i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 23:06:47 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

the beast was captured and everyone, like some random comedic trope, gave chase to the weirdly designed ball that had it. mateo wasn't sure as to what that was all about. he was just mostly upset that the battle ended, but then a familiar cry was heard, "that sounded like..." leering toward the cry, it was none other than, "?!"

was the first to move. that was all they'd need. "alright, onto the next! let's save !" on the back of arcanine, they'd move. "arcanine, safeguard!" sceptile, following, became cloaked in a layer of light that would protect it and arcanine from the acid rain.

mateo's party would come to stop alongside 's manetric and dragalge. "oh! how'd he get--oh, i see what he's doing!" he couldn't see the pokemon with him, but he assumed kyle must have had a dog-type that could teleport he was unaware of. and with that said "dog pokemon" he was holding onto high up, he intended to bring dahlia down. it brought a large smile to the dragon master's face, "fuckin' wild, i love it!"

whatever dahlia had become would require stronger means to free her. "sceptile, it's finally time!" sceptile, with a simple smile, nodded, "this is gonna be so sick: mega!" a hand tightened around a necklace that emulated a bright green light. he was hoping to use this power against the now defeated blachephelon, but this would have to suffice.

had kyle's attempt to ground been successful, mateo would utter, "alright, elite next door, and noelle," he added, "ice this bitch before it gets the chance to retaliate!" mega sceptile's body became enshrouded with the power of unburden due to using his mega item, his speed had greatly risen even further. "helping hand on sceptile, arcanine! sceptile, mimic: helping hand and do the same for arcanine!" with a high five between the duo, sceptile and arcanine's bodies became cloaked within a golden light.

"assault mode: mega sceptile leaf blade with a quick attack, arcanine mimic: leaf blade with extreme speed,!" orders given arcanine would utilize leaf blade, on each side there was a green blade made of raw energy. they were comparable, or rather identical, to a normal leaf blade. whereas, mega sceptile's own leaf blades were more razor sharpened due to his evolution. with haste the duo would move like the wind in order to deliver a continuous onslaught of offensive strikes, cuts, and lacerations upon nihilego that which possessed . they wanted to give it no time to think nor attack, and hopefully for the others to pound some sense into the possessed .

"hell fuckin' yeah, let's fuckin' goooo!!" mateo was pumped. like a dragon's dance he felt his adrenaline pumping through him. the potential outcome worried him a little, but he couldn't afford to allow hesitation to hold him back anymore.



- mateo followed kyle!
- arcanine used safeguard on sceptile and itself to protect from the acid rain.
- mateo used mega evolution on sceptile.
- mega sceptile's ability unburden became active.
- mega sceptile's speed has sharply risen.
- arcanine used helping hand on sceptile!
- mega sceptile used mimic: helping hand on arcanine.

- mateo, then, ordered the buffed duo go on the assault.
- sceptile used leaf blade with quick attack in order to get close quick.
- arcanine used mimic: leaf blade with extreme speed in order to get close quick.
- both are currently, without pause, attacking .


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stormy, bronwen
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july 25
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1350 height
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2020 1:20:37 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Power seems to emanate from the Blacephalon, each of her impacts with her

sacred sword

blowing her back, like the metal of her Doublade is glancing off something far stronger than she's ever experienced. Together, with Noah's help and the strength of her Type: Null and another unidentified one in the fray, it seems to push the Blacephalon back.[break][break]

And then she notices that their attacks finding purchase are granting them a little more time to deal with the bomb - that is, until the Blacephalon is absorbed by a strange ball and disappears entirely. The air is quiet, the ground trembles underneath them, changing the currents of air beneath Wadjet's wings. They readjust, wings spread to balance them.[break][break]

But the bomb on the lighthouse hasn't disappeared. It continues to lower as the clock ticks ever closer - too close - to midnight.[break][break]

That unsettling feeling of dread weighs heavily in the pit of her stomach. It makes her skin crawl, turns the sweat on her brow and neck to ice. Her movements feel too slow, like she can't keep up, like she's useless.[break][break]

Kyle and the rest of the Elite 4 go after the creature that mildly resembles Dahlia. Part of her desires to join them, to help aid in their fight. But a vision suddenly captures her attention as someone's thoughts interrupt her own. She repeats the Gothorita's words aloud, quietly, under her breath, as they are delivered.[break][break]

When she finally comes to, there's a note of worry in her eyes, and her grip on Wadjet's nape grows tighter.[break][break]

Her Type: Null seems thrown off, confused by the ultra beasts sudden disappearance. The Nihilego remains, but his target had suddenly gone missing.[break][break]


Stormy shouts at the beast, catching it's attention just long enough. She hasn't given it a name, nor does she know how to refer to it. But she can see the wild glint in it's eye, the savagery, the rage.[break][break]

"Help me get rid of this bomb."[break][break]

There's a gutteral noise that she can't make out the meaning of, but the Null seems to have considered her words. Or perhaps there's soo many people interfering with the Nihilego. Or maybe there is some sort of bond or connection between trainer and Pokemon that it decides to follow direction.[break][break]

Regardless, the Type: Null runs underneath Wadjet's wings as the pair travel by land and sky, charging for the lighthouse. [break][break]

Rain begins to fall and she can feel the burning almost instantly. With a gasp, she covers the open sores on her arms and holds her Doublade above her.[break][break]

"Protect us!"[break][break]

The twin blades begin to glow and extend an invisible shield, purposefully spreading wide enough to form a second

iron defense

into a

wide guard

across the four of them. Null matches pace underneath them as they fly, the chimera's legs eating up the ground. It's almost as if he, too, is flying.[break][break]

Someone has summoned a

sunny day

, and the warmth of the sun is almost instantaneous on Wadjet's energy. The Pokemon seems to roll every muscle in her shoulders and back as she roars. [break][break]

"Wadjet, it's you and me, girl! Let's do this!"[break][break]

At her command, the black dragon literally becomes a dragon. Her body seems to swell in size, her red flames becoming hotter, bigger, bluer. Green light shines from her core, plain to see, and it grows bigger and bigger as it travels to her throat. With an intense inhale, the mega-evolved dragon Pokemon forces out an intense and beautiful

solar beam

directly at the bottom of the lighthouse.[break][break]

They need to keep the bomb in the air, right? Because if it lands, it'll explode. That's what she's going with. [break][break]

Type: Null breaks free from their formation to begin the game of 'keep it up' with an inhumane


that hopefully forces it up into the sky. Maybe someone else will step in and take it from there.[break][break]

Meanwhile, following this, Wadjet will use


to survive whatever comes next.[break][break]


- makes her own decision because?[break]
- asks her type: null to help her move the bomb[break]
- doublade uses

iron defense


wide guard

to protect all four of them the best it can from the acid rain[break]
- stormy


her charizard[break]
- wadjet uses

solar beam

on the bottom of the lighthouse to send the bomb into the air[break]
- type: null runs underneath it and uses


to send it flying, hopefully??[break]
- wadjet uses





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august 12th
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2020 2:23:46 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Déjà vu is a hell of a drug.

The pandemonium plays out like his nightmares. Numerous trainers scramble to seize a single object with little care for the crisis before them. Fernando has experienced this many times before but under the safety of his mind's own boundaries and the lack of consequences for acting out with greed and in his own self interest. Now that the stakes present real consequences, he abandons his own vices in order to secure the only thing that truly matters: himself.

Regardless of how much the ball may have diminished, it still poses an undeniable threat. Considering the impact of the Barcelona's earlier attacks, leaving its remnant unchecked may spell disaster for Slateport if not the entire southern coast of Hoenn. His Tapu Fini's message only confirms his suspicions and Fernando gathers his hands into a balled up fist. Pink bleeds from his ears and nose. The MISTY TERRAIN clashes against his image but curtains only serve to curtail the Tapu Fini's need to gather more energy.

Pursue the beast ball that contained the Barcelona.

Save the commissioner from her affliction.

Protect yourself from the acid rain.

None of that matters if everything is blown to smithereens. Fernando keeps his attention honed onto the single most important objective before them and the Alolan energy exacerbates his anxiety. His Aegislash stands in front of him but behind his Tapu Fini, shield raised to serve as an umbrella while he remains immobilized. Salamence is no different, too large to be anywhere but in their way, so it lingers behind them, wings raised to shield them where the Aegislash cannot.

Tapu Fini proves apathetic to the pleas of those around them. The descent into madness means little to the Pokemon's purpose. It exists for one reason: to preserve nature and defend the land with extreme prejudice. The aftermath and pretenses around maintaining peace go over the Pokemon's understanding and the concept of friendly fire is a myth. The connection between Legendary and Avatar intertwine and they bond to create and attack that transcends normal means. Its CALM MIND (2) provides it the clarity needed to hone in on the ticking New Year's ball.

Admittedly, there is little that Fernando understands about the circumstance. Sure, the attack had shrunk in accordance to how much they had punished the Ultra Beast but that does not necessitate that attacking the leftover bomb would do the same. If anything, doing such a thing may prove disastrous and for a moment Fernando considers his options. He's known it since the moment it appeared — he has no answers only uneducated guesses based off his gut feeling — and it shows in how he preemptively prepares to attack long before his momentary pause.

Starved of his crutches — unable to overwhelm with sheer numbers or to dictate the tempo of the situation to his own comfort — Fernando relies on the only method he trusts: brute force.

Fernando's ready to strike when something pricks at his consciousness. Something is probing him, invasive in nature and trying to influence him with a single message. Unfortunately is too late. Her time spent whimpering and trying to turn the attention of those preoccupied with trivial tasks has already passed. The husk of Alolan's Guardian Deity rises behind Tapu Fini by the time manages to scream at them to collaborate.

Fortunately, despite their collective procrastination to contribute to their group project, the overachiever has already prepared to submit his answer.

The GUARDIAN OF ALOLA extends both arms backwards with each hand open, energy pooling into growing spheres. The attack culminates into a single projectile and the creature lurches forward, hurling it toward the Barcelona's bomb. The attack ruptures in transit into spiraling mass of fae gales.

The resurgence of is a welcome surprise. Her SOLAR BEAM is the envoy for the Silph's combined efforts. Wherein her beam may split through the SUNNY DAY to crumble at the lighthouse and launch the bomb upwards, it will be Fernando who follows up with current after current of Alolan breezes. His solution conflicts with her own.

Whether it pushes the bomb away or distorts its energy is a toss up. It could even explode preemptively. Considering the ironic symbolism between the date and the thematic circumstance of their predicament, perhaps that wouldn't be too bad a thing.

— prioritizes bomb and prepares to use Z-MOVE
MISTY TERRAIN around fernando, who's far away from both groups
— aegislash and salamence on standby, shielding fernando
— tapu fini CALM MIND (2)
— with little choice, fernando uses GUARDIAN OF ALOLA around the same time reaches out
— attack is in transit when yells at everyone else
— attack reaches after 's SOLAR BEAM


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February 12
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Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2020 3:21:04 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


Chaos ensued as the events led to a scattering of multiple bombs (Thankfully not at them since the lightscreen shattered). The beast that had assaulted was being weakned, enough to make the bomb over the lighthouse reduce in size. Maybe now it would not eradicate the whole country? Yet, one problem rose up... A single ball, of odd colors and design, sliced through the air and collided with the mad clown. And in a flash, the creature was... captured?![break][break]

Before Balder could step forward and observe better, the wind and flames caused by the attacks on NihiDahlia lifted the ball up, sending it flying... and allowing the man to notice something horrifying: The bomb was still there, even though its creator had vanished from the field! Does that mean the bomb was autonomous now that his owner was gone? Surely the clown creature still held an effect unto it..[break][break]

And thus began the true mayhem. People rushing at the ball, acid rain pouring, the bomb ticking closer and the fact that Dahlia still stood against them. For some reason, this felt like... Déjà Vu. Like he's been in this time before. And he knew there was a place to go. As the man began to ponder upon a plan, he recalled his Mega Charizard into its pokeball. No use keeping him out in this weather, it could become increasingly dangerous for him.[break][break]

As he did so, a communication surged into his mind, announcing the bomb will explode. But when? While it was getting dangerously close to the Light House, nothing pointed to an immediate trigger. That was, until he saw Stormy's new creature and the Tapu Fini fire their attacks at it, deafening Kyoukon's call for cooperation by doing so. Would it trigger the bomb, keep it steady or ensure nothing happens?[break][break]

Then, he heard @nicole shout his name. Now, of all time? She was requesting his assistance to get that beast ball? Well... Wait, this could actually work. Then, appeared, requesting if he could warp that bomb into space. Balder shook his head. "Sadly, I don't think Leo can do such a feat. I didn't even know he could do portals until now. But there's something I need to try first."[break][break]

Solgaleo came close to his trainer and looked at him, wondering what they were gonna do. Balder rubbed the galaxy stone on top of the lion's head before he shouted to as many people as possible: "PSYCHIC POKEMON USERS, FOCUS YOUR ATTACKS ON THE BOMB, KEEP IT STEADY! THOSE THAT DON'T HAVE ANY, AIM FOR THE TENTACLE MONSTROSITY!" Balder then looked at his Solar Lion and opened his free hand.[break][break]

"Let's add a new member to our team, bud. Get that ball so we can have him do some community service and avoid another tragedy" The lion nodded. His eyes focused on the beast ball instantly and began to shine a bright purple. Hopefully, if this worked, a portal would open under the Beast Ball, making it fall into the portal. And if all the coordinates aligned, an exit portal would open over Balder's left hand to drop the Beast Ball into it gently. Let's hope this works?[break]



[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Observes the Chaos and calls Charizard back into a pokeball[break]
Hears the communication into his mind, starts to plan[break]
Hears Nicole's plea for help, and Thomas' request/Idea[break]
Screams to everyone to keep the bomb steady and for others to attack NihiDahlia[break]
Proceeds to open a portal under the Beast Ball to retrieve it.[break]
0000 WORDS FOR @event @nicole [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2020 5:04:30 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
Torn between what to do, Noelle briefly looked back and forth, feeling a sense of being incredibly overwhelmed. What should she do? Help Kyle and Mateo? But, what about the bomb? What sense did it make to go after some stupid pokeball if they ended up dying from the more pressing matters? Grimacing in displeasure, she left dealing with the crazy commissioner to her companions, instead focusing her efforts on supporting others with the bomb. "Gyarados, help send the bomb away!" Her plea towards the serpent is followed by a roar. a massive beam of energy emits from its gaping maw as a hyper beam is sent forth to follow the sliph's efforts.

her blissey is soon released afterwards, "please, protect us from the rain," noelle commands the normal type as she and her small group of pokemon huddle together. blissey soon used psychic on the acid rain that rained down directly onto them, throwing off its path to, hopefully, protect the huddled group. 

- has blissey use psychic to protect them from the acid rain
- has gyarados use hyper beam on the bomb in tandem with the others to blast it away from them all

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the volatile
August 15th
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tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2020 6:14:12 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





The sight of the acid rain raised immediate concern—afterall, bailey cooper had seen the effects of the strange, corosive liquid firsthand. It was why her krookodile was so deeply scarred, and the thought of what it could do to her own body was not something to be taken lightly.[break][break]

So, she sought shelter in the closest place. Jumping down from the roof, the Elite Four member feels her ankles ache as she threw herself into the closest place: the hole that her krookodile had already dug. It was like a repeat of mossdeep, where the safest place to be was underground and out of sight.[break][break]

Even if the clown was gone.[break][break]

“Stay put, Gator!” she'd call into the depths, alerting her shadow pokemon to the potential threat that loomed overhead.[break][break]

And if the bomb did go off, they would be far safer down here.[break][break]


Vicky the Vikavolt, on the other-hand, had a different view as the events unfolded. The rising winds were not overlooked by the flying insect... nor was the beast ball.[break][break]

As everyone attempted to converge on the object, the vikavolt had the advantage of already being airborn. The only reason it felt inclined to go for the capsule? The mere fact that it was what remained of the clown foe.[break][break]

Its wings beat into a wild, buzzing fury as it utilized agility in a wild attempt to snag the capsule.[break][break]


tldr: krookodile hides from the acid rain with the use of dig while bailey takes cover in the hole it dug. vikavolt notices the ascending beast ball, and attempts to snag it with the use of agility (has used agility x2 and tailwind x1).


| capture the ball attempt


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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2020 7:38:07 GMT
noah faber Avatar

noah pales to the bone. as if he possessed an arthritic ability to sense incoming storms, noah urges his unfezant to pull back. danger forces the blood to retreat from the surface of skin. his nervous voice is tempered strong by wadjet's flames.

"stormy! i-" noah calls to her as his unfezant tilts backward during their descent. he's looking at someone else. his voice becomes distant by every word. "i gotta fall back! you better stay safe! i still need a gym battle with you!"

his unfezant caws and hoists noah backward after releasing him from his talons. briefly, noah is in mid-air—but the unfezant is able to reposition itself with ease thanks to the ongoing TAILWINDS billowing from its feathers. noah lands on the back of his bird before diving toward the gathering group of elite four members and 's waiting manectric.

he had expected to wait for the rain— but noah diverts his attention to the canine's position.

his gifted crabominable scuttles closer, moving ahead of , and closer to the electric dog. noah cries a command, and the crab's drooling mouth closes shut. it pounds the earth with an ICE HAMMER, forcing a ramp of ice to jut from the point of impact. it is erected ahead of the manectric's original position; the manectric has already darted forth to retrieve its owner.

as the rain begins to fall behind him, his unfezant releases noah at a suitable distance. steeling himself, he angles his body and lands onto the icy slope. he lands, skidding down as his shoes carve into the ice.

as returns, noah's unfezant darts before them with a DETECT while his crabominable adds further layers to the ramp—now a curved barrier—with more ICE HAMMERS. each strike forces spouts of ice that crystallize with crisp gasps.


- falls back from stormy
- slides on ice hammer ramp from crabominable after being thrown from unfezant mid-air
- crabominable continues to develop ice hammer barrier wall as unfezant uses detect to protect both him and kyle from rain

ny raid

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 9:19:40 GMT
shiv Avatar




[attr="class","ihead"]THE BEAST BALL
AS THE SLUDGE RAINS DOWN, 's arcanine brings a surreal brightness to this harrowing night. @creepy's corviknight dives sharply. the acid rain does little to harm its steel exterior; instead, it drips thickly like coagulated sewage. underneath the plummeting beast ball, a surge of energy pulses before expanding into a gridded pit: another wormhole. 's solgaleo roars, attempting to send the creature from whence it came.[break][break][break]


as 's dragapult LOCKS ON while his solrock twirls in mid-air, sharpening itself to make it more agile. after slips into the shadowy portal with his dragon, the two sense something lurking in the darkness. a single cyclops eye peers at them within the umbral walls of their PHANTOM FORCE. as they emerge, they are accompanied by another force...[break][break][break]

while @nicole's togedemaru flies through the air, electricity gathers with further furor on its rotund body thanks to 's raichu. like a comet coursing through debris, the rodent passes through the poisonous rain with little complication. 's scizor punches its way through while 's vikavolt manages to agilely navigate the weather toward the beast ball.[break][break][break]

with a howl of WHIRLWIND and under some acid rain, 's noivern blows the beast ball away from the wormhole, aided by 's speedy solrock and its PSYCHIC; however, acid rain begins to batter against the sun pokemon, causing its grasp to falter. swiftly, 's staryu seizes the opportunity to wrestle it back downward with a potent PSYCHIC of its own. suspended in the air, @creepy's corviknight is able to snatch the ball in its steel talons. as stones and blade force themselves into the chaos, emerges with a familiar face to some...[break][break][break]


even may be surprised. for when he reemerges on the back of his dragapult, the dragon's maw open wide to engulf the beast ball, a flurry of shadows flies from the portal itself. a burst of purple energy protects the pokemon near the beast ball, the rain dissipating upon impact. although @creepy's corviknight is brave, it lets go of the beast ball to avoid a shadowy claw. the darkrai tears into where the corviknight once was, slamming the beast ball back toward 's dragapult which engulfs it with a decisive chomp.[break][break][break]

on the field, 's solgaleo's wormhole remains. it expands larger, engulfing a portion of the night market's rubble.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]AGAINST THE RAIN


ALTHOUGH 's hydreigon is able to forge an earthen canopy for himself and his trainer, the acid rain manages to penetrate some of the wall. it sloughs off onto the dragon, causing it to wail, all three maws and their jaws fall slack as it screams in terrible pain.[break][break][break]

's and 's swamperts attempt to protect their owners from the initial barrage of rain. their WIDE GUARDS and PROTECTS, but they too, find that the acid manages to break through. droplets of toxic rain touch their skin and while their raichu and alolan marowak are able to stave off the rain, but their companions begins to cry out in terrible caterwauls of agony.[break][break][break]

's reuniclus and drifblim provide aid for the elite four and , who has situated herself among them. a shimmering LIGHT SCREEN and PROTECT are able to shield them from the falling rains. likewise, 's vileplume, under the shining sun, grows to soak in the toxins from above. furthermore, 's aegislash is able to protect him and his trainer; however, his machoke is able to cover 's body from a stray pouring of poison as it slides off the curve of the ghost pokemon's shield. it too, screams in an otherworldly pain.[break][break][break]

as returns to the field, his dragalage preemptively adapts to the rain in time; however, thanks to the protection provided by 's crabominable and his unfezant, the rest of his pokemon are shielded. however, witnesses his unfezant falter under the immense sludge. the DETECT breaks, and the bird falls to the ground, feathers clumped together in poisons as it writhes.[break][break][break]

while 's krookodile successfully digs a hole for them to shield themselves in, 's solrock provides him with sturdy ROCK SLIDE shield. the pokenger is safe- for now.[break][break][break]

's gothorita sees the same fate. for now, the threads of their destiny have not changed yet. her mega-evolved hatterene attempts to shield themselves from the acid onslaught; however, the surge of rain is far too much to handle alone. as the acid rain cuts through the PSYCHIC, the hatterene begins to shriek from the sheer pain engulfing its body. immediately, it reverts to its original form as 's gardevoir attempts to heal the hatterene, for the rain has passed.[break][break][break]


in the air, is not so lucky. he takes the full brunt of the rain himself, for his sableye can not withstand the mass amount of rain this close. although his pidgeot attempts to save themselves with a powerful HURRICANE, the SUNNY DAY weakens its potency. the gym leader and his pokemon are seemingly submerged in the purple wave. violently, like damaged aircraft, they begin to plummet like rocks. everyone would be able to witness 's dramatic plunge before they are obscured by debris... in the background, people would be able to hear the sound of a severe collision and the scattering of rubble.[break][break][break]

the following pokemon are in severe pain and immediate action must be taken to save them: 's dragapult, 's machoke, 's noivern, 's sableye, 's hatterene, 's hydreigon, 's swampert, 's swampert, 's charizard, 's unfezant, 's sharpedo, @bean2's ampharos.[break][break][break]

on the ground, the rain sizzles, eating holes in the broken tiling of the market.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]VS. NIHILEGO-DAHLIA


the following actions happen in rapid succession.

ENTERS THE FRAY, following and his teleporting cosmog. as his arcanine yelps, casting a SAFEGUARD around the mega-evolving sceptile. they cry out to each other, the HELPING HANDS empowering them as they weave through the missiles of acid rain. through the OMINOUS WINDS of 's jellicent, the mega-sceptile penetrates through, landing a terrible blow on to 's nihilego-shell with a LEAF BLADE. the rocky carapace cracks.[break][break][break]

following up, 's mega sharpedo attempts to AQUA JET an opening for ; however, it forces it in the way of @bean2's and ' pokemon's DRAGON PULSES. its PSYCHIC FANGS clench tight as the attack launches the sharpedo into the rainfall. it snarls, the mega evolution fading as the toxins seep into its rough skin. 's jellicent is able to WRING OUT 's body, the CURSED BODY allowing it penetrate the otherworldly make of 's nihilego body.[break][break][break]


as the body is pulled out, 's arcanine leaps toward them with its empowered strength. with a desperate howl, the canine MIMICS the attacks of its companion, launching the nihilego's body back before the tentacles can take (or anyone else) again. to add insult to injury, @nicole's soaring togedemaru, with its SPIKY SHIELD, slams it back even further.[break][break][break]

there is a moment for to acknowledge and 's assistance before cosmog teleports them back with 's body. unbeknownst to them, ' joltik manages to come along for the ride.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE BOMB

's YANMEGA PROVIDES HERSELF and her type:null with ANCIENT POWER. the cover holds, miraculously. the poison seeps through a melted hole, narrowly missing her body- but beginning to melt the soles of her shoes. as she yells for the ball, her starmie begins to shift the bomb on the lighthouse with PSYCHIC.[break][break][break]

as 's gyarados DRAGON DANCES, 's gyarados aids in the effort. a shrieking HYPER BEAM slams into the bomb, shifting it upwards. 's tapu fini enlarges itself dramatically, planting itself on a gargantuan yellow body. it strikes the bomb upward, obliterating a chunk off of the lighthouse as follows up with a mega-charged SOLAR BEAM, pushing it even higher. the night sky, already illuminated by 's SUNNY DAY, becomes blindingly bright for a moment. unfortunately, during the attack 's wadjet is pelted by the last remnants of rain. its mega-evolved form fades as the toxins seep into its body...[break][break][break]

everyone seems to perceive that this would not have been possible if the ball was at its original size... and without such powerful attacks. despite the extraterrestrial nature of its creation, the laws of this land must still be followed. the bomb begins to fall from its tall height, reaching terminal velocity almost immediately. those who check the time will find that there are only five minutes until midnight.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]A DESPERATE ATTEMPT


ROCKETS WHO HAVE RECEIVED INFORMATION about the nihilego had encountered will realize that this creature is much larger... andmuch more bestial than what the report has shown. however, the poison rain seems less toxic to some extent. it's as if the larger it is, the less potent the poison is. this nihilego, empowered by its previous host, is frenzied. violent. and with a raise of its tentacles, its whole body glows. those closest to the nihilego or with the most attention paid to it (, , , @bean2, , ) would see that the beast is attempting to target the expansive wormhole () in the middle of the night market.[break][break][break]

the ground begins to morph, shift... and glow. suddenly, the earth erupts in a wave of jutting rock (like waves of stone edges). it attempts to tear through anything in its way as before attempting to cover up the wormhole.[break][break][break]


mod roll:


below are several guidelines and notes you must follow and consider for the raid. please pm if you have any other questions. these guidelines will be trimmed or omitted for future mod posts in this event.[break][break][break]

you must ROLL for this round as you perform your actions; this round, rolls won't determine the absolute outcome of your actions.[break][break][break]

there are several things in play at the moment. to summarize: [break]
  • 's dragapult has engulfed the beast ball. darkrai has announced its presence, aiding rocket thanks to the events of the halloween raid.
  • 's solgaleo's wormhole is in the night market.
  • 's condition is unknown.
  • the lighthouse bomb has been dislodged from the building and is now falling. it's five minutes until midnight.
  • is with , but 's joltik is on her body.
  • the nihilego is making a massive ground-based attack.

please include a tl;dr of your character's actions; however, if any of your posts remain only as tl;drs by the end of the event (i.e. there is no actual written post), you will receive no rewards.[break][break][break]

furthermore, if you have a "tl;dr only post" in the previous round and make another "tl;dr only post" that is unedited by the next mod post, you will automatically fail your action with dire consequences.[break][break][break]

the next mod post will be on on 1/30, 12:00AM PST..

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 20:44:43 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar



The normally emotionless Swampert let out a cry in agony as while Protect was able to save Josh and Lightning, the Swampert itself was hurt. Josh let out a growl as he stepped back once from the remains of the rain, quickly recalling the Swampert back to its Pokeball for the time being. The Pokeball, hopefully, would lessen its pain. He would need to get it to a Pokemon Center as soon as this was over, but for the time being, to spare it, Swampert would be left out of the fray for the rest of this. The holes that had been made from it impacting the ground and other areas told him just how damaging it was.

There was that creature, and there was the bomb... Far too much going on at once, and he had to choose what to focus on. He had heard someone call to move the bomb, and he watched as the bomb sailed away, seeming to be heading as far away as possible from the group. The creature meanwhile, seemed to be heading for that wormhole that a whole bunch of people had been heading toward... Deciding to prioritize the bomb, Josh calls back Fawkes as he and Lightning hop onto its back. The Charizard lets out a road as it takes flight. "Wh-?" Josh grunted as the ground began to erupt under them. All he can do is hope that whatever is kicked up won't hit them.

Josh takes a deep breath as they careen toward the falling bomb. If they could manage to knock it toward the ocean without detonating it, then they might be able to have it explode harmlessly high in the air, out of range of any buildings.

"FAWKES, USE DRAGON CLAW!" Josh cried out from the top of his lungs, as a green aura would radiate from the Charizard's claws once they reached the bomb. So long as the bomb was sent sailing away and not exploding, Josh would call out to any trainers in the vicinity.



- Josh withdraws Swampert for the remainder of the Raid, to keep it from further pain and heal it at a Pokemon Center later. Raichu and Charizard remain.
- Josh brings out Charizard and hops on its back, unintentionally gaining some ground away from Nihilego's attack
- Charizard uses Dragon Claw to knock the bomb as far upwards toward the sea as possible, hoping that when it detonates, it will be away from buildings and civilians and explode harmlessly
- Josh calls to other trainers: "KEEP IT UP THERE, GET IT HIGH AS YOU CAN!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 22:20:52 GMT
Deleted Avatar


"Theta!" she cries out, watching as the togedemaru flies through the air. Unfortunately, it fails to capture the ball and uses spiky shield to break its fall accordingly. Thankfully, it comes out somewhat unscathed and it remains on the ground. They use magnet-rise, unintentionally lifting themselves off the ground and away from the coming dangers in hopes to search for the trainer. In the meantime, Nicole was riding on the top of her Metagross who picked up the trainer to search. Upon finding it, she pulls out her pokeball to recall the little pokemon. [break][break]

Nicole lets out a sigh of relief; he was okay, and that's all she wanted. Her moment of relief is interrupted as her metagross atempts to avoid the higher, jagged ground. [break][break]

In the distance, she catches a glimpse of a young man on a charizard and.. A large bomb being sent into the air? [break][break]

... Of course. There were more pressing matters, save for her gardevoir's death. She was blinded for a good while by vindictive intent, paying no mind to the world around her. It was only now where the act dawned on her, and she could feel the guilt beginning to creep up. How could she be so selfish? [break][break]

Perhaps her metagross picked up on this guilt, and responded in kind by following the man with the charizard. At the very least, to make up for her mental absence, she could do something. And, hearing the young man's word--[break][break]

"Alpha, Meteor Mash and send it flying!"[break][break]

With the call, the metagross prepped one arm. The mechanical arm rushes from the bottom of the bomb, getting close up before launching the bomb up into the air with the same impact a meteor would. Had she not hung on for her life, she'd have fallen - but thankfully, the metagross used another arm to secure her.


- togedemaru failed; uses magnet rise to avoid the ground attack and levitate[break]
- nicole hops onto metagross' back and retrieves togedemaru; returns to the ball to rest[break]
- metagross is going up to avoid the earth, following and his charizard[break]
- heeds his words; metagross uses meteor mash to further launch the bomb


[newclass=.nicole] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.nicole b] color: #f0cb09; [/newclass]
[newclass=.nicole i] color: #f0cb09; font-style: italic; [/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2020 15:51:58 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He may be airborne, but that’s the problem—he’s airborne.

While he has a safer vantage point above most of everyone else on the ground, the rain starts crashing down—at first, it’s slow, but it gets stronger. And more violent.

Alexei realizes this a split-second too late as his Sableye lets out a screech, the defensive screen it had conjured in an attempt to protect all of them faltering, before shattering into a million tiny pieces as the foul-smelling liquid hits them.

Who turned on the sun?! his mind screamed—he was thankful for the blessed rains for earlier, but now that there was a strong light shining down across the area (Sunny Day) the potency of his Pidgeot’s Hurricane had been reduced rather drastically.

He doesn’t know how else to react but to close his eyes and hang on tight to his Pidgeot as they get swatted down to the ground. There’s a loud howling noise ripping all around him, yet he doesn’t open his eyes, refuses to open his mouth—the poisonous sludge is terrifying.

He doesn’t know if there are any gods out there that could save him from this mess. Hell, even if the three Djinni somehow found their way to Unova from Hoenn, well wouldn’t that be a miracle?!

The Sableye continues to shriek as he takes the brunt of the damage—and realizing that the ground is coming up real fast, quickly tries another Detect—not knowing that if the move is used in succession, it would fail after the first. Still Loki tries. And tries. And keeps trying until a satisfactory barrier, conjured at the very last second, shimmers into existence moments before they plunge to the ground in a terrific explosion of rubble and wood splinters.

Who knew what had happened to him? To them?

For the moment—they were out of the game. But only for a few moments. As the stench finally faded, Alexei dares to open the eyes he’d kept shut due to the noxious rain. He hears a piteous cry coming from the tiny Sableye who had landed some distance away—the Sableye had continued to attempt using Detect until one finally shimmered, cushioning their fall. Was it also their luck they fell on what used to be a stall that was selling clothing? Had their luck finally turned around?

What mattered now was that his Sableye was in terrible pain—and realizing that he didn’t have a single healer on him, he quickly recalled the Sableye, giving the Dusk Ball a gentle pat as he shrunk it down. “Th—thank you, Loki,” he muttered softly. Looking over to where his Pidgeot was, mercifully she was unharmed, mostly thank to the Sableye’s valiant effort.

“Can you get up in the sky again?” he asked the Pidgeot, who nodded. “Wait—before you do—“ he trailed off. “Rest a bit. Roost and recover,” he said, looking around the stall where they had crash-landed. The ground around them was mostly pockmarked due to the noxious rain that had spilled around them; a rough circular area indicating the extent of the Detect that had cushioned their fall. Watching as the Pidgeot healed herself up for a few moments, he turned his attention back to the skies.

Who had sent that ominous message? Where had it come from?!

At least… at least the incendiary sphere was no longer on the lighthouse and was now being sent into the skies. He thought he heard people shouting about something—and then, that’s when the ground started rumbling under his feet.

“Idun, time to go. We can’t stay on the ground!” he called out, quickly wiping himself down—mercifully the Detect from the Sableye had managed to keep him and the Pidgeot safe. Maybe… maybe the dual-type wasn’t so snarky after all. Quickly climbing once again on the Pidgeot’s back, he urges the avian to fly, attempting to take off with a burst of Agility, to join those already in the air who are attempting to send the explosive orb as high as it can go.

With the blasted light, he knows that his Hurricane isn’t going to be as potent as it normally is under rainy conditions, but he’s still going to try.

Attempting to put as much distance between the ground as possible, another burst of Agility sends them faster, back into the skies—and he points.

“Send it even higher!” he shouts. “Idun, use your Hurricane! Give it the best shot you’ve got! he added a few moments later, hanging on for dear life as the avian beat her wings once more, attempting to conjure up the most powerful blast of wind she could manage—Sunny Day be damned, if this wasn’t going to work then what would?!

Turning around to the others who were within shouting range, he cupped his hands and yelled, “Whoever can fly, help us! Send it higher! HIGHER! As far away as you can from here!”


• Here comes the acid rain—noxious purple tidal wave BAM
• Alexei gets swallowed along with the Sableye and Pidgeot. Doesn’t open his eyes or his mouth to scream. How the fuck is he keeping himself composed?! I have no idea!
• Sableye valiantly uses Detect over and over, not knowing it would fail if used in succession—an attempt to cushion their fall.
• Thankfully, the final attempt at a Detect holds, and they crash-land into what used to be a stall that may have been renting out clothes for guests
• Alexei hears the piercing shriek of pain from the little Sableye, quickly recalls the creature. Hopefully keeping him in the Dusk Ball would help him recover…
• Looking around, the Pidgeot is surprisingly unharmed
• Pidgeot uses Roost in an attempt to rest—at least until the damned ground starts rumbling ominously.
• Nope he’s not going to get tossed around on the ground! Back into the air he goes
• Pidgeot propels herself into the air with one burst of Agility, and another.
• Alexei joins those who are airborne, an attempt to drive the incendiary sphere higher.
• Has Pidgeot use Hurricane again—despite the Sunny Day conditions he knows it’s his best shot to send the damned ball further up.
• Yells at whoever can join them up in the sky to send the damned thing flying. Ala-Cloud from Advent Children, only instead of meeting Bahamut Zero, they’re trying to send the explosive sphere as far up into the skies as they can manage


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2020 5:50:46 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


with all the chaos going on it was a wonder how kazimir thought his plan was going to work. at first seeing it trapped by hyah's power was something that filled him with relief for a second before it was swiped out of their hands. even with wind and steel being thrown about he was able to keep some track of the ball as it was carried off by a steel bird then knocked out of its talons by a strange black creature until finally being completely eaten by the flying dragon carrying a guy.

this was bad.

like real bad.

everything was starting to out of control.

maybe his mind shouldn't be focused on the creature that tried to kill everyone at the start of all this but he couldn't stop thinking about it. the thing was inside of another pokemon, and it's little bomb still hadn't gone away! there was still time wasn't there? oh he really hoped whoever was up there trying to take the ball would forgive him for this, its not like he wouldn't give it to people he trusted but right now the situation didn't exactly call for that. it called for someone to at least try and contain that beast if it got out again.

"TEAM! LET'S GET THAT BALL BACK! BRING IT HERE BOYS!" his finger jutted at the flying pair of the dragapault and strange black creature as the shield of rocks was dropped. hyah was the first to act as the image of the flying pair was reflected in its gem as a wave of psyhic energy was unleashed into the air meant to grab at the dragon and force it to stop. the sun and sword then flew upward with their bodies glowing with energy; taiyo's mind was calm as it gave a headbutt full of zen with all of its might, slitty's body was enveloped in darkness as it prepared to slash through the night with everything he had in order to cut the ball out of the dragon's stomach if need be.

down below while kazimir watched his team get to work the sound of rumbling caught his attention. out of his peripheral he managed to see a giant wormhole similar to the one that brought the clown monster here open and expand bit by bit in the marketplace. was another monster coming through?! a glance up would reveal that someone wasn't coming through but something was trying to pass through as the tentacle monster he slashed at was barreling down towards the wormhole. "hey hya-"

then a shadow darkened his vision as he looked up and could see the bomb falling down towards him as well as lighthouse debris and the words of someone shouting to send it into the sky reached his ears, but a bit too late. pokenger was going to be pokepancake. "let's mov-"

he wanted to tell hyah to try and blast the bomb with a brine. he wanted to send it flying high into hte sky where it couldn't do anything. the ground beneath him rumbled and morphed as a series of stone spikes erupted from under his feet and, while they didn't hit anything, grazed his body like a sharp that left deep cuts and tears in his costume and flesh. he was only lucky enough that hyah was just barely missed because he was in the way.

    + kazimir targets !
    + staryu uses psychic on dragapault to hold it still!
    + solrock uses zen headbutt on dragapault!
    + honedge uses night slash on dragapault!
    + kazimir is struck by stone edge!



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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2020 6:29:29 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

The sickening cry of Whisper shouting out in pain was more than enough to shock Ruby out of her tears. It was like nails on a chalkboard, practically ear-shattering. Ruby stared in horror as Whisper shrunk from her mega-form, falling to the ground as the pain overwhelmed her. The hair parted as she fell, revealing the relatively small form from within. Clutching herself tightly, shaking in pain... Ruby's heart suddenly panged with guilt as she kneeled down, quickly picking up the small form of Whisper in her arms, her hair trailing on the ground. "W-whisper!" She grew silent, not knowing what to do.

Luckily, Gardevoir's Wish finally came true. The healing energies would immediately flood over Whisper, but Grace was worried that even then it wouldn't be enough. She had been with Ruby for quite some time and had never seen Whisper react like that to any attack. Acting on her own will, she suddenly used Life Dew once more. The healing water suddenly spraying in all directions, striking a solid distance around the spinning Gardevoir.

"Whisper..." She spoke with a much quieter voice this time, her tears dripping down her cheeks as she stared at the pokemon obviously in pain. The wish and the life dew clearly helped, but she wasn't sure it would be enough. The pokemon in her arms looked up at her with... what could only be described as regret. She wasn't strong enough, she couldn't protect her trainer, she failed. "Shh... Whisper I-I..." She didn't know what to say, she was stunned silent. If they had the time to mourn her injuries, perhaps Ruby could have allowed herself to relax, but as it stood there was still a bomb to take care of.

Kissing Whisper on her forehead, Ruby continued to cry as she slowly returned the injured Hatterene to her Pokeball. She wouldn't dare risk any more injuries to her again. Her own hurt slowly twisted into anger once again as she stared at the Nihilego. Her fists clenched, rage building up inside of her. How dare they hurt her... How dare they injure her best friend. As the sudden wave of earth came tumbling towards them Ruby immediately spoke. "Grace, take me and Astral in your hands. Get us out of here."

The graceful pokemon, so aptly named, gently took her Trainer and fellow pokemon alike into her arms. Suddenly teleporting up far, far into the air above the ground to hopefully avoid the attack. Ruby gripped on for dear life, but it seemed her psychic pokemon was easily able to support herself against gravity, and practically carrying the two of them wasn't too much more difficult. Even with Astral's eyes still glazed over, focus on the future, Ruby looked at her with a serious look in her own eyes.

"A-Astral... Please, tell me. Is there any way to end this for good. No matter what."


notes: Whisper is hurt real bad... Wish finally activated, healing Whisper. Grace used Life Dew once more, to heal Whisper and anyone close enough to them. Putting the hopefully mostly healed Whisper away in her Pokeball, Ruby is enraged someone hurt her best friend. Teleporting up above the ground, Astral continues to see the future as Ruby begs for an answer.


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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2020 18:51:21 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

The cries of agony coming from Kalameet immediately grab Thomas' attention. "Kalameet!", Thomas cries out in horror. Immediately, he recalls Ripper, before he too can be drenched in acid rain. The Gym Leader quickly brings out Colt, his Clawitzer, who sees the state the Hydreigon is in. He doesn't need Thomas to order him to fire a Heal Pulse at the dark dragon. But rather than wait to see if it helped, Thomas quickly recalls the dragon back to his Pokeball.

He was going to get Kalameet the medical attention he needed later.

Thomas looks around to see the others. He sees several people have had their Pokemon drenched by acid rain. Thomas looks to Colt, giving the Water-type a nod. The Clawitzer immediately fires off a Heal Pulse at the nearest Pokemon, which just so happens to be Orion's Swampert. But before he can be allowed to heal a second Pokemon, Thomas notices the ground glowing. Quickly, he recalls the Clawitzer, and looks for a way out of the area.

Thankfully, Orion helps him up on his own Hydreigon. "Thanks, man.", Thomas tells him.


notes: Thomas realizes that Hydreigon is hurt
Thomas recalls Scizor and sends out Clawitzer, attempts to heal Hydreigon with Heal Pulse
Thomas hurriedly recalls the Hydreigon after Heal Pulse hits
Thomas notices the other Pokemon injured, orders Clawitzer to heal the nearest Pokemon (Orion's Swampert)
As soon as the spikes come, Thomas attempts to recall Clawitzer, and hitch a ride with Orion (discussed over Discord)

1 Salac Berry used

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2020 19:49:15 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


The bomb!

In his haste to rescue from not-Dahlia's stranglehold, Orion had allowed the chaos around them to become background noise. He's relieved that she's all right, but relief is short-lived as she gestures toward the lighthouse.

He shakes his head, mute, when asks if he has a plan.

It's closing in on midnight. They're running out of time. They need to—

All thoughts come to a grinding halt as his Swampert's scream of pain cuts through the rainy night. The wide guard flickers and fails as the acid rain spatters the dampened hide of the bulky dual-type.


He's dismounted and collapsed on the ground next to his writhing Pokemon, hands fluttering at his belt as he attempts to retrieve the Pokemon's ball, when a spattering of life-restoring dew bursts out from the direction of 's Gardevoir. It settles on the screaming Swampert's skin, followed closely by a pulse of healing energy from 's Clawitzer.

He leans against his Swampert for a moment in silent thanks for its help before returning it to its Pokeball along with his Alolan Marowak. The two of them lacked the capabilities of flight, and he wasn't about to take risks with the acid everywhere. They needed to get off the ground.

Struggling to his feet, he meets the gaze of the Verdanturf gym leader with gratitude.

"I owe you one," he says, but further pleasantries are cut short as the ground rumbles beneath their feet. Recognizing the attack, he quickly clambers aboard his Hydreigon and offers a hand to help Thomas aboard. It wasn't much, but it was all he could offer in repayment.

They rise into the air with the power of Niddhogg's levitation. Orion hears the cry for aid from 's direction.

"You heard him, Nidhogg. Target that bomb."

With a resounding snarl, Nidhogg attempts to wrest control of the stones beneath them, utilizing the earth's power to lift them into the air. A pulse of dark energy is fired into the gathered stone shrapel, (hopefully) sending it skyward to slam into the bomb.


- focuses on the bomb at 's direction
- shakes his head at ; no plans here, boys, we wingin' it
- swampert is healed by life dew from 's gardevoir, and 's clawitzer's heal pulse
- swampert and marowak are returned to their pokeballs
- orion helps onto the back of his hydreigon after thanking him for the sweet heals
- hydreigon's levitate allows them to avoid ground based attacks, hopefully???
- hearing 's cry, hydreigon uses earth power + dark pulse to lift some of the stones beneath them into the air and launch them toward the lighthouse bomb

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