Flames of Retribution.

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2022 4:08:56 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It's times like these where she wishes she could be anyone but herself, born to a different world, living a different life and perhaps, never having to face horrible decisions such as this.
"You were the one that killed... you decided to kill with your own hands, and you know what you were signing up for when it all began."
Rocket wasn't something that anyone would join on a whim, they had to have a motive, something that drove them to the darkest pits of hell and threatened to drown them if they didn't attempt to struggle and swim. It hadn't always been a peaceful organisation, it had a long history of violence and bloodshed and promised a changed world even through the cruellest of methods.
Everything occurs in a fleeting moment - A Zeraora leaping right at Bryan in hopes of rescuing , the shurikens flying, that readiness to kick a civilian. Reduce the number of casualties, save those unrelated to the incident and protect whoever she can.
In that very instant, all she knows is to charge at him and attempt to tackle him to the ground.
"Just because you're no better than them doesn't mean you throw a stupid tantrum like this and hurt everyone else!"
He's hurting, she knows he is and so is she.
"She didn't die just so you could go and destroy what she once loved! You should know that better than anyone!"
- Zeraora trying to save Finley[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || ||

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2022 4:39:55 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LITTLEROOT FIRE


Stop the blazing Inferno!


The two working in tandem are able to lift up the char wreckage, it threatening to crumble and fall away into nothing but lost energy as it was still extremely hot to the touch, thankfully their pokemon had natural insulation on their side that assisted them in not getting burned so easily. [break][break]

The stark contrast of white easily caught 's eyes. The perpetrator to these crimes messily leaving evidence behind as to what he was looking for. It seemed like...personal notes? Incoherent scribbles, drawings of a 4 legged creature, formulas that faded with time and ash, but written on top in clear letters was the words "TYPE:NULL FORMULA?" [break][break]

The notes, despite the their pristine condition left much to be desired. It seems like these notes were written in a hurry and are extremely messy, unable to be decoded or make sense to anyone. Let alone be useable enough to create a type:null. As Luka scanned such documents, there would be more papers scattered about that would also be able to analyze should she choose to. [break][break]

They seemed like another series of notes written on a different Pokémon. XERNEAS. Papers scattered with various notes and theories as to lore pertaining to Xerneas and of it's mythos and possible locations. These notes however seemed more official records and researched signed by one's initials. Thanks to the fires however, they were smudged by ash leaving only a legible B. [break][break]

However, something else still lingered in the rubble, creating a sickly sweet smell, as if someone was cooking leather over an open flame. It wouldn't take long if they continued to linger to figure out what was creating the smell. A body that was burned to a crisp.


This battle was a quick one as they were VASTLY out numbered and out powered. [break][break]

Silvally was struck by the RAIN DANCE powered HYDRO PUMP slams, saving from it's fury as a well timed zap cannon shocks the creature leaving him stuck in place long enough for 's bulldoze to slam into the chimera for super effective damage. It gets back up momentarily as it's legs wobble and it falls on it's knees before falling onto it's side and FAINTING [break][break]

Kommo-o is next on the targets, it's unnatural abilities earning the attention of the majority of the trainers there. The vines moved with an unnatural eeriness to them, aggressively searching out any life to feed on to restore it's host's own lifeforce. Yet it's efforts bore no fruit as another round of attacks land on it as well, a fairy wind ineffectively shielding it against the harsh elements and Arcanine's psychic fangs ripping a chunk of the grass on it's body and some of Kommo-o's skin off as well. The Pokémon lashed out in anger, looking to aim at EVERYONE IN THE VICINITY by slamming it's scales together and mustering up a horrendous CLANGING SCALES attack to push everyone back. [break][break]

As everyone is pushed back, Zarude gets pinned down by Terrakion as it was able to resist most of the push back due to it's beefy nature. Zarude struggles underneath Terrakion's weight as he tries to fend it off but is unable to. He does however manage to get line of sight of the sprouting in the center of all this chaos and remembers when he was in the tree of life with and his master. [break][break]

Using that experience he releases his vines to the floor around him and begins to release the energy of the jungle and uses JUNGLE HEALING on the sprout, lending it it's remaining energy before it passes out and faints. [break][break]

Nothing happens at first, before an earthquake shakes the entire center of town and everyone around it. The sapling begins to grow wildly out of control until a tree of life forms in the center of town, there is silence for a moment as the tree seems to emerge from the trunk. Everyone would then be able to see it themselves. [break][break]

Xerneas, The life Pokémon.

Yet it is not in it's full glory, it's antlers are missing and it seemed extremely tired, it looked at the frightened Pokémon and those who passed out and closed it's eyes "I don't wish any of you ill-will. But these Pokémon are henceforth under my protection.  No more harm shall come to them and you will all stay here until the dust settles." It says as it glances as the Pokémon who were previously fighting fall back towards it. The tree of life began to move once more as z-energy coated Xerneas's body and a rainbow aura shined outwards as FAIRY AURA activates. 

"BLACK BRIAR." he calls out as the roots of the tree sprouted from the ground, attacking all of the people who were fighting the Pokémon earlier.

[break][break] Only was outside of the range of the attack since he had turned back for his brother . As the roots slowed down they would find that now everyone was TRAPPED INSIDE A CAGE OF BRIAR THORNS AND UNABLE TO LEAVE VIA MUNDANE MOVES OR METHODS. If someone was paying attention to them, during the attack some of the Pokémon responsible for the chaos vanished and were now gone. The stragglers ran towards the tree of life that grew and ran straight into the tree as if they had merged with it.


Meanwhile, back at the graveyard. The SWIFT from 's Ambipom collides with Greninja's WATER SHURIKEN and cause some explosions. The wolf masked assailant sucks on his teeth in frustration, each moment that passed meant his odds of escaping continued to vanish. Unfortunately, 's castform was unable to fulfill it's use of sunny day as Bryan changed his aim towards locke's castform and fired a shot (whether it hits or not will be up to Pooka but the move will still be interrupted regardless) However after he fires his shots, the gun suddenly starts to be released from Bryan's grip as TRICK takes effect and suddenly he was without a weapon. [break][break]

"Shit! Mat block!" he orders as GRENINJA'S PROTEAN activates and he slams his foot on the floor and several chunks of the ground move up instinctively to protect them if they decide to use the gun on them instead. However while Bryan is distracted, 's plan works as Dhelmise suddenly finds theTAUNT to be too tempting to continue to holding down and releases it's ANCHOR SHOT HOLD on him and lunges towards MAWILE with POWER WHIP attack. [break][break]

SHIT! his hostage was getting away now as Zeraora whisked him away. He was slowly becoming more cornered, he recalled earlier what he was able to do and decided it was time to limit test. He rushed over to one of a large statue in the graveyard and picked it up slowly yet, his most recently discovered blessing from Xerneas making it's official appearance. He furrowed his brow, 's words only angering him further as he decided to throw the gravestone at since he was the only one Bryan hadn't attacked yet. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! STOP TALKING!" he says as his anger was only fueling the violence. He was becoming tired though, the night had been long and he already pushed himself too far.


The fires have been quelled [break][break]

CURRENT PROMPTS:[break][break]

  • Explore the burned laboratory to find it's treasures.
  • Deal with Xerneas's appearance
  • Battle the culprit.

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january 14th
akura cfo
ace trainer
mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.
1,004 posts
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TAG WITH @uriah
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2022 13:32:47 GMT
up ahead, he sees the graveyard, and within it, a battle that calls for him.


a little too late, much like the police in movies, uri slips into the graveyard and quickly takes in his surroundings. his attention quickly zones in on his little brother, however, and it's with haste that he sprints over towards them.


milotic starts its DISARMING VOICE, announcing their approach.

++ milotic using DISARMING VOICE
++ cmere
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winsome widowbird

twenty two
october fifth
17 height
17 height
bits and pieces, strung together
47 posts
Mòrag Glas DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @morag
Mòrag Glas
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2022 14:41:55 GMT
Mòrag Glas Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]I like the dirty rhythm you play.
I want to hear you
calling my name.
I know you want
it in the worst way.
Yes! Mòrag subtly pumped her fist in silent celebration as the hostage was whisked away by that pokémon, the Dhelmise coming straight at Marianne in a furious attack. A quick survey left it quite plain just how cornered the culprit was, slowly but surely losing ground. He was outnumbered, unable to keep up with everything at once. But back to the very concerning matter of Marianne being attacked…

“Keep yourself small, tight and quick movements!” Mòrag advised her pokémon, who complied, widening her stance and lowering her upper body. As the Dhelmise attacked, she would bob and weave with the proficiency of a Hitmonchan, her small frame aiding in avoiding the flurry of blows sent her way. Of course, the sheer volume of attacks from the move meant she was tagged here or there, but she had avoided the worst of the damage. Having the type advantage also certainly helped.

“Marianne, use-” She interrupted herself as she saw the culprit lift up an entire bloody gravestone and toss it at Hideo. Acting fast, she would switch up her order, “-Iron Head on that gravestone!”

Marianne wasted no time in doing so, disengaging with the Dhelmise and leaping towards the gravestone. Rearing her head back, her forehead would gain a metallic sheen before she brought it down on the flying gravestone. Steel beats rock, and the powerful move all but pulverised the impromptu rock throw the man had sent Hideo’s way. Mòrag frowned; no matter how angry one was, attacking a child like that was low. Her patience with this man was rapidly thinning.

(notes)⏤ bob and weave
mòrag orders her mawile to use iron head on the gravestone
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2022 0:56:33 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
233 for @tag
While the Sunny Day failed to hold, the brief flash of light it gave off before being abandoned was just disorienting for the shot to go wide and cut through Nim-Nim’s cowlick-like appendage instead of anything vital. A miracle, considering the poor thing was about 90% head.

The close call still appeared to be too much for the little guy though, and the Castform scurried back to his trainer and buried himself into his coat, fully forfeiting the fight.

Locke quickly recalled both Nim-Nim and Ka-Ka as well now that her task was complete, kicking the gun somewhere behind them as soon as it dropped to the ground. With that out of the way, the sound of more backup approaching from behind, and both and safely taken care of, they could finally put their full focus into putting the brakes on this battle.

And they could do better than a single Anchor Shot.

They pulled a new Pokéball out of their bag and summoned their Wobbuffet to the field. As soon as Wobbu-Wobbu finished materializing, his Shadow morphed beneath him, until it shot out and split, Tagging and both of his Pokémon’s shadows and trapping all three.

Without a single order, the trap was set. Now to spring it. Locke pointed at the Greninja, directing their Pokémon’s attention to the opposing Mat Block. ”Encore!”

Eat that you murderous little toad.

- Castform gets his little cowlick cut in half :(
- Locke returns both Castform and Natu and kicks the gun behind them
- Brings out his Wobbuffet, who's Shadow Tag ability immediately prevents and his Pokémon from escaping
- Wobbuffet uses Encore to lock Greninja into Mat Block for 3 turns
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
1,207 posts
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2022 19:00:03 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]a voice[break]inside me

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]beckons me to try again


Zuza was quick to return to her trainer, the two of them bracing against the push of Kommo-o’s Clanging Scales attack. He was going to echo Lars’ sentiments when the earth began to tremble and shake. As if things couldn’t get any weirder. His eyes went from Xerneas-- the strange, naked Xerneas-- to Lars, and back again. What the fuck is happening? [break][break]

It was like something out of a horror film. Branches leeching into the sky like ink shooting across wet paper, blocking the drizzling rain, and eventually the sky. Memo followed the line of growth far enough up that his head tipped backwards and he took a few steps in reverse. He was so distracted he was almost wallomped by a thorny root, pushed to the side by Zuza, who took the blow for him, leaving a stinging line across the back of her shoulders. Focus, asshole, Memo thought, though he didn’t know where to focus-- it wasn’t long until they were surrounded by choking black vines, thorns pretty much shoved down their throats. [break][break]

Zuza was keeping most of them at bay with psychic, pushing them away or diverting their path of attack. Memo backed up against Lars. “What the fuck?” he finally said out loud, confident he was saying what most everyone was thinking.



> i don't know what's happening anymore[break][break]



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[newclass=.MEMO .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#d59c39;[/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2022 0:39:30 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The sound of water struck by stars could be heard all the way from where Hideo stood - confirmation his Ambipom intercepted the attacks, and that whatever was attacking used water attacks. Once the culprit ordered his Pokemon to go on the defensive, Hideo took the chance to go through his bag, searching for a specific Pokeball.

As he looked, Hideo could overhear someone try to reason with the culprit. He could better recognize the voice this time around - . He didn't know how close she was to this guy, but she definitely sounded a lot closer than he was.

Hideo searched faster, eager to end this before someone he knew got hurt. Though in his search, he was completely distracted, though he likely wouldn't have noticed the incoming gravestone if he hadn't.

Still, his Ambipom saw it, and went to move him until intercepted it. Hideo paused for a moment as he heard chunks of stone colliding with his cover, but he was otherwise undeterred.

He found the Pokeball, returning his Ambipom to hers before letting out a new Pokemon: A Whimsicott wouldn't have been the best at getting him out of the flames - but getting past a protective Mat Block? Easy for a skilled Infiltrator. "Fluffy, go get that Pokemon that's blocking stuff."

His Whimsicott nodded, a large smile on its face as it emerged from cover. A bright green sphere grew in front of it, the Energy Ball firing forth towards the Greninja - around its Mat Block.

Hideo goes to swap his Ambipom for Whimsicott, avoids getting tombstone'd thanks to
Hideo recognizes 's voice
Hideo searches faster, finds it, swaps Pokemon, filled with the power of fluffy boys
Said fluffy boy uses Energy Ball on the Greninja - will bypass the Mat Block due to being an Infiltrator

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2022 20:42:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the sound of battle is the sound of ringing.

kazimir covers his ears as his arcanine whines at the sound of clanging that spreads all around them as they fought against the pokemon they were up against. it seemed like a serious retaliation was coming for them and as kazimir rushed over to his arcanine to the point of running right into its mane to muffle the sound he caught the sight of vines and bramble growing wildly around them as the sight of a large anterless deer creature and a tree similar to the one in sootopolis appeared before them. "oh great. as if we didn't need another mess like this on our hands." he mumbled to himself as he listened to the deer's words as the brambles came for everyone. his arcanine stepped in front of kazimir allowing both him to climb onto the dog for safety and allow the brambles to cut into the dog's fur and even skin as it did its best to weave through the aggressive foliage.

"THEY MAY BE UNDER YOUR PROTECTION BUT THAT AIN'T ENOUGH TO STOP POKKENGER YA HEAR?!" a proclomation from atop his arcanine was all that kaz could give...or so the average person might think, "let's go for it firepaw, he whispered into the dog's ears as he straighten himself up to do a dance atop his pokemon as his body began to glow and the glow started to move from him to the arcanine's shiny pelt, "INFERNO BLAZE!"

The arcanine roared as fire gathered in its fangs and releasing them into a ball it shot its way through and started to sprint towards the tree as kazimir held onto its back.


+ uses z-move fire type to destroy the brambles
+ tries to go towards the tree of life.

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger b] color: #18d13f;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger i] color: #18d13f;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #18d13f;[/newclass]
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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2022 1:43:39 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

the silvally fainted shortly after golem’s impact, but they onto the next target when kommo-o’s strange and fearsome powers exploded outward with a CLANGING SCALES. golem roared in frustration, pushed back. with his attention on his own new target, bo didn’t immediately notice the zarude’s desperate situation, much less the sapling that had commanded its attention.

when he turned at the sight of something out of the corner of his eye, his gaze landed on, honestly, typical hoenn phenomena. what was happening this time? was golem going to explode?

as it transformed, his eyebrows rose.

”xerneas...” but bald? ”where are your antlers?”

things got pretty thorny, then. ”oh, fuck.” again, golem roared, thrashing frivolously as they were isolated from battle.

”stop, golem. we can’t get though this that way.”

maybe not unless they burned it down, but even that he wasn’t sure of. besides, heatran’s wasn’t a pokéball he’d thought to bring along with him, considering he’d gone to help put out a fire.

”lars!” he called, separated from but within earshot. ”what are you thinkin’?”

* impressed by xerneas
* is trapped by black briar
* shouts to for his call
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2022 19:00:41 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he'd only ever heard of it when it got traction from excursions following the appearance of those trees, but never did he imagine looking a creature from the textbooks in real life. it looked different though.

the appearance of xerneas was not expected at the slightest. his attention shifts from the attacking pokemon to the legendary, hearing it speak before it makes a protective cage around them.

"well, this is interesting."

he turns around just in time to find the other pokemon escape to a tree. the pokemon being uncatchable, attacks being organized and appearance of a legendary that claims them as its own suggests an avatar in play.

recalling the terrakion and dismissing his beasts back to sacred ash, he turns to the rest, most notably those of authority such as and member of the elite four . "i guess at least everyone else's not dead?" he trusts them to keep public safety a priority.

...especially since he's leaving them.

kyle may choose to DISINTEGRATE INTO ASH INSTANTANEOUSLY before rematerializing again in a different location.

he poofs in a puff of smoke with a blaze appearing on the other side of the cage, resulting to ashes appearing, and subsequently, materializing to kyle.

as he dusts off his clothes from the soot, he turns to the xerneas, talking to it in a rather casual and calm manner. "take down the cage. it's unneeded."

he whistles, calling his entei from the forests outside littleroot. it makes a grand entrance, skidding along the earth and positioning itself in front of kyle and between its avatar and the other legendary. kyle slumps on its fluffy mane, taking the moment to rest.

"i don't wish you ill-will either." kyle yawns as a testament of tiredness from the earlier trip to another dimension. "how about we make a deal? you get the fuck out of here or i'm hunting your avatar down to the ends of the earth for making me work my fucking ass off instead of getting home and sleep."

  • teleports out of the cage with avatar ability
  • negotiations with xerneas

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2022 3:45:42 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LITTLEROOT FIRE




Xerneas watched as his move swallowed up most of the opposition, he looked at the crowd before him become swallowed up by most of his briar vines and let out a sigh of relief as they seemed to be trapped. However some individuals seemed to have other ideas, particularly a blonde headed man with rather large pecs in particular. He was shouting at Xerneas, spouting some nonsensical dribble about an individual named pokkenger? [break][break]

"You dare?" he says as his his face snaps over to , realizing the man has used his own z-move to set the black briar on fire. It works for the most part, creating a path temporarily for Kazimir to escape the bramble. BUT DAMNING THOSE BEHIND HIM He then reacts to 's comment as he ends the aurora beam preemptively. "It's quite frankly none of your business." he comments. [break][break]

"You'd sacrifice your own allies for glory? For shame, it seems I will need to teach you a lesson young man." he replies as his brows furrow as the tree roots began to move again. This time instead of lashing out towards his opponents, they simply regrow. The fire still trying to consume them in a vicious cycle of destruction and regrowth. [break][break]

Xerneas decides to retaliate against Kazimir, firing an aurora beam at him and tracing the beam back to the cage, attempting to quell most of the flames. But only a z-move could stand up to a z-move.[break][break]

The Pokémon in the midst of his work notices a spiral of ash manifest into a humanoid shape in the form of . Xerneas's eyes widened and then calmed themselves as he realized that he was not looking for a fight. His eyes furrowed, clearly annoyed with how Kyle spoke to him. "Does everyone from this world carry themselves in such a crass manner? Surely you regard the one who blessed you in low esteem human to represent them in such an undignified manner. " he says before calming down, realizing that his own representative was rather unhinged at the moment. "Alas, our situations are similar. I am also spent. I shall take my leave young human, yet I must warn you that your plight to hunt down the one I've blessed to be rather difficult." he says bowing his head in respect to Kyle as he turned around. [break][break]

"I do wish I could assist in removing the cage young man. But it seems like it will linger temporarily, I cannot undo it. I do wish you all luck in surviving now." he says as he enters the tree gracefully and vanishes from town center with all of the Pokémon he is allied with in tow. [break][break]

There is a new threat to work out, the Black Briar cage is still on fire with victims trapped inside.


As he focused on the battle in front of him, a disarming voice rings out and slams into him and his Pokémon. Further more, each avenue of options slowly closed one after another, iron heads, encores, infiltrating energy balls oh my. Bryan's Pokémon move to defend him, but Greninja falls to the attacks and so does Dhelmise as well as the disarming voice and exhaustion from using so much energy. [break][break]

Bryan began to lift up another tombstone, still not giving up as he feels the earth shake beneath him, on top of that the rest of the group can also feel the earth rattle and shake as well. Bryan stumbles to the floor, dropping the gravestone as he has no clue what's going on. "What the fuck?!" he says as he sees roots sprawling out from the floor, was...was this him?

He moved his hands, realizing they were following it's direction. He flung his hand towards the Wobuffet keeping him trapped here, the roots of a tree responding to his will and slamming into the blue punching bag. Moments later he found out why they were responding to him, his recently made friend appeared. Xerneas. [break][break]

He walked forward gracefully, uncaring at what was happening previously in this location. It locked eyes on for a moment, recognizing the girl from earlier in the day. Xerneas let out a sigh "Young man. To take on so many at once is foolish." he says, not turning to face Bryan but speaking directly to him. "What the fuck do you know?! You were stuc- How did you even know I was here?!" he was about to lash out at him as well but Xerneas turned his head just before he finished his statement and shot Bryan a glance. "Hold your tongue. This is not the time or place young man. Such matters can be discussed with at a later time." he says as he turned his glance back towards the group. [break][break]

"We are leaving. Should you all decide to interfere I will retaliate." he warns as the instigator seemed to protest once more. "No! I'm not leaving! They're all gonna pay for slowing me down!" he says as he swipes at the group and roots in the area react, destroying the ground. However his powers quickly betray him as the roots pause for a moment and redirected their aim towards Bryan himself. [break][break]

He dodges most of them at first, but suddenly a LOUD and VICIOUS squawk can be heard from the sky as a shadow swoops down and tackles Bryan. "Perfect timing my...strange..friend." he says speaking to the braviary directly as it seemed that this escape plan was planned out previously. Braviary slammed into Bryan with it's full body and pinned him to a tree. Xerneas nodded and Bryan began to sink into the tree. He screamed out for help but it was for naught as he was suddenly gone. [break][break]

"I apologize for the inconvenience tonight. Return to your homes, do not seek us out." he says to the group as he turns around seemingly disappearing into the forest. The only thing remaining was a cool breeze the fall breeze and an amber light from Littleroot town that seemingly returned after blipping out.


The fires have been quelled [break][break]

CURRENT PROMPTS:[break][break]

  • Explore the burned laboratory to find it's treasures.
  • React to both of xerneas's appearances.
  • Quell the final fire created by Kazimir's and Bryan's z-moves.

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2022 4:16:15 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


The appearance of is a welcome one. Silver hair, haloed by the burning embers around them, cascades down like a beam of moonlight. Luka gazes up at the scientist as one might revere the coming of an angel; a goddess come to bless her with divine benevolence. Though after realizing she's been staring too long, she shakes her head and blinks the stars out of her eyes.[break][break]

"Yes, please," Luka accepts with a gracious nod, and together the two of them— or more accurately, their two powerhouses- manage to lift away the debris to claim their crumpled, sooty prize.[break][break]

A verdant gaze rakes over scrawled formulas and unintelligible scribbles. She can't read it— even if she could, it's unlikely that Luka would be able to parse any of the scientific jargon. But the drawings manage to draw her eye and spark a memory. The creature depicted in the notes resembles the Silvally she's seen with and , or, most recently, bursting out of the laboratory in a wreath of flame.[break][break]

Connections weave through it all, but there is no mental stringboard to attach them to. Whatever pieces have been drawn together remain unconnected.[break][break]

"Mm...do you understand what any of this means?" Luka asks, peering over at the other scattered pages near Illeana. It seems to be more of the same, only this time she doesn't recognize the Pokemon depicted. "The person who started this...these are their notes, right? But...why burn down a laboratory like this? It doesn't make sense..."[break][break]

She rises and starts to pick through the rubble again, making her way to where the odd smell is strongest. Too late does she understand what the stench implies, and staggers back with a gasp.[break][break]

Charred flesh greets her horrified gaze, with teeth still gleaming white inside a blackened skull. Even if the corpse was in any way recognizable, Luka doesn't look at it long enough to notice anything that might identify it.[break][break]

Bile rises to her throat, acrid and burning, and Luka barely manages to turn around before vomiting behind the burned remains of a desk. Her mouth tastes sour as she wipes at it, while her Goodra offers a slimy pat on the back in solace. Unable to stay around the scene for long, Luka flees with a hurried explanation of, "I...I-I'm going to look around some more..." But as she looks through the wreckage for any clues towards the body, who it is, and why it's there, she can't escape that lingering smell.[break][break]

Her Goodra stays behind, far more indifferent to the tragedy of human suffering. The lumbering dragon manages to pick around the body with surprising care, also searching for anything that might help identify the body.[break][break]

- Looking over the research notes[break]
- EW EW A BODY[break]
- Goodra searches around the body for clues[break]
- Luka searches around the rest of the laboratory for clues towards the body's identity


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2022 22:39:42 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It was starting to sound like the culprit was on their last legs; Hideo could hear two Pokemon go down, and it sounded like a whole lot of other Pokemon were ready to make him pay for what he did.

Until the ground began shaking. Hideo didn't have much trouble staying up, holding on to his cover, and the floating Whimsicott was completely safe.

Though what came after was the real concern: a voice. He didn't recognize what it came from, but it didn't seem like a human voice. The culprit seemed to argue with it, but the voice overruled him, soon threatening everyone else present - but otherwise, the fight was over.

"Should…should we do something?" Hideo asked no-one in particular. He could feel his Whimsicott descend onto his head, gently pushing him back. Even if Hideo couldn't recognize the Pokemon, the Whimsicott certainly did, and he recognized Xerneas's authority here.

A loud Pokemon-squawk interrupted the confusion, and Hideo could hear the culprit get slammed into a tree, beg for help - and then nothing. The sheer silence was deafening, with no more than the Pokemon's order for them to go home ringing through the air.

And like that, it was gone.

Hideo wished he'd brought one of his Telepathic Pokemon with him. He really wanted to know what Pokemon that was.

But that was besides the point: with the culprit gone, it was safe to to help the people he'd been near. Hideo switched out his Pokemon once more, this time exchanging the Whimsicott for his Audino. "Come on, let's go to where everyone else is," he said, the Audino nodding and helping guide him towards where all the action had been.

"Is everyone ok?" he asked, his focus mainly on the two people whose voices he'd recognized: 's and 's. "My Audino can heal anyone that's hurt."

Though there was another pressing question he had to ask. "What was that?" Eris probably knew - she seemed privy about rare Pokemon like that one no doubt was.

Hideo's Whimsicott knows it should listen to Xerneas
Hideo switches out Whimsicott for Xerneas
Goes towards the center of the battle, offering to heal anyone
Asks wtf that was
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winsome widowbird

twenty two
october fifth
17 height
17 height
bits and pieces, strung together
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Mòrag Glas DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @morag
Mòrag Glas
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 0:18:11 GMT
Mòrag Glas Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]I like the dirty rhythm you play.
I want to hear you
calling my name.
I know you want
it in the worst way.
Victory was in the air, and Mòrag knew it. Left and right, the culprit’s pokémon were falling, and Mòrag’s face twisted into a smirk as she stared directly at him, already relishing the thought of subduing him herself for all he had done.

Not too long now…

The victorious smirk, however, was replaced with confusion and surprise as the earth shook beneath her. For fuck’s sake, what now!? Mòrag instinctively took a step back as she saw the culprit seemingly… control black roots that had burst forth from the ground. How on earth was he doing this? Lowering her stance, she would prepare to dodge for her life.

“Marianne, to me!”

The order given, her Mawile did her bidding, standing in front of her and ready to take on the culprit and his powers at her trainer’s behest, showing no sign of fear in the face of this extraordinary situation.

But yet more things seemed to be happening, as a pokémon appeared and spoke to them. Short of psychic pokémon, that was quite rare, and this one seemed… different somehow. Was it a legendary? Though it seemed drained, her instincts told her it was still plenty powerful enough to take them on should it come down to it.

Gritting her teeth, Mòrag clenched her fists, anger clear on her face threatening to boil over. Could she do nothing before this situation? No matter what headway they seemed to make, the culprit would get away with burning a place to the ground, potentially hurting and even killing people because he had the protection of such a powerful pokémon. Marianne made a noise beneath her, questioning her trainer for orders.

“... Leave them.” She said, though it was clear even so much as saying that left a bitter taste in her mouth, “The consequences of their actions will catch up to them later.”

Though the culprit seemed to want to continue fighting, it was quickly subdued by the combination of a Braviary suddenly appearing and then being absorbed into a tree, likely the doing of this mysterious pokémon. Grunting in distaste, she would look to the side, for fear of losing it if she were to so much as look in the direction of the escapees.

“Fucking hell…” She muttered to herself.

Exhaling, she would calm down after a few moments and turn to the others, taking stock of the current situation.

“Whatever we may wish to discuss is best talked about somewhere safer.” Mòrag commented, “We should regroup with everyone else.”

Still, she had to admit she wished to know what that was as well. If she were to track the culprit, she needed information, who he was, what the pokémon was, and what caused this sordid ordeal in the first place. The little girl with the pale blonde hair seemed to know the culprit… although interrogating a child after such an event seemed in poor taste. She internally sighed.

She needed to know more.

(notes)⏤ mòrag recognises there's nothing they can do, chooses to let escape

mòrag recommends they all return to safety and regroup with everyone else
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2022 9:26:28 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]When Xerneas locks eyes with her, she can almost feel herself pleading him to help, to get Bryan out of this mess and stop him from hurting anyone else. Thankfully, he seems to have had the same mind as her and is quick to attempt to diffuse the situation.
And yet Bryan resists, but defying the will of a deity is to fight against nature itself. Even as Bryan tries to destroy them, he finds that his powers simply will not heed his command. And perhaps, it's for good, considering how the people seem to be collapsing on this location.
will find his question going unanswered, a grim look thundering over her expressions as her lips pull into a thin line. And with a whistle, the brief flash of a Teleport carries them away into the night.
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || ||

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing