aero plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
aero plotter
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 14:59:27 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar





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app - infamy file - 25/league/champion
probably the most


of the league's roster, kyle does things on his own pace.




to a fault, he keeps his


views to himself. he makes up to it with being




with his actions, though him being


isn't unheard of either.
kyle worked under the

slateport police department

before the rocket invasion, getting offered the position of the

elite four

after the war. he

gives up claim to the champion seat

to bailey cooper as well. he's seen dog training or online playing games when work doesn't call for him.


first meetings with kyle are often lighthearted and friendly, albeit awkward. there's a conscious effort to remain amiable until a topic he can relate on comes along. he doesn't hold conversations on his own too well, owing to the fact that he's too passive and bland in terms of quirks and interests. those that stay long are met with passive-aggressiveness as he teeters between the line where you hate and love him at the same time.


kyle ultimately goes for where his interests lie, and will inevitably ignore someone else's if it coincides with his. outside of accidents, he tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt when he does get offended, unless when someone directly goes for his throat. until then, he sweeps everything under the rug until it piles up.


he doesn't fall in love easily, but when he's won over, it remains for an indefinitely long time.

[/PTab={ }]

[attr="class","people-name"] - lover


[attr="class","people-name"] - close friend


[attr="class","people-name"] - unexpected trio


[attr="class","people-name"] - unexpected trio


[attr="class","people-name"] - renfaire buddy


[attr="class","people-name"] - amazon fugger


[attr="class","people-name"] - honorary fugger


[attr="class","people-name"] - soda fugger


[attr="class","people-name"] - justice fugger


[attr="class","people-name"]- 'she's okay, i guess'


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Thread One

– short synopsis


Thread Two

– synopsis of a different length



slateport invasion: docks

– stuck with his responsibilities to defend slateport, kyle plunges into the danger of a rocket invasion against his will with his six underprepared poochyenas.



– kyle teams up with interpol agents and local rangers to retrieve dahlia goode from slateport while it's under rocket influence after getting a tip of her whereabouts.



– kyle faces the rocket boss, wherein he flees once he recognizes it's a one-sided fight. he gets credited for it and was scapegoated after fernando uses a wish tag to defeat silas afterwards.


aqua fes conclusion

– tapu koko recognizes kyle as worthy to be its avatar after impressing him during the yearly hoenn aqua-fes. he declines being avatar, however.


taru - research

– lilycove museum curator points kyle to the direction of ecruteak, where he uncovers the secret of a bell. he dies and gets ressurected on top of the brass tower.


in the dead of night

– kyle experiences a very vivid dream and acts entirely out of character since he realizes that if it's a dream, he isn't stuck with expectations given to him by society.


race to resolution

– kyle rescues the commissioner just in time to see his best friend get swallowed by a wormhole. gets bitter when no one sees the urgency of the rescue and takes matter to his own hands.


dorime ameno

– kyle attempts to go in ultra space alone, but he gets jumped by four girls against his will. the harem party eventually rescue mateo the night of him being taken by the ultra beasts.


war of the worlds: mauville warfront

– the league attempts to hold back a megalopolan invasion.

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app - infamy file - 20/rocket/errand boy
a rocket grunt known for a








, priam stops at nothing to meet his


goals outside of his natural tendency to be


towards people he respect. he's too


to admit this, however.

victim of kidnapping

as a child, he wasn't claimed until

rocket takes him in

. for a while, he works as an

errand boy

for rocket to pay off his parent's debts. life shifts after hoenn, where he even becomes

lane's lab assistant

for no other reason besides their relationship.


despite acting foolhardy and being obnoxiously loud, a certain charm in priam gets him to appear approachable and relatable on most cases. he makes it easy for people to open up to him, as every attempt he does to make friends seems to come naturally since his actions come out as sincere and genuine. he also has a constant urge to impress people, so there's that.


priam is quick to jump the gun if anyone close to him is attacked. he's extremely defensive around those he care for to a surprising degree that it's one of the only things that get him truly riled up. personal attacks and provocations are reciprocated as well. priam's honestly just too volatile that he reacts to anything naturally.


he likes to think that he's hot shit and will flirt given a chance. he cannot follow it up though since he lacks experience and will not proceed beyond being playful.

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[attr="class","people-name"] - lover


[attr="class","people-name"] - partner-in-crime


[attr="class","people-name"] - the og


[attr="class","people-name"] - boss


[attr="class","people-name"] - boss #2


[attr="class","people-name"] - boss #3


[attr="class","people-name"] - partner-in-crime


[attr="class","people-name"] - close friend


[attr="class","people-name"] - conspiracy boss


[attr="class","people-name"] - friend!


[attr="class","people-name"] - wannabe father


[/PTab={ }]


Thread One

– short synopsis


Thread Two

– synopsis of a different length




– priam first meets league scientist lucas lane. they manage to find something pivotal for the development of his research that would cement their relationship later on.


mossdeep forest raid

– the abrupt chaos on mossdeep gets priam heated up to join the fray. he fails to keep up the pressure on the otherworldy creature as he loses his druddigon from poor decisions.


rally on command

– rocket receives intel of a wormhole and takes on an ultra beast for data collection. priam receives the idea to capture a braviary after kingsley's dies. he doesn't get a chance to give it to him, however.


root of the matter

– posed as maintenance staff, priam and friends infiltrate a contest backstage to investigate a special tree. chaos from the league gives enough cover to allow an act of terrorism by blowing it up.


war of the worlds: lilycove

– tasked to covertly take samples from ultra beasts, priam and oscar instead escalate their objective and decide to kidnap megalopolan general instead amid the war.

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app - infamy file - 28/league/mechanic


ex-convict with notorious


issues. he pushes people away with


speech and


mannerisms alongside a natural tendency to be


. however, he's


with his words, but more surprisingly,


when it needs to be.
previously of

rocket affiliation

, wolfgang now enjoys being

on parole

shortly after their disbandment. he set up a workshop in littleroot as their local


, although he works

part-time as a bartender

to make ends meet. he secretly

likes the quiet life

despite denying it.


it's like he purposely makes it hard for people to get close to him. he does social interactions fine if he's in the mood, but it takes him way too long to warm up to others. most of his relationships are built up on daily interactions, and since littleroot is a small town, he has very little to work with.


he gets angry at the simplest things so just give him a reason to shout at you and he probably will. everything is superficial however despite his consistent outbursts, and nothing really gets to him on a personal level unless there's a reason to. he does use them as quips for the next meeting as he keeps a mental list of things he's been wronged.


he has a natural tendency to close himself from relationships. while one-night stands happen on occasion, he doesn't like any emotional attachment happening.

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[attr="class","people-name"] BFF


[attr="class","people-name"] - gay cyber


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Thread One

– short synopsis


Thread Two

– synopsis of a different length



Thread Three

– short synopsis

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aero plotter
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2018 13:12:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar
@fritz &

can my boi be the rocket that bosses him around pls. fritz is the type of person that likes to separate people between "keep" and "not keep", so if actually finds priam entertaining/cute/etc, he might actually put him in the "keep" box and fawn over him (also maybe give him a home, plus points for priam). might be the bigger sib figure, but fritz is going to be a very irresponsible, shitty one lmao

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,384 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
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POSTED ON Dec 25, 2018 3:58:30 GMT
priam conrad Avatar

I was just gonna wait for the app approval and ask about it lol. I like this. He can be his little worker boy that keeps his place clean or an errand boy or a lab rat or something while he does his own stuff in his lab or whatever. Lemme just put them up in a mission together to see if they mesh well personally as a sib figure or nah, though Priam's the type to just ignore anything negative about him as long as he gets to benefit from him in one way or another. o/

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2019 13:43:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar
yoooo ilisha probably shouldn't offer this to a hobo who sleeps in a park but would like to occasionally babysit her brother? he looks like a better option than some of the other folks around ilisha can't pay him much, but he'd get to stay in her house and can use her shower and stuff. the main rule is to not being anyone else into the house with him. and don't scoff down all the food.
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2019 18:17:53 GMT
priam conrad Avatar

yoooo priam would totally be down for any errand that gives him free stuff! probably good with kids too cause he's practically one anyways. but yeah, he's totally fine to just like hang out or something with the lil bro as long as he can have access to amenities. he needs the connections anyways in case he needs a place to crash in case of emergencies :pray:

plus she probably needs friendly rocket friends and priam is like one of the more docile ones so !!!

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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,526 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2019 9:02:57 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

After having first worked together during the mission to rescue the Commissioner, perhaps they could become better acquainted to one another? In terms of what they could do together, whether that be sparring partners, mission partners, or just drinking buddies, I'm open to pretty much anything. In any case, their work together so far would give Thomas respect for Kyle.
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 4:56:51 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar
ever since their dynamic in the shoal cave looking for pirate booty, i've wanted more hoodlum shit. they faced a pretty serious threat in the dahlia mission but i'd love to have a more laid-back, goofy thread with kyle and stormy. i'm not sure how their relationship is, exactly, but they are friendly toward each other. do u got any ideas?? we can snatch up a mission in the future.

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 5:05:35 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar
hmm... emma and priam...
i suppose that she could be like a big sibling figure to him? in some way? she works for tr as a result of blackmail to protect her younger brother. so if priam happens to be anything at all like her little brother (whom she really doesn't know anything about tbh, she assumes all kids are the same) she may pity the kid. sort of. i mean, he did sort of choose to work for a crime syncidate in order to pay off bills. he could have delivered newspapers or went into the system but whatever floats ur boat priam.

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
1,191 posts
marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 12:10:06 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

marcel has a bit of a soft spot for kids, him and his wife had plans for a family before she was killed. after her death, i can see him slowly taking priam under his wing as a means of filling the family-shaped hole in his life. knowing all too well how heartless team rocket can be, he definitely would have sympathised with priam's situation. he's been with team rocket awhile too, so they might have had some interactions before too: mars using him as an errand boy not really knowing why this boy is here, covering for him if another rocket member was giving him shit, but forgetting about it afterwards, let me know what you think!
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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 16:21:44 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
Thomas Benoit Avatar

After having first worked together during the mission to rescue the Commissioner, perhaps they could become better acquainted to one another? In terms of what they could do together, whether that be sparring partners, mission partners, or just drinking buddies, I'm open to pretty much anything. In any case, their work together so far would give Thomas respect for Kyle.

Thomas would maybe lose respect points from Kyle after the Dahlia mission by association cause of the overkill they do, but that might change after the course of that thread. He'd still hold him with high regards though, cause he got the leader status. I'm down with sparring partners if Thomas wouldn't mind. Would be down for drinking buddies, but i don't see Kyle as a social drinker. Or force him to drink. People need to do that to him more.

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,485 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 16:24:28 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
Stormy Silph Avatar
ever since their dynamic in the shoal cave looking for pirate booty, i've wanted more hoodlum shit. they faced a pretty serious threat in the dahlia mission but i'd love to have a more laid-back, goofy thread with kyle and stormy. i'm not sure how their relationship is, exactly, but they are friendly toward each other. do u got any ideas?? we can snatch up a mission in the future.

YES gimme more stormy/kyle threads cause i love their dynamic as well. Cait's becoming pretty serious, so I might need a replacement for the obligatory casual mission friend. But yeah, he's close to Songbird so he'd probably gets to asks questions about her sister when they next meet. Mission threads are good for now tho. o/

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,485 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 16:24:48 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
Emma Wolfe Avatar
hmm... emma and priam...
i suppose that she could be like a big sibling figure to him? in some way? she works for tr as a result of blackmail to protect her younger brother. so if priam happens to be anything at all like her little brother (whom she really doesn't know anything about tbh, she assumes all kids are the same) she may pity the kid. sort of. i mean, he did sort of choose to work for a crime syncidate in order to pay off bills. he could have delivered newspapers or went into the system but whatever floats ur boat priam.

Priam's more or less just does what he wants so he'll probably act like a kid most of the time. We can maybe put them in some situation where Priam acts all gutsy and reckless and it makes Emma nervous or something if you wanna explore how their dynamic works! Also he tried to attack her beloved Nikolai in the raid, but let's forget about that.

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,485 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 16:25:09 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
marcel maeda Avatar

marcel has a bit of a soft spot for kids, him and his wife had plans for a family before she was killed. after her death, i can see him slowly taking priam under his wing as a means of filling the family-shaped hole in his life. knowing all too well how heartless team rocket can be, he definitely would have sympathised with priam's situation. he's been with team rocket awhile too, so they might have had some interactions before too: mars using him as an errand boy not really knowing why this boy is here, covering for him if another rocket member was giving him shit, but forgetting about it afterwards, let me know what you think!

NEW DAD! I'm gonna be bugging you for any parent-son things they can do for TR on discord if anything exciting pops up. I'm sorry, you're stuck with him now.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 23:04:02 GMT
Deleted Avatar

back with another char whoops but yeah miki would probably notice the dogs before he notices kyle, and proceed to fall immediately in love. like, he thinks his dogs are cute. real fuckin cute. ensue panic because pokemon = yes and people = ???

sorry this is a terrible reply i don't have any conrete ideas but maybe we could throw them together on a mission or smth.
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
aero plotter
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 2:29:55 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar
casual mission buddy sounds like an excellent idea!! stormy and songbird aren't really on speaking terms considering she gave up the the silph name and went to team rocket. but i'd love to hash out how exactly stormy feels about that!



it's a long life full of long nights