April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
Round One
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2024 1:32:14 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","theapost"] [attr="class","text"]
The woman was energetic and Thea sure loved it. The sheer determination, the effort, the discipline! Thea's grin was so wide that made her cheeks puffy and plumpy, reddened by the exertion of the training as well. Though the redness grew upon being called master Thea, making her avert her gaze with a sheepish chuckle. "Hahaha, I'm no master! The sensei of this dojo is my father. I still have a long way to go!" She declared, even if her ego had acquired a few points.[break][break]
"Ahem— Alright. As I've told you before, we are going for Judo because it is the best for those who need to defeat bigger and stronger foes! Judo looks like it needs a lot of strength... And well, it kinda does, but it is more about technique, and using your opponent's strength and balance against them!" Thea explained, showing how Genny should hold her sleeve and the judogi. "So let's start with some simple throws, like O-Soto-Gari. This one, you need to push your opponent like this, forcing their weight on their right leg, and then you need you strike it with your own leg to throw them. Like this... Don't worry, I won't hurt you."[break][break]
Thea applied the throw on Genny, but she made sure to make it slowly, making it clearer to Genny how she was losing her balance, even if there wasn't a lot of strength involved. When she fell, Thea made sure to hold her sleeve firmly, not letting her fall too hard.[break][break]
"See? Now try it yourself~ Do it as many times as you want, I will help you if you get anything wrong."[break][break]
[attr="class","ooc"] [break] NOTES
Sorry for taking so long![googlefont=Poppins] [newclass=.theapost]--accent:#D4AF37;[/newclass] [newclass=.theapost]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost u"]text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost a"]color:var(--accent);font:12px Roboto;[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost h1"]font:bold 15px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost .text b"]font:bold 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass] [newclass=".theapost .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]