Aurorus Winter Ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Employee at the Stray
189 height
189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
639 posts
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 9:42:14 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
The gift had gone down… poorly, to say the least. Though she’d succeeded in distracting the target, Najwa came off as fairly ungrateful. The present was a little crude, sure, but that was money she could’ve spent on food!

Meanwhile, Kit had managed to engage his target, and even shoo away the meddling girl. The mistletoe was moving into position, just as Annie had said… But the man was speaking. Kit was fairly clever by Pokemon standards, but he had a long way to go before he could understand anything that the stranger was saying. In cases like those, there was only one thing for the trickster to do.

Smile, nod, and back away.

Not that it mattered. Nature itself, it seemed, had conspired to foil their schemes. Calls of an impending disaster draw the attention of trainer and Pokemon alike. They locked eyes. ‘Najwa’ abandoned the plan, rushing over to embrace his trainer, who had been stunned into inaction. If snow or debris were to strike them, it would strike him first.

Fortunately, it never came to that; darkness was the only thing to strike them. Kit hoped that in the chaos and the shadows, nobody would notice him regaining his true form. Once the sounds and rumbles faded, Annie looked up at her partner. “You good?” The Zoroark nodded, releasing his trainer, and the two surveyed their surroundings.

Reality set in, and a concerned look showed itself on her face. “Er… Okay. So this doesn’t look great. Not terrible, but not great either. We can fix this, right?” Even she didn’t sound convinced. “Scratch that, don’t answer it. Might be a good time to skedaddle. We’re gonna need a getaway.” Now that was a word the beast understood. He went for the windows, using Night Slash to start carving a path through the new hole in the building.

That left Annie to act as Disaster Fixer… as decided by herself, in that moment. “Hey, hey!” She called to the room. “We could use some lights in here! If you’ve got some Pokemon out, Kit’s trying to claw a way out over there!” She paused. Was it too dark to see a mostly black Pokémon? "Say hello, Kit!" The Zoroark's calls would help him to be found, if anybody was having an extra hard time seeing.


TL;DR: Operation Mad Stacks has failed (, @bean4). Annie and her Zoroark attempt to start making an exit, and rally for others to do the same.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 16:43:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the hot cocoa was really warming up his bones and kazimir could only sigh in absolute pleasure. this was the life! good food. good company. how could this possibly go wro-

a rumble echoed through the building before it began to shake and the world around everyone seemed to get darker. a staff member came in shouting about an avalanche. one look at the windows one could see that snow had piled up against them and threatened to come bursting through if the integrity of the building was any weaker. so much for holiday fun and cheer.

but never fear!

for there was a hero!

or rather a guy who knew that he couldn't just let them all be buried under the snow. "tigger!" he called out as he released the little litten from its pokeball, the cat licking its paw and glancing up at its trainer with a bit of confusion why it brought it out of its warm and cozy ball. "c'mon tiggs, this whole place is buried under some snow, and its up to use to help everyone out of it. yeah?" the cat let out a meow of agreement and followed its trainer to where and their zoroark were busy digging.

"let us help ya, tigger use double-kick and dig us a bit in. once we're in a bit deeper we can try melting the snow and not burn this place down." the litten got to work kicking a small area around the already started tunnel to try and expand it and get in deeper. Kazimir did the same, using his hands to scoop the snow out of his way as he tried to push through alongside the pokemon next to him.

    +uses tigger to help dig them out of here along with



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 18:43:08 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent lucario


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]fenrir noivern


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]terra aerodactyl


Maybe it was a good idea he had his Salamence chilling around overhead, as the draconid continued to hover above everyone’s heads, a smirk crossing the features of its face as the hearth was lit up with warmth. Alexei thought there was something moving as the cold hearth caught alight with flames, but dismissed it as a trick of his mind’s eye.[break][break]

The mention of the weather made him cringe for a few moments, before he rearranged his features once more. Seeing that Florian had swapped out the wine he was holding for a mug of hot chocolate himself, he nodded in approval.[break][break]

“Thought you’d see reason with the cold wind blowing through,” he remarked, chuckling as he took a sip from the mug he was holding as well. Little did he realize that Florian had actually huddled closer to him for warmth, and that made spots of color flush across his cheeks.[break][break]

Calm down! He yelled to himself in the back of his mind. Oh Arceus, why did that stupid blush have to suddenly rise to his cheeks?! He shook his head frantically as he hid his face behind his own mug of hot chocolate, taking several long drinks and not realizing that he had actually emptied the damn thing because of sheer embarrassment.[break][break]

It isn’t until Florian’s words register in his head does he realize that they’re at a dance, and what was the main point of everything? To waltz around! He then felt his ears burning up, almost cooking from blush, and quickly rearranged his scarf—the better to hide the signs. “W-well… if it wasn’t so cold—” he was about to say when he heard the single sound announcing that they may very well get trapped here.[break][break]

“Ah, no,” he hissed under his breath before the windows were practically buried in a white-out.[break][break]

“Thank goodness I have someone who can use Flamethrower, but then ice melting would turn into water and…” he mused, before recalling the Salamence. Out of his companions, the only other one who could stand up to the cold was…[break][break]

“Vince, you’re up. Help them dig out, will you?” he said as he watched his Lucario unfurl from the flash of red light he’d tossed forward.[break][break]

Alexei's gross sweater[break][break]


Still with Florian, of course. Blushes like hell when he realizes that they're at a friggin' dance. Continues to stay warm next to him when the avalanche shakes the area, welp. Recalls Salamence for Lucario, and said Lucario starts helping with digging a way out of the place. Whoops.


word count: 374; Alexei nooooo what are these feelings?!



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flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
14 posts
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TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 19:30:16 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar


"If it wasn't so cold, I would ask you to dance!" His laugh is light and airy, but it dies in his throat at the call of avalanche and the rumble of the approaching threat before it crashes through windows and blocks the door. Blue eyes full of mirth go wide with fear and a lump forms in his throat that he swallows down. He laughs again, shaking his head. "If we survive this, I am going to."

He's an optimist at heart, after all, and he refuses to give up in the face of disaster.

His Galarian Rapidash snorts and tosses her mane as she's released from her Pokeball, turning to give her trainer a look when she realises she's been sent out indoors in the middle of some kind of panic.

"I know, darling," Florian coos, stroking her neck, "but I need your strength right now, oui?" She stomps her foot, but he can tell that she's listening by the look in her eyes. "Thank you, dear. Do whatever you can to clear that snow!"

Rapidash trots up to one of the obstructed exits and lowers her head, directing energy through her horn to levy a megahorn at the wall of snow. With her hooves, she stomps at the pile and attempts to scatter it, slowly digging through.


- tells that he'll want that dance eventually >)
- his galarian rapidash attempts to dig through the snow


[newclass=.flori] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.flori b] color: #57b6ce; [/newclass]
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2019 21:22:55 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian and his arcanine, along with Ruby and her pokemon, had been siting ducks when the call of an avalanche came for them. Surging around the complex, the doors were forfeit as the rush of rime bustled past, snowing them in without any warning. Luckily he still held fast to Howitzer.

"Girl, see if you can get us out with Sunny Day and Flamethrower," he commanded the pokemon while in a daze. She complied, but the snow and ice was thick, entrenching them into the lodgings. It would be no easy feat, but it would not be in vain to try, already finding he had more space as the arcanine melted away what snow had pushed its way past the doors and into the entrance hall. The floors would be ruined, though.


tl;dr Trying to get him and out and open the exit they were standing by.
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 0:18:11 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] The ball had, in many respects, proved to be entirely what Fernando expected. While dull would be putting it bluntly the theatrics provided proved less than entertaining. Small talk is conventional in all events and it isn't until the grounds rumble does something unexpected stir. Naturally, Fernando buckles as the lodge shakes from the AVALANCHE but once the tremors subside he pulls himself from the shelter of a nearby table.

Only one way out now — time for digging. Opening up a nearby window, Fernando brings out his Volcarona and Blaziken, issuing them to use BUG BUZZ and BLAZE KICK to melt the snow and cause it to even out, with an emphasis on a slow delicateness to avoid irritating the mass of snow from collapsing inward.


— hides from the avalanche
— opens up a nearby window
— has his pokemon slowly melt their way outside and vibrate to cause the snow to fall in

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 0:41:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar

As they dance closer to the mistletoe, Oswald senses Stormy's little plan and doesn't hesitate to follow along, happy to have her lead him into her little trap.
When she kisses him, he stoops a bit so she doesn't quite have to stretch so far on her tip-toes, before giving her a few more soft pecks.
"You know, you don't need mistleto-" His words are interrupted as he hears the rumbling, and then... "Shit." He watches as the snow pours down onto the little cabin, not moving an inch. Bruiser returns to his side like a protective parent, and tugs at the tails of his tux. "It's okay, buddy." He pats him on his head, and then looks to Stormy. "We should probably help. To be continued." He kisses her cheek, and goes to help clear out another window.
TLDR oz is like, oooh, smooches. then he's like, fuck, an avalanche. uses bruiser to try and help get out.


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 2:04:25 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Stormy can't help but smile into his kiss, melting into his arms and giggling at his slight protest or suggestion that she not need to be so secretive or tricky about kissing him.[break][break]

She starts to respond, shaking her head and letting her loose curls twist around on the back of her shoulders as she looks up at him.[break][break]

Unfortunately, her attention is promptly diverted as the walls and windows of the lodge begin to rattle and shake. The snow comes down heavy, at first as a roar and then absolute silence and darkness. It's as if her breath is stolen from her chest as she clings to Oswald briefly, stunne dinto silence.[break][break]

The windows have shattered and cold intrudes the air between the pair of them. Her skin rises in goosebumps as Oswald leaves to tend to the snow. Every door is slammed shut or piled high with heavy snow, and the lights are flickering or out completely.[break][break]

"To be continued indeed. I must be bad luck."[break][break]

Even still, the woman hikes up her dress and pins it against her hip with a bobby-pin. She reaches for another pokeball that dangles subtly at her belt. A Flareon appears, standing side by side with Bruiser. Together, Flareon uses it's body heat and flamethrower to begin melting and whittling away at the heavy snow by the window.[break][break]

- shares a kiss with oswald, then hikes up her dress and gets down to business to help desnow the lodge. releases flareon. her pair of oricorio and torkoal can be played by anyone else who was near the fireplace at the time![break][break]



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 2:21:29 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Howitzer was doing their best, but it's clear this was going to take time, and they were short on that particular resource. While the hound burned and pawed through the snow alongside Adrian, his plight became more exasperated. His fingers felt raw as he scratched against the frost, the elements biting back at him for every swipe of his hands.

"C'mon, c'mon! F#@%!" He was beginning to feel claustrophobic, the onset of cabin fever taking its hold over him. Frantically he kept clawing for a way out. But he wasn't the only one hard at work.


tl;dr Just digging and rolling.
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flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
14 posts
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TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 2:23:22 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar


OK, so maybe he's starting to panic.

Just a little.

Florian looks around at the combined efforts of all the trainers and Pokemon attempting to clear the avalanche, but no matter the efforts, the snow seems to come in an endless tide. How much snow had piled against the building? Arceus above, was it going to hold? Were they going to die here? They're trapped. Trapped, and that brings with it memories that he'd thought he'd buried deep, bad memories that rise in his throat and threaten to choke his breath—

Joli, sensing Florian's mounting anxiety, suddenly takes on a serious air and wraps his feelers around his trainer's arm, leaning his weight against Florian's thigh. The touch is like an anchor to reality, and after a moment, Florian blinks away the vacant stare.

"Right. You're right, Joli," he says, to the Sylveon who hadn't said a word. Some silent communication passes between them as he crouches down and stares into his partner's bright blue eyes. "Not going to get much done if we're freaking out."

He casts a quick, apologetic smile to .

"Sorry, I'm a bit claustrophobic." Not a lie, nor the full truth. "I know this space isn't exactly cramped, but the snow..."

There was no escape, no matter how much space they had to die in.

He rushes up with Sylveon to where his Rapidash is still trying to dig through the snow, psychic energy from her horn blasting it with repeated psycho cuts. Joli can't help much with his moves, but his tiny paws work at the snow as Florian's Cottonee once again calls upon the promise of a sunny day to slowly melt the snow, but more importantly, to help the fire-types that didn't have help of their own.

She'd noticed with his Arcanine, and taken it upon herself to do the same.


- starts to freak tf out but his sylveon, being a support pokemon, calms him down
- apologizes to for the scare
- rapidash and sylveon are digging at the snow, cottonee used sunny day


[newclass=.flori] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.flori b] color: #57b6ce; [/newclass]
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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 2:51:01 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

She was just about to talk about how wonderful her home region of Galar was when he mentioned the Prince. She simply blinked, her eyes widening ever so slowly. Sinnoh was interesting, but not nearly as interesting as hearing the Prince himself was here in Hoenn! Oh, did that mean he was here? She quickly stood up to her feet, an excited gleam in her eyes. "The... The prince is in Hoenn? Oh god, my mom would love his autograph! I should-"

Before she could continue, the avalanche would immediately catch her off guard. The massive amount of snow slamming into the building immediately made her panic. She didn't scream, but her chest tightened up immediately as she was knocked off her feet. The Pokeball in her hands rolling out the door and revealing Opal the Aurorus, only for them to be buried underneath the snow right away.

"N-No!" She shouted out as the snow covered the entire doorway, making leaving the building a nightmare. It seemed like the new friend she had made was already trying to have his fire pokemon dig a way out, and despite her immediate desire to panic from the sheer natural disaster that just occurred, she took a deep, shaky breath.

"Opal!" She shouted as Darling the Indeedee finally made their way back to their feet, protectively pulling Ruby's arm close. "Are you out there?!"

A muffled dinosaurian scream shouted through the snow as the tall ice-pokemon attempted to break free of the heavy snow, pushing back with all their strength and digging out the snow with their large feet.


notes: Talked with Adrian, and panicked over the avalanche. Opal got stuck outside and is currently attempting to break herself and the others free from the massive and heavy pile of snow.


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,752 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 3:12:44 GMT
shiv Avatar





[attr="class","ihead"]SOMETHING HAPPENED!

DESPITE THE DIRE SITUATION, the combined efforts of the attendees inspire the fire of collaboration. the rolycoly rustle out of the hearth and participate in the excavation. their orange gazes alight with flame as they INCINERATE some of the snow.[break][break]


however, with the help of everyone's concerted efforts, is able to strike a weak point in the constitution of the snowbank. a sizable portion of the wall collapses. underneath his arcanine's paw, something is pulled from the snow: a relic unearthed by the avalanche's impartial course. a stone thuds by his feet.[break][break]


the snow is still thick. compacted. more must be done. the lodge is suddenly cast into darkness as the power dies.[break][break][break]

TO ESCAPE, use a pokemon to break down the wall of snow blocking one of the exits. the rolls above represent the main wall of snow that is blocking the exits and entrances. in order to carve a path of escape, you must collectively roll and match every single one of the rolled numbers above! of course, depending on the time, you may only need to match most instead of all![break][break]

you can only roll once per post, but you can roll/post as many times as you want! those who roll will receive rewards in the end, including those who do not match a rolled number!

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flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
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TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 3:28:30 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar


Florian hears shout in alarm, the professor damn-near giving himself whiplash as he jerks his head toward the sound. She seems panicked, and he rushes over immediately, eager to do something, anything to help. He feels useless as his Pokemon try their hardest to break free.

"Are you OK, miss?"

His own glasses are askew, and he straightens them and offers Ruby and a quick and flustered smile.

"Oh, you're doing very well!" He suddenly notices the progress that Adrian and his Arcanine have made. To Ruby, he says, "But... is your poor Pokemon stuck out there?!"

He whistles sharply, and his three Pokemon approach at their various speeds: Elodie clings to Joli's back as the Sylveon immediately charges toward his trainer, and his Rapidash approaches as if she's got all the time in the world. It's typical of her, really.

"My Pokemon and I will do our best to help! Oh, I'm Florian, by the way." He hopes they can understand him in spite of his Kalosian accent and rushed words. "They are not fire types, but they will try."

Laverre tosses her pastel mane and, true to Florian's words, begins to help dig away at the snow that's separated trainer from Pokemon. The dinosaur might have been all right despite the avalanche, but Florian's main concern is reuniting the two.


- hears cry out and runs over to her and
- feel free to have come with if you want ven!
- offers to help dig opal out


[newclass=.flori] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.flori b] color: #57b6ce; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 3:41:48 GMT
Deleted Avatar

"Fuck my luck." He mutters in one last great breath; it's a quick, defeated thing like the way he reaches for his belt in a ditch effort shares some of that resignation.

The cloak of heavy snow swelling over the lodge sounds void as it floods the sleek interior, off the broken windows, his pokemon. Milo waits, somewhere beneath the snow feeling all the days of his life compact around him with the hard press of snow at his back like a hurricane.

Quilava begins to burrow, the sharp specific heat of its  flame thaws the ice deep blue in the shadows of the drifts.


tldr; rip milo  //  quilava to dig out

@event / <3

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 4:00:36 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle whistles. all of the mightyena stopped running around the halls, ceasing their playful chaos as they remained on whichever position they were at, waiting for the next directive from their trainer.

with a single motion of his head, all of his mightyena come bounding towards him. he swats them off when they come jumping at him, and the action was enough to get them in line.

kyle turns to alpha, the mightyena who he already took with him to light up the fireplace, and then jerks his head to the entrance once he gets his attention. the mightyena perks his ears up and gets the wordless instruction and starts to walk towards the wall of snow outside.

"inferno overdrive."

large flames start to form around the mightyena. he launches himself at the snow, melting majority of it with an explosion of flames.


  • assembles his mightyena to his location
  • alpha uses inferno overdrive

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