Flames of Retribution.

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 4:18:43 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the head scientist arrives on the scene a little later than the first initial responders. news reports of mass injuries mean her skills are now a necessity. and while she's not exactly equipped to handle a full fire, she can do her best to tend to the wounded.

a galarian ponyta stick close to her side, never straying too far from the scientist's heels.

"what the hell happened?" she murmurs. a quick glance confirms there's already multiple league members on site. fellow aqua members and stick out amongst the chaos. realistically, she expects nothing less of the two. their titles suit them well, after all.

screams of pain keep her from straying too close to those combating the flames.

and without hesitation, she's shifting into a quicker pace to reach the wounded. healing mist bleeds from revealed skin, bubbling up and out of pores to coat a five foot radius of her body.

"heal pulse," she murmurs to the ponyta at her side. the pastel pony begins to glow a soft purple before a shimmering heal pulse covers the areas and people that her powers cannot reach.

a woman in particular, with probable third degree burns, requires her immediate attention.

"ma'am," she whispers, reaching for the woman and shifting her body closer. pink tendrils of healing mist lick at her burns. the relief on her face is almost instantaneous.

"what happened here?"

the woman opens her mouth to answer. and yet, before she can, another fire begins to erupt within another building. the wails of the townspeople fill the air around them and illeana's head is whipping toward the new fire.

murmurs from the survivors begin to rise amongst the chaos and she's turning her head toward them.

"what's that building?" she questions. there's so much happening and so little she knows. "can anyone tell me what happened? please?"

flames of retribution.

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[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 5:19:43 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

’omw’, he’d send back to . he sprung up from his cough, dashing from room to room and stumbling into the proper-enough gear before running out and climbing aboard his aerodactyl. the dragon screeched and took off, cutting across cities to littleroot.

seeing the billowing smoke from above, they swooped down. before landing, bo texted again, ’here’.

between flames and ash, he hopped down and returned his aerodactyl to its ball. his feet hit the ground, and he heard . without hesitation, he turned towards where he thought it might be coming from. running around the side of a house, he spotted the scene.

his cloyster’s ball was thrown.

”HYDRO PUMP!” he commanded, and a jet of high-pressure water erupted from the chasms of the pokémon’s stone to blast the belligerent blaziken.

* texts lars back
* here save the postman from blaziken with cloyster
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
part of
Rowan Wrynn
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 5:42:59 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
Rowan watched as smoke billowed into the skies above Littleroot Town, the blaze already having spread through a number of buildings and threatening to consume the entire town. He had an idea of what this was about, and who might be the cause behind the incident, but he couldn’t be sure until he saw for himself. A Pokéball in each hand, Rowan unleashed both his Blastoise and Pelipper from their capsules.

“Get ready, Aku.” Adjusting his sleeve, the glint of Rowan’s keystone shone in the night, activating the process of Mega Evolution. “Stay here and help put out the fires, alright?” The Blastoise nodded and trained their quadrupel barrels towards the flames, bursts of Hydro Pump aimed to help douse the fires.

Climbing aboard Sirocco, Rowan took to the air, glancing about the town. Wherever the newest fire started was bound to be the source of this arsonist, and so he headed towards the laboratory. Drizzle brought the rain with the Pelipper, drops sizzling against the flames. “Hurricane.”

Wings began beating with incredible strength, pushing mighty gusts into the burning carapace of the building. The smoke alone would be enough to drive out whomever was inside, and he’d have his answers before long.


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played by


August 10
Mauville City, Hoenn
16 height
16 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
52 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bbbunny
Ann Nickolette
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 6:45:24 GMT
Ann Nickolette Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




written for


As she was following the Riolu, turns out that the Riolu was not the Riolu that she knows of however she doesn't mind saving a random Pokemon like this once in a while as she sees how happy Riolu reunite with its trainer. However, the heartwarming sight stops there and leaves Ann with a contempt look from the wary civilian and starts to make accusations toward her - they even pull a random weird masked man to protect them. "What a hypocrite and liar. Scared of me due to my dubious look is one thing but putting all blame on someone innocent? What a farce" Ann chides toward Pokkenger who looks more than ready to blast her away with the help of Blastoise. [break][break]

"I have nothing say to you nor have any intention to bring you any trouble. I am here just for my people" Ann tries to explain until her eyes suddenly widened when she looks at falling debris right behind the Blastoise and is ready to turn a civilian underneath it into a pancake. Without any warning, she quickly raises her hand and signals the Dewspider that latched to her hand to release a Sticky Web, passing the Blastoise, and making the debris stuck to the nearest wall. The heat from the flame weakened the web gradually so it won't stick for too long. "I would move from that spot if I were you," Ann warns before turning her back and running, leaving Pokkenger and the other people. Still looking for a person that she knows.

[attr="class","curragebot"]NOTES [break]



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 9:13:42 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Look before you leap. Common sense dictates that one should not

But Luka has always had a bit of a reckless streak when it comes to helping others.[break][break]

What was it that Sebastian had told her once? Stop setting yourself on fire just to keep others warm. How apt, she thinks with a wry smile, as she sprints through the inferno that Littleroot Town has become.[break][break]

The little burgh is already full of volunteers and victims alike, but as the flames rage on it's clear that this is an all-hands-on-deck situation. Luka grimaces as she passes groups of wounded, sobbing families and screaming children. The league is doing a respectable job, but without constant vigilance the fires are sure to be out of control.[break][break]

Her Audino and Blissey are quickly dispatched to help the wounded, but Luka continues to run ahead to try and help with the fires as well. She releases her Goodra, of all things (thank u xoxo), the dragon type's sticky slime leaving him resistant to the flames. Waves of muddy water soon descend upon a burning house, while Luka encourages those nearby to cover themselves in the friendly Pokemon's slime. It's gross, but it soothes from the heat and might hopefully insulate from further burns.[break][break]

Like everyone else, she jolts when another building bursts into flames. But this one seems to garner a stronger reaction from the frantic bystanders. One woman, her voice rising above the rest, screams, "My daughter was in there! Has anyone seen—"[break][break]

A rising cacophony makes the rest of her sentence unintelligible. And Luka, ever the altruistic fool, releases yet another Pokeball and races foolishly forwards, running past the line of sight of a certain .[break][break]

The main floor of the building is full of smoke, but not yet entirely engulfed by fire. Luka glances frantically about, spotting a Numel near the corner— though it seems to be simply enjoying the warmth. There's nothing malicious in it's wide, vapid face as it spits out a few embers, simply a fire type enjoying it's natural habitat.[break][break]

That can be dealt with later. For now, Luka continues her search for victims, and a muffled, girlish sob soon reaches her ears. "Hold on!" Her voice carries weakly over rising smoke and crackling flames. "I'm coming...h-help is coming!"[break][break]

Luka's Brionne is slender enough to weave through flaming debris like a needle through lace, spraying down the fire from the inside out. She chirps and pushes forwards until they come across a sobbing girl, apparently too terrified to move. Luka wastes no time in collecting her and rushing them towards the entrance of the building, tugging her arm rather harshly— now is not the time to be gentle, especially as the building, damaged by fire, begins to creak and groan with the stress of holding up crumbling supports.[break][break]

With the doorway in sight, Luka urges the little girl to go on ahead of her, while a loud crash echoes around them from above. The child flees, making it through the door just as support beams collapse around the doorway, trapping Luka inside.[break][break]

- Luka arrives on the scene and helps with the fires + wounded [break]
- Using Goodra's...goo power[break]
- Heads towards the second fire when it breaks out[break]
- Runs in to try and save a woman's daughter and is trapped by debris


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Glass Heart
January 22nd
Ballonea, Galar
Senior Ranger
5'11" / 180cm height
5'11" / 180cm height
This is what it sounds like, when doves cry.
115 posts
Lux Defort DOLLARS
part of
Lux Defort
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 13:20:51 GMT
Lux Defort Avatar


Lux learns a harsh truth; that all those training seminars meant to prepare him for these disaster scenarios, are nothing compared to the real deal. When the text alert goes out to all rangers, he’s not sure whether to consider himself fortunate or unlucky when he happens to be nearby to assist. Regardless duty calls and Lux charges into the fray, hectic as it may be, and “hectic” doesn’t even begin to describe the hellish chaos that unfolds before his eyes. [break][break]
The fear charged in people’s screams, the sound of decaying structures collapsing around at every corner. This was no simple wildfire, and Lux’s ire grows by the second at who could be so heartless enough to attack a small town community without any regard for life. Somebody malicious, that’s who. Just when he goes to head the other direction toward a gathered group of injured people, a flash of pink hits past his peripheral, a beauitful hue forever ingrained into memory. His heart nearly stops beating in realization. [break][break]
The next thing his eyes visualize are that lovely face of hers, anguished and in danger, engulfed by pillars of flames. An image grueling enough to scar anyone. But Lux had no time to feel irrational fear.[break][break]
He runs toward her direction before he even processes that his legs are moving. By the time he reaches the place in question, a little girl clings sobs and clings to his waist, no doubt recognizing the safety of the ranger symbol hanging off his arm. Despite the dire situation Lux smiles, patting her head.[break][break]
“You’re safe now. It’s going to be okay — ”[break][break]
And when the frightened child mentions a woman still trapped inside, well, his stomach churns. Deep in his heart he just knew it was her. He quickly directs the little girl to join the group of townspeople not far behind him and looks the burning building dead in the eye, accessing the situation. The entrance is blocked completely by burnt wood. Thick, but not impossible to break through.[break][break]
He calls out two Pokemon. Meowstic and Starmie.[break][break]
“Sirus, use Psychic! And Starmie, Hydro pump!”[break][break]
Whatever that can’t be blasted into tiny smithereens by the pulsating force of water is lifted and crushed telepathically by the psychic feline. People would be surprised at how versatile Psychic types can really be in a pinch. [break][break]
With the entrance way no longer obstructed, Lux heads into the burning building, knowing full way it’s stability is wearing thin by the minute. Upon entering the smoke is thick and burns at his eyes, fire no longer at a gentle, smoldering kindle, but at destructive and deadly speed. Lux coughs into his arm, perseveres, and keeps moving forward. [break][break]
There’s a Numel crying in the corner of the room, and while they may like these types of environments, it was no longer safe for it. He sends Sirius to see the Pokemon out to safety, while Starmie stands stationed by it’s trainer’s side, paving the way with multiple short bursts of Hydro Pump. [break][break]
That’s when he spots , coughing and kneeling on the burnt floor surrounded by a worried Brionne. She’s definitely weak, but still conscious. There’s no time to feel any morsel of relief, not like this, not when both their lives are still in danger. [break][break]
Without another moment wasted, Lux hoists Luka up and onto his back, instructing her urgently to hold on tight. There are no words needed between the ranger and fellow Pokemon, as they already know what to do. They pave the way with their water type attacks, everyone making it out in the knick of time. [break][break]
His ears pop. Lux doesn’t dare look back as the deafening sound of a collapsing home fills his ears, like large tufts of cotton. Sirius rushes toward his side and shakes at his leg, instantly recognizing the woman on his back and wanting to see her.[break][break]
Reaching his limit for that moment, scraped knees buckle into the burnt ground below as he gasps out for air, letting out a breath he hadn’t realized he was keeping in this entire time. Then, feeling a certain weight begin to slump off his back, Lux instinctively shifts and catches the woman in his arms, embracing her close without a second thought. Tears trickle at his irritated eyes, a trembling hand reaches out, secures itself safely in messy pink locks. [break][break]
“Y-You’re safe now, Miss Luka.”

- Directed civilians and Pokemon to safety.[break]
- Meowstic and Starmie extinguish the flames.[break]
- Rescued someone out of a burning building.


[attr="class","LDname"]Lux DEFORT

[attr="class","LDsubtxt"]Vouloir, c'est pouvoir



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january 14th
akura cfo
ace trainer
mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.
1,004 posts
part of
TAG WITH @uriah
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 3:35:29 GMT

shit. fuck.

the source of the fire will have to wait. uri waves at , shouting:

"i'll catch up with you!"

be safe, partner.

for now, uri sprints off towards . his milotic provides support with its AQUA RING, keeping the flames at bay. soon enough, uri reaches his brother's side.

"finn! i got you. are you hurt?"

++ running to his bro
++ AQUA RING to keep them safe from the flames
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
part of
TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 8:39:19 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He waited.

Who would answer the call so late?

He was pretty sure that Sénon was out of the question, considering what had happened mere hours earlier, and he wondered if a certain consigliere friend of his would answer the call, but knowing where she lived, reception would be spotty; at the best questionable since she preferred living out in the wild…

Thankfully, mercifully, someone texted back and he let out a sigh of relief. Okay, he didn’t need to delegate too many of his own Pokémon out at the same time; that would be chaotic.

‘Thank you—no, really, thanks, man,’ he replied to Boruta’s message.

(A follow-up message was sent later: ‘Sorry if I disturbed you and if you were doing anything else.’)

Either way, his Swampert had caught sight of a Scorbunny who was cackling with reckless abandon, hopping about at the sight of the fire (and adding more flames of its own to the growing pyre).

Another powerful Hydro Pump burst was aimed in the Scorbunny’s direction, who’d Charged into the Flames laughing its ass off.

Over where Lars was, he looked around before deciding to search for more information. Spotting some shaken civilians who had been evacuated away from the flames, he made to move over to them as quickly as he could manage.

(Ow, ouch, okay, maybe try not to run so fast because holy shit that stab wound was still hurting.)

“When did the fire start?” he inquired with one of the evacuated, one hand still on his phone and hoping more Rangers would come and answer the urgent call.

• thankfully answered the call, he’s still waiting for more Rangers to show up
• texts the other man back
• Swampert is now chasing down a Scorbunny who’d Flame Charged into the pyre with a Hydro Pump
• meanwhile, Lars is attempting to gather more information; specifically what time the fire started


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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 21:35:50 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]a voice[break]inside me

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]beckons me to try again


The loud, but distant, ricochet of guns. Noises that made him question fireworks or artillery-- just like being back home. Smoke above the trees. The oncoming roar of the wind in a still night. Memo had a nose for nonsense, and he knew something was up. [break][break]

He and his team happened upon a Littleroot thrown into turmoil, as angry flames danced around them; timbers crackled and broke, bringing rooftops caving in; sparks bit out at the night, angry and sharp. [break][break]

A beacon of hope and light in the dark and chaos, Zuza’s heal pulse was a rainbow aura in the night. Memo and his Galarian Ponyta descended upon the scene, coat collar wrapped over his nose to protect him from the smoke. [break][break]

A civilian crawled through the ash, clutching the arm of a child. Memo dragged them to their feet, steadying them, as Zuza dropped halos of heal pulse over them, giving them the strength to carry on. “Straight back that way,” Memo ordered pointing, “and you’ll be safe.” They ran away from the danger. Memo headed into it. [break][break]

Around him, screams of terror and cries for help clamored into the night. He finds himself coming up beside a woman who also has a Galerian Ponyta. “What happened here?” he asks , before both their attentions are ripped towards the building, seemingly immolated from the inside. Above them ’s Pelipper beat angry wind against the furious flames, with the intent of pushing out anyone hiding within. [break][break]

Memo recalled Zuza and released Shivani. “Go,” he said, jerking his chin towards the building, “see what you can find out.” [break][break]


- memo & zuza help out some injured/lost folks[break]- meets up with illi & rowan by the second sploded building[break]- recalls zuza, sends in shivani the banette to ghost in and see what is to be seen[break][break]



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[newclass=.MEMO .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#d59c39;[/newclass]
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Finn, Ziggy
November 26
Research Assistant
25 height
25 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
Finley Black DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @finn
Finley Black
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 1:43:01 GMT
Finley Black Avatar
Smog filled his lungs, lassoing a thick rope around his neck, slowly forcing the breath out of him.




He further sank down into the pool of fear that tied  his legs to the ground. "Ur...Uriah!" He coughed out, again and again, until his throat grew sore and raspy.

Widen eyes spin around, searching for something, anything, the could ease his mind. But the only thing he was met with was the creeping sensation of being WATCHED.


"finn! i got you. are you hurt?"

A hurricane of relief flooded his body, unlocking his limbs from their place, allowing him to feel the freedom of movement again. "Ye...ah, I'm fine." Finn's lips slipped into a smile, contradicting the dismay clear in his eyes. "Thanks. Sorry for being a bother, bro."

- uh oh whose watching finn

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 3:43:26 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he needs a one-shot move to hit. the faster they remove threats, the sooner this will be resolved. kyle turns to the easiest target to take out a big proponent of the fire.

a finger points to the fennekin running away from them.

"hyper beam."

the mightyena's laser focus manifests as it charges its attack. energy accumulates in its maw before it fires a clean shot of hyper beam towards the blaziken.

precise aim. no collateral damage. the force expertly controlled to only damage the target.

other pokemon took the opportunity to run away. kyle looks around, where everyone else was controlling the spread of the fires, and clicks his tongue. can't be asking people to do it when they're already doing something equally important.

"please do!" he yells back at . "better pick up the pace! i just got back from something more stressful!"

  • mightyena downs fennekin with hyper beam (not fatal)
  • kyle captures fennekin


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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 17:55:17 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]LITTLEROOT FIRE


Stop the blazing Inferno!


Salandit: and The swift manages to attract the attention of a nearby trainer known as morag. It giggled to itself seemingly proud of trapping two people in here. Yet when Ralts begins to use LIFE DEW it grows angry, how dare it stop it's beautiful work! A poison gas starts to leak around and due to Morag's experience with the Pokémon she knows there is little time left before the gas starts to take effect and leave them paralyzed so they must plan their escape quickly as they wont win a battle in this environment as the flames are too strong. [break][break]

Blaziken: and . Blaziken's BLAZE KICK was used against it as it as De-De's COUNTER lands the mark. But it's clear that the subsequent fight that follows shows that there is too big of a gap in strength for Locke and his Pokémon to handle on their own. Until Boruta comes in and lends a hand, his Cloyster's hydro pump nailing the fire bird's attack. While Blaziken is in rough condition it's still raring to fight as it's blaze ability activates and it lunges forward using blaze kick again against cloyster. If Locke and boruta were quick to notice though, the shadows near Blaziken were moving rather oddly was it due to the flames or the influence of something else instead?[break][break]

Scorbunny: Scorbunny was giggling and running amok in the flames, feeling at home when a stupid stinky swampart decided to come in and try to ruin it's fun. It normally would have been raring to go but it had to follow it's ORDERS, the hydro pump barely managed to graze scorbunny as it realized it was being attacked. It looked at the pokemon that was almost three times it's size and screeched in horror and bolted off even faster, running away with the intention of trying to lose it and igniting it's feet spreading some foot prints of fire. It seemed like it was running towards a specific direction, deeper into town? Was it trying to run towards someone or something? [break][break]

Numel: It simply locks eyes with and moves back to it's handiwork. If she didn't bother him he wouldn't bother her. But upon the sight of where scorbunny was heading towards it also began to lazily move on over calmly, seemingly indifferent of the chaos going on around it. As if it knew nothing would happen to it. [break][break]

Fennekin: The Fennekin tried it's best to escape 's mightyena but it was too difficult for the little fire starter Pokémon. It flopped over onto the floor fainting from just a single shot, the shadows near the Pokémon also becoming strange. But unlike the other ones this shadow suddenly manifests as a Mimikyu and grabs onto the Fennekin and phantom forcing it away towards the center of town as well. The SAME DIRECTION all of the fire Pokémon seem to be evacuating to if they are running away. [break][break]

IMPORTANT: ALL POKEBALL CAPTURE ATTEMPTS FAIL. For as it turns out these pokemon have an OWNER! If the fire type pokemon is fainted or captured, another Pokémon from a list at the bottom of the post will come in via a phantom force or shadow sneak technique and bring them towards the town center.


was the first to make contact with one of the survivors who seemingly knew what that building was, answering her question with haste. "Don't you know? It's your old coworker 's laboratory! It's been abandoned for some time though since his promotion to an official league scientist so no one should be inside." she explains as a mother uncontrollably sobs and explains the situation to the Kalosian woman. As Luka rushes towards the building with in tow something happens that prevents them from entering it. 's Banette using it's ephemeral properties is able to enter however it wouldn't be able to see much for very long, only catching a glimpse of mismatching eyes staring back at it. [break][break]

However before the two can get into the building, from the sky takes action, believing whoever was the perpetrator for this to be inside of the building he uses a hurricane attack to try and drive them out. The combination of the water and the wind fanned the flames and then put them out with the rain causing the whole building to be smoked. [break][break]

A fearsome roar was heard through the town as a SHINY SILVALLY leapt out of the smoke with a small girl in it's jaw crying profusely. The creature's body burned but not as badly as it seemed to absorb a fire memory before hand granting it some mercy from the flames. It launched the girl towards and before bolting off towards the location of the other fire type Pokémon, not attacking anyone for some reason. Moment's later from the same building a ball of light is shot out passed the smoke that BLINDS EVERYONE WHO IS LOOKING AT THE SECOND BUILDING ON FIRE [break][break]

As the flashbang wears off a person wearing a WOLF like mask in pedestrian clothes bolts out from the back, burns on his clothes evident that he was damaged by the attack launched by as he runs towards the woods. "It's HIM!" They cry out as Silvally upon hearing this launches multi attacks at the nearby buildings intending on causing more chaos. "He's the one responsible! I saw him start it!" they shouted as he ran off towards the woods. "He's heading towards the town cemetery!"[break][break]

As Silvally runs towards the center of town however it drops two pokeballs on it's side. A ZARUDE AND A KOMMO-O WITH STRANGE MARKS ON IT'S BODY pop out as they run alongside it, creating a path of destruction in it's wake.


LITTLEROOT is now plagued with a fire that is now spinning out of control and the league has called for rangers and anyone else who can help to lend aid to the town to stop the fire before it becomes too large to control! [break][break]

CURRENT PROMPTS:[break][break]

  • Rescue trapped people and Pokémon!
  • Heal those who are injured!

  • Follow the fire pokemon running away towards the town center!.
  • Chase down the perpetrator or follow the Pokémon his SILVALLY released.
  • Finish off the remaining fires as they are almost out.

Fire pokemon that have been spotted running amok:[break][break]
Fire Squad:      [break][break]Evacuation squad:

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 23:42:37 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo almost missed the sound of someone teleporting inside, the sounds of crackling fire and his own panic distracting him. He hadn't realized his Ambipom was responsible for that window shattering, or that she'd done it as a signal.

Hearing someone else's voice was enough to get Hideo to focus a little more, even if he had no idea who they were. "O-oh," he muttered, "Thank you." He felt something wet dripping on his body - finally, some mercy from the fire and heat, though he wasn't sure of this would be enough to quell the flames for long.

"But why's some random Salandit lighting stuff on fire?" he asked, hearing the perpetrator's cackling. Some wild Pokemon could be mean, but this was downright malicious.

Now that he had a way out, he could actually think about what he wanted to do: should he pursue the Salandit, or prioritize getting out?

The moment the Salandit started spewing gas, his Ambipom went wide-eyed, ending her pursuit and running back to her trainer. She grabbed on to him, forcing him closer to and her Ralts. She began shouting at the Ralts, making the choice for Hideo: they had to get out now.

"H-hey!? What's up, Pom?"

Hideo reorients himself
Ambipom notices the gas
Uh oh, sisters
Ambipom brings Hideo closer to and her Ralts, urges the latter to get them out now. She's also shielding him from any incoming explosions

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winsome widowbird

twenty two
october fifth
17 height
17 height
bits and pieces, strung together
47 posts
Mòrag Glas DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @morag
Mòrag Glas
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 2:04:08 GMT
Mòrag Glas Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]I like the dirty rhythm you play.
I want to hear you
calling my name.
I know you want
it in the worst way.
Taking stock of the situation around her, Mòrag momentarily deliberated on what to do. Sure, they could teleport out of here in an instant, but she really didn’t feel like giving the Salandit the satisfaction of victory. Still, she could tell that Life Dew alone wouldn’t be able to put out the flames. And with the Salandit nowhere to be seen…

“Argh!” Mòrag gritted her teeth in frustration. Worse yet, she knew the toxic gas all too well, backing away and grouping up with the kid and his pokémon.

“That’s our queue to leave. Now.” She said with some urgency, turning to her Ralts, “Orianna! Get us out of here!”

She didn’t need to be told twice, and would promptly Teleport everyone outside, the four finding themselves in front of the burning building with no Salandit in sight. Closer to the centre of the town, all sorts of shit seemed to be happening. Seemed there were bigger fish to fry, but Mòrag couldn’t exactly buzz off when there was a kid with her.

“I need to see what all that nonsense is about.” She said, turning to Hideo, “I can have Orianna teleport you to safety, with all the others. It’s much too dangerous with all these pokémon running amok.”

(notes)⏤ teleported out of the burning building
mòrag is offering to teleport to safety
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Flames of Retribution.
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 3:36:51 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Unfortunately he’d not been able to suss out any information from the civilians, panicked as they were.

Tch, useless, he thought as he was pondering on taking to the skies himself to see what the hell was going on (and to get a birds-eye view of everything) when…

‘I wouldn’t advise that now.’


‘Excuse the Kalosian, but you little shit, you got yourself stabbed just a couple hours ago!’

‘And your point is?’

‘I’m just saying, be careful!’


Okay, so that was that plan nixed.

However, Ryujin caught wind of something suspicious—the Scorbunny was headed somewhere!

Not wanting to lose the only lead that she’d found so far, she followed the Fire-type, still blasting Hydro Pump to help quell the rest of the flames that were still spreading.

Looks like she was going to have to follow this figure alone—well, to be fair, a vast majority of Lars’s main Pokémon have the sense to do what they must when shit gets dire.

Like now.

Sighing, as he wasn’t going to be getting anything out of the panicking citizenry, Lars then remembered that he’d left his Swampert on fire extinguishing duty—and proceeded to head towards where he’d last seen the Swampert run off—

And off he goes, following the Swampert, who’s running after the fleeing Scorbunny; never mind if he has to run a little slower.

Are they on a wild goose chase?

• argh, useless, no information acquired
‘Why does nobody want to talk?’
• Ryujin the Swampert proceeds to chase down the Scorbunny, still blasting Hydro Pump to help with quelling the flames
• Lars was considering flying above the town, but well, someone dissuades him from doing that
• so he chases after his Swampert, on foot, who is also chasing the Scorbunny down
• what awaits them? Dun dun DA


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing