i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Rocket Scientist
Head Scientist
147 height
147 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 18:03:20 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
Despite the tree’s or some careless moron’s pathetic effort in their attacks it did not stop Eva’s summoning of the Blacephalon, it did not stop the Beast’s attack. This mission, regardless of the specifics in actual execution, was a success and now it was time to leave.

Eva, with the help of her Pokémon, picked herself off the ground. Bruised, cut, and now soaking wet from the water that covered the ground, a tired Eva looked over to the Blacephalon.

The Ultra Beast’s head had regenerated; an ability that was immensely fascinating but now wasn’t time to mull over it.

”Let’s go, take me out of here.” She commanded of the clown beast as she returned her other two pokemon. The Ultra Beast, following the scientist’s orders, then opened a wormhole and helped usher the injured woman quickly through it.

Once they entered the wormhole it quickly shut behind them, a blink amongst all the chaos.


tl;dr - With the help of her Pokemon she got back up and used Blacephalon to open a wormhole to help her escape the destruction of this place.
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 20:04:59 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]it's difficult to tell what's sludge, what's water, and what's the floor. everything mixes together in a muddy mess and she's flung into the thick of it. sludge splashes across her skin, burning sensation quick to follow. a wince, a soft whimper, and a scramble forward. she has to keep going, has to ignore the fuzziness. the sap has to be here somewhere... otherwise, she will have failed. again.

nefas manages to protect them against the barrage of branches but it isn't enough. custos still goes down, a loud rumble unlike any she's ever heard escaping the automaton as it falls to its knees. oh god, what was that? her eyes try to dart to the clay being as quickly as they can but they're sluggish, tired, dazed. it takes a moment for her to focus, to understand exactly what's happening. and then, she's gasping. the golett is chipping, small pieces of clay breaking apart and away from its body. oh god oh god oh god. nonono. this can't be happening.

"custos!" she yells, feebly reaching and reaching but she doesn't connect with the familiar feeling of clay beneath her fingertips. no, its too far away and she can barely breathe, let alone move closer to it. "the shadows!" if she can't move to protect the automaton, perhaps the shadows can...

another round of smog begins to descend upon them and her mind is already hazy, vision already spotty and doubling by the minute. what is this? her limbs feel heavy, dull and aching. each crawl forward brings another new sensation to the forefront of her attention. first it's pain, sharp and unforgiving. and then, nausea is quick to overtake her. she hurls at the roots, gagging and struggling to get her shit together.

and then, she sees it. flashes of blue and green, almost too vibrant against the darkness. her trembling form inches closer to the colors as a mawile joins her side. overhead, 's rookidee watches with keen eyes, squawks growing in volume until she can't focus on anything but the noise and the colors. it's all a haze but she's trying to stop the opportunity from slipping through her fingers. her hands tremble, barely able to even pull a vial from her belt without dropping the first one into the sludge. the second one manages to come out easier, firmer in her grasp. get the sap, get the fuck out. simple. except, not really.

the beginning signs of an explosion are beginning, a fatal rumbling from somewhere behind them. oh god, is this it?

she's trying to hurry, trying to hastily gather sap into the vial using any means necessary. her fingers aren't doing a good job at collecting, however, as they're too coated with sludge and sticky sap to be very effective. and so, without a second thought, she's blindly shoving her face into the mess of colors, hoping and praying that she manages to gather some into her mouth. it's gross and probably the worst idea she's ever had but hey, maybe it'll work? bringing the vial to her mouth, she spits into it and then shoves it into the sap, deciding that attempting to gather more into her mouth would just be awful.

"virgo," she gags, nausea once again threatening to overtake her. it's paired with pleading eyes and she's backing away from the colors with flailing limbs and blurry vision. everything is starting to swirl by this point, poison fully settling in. her breathing is ragged, chest barely able to gather enough oxygen to supply her brain. "get -- get us out. please." nefas sticks close, the kirlia behind her stepping up to the task at hand.

the beginning of TELEPORT starts to take hold and she's hoping, praying, that they make it out in time. behind them, the explosion starts to detonate and her vision begins to darken, mind fading. if they manage to escape before the bomb goes off, she's unconscious when they reappear...

and yet, the last thought on her mind is custos. did it make it out using the shadows around them? or did she leave her golett behind to die? a whimper escapes before her eyes flutter shut and space begins to shift around them.


tldr |
- struggling to gather sap into a vial.
- golett tries to escape using the shadows,
but it might be too injured to make it out.
- kirlia uses TELEPORT in an attempt
to bring illeana and arctozolt to outside
of the building.
- if they make it out, illeana is knocked out
by the time they reappear.
- it was nice knowin ya, bois.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2020 21:45:16 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



The branches couldn't retract fast enough, scarlet was running down her arm, the Stealth Rock that had been acting a convenient plug now free and letting the scarlet liquid pump down her arm. She was prepared, however, and hauled herself up the moment the way was clear, looking about and-thank goodness. Her Pokemon ran towards her, alive and well, and she tilted her head at the brief helpers ( and ) lowering her head in a sort of thanks as she rushed to grab Freya's Pokeball. The Perish Song would hit soon, and the victims needed to be returned. As such, she tried to return the Salnazzle just as a deafening noise burst into her ears. [break][break]

So she was destined to be muted and deafened today, was that it? [break][break]

Nonetheless, the pack had one chance, and they could return no more Pokemon. They needed to move. Something flashed in movement, bursting through the floor ( ). Despite having a disadvantage to it, Hel pounced. Her Quick Attack launched her forward, up, and towards the Braviary's back in a blur of movement. There was another Pokemon there too, no matter. If it fell, Kaida could fit, right? Even if Kaida couldn't talk right this moment, her Pokemon needed no communication. A presence landed on her back, Hema, the trusted serpent wrapping herself so tight, Kaida could hold onto her even if she fell unconscious. A pink flash of the eyes, and Attract pulsed forward, towards the flying bird, if only to have him accept the extra weight. [break][break]

Both actions took only moment, a moment that dragged unbearably long as Kaida pitched forward...and jumped. If she was unable to return her Salnazzle, the Pokemon jumped alongside her too. Either way, Kaida attempted to reach for the bird, if not its back, then to cling to its feathers. She couldn't have gotten this far in life, just to die so suddenly. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida climbs back up the hatch and meets her Pokemon, returning Salnazzle in anticipation of the Perish Song effects. However, the explosion shakes the building and she sees and his Braviary bursting through. Grovyle uses Quick Attack to try and jump on the Braviary's back (and is trying to knock Shiinotic off to reduce weight) at the same time Seviper uses Attract to try and charm the Braviary. With Seviper wrapped around her, Kaida jumps to try and grab onto Braviary. She is above the hole punched in by the Braviary if she fails. If she was unable to return Salnazzle, it tries to jump on Braviary's back too.


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2020 1:16:02 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


The swan song of the Tyrantrum manages to startle Katherine. No, not because of the damned Pokemon who had just died - she didn't care about one who didn't belong to her team. It did, however, remind her of the perish song of the Mismagius. Who now felt comfortable enough to shoot leaves at them.

How bothersome.

Morpeko dispatches the portion that is directed at Katherine and the rest with a well-aimed BULLET SEED. He attempts to shoot through each leaf to ensure the safety of his trainer. Hatterene, however, hisses in anger, warning the Mismagius of further retaliation should she not stop. Regardless, the bickering of the Pokemon is put to a stop sooner than expected. A peculiar clown-like Pokemon is sent out, its head soon detaching from its body. Hatterene's ANTICIPATION comes into play once more, warning her of the explosion that is soon to come.

A barrier of PSYCHIC energies rises to protect the group from aftermath of the explosion and the debris it promised to send off. It throws Katherine off her balance, the woman falling down along with Morpeko who clung to her and Gallade, who remained alert despite the fall.

A grunt of pain escapes from her lips, but time was of the essence. She could deal with the bruises at home or at the headquarters.
The portal the clown creates captures Rocketess' attention, who acts as quickly as possible. If this building was going to finally collapse fully, Kat might as well take her leave. After all, the tree had been dealt with.

"We're with her, Gallade!" Katherine brought her hand up to point at just as she announced her departure. A bright, pink light flashes within the room as the Mega-evolved Gallade teleports Katherine, himself and the rest of the party near the portal itself, as soon as it could manage.

"I hope you don't mind! I've always been a fan of free rides, y'know?"

Morpeko and Gallade are both recalled into their respective Pokeballs a moment before the masked woman takes the final step forward and is swallowed by the wormhole.



★ morpeko shoots seeds (BULLET SEED) at the leaves to deal with the attack of kaz's mismagius (magical leaf). he focuses only on those that'd be directed at katherine.
★ just when hatterene hisses at mismagius in anger, ANTICIPATE comes into play again and warns her of the coming explosion. she creates a barrier of PSYCHIC in order to defend her trainer and the other pokemon from the aftermath of the explosion + any debris.
★ gallade acts as soon as he can, following katherine's orders by using TELEPORT to take her to where the wormhole was created.
★ kat recalls morpeko and gallade into their pokeballs before stepping forward to enter the wormhole. she is fully ready to leave with eva since... why not?
★ she clearly has to thank her next time they meet. she might even bake her a cupcake.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
1,191 posts
marcel maeda DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @marcel
marcel maeda
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 0:14:38 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

[attr="class","mthread"]it's easy to forget when he's been with these people--this sort--for so long, but as marcel watches the blacephon perform its damning finale, a single word enters his mind: ruthless. "fuck," he mutters, "we need to go."
thankfully, in his attempt to distance themselves from the sludge, they had also distanced themselves from the tree. as far as they could, anyway. a PROTECT surrounds marcel and his pokemon as titan surges with a newfound AGILITY towards their hopeful exit.
that they'd completed their objective registered somewhere in the back of his mind. he would've been a lot more grateful if he knew he'd get out of this in one piece.
qDmI7Lvd [break]
[break]1x SALAC USED

[attr="class","notes"]notes: magnet rise (3/5) and light screen (3/5) are in effect. marcel is still atop his metagross. sylveon uses protect to form a barrier around them while metagross uses agility to charge out as quickly as it can.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 2:12:52 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.
TAG event

Their defensive measure with Rock Tomb hadn't exactly gone as planned. Though whipped across his body and in clear and audible pain, however, he was far more concerned for the well being of the Aron that had been flung from his arms against the wall. The first thing he did, when he had the capacity to do it, was run over to scoop up the little iron golem in his arms again. "BRIG! Stay with me, girl, stay with me." He pleads.

Before succumbing to the despair and the horror of his dear companion's severe injuries, though, his attention is snatched away by his Rookidee's sharp and distinctive chirps as it calls out to him. There's no time to despair. His Mawile and his bird have reached the target, but not without utter destruction looming over them. So, as the floor was flooded by a torrent of water, Atlan ran over to them. "Dwen, use Crunch! Snap off a piece of that branch and keep it with you!" He orders as he slides to their location in a great splash of water.

Despite their shitty odds... despite the chaos and imminent destruction... they had to try. They had to keep fighting. They couldn't give up. And, as if she had sensed these thoughts, Brigid the Aron clambered out of her trainer's arms and weakly leapt onto the large root they had taken cover behind. When the ball in the sky inevitably exploded, she would use the last of her strength to muster a Protect that she hoped would protect her allies completely... and, if lucky, even herself.

Atlan could only watch in shock and awe and absolute worry. Though he turned away at the bright flash.

TL;DR Atlan's Aron uses its ability STURDY to muster the last of its strength and use PROTECT against the Blacephalon's Mind Blown! Within the boundaries of Aron's Protect (hopefully), Atlan's Mawile attempts to take a swift CRUNCH of the exposed bark, using its back-jaw to do so and lap up some of the sap before sealing it shut. Afterwards, it takes cover behind the large root and within Aron's Protect with Atlan and Rookidee. The latter goes further by hiding itself in his pocket.


Mawile: STOCKPILE x1
Aron: SPD +2
Rookidee: ATK +2, ACC +2


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 4:50:15 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 he thinks: this is it. adrenaline sings in his veins and something bubbles in the back of his throat and then he realises it's laughter. he could embrace @zacharias. he could lock everyone below them in place and watch them all reduce to ash.

the snarling of his houndoom snaps dominic's attention down to watch as a woman launches herself with her pokemon at . he doesn't need to do the gesture, the pokemon doesn't need a signal to do what it wants to do regardless. all the houndoom needs is the trainer's permission.

"throw her off!" dominic calls out.

it happens immediately; the houndoom lunges forward as a projection of its fangs - black as ink and searing - manifest around and her pokemon. jaws snap around them in an inescapable cage as Z-MOVE BITEY BITE takes hold, burning with enough intensity to vitrify. after latching on, the attack will attempt to throw the target downward, using the momentum against them.

at the peak of the houndoom's jump, dominic recalls the pokemon to its capsule. he sneers down at the woman, unable to taunt her only because the rush of wind rips the words from his mouth as the noivern hurtles on ahead. they fucking did it.

tldr: SAFEGUARD (4/5) and LIGHT SCREEN (3/5) are active. with @zacharias and his noivern. klefki is on dominic's person. houndoom uses Z-MOVE BITEY BITE on / her seviper to stop them interfering with . recalls houndoom. he's leaving lmao.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 14:01:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he could see the tree root in sight, or rather he could see it in sight but that was before he was knocked clear off his faithful dinozord by some underground attack that sent him splashing into the pool of sludge and water that covered the floor. he coughed up some of the crude water that entered his mouth and was ready to fight back when he was slammed face first back into the ground by a shadow ball striking him in the back. the pain was not great. seeing his machoke collapse half dead was not great.
what was great, in hindsight when this is all over, was the sudden surge of green that caught his attention as he tried to get to his knees as the world started to fade from his vision. at first it was a powerful glow that nearly blinded him until it died down and before him was "wha-" he couldn't even finish his half conscious thought before it moved under him and placed the man on its back and began running. "whoa whoa hey-hey hang on a second! goodwitch!" he called out to his mismagius who was a witness to the sudden appearance of a clown monster that kazimir was all too familiar with the second he spotted it out of his peripheral, "shit! we gotta get outta here!"
not needing to be told twice the mismagius flew after her trainer and sunk into the ground to turn into a blob of dark shadow with her phantom force and merged herself with the dog's shadow. as it ran kaz quickly took out a ball and recalled his machoke as they ran past him, the pokemon giving a thumbs up indicating that he at least got his job done. "don't worry man, you deserve a spa day...hey where the heck is..." two were accounted for but the third one of his team was not. instead the dracovolt was near the tree, watching the clown throw its own head at it to cause an explosion and try to escape through a hole in time and space.
mismagius used phantom force!
it seemed like fun to the dracovolt who began to charge towards the blacephalon with electricity crackling around its body as it lunged with a playful cry and a bolt beak at the ready. kaz's eyes went wide as he saw this and held out a hand towards his pokemon who didn't know the danger it was putting itself in. "DINO! was it trying to take out the clown monster? did he just not grasp the situation and thought this was some kind of regular battle? all the superhero could do was watch and hoped by some miracle that his buddy would be ok somehow.
dracovolt used bolt beak!


    * mismagius/dracovolt perish count 2/4![break]
    * recalls machoman the machoke to his pokeball![break]
    * kazimir hops onto ??? dog's back and runs![break]
    * dracovolt uses bolt beak on blacephalon before it leaves through the wormhole![break]
    * rip little soldier boy dracovolt?!


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 17:03:18 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Maybe it was providence Al—Irina hadn’t gone down into the last floor. Still hanging onto the Pelipper, she then reaches for the Florges’s Pokéball and tries to recall the flowery creature—this time, the previous ‘block’ that was there is gone and she watches as the beam of red light goes right towards the Fairy-type that was riding in the Pelipper’s mouth.

It’s at this point she looked down towards the opening that led further into the structure—and a strangely, no, horrifyingly familiar—flash of light is expanding from underneath. Looking around, she noticed that everyone was literally trying to abscond from the place, she then shouted in Selena’s direction, “Aren’t you going to get out of here?!” before turning her attention to someone who was trying to get away from the detonation that was about to blow from underneath them.

Shit. I can only hold one person on the Pelipper! How the absolute flying fuck can I save more than one person?! Where’s Ruby?! She thought, her mind a panic as she began looking around. Hopefully there were no more people around to witness what she was about to do.

Reaching into the deepest pocket of her pink overcoat, she rummaged as quickly as she could, before finally pulling out a certain feather. It’s mostly green, but the other side looked like it had been dipped in a vibrant purple…

It was the same feather that Alexei had recovered from the strange Pokémon’s cannon arm some time ago.

And it looks like it’s time to use this. One opportune chance! She thought as she then tried to reach for the other woman who had tried to latch onto someone else’s Braviary, only to get swatted away by something…

Honestly, she was going to have words once this entire shit show was over.

Hoping that Selena was close enough, she tried to make a grab for the other woman who had a Seviper clinging onto her back () before looking towards the same exit path the other people had taken. She didn’t know why, but she had a sinking feeling about most of them… was it womanly intuition? Who knows?

“Grab my hand! Selena, if you’re close enough, grab her hand! Let’s get the hell out of here!” she shouted. For a moment she thought her voice was going to break as she shouted over the din.

She then raised the green-and-purple feather up high, hoping that by whatever grace of a deity they could be saved.

The wind began to blow wildly around them…

• Alexei is here, cross-dressed as ‘Irina’ once again!
• From this point, Alex/Irina and Selena are together in a party, so any healing effects from Florges would extend to Selena’s Pokémon
• Quickly attempts to recall Florges, hopes this is successful
• Notices the flash from the explosion one floor below expanding upwards.
• Time to get the absolute hell out of here!
• Sees someone with a Seviper wound around them getting batted away from a fleeing Braviary
• Attempts to catch Kaida with her other hand
• Shouts in Selena’s direction to get the hell close to where she is and hang the fuck on (or grab onto Kaida)
• Brings out one of the green-and-purple tipped feathers before holding it up high
• The wind starts blowing…

Objective cleared:

• mentioned everyone from the League a few posts back so that's done!

Nr5xr|Mr - 1st roll
- Salac reroll (using the LONE Salac berry!)

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 19:45:25 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

Selena is far from being a daredevil.

Logic presides over her every decision. At least she tries to. But when it is for the sake of her duty as a journalist, her commitment to her people trumps any argumentation.

Panic possessed her ally as soon as the lower ground trembled and too many people fleed the basement. Surges of pink and blue lights flashed from the pit and while it would be obvious for others what possible horrors these meant, the Kalosian journalist would have no idea. Perhaps, the scars of Slateport’s past had cut deep into the consciousness of Hoennians but these wounds were not for Selena to bear.

“I still need to get something!” She shouted from B2. “Wait for a sec.”

Mindful of the PERISH SONG that lingered in her delphox’s head, she recalled the fox and replaced it with her audino. It mewed upon the sight of chaos that surrounded him and his trainer. Ran-down slabs, rancid odors—could he still do something about this? “We need your blessings, Tue.” The audino knew what his trainer meant. It raised its paws and vibrated upon WISHING for Selena and Zorya’s health.

The reporter began her descent to 3B with a handcam on her left hand and the ladder on the other. The image of a menacing decapitated clown‘s head seconds before the blinding light consumed the entire building graced her eyes and Zorya was quick to employ KING’S SHIELD between her person and the explosion, hurling her and the audino towards the hovering and .

“Nooo!” Selena cried watching as the gap between her and the aegislash widened with every second, the images in her head fading into the sea of white then black.

Selena is far from being a daredevil. Logic presides over her every decision. At least she tries to.


  • acknowledges ’s warning but proceeds to investigate anyway
  • recalle delphox and summons audino
  • audino uses WISH for Selena and aegislasg
  • attempts to descend B3 with hand camera but is welcomed by the fast-approaching explosion in which the aegislash uses KING’S SHIELD to thwart its impact
  • the aegislash’s sudden move hurls selena and audino to and and will hold the latter’s hand and her audino’s if possible
  • watches aegislash go byebye as the distance between them increase :^(
  • OBJECTIVE CLEARED: all league members are tagged from the previous posts

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twenty six
84 height
84 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
142 posts
Goro Shimizu DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sadsoda
Goro Shimizu
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 21:12:28 GMT
Goro Shimizu Avatar
Goro: get clocked.. again.
{Show Pesterlog}

he was high as who knows what. the sticky sap had gotten all over his face: in his mouth, up his nose, around his eyes... and goro was TRIPPING BALLS. blissfully unaware of the chaos and carnage that surrounded him he saw some dogs make their way towards... "karsten?!" he shouted at as he lumbered on over - everything a hallucinatory haze.

betty white clapped with glee as the dino and psychic type succumbed to their wounds, inhaling their lost souls into her ghastly form. delicious. not caring much for what happened, she retreated back towards where she had last seen goro - and nabbed the demonic mime jr by his jingling bell hat. they floated over the battlefield and it was then that lil nas x saw his idol: the super mega ultra clown. pure... perfection!

goro stumbled on towards kaz, the sap and poison coursing through him making it difficult to tell anyone apart. the clown mistook kaz for an old, long dead, friend. "when didja quit the circus?" he chuckled, giving one of the weird green dogs a pat on the head as he pulled kaz into a BEAR HUG.

overhead, lil nas x broke free and catapulted himself towards the duo and betty white swiftly followed behind. what the fuck. she couldn't leave her trainer alone for a second... with a wave of her phantasmal claw, she tried to put a HYPNOSIS over kaz and keep goro from falling over. again.

lil nas x, however, had bigger plans. bigger dreams. shadows began to flare around the mime jr as he cackled, the sound echoing through what was left of the basement. darkness spread from him and as he lifted his devilish paws into the air he MIMICed the ULTRA CLOW, opening up a WORMHOLE for kaz, goro, and co to slip away into. the last thing that could be heard was the cackling of mad clown.


+ goro is high!
+ tyrantrum dead!
+ haunter snatches mime jr and brings him towards goro!
+ haunter/mime jr: perish count (2/4)
+ goro thinks kaz is someone else, gives him a BEAR HUG!
+ haunter used HYPNOSIS on !
+ mime jr MIMICS blacephalon to create a wormhole!
+ escape?? kidnap kaz??????


> tl;dr==>he is being loud and dumb
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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 21:28:36 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

It was strange having Psychic actually used on yourself. An almost free-floating feeling, defying gravity as they hovered downwards. However, the very sight before her was absolutely terrifying. The basement was absolutely destroyed, the tree being ripped apart by Pokemon, obviously ordered to by their trainers. The bottom floor was covered in water and sludge, absolutely flooded, but it didn't seem to stop them from trying so violently to rip it apart.

Before she could even think what to do, her eyes widened in horror as an Ariados seemed to fade in from nowhere and pounce on Fury's neck. "Noo! Fury!" She cried out in utter panic as the Gallade crumpled to the ground, it's lifeless body falling to the ground. The bug pokemon didn't even hesitate as it killed, only to quickly leap up to attempt to escape. Tears actively began to pour down her face as she lost her composure, he sacrificed himself just to protect her...

And yet, the horrors had yet to begin. That very same Ultra Beast from the attack on Slateport made its reveal and Ruby was sent through a whiplash of emotions. Horror, anger, sadness, and then finally determination. She refused to let Fury's sacrifice be in vain. He sacrificed himself so that they could survive. That clown would get what was coming to them eventually, but she hadn't forgotten how dangerous its explosions could be. Her fists clenched tightly at her side as she scowled intensely.

"Whisper." She spoke with a determined voice to her Hatterene, who had finally faded out of her mega-evolved form. It would be easy to throw attacks at the Blacephalon, but it wasn't about her or even getting some form of pitiable revenge. It was about the innocent guards who she had helped and had helped her. She wasn't meant to be on the front lines of this war against evil, no matter how much it felt like the right thing to do... She was there to help people who couldn't defend themselves. Letting out a shaky breath, she finally spoke again. "Calm Mind! Keep your defenses up!"

Whisper nodded as her psychic energy grew stronger, swirling around her, focusing on protecting her trainer as much as she could, backing up right next to her. "Grace!" Ruby called out to her Gardevoir, floating by her side. "Teleport us all out of here!" Surely Teleporting so many things at once by herself would be a strain on her, but it was all she could do. With her partner gone, Grace had to do it alone. Luckily, with her previous vision into the future and knowing the whole building was going to collapse, she might be able to locate a safe place to teleport them to.


Notes: Fury is dead, and Ruby goes through a whirlwind of emotions. Whisper uses Calm Mind to enhance their defenses in an attempt to keep her trainer safe, and Grace attempts to use Teleport to get her and the Guards out of there, hopefully using the information from her previous Future Sight to know the safest place to go to.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2020 6:55:40 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Generally, everyone starts to flee. It's time to go. Fernando picks up the cue and disperses as well. He returns his Tapu Fini and Aegislash as well in a move to commit to fleeing. Backup should've been here by now as well, which means lingering solo will only prove treacherous compared to reeling back to rely on numbers.

Left with only his Greninja, Fernando has the Pokemon recall its position with the SUBSTITUTE from earlier. SHADOW SNEAK is used as a maneuver to leap several times, darting up the walls in an attempt to climb out and back into the first floor of the contest hall.

Naturally, Fernando hangs on for dear life.


- rreturns Tapu Fini + Aegislash
- Greninja recalls back to the SUBSTITUTE from several posts ago
- Uses SHADOW SNEAK to leap upwards in a burst of speed, latching onto any possible footing and back into the contest hall entrance
- :dispersenezuko:

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,873 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2020 8:39:35 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]




Under the incredible duress, the young Head Scientist, , manages to procure a sample of sap. It oozes into the vial from her mouth, and before she succumbs to fatigue, her Kirlia manages to TELEPORT her to safety. Her Golett is caught up in the explosion, its small body crumbling into ancient dusts.[break][break][break][break]


’s Mawile crunches the bark and the sap drips from its maw. Heroically, his injured Aron attempts to protect against the Blacephalon’s explosion. The explosion expands, and with a cry, the small Iron Armor Pokemon manages to take the brunt of its force at the expense of its own life. is still flung from the root— and cracks his head against a wall. His Mawile screams at its lifeless owner, sap still secure in its other mouth.[break][break][break]


’s Aegislash KING’S SHIELDS against the explosion. As the ball of flame reaches them, the Pokemon valiantly protects them from the flame. The sword Pokemon is successful, but succumbs to its injuries as it falls lifelessly toward the floor below. This provides enough time for to catch and produce a FEATHER. The feather disintegrates, summoning a dramatic updraft to propel him, , and up to relative safety…[break][break][break]


During their escape, ’s Grovyle and Sceptile attempt to attack ’s Braviary after the Rocket’s Pyukumuku is recalled. The lizard QUICK ATTACKS the breast of the bird— but is deterred by the sheer strength of it propelling upward with SUPERPOWER and the SPORES from ’s Shiinotic. The Grovyle retreats, covering its nostrils to keep it from falling asleep. Likewise, the Seviper’s ATTRACT is attempted— but the SPORES prevent it from charming the bird adequately.


In swift retaliation, ’s Houndoom uses its Z-MOVE BITEY BITE. With a roar, a pair of fiery fangs materialize near her— but they do not target ’s Pokemon.[break][break][break]

They target , herself.[break][break][break]

The fangs close and dig deep into her skin. Excruciating pain and burning enter her flesh before she falls limp in ’s hand. is dead.[break][break][break]

@zacharias and flee on a DOUBLE TEAMING Noivern. A SMOG begins to pool downward, obscuring vision. The Ariados zips upward on its STICKY WEB, having tasted blood. Satisfied, it is recalled. They flee the explosion successfully.[break][break][break]


recalls his Machoke. As the 10% Zygarde helps him on to its back, the severely injured hero calls upon his Dracovolt to attack the Blacephalon. The dragon lunges forth with a BOLT BEAK. Briefly, it electrifies the clown; however, the clown grabs the dragon by its yellow snout and tosses it into the WORMHOLE it has created. With a roar, the dragon is lost to the chaotic stream.[break][break][break]


’s will notice that the wormhole is unstable— but the Blacephalon seems confident in its creation. In a wise decision, and her party join to escape the conflagration. Her Hatterene staves off the edge of flames while the hole closes. They warp quickly in a dizzying swirl, but the Ultra Beast manages to carry them, transporting them to a remote location outside Littleroot.[break][break][break]


, the guards, and manage to escape. The guards recall their Galarian Mr. Mimes into their balls while Greninja allows to scramble to the upper floor. FUTURE SIGHT does not reveal a safe place to TELEPORT to; however, they do manage to materialize in a chaotic crowd on the first floor.[break][break][break]

The guard’s Galarian Mr. Mime falls, tumbling from branch to branch before serendipitously landing behind and his Mawile. With a wail, the Galarian Mr. Mime helps the lifeless man and Pokemon escape the compromised building with its PSYCHIC abilities.[break][break][break]


and are able to escape as well on top of the Aerodactyl. The AGILITY of the prehistoric Pokemon allows them enough speed to flee, while ’s Zoroark successfully reaches her alongside her Crobat.[break][break][break]


escapes too. The tree is weakened from the poisons and root damage, and the branches wither in the Salazzle’s FLAMETHROWER and Scizor’s FURY CUTTER. On the upper floor, the Salazzle is returned while the Rocket Admin escapes on her swift Scizor. Likewise, the other Admin, , is able to escape too. The Metagross rushes upward, while Sylveon’s PROTECT prevents the edge of the explosion from hurting them at its last moments.[break][break][break]


escapes on his Zygarde, but manages to find a stowaway hugging his body (). The HYPNOSIS attempts to settle on — and the Pokkenger begins to feel drowsy. Next, the Mime Jr.’s attempt to MIMIC the wormhole fails. Such an ability is foreign, even to the shadowfied clown. The 10% Zygarde leaps from branch to branch, allowing them to escape to the upper floors. Should attempt to attack him, he will find that the green-hued dog will defend the Pokkenger at all costs.[break][break][break]


The tree groans and crumbles. Dramatically, it withers and cracks. Severed in two by the explosion, the ivory tree collapses and takes down floors and walls alongside with it. A glow of blue light pulses outward before the tree darkens with the hue of death.[break][break][break]


Above on the first floor (not B1) and outside, the theatre is being evacuated. The beauty contest’s contestants and judges can be seen, some helping others escape. They can hear staff shouting commands to leave the building, while others are screaming that the building is collapsing.[break][break][break]

and have experienced death— but they will come back to life the next morning with a brief flash of blue light. It seems as if the final blue glow from the tree of life granting them a rare second chance. However, still feels pulses of burning where she has been bitten...[break][break][break]


IN ORDER TO CLAIM COMPLETE REWARDS FOR YOUR FACTION, and to facilitate plot moments within the event thread, your respective groups will have objectives to fulfill collectively. for example, if your rocket character becomes captured, that objective is fulfilled for the entire group.[break][break]

throughout the event, more objectives may be added/these objectives are subject to change.[break][break]


  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☑
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands (3/3). ☑
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☑
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☑
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☑


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☑
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands (1/3). ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☑
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☑
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☑


  • perish song will affect your pokemon imminently (and can faint your pokemon in the next post!)— but the event is basically over!
  • 's golett, 's aron, 's aegislash, & 's dracovolt have perished.
  • and : you two can post about your "deaths" in the next round or their "awakening" the next day.
  • and are outside Littleroot, most likely in the woods somewhere.
  • and - you two can figure out a way to resolve what is happening between your characters/i can resolve it in the final mod post/rewards post next round.
  • , , / have successfully procured samples of sap and a soil sample. this can be followed up with soon!
  • you can post here with characters that participated in the beauty contest if you'd like; however, you can not do anything fancy with them (just roleplay them helping out or commenting). they will not receive rewards for this.




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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2020 3:19:05 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

Lucas wasn't the first to bark orders, much less take lead. Instead he followed orders from the likes of and for how to help.

Once Lucas makes it out safely he scans the crowd for someone with blue hair. The tell tale sign that made it out safely. Several sweeps of the crowd prove fruitless however. Taking out his phone Lucas proceeds to blow up 's phone with messages asking where he was and if he made it out safely.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing