i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2023 6:41:41 GMT
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The dancing shadows made Josh's skin tingle more than Verte's vibrations, which was saying something given how powerful they could get. Josh had to show great responsibility when riding the Flygon; the discharge of a single sonic attack with him aboard could get him seriously hurt. The trick of light, when combined with Verte's flickering wings, made his own shadow flicker like a strobe light with too fast a pulse rate to distinguish. It would have been painful to look directly at.

The laughing from 's Sableye got under Josh's skin, getting him dangerously close to his anger point. It was an anger point was familiar with from the day he handed him his STARK BADGE. "Johanna, that's a really mean trick to play on us with your Sableye," Josh scolded the Ever Grande Leader. "I would think someone as a Gym Leader would have better control over--"

Verte, able to understand the message the Sableye was trying to communicate, scolded Josh right back in his own way. He tromped to the camp's far corner, completely uncommanded, faced away from the others, and BUG BUZZed his wings at as low of a power as he could manage. Even so, the bug-type attack was still intense in the employ of a Flygon, the vibration rattling Josh's bones. "Ow!" the rider winced, though his ears weren't ringing like he expected them to. It was his upper legs that were in pain from the throbbing they had been subjected to. "Verte, you know I'm not Shalin. What's the big deal--ow!" he yelped again.

Josh let out a groaned agreement with Ettie's suggestion. "Sure, in the morning." He withdrew his Pokémon and returned to the campsite, trusting her pack to keep watch over them. He was sure his legs would feel better in the morning--after they had all rested up. "Night..."

{WC: 309}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Verte         Flygon         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Suzaku        Talonflame     Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
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POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 17:59:00 GMT
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Sableye's antics were not appreciated. Not by its trainer nor by the group. Though Ettie seemed quick to forgive, Josh was another matter entirely.

Josh scolded Johanna in no uncertain terms. And he was right. Johanna agreed, she had failed to account for and control her Pokémon. But he might’ve thought her meek willing to roll over and simply take the lashing.

He was wrong. No longer would she do so. But she knew well enough that picking a fight right now was a bad idea.

Her eyes hardened, her lips turned thin, any hint of a smile faded as annoyance grew. She knew he was right, and yet. She did not appreciate his approach to the critique. It reminded her too much of her younger years, of people demeaning her under the pretense of giving ‘advice’

She did not respond to Josh. Instead glaring at Angelica, who for once seemed to regret her choices. But it was too late. Johanna retrieved Sableye's Pokéball and recalled the tricky ghost.

Completely ignoring Josh’s presence, for now, was the best thing she could do.

She gave a courteous nod to Ettie, agreeing with the suggestion. And then headed to where Drifblim had made a comfortable nest for its trainer.

Johanna would go to sleep. The Drifblim joined her. Noticing Johanna’s restless sleep, it tried to gently bathe Johanna in HYPNOSIS to make the sleep more sound. But anger was a powerful emotion, and Drifblim feared overdoing the HYPNOSIS would be ill-adviced.

LOCATION: The Border


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POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 19:50:20 GMT
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One by one, everyone began to settle down for sleep - although it seemed that moods were a bit soured, between Josh and Johanna. Ettie frowned gently, glancing between both gym leaders - wondering if there was something she could do to help, but... At most, she felt as though she and the pack could just provide company for either of them. Pago was certainly doing well on that front, snuggling up to Josh when he laid down to sleep, and Barbara laying down with them as well.

Meanwhile, Ettie, Duchess, and Princess would move to Johanna - the pups climbing up into her lap, whilst Ettie simply curled up and leaned into her side, getting cozy. Anne, too, would lay down nearby - if only to better keep an eye out for Ettie, whilst she kept watch.

And though Ruffian and Rascal seemed too proud to outright snuggle up to Callan, the fact that they slept next to him likely meant something, right?

With the sleeping arrangements figured out though, sleep would be uneventful - save for perhaps the vague impressions of fleeting dreams, the sorts where you are aware that they happened and yet cannot recall their details. One by one, the pack's older canids - as well as Astus and Adrea - would take turns keeping watch throughout the night, and even maintaining the campfire for warmth.

And with time, the strange nighttime of the Border would give way to dawn. With the gaining light, the group would awaken - lingering long enough to eat breakfast before they were off once more, through the Border. To meet with the soulmarchers, they would be led deeper into the mountainous terrain that made up the northwestern parts of the island - with Angelica leading the way. Astus and Adrea, as well as any other scouts, were able to confirm that they were on the right path though - even if they lacked the human tongue to communicate specifics about these soulmarchers.

But before too long, it would be at the top of a cliff that they'd spot them - a ghastly looking army of humans and pokemon alike. Some looked to simply be living sets of armor and barding, while others looked 'whole' - and yet, missing features such as an eye, a limb - or even their entire faces - appeared common. It was inconsistent and strange, and sometimes one may swear that some of the ghosts were changing in appearance when you looked away and back again. Nonetheless, they appeared to be preparing to move - donning armor, putting barding on some of their pokemon...

... At least, that was until they noticed the presence of the group.

When one set of eyes fell upon them, every set of eyes turned to them - as if in sync. And near-immediately, a strange feeling of unease would fill the air, tension building as the warrior spirits seemed to be preparing for a fight, some even drawing their weapons. But, one of the souls present - perhaps some form of general or leader, judging by the garb - would gaze upon Angelica. Their eyes flashing in recognition, they would raise a hand in a wordless gesture to stop. Which, that seemed to be enough for the army to pause in their preparations for combat, even as their eyes remained locked upon the group for a few moments longer.

And slowly, the tension leaked away, as the warriors - one by one - returned to their preparations. If spoken to, it would quickly become obvious that these spirits were not much for words - though they would nonetheless respond to the best of their ability with gestures, nods or shakes of their head, shrugs, and the like.

Ettie, for one, seemed awed at the presence of this army - and she'd take to wandering amongst the different warriors, her pack (which, the pups had been returned to their pokeballs shortly before leaving camp,) trailing behind her all the whilst. "Oooh... What is?" Turning towards the group, she'd point towards a set of javelins, that one of the warriors seemed to have strapped to their back.
'21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.'
'🗺️ a soulmarcher may identify one of you and prevent the parade from attacking you, or may discover you and call upon the parade to attack you (OPTIONAL).'


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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 3:22:50 GMT
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The night was padded with some discord. Callan found it difficult to sleep, having been reminded that this was an unknown land, his eyes kept flickering awake, only to find the sight of two peacefully sleeping pups next to him It calmed him, slightly.

While Johanna and Josh had their small jab, Callan didn't interject. He had enough on his own mind to mediate between two people.

Callan woke early, ate breakfast, and began to pack up the campsite as they prepared to move. As Angelica the Sableye led them up the roads, Callan walked behind everyone else to make sure the rear was guarded well.

Eventually they reached the top. A ghastly army of both Pokemon and soldiers blocked their path, Callan's hand moved towards his belt, ready to draw a Pokeball to battle. However, thankfully, it seemed one member of the army noticed the Sableye and stopped them.


Callan turned towards the objects had pointed towards. "Javelins, Ettie." Callan began, "They're used for throwing at people or Pokemon as weapons, but they're a weapon of the past now."

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Master of Faster
December 12
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 11:20:40 GMT
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Josh's utter exhaustion was the only reason he was able to cleanly sleep through the night; he remembered seeing Raikou in his dream, but could not recall a single detail before dawn's light aroused him from slumber. He moaned and stretched, refreshed as he was going to get in such a foreign dimension. Its fabric was starting to tear at him, too. Still missing a key component for his Manectric's Sygna Suit, he was at the mercy of the Border's mentally and spiritually toxic atmosphere.

Josh, too, was on edge in the presence of the Soulmarchers that morning, each one in his eyes embodying enmity, lust, and other negative emotions. With tensions growing, the Gym Leader called Saber, his Manectric, to his side and rest his hand on the electric-type's thundercloud saddle. This looked like it could get ugly, and fast. He breathed a sigh of relief as, one by one, the army sheathed their weapons.

"Archaic weaponry..." Josh trailed off. "Never thought my days of console role-playing games would come up. is exactly right. About the only people I know of that use anything like that are members of dragon clans like Blackthorn's, and even then, they're largely ornamental." Some archaic weaponry was still in niche use today, but the javelin was one that was completely obsolete. "About the only use for a javelin now is in athletic competition."

{WC: 231}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Verte         Flygon         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Suzaku        Talonflame     Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 7:45:03 GMT
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Johanna’s restlessness during the night was eased by the presence of Ettie, Duchess and Princess. Drifblim pondered if that was a part of their plan, to help him as he eased his trainers sleep for moments, before he would drift off in his own dreams.

But night made way for the morning soon enough. Breakfast was shared among the group before they would head out.

But Johanna kept quiet, did not speak unless spoken to, especially when it came to Josh. Though her anger had made way for a simmering resentment. The one that wasn’t strong enough to force her into drastic actions, but still strong enough to make her avoid contact as much as possible.

After the breakfast had finished. They would march out in search of those whom Angelic had conversed with. Luckily for them. Angelica’s sense of direction and memory were superb. The journey went smoothly. Johanna made sure that no other Pokémon decided to have a surprise trip while they walked.

Soon enough they found the Soulmarchers. The archaic weaponry bespeaking spirits of a past long gone. At first they seemed hostile. But then one of them recognized Sableye and its wide toothed grin.

What hostility the spirits had dissipated.

While everyone talked about Weaponry, a subject Johanna couldn’t really help with. She moved to her Sableye, kneeling down to gently pat the Pokémon on its head for a job well done.

If Angelica could blush, it would’ve done so. Instead it scratched the back of its head and made gestures toward the spirit.

The ghosts were surely not about to stand around all day.

LOCATION: The Border


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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 9:29:44 GMT
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A javelin? A weapon, made to be thrown at others... Ettie's gaze of curiosity would remain on the weapon, but she'd nod as she absorbed the information that Callan and Josh both provided. Maybe they were old and outdated - but something like that... Could Ettie make some, the next time she went hunting with her pack? Though she liked to think her nails - kept sharpened as they were - and her teeth sufficed, maybe she could learn from watching these spirits...?

Wanting to learn more, she'd continue to wander amongst the spirits - and glancing back to Callan and Josh, asked "Teach Ettie more-weapons?" with a smile. All the while, Haru and Anne both followed after - one out of a similar intrigue and the other out of the usual protectiveness.

Barbara and Madame, on the other hand, would linger near Johanna - as if to keep her company. Though, they'd also be having a discussion, if the chuffs, half-barks, and rumbles that they exchanged with one another were of any indication. Namely, they were talking of the night before.

Madame was unimpressed with the night before - being on Johanna's side more than anything (though she was quite the biased canid, considering her upbringing.) The mightyena made this apparent with a scoff and an exaggerated roll of her eyes as she gestured a paw in Josh's direction. She had heard from their packmates what he did, the last time - imagine scolding someone for a lack of control, when you had no control yourself!

Barbara, honestly, was mixed - raising an eyebrow at Madame, before shaking their head with a huff. The communication could've been better - but the scare had been an ill-timed one. Right before bed, it was no wonder people got cranky... But really, gossiping wasn't going to help anyone. As if to emphasize this point, they'd nudge at the mightyena's shoulder, in Johanna's direction.

Thus, the two canids would approach Johanna proper whilst she was knelt - Barbara giving a gentle nuzzle on her shoulder, and Madame patting her on the back with a paw.

However, the group would not be in one place for much longer. As the spirits finished their preparations - fully garbed, weapons gathered, and the like - they began to grow seemingly restless, looking to one another as if waiting for something. Which, that something soon proved to come from their leader - the spirit glancing over the army, before pulling out and blowing on a horn. A single note rung out, echoing and hanging in the air - though even if it was but a simple sound, there was something about it that was enough to chill one's blood.

To Ettie, it made her think of the howl a packleader would make, to rally their packmates before or during a hunt.

And with that, the soulmarchers began to move - some mounting up on pokemon, others remaining on foot. Nonetheless, they moved all as one - the flow of their movements almost like water as they drifted onwards, towards a valley pass between two mountains. Ettie and her pack would follow after - the wildchild hopping atop Anne's back, as if to mimic some of the spirits - although, as they moved, she noticed something else.

Namely, that even for such a large army, they left nary a trail. Not even the dirt or blades of grass they passed over was disturbed, looking the same even after the army passed through. If it hadn't been for Angelica's guidance, it's likely that the group wouldn't have ever known that the army had been here.

But for the trek itself, it was unclear as to where the army was going specifically - even though they seemed to move with purpose. And for a good portion of it, as they ascended up a worn path that wound itself towards the valley - (though, what made this path so worn out, if the spirits couldn't make one?) - it'd prove to be relatively uneventful, save for Ettie's continued curiosity for the different types of equipment the warriors bore.

At least, that was until they came across what looked to be a battlefield. It had been long-forgotten - anything left behind having either since rusted over or worn down to nothing. Adrea would peck at one idly - though she found that there weren't even any bodies left behind, not even bones. Lingering wisps would make themselves known as the army passed by - clinging to suits of armor, or weapons - and every so often, one of these sets of equipment would shudder...

... Before rising, forming into another spirit that picked up their weapon or donned their armor, before wordlessly joining the march. And as if the spirit had always meant to be here, the army shifted just enough to make room for them - the flow uninterrupted and smooth all the same.

However, something else would grab Ettie's attention - and she'd hop down from Anne's back. Set against the wall of what might've once been an outpost or rally point, a pair of blades sat sheathed and crossed together - looking strangely intact, compared to everything else. Going off the sheaths alone, the blades were perhaps somewhere between that of a dagger or shortsword, measuring roughly a foot in length. Additionally, the silken tassels at the pommels were long and flowing in length - though they only slightly drifted with the breeze, not being quite enough to fully lift them from the ground.

They made Ettie think a bit of Yagyu - though the proportions and colors seemed quite different - someone could describe them as ornate even, though the young wildchild lacked the vocabulary for that. She didn't see any signs of visible eyes, either - which made her wonder... Were these just made to resemble something of the same species as Yagyu, rather than being an actual pokemon?

She didn't notice the quizzical gazes some of her pack gave her as she began to stray from the path - approaching the sheathed blades. Crouching down nearby, she reached out - wanting to get a closer look. They looked pretty - maybe one of the others would find it neat?

However, Anne was quick to realize that something was amiss - as her eyes fell upon the dormant doublade, she'd let out a snarling bark to Ettie in a warning to get away-- But before the wildchild could even process that the call had been made, and before she could even yelp in alarm, the ghost pokemon's eyes snapped open - tassels shooting out, to wrap around Ettie's forearms.

And at first, all was quiet and still. Anne would rush to Ettie's side - trying to assess - but, the wildchild showed no signs of distress or hurt. Instead, slowly, awkwardly - as if on strings - she'd begin to stand, drawing the blades from their sheaths. She'd glance over her shoulder, towards the group and the rest of her pack - eyes wide and wild, a grin slowly growing across her face.

The canines' ears folded back, and a couple of them began to curl their lips and snarl. Above, Astus and Adrea crowed as they circled above - making warning calls.

"Hey, everyone..." Ettie spoke up finally, as she gradually began to turn towards the group. Slowly, her stance shifted to that of a readied swordsman - both blades wielded in either hand. It was a strange stance, for a wildchild who should have no expertise with swords. "... I want to fight."
'10 become possessed by a spirit attempting to return to life.'


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Supernova Shredder
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 11:49:35 GMT
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Callan lights a cigarette, sucking in the nicotine to calm himself down. He clicks his tongue as the Soulmarchers leave. "At least we know they don't attack everything on sight, that's good." He comments, but he does not make the additional remark that the Sableye may have led them into a potential death trap.

Callan ashes the cigarette on the floor as he turns to the others. "We should return home." He begins, as he accounts the others. He still had no idea of the effects of living in this land, but having identified these ghostly warriors and Pokemon, he had no intention of aggravating them any further. "I get the feeling we avoided a near death situation. And perhaps we are disturbing those who rest here."

It was then that Callan heard a voice, unlike one that he had heard before. Or rather, the voice was the same, but the intonations were entirely different. His eyes snap to Ettie's location.

Three simultaneous observations immediately catch his eye. First, the hold of the swords, second, the weaving tapestry, and third, his encyclopedic knowledge of different varieties of Pokemon and the dangers of ghost-types immediately sent warning signs of a possession. All the more apparent, as Ettie's speech and movements varied so differently from what she was normally.

"She's possessed!" Callan yells out, "The Doublade, we need to target them!"

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 15:20:49 GMT
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looked frustrated with Josh still, even after a good night's sleep. He would have to make up to her later. Not now. Now would come off as too much of an overreaction. It wouldn't be good PR with either, who had supposedly taught him much about controlling his emotions. He was getting better about it, but he still had a long ways to go.

Josh followed Ettie and the others aboard Saber, his Manectric, whom he could feel through the reins was tense. "How about next time we're together, Ettie?" the Gym Leader offered. "I'm no martial expert, but I'd like to think I know more than the average person."

The ghostly army left nary a trail, which was to be expected; many ghost-type Pokémon floated above the ground even if they weren't capable of true flight. As it became apparent the Soulmarchers were indifferent toward the ones trailing them, Josh could at last relax... until Ettie reached for the inert body of a wild Doublade. "Ettie, no!" he cried.

It was too late, though. had pointed out the unfortunate outcome: Ettie had been possessed, and he didn't have a single Pokémon that could effectively attack the steel-types without also hurting the wild child a lot. "Sidewinder!" Josh tossed his Dragapult's Poké Ball into the air, the swift ghost-type emerging, his DRAGON DARTS ready to launch toward the Doublade at his trainer's command. Their impact would blast Ettie backward, but it was better than frying her or broiling her alive with electric and fire attacks.

{WC: 260}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Verte         Flygon         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Suzaku        Talonflame     Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2023 17:44:14 GMT
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Johanna was surprised by the nuzzling she was offered. But she thanked the canines all the same with pats if they allowed her.

And with that the march began. Angelical quickly grew tired of marching and so sought refuge back in her Pokéball, letting her trainer do all the walking. And walking they did. The Soulmarchers led them to an old battlefield filled with bodies, equipment and even weaponry.

One such thing seemed to catch Ettie’s attention.

When Ettie spoke up Johanna caught on rather quickly. Things hadn’t been what it seemed. The tassels wrapped around the young girl's arms, the seeming change in personality. That was the work of a Doublade or something of that evolutionary-line.

Johanna had a bit of experience with that.

A sigh escaped her. Ettie was a hostage that she was sure the ghastly Pokémon that had taken Possession of her cared woefully little for. Battling the girl with a Pokémon could very easily mean harming her unless the Pokémon was adept at pin-point precision.

Johanna had one such Pokémon. But she knew it would ask much of her. It had yet to submit completely after all.

Johanna released a Doublade from one of her Pokéballs. It looked at her, then to the obvious opponent. The glint of happiness in its eyes appeared as it pointed its blade at Johanna. The meaning is obvious.

She gave the Doublade a nod and it happily began to wrap its tassels around Johanna’s arms, the plague which held the two sheathes floating behind her back. For a brief moment pain shot through her as the power of the Pokémon adjusted to the body it possessed

An almost exact replica of the same thrill seeking smile that adorned Ettie, was to be found on Johanna. “HELLOOOOOOOOO” The Doublade exclaimed, Johanna’s voice strained with excitement. But it was not her excitement, no it was the Doublades. "WHO DARETH CHALLENGE DORIAN THE GREATEST SWORD ARTIST EVER SEEN IN HOENN!"

It charged forward seeing how Josh was already trying to steal HIS opponent much less not leaving time for proper introductions from both sides. The gall of that lad. He’d need to have a stern talking to later.

“THIS…ONE…IS…MINE!” Johanna’s legs applied a strength to each step through the charge that they hadn’t before and perhaps should not continue to do. Johanna feared for her body, as her spirit tried to reign in the power that the Doublade wished to apply through her, though it was hard. Perhaps they ought to have trained this more.

But closing in on ‘Ettie’ a dark malicious energy began to cover the blades. She quickly held both blades together as she began her initial attack. It would be a simple right sided downward going PURSUIT empowered swing aiming to relieve ‘Ettie’ of one of her shoulders.

Horrified, Johanna's spirit gazed from within. Too busy keeping her body from being torn apart by the sheer force the Doublade tried to summon in her.

LOCATION: The Border


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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2023 19:25:17 GMT
Ettie Avatar
With the doublade piloting her body, Ettie grinned - even if the pack was unsure and confused, as if trying to figure out how to approach this new situation. The rest of the group was not so indecisive though - as the others prepared for a fight, at Callan's call. Their eyes lit up in delight upon seeing this, and she would begin to bring the blades against eachother in a Autotomize - alternating sliding one against the other, to clean away rust, debris, and the like until the blades were sharp and nimble through the air.

Which, the preparation was perhaps none too soon - because Johanna would bring out a doublade of her own, and allowed him to possess her in turn! As Dorian spoke through the woman's mouth, Ettie's grin only widened with building excitement, and she'd speak a single word - a name. "Scarlet." She spoke with a giggle, blades readying for the swordswoman's charge.

However, Dorian's approach was clearly not with Ettie's best interests in mind. As he attempted to aim a Pursuit at the young girl's shoulder, the commandeered body moved with a surprising amount of agility - ducking down low and darting backwards, to try and avoid the slash! Still, Johanna's doublade would manage to cut into one of the young girl's forearms - the other blade catching and noisily clashing against Scarlet themself. Ettie's expression twisted into a brief wince at this, a bitten-off yelp rising from her throat...

... But the grin maintained, despite this - and the tassels wrapped around the cut forearm would shift, covering and applying pressure to the wound, even as a faint hue of red began to soak through.

And Dorian would find himself with a certain lycanroc approaching fast - Anne letting out a snarl of rage as she attempted to bite down on the blades with Crunch! Regardless of whether or not her teeth met steel though, the lycanroc growled low at the doublade, expressing a threat; she only tolerated them fighting Ettie, cause she knew it was to help her.

But if Dorian - or anyone else - attempted to directly harm Ettie again, then they would become prey. And in no uncertain terms, the pack would rip them apart - regardless of how Ettie felt on the matter. Anne was not afraid to make well on this threat, if need be.

However, Scarlet - and Ettie by extension - was not idle; though she stood and moved like a swordsperson but a moment ago, she was suddenly moving like a little beast! She briefly let go of the hilts of the blades - which remained floating near her hands, hanging on by the tassels. With her hands freed, she climbed up onto Anne's back, vaulting over the lycanroc's back to charge at Sidewinder! Though Barbara and Madame both tried to play interference, trying to grab for Ettie, she'd be just nimble enough to slip past them - darting side to side.

Haru, meanwhile, would use Lucky Chant - drawing a blazing sigil in the air with her branch, prepared to protect the group and avoid any unnecessary injuries.

Once near their target though, Scarlet would once more return to Ettie's grip. The possessed wildchild cast the Dragapult a wide grin and giggled - attempting to slash at him with a Pursuit of their own!
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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2023 4:37:29 GMT
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Normally Callan was not the type of person be aggressive in matters of battle, however in this instance a Doublade was holding hostage, he couldn't afford to be passive about it. He needed to be precise and methodical however, he didn't want to harm Ettie, after all.

An idea pops into his head. Even as Ettie, now 'Scarlet', begins to challenge the group.

There was a difficulty in managing the battle, first was Josh's Sidewinder and Ettie's body potentially causing harm. It was not a perfect response, but it'll have to do. Having a friend turn against you was one of the worst feelings in the world, and knowing that you may have to harm them was even worse.

"Pollen Puff!" Callan orders Sprite.

Condensing a ball of Bug Type energy in front of her, the Ribombee targets the ball towards Ettie's Doublade as it comes towards Dragapult and Johanna comes in from behind with her own Doublade. The Pollen Puff would explode, spreading healing energy to , 's Sidewinder, and , should the blows come to injure any of them, they would be healed. But the explosive blast would also hurt the Doublade possessing Ettie, who he assumed was 'Scarlet'.

"Johanna, Josh! Do not hurt Ettie!" Callan yells out.

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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2023 19:22:27 GMT
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This was getting out of hand, and fast. Not one, but two seemingly well-trained Doublade had possessed their wielders. With Yagyu, this never happened once. The deceased Doublade truly was a treasure Josh dearly missed. The swift and sudden slashes cast the Leader's Dragapult aside with far more strength than the steel-type had on its own, right into the charging Anne! Sidewinder was completely down for the count. Josh recalled the Dragapult before Anne could do serious damage to his sensitive, ethereal tail, Sprite's Pollen Puff the only thing keeping the damage from becoming permanent.

"It's not exactly pretty, Callan, but that Doublade isn't showing any signs of backing off. It shouldn't shock Ettie too much, but it's the best I've got." Josh dismounted from Saber, now on foot as his most prized Pokémon engaged Ettie and Scarlet. "Saber, THUNDER WAVE! But try to hit only the Doublade!" There would inevitably be some kind of shock entering Ettie's body. While the weak jolt wouldn't cause any true harm, it still could have been extremely uncomfortable. His goal was to make that feeling last long enough for Ettie to either drop the blade or Scarlet to be unable to keep her tassels wrapped around her trainer.

{WC: 206}
{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Verte         Flygon         Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Suzaku        Talonflame     Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      KO
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2023 16:57:02 GMT
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Johanna’s soul screamed at the Doublade possessing her.

The Doublade spirit did not answer, but being connected she knew the message reached loud and clear.

Dorian was quick, but even his speed just barely managed to dodge the fangs of the attacking beast.

A ‘Tch’ escaped from Johanna’s mouth.

And with that it seemed Scarlet finally found its footing within Ettie and began to move about. Ettie’s body vaulted like a beast into action. And Dorian watched carefully. Admittedly though her style was savage it had a certain edge to it, a beauty which he could not deny. He would give Scarlet that much, as a piece of martial art, she had potential.

joined the fight, sending POLLEN PUFFS into the air to help friend and fight foe alike as he loudly commanded them to not hurt Ettie.

“Aye aye…” Dorian using Johanna’s mouth replied with a certain sassy irksomeness before he jumped into action once more. PURSUIT was his move of choice, it made the most sense as he charged toward Ettie and Scarlet.

This time Dorian would aim for the Sword-spirit in Ettie’s hand to slow her down long enough for THUNDER WAVE to hit, indifferent to the fact that Johanna’s body would almost certainly be hit as well.

LOCATION: The Border

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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2023 9:29:10 GMT
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Anne growled low as Dorian dodged - her sharp teeth plainly and visible bared - although she did not pursue him further. He'd learn his lesson, one way or another, if he tried to pull that stunt again. Instead, she'd turn her attentions back to Ettie - watching with surprise as Sidewinder was cast aside by Scarlet's strike!

Which, it seemed that Scarlet was just as caught off-guard, by the fact that they dealt a one-hit-KO to Sidewinder. Though the grin maintained, their expression looked otherwise bewildered as 'Ettie' glanced down - her eyes meeting that of Scarlet. "A weak one..?" They questioned to themself, as if even they weren't expecting that to have happened at all. "Or... Too-strong?"

Any thoughts they might've had would be interrupted however, when Sprite's Pollen Puff suddenly burst in their face. 'Ettie' made a surprised little 'yipe!' as she stumbled - though otherwise appeared unharmed, though the squinting wince of Scarlet was another story. However, even if the doublade could control Ettie's body, there was one thing that they were unable to control... and that was sneezing fits. Nose wrinkling, Ettie began to sneeze uncontrollably for a couple of seconds - and though Scarlet attempted to move towards Sprite to engage the ribombee, that was easier said than done when one's host was sneezing her little head off!

Which, left plenty of time for Dorian to come in fast. And as his Pursuit clashed into Scarlet's blades, she was happy to match him with a Pursuit of her own! Sparks flew as metal clashed against metal - and though 'Ettie' briefly sniffled from the lingering pollen in the air, she grinned wide. "Yes! Fight more!" She exclaimed with a laugh of manic delight, eyes staring into Johanna's own with a wild look to them.

However, a glint of light out of the corner of their vision suddenly prompted Scarlet to disengage from Dorian - 'Ettie' leaping backwards with an impressive amount of agility. Not that they were fast enough to avoid Saber's Thunder Wave - electricity sparkling along the two swords, and their tassels. The look in the doublades' eyes spoke that they were certainly frazzled, the tassels spasming and 'Ettie' nearly losing her grip on them. However, it didn't seem that it was quite enough to get Scarlet to let go.

Not quite yet.

Instead, gesturing with one of the swords as if it were a conductor's baton, 'Ettie' flicked the tip upwards; and in turn, a number of rocks would rise up from the earth, becoming elongated and sharpened shapes - almost like javelins, albeit not quite as narrow. Much like when she vaulted over Anne, 'Ettie' would let go of one of the blades - but Scarlet would attempt to hold on for dear life with the tassel, even as it still briefly spasmed. Reaching up, she took hold of one of the floating stones - getting into the stance of a warrior as she drew back...

... Before throwing it forwards, aiming for Sprite. And in turn, the other floating rocks would follow - a Rock Slide barrage being sent for the Ribombee's way! Anne, however, would act quickly - the lycanroc imposing herself between Sprite and the barrage, to act as a living shield!

Barbara would turn her attentions towards Scarlet, barking at the doublade to let Ettie go. but 'Ettie', in response, would blink. She tilted her head a little, before smiling. "But we're having fun!"

As if in an attempt to emphasize this, 'Ettie' would finally move for Saber - blades raised in an attempt to strike him with... Well, something. But whatever move Scarlet attempted to use was anybody's guess, for the doublade would have yet another spasm - the move interrupted in the process. 'Ettie' would continue her swing all the same towards the manectric, however!

Hit or miss, Ettie was becoming tuckered out it seemed - her pale skin vividly flushed, and shoulders heaving slightly as she took in deep breaths. But, her eyes nonetheless was locked upon the surrounding group - filled with that same unnerving delight.
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