Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 17:31:43 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
You guys are a hazard to yourselves,” he murmurs, mostly to himself, as he sits perched on a tree branch; untangling a Drifloon’s spindly arm from where it had become wrapped around like headphone wires in the foliage. Little yellow heart pulled free, he gives the balloon an encouraging nudge, shooing it off. “Don’t you dare get blown into the next tree or you’re on your own…” It doesn’t sound like a very threatening warning, at all. [break][break]

There’s no thank you as the little flying ghost drifts away, finally unbound from its bonds of stick and leaves but Angelo doesn’t seem to mind, too distracted. In his venture he’s gained a good view of the evening sky, free from peering over the heads of the crowds at the spectacle of blooming fireworks and drifting lanterns as they illuminate the festival below. Painting the world in flashes of warm colours. [break][break]

From his jacket pocket a small, clear bottle of rum emerges. Low quality enough for the burn down his throat to be the unpleasant sort but Angelo happily tips it back past his lips, anyway; feeling justified in knowing that the alcohol on sale in the festival stalls would be much more expensive and barely any better.[break][break]

Balanced on his makeshift seat, his feet remaining hovering off the ground and lightly swaying, blue eyes take a moment to appreciate the spectacle. It’s almost like Rocket’s announcement never happened. Or, at least, they’re all pretending it didn’t. He knocks back a sip, ocean gaze not straying from the scene even as his Minior floats by – dreamily dancing to the sound of a backdrop of crackles and explosions. [break][break]

He’ll hit up the games in a minute… There’s something to savour in a brief moment of Hoenn calm.


+ @ festival goers [break][break]
+ angelo and no one sitting in a tree, d-r-i-n-k-i-n-g [break][break]



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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 17:38:47 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The festivities were as wonderful as Chu-e had expected.

He was one of the people who had decided to go with the traditional Johto-style clothing, a dark grey kimono with bright red flowers doting the garb. It was better in his opinion, lighter so it could help him cool down than Hoenn style clothing; having grown up in Sinnoh, it was already getting quite hot to him. He also had a few pokemon of his own out, one visible and one not. His Igglybuff was hanging out in one of the larger pockets of his outfit, directing him on where to go. His Mimikyu was hanging out in his shadow, just in case something serious happened and he was needed.

He hadn't been here that long, taking his time in his hotel room to clean up and get something to eat before arriving. The smells of the festival foods were already tempting but Chu-e had a goal today. He was going to find , who he was sure was in town, and see if he could force more of his time on the other.

For now, though, he was just having a look around. The sounds of music pulled him over to one of the stages, deciding to take a few minutes of his time to relax- until he spotted a familiar face. "Hideo!" He called out to the younger man by the stage, walking up slowly. It seemed like they kept meeting at these events. Which was nice! He liked to know that the younger man was doing okay.

"Fancy meeting you here, kiddo."

- Chu-e is wearing Johto style clothes
- by the stage area talking to
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 18:05:00 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

A fist slams onto the makeshift counter, jostling nearby glasses and causing a small wave of grumbles from nearby patrons, waiting for their own drinks or trying to quietly drink their own. All of these are largely ignored by Skyler, whose attention remains on one of the barkeeps. A wry grin pulls at her lips, sharpening as she slides an empty glass towards the man. Evidence of her victory.

"Better luck next time, Max." A groan follows her words, which only serves to pull at the corners of her lips until there's an unapologetic cherishe smile lighting up her fey-like features. "You really should know better by now."

Foul curses follow her statement, surprising a sharp bark of laughter out of her. It is promptly cut off when Max, her cousin and annoyance supreme, turns to her with a quirked eyebrow. "Where's that boyfriend of yours anyway? Isn't this the type of thing couples go to? To make out in the dark? Oh wait, he's your friend."

"Shut up, you overgrown Chatot." A hand sweeps out to snatch a bottle of liquor for her own. "I'm taking this as the price for my victory!" Protests mingle with the chattering of crowds as the sea captain slips away on light feet, easily weaving her way through the most popular areas. Her hair's in an updo, which is starting to fall apart around her neck, wild golden curls spilling down her exposed shoulders. She'd tried to dress for the occasion too, but the ocean themed yukata had long since given up on its stiff shape, the v-shaped cut exposing her shoulders and collarbones.

Her quicksilver eyes catch the bright lights of festival games and she's helpless to fight the allure, drawn to the promise of prizes like a moth to a flame. A grin grows, wild and untethered, over glistening lips.

Now she just needs an opponent to test her mettle against.


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 18:52:09 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
despite everything that has happened in the region, kyle clings on to the illusion that he's still living a normal civilian life. enjoying a festival is a part of it.

the only thing kyle is concerned about is the name on his phone. a disappointed expression tells everything about his enjoyment of the event getting shot down because of duties. he decides to stop staring at the screen of his phone and sends a text message to instead.

let me know when you're free mkay?

sighing, he shoves his phone back to his pocket. he lifts his head up and notices that auto-pilot brings him to where the games at the festival are. more surprisingly, he spots someone familiar.

"you really hit up games all the time, huh?" he teases all of a sudden. the word suggests kyle's intention of teasing, though nonchalance in his tone would have suggested a genuine question.

it was too much of a coincidence not to make up that assumption, given their previous encounters.

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 19:12:29 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

she had very nearly not shown her face here, but the desire to respond to sénon's invitation caused her to pull her green kimono from the forgotten depths of her closet. the traditional and rarely utilized garb presently covered her lithe frame, her hair done in a high ponytail with a large blue flower decorating her hair. her arrival was quiet and barely noticed, the woman wielding a fan to combat the warm air - the tool also serving as a clever way to conceal her face.

'where is he?'

it took a moment of searching, but she was able to easily identify that prominent mane of his. there was a basket of fried edibles in his hand, his own gaze presently searching the crowd.

'for me?'

a pleased little smile tugged at the corners of her lips, the woman seeking to close the distance. he'd find her hand reaching into his basket, her fan lowering as she claimed her prize and chewed. the smile she sent him was a playful one, the warmth in her gaze an infectious one.

hi," she said, simply.

she went onto her tiptoes, the look on her face making it obvious she expected a kiss as her painted lips pursed lightly. 

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 19:33:39 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Of course before a happy day such as this, danger had reared its ugly head. She hadn't been watching the broadcast when it happened, but she'd be a fool not to know about a new danger. Rocket had come discouraging, and yet a wave of ugly satisfaction coiled in her chest. She knew it, she just knew there was something in this region that was dangerous. At the very least, she knew she'd fight them. There was no way she could ever find common grounds with people who caused strife, they could destroy ecosystems and Pokemon if they started a fight. [break][break]

Nonetheless, she was a guard to a supposedly peaceful festival, decked out in a kimono and an Ekans around her neck...and a comforting warmth behind her.

A ghostly shrine to those that ancestors. She had none. Obviously, she had parents, she wasn't stupid, but anything about them eluded her. Perhaps she was born to Pokemon, amusement bubbled in her eyes, like some part-Zoroark monster, that could explain many things! [break][break]

In her depressing amusement, she waved fondly at a passing Duskull, wandering like a lost child.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida's guarding the festival, but at the shrine, where she ponders the fact that she has no ancestors to look to.

[attr="class","tag"]@vital festival

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 19:42:10 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam wanders around the festival fully decked out with traditional kanto attire. wooden sandals, a kimono that he somehow managed to fit by himself, and a rayquaza mask tied just above his head all made it seem like he waited for the festival for the longest time, which he probably did.

despite being excited about it, the rocket doesn't reflect such emotions. he's more annoyed than anything as he dials on his phone and calls up the boys™ of rocket (feel free to include your rocket chars here), looking for companionship for the night.

"are you guys even coming? i'm super alone here!" he yells on his phone.

he looks around, but the only rockets he sees are the big names in the organization. there's no way he can fuck around with them and ask them to do stupid shit in the festival with him.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 19:58:51 GMT
Deleted Avatar

It was all she really needed to hear, Chloe was happy that Razz agreed to join her for the festivities even though Razz didn't seem to be very keen about it. Great!" She responded enthusiastically, it wasn't a problem that he didn't want to change but Chloe did find it fun. Since there weren't many chances to wear any traditional clothing. Chloe figured that Razz was working, when she first met him Chloe got the impression that he was very diligent, it was admirable completely the opposite of herself.
Her eyes glanced down to Razz's pokemon and when he asked the question, something suddenly came to mind. "They probably do but! I do have this!" Digging into her pocket she pulled out a small red bow ,Chloe felt that it would look adorable on Whis. She took a few seconds to place the bow near Whis's ear. Satisfied with how adorable the pokemon looked she couldn't help patting his cute face. "Pretty cute if you ask me!" Chloe said to the pokemon and Razz confidently. "I'm sure that they'll have even cuter stuff at a clothing stall... and I think there's one this way!" She beckoned Razz and his pokemon to follow after her.

+ @festival



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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 19:59:43 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He stared off into space as he walked. Fried cheese sticks and glazed nuggets of meat wafted into his nose. It wasn't until he felt the extra weight something being placed into his basket that he noticed her.


His smile was restrained but his eyes were alive and happy. It wasn't until she was before him that he realized just how much he'd wanted her to be here.

So much of their time was spent in private it was a warm and quiet boost to his self-esteem that they could be here together in public. No press conferences or meetings for her, no assignments or managerial tasks for him.

She looked so festive with her hair up, he loved it. He imagined she probably felt the same now with his hair down.

No matter what was happening at home with their conflicting plans, this was a chance for them to build on that future they both wanted.

When she spoke, the restraints on his smile were broken and he responded in kind. "Hi." He kissed her lips; leaning in before he'd realized she was tip-toeing for it.

● tags: @vsfest
● notes: post 02

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July 13
Hau'oli City
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
115 posts
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TAG WITH @noel
Noelani Kekoa
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 20:35:37 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar

The festival was in full swing and like many others this particular one was busy as well selling its goods. Matching many others with its traditional Johto style of built the first things people would take notice of were the rack of masks on one side and the pool on the other side with a magikarp swimming through it. That and the banner proudly declaring Odd Job Workers on the front of the stall. It had taken some work but Noelani was proud he had managed to take not only such a good spot but also a large one allowing him to fit not one but two whole games on the stall.
Two busy interns were darting around the front and two sides helping customers and overseeing the games. On the side with the rack of mask a small space was closed off and used to set up a ring tossing game with pillars small enough to be hard to land the ring on but not too obvious to make it apparent that the game was tilted in disfavor of the customer.
On the other side where the pool was there was just bucket full with net scoops. The pool itself had a barrier in the middle but that was intentional as the game set for this was that the customers had to use the nets to lift the Magikarp from one side to the other without breaking the net of the scoop. Obviously, the nets were intentionally made easier to break but there were one or two in the bucket that were a bit stronger and could lift the fish with no trouble.
No games were without their prizes though and the rack set up in the back of the stall held them alongside the sellable merchandise. From Paper lanterns, traditional charms and odd knickknacks, Noelani had used favors for, the assortment of sellable products was rich.
People apparently were liking them because this was the second box of charms the alolan had had to bring from the storage. He almost grumbled about it but well at least shrine girl would be happy that her stuff was getting sold. Putting down the box he waved over one of the overworked interns “Restock the shelves with the charms and make sure to draw more attention to them as well.” turning a bit to the side he mumbled out “I can’t believe I fell for her puppy dog eyes, it’s not like the temple isn’t being rebuild or not getting finances.”
Noticing the face of his employee Noelani shooed her away. Taking out his phone he threw a few messages to to confirm if she was around the festival. If she was, he could take a few for a break and drop by and see what she was up to.

What is a Festival without some rigged games. This post actually includes a real minigame and anyone that desires can play by interacting with the stall of Odd Job Workers ICly and adding a roll to their posts. By page 6 the person with the highest rolled number will win a Shiny Magikarp as a prize.[break]
Granted Permission by SHIV, thank youuu!

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 20:41:34 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

their lips gently met, the simple act of conveying affection a familiar one. she pulled away before she could commit to deepening the kiss, though she had been sorely tempted to do so. instead,  cait claimed another one of his fried treats for herself. 

i'm surprised they still opened the festival considering all that's going on," she said. "but i suppose it'd be a waste to cancel."

cait eyed him for a moment, taking him in with open admiration for his present state of dress. 

you look good."

she reached with a hand to run her fingers through his hair, momentarily fixated on it. 

having fun, i hope? see anyone you know out here?"    

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 20:46:57 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It was hard to hear much past the music. To be expected with how close he’d gotten to the stage, plus Hideo was actually kind of into the song, his head bobbing to the rhythm. He’d be singing along too, if he knew the lyrics.

Despite the noise, he could still hear someone announce his name.

Though the moment said his name, Hideo's Hatterene pulled him close to her. She looked the man up and down, squinting as she judged whether or not she’d let him get closer to her charge. But the Ribombee was a bit more familiar with this man, and told her that he wasn’t here to cause any trouble.

She let Hideo go at the small fairy-type’s assurance, though she would still keep a close eye on the man.

Sorry ‘bout her,” Hideo said, trying to speak above the music, “First time I’ve taken Vibes out like this. She’s a bit nervous around new people.

Hideo hadn’t chosen anything special for his clothing today, with the usual striped-sweater and jeans combo. Probably the most distinctive part about his attire would be the pink Ribombee sitting on his head - if one could call that a part of his outfit.

You been doing alright, Mr. Ki? Been safe ever since Rocket showed their ugly head again?

Hideo is just dressed in his usual style
Chatting it up with while listening to 's performance

His Ribombee is shiny - I just lack the proper sprite (and may have forgotten)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 20:54:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar
finally he found something worth eating. a stall with a small line that seemed to be serving vegetable skewers. it sounded good enough for him for now. something light that he could walk around with and take through the rest of the festival. especially since he couldn't be wandering around the food stalls the entire time. well, he personally could. but it wouldn't get him anything or anywhere. jinhai waited in line, as patiently as a hungry man could really. children were running around all over the place and couples were... coupling. just like it would have been back home.

finally it was his turn to order and he felt as though his stomach was going to jump out from his mouth to try and get the food faster. hot skewers of fried vegetables now in his hands he finally felt as though it was going to be an easier evening. not that it was rough to begin with but everything was easier with a full stomach after all.
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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 21:10:56 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
[attr="class","light"]together with his pokemon at the center of the town. mateo, sceptile, and dragonite were performing the chikatto chika chika dance. a popular idol was visiting hoenn for the festival. she was a youthful performer who somehow captured the dragon tamer's fiery, manly heart.

dressed within festival garb mateo, being a big fan secretly, couldn't contain himself. the song was addictive and so, together with his pokemon, they jumped up and began performing alongside those from the crowd when they were invited to join. with excitement and merry, there was nothing that could kill his vibe.

eventually the performance would come to an end. hopping off stage, he'd take to a random stall to refuel his energy. from one octopus ball to another, he'd eat until his stomach felt refreshed. "so good, i haven't had this much fun in a long time!" he'd look around to survey the crowd, saying, "where to next?"

[newclass=.light]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.light b]color: #dea02c[/newclass]
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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
313 posts
peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 21:20:50 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Plank walks the festival grounds, carefully keeping to the outside edge of the path she's picked. In her hands is a small container filled with dumplings -- half empty despite being swiped from a passing festival goer no more than a few minutes ago. As she walks her eyes scan her surroundings carefully and regularly, darting this way and that to keep all her angles covered.

"Here's a health to the company!" Jack, her Chatot, happily shouts from her shoulder, his boisterous voice somewhat lost to the buzz of the crowd. The spirit of a crowd always gets him worked up. It means possible attention!

"Aye, and one t' my lass," Plank sings back gently, hoping to calm him down a bit, "Stop bein' so loud, have a treat."

She stops and passes Jack a dumpling while gently chiding him. A tug at the edge of her hoodie pulls her eyes down to her feet. Mama looks up at her expectantly, winding around her legs slowly.

"Fine girl, here ya go," Plank sighs; skewering another dumpling with a plastic fork and lowering it down to the Vaporeon's waiting, open mouth.


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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing