage of arrows to give itself some cover before trying to use phantom force again to evacuate the Fennekin and itself but collapsing in the center of town as the fire pokemon crowd around it.[break][break]

's battle with the blaziken manages to give enough time to skedaddle from the whole situation. It was ordered to vanish as greninja was ready to use shadow sneak to get it out of there but it seemed to argue back with it and greninja just silently nods and vanishes into the ground. It seemed like it wanted to finish this battle properly. It's honor was on the line. It lunged forward with a powerful double kick poised right at the shell of the Pokémon.[break][break]

Some of the fire types reacted aggressively to those corralling them while others began to sob and cry as they were just having some 'innocent' fun under their trainer's command. Numel was indifferent to the whole thing. But it then became clear as to what was going on, Silvally, Kommo-o, and Zarude were meant to defend those Pokémon as the ghost types made use of their powers and try to get those fire types out of there. [break][break]

They manage to make their escape and the trainers moves began to meet with their targets. Kommo-o seemingly took the brunt of the majority of the attacks as a fairy wind, a rapid spin and an extreme speed. This Kommo-o however was a special one, and Kazimir would most likely recognize it upon it's unique ability. Grass begins to grow over Kommo-o's body as it uncontrollably casts ingrain from the amount of damage it just took. Kommo-o let's out a deafening roar as a shadow aura coats it's body and it unleashes a power whip AGAINST THOSE WHO ATTACKED IT.[break][break]

Zarude slammed it's fists onto the floor and unleashes a cacophony of monkey noises until a rather large buff man comes in and tackles it. Zarude's rage manifests in the form of a bite right on the man's shoulder and it's vines around it's hands wrapping around him and RESTRAINING HIM. Someone else would need to interfere as Zarude was holding Pokkenger hostage.[break][break]

Silvally watches as his allies are already getting into their own respective battles and stares down the one who launched the fairy attack, . Coating it's body in a red energy and charging straight for the trainer as it unleashed a fire-type multi attack.[break][break]


The masked figure ducked under fallen trees and jumped over rough terrain of the forest, as if he was very familiar with this area. He was headed straight towards graveyard of Littleroot.[break][break]

Back in town however, shadows coalesced around before he began to sink into them as a Pokémon familiar to would make itself known. A Dhelmise that shot him a sinister glare as it took delight in the task his trainer had given him. He sank into the shadows slowly, his brother helpless to save him as Dhelmise knew what the man was capable of. It wouldn't make that mistake twice.[break][break]

Back at the graveyard the masked assailant finally made it back, only pursuing him at the moment as the postman would be able to track him easily as it wasn't the most perfect escape plan. He turned to meet Locke's gaze and stared him down with an anger in it's body. It was that brat from the excursion who showed up when rocket was trying to secure one of the trees. [break][break]

"Oh well well. If it isn't one of the league shit nosed brats." ignoring the fact that he could tell the man was in his early twenties. "Wasn't it you who lost control of your Drampa? The fuck you think you can do against me on your own?" he says as his Greninja and Dhelmise arrived to his side with his prize in tow. . The Dhelmise secured him with an anchor shot as ghostly tendrils kept their grip on finnly. He smirked as he decided to entertain himself for a bit. "Water shuriken." he orders as Greninja obliges and aims right for Locke.


The fires were stopped thanks to everyone's combined efforts and while some of the Pokémon were battling elsewhere in town. Some others took it upon themselves to look around the destroyed laboratory. [break][break]

The second floor of the building had completely collapsed. The rain dance from earlier smothering out any more potential flame hazards and assisting a certain someone's brionne combat the flames. The building was safe to explore now, if someone else were to help Luka explore they may be able to find something of interest for in his hasty escape, the culprit left behind some very important documents but pinned underneath some of the rubble that would make it impossible to free.


The fires have been quelled [break][break]

  • Explore the burned laboratory to find it's treasures.
  • Battle the zarude silvally and shadowed Kommo-o!
  • Chase after the culprit.

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2022 5:08:10 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]There's a ruckus outside that she finds herself following, a rush of energy that trickles through her veins and fills her to the brim with anxiety. She wants to cry but she can't right now, hanging onto Reiner for dear life as he bounds through the fiery debris and drags them out into the open air, fervently chasing after a masked figure with all his might.
"Don't!" She screams, leaping off the Luxray and tackling to the ground, wincing as the Water Shurikens slice the air above them. Her eyes dart to the Dhelmise and the person trapped within, then to that familiar mask that she'd hope she wouldn't see. Now isn't the time to pretend like she knows what he's going through, nor is it the time to try to approach and comfort him like she always does. There are others watching, others who are in danger and all she can do is call upon her own Gardevoir as she stumbles to her feet.
"You don't have to do this... Just let them go, please... there's still time..."
- tackling Locke to avoid the Water Shurikens[break]
- calling out a Gardevoir for backup[break]
- trying to talk to bryan without exposing him
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || ||

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2022 18:01:51 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Ryujin! Where are you?!”

Thankfully the fires were mostly quelled by now, but the Swampert was nowhere to be seen—a measure of panic slowly rising up as he looked around the smoking wreckage frantically.

Where had she gone?!

Last he knew she was chasing down a Scorbunny that was headed towards the—he then broke out into a run as he realized where she may have run off to. However, he wasn’t going as fast as he would’ve wanted because of his injury; it was slowing him down!

“Shit, shit, shit, fuck… not now!” he hissed between gritted teeth as he caught sight of Ryujin, who’d finally managed to track down where the Fire-types were gathered—

…only to come within range of three Pokémon who were causing chaos.

One of the three, he recognized—because he had one of his own, in the form of Amir…

“Mi starai prendendo in giro…*” he growled.

Who else had a Silvally outside of the ones he was aware of?! He knew of the expedition led by some kids before that had unearthed one of those that belonged to someone he’d met before (now since long gone, six feet under, being consumed by the ground until nothing more but bones remained) but holy—

…this was going to be a long night after all.

He then recalled Ryujin, only to flick another Pokéball forward, watching as this time, Lynette the Gardevoir made her appearance.

Tilting his head in the direction of the Kommo-o (wait? Were there vines growing all over its legs? Was he seeing things?!) she nodded, before taking aim and conjuring up a burst of lunar energy before attempting to bring down a powerful Moonblast on the savage draconic Pokémon.

He was still staring at the Silvally, though…

Who could’ve had one running loose like this?! Fact of the matter was, it was coming down on someone () fast—

‘I’m going to need your help!’


‘Please! Someone’s about to get mauled!’

‘…fine! But I swear, if you get yourself injured again I’m not going to—’

‘You can scream at me all you want later!’

With that, he sucked a deep breath and manifested the wings borne of ice, a manifestation of the power he shared with the mirage, before taking off and flying as fast as he could, heading in the Silvally’s direction as he attempted to save the one who was about to become pretty much toast!

• Lars has a panicc attack, where the hell did Ryujin the Swampert run off to?!
• he picks up the pace but can’t go faster than a slow jog because shit, shit, shit, he’s still injured from what happened earlier
‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’*
• sees a Silvally amongst the three Pokémon, however—
• swaps out Swampert for Gardevoir
• Gardevoir then turns her attention to the Kommo-o, using Moonblast and attempting to drop it down on the rampaging dual-type
• meanwhile Lars has his attention on the Silvally, panicc mode fully activated—who the hell could have one out here, like this?!
• notices that someone is about to get the mowed down
• has an argument with the deity, but they finally agree—
• and so off he goes, fueled by adrenaline, sprouting the wings of ice and flying towards , who is about to get toasted alive by the Fire-type Multi-Attack
Shitshitshitshit this is gonna hurt!

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2022 0:04:01 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It was always a little surreal, being Teleported around. One moment, Hideo could hear the crackling fire and feel the dry heat around him. Next thing he knew, the crackling sounded a good distance away, and the late-winter cold reached him along with wet rain dripping everywhere.

Hideo shivered - his pajamas weren't meant for this kind of weather. But he'd much rather be out here, than still inside there. And his Ambipom stayed close, sharing her body warmth with him.

"Thanks for getting us out there," he said, assuming was still there. "I dunno what we would've done without your help." He really didn't.

A small pang of guilt ran through him: he should've prepared for this. If it weren't for this trainer's help, him and Pom might've died.

But before he could get lost in his own frustration, the sounds of battle rang through the air. He didn't know what was going on: some within the city, but also some further in the woods. As much as he'd wanted to just stay out of this and chill, a casual mindset like that wasn't one he wanted to be in.

His decision was quick - the best hiding spot was one he was more familiar with, and lived in. "If I were the culprit...the woods would be the best place to hide." It was better to catch the main culprit, right? "Pom, let's go try and catch them."

This got a concerned look from the Ambipom, but she nodded. Hideo quickly retrieved a (thankfully dry) jacket out of his bag, putting it on and letting his Pokemon guide him into the forest, towards the graveyard.

Hideo gets teleported out thanks to
Hideo was not dressed to go outside or get rained on
Hideo hears the conflict going on between the Pokemon in one area, and the conflict in the woods
Hideo chooses to go to the latter

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Finn, Ziggy
November 26
Research Assistant
25 height
25 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
Finley Black DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @finn
Finley Black
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2022 3:47:02 GMT
Finley Black Avatar
This was embarrassing. One second he had buckled up and made way towards the exit, assured by his brother that he hadn't caused him any trouble. The next second, he was playing the starring role of damsel in distress. Finn didn't even manage to make his kidnapping cool - nah, he was kicking and screaming the entire way, begging for someone to help. Begging for to help. 

Fear ran rampant in his bloodstream, sending every muscle and self-preservation function into overdrive. "Let me go, you fucks," He hollered, flailing within the Pokémon's grasps. Eventually, when and came into view, these attempts strengthened as every bone in his body begged to be released. A mixture of pain and dread was clear in his eyes as he stared out towards the two.

His life was now in their hands.

left to die thanks to uriah :)
wah wah wah
just struggling and screaming
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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 0:22:48 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

his attention snapped to the greninja that appeared. was this organized by pokémon? was rocket involved then, maybe? his brow furrowed. that always complicated things.

the blaziken wouldn’t go when called, so bo was occupied with their battle, even as the flames began to die around them.

it might’ve seemed like an odd matchup—a shelled up cloyster against a lightning-fast, agile blaziken—but bo knew that his pokemon’s stillness could be a strength. let it wear itself out, until the right time to strike. the shell was a little like rock, meant to be resilient.

his fist clenched as the blaziken came in for a DOUBLE KICK, hammering the shut-tight cloyster it into the ground a few inches each time. when it finally opened, dirt split with it. a close-up HYDRO PUMP blasted at the foe.

* still fighting blaziken
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played by


September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
part of
TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 18:08:01 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
253 for @tag
Locke nearly fell over as he and his target arrived at the graveyard, mud flying from underneath his boots as he skidded to a stop just within the gate. He pulled out another Pokéball, but froze as the Dhelmise appeared with a boy not much younger than him squirming in its grasp.

”That’s just dirty,” he seethed between gritted teeth. Despite the rising fury in his throat, however, he remained where he was, twisting the capsule in his hand in anticipation, waiting for a moment where both Pokémon were preoccupied to prevent any harm to the hostage.

"Wasn't it you who lost control of your Drampa? The fuck you think you can do against me on your own?"

Shame crept through Locke at the memory. He hadn’t managed anything useful during either of the excursions and, in the end, had only ended up getting in the way. But there had been other people then to pick up his slack and bail him out of tough situations. Maybe someone else would come eventually, but until then it was just him, , and some poor kid he’d dragged in.

It was he addressed, instead of his captor. A promise, rather than a retort.

”Anything I can.”

Saying that, they couldn’t do a damn thing until they could ensure the hostage wouldn’t get hurt first, even as a barrage of Water Shuriken were rapidly fired at them. They raised their arms to try and at least defend their vitals, but otherwise remained still. Surely they were a little tougher now; wouldn’t pass out at the first bit of blood drawn anymore. If they could take a few blows now, wait for an opportunity, and then-

The shuriken whipped just passed their ear, cutting only a few loose strands of hair as something-someone-sent Locke crashing to the ground. The grass stains were never coming out of this shirt.

Locke could barely even react to ’s sudden appearance before she started pleading with the other man, but as she did they realized two things.

One: This was, apparently, not a planned attack from Rocket, but rather a rogue operation. Which was somehow even more frightening.

Two: Whoever was behind that mask, Eris wanted to help him. Wanted to save him, even.

Which was the last thing their bleeding heart needed to hear.

”Eris…” they cautioned, but otherwise held their tongue as the scene unfolded, even as another set of footsteps could be heard distantly behind them. Maybe…Maybe she could convince him…?

- Arrives at the graveyard with
- Gets ready to send out another Pokémon, but stops as the Dhelmise arrives with , not wanting the hostage to get hurt
- Almost gets sliced and diced, but gets bodied by
- Lets Eris try to talk Bryan down instead of immediately continuing the fight
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing