i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him
december fourth
slateport city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gabe
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 19:13:07 GMT
gabriel suppresses the sigh that threatens to pass his lips. it was clear to him that, no matter the discourse, and unless shut them down entirely, which she was seemingly not keen on doing outright, this ideology would continue.
very well then.
"i will join them on this expedition, commissioner, if you'll allow it." he could offer little in terms of fire power, at least comparatively to the three swords of justice, and members of the elite four (5). but... a dissenting opinion could be of use here.
"provided your dopples are more agreeable than mine, then i'm willing to entertain this idea for a small bit."



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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 16:38:19 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

For a moment she heard muttering something, though admittedly what little of the Alto Marean language she had been taught, did not allow her to quite comprehend the full intricacy of his mutterings, though what she did get was something about holes and problems. And then her attention moved to the sea!Hoenn debacle.

Even with the words of their esteemed leader trying to convince them otherwise, it seemed that some people still wanted to pursue help from sea!Hoenn. Elinor couldn’t help but consider these actions questionable.

But perhaps she could glean something from them. Perhaps she would even have the luck of meeting her own supposed counterpart. But Gabriel beat her to it. Though from just a glance he seemed not too pleased about it.

“While sending two council members might be a bit much. I would also like to offer my assistance with this endeavor.” Elinor stated as her gaze wandered from Gabriel to the E4 members, and then fell upon “If you will allow it, that is.”

- Offers her assistance with sea!Hoenn
- Asks for Dahlia's permission

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 0:04:16 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar

verbal daggers are haphazardly tossed to and fro, one even shot in his direction only for it to brush off on contact as to clear his peripheral for the show that had begun to unfold before him.

this is it, this is the show be had anticipated from the get go.

with a thought, a kirlia appears next to him, handing over a soft pretzel to the man before blinking away, kim quietly watching everyone slowly piece together what he would come to consider: the great copening.

for a moment, he thinks to open his mouth and chime in with his own opinions- their basis only on the intent to further spur the conversation into an amusing direction- but to remain impartial is what would make this light snack all the more filling.

he knows what he’s going to do, and the swaying of the boat from side to side will not disrupt his personal axis. this meeting isn’t important enough to warrant such a reprisal.

ღ kim's kirlia delivers him a light snack
ღ he's just enjoying the show and will chime in when he sees fit to do so
ღ he will not verbally agree or disagree with anyone as to remain impartial

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
628 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 20:36:54 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

"you may accompany them." the commissioner says to both gabriel and elinor.[break][break]

however, she does not seem at all convinced about the efficacy of this maneuver.[break][break]

"however, what will you say melody?" dahlia asks, eyes gliding from her to matias and kyle before returning. "depending on your approach you will either reveal confidential information to the enemy or initiate a threat."


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 22:39:19 GMT



FERNANDO BLINKS, once, when both council members offer their services. should anything happen to them, he will again be the primary and only council member on deck. which is fine, he supposes, but is both alarming and astounding considering his own position.

he blinks again for good measure.

ah,” he mutters to himself, still half-tizzy in thought.

besides the DESERT—his obvious choice—which three primal points is he left to vote on. while he very well could float off whatever the mass decides on, hoenn has proven time and time again that the mass cannot be trusted.

NEW MAUVILLE is too close to mauville.

like had mentioned, SOOTOPOLIS proves too dangerous.

that leaves fewer options on the table and fernando lists MOSSDEEP as his second choice. they need something on the eastern front and where better than ground zero for all things space? a risky decision but one that may prove beneficial in the moment should the space center need to relay information to the primal point.

and, despite his current judgement of , he does take her input into consideration. the unknown factor of METEOR FALLS makes it too dangerous. there is much left to explore and the meteorite’s presence during the ULTRA BEAST WAR is cause for concern. unrelated to that sentiment, METEOR FALLS has another purpose for him. one he’ll need to expedite should they choose it regardless.

GRANITE CAVE is a suitable substitute and his third location to jot down. that only leaves the cities.

based on the people, their GYM LEADERS or lack thereof, there is only one city he trusts to get the job done.

SLATEPORT CITY is his last selection.


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 11:46:01 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

While the other people are mulling over things, Lars has his attention focused mostly on the piece of paper in front of him, looking up to take a quick tally of what places were being chosen so far—

And the barest hint of a scowl crossed his face. His suspicions were… somewhat correct. At least, for now.

Poor , if ever.

In the backside of his head, there was a softly snickering voice who wanted to talk, but seeing as how tense the aura of the entire room was, the deity chose not to interrupt, instead just quietly observing through Mr. Salty himself as he mulled over the piece of paper.

Not everyone had chosen all their locations yet, and he clicked at the pen he was holding before spinning it between his fingers. While some of them made additional contingency plans about trying to reason with the sea people, his morbid curiosity woke up again and sniffed at the air—tentatively.

Maybe he’d join his cousin if she decided to go to that space between dimensions, try to talk to her doppelganger (if she had one).

As he tried to consider what other options there were, he hoped that his earlier point of Sootopolis being too dangerous was made—at least, with the current state of the votes it was.

His conversation with about Meteor Falls and the Three-Day War made him reconsider putting that location down as another choice, because he’d been there, he’d seen things that no ordinary human should ever witness, and knew that it was too risky.

Granite Cave, while somewhat close to Dewford, was a reasonable alternative…

This left him with two other places to pick. As he marked down Granite Cave’s spot on his hand-drawn ‘map’ with a tiny little mark, he was wondering just how wide of a range they needed—

His mind flashed back to what he could remember seeing of the sea!Hoenn’s world as they fell through the skies before engaging in mortal kombat a fight with the sea!versions of themselves.

Wasn’t… wasn’t…

Oh, hell.

Oh, fucking hell.

He was sure that—

He cringed for a few moments, the flash of panic briefly manifesting on his features as he quickly wrote down another location. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Alas, one of the locations he wanted to pick wasn’t in the list of choices, so that was out of the equation altogether. As it is, the way the current points were being chosen, it kind of reminded him of what the ‘seascape’ of the other!Hoenn looked like—some of the spots that were being chosen were those that had withstood the watery death of that world—

No wonder they were picking that city.

He buried his face in his hands, pressing the flat of his palms to his eyeballs because holy fucking shit, he was hoping that would forgive him for the next choice he wrote down—

Then again he had a feeling might lose her shit. Maybe his other friend would, too.

He couldn’t remember if the forest down south was higher than the city, maybe his mind was going…

He then scratched down the last two choices hurriedly, cursing softly in Italian Alto Marean as he did so.

(He hoped that the choice he made was right, in the end.)

• Lars has war flashbacks to AAPT2, specifically the map of the entire sea!hoenn
• memory is slightly faulty, wasn’t the Desert gone underwater over there? Whoops
• is attacked by a bout of indecision, decides to bite the goddamned bullet anyway
• scrawls down his other choices: Granite Cave, Petalburg Woods, and Fortree City
this is him going off what he can remember seeing from the time they all did the KH opening cinematic entry of falling through the sky hurtling towards sea!Hoenn’s watery surface, okay?!


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July 9
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5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 19:41:00 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




"I'd be happy if you two also came along." she said grateful that and wanted to come for the ride.

Dahlia's eyes soon fell upon melody once more, asking her for what exactly she was going to reveal to the People from the aquatic version of hoenn. "There is something our world has that theirs lack.." she said as her eyes flickered upwards as she realized as she recalled some words from her recent adventure concerning the multiverse.[break][break]

"If what that strange man who trapped us in that...back up of the universes...says is true, what if one of the anomalies is the presence of Blue mulch? If they knew of it, why wouldn't they just use it to revive their king? Either they don't know of it or don't have access to it or even Kyle's abilities aren't present in their world. Or they would've done it already." [break][break]

She pauses for a moment before continuing "And thus, what if we went to them and told them our world has a resource that can revive the dead? But our world is facing imminent destruction due to the meteor." she says looking to Dahlia as Melody presents another possible angle. "I'm also getting ahead of myself but I remember the Sea queen saying some peculiar that in hindsight that makes more sense now. Your people owe us a Sea Guardian after the aliens killed ours! And now, you owe us your lives for slaying our king." she says "And I remember a certain organization that's been a pain in our side having a beast that fits such a description" as she remembers her interactions with . [break][break]

"But I digress, if anyone else has a better idea on what to say to them I'm all for it."


notes about this post

Desert, Fortree, petalburg woods, new mauville.

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 19:04:24 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Disaster is exactly what she is trying to avoid. How much more disaster does this region need to endure before it collapses? Nothing is invincible, including Hoenn. They must proceed with caution.


“Thank you, Dahlia,” she says softly, nodding to the Commissioner as she releases a breath. She won’t resign, but she won’t participate in planning the destruction of Sea!Hoenn. Her time is better spent elsewhere, researching alternatives. Her mental health would suffer, otherwise, and she’d be little help to anyone.


As they discuss alternatives, her gaze bounces between the Council, Elite, and the avatars. A meeting with doppelgangers crossed her mind a long time ago. That was, truthfully, the main reason the accompanied to one of the portal points.


“They’re very untrusting,” she shakes her head, having experienced it first hand, “I spoke with Eva, the other Eva,” Matias already relayed what her doppleganger had told them, “I don’t think she’s like me,” a scientist, she isn’t the brightest crayon in the box.


Pursing her lips, she shaking her head in ’s direction, “I thought that helping them revive their own would bring peace or at least start some sort of reconciliation between our universes. It’s an offering I presented to Eva when we were In Sea!Hoenn. At first she didn’t believe me but – It seems their knew I was telling the truth. Still – they remain uninterested,” Or so her doppleganger told her . . . she could easily be lying, “If they lack the Blue Mulch, it's likely becuase they lack the energy that creates it or fuels it in their world.”





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July 9
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5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 19:42:20 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




"I see." she says as Eva's statement brought to light something very interesting. [break][break]

If the Sea Hoenn version of was able to see that Eva was telling the truth, maybe he shared similar abilities with their own version of Razz Kingsman. [break][break]

This already tangled knot of a situation continued to become more and more complex by the moment. She knew Dahlia was still doubting this entire thing, her expression was as plain as day. But if that was the case, then why only gently push? Did she have hope they could do something? [break][break]

"Thank you for that then Eva, it's something we can prepare for if it hadn't worked in the past." she says as she wondered if Eva had any other ideas, if anyone in this room related to Melody on the same level, it would be Eva. "Do you have any ideas?"


notes about this post

Desert, Fortree, petalburg woods, new mauville.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 21:12:25 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

This setting is very familar. [break][break]

It's not like hes been to one of these meetings before, but rather in the past where he was in on meets. There just to listen and taken notes, not meant to be heard. So even now he struggles with the idea of putting any ideas forward. Everything is going back and forth and the only time he puts any word in is for a vote as he doesn't think there is anything that could be added that hasn't already been said. So on a paper provided he writes: [break][break]

Desert, Granite Cave, Petalburg Woods, and..... Slateport City

The last part is mostly because he knows a certain someone needs water in order to fight. And in his opinion she would be a great use if fighting were to happen because he doubts Sea!Hoenn would go down without a fight. [break][break]

He only looks up when he hears his name and now knows something should be cleared up. "The only reason my counterpart knew we were telling the truth was because of my Terrain, makes lying difficult and even when you do it calls you out," Razz clarifies for the others, "We were talking within the terrain and he could visibly see I wasn't lying, and if that is something you'll think you'll need to try and convince these people then...." he just shrugs thinking he already spoke too much but he wouldn't say no if it could possibly help not destroy another world for theirs.


[break]+ @ aqua



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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 1:56:45 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He sat and listened to the lot the league's heavy hitters, watching his daughter, a sleeping bean in a meowth onesie.

Ever so often her pacifier fidgeted and she wriggled in the arms of her uncle, but just as soon as she'd start up, she was still again.

It made sense that she wasn't much disturbed in his care; she was Cait's kid and Viridians were part tree or something.

He listened to the back and forths concerning their reluctant genocide while studying the patterns of his daughter's breathing.

When it was time to vote on locations he made an angling to keep Fortree off the list. Losing Cinnabar Island and losing the entirety of Kanto thereafter defined him in ways he was still working through today, even in this very moment.

It was an easy instinct to lean into; sparing his three girls the fate he lived with.

He wrote his choices down on a paper square and flipped it over to ponder while there was still some small amount of time.

● tags:

Granite Cave
New Mauville
Petalburg Woods

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 2:12:36 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]there's... nothing to say in the face of 's judgement.

if she didn't know better, she'd almost compare the commissioner to that of arceus. she lacks the one thousand hands, sure, but the role is eerily similar: creator and executioner.

a terrifying concept, given her recent escapades.

and in the end, the scientist responds with an uncomfortable nod and silence. she cannot defend her actions... not anymore.

the conversation carries on and she simply listens with a look of neutrality. porcelain becomes ivory, hardening for fear of breaking. where one scientist could possibly resign, the other could be removed permanently. the thought, alone, is enough to breed caution and anxiety. her fingers tap a soft rhythm into the table beneath the mix of voices carrying different opinions and strategies.

dahlia's eyes land on her once more and somehow, she finds it in her to break the eye contact.

her gaze settles on that of , faraway and distant.

welcome to the end of times, huh? a bleak outlook on a increasingly apocalyptic situation...


tl;dr |
- selects four places: desert, meteor falls, petalburg city, fortree city
- hello consequences my old friend...
- staying quiet & listening.

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
628 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 9:11:09 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]AN AQUA ASSEMBLY PT. 3



THEME SONG: 🎼 Hoenn Victory Road (Champion Stadium) - Pokémon Masters EX


THE VOTES ARE TALLIED QUICKLY. However, soon realizes there is a troublesome tie between Fortree City and Meteor Falls. Both locations have their merits, their cons. But her mind travels elsewhere.[break][break]

She recounts her conversation with . Since he desires so much to be in the know, to be a part of the plan, then she would offer the opportunity to him. She breaks the tie quickly- and above the table, the key primal points are designated as follows, by vote:[break][break]

  • Desert - 11
  • Petalburg City & Woods - 9 (six for woods)
  • Granite Cave - 7
  • Fortree City - 5

MT. PYRE is also included, for it is already preordained as a key point.[break][break]



THE MEETING MOVES TO ITS NEXT ITEM. Grievances, disturbances, and reports. A vague, broad swathe of a bullet. However, 's voice is quick to establish the tone.[break][break]

"it has come to my attention that there may be those among us that do not wish to follow protocol or order." The Commissioner states sharply. Each word presses upon the next like Falinks marching forth into their own footprints. "those within our government, our initiatives and gym circuit who have not voiced gripes and have only stirred dissent."[break][break]

"i am not asking for blind obedience, but i would like to remind everyone that i am the commissioner of the hoenn league and i will not stand for sabotage from within my cabinet!"[break][break]

The Commissioner stares at everyone as if to scrutinize weakness from their pores.[break][break]

", i have already mentioned your careless experimentation of primal points. for this reason, i have promoted to head professor of the region, and she will be your superior. similarly, , the machine you were tasked to install a primal crystal in reported an obstruction of a foreign object... team rocket deems us as helpless, incompetent and disorganized— and to contribute to that perception in both of your operations is tantamount to treason."[break][break]

The Commissioner leans back in her chair. Tapu Koko and Tapu Bulu hover beside her, extending the back of her seat into a formidable throne.[break][break]

"and , you have been muttering away during your deliberations. would you be so kind as to enlighten the rest of us with what you are saying? is there something the matter?"[break][break]

A beat.[break][break]

"thankfully, i am a forgiving soul. any further malicious misstep made against the league will be met with swift and severe consequences. is that clear? those who disagree may turn your meeting minutes over to the back page."[break][break]

On the other side of the meeting's minutes is a templated resignation letter. At its bottom, a firm black line is drawn for anyone to write their signature should they so desire.



THIS EXCLUSIVE EVENT is designed as a crucial narrative beat before the meteoroid impact event coming this Fall. In order to prepare for the future of the region, the League invites its officials to ensure everyone is on the same page...[break][break]

There is no deadline for the next "moderator post"; you may also post multiple times. However, please allow others time to post if you feel like the thread is going too quickly. Feel free to respond to others, banter, and more.

There are no deadlines to post yet; however, will publish moderator posts when appropriate.

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 12:32:32 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

‘Something’s going on.’

‘I know.’

‘What’s up?’

‘Tell you later—’

The only thing he could do right now, was blink. Thank the circles of the Inferno he had RBF, because otherwise his emotions slipping through the cracks would get him into a lot of trouble.

He couldn’t help but look over at because, well, gone and done it now. He then gave the redhead a look that clearly said ‘let’s talk later’ before turning his attention back to the subject at hand.

There were… a few other things that were on his mind. Much tempted as he was to grab the chance to resign and leave this room, that would leave the Rangers in a very precarious position—for who would replace him if he did? Who would take his and Sénon’s places if they both up and left?

He didn’t want to leave la famiglia to the wolves. And the wolves were ready to strike at any moment.

Shaking his head almost imperceptibly, he gathered his thoughts before mapping out what he had to say.

“Speaking of ramifications for the chosen locations, I will address this now,” he began at last after what felt like an eternity of silence.

“Since most of them are home to natural habitats that haven’t been disturbed until recently, wouldn’t the presence of the installations throw the general wildlife and behavior of native Pokémon into disarray, especially with such an event looming on the horizon? Look at it from this perspective: there are Rangers available to take the security posts, yes, however being spread out across the entire region when we’re short on reliable manpower is going to be a deciding factor of who would go where when the time comes.”

Now that he’d gotten started, there was no stopping him. So he went on.

“Think about it like this—Pyre is home to the spirits; the forests surrounding Petalburg and Fortree have so much flora and fauna undisturbed within their depths; plus there’s a wealth of ruins under the Desert—and all of these places have wild Pokémon running around there, freely, living their daily lives out in peace. Wouldn’t a sudden and abrupt unknown presence cause them to turn aggressive and attack the installations if left completely unguarded, or at least without Ranger presence in those areas to help keep the wild Pokémon in check?”

Allowing for a few moments of silence to pass, he then spun the pen he had between his fingers.

“Ever since the Sootopolis takeover, and what went down there during the Dawn of the Darkest Day—asides from the fact that the Rangers are spread out thin as it is—some additional assistance on our end would be appreciated, if you wouldn’t mind. Seeing as there has to be as much League manpower spread across not just the chosen locations as possible for security details and the like,” and here he had to stop for a bit to gather his thoughts again, “…morale hasn’t been the greatest, either. That aside, I do have another question of my own as well.”

He looked around the table, wondering if this was going to be the scythe that would cut off his head.

He actually had to backtrack a couple of times before he cobbled the next sentences together, just to make sure he got everything he wanted to say right.

“With all due respect, if there aren’t any other options remaining, tell us now. So we all won’t waste time trying to scramble for something that may not be achievable with what little time we have left before it arrives.”

He stopped to catch his breath again. He knew the deity was listening, and it was mostly thanks to the other presence in the back of his mind he hadn’t gone off the rails at this point.

“As mentioned, she’s looking to try alternative options with handling the incoming threat. A possible reason why people are hesitant to commit is because of the aftereffects of what we’re going to be doing, should worse come to worse.”

Another few moments of silence.

“However, Commissioner, if your plan is what you would really want to commit to—I don’t have anything else to add further.”

oh wow, just—oh wow
• Lars has more questions, a lot of ‘em
• and observations too

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 12:37:21 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for AQUA ASSEMBLY

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



Sure, Katherine was the right woman for the crime, but she didn't quite think that this counted as that.
"Uh-huh. An obstruction of a foreign object. I believe my report went into lengths about the specifics of the object itself, but I'd be more than happy to address it here, again." She comes prepared. Always. She wouldn't dream of tempering with a machine of that value and importance without having some sort of a leg to stand on.
" . 's assistant shared with me that during one of the many alleged father winter trips, he was sent to a universe where a certain artifact was used to power the very same machines that house our primal shards." Well, not exactly. There are details the malevolent omits and changes to fit her narrative.
"I figured we'd want to know if our machines can operate other sources to create portals, so I gave it a shot. As soon as the machine showed an error, I fixed it."
Simple and to the point.
"Was it disorganized? Yes, I suppose so. Helpless and incompetent? I don't think. I simply wanted to know if there's another way we could save our region. That's all."
She takes a short pause and draws a breath.
"But... I should have consulted with you first," contrary to what many people think, Katherine is not above owning up to her mistakes. "I apologize, commissioner. You'll be in the know next time."


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing