i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2023 3:09:00 GMT
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As the battle fades from 's side and an ultra ball is tossed twards the Marshadow, Callan's Umbreon's WISH activates, generating a healing aura that would regenerate the wounds of Josh as he recovers from his shadow clone and this spirit of CHIEN-PAO. He breathes a sigh of relief, and even though he had essentially stepped out of the fight, he was glad he didn't.

As the rider's shadow dissipates from the back of the CHIEN-PAO, a new shadow forms, standing in front of Callan. It was a version of himself, 1 year past. An unemployed drunk, eyes faded from drug use, limping and using the axe of a Stratocaster in front of him. It was apparent what it was, an attempt to unnerve him. "You copy me well, Marshadow." Callan replies. Having deduced the Pokemon's origin from history books and the events following up between the shadow Chien Pao rider and Josh.

He stares at the past variation of himself, and despite the apparent similarity between himself now and his clone, he can no longer say he felt anything towards it. "You're missing the cigarette in my mouth, Tsuki, SPARKLY SWIRL!" A fairy wind blasts forward against the clone of itself, which swftly dissipates into the form of the Ghost/Fighting type using SPECTRAL THIEF to warp in and out of dimensions to avoid the attack. However, it momentarily cures the surrounding area of toxins, helping with his toxins and clearing the surrounding area of its poisonous attributes.

Using this time, Callan switches his Pokemon, taking out Enma, his SLAKING. The SPECTRAL THIEF unwarps in front of Enma, delivering a crashing blow against the giant monkey's skull to no effect. As SLAKING BULKS UP to increase its Physical Defense, Illumina energy courses through it as he prepares to go on the offense.

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July 07
Ever Grande City
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A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2023 9:55:48 GMT
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With Johanna’s band of ghosts busy helping Ettie and her pack. Johanna could focus on the battle with her shadow opponent.

At first the shadow seemed defensive in its swings. Hesitant even. But as the battle raged on its swings grew bolder, more direct, focused.

The sound of steel echoed into the Border air.

It didn’t take long before Johanna’s body began to feel the wear and tear of the battle. One cut here and another there.

The Shadow was winning.

Dorian wasn’t pleased nor was Johanna. But the Shadow did not go in to finish the job. Instead, it pressed the tip of its shadowy sword at her throat and spoke words in a language neither understood. But their meaning was clear, yield.

Neither Dorian or Johanna was sure what would happen if they didn’t. But they both know they couldn’t just give up.

Using the bond that possession granted them, Johanna mentally gave him four words of encouragement 'Dorian, I trust you.'

Dorian felt how the reigns Johanna applied during possession fell off. He was free to do what he wanted. For a moment he was baffled. But then he went to work.

The shadow commanded them to yield once more. But in response Dorian fell backwards, doing an almost inhumanely flip. Johanna’s pale white skin began to increase in color as heat exuded at an increasing pace.

AUTOTOMIZE! Johanna’s body speeds up under the influence of the Doublade’s power. It moved with no regards to the physical limits. Strands of muscle tissue ripped with each movement. Each step sends jolts of pain through the body, and for once Dorian received it.

But Dorian ignored it. The Battle continued. He had to ignore it. He had to endure. THEY HAD TO WIN!

Johanna trusted him after all! He had to win FOR her. He had to win to show her just how great an ARTIST he was.




His mind was dead set, focused, like an arrow flying at its target. But the shadow fought back, it was gaining speed with each swing of the sword. What Dorian had done so far wasn’t enough. HE wasn’t enough.

But as despair was about to grip the heart of the warrior, he felt a serene presence in his mind. A wave of sympathy, of understanding washed over him. His trainer understood the feelings he was going through, even if his lack of strength was currently proving to be causing damage to her body.

'You are good enough.' Four words.

Four words rang through the connection they both shared, carried by Johanna’s voice. Those Four words gave him strength. The blades in Johanna’s hands began to grow brightly just as the shadow was bearing down upon them. But what met with the shadow’s attack was not the blade in her left hand, but a shield.

A loud clang echoed throughout the battle area.

The Shadow looked confused. But it was not given time to get its bearings. There was still a blade in Johanna’s right hand, and it swirled with the very power of the air itself. With blinding speed did the now evolved Dorian swing its blade in an AERIAL ACE at the shadow.

The Shadow dispersed, no longer capable of keeping up the act.

In front of them stood a Marshadow not even half their heart with a goofy grin as if it had just been telling them a joke. It scratched the back of its neck.

Dorian pointed its blade at it and spoke with the voice of its trainer. “Yield.”

The Marshadow nodded and went down on both knees to grovel.

And at that instance Dorian cut the connection between him and Johanna.

She fell to her knees, exhausted.

- Long Anime battle!
- Dorian Evolves!
- The Battle is finished
- Marshadow is revealed and it yields.
- Johanna is very tired

- 29: encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.
- Special Hunt

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15 (Estimated)
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POSTED ON Mar 5, 2023 11:52:29 GMT
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With each wild strike Ettie made, her shadowy doppelganger retreated backwards step by step; only barely able to keep up and parry away the wildchild's swings, when the shadow themself only had one blade.

With the surge of confidence and morale amongst the pack thanks to the support of Johanna's pack, the shadowy beasts were driven back; a number of them dissipating into nothingness, as they were defeated one by one.

It had looked like a clear and cut won battle, even if Ettie's clone had yet to surrender - but in fact, they had one last trick up their sleeve. It had come as a surprise to the young girl and Scarlet alike, when the shadow tossed aside the remaining blade... But then suddenly, came a flurry of blows - punches coming Scarlet's way, that'd send the doublade flying out of Ettie's own hands!

However, Ettie was not daunted by this - in fact, she'd likely act in a way that'd startle her doppelganger and the others alike, when she decided to tackle the shadow to the ground, snarling like a wild beast! Sharp nails dug in like claws, and Ettie attempted to bite down on the shadow-clone, only to sink her teeth into the other's forearm, that they brought up to protect themself. It looked as though the doppelganger would wind back their opposite fist with intentions to punch Ettie - but they stopped. Reconsidered.

And decided to - with an expression twisted in a snarl of their own - to try and bite her back!

It became complete chaos, in that moment - the two clawing and biting at one another with low growls and wild snarls. It was as if Ettie was no longer a human, at that moment - the gaze she regarded her doppelganger with like that of an angry wild pokemon. Words were not needed - only the understanding that they were enemies, and that they had fangs and claws with which to fight. And wrestling against eachother, they were not about to back down from one another easily.

But before long, Ettie's opponent was the first to tire - to take on the veil of someone else was one thing. To take on the veil of many things, and to fight an entire pack all at once, was another. Ettie snarled as she managed to properly push down and pin her opponent, and she prepared to bite down once more--

-- But then, the shadows melted away from around the marshadow, revealing them for what they truly were. And as if they were still but a beast, they bared their throat with an attempt at a canid whine. A sign of submission, of harmlessness, against a stronger pack.

The rest of Ettie's pack began to gather at the fringes of where the two had been wrestling but moments ago - and Ettie, slowly, would allow the marshadow to get up. Anne, eyeing the ghost, would let out a low growl - but Anat stepped forward, gesturing in a request for the lycanroc to stand down. Something that Anne reluctantly acquiesced to - though she nonetheless made a displeased huff.

Ettie, her mind still more a beast's than a human's, would make a soft chuff at the lucario's approach - letting out a relaxed sigh, as the warmth of a Heal Pulse fell over her. Bite punctures and claw scrapes were soothed, and the wild adrenaline of fight or flight eased from her body. And together, the two regarded the marshadow - who was currently kowtowing, likely having no interest in facing the entire pack's wrath at once.

The wildchild, in response, couldn't help but sigh a second time - albeit this one was more exhausted. They could figure out what was next, once everyone was okay. But for now, Ettie was just plain tuckered out...

Coherent thoughts could wait a little longer...
Special Hunt completed
, ,
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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6'1" height
6'1" height
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POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 2:02:11 GMT
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The combination of the Umbreon's SPARKLY SWIRL and WISH gave Josh and Saber each a second wind, the trainer squeezing the electric Pokémon's sides and reining his Pokémon through the tunnel of fresh air. Though it was closing around him as the Fairy-type attack's effects faded, it lasted long enough for the racer to escape the yellow smoke. He would retrieve the caught Marshadow before bounding away from the leaking seal.

"Did you see any of that?" Josh asked the group in general, still breathing heavily even after the healing energies had washed over him. "There was this cat Pokémon with fangs for swords and a body of snow, unlike anything I've ever seen before. Riding it was... a reflection of myself. It was fast as Raikou, yet could turn like a whip!" He continued to ramble about the majestic creature's agility unlike any other Pokémon he knew of, legendary ones included. Not even Virizion was capable of turns that sharp. "... ? ? ? If Team Rocket took Raikou away from me and I can't have him, I want to learn more about that Pokémon. Once I'm done with my business in some of the other rifts, I want to come back here. That cat... is mine."


{WC: 212}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Saber           Manectric         Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Janus           Espeon            Good
King Zing       Beedrill          Good
Tiamat          Dragonite         Good
Kairi           Vaporeon          Good
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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
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6’3” height
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 6:39:21 GMT
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Callan's doppelganger Marshadow strikes against his Slaking, doing no damage from its Normal type. As the Slaking had BULKED UP previously, its defenses hardened ever further, granting it a boost to its physical strength. Enma shone in brilliant red fur as it counterattacked the Marshadow with a violent PLAY ROUGH, its blows empowered by fairy energy as it smashed dead center against the Marshadow's torso, sending it back.

Callan does not give it a moment to rest. Callan's Ultra Ball flies out as the blow lands, catching the Marshadow in mid-air. The beast shakes once or twice and finally settles into the ball.

The ball floats towards Callan's hand, and he stares at it momentarily, scrounging the feelings within him. A year ago, this would have marked a momentous occasion, to have captured a Mythical Pokemon, a milestone for his advancement as a trainer. What did he feel now?

It was just another Pokemon, those who chose to follow him.

He returns his attention to the group. Moments pass and they gather back together, having dealt with their respective shadows.

"I saw it." Callan replied to . "Good luck." That was all he could muster, he was tired, and unwilling to entertain any further thoughts other than being at home with a beer and .

"There's a bit that we need to report back about, particularly about these Marshadows we've caught." Callan remarks, "Let's head back for now."

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July 07
Ever Grande City
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 18:48:16 GMT
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The Marshadow had yielded. And yet she found herself on her knees. She could barely lift the Ultra-ball much less throw it. Her arms were shaking at the mere effort, not to mention the pain.

Luckily Marshadow was an honorable fighter. It gently prodded the Ultra ball, and was sucked in.

And with that she had a moment's peace until the group gathered together. Honestly, she wanted to stand, to approach them. But she could not. Her legs would not listen to her commands.

Luckily for her, the three ghosts she had sent to help Ettie returned to her, helped her, lifted her up and threw her on the back of Gengar.

Josh began to babble about some cat. But all Johanna could do was weakly say “You... You do that…” before she was knocked out cold.


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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2023 7:06:30 GMT
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing