i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
part of
TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2022 10:05:22 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

[attr="class","contestTitle"]闘魂 (toukon)



[attr="class","th th-quote-down"]
👺 One Piece - Moon Princess


A woman dressed up in vividly-colored garbs descended upon an Eastern-inspired stage, hanging from rather conspicuous suspension wires. Her face was covered in full kabuki makeup, she sported dark blue hair with streaks of red, and wore an elaborate headdress shaped like a dragon head. Upon landing, she detached the wires, and assumed a daunting pose, geta-clad feet spread widely apart, one palm facing forward, while the other hand reached for the hilt of the replica sword hanging from her waist.
“Welcome, everyone, to the TOUKON TOUGH CONTEST!” The woman declared in an overdramatic manner, going cross-eyed. “I (boku) am your humble host, KABUKIHIME!”
Some might have been quick to deduce that this loud, boisterous individual bore a suspicious resemblance to . Should one point it out, Kabukihime would deny having any connection with the former.
“Do not despair over the future! We may have suffered a lot. We may have lost a lot, yet we are still here. We survived! We persevered! The people of Hoenn are strong! The people of Hoenn are TOUGH!” Kabukihime roared. “No matter how many disasters befall us, nothing can ever break our indomitable FIGHTING SPIRIT (TOUKON)!”
The bombastic performer hurled a Pokéball in the air, sending out a strong-looking Aggron that posed alongside her, its steel armor glistening like a refined blade.
“In this contest, monstrous and draconic Pokémon will be favored, for they are known as the TOUGHEST!” The woman explained. “Now let us meet the venerable actors of this stage production! ROUND ONE START!”

Appeal Phase

Use the roll command when you post for each round. The number that you roll will determine how many appeal points you get for the given round.
Players are prohibited from using salac berries, but each participant may have one free reroll in the thread.
Furthermore, entering this contest with a Pokemon that belongs in the monster and/or dragon egg group(s) will add 10 to all of your rolls (cannot go higher than 100).
The character with the highest total of appeal points at the end of the last round will be crowned the winner.
1-10: one appeal point[break]
11-20: two appeal points[break]
21-30: three appeal points[break]
31-40: four appeal points[break]
41-50: five appeal points[break]
51-60: six appeal points[break]
61-70: seven appeal points[break]
71-80: eight appeal points[break]
81-90: nine appeal points[break]
91-100: ten appeal points




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[break]TOTAL: 0




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[break]TOTAL: 0




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[break]TOTAL: 0




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[break]TOTAL: 0




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[break]TOTAL: 0


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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2022 7:41:55 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

It is quiet to start. The outfit chosen was one that Ashley had to find from a couple stores in Lilycove. It's olden, a yukata with a shroud owf white over the black and red hues beneath, a short obi tied around a tasset, with the coloration shifting closer to the bottom, where blues would take form. His hair was starting to shift to a silver coloration at its roots, but behind it is a black ponytail attached behind, likely fake but hard to tell, and his hair is more shaggy than it had been previous.

With a clack in each step, he approaches the stage, a blue little snake adorned upon his shoulders, the wooden geta clacking upon the stage, as a little blue dragon sits around his shoulders, a Dratini watching on.

Toothless the Dratini, watching the crowd with beady black eyes. There's a little bit of makeup on him, showing a tiny little x-shaped scar on his left cheek, a bandage on the bridge of his nose, and what looks like little scars over his tail. All makeup, though not done by Ashley.

He's no makeup artist. A friend though? Absolutely.

With an parasol behind him, Ashley spins on a heel of his geta, the parasol hiding him and his Pokemon, before a toss upwards with his left arm, little Toothless flying up with it as he coils around it and slithers on the floating parasol, leading towards the top, and creating from beneath it, a THUNDER WAVE coming from the center of the parasol, like that of a surge of lightning as it surges from around the metal ribs, and down the fabrics of the parasol, flowing off the tips like little lightning bolts propogating.

Electricity requires a ground state to exit, but Toothless' control in the Thunder Wave is to be as close to the parasol fabric as possible without touching the fabric. If done well enough in its downward arc, the illusion of it touching the parasol would stand, and Ashley would not be shocked by his own Pokemon.

Upon its descent, Ashley snatches the steel rod of the parasol, spins once more, hiding him and his Dratini, and appearing once more as he was. The Dratini with him, around his shoulder, before a bow.

His left hand stings a little. Not quite, but its as bad as static electricity from shifting over a rug a few too many times. It took him twenty-seven attempts at this before he got it right, and fifteen or more tries to get it consistent. He just hopes his opener thunder clap merits some level of excitement as the first contender up. No one would dare to underestimate the little Dratini now, he hoped.

+10! Ty Dragon-Type!

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 5:32:13 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The world was barely recovering after The Big Chill as Kazimir and a few online decided to call the freezing of a corner of their region after the meteor passed. It was a miracle that it stayed as contained as it did but that didn't help keep the people at ease whenever they thought about it, so Kazimir knew something had to be done about their fear. That's where this contest came in as it was the perfect stage for him to inspire them, inspire the people of Hoenn and fill them with the fighting spirit he was going to display in this contest as both he and his Komoo-o made their way down to the stage.

Both of them wore a matching set of black and white jacket adorned with flames on them as they entered the contest hall both bare knuckled and bare footed. As they got to the center stage the two of them shared a glance and a nod between them and started to shadowbox for the crowd. A jab, a straight, another jab, and an uppercut. Both of them mirror the other in almost perfect sync and as the last hit of theirs punches through the air there's a beat before the both of them suddenly turn on a time and strike at each other's legs with a knee strike. Their legs made contact with one another and the two of them jumped back.

Suddenly the Kommo-o was punching the air at Kazimir and with each punch a small Scale Shot was fired off towards the man who managed to block the shots with his own movements using his muscular arms as natural shields. Upon impact with the skin the small scales broke apart and as a finale Kaz saw the final scale come at him just in time for him to roundhouse kick it into dust with a loud yell. The two then bowed to each other and the crowd as they hoped their performance of their skill was enough to inspire a few people watching them


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 5:52:10 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

After those two introductions, how in the flying hell was he going to top that?!

He had to rethink a few things, before giving his Salamence a gaze and then he said, “I have a plan, Gabe, but it’s going to be a bit… risky.”

The draconid was about to bellow in protest before he rubbed the Salamence’s neck.

“Just… trust me on this, okay?

The stage went dark while it was being cleared, before something was set up for the next performer around the stage area. While it wasn’t too dark to see where the stage was, fact of the matter was that a sudden burst of Flamethrower from one side of the stage would illuminate the first ‘something’ set up floating above the stage proper—

And then a roaring noise cut through as a Salamence came soaring from where the direction of the flames had come from. But no, this Salamence wasn’t alone—for he bore a rider.

A rider, decked out in full-on pilot gear. The goggles momentarily obscured his face, but anyone who was watching would recognize either the Salamence or the rider themselves—it was Alexei himself.

“Go,” was all he would say, and the Salamence hurtled straight through the burning loop—before banking hard and setting the next ‘hoop’ aflame, illuminating the ‘darkness’ that they were flying through.

Several more were set aflame, and just as they passed through the final ‘hoop’, he did something crazy—since the Salamence was flying low enough for him to risk what he was planning—

Dropping from the considerable height, he came to a two-point landing on his feet, crouching a bit before standing up and whistling exactly once, for the Salamence to barrel-roll above everyone’s heads and join him on stage right as he lifted the goggles to reveal himself as the spotlight shone down on them both.

+10 for Dragon egg group!

Salamence used Flamethrower!

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played by


September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2022 12:39:00 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




+10 dragon egg group
7 appeal points




Locke watched the first few performances in silent awe from the sidelines-particular that of , who'd apparently opted not to wear a shirt beneath his jacket.


Magi-Magi flailed around in her trainer's arms until her tail smacked against the courier's face, drawing their attention to the assistant trying to wave them out. They scrambled through the curtains with frantic apologies, exiting onto the stage to thunderous applause, which died down to a few snickers at the sight of the golden Magikarp in their arms.


"It's okay," he reassured the fish. "Slow and steady, remember?"


With that he let Magi-Magi drop to the ground, where she simply flopped comically in place, drawing more laughter from the audience while Locke slipped on a pair of padded arm guards, waiting for the stadium to ease into silence.

"Hello," announced with a polite bow, "My name is Locke, and this is Magi-Magi. We asked the band for help with our act today, which we hope you'll enjoy!"


Then, without warning, Magi-Magi leapt at her trainer, who immediately raised the arm guards to meet the Tackle in time with the beat of a sole taiko. It was swiftly followed by another, and another, and another. Tackle after Tackle met the pads, matching the drum solo beat for beat at increasing speeds, until finally one last Tackle sent Locke skidding back, signaling the end of the performance.


A simple entrance compared to the others that had gone, but one that would set up the rest of the duo's acts going forwards.


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2022 18:37:38 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Eva was nervous, as usual. There’s a no way she could follow up these performances without maki ng a fool of herself and Tempest! Still, they signed up, so they have to try! The main MC looked strangely familiar, but Eva couldn’t quite place her finger on it. Oh well! Maybe they just had one of those faces.


“Great job, !” she smiled, giving the boy and his Magikarp two big thumbs up as they cleared the stage for her performance. The Professor thought it was pretty neat to choose to show off the toughness of the underappreciated fish. Eva wasn’t so creative, and opted to bring the evolved form, Gyarados.


“Let’s show em how tough you are!” she cheered, gripping onto the thick blue scales of the beast. A low rumble, almost like a purr, vibrated beneath her feet as they found purchase. Eva chose to wear something akin to a SYGNA SUIT but without the powers. It was designed to match the sapphire and white scales of the Gyarados.


The wind picked up across the stage, growing to a steady howl as it whipped into a HURRICANE. With a mighty, deafening roar the Gyarados launched forward with its rider into the storm. The trickle of an ICE BEAM molded with the hurricane. Shards of ice began violently ride the dangerous winds, “Good evening!” the Professor’s voice boomed through the speakers just enough to clear the powerful roar of the winds, “I’m Eva. And true to her name, this is TEMPEST,” her hand swept below her to signal to the Gyarados to drop her jaw widen and let out another mighty roar.



“Today we’ll demonstrate her strength and durability in some of the harshest of climates. Truly, one of the TOUGHEST pokemon out there!” Their act concluded with the safe dispersal of the winds and sharp shards of ice. Hopefully, no one found them boring enough to fall asleep to.




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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2022 4:21:03 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar



The competition sure is TOUGH this time around, huh?
The fact that that’s the case had led Mars to come to a simple conclusion, since while for most of his contest performances he’d choose an act that is both cool and flashy, that’s not necessarily tough, is it? But, what does it mean to be tough? The more Mars thought about it, the more he realised that oftentimes, cool and tough are as opposite as possible — likely much to the dismay of our dear host that totally isn’t .
When his turn to step onto the stage comes, he does so on his own, a single spotlight shining down upon him and him alone. He’s dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, and in hand there is a microphone.
”You’ve seen STRONG. You’ve seen POWERFUL. You’ve seen incredible displays of skill and prowess. But… Have you really seen TOUGH?”
The crowd murmurs, doubtlessly both confused and intrigued, but Mars seems completely unfazed by it. A smirk tugs at his lips.
”My dear audience, what does it mean to be TOUGH? I have a few examples for you, so let me tell you… Life? Pretty damn tough, right? Especially here in Hoenn. Work? So tough. Training Pokémon? Tough as hell. Carrying all the groceries in one trip? Now, that one is only for the toughest.”
Spectral energy gathers on stage there and then, and in the air, right over where Mars stands, the dark-coloured Dragapult suddenly appears by way of its PHANTOM FORCE... Carrying dozens upon dozens of extremely heavy-looking reusable grocery bags. They all hang from its tail without a problem, and even the Dreepy in its horns have their own little grocery bags. Naturally, each and every bag has the Meowth logo of P.O.G BANK.
The audience appears to be amused by the sight, and the Dragapult looks as proud as can be – the yellow luminescent scales on its body shining brightly. With all the calm in the world, Mars retrieves a cold drink from one of the bags, taking a sip.
”See? This is Xanthos, and I’d say he’s rather tough. Now, you know what else is tough?” As the rhetorical question is asked, the bags are carefully yet easily placed down onto the stage, and from them Mars brings out a jar that he holds up. He then smirks once again. Opening a pickle jar.
Of course, the Dragapult opens it with its prehensile tail, and at that moment, the crowd goes wild.
Clearly, they’re here to have a good time. Who knows, maybe Mars had been told that he takes himself a little too seriously sometimes.


+ Dragapult used PHANTOM FORCE
[break]+ Dragon Egg Group BONUS (+10 to roll)



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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
239 posts
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2023 18:20:48 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar
What the hell had she been thinking? They had tricked her. She must have been intoxicated when she’d signed up but when it said tough, she’d thought ‘Hey, I’m tough’ and made the mistake of entering this contest. Marza had zero stage presence. She was neither charismatic or outgoing, thus when it was her turn to “perform”, her energy soured to a near palpable ambience of pure regret and absolute disdain.

“Fuck this…” she muttered, realizing only moments later by the shocked look on the sound guy’s face that her mic was hot, but they kind of deserved that for the false advertising. Vishna wasn’t a circus animal, she was a highly-dangerous killing machine, a high-density tank designed to obliterate what was in front of her without prejudice. She didn’t prance like a ponyta nor would Marza ever expect her to.

After a grievous glance shared between them as they contemplated their life choices, she took to the stage. What she did know was how to fight, which was supposed to be the name of the game, right? No, the name of this game was entertainment, but she didn’t know how to do that. So, she’d treat this as every other training session. With the strike of her fist into the air, Vishna followed the movement. The sheer size of her made the ground tremble and crack with the following stomp. A weave of fighting movements that nearly looked like dancing if not for the slower velocity of the Aggron. Marza weaved and ducked under the deadly swing of a tail.

Without warning, a collapse of rocks circled around them with the aggron’s ROCK TOMB. Marza leaped up to ride out the Aggron’s attack without getting in the line of fire. The rocks dug into the ground, forming a sharp cage around them.


- Aggron uses ROCK TOMB, caging them in a circle of rocks.
- Marza has no damn clue what she's doing here.
- + 10 for monster egg group


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 6:08:23 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


After so many impressive performances from such tough contenders, it would be normal for anyone to feel a little nervous. But Luka herself is surprisingly calm— in fact, there’s a certain kind of comfort that comes with pre-show jitters by now.[break][break]

The same can’t quite be said for her contestant. It’s her first contest performance, and the nerves are understandable. But Luka has nothing but confidence in her partner, and after a little pep talk Taffy seems far more sure of herself.[break][break]

Their introductory round begins with a dimming of the lights, with one spot focused on Luka. "Ladies and gentlemen," she begins, adopting a far more serious tone than her usual contest persona, "It's my pleasure to introduce you to the toughest creature in all of Hoenn! Ferocious, powerful...a Pokemon that can part the seas, and cleave mountains in two! Watch out...I think I can hear them coming now!"[break][break]

There comes a dull thud, then another. Each low boom echoes like a drumbeat, and it soon becomes clear that these are footsteps. Stones and earth rise to cover the stage only to crack and fissure underneath the might of whatever approaches, a being still hidden in the darkness of the stage.[break][break]

Energy runs like fault lines underneath the stone, an earth power erupting as small pockets of stone explode on cue. Steam hisses, and the earth quakes beneath every trembling step. From within the cloud of swirling earth and fog a huge and menacing silhouette can be seen, looming over the anticipatory crowd.[break][break]

What monstrous being might lurk within? A beast? A leviathan? The audience waits with bated breath as the steam begins to clear, and Hoenn’s toughest contender makes herself known. It’s…it’s…![break][break]

It’s a mudkip.[break][break]

The trembling stage finally stills as Taffy reaches the end of the walkway and poses dramatically. There’s a moment of silence before the humor in such juxtaposition hits the crowd, and good-natured laugher trills from the audience while Luka beams at them all, and Taffy lets out her toughest little cry.[break][break]

“Little things,” she says with a grin, “Can still come in tough packages. And as we’ve all just seen, you should never judge a book by it’s cover. The last thing you want to do is underestimate the little guys!”[break][break]

Taffy stomps her foot again, and a rattling boom echoes over the stage. In keeping with the theme, Luka flexes as well, though her noodle arms are nothing to shake a stick at. In that sense, perhaps she's perfectly paired with her partner![break][break]


notes: mudkip uses earth power


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,045 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2023 10:28:10 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

[attr="class","contestTitle"]闘魂 (toukon)



[attr="class","th th-quote-down"]
👺 One Piece - Moon Princess


’s Dratini shocked the audience. Stunned by that flashy Thunder Wave, the judges looked like paralyzed Pokémon ready to be caught in a ball. “What an ELECTRIFYING performance!” Kabukihime roared. “If you look closely at that Dratini, you will see that its body has been scarred from many fierce battles! Very TOUGH indeed!”
and his Kommo-o decided to prove their toughness through a demonstration of their martial arts prowess. Sadly, the vigilante’s inhuman skill at deflecting the Scale Shots failed to impress the crowd. Were the people of Hoenn still mad at him for abandoning his Elite Four position?
spared no expenses for his own introduction, setting up flaming hoops all over the stage, and displaying his expert aviator skills by having his Salamence fly through them. “Trainer and Pokémon working together! That unbreakable bond is what makes us TOUGHER than our enemies!” Kabukihime declared, high-fiving her Aggron.
had the bright idea of entering this contest filled with the toughest badasses with a Magikarp of all things. The crowd immediately laughed and mocked his choice of such a pathetic Pokémon. However, after Tackling its trainer’s padded arm guards to the beat of a drum, the little fish proved that it too could hang out with the big boys!
had gone for a more conventionally tough pick, her mighty Gyarados dazzling the audience with its beautiful Hurricane of ice. “Tempest might just be the TOUGHEST competitor yet! I (boku) would expect nothing less from a Pokémon trained by Dr. Eva Morales, avatar of Rayquaza-dono!” Kabukihime remarked. No, she wasn’t biased.
had a drastically different idea of what it truly meant to be tough. Sadly, his approach didn’t seem to fully win the audience over, but some still gave the P.O.G. Bank CEO their support. Kabukihime was not one of them. “Carrying groceries?! Opening pickle jars?! That’s not TOUGH! Someone get this man off the stage!”
went back to tradition with a display of pure power. Kabukihime’s own Aggron looked positively smitten with the way Vishna sparred with her trainer. Their performance probably would have ranked higher, but the judges decided at the last second to take some points off for swearing.
teased some kind of gargantuan behemoth coming, only for it to turn out to be a tiny Mudkip, causing the hype to backfire. “Nope!” Kabukihime shook her head. “I (boku) am not impressed.” Thankfully, Luka was not without her loyal fans, who cheered for her and Taffy to defy the odds.
“Now then, all the actors have been introduced!” The flamboyant announcer declared, her painted face contorting into an overblown expression taken straight out of an old woodblock painting. “Their introductions were flashy, but their main performances will need to be even flashier! Flash us with your TOUGHNESS!” The gaudily-dressed woman roared, slamming her geta hard against the floor.

Appeal Phase

Use the roll command when you post for each round. The number that you roll will determine how many appeal points you get for the given round.
Players are prohibited from using salac berries, but each participant may have one free reroll in the thread.
Furthermore, entering this contest with a Pokemon that belongs in the monster and/or dragon egg group(s) will add 10 to all of your rolls (cannot go higher than 100).
The character with the highest total of appeal points at the end of the last round will be crowned the winner.
1-10: one appeal point[break]
11-20: two appeal points[break]
21-30: three appeal points[break]
31-40: four appeal points[break]
41-50: five appeal points[break]
51-60: six appeal points[break]
61-70: seven appeal points[break]
71-80: eight appeal points[break]
81-90: nine appeal points[break]
91-100: ten appeal points




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[break]TOTAL: 4




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[break]TOTAL: 4




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 10




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 10




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[break]TOTAL: 6




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

[break]TOTAL: 7




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

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[break]TOTAL: 2




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

[break]TOTAL: 8


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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2023 23:31:32 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Now came the hard part.

His face is sweating as he pulls from his yukata a wooden flute, and brings it up with his arm. Physical therapy made it a little easier, but a broken arm is still healing. Today would not be about overexertion. He begins to play a song, as he had practiced. It's not easy, and he knows he misses beats, but with it comes the performance. Toothless begins to dance within the sky, flying as a leaf on the wind upon each measure of the song, its DRAGON DANCE attempting to showcase its ability to move to the sad song, as it conjures something behind it.

A RAIN DANCE to boot, to simulate the storm that Hoenn had faced this year, the strife and turmoil born from pain and suffering. He's nowhere near the level he wants to be, and if his arm were better he could hit more of the notes, but he isn't doing too bad. He hopes.

A crash of thunder, again, a THUNDER WAVE to show the Dratini's ability to brave the storm. Though it requires a little sleight of hand, the tiny snake is tenacious, unbending to the heavy storm itself, able to fly through the storm, and show it can be every bit a god of thunder in its own right.

By the time Ashley finishes, the Dratini quietly reattaches towards his shoulders. Saying nothing at all, Ashley bows. Toothless bows its big white nose down as well in turn.

+10! Ty Dragon-Type!
Free Reroll Used!

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]·
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2023 4:58:03 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



She wasn’t seriously expecting to score so well! The Professor was delighted, naturally, and she smacked her Gyarados on the side in praise, “Way to go, Tempest! You really showed ‘em! Now we just gotta keep it up for the rest of the competition,” it would be TOUGH to follow up such a strong first round. Maybe they shouldn’t have gone all out at the beginning. Oh well! It left them in a comfortable place in the rankings.


Eventually, it was their turn again. Eva hyped herself up with a few jumping jacks while Tempest flexed her serpentine body. On cue, the dup rushed back out onto the stage. As they lunged forward, Eva swung herself up onto the Gyarados’s back, bracing against a sturdy dorsal fin as her mic clicked on, “And now, to demonstrate the a storm’s TRUE power!”


Beneath the dual-type the ground began to quake, sending ripples of an EARTHQUAKE through the theater for all to feel. Around the Gyrados and her trainer, the ground cracked and split in bombs of thunder. Jagged pieces of earth reached towards the sky like hungry fingers. As the pillars of earth shot towards the Gyarados, the pokemon unleashed POWERWHIP after POWERWHIP shattering the earthen daggers into dust and harmless stone. She danced through the fray of sharp rocks with surprising grace, each snap of her POWERWHIP echoing off the stadium walls.




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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2023 15:02:17 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

So for the next round it was time to—literally, go all out.

Go big or go the hell home!

How were they going to top the intro?!

That would involve quite the logistics and some google-fu smacking around; however they’d managed to find something—and hopefully, it would work!

Not too soon after the previous performer had left the stage, a seemingly continuous avalanche of boulders, all caused by continuous Rock Slides were falling down through the air—determined to swat the Salamence out of the skies, where he belonged.

However, both pilot and mount knew they had to face the odds.

“Nothing will ever keep a Salamence out of the skies! Through trials and tribulations, only the toughest succeed and climb to greater heights!” was all he would say into the clip-on lapel mic as he reached for something that dangled around his neck.

Time to pull out—the big guns!

All it would take was a single touch, and the Salamence, who was now flying straight into the worst part of the avalanche of boulders was suddenly engulfed by a bright light, before said light show exploded and revealed—the Salamence, yet ascended into an even more powerful, tougher form!

The Mega-evolved Salamence roared defiantly, weaving expertly through the boulders and lashing out with Dragon Claw to cleave the biggest falling boulder into two.

This was before even the split-in-two boulder also exploded into gritty rubble that rained down before the Salamence came to cruising height, straightening out and then coming in for another sharp, breakneck-speed skydive maneuver before angling up at the very last second for a safe landing—

+10 for Dragon egg group!

Salamence used Rock Slide & Dragon Claw and mega-evolved!

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 4:37:19 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar



Some people say that all publicity is good publicity, and generally Mars wouldn't agree with that, however... It's different when it comes to contests. A slow start seems to have no negative effect on the banker and he still sports a brilliantly confident smile. After all, scores aside, the last performance had been meant to be hilarious, what is hilarious is memorable, and memorable gets you cash.
Is that also his plan this time around?
THUNDER rights through the contest hall, terrifying much of the audience and exciting the rest. Right where the lightning had struck with all of its power, the Dragapult flies, its bioluminescent scales displaying the full effect of its ILLUMINA STATE.
"Alright, so maybe we disagreed last time..." laughs, suddenly appearing on the stage right beneath where the dragon floats. How had he done that? A trap door? The magic of theatre. "...but let us tell you what else is tough."
The banker smiles charmingly, the Dragapult roars with might, and at that very second, something shoots of the luminiscent beast's horns at incredible speed.

Yes, the two Dreepy make their appearance, DRAGON DARTS sailing through the air. They're perfectly synchronized with one another, flying right past the audience and spinning into all sorts of loops and pirouettes.
"Raising kids, watching them grow, letting them go, and yet still being there for them through the good, the bad, and the ugly... all those things are tough. You have to be tough to be a parent, but in the end, there's nothing more worth it."
As if in an ode to parenthood, the Dragapult trills, its bioluminescent scales shining a SPOTLIGHT upon the pair of Dreepy.
Can anyone argue with that definition of toughness and not look like a prick? Probably not, but of course our wonderful P.O.G Bank CEO wouldn't choose this performance with that intention in mind. Never! He just really supports families, alright?


[break]+ Free reroll used
Dragon Egg Group BONUS [break](+10 to roll)



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 6:59:10 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Taffy's initial introduction hadn't made the biggest impact, but the resounding cheers from her fans in the audience more than makes up for it. This kind of contest is a bit outside Luka's wheelhouse, and it's clear she still has a lot to learn when it comes to categories outside of cute and beautiful. But in the end, all that really matters is having fun! And despite the lukewarm response Taffy's confidence is unshaken— which is the most important part anyways, right?[break][break]

After all, what's tougher than beating out much larger competition, against all odds?[break][break]

The pair emerges onstage, more determined than ever to put on a good show. Taffy bounds out in front of her trainer to take center stage again, a single spotlight shining down on her as she poses and lets out her toughest little cry. It's- well, it's a bit on the squeakier side, but the look in her eyes is certainly fierce![break][break]

"A true display of strength," Luka begins, "Is being able to persevere against all odds. To face each challenge head on and come out on top every time!"[break][break]

Taffy stomps his little foot and yips in agreement. Her earth power is utilized again, but this time there are no flashy effects. Instead, what erupts from the earth is nothing but an enormous boulder— easily ten feet wide and just as tall. It completely dwarfs the tiny Mudkip standing beside it— a truly insurmountable obstacle.[break][break]

"The people of Hoenn have always been able to overcome every obstacle they face...and so will we!"[break][break]

Undaunted by the giant lump of earth in front of her, Taffy quickly backs up and lowers her head, staring down the boulder like a bull about to charge. She yips again, and surges forwards— this time with a burst of speed and strength so sudden and powerful that the stage quakes with every running step. Her take down strikes the rock head on, and there's a deafening boom and the sound of crumbling earth before she emerges on the other side.[break][break]

When the dust settles, there's a clear hole going straight through the boulder. And if one squints, they'll be able to make out the shape of a Mudkip's silhouette imbedded in stone before the entire boulder crumbles into dust behind the triumphant tadpole.[break][break]

t_TxMidv (+10)

notes: mudkip uses earth power and take down


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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